[271-10] How we deduced the 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 chronology - Some understandings are out of date

The LWs are the Immanuel

Elijah1, John the baptist
is born/circumcised
at the 1NC Pentecost.
2Sivan10/18 BC
Jesus possesses
Immanuel at his
baptism by John
29Tishri10 AD
Immanuel ascends
into the ark ending
his earthly interaction
29Tishri10 AD
Elijah4 appointed/installed
to feed 2NCs at the
1NC Pentecost
Isaac Zoar handed over to the 3rd Holy Spirit
after 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from 2016Chislev5
the installation of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham
Elijah4 ascends into the ark
But does not complete his
earthly interaction

30 years 4 months 30 years 4 months

Elijah4 feeds for 30˝ years from his appointment/installation to feed the 2NCs on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7. Then he ascends into the ark but does not complete his earthly interaction on 2026Chislev5, when Jesus completes the take over of the non adamic Abrahamic then Isaaic body of his church. Just as Jesus entered into Immanuel and Immanuel ascended into the ark on 29Tishri10, 30 years 4 months after Elijah1 was born/circumcised on 2Sivan10 (1NC Pentecost)/2Sivan18.

Similarly the LWs were appointed/installed to rule over the 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 and rule for 30 years to 2019Tishri14 (under FDS3 and then under the 3rd Holy Spirit), then Jesus has his 3˝ year antitypical ministry to the OMCs. Whereas Immanuel was born on 2Heshvan21 BC and lived for 30 years to 29Tishri10, when Michael possessed him. Then Michael was installed to feed the Jews on 29Heshvan21, 30 years later precisely at the start of his 3˝ year ministry to 33Nisan14 and on to 33Iyyar25.

2033Iyyar14: 1st death Passover for Cain at the 3rd Jubilee of Michael post Gentile Times lease over Cain. The LWs are the greater Immanuel, the church of 2000 years after Jesus. Just as the descended Michael took the body of Immanuel as his own entering into him whilst he ascended into the ark. So the 3rd Holy Spirit takes Zoar as her own, entering into that church and the church ascends into the ark.

Immanuel (Jesus)
is born to the
virgin Mary/circumcised
2Heshvan21/29 BC
Jesus' appointed/installed
to feed Israel during his
1st century ministry
29Tishri2/Heshvan21 AD
Jesus possesses
Immanuel at his
baptism by John
29Tishri10 AD
Ministry starts.
Jesus calls Andrew
who calls Peter
29Heshvan21 AD
Jesus is sacrificed
by Caiaphas at the
33Nisan14 AD

Jesus ascends after
40 days of appearing
to the disciples
33Iyyar25 AD

to rule over the 2NCs
The 3rd Holy Spirit is
Isaaic 4EC baptised
into Zoar
The 3rd Holy Spirit is
to feed the OMCs
The Accepting year of Isaiah61 ends on 2029Heshvan10 Jesus
antitypical ministry begins on
2029Heshvan21 AD

Zoar ends
4˝x after
its 4EC ends

1st death Passover for Adam/Cain
at the 3rd Jubilee of Michael's Post
Gentile Times lease over Adam/Cain
30 years3˝ year ministry30 years3˝ year ministry

Laodicea is
over the 1ACs
Russell visits.
Reverted Laodicea
is appointed over
1NCs at 12th 1NC
first fruits
Reverted Laodicea
is appointed over
HLCs and installed
over 1NCs
1st HLC is
4EC baptised
into Reverted
Jesus tells them to fish for HLCs
rather than 2NCs. Peter leaves
fallen reappointed Laodicea.
200 cubits to land begin
See John21 - U208
Last HLC
(4th bride)
is Passover
1st 2NC is 4EC baptised
into Reverted Laodicea.
300 Denarii of John12 begin.
200 cubits of John21 to land end
1000 days of 5000/5 loaves start
Last 2NC is
4EC baptised
300 Denarii
of John12 end

4EC baptism ends
for Reverted Laodicea
1000 days
of John6 end
9˝ month near bank of Daniel12 153 big 1NC/HLC fish of John 21 300 Denarii of John12 on feet9˝ month ending banksee U304

1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21.
6350 days (127 Pentecosts of Esther9) from 2005Adar1, the theft of the 4EC baptism, the baptism of the 2nd Laodicean by 'Roger Knight' the apostle to Laodicea, to 2023Tishri21. Jurisdiction through the law of the 4EC as judged by Laodicea. 
runs from 2005Adar1 to 2017Elul10 then 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21
3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Heshvan12 to 2024Tebbeth21 in Zoar until all the Abrahamic 2NCs are raptured. Then 450 prophets of Baal take us from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the true church of ark based Zoar. So from 2024Heshvan12-2024Tebbeth21, Zoar is treading down the Laodicean 2NCs - isolating them in Hebron of Zoar, denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation

Abrahamic Laodicea
is installed over
non adamic Abraham
40 days of Laodicea spying on
LWs begins 12 years of Betrayal
after 2003Shebat21, their
installation to feed the 1NCs
40 days of spying end
40 month Laodicean
wilderness penalty
falls as a
true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness
penalty ends. Laodicea
is reappointed over the 1ACs,
reappointed as a true church
Laodicea is
Reverted Laodicea
falls as a true church
450 prophets of Baal
seizing period starts
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee
release to the 1st Laodicean
being intransitively baptised
into Zoar for treading down by us
Rapture of Laodicean
2NC prophets of Baal.
Raptured 2NCs can no
longer be trodden down
1775 days1456 days                                 69 days
450 prophets of Baal
1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300
treaders down of 1Kings5

Mark Administrative Inauguration to Mark Inauguration is 96 days of the sentence count of Daniel 3:2-3

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura [circle/dwelling] in the jurisdictional district/province of Babylon.
2 And Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates [determined/absolute] and all the administrators [construct] of the jurisdictional district/province [singular] to come to the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
3 In/At that time [!yId;aB] the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts were assembling themselves for the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up, and they were standing in front of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. (Daniel 3 NWT). 

Verse2: Command to gather counts as 7x.3x+3x.1x=24x (a month a time for verse3)
Verse3: Execution of the command to gather counts as: 7x.3x+3x.1x+24x.(1x+1x) =72x
Total: 24x+72x = 96x. These stand in front of i.e. temporally before of the image for 96 days before Mark Registration Day. Whereas the decree from the greater Caesar Augustus to get registered must occur in August 2024 (Julian or Gregorian, i.e. on or before 2024September13 Gregorian) which is 2024Elul for the most part. Mark Registration cannot start before all the 2NCs are raptured so as to be kept from the hour of the test. We do not go up until 2024Adar16-21. Then Registration starts on 2024Adar21/22. So the administrative inauguration occurs on 2024Chislev17/18, 5 days after the annual G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro on 2024Chislev12-13 (2024November18-19). The previous ONE FUTURE G20 summit in India occurred on 2023Elul22 (2023September9/10)

Caesar Augustus (not Septemberus or Octoberus) decreed the entire Roman world should get registered in Luke2 and Mike's dream had the pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession.

