Fundamental Lords' Witnesses Church Doctrine

Please give each doctrine a heading!!! (editor)

We are a protestant Christian church. Our basic doctrine is presented below...

To compare LW doctrine with the doctrines of the Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Adventists click here...

[-2] The pre-universe, pre-big bang angels lived in Archeden, a heavenly Eden, under one simple law of obedience as was the antitypical Garden of Eden. The angels eventually broke that law, being disobedient, just as Adam was in Eden. This sin was the exact equivalent of an infant being deliberately naughty for the first time. In that sense it was not a condemnation of the angels themselves, it was rather an indication that the angels were ready to attend righteousness school and to leave the nursery of Archeden. In fact the same was true of Adam's sin.

We do not think that Lucifer sinned in Archeden, because he was perfect in all his ways until unrighteousness was found in him and he was a manslayer when he began. 
15 You were faultless in your ways from the day of your being created until unrighteousness was found in you (Ezekiel 28). 

44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie] (John 8). 

The sin in Archeden, before the he Big Bang, showed that the angels of Archeden were ready to learn Good and Bad from God's Law, and Adam's sin showed that he and his wife were ready for the same lesson. The tree of knowledge of Good and Bad was merely a trigger which revealed the time when Adam and Eve were ready to begin to learn about God's righteousness  - so as to be able to distinguish Good from Bad. 

At the end of Archeden the first holy spirit covenant was made which covenant was mediated by Lucifer (who was later to become Satan). Lucifer, like Jesus, would have ministered to the angels and evangelised the 1HSC to them. The blessing of the 1HSC was Tartarus exemption. Tartarus was the first death for angels. Satan was the mediator of the 1HSC. But then every mediator needs a validation sacrifice. God is not a hypocrite. He does not ask his firstborn son to die for all creation if he is not prepared to do the exact same thing himself. And Jesus only does what he beholds his father doing (John5 - below). So God, in Angeliah (the name we give the body he entered into in order to father the angels), ransomed Lucifer with a Tartarus exempt angelic body. Giving that body to Lucifer put Jehovah in Tartarus presumably for 3 days. So Jehovah entered into the first death for angels - by choice. He must have resurrected himself from that death or perhaps he relied upon the love of Lucifer at that time? We do not know how he did this. We do not need to know how he did this at present, because he is God and can do anything he wants without humans needing to understand it. For more on this see U264a.

Returning to God's sacrifice. We now see that God's angelic ransom was the archetype for all religion that followed and for Christianity in particular. This is why Jesus said...

19 Therefore, in answer, Jesus went on to say to them: Most truly I say to you, The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing. For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner.
20 For the Father has affection for the Son and shows him all the things he himself does, and he will show him works greater than these, in order that you may marvel.
21 For just as the Father raises the dead up and makes them alive, so the Son also makes those alive whom he wants to [therefore they both must have given their soul as a ransom] (John5).

[-1] Here is the whole plan of God, both for the angels and for the humans...

Nursery Law Freedom
Infant Child Adult
Eden Law of Moses  Christianity 
Archeden 1HSC of Lucifer 2HSC of Michael

1HSC is the First Holy Spirit Covenant. 2HSC is the Second Holy Spirit Covenant. Lucifer became Satan and broke the 1HSC when he committed adultery with Eve in God's body (he being married to God) and then murdered Eve, and then conspired with Eve to murder Adam. These were capital sins for Satan. This ended his mediation of the 1HSC, which ended the covenant when ended God's marriage to his first wife. The first and second holy spirits are God's first and second wives - for more on this see U14a. God views the entire angelic race or the entire human race as one person. So just as the infant has no law other than don't be naughty and just as the child has strict law not open to interpretation by him (such as do not cross the road, eat your sprouts etc.) and just as the adult has a freedom to interpret laws from their principles, so God raised the entire human and angelic races in the same manner that every parent raises his children.

[0] The original versions of all scripture (which are lost presently) were inspired by God and written by men, all of whom were sons of Jacob. It was perfect for the job of teaching mankind sustainable morality, the laws we need which prevent us from destroying ourselves. The copies we have today are not perfect, but are good enough for God's purpose at this time. The Old Testament is the story of an angry God rescuing his youngest children (mankind) from his errant angelic son (Satan) who had kidnapped them and held them to ransom. The Gospels are the story of that ransom paid by Jesus, and of the love and righteousness which together form the morality of God and of his son, Jesus Christ, who was found to be without sin throughout his entire ministry. The rest of the New Testament is the story of the early Christian Church - see Intro4.

[1] The Bible is a deliberately ambiguous and a deliberately fragmented book. This is not a result of the negligence of a God who could not arrange to record facts in a coherent order or express himself in an unambiguous way. It is the mechanism by which God reveals the truth only to those who love him enough to put the jigsaw together and to work through the ambiguity. The ambiguity and fragmentation enables an unscrupulous or lazy reader to draw the conclusion he wants. And many a church was set up on such incorrect conclusions. This is why one must keep on searching, knocking and asking one's whole life...

7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.
8 For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened (Matthew 7).

12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).

