1 Beloved ones, this is now the second letter I am writing you, in which, as in my first one, I am arousing your clear thinking faculties by way of a reminder,
2 that you should remember the sayings previously spoken by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles.
3 For you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires,
4 and saying: Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning.
5 For, according to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth [which]
stood together out of water and through water by the word of God.
6 And by those [means] the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water.
7 But by the same word [of God of verse5], the current heavens and the earth, having been stored up, are being reserved for fire in the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.
Verse 7 is explicitly declaring that the wording of the Genesis7/8 account of the flood of Noah also applies to the lava flood to come. Peter is telling us that the biblical account of the flood of Noah has a greater meaning relating to a flood of lava.
8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is beside [para] Lord as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day.
9 [The] Lord is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
10 Yet the Lord's day [from 2026Elul16 to 2031Nisan5, the end of , this being the 3rd presence]
will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be loosed (luw), and earth and the works in it will be discovered.
11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved (luw),
what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion,
12 awaiting and anticipating the arrival/presence of the day of the God [Day of of Joel2, Zephaniah1, Malachi4, Amos5 and Isaiah13, from 2012Sivan14 to
2033Iyyar14 - see U272], through which [the] heavens being on fire will be loosed (luw) and [the] elements being intensely hot will dissolve/melt/liquify (thkw)!
13 But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell (2 Peter 3 -
retranslated from the Greek).
14 Through which, loved (ones), these (things) awaiting speed ye up spotless (ones) and unblemished (ones) to him to be found in peace, (2 Peter 3 )
The Greek verb luw means to loose or free, and the Greek verb thkw means to dissolve or melt. We have two days here the day of the Lord, which is the Lord's day, and the day of the God which is described in Revelation 16 as:
14 to gather them together to the war of the Great Day of God the Almighty (Revelation 16).
The first presence was not discernable to ridiculers, but the manifestation of the presence, the apocalypse of John, was discernable since it was a manifestation! The destruction of the heavens and earth current to the first century was the destruction of the Jewish system of things by Titus, who burned the temple with fire. This was the destruction of the Pharisees and Sadducees (the Jewish heavens) and the general Jewish administration (the Jewish earth). The statement that a day is as 1,000 years beside the Lord, is of course a reference to the 1,000 year which runs from 2033Nisan16, Kingdom first fruits over to 3033Nisan14, the 7th recreative day of Genesis1.
But it also has a more general application for example 'one day is as 1,000 years' to be applied to the speed of light and then it would run 360,000 faster than 3x 108 m/s - see [234].
In the literal meaning, which is actually quite symbolic, there is a passing away of a heavens with a hissing noise (from an angry serpent) which occurs during the Lord's day, actually on 2028Heshvan14, the expulsion of all the demons from possessing humans, during the 3rd presence. And there was a passing away of the Jewish heavens and earth with a destruction of ungodly men (90% of the inhabitants of Jerusalem were killed by Titus). Then there is a further passing away of a heavens which occurs during the glorious day of God the almighty, the Day of of Joel2 and Zephaniah1 from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14.
Then there is passing away of the heavens of the management) of , the first true Christian religion started by . became the evil slave in 66Tishri28 - see U42, followed by the appointment of to feed the and the saints. It then started burning under God's judgement, having been corrupted by the serpent, which stands for 's internal sacred (non secular) corruption, and the elements of it, the new covenant saints, being seriously under test, and being refined by fire, would later be loosed and would escape to follow their hearts, either into or into . The earth, is the congregation of . Its works are eventually discovered.
The Day of the Lord, the Lord's day, is the day of the presence of the Lord, which is the day of the existence of water baptised s or s in the church, which day ran from 29Tishri10 BC, the entry of into and his water baptism, to 159Tishri10, with a 10 year gap from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14 AD in the first presence - see intro45.html. The term 'Day of the Lord' can also refer to the manifestation of the presence - see U33. This manifestation in the first presence was the explosion in understanding given to to enable him to start up , we currently believe or was it the apocalypse given to John? said:
3 Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.