4 And the herald was crying out in strength: to ye they are saying [But this is a periphrasis for the passive -  it is being said - Gesenius - like a polite plural], Oh peoples, nations and tongues [Everyone in the Watchtower] [Everyone in the world] [3x+3x+3x=9x],
5 that in/at the time which/when/that yeu hear the sound [singular] of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe [Every Watchtower meeting begins with Kingdom melodies] and all types of instrumental music [6x+3x=9x or 6x+6x = 12x, because we know there are 6 types of instrument. So there must be at least 6 types of instrument music. This cannot be 6x+1x = 7x, for that makes a mockery of the 6x] [every possible form of mass media communication - or will they write a G20 anthem?], yeu fall down and worship the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king has set up [2x] [worship the fake gold, the fake 1NC saints in the Watchtower, the images of gold] [get the mark of the beast so that you can buy or sell].
6 And who that does not fall down and worship [2x] will in that moment be thrown into the midst of the furnace of the fire the burning [Disfellowshipped] [Denied access to nuclear bunkers? Drafted into WW3?].
As/like to front of/over against this [following this, as a result of this], in/at appointed time of him as/like which [1x] all of the peoples [3x] were hearing the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument and all sorts of instrumental music [5x+3x=8x OR 5x+1x = 6x] [where is the bagpipe? DO THE SCOTS IGNORE THIS SATANIC MARK OF THE BEAST!!]. This is a media assault in the secular UN thread], falling [were] all of peoples, nations and tongues [3x+3x+3x=9x. Except that all of the peoples falling down is all of the tribes falling down which is all of the tongues falling down. So really this is 3x?] worshiping [they were] to the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up [1x] (Daniel 3).

He will be thrown into the fire counts 1x
He will be thrown into the midst of the fire counts 2x. Because the result is ˝ fire + him + ˝ fire = 2x.
The Scottish bagpipe is omitted from verse7 - to indicate non compliance by one main stream media outfit - Let us see which one it is (run by a Scotsman?) - God bless them!

1939September1 (1945Elul13): 04:45 Poland invaded.
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 11:15 Britain declares war on Germany and is joined by India (under British rule) Australia etc. WW2 begins.
1939September3 (1945Elul15): 17:00 France declares war on Germany.
1945May8 (1945Iyyar24): VE day
1945August15 (1945Elul3): VJ day
1945September2 (1945Elul21): VP Victory in the Pacific
1945September2 (1945Elul21): Ho Chi Minh proclaims Vietnamese Independence.
1945September9 (1945Elul28): Japanese troops in China, above the 16th parallel, surrender to Chiang kai Shek at the 9th hour (9-9-9). The official capitulation of all the Japanese in the China Theatre took place on the morning of 9 September at the Central Military Academy in Nanking. The surrender by Yasuji Okamura, Commander of Japanese Expeditionary forces in China, included Japanese forces in China, Formosa, and northern Indo-China but not in Manchuria. - General McArthur's Reports.
1945September12 (1945Tishri1): Japan officially surrendered to the British in Singapore:  73 months in total.
1945September13 (1945Tishri2): Japan surrendered Burma to the British
1945September13 (1945Tishri2): Japan surrendered Indochina below the 16th parallel (given to Mountbatten by the Potsdam declaration on 1945July17) to the British (Major General Gracey) in Saigon on 1945September13, the day that Gracey arrived there - https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/War_in_Vietnam_(1945%E2%80%931946)  
1945September16 (1945Tishri5): Japan surrendered Hong Kong to the British (officially).
1945September20 (1945Tishri9): The Allied Control Council passed its Control Council Law No. 1 - Repealing of Nazi Laws in Germany.
1945September26 (1945Tishri15): The 62nd Chinese army under Lu Han came and occupied Nam Định and Haiphong. Lạng Son and Cao Bang, cities in North Vietnam, to disarm and get Japanese troops to surrender
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Japan's 38th army surrenders the balance of French Indochina above the 16th parallel (Cambodia, Laos, French Vietnam) to the Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese accepting on behalf of the French.
On September 28, Lu Han presided over a ceremony at the Hanoi headquarters (formerly the French Governor's Office in Tonkin or North Vietnam) to accept the surrender of the Japanese 38th Army Commander Yuitsu Tsuchihashi on behalf of the Allied Powers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lu_Han_(general). 

The Japanese surrender of Indochina above the 16th parallel to Lu Han at Hanoi.

1945September28 (1945Tishri17): The Chinese army was surrendered in Vietnam with a total of more than 30,000 Japanese troops (21st Division, 22nd Division and 34th Independent Brigade), including 11,800 in Hanoi, 13,000 in Haiphong, and 8,000 in Hue. There are about 80,000 family members of the Japanese army and Japanese businessmen. The received weapons are rifles, light and heavy machine guns, pistols, flamethrowers, etc., with a total of more than 40,000 pieces; more than 800 mountain guns, infantry guns, cannons, and fortress guns; more than 600 horses; 10 aircraft. 189 people, including the Japanese governor of Vietnam Tuqiao Yongyi, were listed as war criminals and escorted to the Guangzhou camp of the Nationalist government for trial. From inf.news.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Lu Han, Commander-in-Chief of Chinese 1st Front Army, was authorized to accept the surrender of Japanese 38th Army, Japanese 21st Division, Japanese 22nd Division and Japanese 34th Infantry Brigade group in Hanoi, Vietnam. On September 28, Lu Han received the surrender of Yuitsu Tsuchihashi, representative from the Empire of Japan. http://en.people.cn/n/2014/0916/c98649-8783279.html
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): David Marr is  Professor Emeritus of Asian History, Australian National University. He writes a good account of the Potsdam agreement and the September28 surrender.
1945September28 (1945Tishri17): Chinese General Lu Han accepted the surrender of Japanese 38th Army at Hanoi, French Indochina. The French delegation boycotted the ceremony due to the Chinese-Vietnamese joint attempt to place the French delegation far from the main ceremonies during the planning process. https://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=13. The Potsdam declaration is now fully implemented, WW2 ends.

1945September29 (1945Tishri18) Miyako and Ishigaki, the last islands of Japan to surrender to the US.

So we take WW2 as running from 1939September3 (1939Elul15) to 1945September28 (1945Tishri17: the fulfilment of the 1945July27 Potsdam declaration).

So 1170x days of Mark enforcement take us to the midst of the fiery furnace of WW3, which lasts for 80 months of verse19, which is 7 months more than the 6 years and 32 days of WW2 (2192 days) which is 2402 days from the declaration of war on Germany by the British and French empires, to the fulfilment of the Potsdam declaration (the surrender of the last part of Indochina of Lu Han).

19 At/in that time Nebuchadnezzar was filled [with] rage, and the image of his faces [plural not dual in Chaldee - Gesenius] was changed/disfigured upon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times upon/above that which was beheld to be heated of him [in other world wars].

Verse 19: (1x+1x+3x).2x.(7x+1x) = 5x.2x.8x = 80x. 
Also the Grand flesh eating evening meal of God of Revelation19 is 80 months long - which is the spectacle of WW3.

Paul gives Peter a mars bar (action) is 1x. Because during the action Peter does not yet have the mars bar
Peter receives a mars bar (an action) is 1x Because during the action Peter does not yet have the mars bar
Peter has a mars bar (a state) = 1x+1x = 2x
Peter and Paul will be thrown into the midst of the fire = Peter and Paul will be thrown between the 2 halves of the fire = 2x Because during the throwing they are not yet in the midst of the fire
Peter and Paul were in the midst of the fire (a state) = ˝x+2x+˝x =3x
Paul places Peter upon the stage = 1x. Because during the action Peter is not yet upon the stage
Peter is upon the stage = 2x

2402 = 1201 + 1201: So WW3 begins 1201-1170 = 31 days before 2025Adar21/22 which is 2025Shebat20/21. So it ends on 2032Tishri22/23. 80 months and 2 days later. The 1000 day chain of Revelation20 on the Dragon runs from 2023Nisan24, his descent until 2025Shebat3/4, 19 days before the biblical start of WW3.

80 months of WW3 is the 80 months of the grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 - see U151#19.

The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7, lasts for 1044 days of Revelation7 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2 the end of nuclear war, the end of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13, the end of the killing with the long sword of the 4th horseman of Revelation6, the start of the 132 days of Revelation19:21 of killing with the long sword of the horseman of Revelation19 to 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover (when the FRC birds are satisfied). The Unprecedented Tribulation runs for 28 days of the sentence count of Mark13:17-20 from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2. 