Getting the correct bible interpretation is not a 5 second sprint. It is a life long marathon. Only when you have harmonized every scripture on a subject do you have God's view. Only when you have addressed every possible ambiguity and eliminated them all except one, from logic or from other scriptures, do you have the true meaning of the scripture you are considering. It is hard. It is set at the limit of our intelligence. But it is not set beyond that limit. And the holy spirit will guide you to the truth not if you ask, but if you keep on asking in sincerity, not for your glory, but for the glory of God, which is love. The LW position is that God is more intelligent than us. His book is the ultimate academic treatise and when we think we see a mistake in the holy word of God, what we are seeing is a mistake in our grasp of that word. We do not find any mistakes that God has made. He will find every mistake that we have made - see Code.

[2] God is not a trinity. He is an individual spirit being called Jehovah or Yahweh, Jehovah, Yihooveh (no one today quite knows how to pronounce his name). He created the angels, the universe and mankind. The trinity is a 3rd century logical mind trick. It is a brainwash-o-meter. If you accept that 3 equals 1 and are prepared to deny the existence of the number 2, then the Catholic church wants you, because you will serve them blindly. You will give them your money, your children, your possessions, whatever they ask for. If you will not accept the abolition of the number 2, then they do not want you because you will see through their other power games and cause them problems. See George Orwell's 1984 or Gul Madred and Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Next Generation (Season 6, Episode 11, Chain of command II) for the 20th century versions of this mind game - see intro39.

[3] God invented Love and God defines Love. Hence the scripture says: God is Love.

8 He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love (1 John 4)..
16 And we ourselves have come to know and have believed the love that God has in our case. God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him (1 John 4).

If you study the understandings of this church you will see the unbreakable eternal love that God has for all of his children, for every human being who ever lived, for every angel ever born, including Satan himself. You will see what perfect love is. You will not see any Lords' Witnesses demonstrate this kind of love very often, for we are as bad as the next guy. But at least you will see man's potential, our capability for love, and you will see our and your own future. You have free will, yes but no sin is sustainable, so you will one day have perfect love and on that day you will have stopped sinning. You choose when that day is. And it may be a very long way away. But God will teach you and discipline you and love you until the day that you become a true child of his, a person with the kind of love that he already has, a God like him. Do not think that greatest expressions of love are confined to true Christians. They are not. CNN recently (May 2007) described how a US soldier saw a grenade having been thrown into his humvee. He could have jumped out of the vehicle since he was sitting on the turret. But instead he chose quietly to lower his body over the grenade. He saved the lives of his 4 friends in that vehicle. Had he attempted to throw it out of the vehicle he might have saved himself too but there would have been a time period whilst he was picking the thing up and raising it out of the vehicle, when all 5 could have been killed. That is perfect love. There is no freedom without sacrifice and that soldier will get a lot more from God than the posthumous medal his family received from George Bush, for Jesus said...

13 No one has a greater love than this, that he should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends (John 15).

That soldier, and many others, not by their words, or by their profession, but by their actions, make themselves into disciples of Jesus Christ and sons of God.

[4] Jesus was God's son in the following senses. A human embryo that became the boy called Immanuel (by his mother - for God was with her and Immanuel means God is with us) whom we call Jesus, was implanted in the Virgin Mary by the angel Gabriel. This boy debated with the Pharisees aged 12 and was baptised by John aged 30. At his baptism in the Jordan, the spirit, the character of Immanuel, was transferred into an angel. Immanuel was raptured. And the angel Michael came down and possessed Jesus' human body.  This angelic possession was symbolised by the dove coming down and remaining on the head of the body. So Jesus from his baptism to his death was the angel Michael in the human body of the immaculately conceived Immanuel. 

5 Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, 
6 who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
7 No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men.
8 More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on torture stake (Philippians 2).

23 From the offspring of this [man] according to his promise God has brought to Israel a savior, Jesus,
24 after John, in advance of the entry of that One [Jesus], had preached publicly to all the people of Israel baptism [in symbol] of
repentance (Acts 13).

So Michael emptied himself from his angelic form and entered into Jesus after John had started preaching.

Immanuel was God's son because he directly created him. Michael, being an angel, was also God's son. Jesus was God's only begotten son in the sense that Michael was the only angel with everlasting life (permanent son) at the time he possessed Jesus. And because it was agreed that he would become a God after his sacrifice and ransoms. So he was constructively a God - see intro16. 

[5] Michael was given everlasting life NOT when he agreed to ransom Adam at the time of his sin, but as engagement present after Michael negotiated the firstborn angelic rights with Satan in return for Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14. Michael then had authority to reform the first Holy Spirit which was headed up by one of Satan's first generation angelic sons presumably (one of the apostles of the first Holy Spirit). It appears that the original first Holy Spirit had 9 apostles (from the 9 stones of Ezekiel28) but the reformed version had 12 (from the 24 elders of Revelation4 - two different Holy Spirits of them). He also had authority to form a second Holy Spirit, the blessing of which was not a get out of Tartarus free card, but rather everlasting angelic life - see U17. Michael's everlasting life was a bridal gift from God to him for the 2nd Holy Spirit marriage. It is the blessing of the 2nd Holy Spirit - see U33.