4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called "God" or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of the God, publicly showing himself to be a God (2 Thessalonians 2).
It is of course obvious that flood of fire itself does not come as a thief. Because when a thief comes, you do not realise that he has taken anything until some time later. But when the flood of fire starts taking souls, you will realise it! The 144,000 first new covenant saints started descending the 30 steps 's ladder as humans in the ark from 2026Iyyar17, when the floodgates of the heavens open into the ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Nisan1 sacred year of Genesis 7:11, reaching the bottom on 2026Tammuz7. Then they police the demons face to face until 2028Heshvan14, the end of the 2,000 days of Mark5 of demon possession from 2023Nisan24.
There is only one word symbolic thread to the account (no double designation). But there are 2x2 fulfilments due to the 2 double descriptions:
Awaiting and anticipating the arrival/presence of the day of the God (verse 12)
To be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace (verse 14)
The Double description: "spotless and unblemished", splits the account. The literal account has only one fulfilment awaiting 2012Sivan14, the start of the day of of Joel2 and Zephaniah1. But the word symbolic account has two, awaiting for a part of the 2nd presence and for the 3rd presence..
Those in and awaited the arrival of the, but those in and anticipate its arrival more fervently (well know exactly when it will come). It is possible that some in , after the time of the end began in the first presence might have known the date of the 1st death Passover, the end of the world, the end of the 6th recreative day of Genesis1, 2033Nisan14, 2 millennial recreative days after Christ sacrifice which ended the 4th recreative day.
Since we have two groups in each presence one of which is spotless and the other of which is unblemished (i.e. spotless), we know from this scripture that there are two true baptisms, i.e. two true religions in each presence. The order of cleanliness is spotless (/) - blemished (/) - unblemished (/) - in peace (Kingdom of God). This process is described in terms of the flood. The hint is that in Noah's day the heavens and the earth together were out of water and through water. In other words another water baptism will be needed. Into in the first presence and into in the second. Spelling this out, Just as the land was formed out of the water and then was flooded by a second application of water, so the s are formed by water baptism being pulled up out of the water and then get a second water baptism into the s through a greater flood.
During creation, the land appeared when the waters that were covering the earth receded. This appearance represents the appearance of the first FDS of a presence. Then there was a flood and then the flood waters receded and, and the land reappeared after the flood. This re-appearance represents the second FDS of a presence. And there is a new water baptism for each FDS.
So in the case of the second presence, as regards the passing away of the heavens in the Lord's day, this is the destruction of the governing body of the Watchtower (the heavens, the management), . They became the evil slave of Matthew24 on 1998Tishri27 - see U42 and see U200. And was appointed/installed to feed all the s on 1998Tishri2/Heshvan21 (2nd after - see U659#0). Then to rule over ALL the s, some more of ' belongings, on first fruits/Pentecost 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21. then started burning under God's judgement, having been corrupted by the serpent, which stands for 's internal sacred (non secular) corruption, and the elements of it, the new covenant saints, being seriously under test, and being refined by fire, were loosed and escaped to follow their hearts, into Laodicea.
The Evil slave has hidden the second new covenant saints, it has rejected the messenger sent from God, 4. It has not discerned the time of its being inspected, it has committed fornication with the UN. It has lost its love of the brothers and loves instead its status in front of the brothers. It is practising Satanic control freakery rather than Michaelic love freakery. The day of the Lord, which is the presence of the Lord, can also mean the manifestation of the presence, which is the big apocalypse, the big revelation, the big revealing, the massive leap in understanding of the presence. This is the decoding of the bible in this second presence. We are right now seeing this manifestation. But the Watchtower did not see it and so and the manifestation came as a thief to them. And they lost their priesthood without knowing that they had lost their priesthood, just as if it was stolen by a thief. The manifestation of the presence does away with the man of lawlessness. The Man of lawlessness is the corrupted leadership of the fallen evil slave, the greater Judas in one meaning.
Since the heavens and earth of and are reserved for fire, having become bundles of weeds, it is best to get out of them! Because if you stay in you will get destroyed with the ungodly men.