21 And the leftover (ones) [loipoj] [2x+2x: Left over from the nuclear war of the long sword of the 4th horseman. So: The ones in addition to those killed already, the ones left over and above those already killed: The saved and the condemned] were killed off in the [dative] long sword [romfaia] [1x] of the (one) sitting upon the horse [in] the [dative] [one] having gone forth out of the mouth of him [which mouth is in the true church of Zoar: 33x - 32 human teeth + 1 tongue?, the double edged sword of the word of God], and all the birds were satisfied out of the [resurrected] fleshes of them [2x.2x=4x. The Kings and Lords have 50% of mankind to deal with, the raptured/ark resurrected FRCs]. (Revelation 19 KIT)

Verse21 (killing only): 4x.33x = 132x from 2028Tebbeth2 to 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover.
God must kill the last of non 1AC non OMC Adam on or after 2028Tebbeth2, since they are executed by God via lava flood with interference from Satan, not the other way around.

11 In year 600th, year to life of Noah, in the month, the second, in 17th day to the month, in/on/at the day this all the springs of the vast (watery/volcanic) deep were broken/cleaved/divided open and the windows/floodgates of the heavens were opened (Genesis 7).

Jesus was 12 years old in Nisan1 sacred years of Luke 2:42, when questioning the teachers in the temple. Adamic ages are stated in Tishri1 adamic secular years. Jesus was non adamic. His age is stated in Nisan1 sacred years, which he himself founded. So one would think that the lava flood begins on 2029Iyyar17, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Nisan sacred year of Jesus' life. The strange wording: year 600th, year to life of Noah, means two different years have fulfilments. But the lava flood must begin 7 days of Genesis 7:2 after all the FRCs have gone into the the ark by rapture. So the end of FRC entry, the 6th crop Passover entry day is 2029Iyyar10. So the 12 crop Passovers of Revelation22 run from 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14 and the Accepting year of Isaiah61 runs from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10.

8 Because of this, at that same time Chaldean [ones] approached and accused the Jews.
They answered, and they were saying to Nebuchadnezzar, the king: Oh king, live on even for hidden times.
You yourself, Oh king, set forth the command that every man that hears the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, and the bagpipe and all sorts of instrumental music, should fall down and worship the image of gold;
and whoever that not fall down and worship should be thrown into the midst of the furnace of the fire the burning!.

Verse8: 3x+3x.3x = 12x
Verse9-11: (3x+3x).3x.(6x+6x+2x+2x+1x) = 18x.17x = 306x
Total: 12x+306x = 318x.??

The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.

11 And I saw other wild beast stepping up out of the earth, and it was having horns two like to lamb [lambs do not have horns. Horns start growing at ages 2-3. So like a lamb counts as 1x] and it was speaking as dragon.

11 And I saw other wild beast stepping up out of the earth, and it was having horns two like to lamb, and it was speaking as dragon. (Revelation 13 KIT)
11 Kai. ei=don a;llo qhri,on avnabai/non evk th/j gh/j kai. ei=cen ke,rata du,o o[moia avrni,w| kai. evla,lei w`j dra,kwn (Revelation 13 WHO)

Verse 11: 2x+2x+1x =5x. Having 2 horns is a state. Speaking as a Dragon is an action.  

12 And the authority of the first wild beast all it is doing in sight of it. And it is making the earth and the (ones) in it dwelling in order that they will worship the wild beast the first, of which was cured the blow of the death of it.
13 And it is doing signs great, in order that also fire it may make out of the heaven to be stepping down into the earth in sight of the men.
14 And it is making to err the (ones) dwelling upon the earth through the signs which it was given to it to do in sight of the wild beast, saying to the (ones) dwelling upon the earth to make image to the wild beast who is having the blow of the sword and it lived.
15 And it was given to her to give spirit to the image of the wild beast, in order that also should speak the image of the wild beast and it might make in order that as many as if ever not might give worship to the image of the wild beast they should be killed.
16 And it is making/composing/creating [poiew] all (ones) [with a digital ID]: The small (ones) and the great (ones), and the rich (ones) and the poor (ones), and the free (ones) and the slaves, in order that they should give to them engraving upon the hand of them the right or upon the forehead of them, (Revelation 13 KIT)
16 kai poiei pantaj touj mikrouj kai megalouj kai touj ptwcouj kai touj plousiouj kai touj eleuqerouj kai touj doulouj i?na dwsin autw caragma epi thj ceiroj autwn thj dexiaj h epi to metwpon autwn (Revelation 13 Sinai)

The small (ones) and the great (ones) = all (ones)
The rich (ones) and the poor (ones) = all (ones)
The free (ones) and the slaves = all (ones)

So it is making/composing/creating (digitally) all (ones): All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) = 4x precisely of all ones = 8x precisely as a sentence count. These must run from 2025Iyyar14, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last rapture of FRCs. AND from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, the entire period of compelled Mark Registration, which is coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5. So the first 53 days of Mark Registration from 2024VeAdar21/22 must be free of compulsion.

The compulsion on FRCs lasts for 4x precisely. The compulsion on all mankind lasts for 8x precisely. Whereas Mark registration lasts for the 12x of the sentence count of the further specification of all (ones) precisely from the List Specification Principle. This being the time it takes from the start of Mark registration, to the implementation of  full Mark Enforcement. It is the same period as the 6x60 = 360 square cubit, 2D view of the face of the image of Daniel3, which is 1 year of Mark Registration without any depth of enforcement from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22. Whereas Mark enforcement lasts for the 2400 days (see below) of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22-2032Heshvan21/22,

11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. (Revelation 13 NWT)
And it [other beast with 2 horns like a lamb: The UK and US deep state] is making [poiei] all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 2x.12x=24x here] [receptive] in order that [ina] they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x: All ones] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive] their right hand or upon [+dative] their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x] might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one] [1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of] the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation 13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13).

Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it': The other beast with 2 horns kike a lamb).2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.2x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.4x)=5x.(384x+96x) = 5x.480x = 2400x. 6 years 8 months from 2025Adar21/22, the start of Mark enforcement by the fiery furnace of WW3 and by law, to 2032Heshvan21/22. Then Mark registration continues until 2033Iyyar14, 97ľ months after 2024VeAdar21/22, an hour of the tet of Revelation3 of the 97ľ year day of testing of God's people from early 1935, when the Nazis offered the witnesses in Germany a chance to renounce their faith and pledge allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid incarceration.. On 2025Adar21/22, the law is changed to criminalise Mark refusers.

The latest that these 12+80=92 months of Mark Registration then enforcement could run to would be 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain. So they must start by 2025Elul. But we are given their start date by John 10:22-24

22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia] from en and kainoj, meaning in-new] took place in Jerusalems [Ierosolumoij] [Plural: In the ark and on earth] [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] [] and it was winter/stormy [2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah, which is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC]
23 and the Jesus was walking [through 1NCs being in contact with raptured 2NCs in the ark after 2024Tishri16 for Gentile call 2NCs and 2024Tebbeth16 for Laodicean 2NCs] in the temple in the colonnade of the Solomon [Walking, without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood. This is 1NCs walking amongst 2NCs in the temple of the ark, who are waiting in the colonnade to enter into the temple of Solomon, which has a colonnade but the rock mass is yet to be laid! The rock mass is laid on 2024VeAdar2. A colonnade is where people gather before entering into the temple]
24 The Jews therefore [oun] encircled him [2x. One encirclement by the plural Jews who making a 2 month circle around Jesus to 2024Shebat25-Adar2 (Modern Hebrew), which is 2024Adar21-28 (BLC) which is also 2024VeAdar21-28 BLC. 2024VeAdar21 is the end of 2NC ark rapture. But the entire verse counts as 2x+2x=4x, because the Jews ate the fish counts as 2x] and [they] said to him: Until when, the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing? [2x] [This is a self answering question until 4 months after Hanukkah for the rapture of the Benjamite 2NCs (completed on 2025Iyyar21/22)] If you are the Christ, say to us outspokenly (John 10 KIT)

This nails the end of the 2NC non reserve rapture as 2024VeAdar21 and the end of the 2NC reserve rapture as 2025Iyyar21. And that puts the start of the image of Daniel3, 60 cubits of height earlier on 2024VeAdar21. Because the height of the image in cubits is the period of Mark of the beast testing of the saints in days, a day for a cubit.