[6] Michael, whom all Christians refer to as Jesus, was given the name above every name which name is Jehovah, at his resurrection. Having God's name as your surname, is having his status. So Jesus became a God to be worshipped like his father when he was resurrected. The reason God elevated him in this way is firstly that we are all sons of God and therefore will all one day be so elevated since like begets like, and is secondly that Jesus by his righteousness, his love and his suffering carried God's reputation on his back and his actions confirmed God's divinity. Had he failed, then God's divinity would have been denied. Therefore God was right to give his divine status to Jesus as a gift, since he had carried it successfully as a burden. So after his resurrection Jesus became the only begotten God of John 1:18, in the bosom position of his father, who is the only unbegotten God - see intro26.

[7] Today, the LWs worship the two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus (Michael). We refer to our second God as Jesus or Michael interchangeably. We are the only church which recognises the divinity of Jesus without having him as a part of Jehovah or of an illogically defined trinity. So we are the only church that recognises Jesus as an individual God in his own right. Therefore we say Gods' Bless and we are the Lords' Witnesses, being witnesses for two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus. We can pray to Jehovah or to Jesus or to both of them. Simply put every Christian church in the entire world worships either one God (unitarian) or three Gods (trinitarian). But as is the way of religion, they are all wrong. There are two Gods that we should be worshipping! See Intro26.

[8] Satan was the first angel that God created, the firstborn angel of God, the firstborn son of Jehovah. He was originally called Lucifer (light carrier, light bearer, light bringer), before he started opposing God (Satan means adversary or opposer). God created all angels and all humans with free will. And that made it inevitable that all of us would rebel and break his laws at some point early on in our lives as Adam did. No free willed being has never sinned except Jehovah. Presumably Jehovah conquered sin in his mind before he created any other free willed beings and defined righteousness for them. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Michael and Gabriel were later born angels - see intro19.

[9] Angels are male and female just as humans are. Sex is a tutor to love and all God's children are male and female until they have perfect love, at which point they become Gods to be worshipped, who are asexual since they no longer need that tutor. Angels do not reproduce sexually. They reproduce in a manner similar to the immaculate conception of Jesus - see intro5.

[10]. Our characters, our spirits from God, our software, our self writing operating systems, have gender. We have male and female software/characters and male and female brains which are quite different as life experience demonstrates. A sex change operation changes neither the software nor the hardware upon which it runs. It merely changes the peripherals. So anyone who has had the operation is still in fact his or her original sex as regards their spirit, their software, and as regards their brain hardware - see joining37.

[11]  The Holy Spirit, is God's heavenly administration, heavenly Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above. It is 144,000 angels covenanted to God as his helper to rule over the heavens and the earth. It is his wife, and our mother as Paul would say. It is all the holy spirits in the holy spirit covenant. So Jehovah, the Holy Spirit and Jesus are Father, Mother and Son. You have now met the family. The family unit is how God runs everything - see intro11. 

[12] Adam and Eve were real human beings a man and a woman - see intro6. They were the first human beings who were able to reproduce sexually. But they were not the first human beings. Pre-adamic man who existed before Adam and Eve reproduced asexually as the angels do. Adam and Eve put mankind into mass production, which we call reproduction in the context of procreation. The fossil record shows the existence of pre-adamic man. This is undeniable. But no pre-adamic lived longer than 50 years. That is an archaeological finding and is also provable from the scriptures. Furthermore there is archaeological evidence that pre-adamics did not link sex to pregnancy. Pre-adamics were sexually active but did not reproduce by that means - see intro5. This understanding reconciles archaeology and the fossil record with Genesis1 which says...

26 And God went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. (Genesis 1 NWT)
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1 NWT)

So man, or mankind, actually preadamic man, was created in the image of a plurality of heavenly beings, in fact in the image of God and of his wife, the 1st Holy Spirit. Whereas 'the man' or Adam, or mark2 man, was created in the image of God alone, being a direct son of God, an image of God rather than an image of an image of God, which pre adamic man was. Adam was more intelligent than he predecessors, just as God is more intelligent than the angles of the first Holy Spirit. Prior to Adam's arrival all that mankind had managed was to domesticate the sheep and paint a few caves. After Adam we invented the wheel, invented writing, built cities and fought wars etc. Adam was an explosion of activity. He was the change from being pre historic to being historic, in the sense that he recorded his activities.

[13] Every person angelic or human or divine, has a spirit which is the character of that person, and is software. In fact it is a self writing operating system. Every person has a body, which is hardware and is either human or angelic or divine. The spirit and the body together are called a living soul or just a soul. A soul must be self sustaining. A dead soul is a dead body without a spirit. The spirit never dies in any child of God, human or angelic or divine. That is the love of God for his kids - see intro9.

[14] A foetus becomes a human being, a living soul, between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy after the last period. That is the 18th to 20th week after conception, which puts us around the midst of the gestation period. Once a foetus has gained the spirit of life from God (which is a software download essentially), then it has an immortal spirit and even if the mother chooses to kill it, that baby will be resurrected by God and stare into the face of its mother. And God will hold the mother and the doctor to account even if lobby groups prevent democratically elected governments from so doing. Women are not the only people with rights in a family. Fathers have rights and foetuses have rights after the 20th-22nd week - see intro41.

[15] A human being is born again when he is given an angelic body or a non adamic human body. This can occur without him realising it and whilst he is still in his human body. Or it can occur when he is resurrected from physical death. When a human is baptised in holy spirit, spirit sanctified, becomes a saint, he gains an angelic body - see intro12.

[16] Adam was born by immaculate conception to pre-adamic parents as Jesus was born by immaculate conception to Jewish parents. Adam was born again aged 30. Immanuel was born again when he was baptised aged 30, becoming an angel. Eve was created by God's baptism of a pre-adamic woman whom he chose for Adam - see intro6.

[17] Satan, being the firstborn angel, had the rights of the firstborn. God initially did everything through Satan. God created the whole physical universe through him as chief executive, and Satan was the head of the first holy spirit. When Satan enticed Eve to sin by offering her the status of a God and showed Eve how to use Adam's sexual desire to entice Adam to sin, Satan lost his firstborn rights and the first holy spirit was temporarily disbanded. It was reformed after Michael negotiated those rights from Satan in return for a 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam. Adam's sin opened mankind up to knowledge of both good and bad. The school in which we have learned about these things is called 'the world' in biblical terminology. The world began with Adam's sin and was ruled by Satan for 6,000 years from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14. 

31 Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out (John 12).

8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,
9 and he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me (Matthew 4).

Satan in the heavenly headmaster of this world. But God owns the school. The headmaster following Satan, is Jesus. When the kindergarten of Satan ends, those who pass the entrance exam of faith, will enter into the grammar school, the grade school, of Jesus, which is the kingdom of God 

[18] All mankind has been judicially dead (needing to be born again), we are subject to the death sentence passed upon Adam due to his sin. This is why we age and die. We all exist by virtue of the stay of execution that God granted Adam. This type of death, adamic death, is passed on to our children entirely and exclusively through our genes. Were mankind as a race to conquer ageing and gain indefinite life by our own research, we would have outsmarted God. So when Jesus said: Let the dead bury their dead (Luke 9:60), he meant let the judicially dead bury their physically dead. When one is born again, one is no longer judicially dead, because one's new life is not subject to the adamic death sentence. This applies to being born again in the flesh non adamically or to being born again as an angel - see intro12.

[19] We all think that sexual reproduction and marriage are the natural way to procreate, but they are not. Mankind is judicially dead for the most part, condemned by one sentence passed on Adam which applies to all of his children. And male female marriage is an institution for the dead which exists to protect the rights of a child to have two parents a man and a woman. Never before in the history of life has God permitted his children to reproduce without his direct permission. Mankind are permitted to create life for God, without a case by case consent, because we are dead and our children our dead. We are in fact creating proto-life if you like. The institution of marriage is God's regulation for the procreation of the dead. When you have everlasting life, marriage is not such a good idea! - see intro5.

[20] When Jesus was killed, his human body ransomed Adam's human body and his angelic body ransomed Adam angelically. Since Jesus died as an angel with everlasting life, he gave Adam everlasting life directly. So today, any human can gain everlasting life due to Jesus' angelic sacrifice and through Adam. In fact there is a covenant between God and Jesus which we call the Angelic Ransom Covenant and an inferior covenant between Jesus and Adam which we call the Angelic Blessing Covenant. Sons of Adam by this covenant have angelic everlasting life - see intro28.

[21] When Jesus was resurrected he was given the firstborn angel's rights that Satan had lost. Then he became the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15). He then became the head of the second holy spirit. God's second wife at the marriage on 33Nisan16. Jesus fixed the holy spirit as well as the adamic sin down here. This is why Jesus promised to send the helper, the comforter, in the Gospel of John, after he died.

7 Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth, It is for your benefit I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper will by no
means come to you; but if I do go my way, I will send him to you (John 16) see U41a.

[22] Hades, the first death, is the death of the human body. There are 3 stages to adamic death.

Stage1: Clinical death. Fall asleep as one does every night, golden cord between the human soul and the subconscious angelic server of nightly sleep is still attached - Jairus' daughter
Stage2a: Golden chord between human body and angelic nightly sleep server is cut. This is being in the Gates of Hades - the last step before official death - David.
Stage2b: Transfer of spirit from angelic nightly sleep server to a Hades shared angelic server through the silver cord - Widow of Nain's son. When this transfer is completed then you are officially dead, in Hades.
Stage3: Silver cord is removed and one is asleep in Hades angelic server - Lazarus.

When you die physically you are conscious of nothing. But your spirit continues to dream throughout the entire period of your death. In fact you create a virtual reality in your mind when God's construct of the 3D physical world is no longer available to your mind. When you awake from the first death you do not remember years of dreaming, you just remember the very last moments of your dream just as you would when waking up from an 8 hour sleep or a 2 hour anaesthetic - see U914.

[23] Gehenna, the second death, Hell, is the loss of one's angelic body (whether one was alive in it as an angel or sleeping in a shared angel in the first death). Gehenna is a place of self torment, but not a place of physical torture. Those in Gehenna share a soul with many other inmates. They have access to this angelic soul on a time share basis. Hence they have eyes which cannot see and ears which cannot hear etc. They do not have their own soul.

28 And do not become fearful of those who kill the [human] body [in the first death] but cannot kill the soul [in the second death] [the non human body - the angelic body to which your spirit goes when the human body is killed becoming an angelic soul = angelic body + spirit]; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul [your present body + spirit combo] and body [your secondary body] in Gehenna (Matthew 10:28)  - see intro14.