Also the Angel of Philadelphia has to be kept from the hour of the test and he is raptured on 2024VeAdar21, the first day of that 'hour'. So this gives us.

2024VeAdar21 (2025March26/27): The start of Mark Registration. The day when vaccine status Digital IDs are introduced.
2025Iyyar14 (2025May12/13): The start of Mark Compulsion.
2025August (Gregorian or Julian): The greater Registration decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2. You MUST register for a digital ID or you are a domestic terrorist, a deplorable, an antivaxxer and various other inapposite slanders.
2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14): WW3 begins
2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17): The Ides of March (beware): The start of Mark Enforcement by law and by WW3.
2032Tishri22/23: (2032September29-October1): WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22 (2032October28-30): The end of the 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 of Mark Enforcement.
2033Iyyar14: The end of Mark Registration (because there is no one left to register).

For this timeline it is very obvious that the purpose of WW3 is to enforce the Mark of the Beast. It is the fiery furnace into which digital ID refusers are thrown by conscription

The Plain of Dura (circle)

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 NWT)

The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.

The hour of the test

10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [for 751 main predictions, subpredictions, subsubpredictions and prediction extensions for the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men - if you cannot find faith then find Love for your brothers! Refuse to register for the Mark of the Beast], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - noun counts 1x]  (Revelation 3 NWT).

7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7 NWT) - That is Jesus' word about endurance.

So AOP (the Angel of Philadelphia, Elijah4) and the 2NCs are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured before the first day of Mark Registration (2024VeAdar21/22). 

10 Because you observed the word of the endurance of me, and I you I shall observe out of the hour of the temptation the (one) being about to be coming upon the being inhabited [earth] whole, to tempt the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth. (Revelation 3 KIT)

Verse10: The hour of temptation: 1x+1x.2x.2x.2x = 9x. The count of verse10 is triggered by the word 'hour'. From 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Registration Day, to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark Registration, the absolute end of Cain.

The 10x of compulsion to get
registered and bow to the image
of Daniel3 begin. China starts
paying wages in CBDCs
(e-CNY) in May 10 years
(60/6 cubits) before they end 
2023Iyyar14 (May4/5)
Annual G20
summit is held
in Rio de Janeiro
Digital IDs have
their Daniel3:1-3
8 years of
Decree of Caesar
Augustus in August
The Daniel3
fiery furnace of
WW3 begins
80 months of
by law and by
the fiery
of WW3 begin
WW3 ends after
80 months. 7x of
Daniel3 more than
the 73 month WW2
End of 2400 days,
80 months of Mark
Enforcement of
Revelation 13:16-17
Mark Registration ends after the
97ľ month hour in the 97ľ year
day of testing God's people from
1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years
of Mark Compulsion of
Revelation 13:16
from 2025Iyyar14
2 years - 2 months 1 year 7 years + 2 months 2+1+7 = 10 years

The 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 members) are the 10 toes of Daniel2, which are partly of iron and partly of potter's clay (making 20x of the G20) run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power. 

187Timeline of Hitler's Concentration Camps
1933January30: Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
1933February27: The Reichstag fire. The subsequent Reichstag Fire Decree suspends the German Constitution and most civil liberties.
1933March22: Dachau concentration camp, the first concentration camp in Germany, opens 10 miles northwest of Munich at an abandoned munitions factory. 
1933October24 – November24: The government passes a law allowing "dangerous and habitual criminals" – including vagrants, alcoholics, the unemployed, and the homeless – to be interned in concentration camps. The law is later amended to allow for their compulsory sterilization.
1935: The Nazis introduce 'protective detention' for Jehovah's witnesses and produce a document they can sign renouncing their faith and pledging allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid persecution, which went as far as psychiatric internment and forced sterilisation.
1935March17 (1034VeAdar7/8): Germany introduces compulsory military service which the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse - resulting in their being incarcerated in prisons and concentration camps
1935April1 (1934VeAdar21/22): Nazis ban JW organisations because they refuse to renounce their faith and swear allegiance to the temporal power op the Nazi state.
1935May (1935Nisan28/29-Iyyar28/29) Balzereit, the head of the German Branch of the Watchtower was incarcerated
1935June17 (1935Sivan14/15): JWs first sent to 'protective custody' in prisons
1935July: State governments were instructed to confiscate all Watchtower publications
1935September9 (1935Elul8/9): JWs first sent to concentration camps
1936August28: 1936Elul7:  Mass arrests of Jehovah's Witnesses begin.
1937February27 (1936Adar10/11): The Kripo (German Criminal Police) begins the first mass roundup of political opponents.
1937July15: Buchenwald concentration camp opens in Ettersburg five miles from Weimar.
1938March24: Flossenbürg concentration camp is opened in Flossenbürg, Bavaria, ten miles from the border with Czechoslovakia
1938June13–18: The first mass arrests of Jews begin through Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich.

So the day of mass incarceration of God's people, then political opponents then Jews,  began in 1935.187

One does not get an understanding like the 1335 Millennia of time whilst Alienated from God? NOPE. We got it from 2023Shebat10-13. And the LW Alienation Times ran from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21

5 Having lifted up therefore the eyes the Jesus and having viewed that much [non adamic] crowd is coming toward him he is saying toward Philip Wherefrom might we buy loaves in order that might eat these?
6 This but he was saying testing him, he for had known what he was about to be doing.
7 Answered to him Philip Of 200 denarii loaves not are enough to them in order that each one short/small/insignificant/little [bracuj] might receive [the food of Zoar]. (John 6 KIT)

200 Denarii of loaves of John6 (200 months of Isaaic Zoar and the last chance saloon food for Abraham from 2016Ab16, our appointment over non adamic Isaac to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover.

The last 3˝ years from 2029Heshvan21 to 2033Iyyar14 is the final ministry to the OMCs. This antitypical love ministry occurs precisely 2000 years after its 1st century ministry archetype. For the first shall be last.

6004 year
extended ARC
lease ends
over Adam
Jesus is
Caesar to
Satan's 1254 day
ministry and 
2000 day eviction
payback begins
over Adam/Cain
Satan's ministry
payback ends
over Adam/Cain
Satan's 2000
day eviction
payback ends
Start of war of
Satan loses the
war is Passed
over and tries
to remain in
Eviction from
heaven starts
Demons start
down Jacob's
reach bottom
of Jacob's
ladder. Start
of 2000 day
3rd Holy
Spirit starts descending 
3rd Holy Spirit
baptised into  Zoar and appointed over Abraham
in Zoar
Laodicean FRC
1st crop
of Revelation22.
from all humans.
Late non
religious LRC
12th crop of
Jesus' 3˝ year
antitypical Love
ministry begins
Zoar ends
Final 3˝ year ministry ends. End of dying the
1st/adamic death for
Adam/Cain. 1st/late
1st death Passover
50 month
non adamic 
Restoring lease
Satan's 1254 day
ministry payback
2000 days
less 1254
8x of war of
6x of no place in
heaven of Rev12:8
1+30 days down
Jacob's ladder
2000 day 21st century demon possession  11 months 3˝ year (1254 day)
antitypical ministry
of Jesus

2000 days of demon
possession start



rapture ends
10 horns end
10 diadems start
31 day transfer of power and
authority of Revelation 17:13
2026Tebbeth8 (10 diadems end)
21 months of Beast headship begin. Democratic
power and authority ends for G20 members
All Demons expelled. 2000
days of possession end
10 Dragon horns Dragon 7 Dragon diadems 7 Dragon heads 10 horns 10 diadems = 1 hour Sea Beast 7 heads + 14 blasphemous names (DACs) = 67 months (2000 days)
10x precisely 9 months 16/17 days666: The number of days of the Dragon usurping democracy through the G20

The hour with the beast is 9 months 16/17 days, So the day of the beast must be 9 years 6 months + 12/24 days. It ends on 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the G20 giving its kingdom to the banking beast (55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns begin). So it must start 9 years and 192-204 days earlier from on 2023Sivan17/18-29/30. So it appears that the banking beast finished being set up a couple of months after the demons arrived on 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. The banking beast was essentially their first construction.