Soul = Spirit + Non Shared Body
Living Being = Software + Hardware
Being alive is possessing a non shared body which is being a soul.
1st Dead Being = Spirit sleeping in sleeping non shared dedicated angelic body which you own but cannot wake up in until your are born again.
2nd Dead Being =  Spirit awake in shared Angelic body (not owned)

Humans can kill human souls and send them into the first death for The law of Moses required soul for soul (Exodus 21:23 Leviticus 24:18). But they cannot kill 'the soul' because your spirit has a second body, which is not destroyable by humans. So it goes into your second body and that becomes your new soul.  

Jesus did not say, fear him who can destroy the spirit in Gehenna. Gehenna preserves the spirit but kills the soul, whether angelic or fleshly. The soul here is the associated angelic body and the body is the human body. So Hell or Gehenna is a soul-less consciousness. Truly it is a non physical prison for disembodied spirits. When the unrighteous die, they enter the first death which is non consciousness as they sleep in an angelic body that they do not own. Then they are resurrected into Gehenna as a soul-less spirit This is the second death. Hades appears to cover both, it basically means dead or in the grave.

4 Next he said to them: "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do a good deed or to do a bad deed, to save or to kill a soul?"­­ But they kept silent (Mark 3). 

Man can kill a soul, he can kill a human soul, but he cannot kill the soul, which means all types of soul including the angelic soul. A soul in the sense of Mark 3 is a human soul, a human body, the human vehicle for the spirit. The soul in the sense of Matthew 10:28 is your angelic soul, the angelic vehicle for your spirit. There are two different souls being talked about in Matthew 10 and Mark 3, and these two correspond with the two nostrils of Adam into which God blew his spirit of LIVES (plural), and the spirit entered into his two lungs, two receptacles for God's spirit. The human soul can be killed, the angelic soul which is in fact a sleeping angel, can also be killed. But the spirit cannot be killed because it is in the image of God. Luke explains it even more clearly...

4 Moreover, I say to you, my friends, Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more.
5 But I will indicate to you whom to fear: Fear him who after killing [1st death] has authority to throw into Gehenna [2nd death]. Yes, I tell you, fear this One. (Luke 12 NWT)

[24] God will save everyone eventually, even Satan. For the good book says...

9 [The] Lord is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance (2 Peter 3).

10 the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, 'My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do' (Isaiah 46).

So if he does everything he wants, and if he wants everyone to repent, then we will all repent and therefore be saved...

21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man.
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15).

We will all become his born again sons, he will eventually give us all everlasting life once we have learned the rules of sustainable morality without which everlasting life is impossible. The greatest lesson that the angels and humans will ever get which proves categorically that sin is unsustainable is the nuclear war of the Great Tribulation, the self annihilation of mankind. God is going to permit us to near as damn it destroy ourselves in order teach us once and for all that sin is eventually terminal for any group of free willed beings.  


At the Great Tribulation, time runs out. Unless those days were cut short not all [chosen] flesh would be saved. WW3 is the lesson in war that mankind needs in order finally to grasp the futility of that unrighteous conflict resolution mechanism - see intro14.

[25] Jesus made the first new covenant at the last supper on Thursday night March 31st 33 AD (Gregorian/true solar). This covenant is for 144,000 people to be angelic kings ruling over the 1,000 year kingdom of God and for 12,000 reserve kings to take the places of those who abdicate or who sin so as to lose their crowns. These kings include Peter, and John and the apostles (not Judas Iscariot). They form the new holy spirit of Jesus, Jesus' wife, his body (he being their head), in the kingdom of God. They are the 3rd Holy spirit, the 3rd heaven that Paul saw in vision - see intro31.

[26] End Time Chronology. See U271-11.

[27] You do not have to become a Lords' Witness whilst this church is run by 2NCs in order to be saved. Neither do you have to become an LW, after we hand over the Abrahamic part of the church to the 3rd Holy Spirit on 2026Heshvan5 and the Isaaic part on 2026Chislevr5 (giving a church to the Holy spirit is NOT work. It is a release from work!). Zoar ends on 2031Nisan5, after the 12th crop of Revelation22 on 2029Heshvan14-16. It is followed by the last chance saloon entry from 2031Nisan5 to 2033Iyyar14 which houses the last week of OMC entry of Daniel9:27 from 2033Nisan3/4-10 for Adam and 2033Iyyar3/4-10 for Cain. All those who enter and do not get thrown out are Passover executed on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st/late 1st death Passovers for Adam/Cain and resurrected on 2033Nisan17/Iyyar22, 1NC/2nd 1NC first fruits back into the Kingdom of God in the ark or on earth, the next administration of this planet.

So one must enter either Zoar (the LWs) or the last chance saloon, in order to be saved. So it is the case that at the end, one must join one of the two churches run by descended angels. But only at the end and only when they are run by the Holy Spirit, NOT when they are run by men.

You merely need to have faith in God and obey your conscience to a reasonable extent and own up to your mistakes or indeed have love for your fellow man like the good Samaritan so that you pass the love test of Matthew 25 (the sheep and the goats) in order to be saved. You do not need to be a Christian to be saved. Abraham was given the first promise in Genesis 12, the First Abrahamic Covenant, the 1AC, before he got the circumcision and whilst he was outside of any religion. Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians, al other religions and even non religious people will be saved if they have faith in a divine creator or if they have love for their brother and hold to their consciences and are honest about their mistakes - see U902.

[28] Three quarters of mankind enter into the Kingdom of God on earth and the other quarter (of Revelation 6:8) enter into Hell which is a prison. The Kingdom of God lasts for 1,000 years until 3033Nisan14/Iyyar14. The maximum sentence in Hell is also 1,000 years. But the max sentence only applies to those who are unrepentant. Repentant people can get early parole after a minimum sentence of 33½ years. The purpose of Hell is to rehabilitate those who are willing, and to prevent everyone therein from corrupting the Kingdom of God, which is an almost unimaginable paradise where everyone lives for love rather than for status - see U43. They do not worship the high places. They worship the highest one.

[29] The dead of mankind going back to Adam are resurrected in reverse order (the first will be last) during the first 6000/7 = 857 years of the Kingdom of God as time effectively goes backwards at 7x the speed it went forwards. So every faithful son and daughter has a chance to welcome his or her faithful parents into the Kingdom of God. We can thereby repay our parents for their love and introduce them to the next system in the way that they introduced us to this one. The unrighteous from the past are resurrected into Gehenna (Hell) - see U102.

[30] A baptism is a cleansing for entrance into a salvation covenant. It is a washing in the blood of the mediator of that covenant. The mediator of a covenant is himself washed in the blood of the validation sacrifice of that covenant - see intro32. 

[31] There are 3 salvation baptism tests available to mankind. A baptism by men or angels due to faith into the First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12, a baptism by men in water into a true church, and a baptism by men or angels in holy spirit, a sanctification, which is one way of being born again. Those who pass the baptism test of faith, which is obeying the law of their conscience and repenting when they break that law, are sealed in the flesh by the angels and will be citizens in the Kingdom of God on earth. Those who pass the water baptism test of a true church, which is obeying the law of the church and repenting when they break that law, are sealed in the flesh as priests by the angels and will be priests in the Kingdom of God on earth. Those who pass the spirit baptism test of the sons of God, which is keeping faith whilst finding the true church and then passing their water baptism test, are sealed in the spirit by the angels which means they are granted everlasting life and they have the right to be both angels and humans in the Kingdom of God and thereafter for ever. They become Kings or Lords (administrators) in the Kingdom of God. They are effectively the public sector of that Kingdom - see intro33.

[32] Women cannot be priests and give birth spiritually by baptism, just as men cannot give birth physically by getting pregnant. Women should have authority in a church just as the wife has authority in the family over the children but not over the husband. Every church in this world is a single parent family. The Lords' Witnesses understand that we should be a two parent family. The whole church should be divided into spiritual family groups of at most 10 people with a male ministerial servant as the head of that group, his immediate spiritual family, and a female ministerial servant as his 'pastoral wife', looking after those 10 people with authority over them but in submission to her spiritual husband. Many people in a church find it easier to speak to a woman about their problems than a man, just as a child might confide in a mother rather than a father.  The female ministerial servant and the male ministerial servant are married in a sense. One cannot have a pastoral wife and a different physical wife because ministerial servants cannot be a husband of more than one wife. So we shall not manufacture family conflicts with pastoral wives.

12 Let ministerial servants be husbands of one wife, presiding in a fine manner over children and their own households. (1 Timothy 3 NWT) - see U18.

[33] The Jews had a large number of covenants given to Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Jacob had 4 wives, Isaac had one wife, Abraham had Sarah as a wife, and Hagar as a concubine and Keturah as a wife/concubine. All of these women foreshadow salvation covenants. So yes, there is more than one Christian covenant. In particular there is a second new covenant for 144,000 people to be kings not in heaven but on earth. These 144,000 earthly kings will be in 1 to 1 correspondence with the 144,000 heavenly kings in the kingdom of God. the 2NCs are the angelic sons of the 1NCs and the 1NCs become the 4EC sons of the 2NCs in 2NC Zoar. The Lords' Witnesses are the church of the second new covenant - see intro35.

[34] Jesus is present when two or more water baptised first new covenant saints (1NCs) exist on the earth. For these ones are promised in marriage to Jesus, and so are one flesh with him. And Jesus himself said...

20 For where there are 2 or 3 gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18 NWT)

There are two presences of the Christ, each lasting 120 years. Both have small gaps within them - see intro45.

[35] There have been 4 true Christian churches in total  - see intro46. The first true Christian church set up by Jesus himself during his ministry with Peter as the first president was corrupted by the Roman empire from the first Pope, St. Linus in 67 AD onwards. It became the Roman Catholic Church which is the 7 headed beast of Revelation 17 in the meaning for that time. The Roman Catholic church fell as a true church on 84Nisan14 during the papacy of the 2nd Pope, St. Anacletus. The Harlot riding that beast, holding the golden cup, was the First New Covenant Saints in the first century. The golden cup is the cup of the first new covenant. 