Rescriptus/Sinaiticus have 6x for Revelation12:8 whereas Alexandrinus has 4x (it/they did not have strength).
Authority was given them (Death and the horse and Hades) to kill in long sword. But the demons are expelled from the earth on 2028Heshvan14, before the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13 begins on 2028Chislev4. so we are back again in the garden of Eden and they are trying to deceive us into killing ourselves once again. and they would succeed if Jesus did not step in. I mean he doesn't want to have to ransom us all twice!!

The left over ones for 132x of Revelation19:21 are not from the burning of the beast. They surely are from the nuclear part of the ride of the 4th horseman, to the end of the killing of the leftover FRCs by Jesus' long sword on 2029Iyyar14. So the nuclear part of the ride of the 4th horseman ends on 2028Tebbeth2 and begins 28 days earlier on 2028Chislev4. Since demons are expelled 2028Heshvan14 it is apparent that they are not allowed to nuke us.
150 days of the sentence count of the conquest by FRCs run  from 2028Chislev16 to 2029Iyyar16, the period of ark resurrection of the FRCs. 

The Start of Mark Registration

Mark registration Day is 2024Adar21 rather than 2024Adar22 (since Benjamin's rapture ends not on 2025Iyyar22 but on 2025Iyyar21 (during Cakes-Booths), 2x precisely of the encirclements of John 10:22-24 from Hebrew Hanukkah in Jerusalem (2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC) and 60 cubits of the height of the image of Daniel3, after both Gordon's rapture and Mark Registration day. Mark enforcement is 2025Adar21. Whereas and Mark admin demonstration day after the decree of Caesar Augustus in August (Julian or Gregorian) is 2024Chislev17/18, which is 2024November22-24. The G20 annual summit is 2024November18-19 (2024Chislev12-14) in Rio de Janeiro. Adar followed by a VeAdar is the perfect month for an LW rapture because VeAdar is a rerun of Adar which depicts the live one day on earth get one day free in the ark situation.

3600 overseers: From 2016Chislev5, the installation of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham to 2026Chislev5 when we hand over the Isaaic part of the church to the 3rd Holy Spirit. Having handed over the Abrahamic part of the church on 2026Heshvan5, so they can start separating the sheep from the goats for 6 years 197 days (2357 days) from from 2026Heshvan5 (when we hand over Abraham) to 2033Iyyar22 (2nd Mosaic first fruits) - see U902

The Great day of Jehovah is 21 years of Zephaniah 1:14-16 from 2012Sivan14 the start of his killing Adam to 2033Nisan14, the end of his killing Adam and then 2033Iyyar14, the end of his killing Cain..

Matthew5: 1-12 from Jesus finishing going up into the mountain on 2020Heshvan18 for the 4th and last HLC marriage in Ark3: 3x+33x+2x.9x = 54x from 2020Heshvan18 to 2025Iyyar21/22, the end of the ark rapture saints whom he teaches, who come to him in the ark. The sermon on the mount does continue after the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses with parables.

Verse 8 from look!: 1x+3x+3x+5x.(5x+Ľx) = 7x+26Ľ = 33Ľ. From 2026Tishri29/30, a 8/9 days after the end of CRC ark rapture, to 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood, the end of non salvation covenant Adam and non salvation covenant Cain, the quarter of the earth which the 4th horseman can kill.
The 40+40 day lava flood runs from 2029Iyyar17 (the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Nisan1 sacred year of Jesus' life), to 2029Ab7. 2028Heshvan14 is the end of demon possession, 2000 pigs of Mark5 after 2023Nisan24. The Flood must cover or come after the 40+40 days of the ride of the 4th horseman, for it is an execution by God partially done by Satan not the other way around - see U151#6.

The ride of 4th horseman
begins just after the end
of the 4EC ark rapture
Nuclear war begins
The Unprecedented Tribulation
of Mark13 begins
Nuclear war ends. Unprecedented Tribulation ends
132 days of the leftover ones of Revelation19:21
before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover,
the end of FRC salvation
The 17th day of the 2nd month of the
Nisan1 sacred year of Genesis 7:11
The 40+40 day lava flood begins
The 40+40 day lava flood ends. 
There are no more unsaved sons
of Adam or Cain (the Ľ of the earth) to kill.
So the 4th horseman stops riding
28 days of Mark13:17-20 40+40 days of lava flood 33˝x of ride of Revelation6:8

The end of FRC ark rapture is 2029Iyyar16. The lava flood starts on 2029Iyyar17 of Genesis 7:11 and runs to 2029Ab7. 2028Heshvan14 is the end of demon possession

26 Then Jehovah said: If I shall find in Sodom 50 righteous [ones] [] in the midst of the city [in the midst of ?] I will pardon the whole place on their account.
27 But Abraham went on to answer and say: Please, here I have taken upon myself to speak to Jehovah, whereas I am dust and ashes [constructive dust which is the result of death, and constructive ashes, which are the result of a volcanic destruction] [the Abrahamic dust escapes the lava flood, the Abrahamic ashes do not].
28 Suppose the 50 righteous should be lacking 5. Will you for the 5 bring the whole city to ruin? To this he said: I shall not bring it to ruin if I find there 45 [].

The city of the Watchtower administration (Sodom - meaning burnt) during the sweeping away of the righteous (those sealed into the FRC or the LRC at the least) into the ark by rapture or by Hades free death and resurrection (the death of the non adamic Christ) runs from 2024Tishri16, the start of the rapture of 2NCs, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain and of false worship in the Watchtower. The Mid point is 2028Tebbeth30. So the 50 righteous men represent 2028Tebbeth5 to 2028Shebat25.

Jesus does not open his mouth until 2024Iyyar10. Then 9x of Happinesses (separate from the count) to 2033Iyyar10. Vinny's bible study was 2024Iyyar11 (Sunday 2024April21 18:30 UK time) 

The start of sweeping away the righteous
into the ark by rapture.
The start of the Gentile Call 2NC ark rapture
Mid point of the city of the Watchtower
during the sweeping away of the righteous
into Ark Based Zoar - the Kingdom of Jesus
The end of Sodom (meaning burnt)
The end of the Watchtower church
The absolute end of Cain
4 years 3 months 14 days (1544 days) 1544 days

Ham dishonours Noah
Satan's seed appears
First post flood guy
enters the SFC
470,000 of Judah start
2354Elul26 BC
Joab completes
David's lawless
Registration. The
3 day plague killing
70,000 begins
1048Nisan14 BC
David purchases
Ornan's Mount Moriah
threshing floor. 3 day plague ends. 1,100,000
of Israel begin
1046Nisan16 BC
Michael's 6,000 year
ARC lease ends
1AC Registration 
Stops 202 days short.
Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD

195 day
FRC Passover
into the 2nd
crop of
Mid point of
the 50
righteous men
of Abraham's
50 righteous
men of
negotiation end
195 day 1AC
baptism ends
195 days of God's
(JW sealing) start
195 days of God's
responses (JW
sealing) end. God starts to bring the Watchtower to ruin
Last week of
Daniel 9:27
for Adam. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Adam
Last week of
Daniel 9:27 for
Cain. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Cain
Late 1st death
The absolute
end of Cain
470,000 days of
3 days of
temple times
1,100,000 - 202
days of 1Chronicles21
195 extra days of 1AC baptism 195 days Last week of
Daniel 9:27
Last week of
Daniel 9:27

One can be baptised into a salvation covenant in the installed Kingdom of Jesus. One cannot be so baptised in the installed Kingdom of God. Abraham's negotiation of Genesis 18 is over potentially righteous ones in Sodom (meaning burnt - the Watchtower) and opposed to Gomorrah (meaning submerged - Laodicea). It is not about the OMC. The Watchtower is not the church of the OMC. It is an abuser of love. So the Watchtower is burnt (Sodom) on 2029Shebat5 (2030January14.15). this means that anybody still in the Watchtower after that date cannot enter into Zoar. GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. Stay in her Satan's people.