Yes, even Peter rode that beast. But he repented and left the Roman Catholic church and joined the second true Christian church founded by the apostle Paul. The conflict between the second true Christian church and the corrupt Roman Catholic church is the reason why there are no copies of the Greek New Testament dating to before the council of Nicea in 325 AD, and why there is no first century or second century or third century interpretation of Revelation left in existence. Revelation was correctly interpreted at that time to show that the Roman Catholic church was corrupt, and that God's people should 'get out of her' and join the church of Paul. But all the literature relating to those interpretations and all the first and second and third century bible scrolls or books, were destroyed by the state sponsored Catholics, just as they burnt John Wycliffe at the stake and killed William Tyndale, who first translated, the bible into English. 

Amusingly expressions have survived down to this day which seem to tell that story. For example: "Robbing Peter to pay Paul" and "Two little dickie birds sitting on the wall, fly away Peter, fly away Paul." A wall in bible symbolism means the law of the church, the barrier to entry and the protection for those inside. And sitting on a wall means presiding over it and birds mean angels. So the interpretation is the born again Peter and the born again Paul both presided over the law of the first true church and they both left that church. And whilst Peter was a Catholic in the fallen first church and Paul was a true Christian in the second church, Paul's evangelizers were effectively robbing Peter to pay Paul. These are secrets hidden for over a thousand years by the Vatican, but written in the bible.  The second true church or gnostic church began in 66Nisan22/Sivan11 when it was appointed/installed to feed the ELC saints - see U42.

In fact, before the printing press etc., when people wanted to preserve information for the next generation, they used to reduce the material into nursery rhymes so that children could easily remember them and the contents could not easily be altered without breaking the rhyme. That is precisely what happened in the case of the two dickie birds. That rhyme was created by the second true Christian church in the face of persecution by the Roman Catholic church which lead to the burning of their material and in particular of all true interpretations of Revelation. It is therefore a fantastic privilege and an honour to be able to decode it today and to tell the story that many righteous men may have died to preserve.

St. Peter and St. Paul, two born again, (angelic) Christian birds, both left their positions of authority in the first true Christian church after it became a false church upon its corruption by Rome. Then joined the second true Christian church. So the Roman Catholic church was corrupt and fell during the lifetime of Peter. And since we also have the expression robbing Peter to pay Paul we know that Peter joined the church founded by Paul. That information is terminal to the Roman Catholic Church. 

The Vatican B manuscript, which is the oldest New Testament codex (resident in the Vatican) does not have the book of Revelation in it. This is presumably because the interpretation of Revelation shows the Catholic church to be a false church and so the early Catholics refused to include it in the bible canon. The Lords' Witnesses are the 4th and final true Christian church of this system of things - see intro46

[36] Lords' Witnesses have the following mandatory festivals

The program for the mandatory festivals of FDS4

Festival Date Late Date Cups before meal Cup during meal Meal Cup after meal Final course
Passover Nisan14 Iyyar14 ARC then LRC 1AC Lamb 1NC Fish
1NC Pentecost Sivan5-11: 1st of Week Tammuz5-11: 3rd of week  None 3EC Clean Bird None None
Zoar Passover Sivan14 Tammuz14 FRC then CRC None Clean Bird None None
Zoar Pentecost Ab5  Elul5 None Non adamic 4EC Clean Bird None None
Rosh Hashana Tishri1 Heshvan1 None None All sacrificial animals None None
Atonement day Tishri10 Heshvan10 None None FAST None None
2NC Celebration Tishri22 Heshvan22 None 2NC Vegetarian None None
2NC Pentecost Heshvan21 Chislev21 None 4EC Clean Bird None None

There is no other work that LWs have to do. They must also obey the law of the church which is a series of don'ts. They do not have to evangelise. They do not have to do research. They do not have to teach. They do not have to do charitable works. They do not have to serve as overseers. But they can choose to serve God howsoever they want with their own free will. Like the good book says: He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as prophets and shepherds and teachers (Ephesians 4:11) - see U209.

[37] The Lords' Witnesses do not have a monopoly on correct bible interpretation. No religion, whether true or false, ever has. The holy spirit can give a true interpretation to anyone with faith who can read. Being a true religion does not mean that you get everything right. The LWs believe passionately in doctrinal repentance. We are the church of 1,000 corrected mistakes, and that is why our interpretations are so good. We do not believe in a church doctrine laid down in stone by founding fathers, and not changed for eons thereafter. Churches who follow the so called apostles creed today are fossilized and dead and therefore false churches. Every Lords' witness is a potential founding father of the church, today and tomorrow, with the opportunity to lay a doctrinal foundation stone or to remove one that should not be there. So we publicly admit doctrinal and chronological and prophetic mistakes. Any church was does not admit mistakes is not a Christian church, because if you follow Christ, you are repentant. Repentance is a principle that does not only apply to individuals, it applies equally to entire administrations or congregations, churches. Jesus said that we must become as little children if we are to enter into the Kingdom of God. Well little children trip up a lot. And they do not try to hide it - see intro37.