2029Shebat5 (2030January14/15): 195 days of JW FRC sealing end of Genesis18. The Watchtower is burnt. No one in it can be sealed into the FRC after this point. It becomes a bundle of weeds to be burnt. And God starts to bring it to ruin.

We start building the temple on 2024VeAdar14 for 42 solar days to 2025Iyyar2, the 2nd day of the 2nd month of 1Ch 3:2, in the 4th regnal year from 2021Heshvan11, with Isaaic conversion on 2025Iyyar4, the 4th day of the 2nd month of 1Kings 6:1. 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 before 2025Iyyar4 is 2023Tebbeth4 (when the going out of Egypt must have begun or ended or something). 
2023Tishri25 was the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the Masai10. The baptism was authorised from 2023Tishri14 by email on 2023Tishri13.

It came about
IN the 480th day TO the exodus of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt
IN the 4th day [must be 2025Iyyar4]
IN the Chodesh of Ziv, he [is] the 2nd Chodesh to reign of Solomon
AND he built the house to Jehovah (1Kings 6:1)

The scripture does NOT say in the 4th day TO the month of Ziv. It says in the 4th day in the 2nd month to reign of Solomon.

1 And Solomon started/perforated to build the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah [chosen by Jah , where was seen to David his father (who was Michael - Jehovah's angel) [OR where (Michael) was seen to David his (Solomon's father)], which [house] he built in the place of David, in the grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite
2 He started/perforated to build in the 2nd in the 2nd month [Chodesh] in year [day/year] of 4th to kingdom of him (2Chronicles3)

3rd fire Sign. Elijah4 goes up to the top of Carmel on 2016Adar21 tells attendant not to come up but to go up on 2017Adar21. Go back 7x to 2024Adar21, Elijah does not see the 2nd fire sign. So 2nd is 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 3rd is 2025Nisan21. The 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 is 2024Shebat2-2024Adar21.

3623 day + 463 day gap from 2019Ab1 (the start of reappointed Laodicea) to 2020Heshvan14 (the 4th HLC marriage, the end of the 2nd presence, the Passover execution of the 4th HLC bride) when they were in a 1NC/HLC land, the correct land, makes 4086 days from 2012Sivan15 to 2023Tishri21 - the fall of Reverted Laodicea. Then 450 prophets of Baal to 2024Tebbeth21, when Jesus finishes seizing them for the true church of ark based Zoar.

1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 days before 2023Tishri21 is 2020Tebbeth11, the start of the feeding of baptised 2NCs for 300 Denarii to 2021Heshvan11, then 415 days, then 9˝ months of the far bank of Daniel12 to 2023Tishri21. Then 450 prophets of Baal to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the Laodicean 2Nc rapture. And 480 days of 1Kings6:1 from 2023Chislev4 to 2025Nisan4, 7th row laying day.

20x month ride of white horseman, after the sealing of all 2NCs on 2024Tebbeth16 - see U151#14 - 2026Tishri5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC
13x month ride of war from the start of the 119th session of congress on 2025January3 (2024Tebbeth28) to 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14), the start of WW3.
33Ľx month ride of 4th horseman from 2026Tishri29/30, the end of CRC ark rapture to 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood, the end of non salvation covenant Adam and Cain.

Ark Raptures

2024Tishri16-21 (6), 2024Tebbeth16-21 (6), 2024Adar16-21 (6),  2025Iyyar19-21 (3) = 21 days of ark entry by rapture for the birds (who die a Hades free death as humans, the death of the Christ, but not as angels)

1 After that Jehovah said to Noah: Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation.
2 Of every clean beast you must take to yourself by sevens, the sire and its mate; and of every beast that is not clean just 2, the sire and its mate;
3 also of the flying creatures of the heavens by sevens, male and female, to preserve offspring alive on the surface of the entire earth.
4 For to days repeating/iterating/yet 7,  I am making it rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights; and I will wipe every existing thing that I have made off the surface of the ground. (Genesis 7 NWT)

Then 13x7 = 91 days for CRCs from 2025Tishri15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21: 12 months of Revelation 6:7
Then 26x7 = 182 days for FRCs from 2026Heshvan15-21 to 2028Heshvan15-21 (2027Adar15-21 ≠ 2027VeAdar15-21) (2 years of Genesis 7:2 unclean beasts just 2).
Then 2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16 and 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16 for the rapture of the 1st to 6th crops of Revelation22 = 6 days
Total is 21+91+182+6 = 300 cubits out of 4 years 7 months from 2024Tishri16 to 2029Iyyar16.

All FRCs get a rapture during Cakes-Booths of Leviticus 23:43. OMCs do not.
Then 2029Iyyar17 is the start of the lava flood, the 17th day of the 2nd month of 600th Nisan1 sacred year of Jesus' life of Genesis 7:11. His life is measured in Nisan1 sacred years which he instigated through the ARC, rather than Tishri1 adamic years which Adam instigated. He was 12 years old in Nisan1 years in Luke 2...

41 And were going their way the parents of him according to year into Jerusalem to the festival of the Passover.
42 And when he came to be of years 12, going up of them according to the custom of the festival (Luke 2 KIT)
42 kai ote egeneto otwn ib kai anabainontwn autwn kata to eqoj thj eorthj (Luke 2 Sinai)
42 kai ote egeneto etwn dwdeka anabainontwn autwn kata to eqoj thj eorthj (Luke 2 VatB)
49 But he said to them: Why did you have to go looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in the [things/affairs - neuter not houses - masculine] of my Father? (Luke 2 NWT)

He was 11 years old in Tishri1 adamic years. 

The Passover was 11Nisan14 AD, 22 years before the temple of TCC1 was inaugurated not at Cakes from 33Nisan15-21, but during the first week of Weeks from 33Nisan16-22. FDS1 was appointed over the 1NCs on 33Nisan16, at the end of 3 temple times from 1048Nisan16 BC, when Jesus was resurrected as a human after 3 days and nights in the tomb. Jesus blew onto the apostles and said receive holy spirit and told them that what they bind on earth will be bound in heaven (from Pentecost 33Sivan5 onwards, when 1EC law is installed. He gives them authority over the law of the church. The temple is accepted and inaugurated on 23Nisan23, when Jesus appears to Thomas and even doubting Thomas recognises the temple of Jesus' resurrected body, which looks very different to the one in which he expired which has been given to God as a ransom for Adam (the validation sacrifice for the LRC). 

22 And after he said this he blew upon them and said to them: Receive holy spirit.
23 If you forgive the sins of any persons, they stand forgiven to them; if you retain those of any persons, they stand retained. (John 20 NWT)

This fulfilled the promises Jesus made to Peter and to the disciples saying

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the heavens.
20 Then he sternly charged the disciples not to say to anybody that he was the Christ. (Matthew 16 NWT)

18 Truly I say to you men, Whatever things you may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things you may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven. (Matthew 18 NWT)

Jesus' parents only went up to Jerusalem at the Passover not for Booths. So although Jesus was commissioned to build the temple at Booths from 10Tishri15-21, 22˝ years before it was to be inaugurated (following the pattern of Solomon from 1048Nisan16 to 1026Tishri15-21 BC), he went up to the temple he was going to replace for the Passover and Cakes.

15 ...And who is that God that can rescue you out of my hands? [2019Tishri17 to 2029Heshvan16, the 12th crop resurrection - 10 years 1 month of ark rapture and resurrection] (Daniel 3 NWT)

1 And I saw when opened up the Lamb one out of the seven seals, and I heard of one out of the four living [creatures] saying as to voice of thunder Be you coming and seeing.
2 And I saw, and look! horse white, and the (one) sitting upon it having bow, and was given to him crown, and he went out conquering and in order that he might conquer.
3 And when he opened up the seal the second, I heard of the second living [creature] saying Be you coming and seeing.
4 And went out another horse fiery-red, and to the (one) sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth and in order that one another they will slaughter, and was given to him sword great.
5 And when he opened up the seal the third, I heard of the third living [creature] saying Be you coming and seeing. And I saw, and look! horse black, and the (one) sitting upon it having yoke in the hand of him.
6 And I heard as voice in midst of the four living [creatures] (it) saying Choenix of wheat of denarius, and three choenixes of barleys of denarius; and the oil and the wine not you should treat unrighteously.
7 And when he opened up the seal the fourth, I heard voice of the fourth living [creature] saying Be you coming and seeing.
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the Hades was following with him, and was given to them authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword and in famine and in death and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 KIT)

1 And I saw when opened up the Lamb one out of the seven seals, and I heard of one out of the four living [creatures] saying as to voice of thunder [3rd Holy Spirit] Be you [Jesus and the Gentile Call 2NCs (ELCs are dead, one cannot invite them)] coming and seeing.
2 And I saw, and look! horse white [sealed 2NCs from 2024Adar21, the end of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21, after 2024Tebbeth16, the end of the 1600 stadia of Laodicean ARC sealing outside the city of Revelation14], and the (one) sitting upon it having bow, and was given to him crown, and he went out conquering [out of the temple on 2024VeAdar9 his installation as the rockmass] and in order that he might conquer.
3 And when he opened up the seal the second, I heard of the second living [creature] [Gentile call 2NCs] saying Be you [Jesus and Laodicean 2NCs] coming and seeing.
4 And went out another horse fiery-red, and to the (one) sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth and in order that one another they will slaughter, and was given to him sword great.
5 And when he opened up the seal the third, I heard of the third living [creature] [Laodicean 2NCs] saying Be you [Jesus and LW 2NCs and Benjamin] coming and seeing. And I saw, and look! horse black, and the (one) sitting upon it having yoke in the hand of him.
6 And I heard as voice in midst of the four living [creatures] (it) saying Choenix of wheat of denarius, and three choenixes of barleys of denarius; and the oil and the wine not you should treat unrighteously.
7 And when he opened up the seal the fourth, I heard voice of the fourth living [creature] [LW 2NCs and Benjamin] saying Be you [Jesus and CRCs] coming and seeing.
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the Hades was following with him, and was given to them authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword and in famine and in death and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 KIT)

A church administration cannot be appointed to feed (sow) or to rule (prune vines) on a sacred Sabbath. The 50 day instalment process can proceed during a monthly Sabbath (because it is just a count).

Replaced on 2024May2

1886Tishri2: FDS3 appointed to feed HLCs (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1886Heshvan21: FDS3 installed to feed HLC
1890Nisan22: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs
1890Sivan11: FDS3 installed to rule over HLCs (in order that the 100 year Asher HLC proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Chislev2: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs (1901Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath)
1901Tebbeth21: FDS3 installed to feed 1NCs
1905Iyyar22: FDS3 appointed to rule over 1NCs
1905Tammuz11: FDS3 installed to rule over 1NCs
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. 1AC Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Zoar Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed HLCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1886Tishri2/Heshvan21.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21: FDS4 (Gordon) appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the adamic Jubilee month)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? NOPE.
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath. 2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A Pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14, the death of adamic Laodiceans during their Abrahamic conversion, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: The Watchtower falls as a true church, 3˝ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its 3EC baptism on 2001Chislev14..
2005Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2005Chislev21+40+40=2005Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2028Shebat10, late Watchtower FRC Passover entry day into the 3rd crop of Revelation22. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2006 - see U271-11#38.
2006Iyyar22/Tammuz11: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4 - 2006Sivan is the adamic Sabbath month). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.

Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they failed the test over the 2NCs just as we failed it over the 1NCs). 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month..
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the 1NCs). They are appointed over angels before they are appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham).
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic 1ACs and non adamic Abraham and Cainian 1ACs (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2012Ab15 to 2019Ab15 during this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended before the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. But the presence restarted during the Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic, But do not become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed as a true church before Zoar because it has rulership over the 1NCs, whose collection is more urgent than the 2NCs (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for 2NC appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Ab22/Tishri11: Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U3181NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The adamic LWs had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic 1ACs on that day ( as a non adamic church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the 1ACs on 2012Tammuz16 because that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic 1ACs and over non adamic Abraham and over cainian 1ACs - all flavours of Abraham basically. So Zoar did not become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic. YES

2012Heshvan2/Shebat21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month and most 2NCs were still adamic.
Abrahamic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (2012Tebbeth is a Sabbath month which does not stop appointments/installations to feed). 
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the 3rd post original ARC lease Jubilee. . 
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is a Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev2/Adar21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs. 
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Shebat2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3˝x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2019Ab1: Laodicea is reaccepted as a true church, 36 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul7, the start of the 3EC for 1NCs, then 2019Elul10 is the restart of the 2nd presence (the baptism of the 2nd 1NC), after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it (as could 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs) due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. AND due to the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and due to the one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Ab27: Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the 1ACs (as a true church), 9˝ months of the starting bank before 2020Sivan12, their theft of the 4EC baptism. The descended Charles Russell, visits them on the first Sabbath of Reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3˝ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3 and 2020Iyyar16 being taken for the installation to rule 1NCs. A church can be appointed/installed to feed one group on the same day as to rule another. But it cannot be appointed/installed to rule two different groups on the same day.
2020Tammuz19/Elul8: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.

The 3rd Holy Spirit is not appointed/installed over 2NCs. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Abraham in Zoar at the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost. This is 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22 - see U902.
2026Tishri16/Chislev5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Isaac in Zoar at the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. OK because installing the Holy Spirit over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred burden). 
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.

Recent Version

1886Tishri2: FDS3 appointed to feed HLCs (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1886Heshvan21: FDS3 installed to feed HLC
1890Nisan22: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs
1890Sivan11: FDS3 installed to rule over HLCs (in order that the 100 year Asher HLC proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Chislev2: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs (1901Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath)
1901Tebbeth21: FDS3 installed to feed 1NCs
1905Iyyar22: FDS3 appointed to rule over 1NCs
1905Tammuz11: FDS3 installed to rule over 1NCs
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. 1AC Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Zoar Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed HLCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1886Tishri2/Heshvan21.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21: FDS4 appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the adamic Jubilee month)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? NOPE.
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath. 2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A Pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14, the death of adamic Laodiceans during their Abrahamic conversion, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: Watchtower fell as a true church.
2005Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2005Chislev21+40+40=2005Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2028Shebat10, late Watchtower FRC Passover entry day into the 3rd crop of Revelation22. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2006 - see U271-11#38.
2006Iyyar22/Tammuz11: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4 - 2006Sivan is the adamic Sabbath month). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.

Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they failed the test over the 2NCs just as we failed it over the 1NCs). 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month..
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the 1NCs). They are appointed over angels before they are appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham).
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic 1ACs and non adamic Abraham and Cainian 1ACs (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2012Ab15 to 2019Ab15 during this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended before the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. But the presence restarted during the Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic, But do not become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed as a true church before Zoar because it has rulership over the 1NCs, whose collection is more urgent than the 2NCs (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for 2NC appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The adamic LWs had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic 1ACs on that day ( as a non adamic church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the 1ACs on 2012Tammuz16 because that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic 1ACs and over non adamic Abraham and over cainian 1ACs - all flavours of Abraham basically. So Zoar did not become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic. YES
Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U3181NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).

2012Heshvan2/Shebat21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month and most 2NCs were still adamic.
Abrahamic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (2012Tebbeth is a Sabbath month which does not stop appointments/installations to feed). 
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the 3rd post original ARC lease Jubilee. . 
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is a Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev2/Adar21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs. 
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Shebat2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3˝x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2019Ab1: Laodicea is reaccepted as a true church, 36 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul7, the start of the 3EC for 1NCs, then 2019Elul10 is the restart of the 2nd presence (the baptism of the 2nd 1NC), after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it (as could 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs) due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. AND due to the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and due to the one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Ab27: Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the 1ACs (as a true church), 9˝ months of the starting bank before 2020Sivan12, their theft of the 4EC baptism. The descended Charles Russell, visits them on the first Sabbath of Reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3˝ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3 and 2020Iyyar16 being taken for the installation to rule 1NCs. A church can be appointed/installed to feed one group on the same day as to rule another. But it cannot be appointed/installed to rule two different groups on the same day.
2020Tammuz19/Elul8: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.

The 3rd Holy Spirit is not appointed/installed over 2NCs. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Abraham in Zoar at the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost. This is 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22 - see U902.
2026Tishri16/Chislev5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Isaac in Zoar at the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. OK because installing the Holy Spirit over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred burden). 
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.


1886TiHeshvan2: FDS3 appointed to feed HLCs (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1886Chislev21: FDS3 installed to feed HLC
1890Nisan22: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs
1890Sivan11: FDS3 installed to rule over HLCs (in order that the 100 year Asher HLC proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Tishri2: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs
1901Heshvan21: FDS3 installed to feed 1NCs
1905Iyyar22: FDS3 appointed to rule over 1NCs
1905Tammuz11: FDS3 installed to rule over 1NCs
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. 1AC Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Zoar Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901TIshri2/Heshvan21 their first appointment.
1999Tishri2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the adamic Jubilee month which does not prevent an appointment/installation since it is not a Sabbath)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? NOPE.
2003Chislev2/Adar21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. Also one cannot sow seed in a Jubilee. So a church cannot be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Tammuz14, the death of cainian Laodiceans durign their Abrahamic conversion, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: Watchtower fell as a true church.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.
2008Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2008Chislev21+40+40=2008Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Ab1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2024Chislev10, late Babylonian LRC Passover entry day. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - see U271-11#38.
2009Iyyar21/Tammuz10: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they all died to Adam/Cain on 2012Sivan14/Tammuz14 and so did not finish their testing)..
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the 1NCs). They are appointed over angels before they are appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham).
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic 1ACs and non adamic Abraham and Cainian 1ACs (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2012Ab15 to 2019Ab15 during this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended before the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. But the presence restarted during the Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic, But do not become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed as a true church before Zoar because it has rulership over the 1NCs, whose collection is more urgent than the 2NCs (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for 2NC appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The adamic LWs had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic 1ACs on that day ( as a non adamic church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the 1ACs on 2012Tammuz16 because that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic 1ACs and over non adamic Abraham and over cainian 1ACs - all flavours of Abraham basically. So Zoar did not become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic. YES
Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U3181NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).

2012Heshvan2/Shebat21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month and most 2NCs were still adamic.
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the 3rd post original ARC lease Jubilee. . 
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is a Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev2/Tebbeth21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs. 
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Shebat2/2017Nisan21 Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath and 2017Iyyar was an Isaaic Sabbath..
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3˝x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2017Elul30: Laodicea is reaccepted, 700 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul10, the restart of the 2nd presence, after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it and 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. We also deduce this from the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and from one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Adar11: The near bank of Reverted Laodicea begins by someone joining the church and runs for 90˝ days (a month, months + ˝ day, a time times and a half) to 2020Sivan12, the theft of the 4EC baptism 
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3˝ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3.
2020Tammuz19/Elul8: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.

The 3rd Holy Spirit is not appointed/installed over 2NCs. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Abraham in Zoar at the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost. This is 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22 - see U902.
2026Tishri16/Chislev5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Isaac in Zoar at the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. OK because installing the Holy Spirit over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred burden). 
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.


1886Heshvan2: FDS3 appointed to feed HLCs
1886Chislev21: FDS3 installed to feed HLCs
1890Nisan22: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs
1890Sivan11: FDS3 installed to rule over HLCs
1901Tishri2: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs
1901Heshvan21: FDS3 installed to feed 1NCs
1905Iyyar22: FDS3 appointed to rule over 1NCs
1905Tammuz11: FDS3 installed to rule over 1NCs
1995Adar16/Iyyar5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church.
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901TIshri2/Heshvan21 their first appointment.
1999Tishri2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the adamic Jubilee month which does not prevent an appointment/installation since it is not a Sabbath)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure?
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month not a Sabbath month, 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! So one can be installed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: Watchtower fell as a true church.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.
2008Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2008Chislev21+40+40=2008Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Ab1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2024Chislev10, late Babylonian LRC Passover entry day. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - see U271-11#38.
2009Iyyar21/Tammuz10: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they all died to Adam/Cain on 2012Sivan14/Tammuz14 and so did not finish their testing)..
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The LWs had to fall on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16 and so could be reappointed over Abraham on that day as a non adamic church. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic and joined non adamic Abrahamic Zoar. YES
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin). Jesus has to wait until Cain becomes Abrahamic before he can appoint Abrahamic Laodicea or they would die to Cain after their appointment and have to be reappointed. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot was free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham).
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2012Ab15 to 2019Ab15 during this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended before the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. But the presence restarted during the Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic, But do not become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is senior to Abrahamic Zoar in age, since it is appointed first over the 1NCs. But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for the 2NC, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Ab22/Tishri11: Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U3181NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost (delayed by Laodicea and the the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). NOPE
2012Heshvan2/Chislev21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month and most 2NCs were still adamic.
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release.
2016Ab16/Tishri5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 
2016Elul: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2016Elul1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Tebbeth10.
2016Elul16/Heshvan5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is a Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev2/Tebbeth21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs. 2016Tishri is an Abrahamic Sabbath month (Some LW 2NCs were Abrahamic due to the LW Exedenic Times which restricted the 4EC to giving an Abrahamic blessing rather than an Isaaic one from 2016Tishri15-2023Tishri15). 2016Adar is an Isaaic Sabbath month. 
2016Shebat2/Adar21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' rather than 'headed'.
2017Iyyar2/Sivan21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath and 2017Nisan was an Isaaic Sabbath..
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3˝x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2017Elul30: Laodicea is reaccepted, 700 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul10, the restart of the 2nd presence, after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it and 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. We also deduce this from the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and from one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Adar11: The near bank of Reverted Laodicea begins by someone joining the church and runs for 90˝ days (a month, months + ˝ day, a time times and a half) to 2020Sivan12, the theft of the 4EC baptism 
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
2020Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3˝ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3.
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.

The 3rd Holy Spirit is not appointed/installed over 2NCs. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Ab16/Tishri5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Isaac in Zoar at the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. OK because installing the Holy Spirit over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred burden). This is 2352 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Nisan17 - see U902.
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Abraham in Zoar at the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Heshvan, 2024Tebbeth, 2028Adar are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.