[38] It is the purpose of the LW priesthood to empower every member of the congregation to become a one person church. Someone who will serve God faithfully despite the church or in the absence of the church. The hierarchy of loyalty of a true Christian should be God and Jesus, then his conscience, then the law of the church, then the opinion of his church overseer. It is the job of a church to strengthen the relationship between the conscience of each believer and God, not to interpose themselves between the two. Then if for any reason the believer leaves the church he will not lose his relationship with God and will still therefore be saved, amen. So many people when they leave the Roman Catholic Church or the Watchtower or any fundamental church either discard God or discard the bible or discard organised religion. This is because in their mind God is that church. That is the very definition of idolatry. God is not a church. By building the believer's relationship with God, we try to ensure that the believer is immune to church failings!  

[39] The Lords' Witnesses recognise that Status is the real opium of the masses today not Religion. Although religious leaders with high status are still pretty effective opiates! Mankind will readily accept as gospel the opinions of people with high status, such as celebrities or celebutantes or world leaders or leaders of mainstream churches or large media organisations. But status is the drug Satan uses to control us all through a few chosen corrupt leaders. He makes us dependent upon status with elaborate glorification ceremonies and then he only has to corrupt a few people with high status in order to control all of mankind through them. The solution to this problem is to go cold turkey on status. To God, the entire US government has no more status than a starving African mother in a UN refugee camp. Her opinion is just as valid as the entire US government's position. This is why Jesus chose the smelly fishermen of Galilee to carry God's divine wisdom to the perfumed Pharisees of Jerusalem. It is why he chose the Jew from the strictest sect of the Pharisees, Paul, to carry his divine salvation plan to the Gentile emperors of Rome, not the other way around. The higher and more global the status of a person or an individual, the less work Satan has to do to corrupt his admirers. The solution to this, the inoculation against this corruption, is to admire people with great love, rather than people with great status. And to be saved we must pursue love not status. For love is the glory of God, but status is the glory of man. The glory of God leads to life, the glory of man leads to death as we have seen in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Darfur, in Zimbabwe, in Ukraine in inner cities in the West, and in many other lawless places.

[40] The bible contains the minimum set of laws that mankind needs to obey in order to live in a morally sustainable way. By this is meant in a way that does not lead to our self annihilation. If any society of free willed beings continually breaks any one of the 10 commandments or one of the further two laws of Moses that Jesus elevated to the status of a commandment, then it will annihilate itself. Mankind is beginning to learn that we have no future unless we live in an environmentally sustainable way. We are beginning to learn how not to destroy our planet. Christianity is God's attempt to teach us how not to destroy our society and ourselves - see intro30. And see the work of Allan Savory on mimicking nature: 

[41] The LWs have discovered that the bible is written in a symbolic grammatical code. The nouns carry all of the symbolism. The nouns acting as nouns in every individual bible account obey two simple counting rules. This code is the key to understanding the greater meanings of bible account. Even literal stories of Abraham or Jacob or David have greater meanings which apply today. Joseph in Genesis and Daniel and Jesus when he explained the parables of the sower and the weeds in the field, and John in Revelation, help us to see how that code works. The code proves for a fact that the bible is inspired and can be used to determine which books or parts of books are canonical. It is a self checking code. Like some human codes are. The greatest difficulties in bible interpretation are working out whether a scripture is meant literally or symbolically and working out if the words applied back when they were written or today or both. The bible code answers these questions for each scripture. So we know for a fact that Revelation 17 had a meaning for John in the first century wherein the beast was the Roman Catholic church and has a different meaning for us in the 21st century, wherein the beast is the United Nations. We know it from that code. All other churches mix these meanings up! But Daniel was an expert in untying knots!  - see code and see U49.

[42] Faith is not a blind belief in the logically unsupportable or the scripturally unproveable. It is not believing what your church has believed for hundreds of years. Nor is it accepting what your priest says. Paul defines it as

1 Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld (Hebrew 11).

In other words faith is putting confidence and trust in what you see with your mind from the scriptures which you cannot see with your eyes. It is what the bible assures you is true, but for which there is little physical evidence from this world. It is having the courage of your spiritual vision.

[43] The Lord's evening meal. This is the greater Passover celebration of the Jews. Jesus upgraded it at the last supper. The Jews drink 4 cups and eat 3 loaves one of which is cut in two at this meal. The law of Moses required that it was eaten at midnight, the time of night when the Passover angel struck, on Nisan14, in the Biblical Lunar Calendar. This meal should be eaten once a year not twice daily! There are 4 cups that should be drunk, each of which represents a salvation covenant. The first cup, drunk before the meal, is the ARC, the second, drunk with the meal, is the FRC, the third, drunk with the meal, is the 1AC and the 4th, drunk after the meal is the 1NC. The LWs are the only church to have fully Christianized the 4 cups of the Jewish Passover, as Jesus did on the night of the last supper. We recently understood that the cup of the FRC should be drunk at the Zoar Passover on Sivan14, rather than the adamic Passover on Nisan14.

We know that the blood flows round the body. So the wine is passed from one to another amongst 1NC saints only. But the loaf is not passed around, it is given by the priest to each saints individually. The LWs are the only church that understands this. Also a passover meal must be eaten along with the cups and the loaves. This meal does not have to strictly obey the rules of the law of Moses, since Jesus died to end the animal sacrifices of the law and the curse of the law. But ones does have to eat a meal, and lamb with bitter greens and unleavened bread and wine are the obvious choices. 

But tragically, so far, we have not managed to persuade even one 1NC saint ever to partake of this meal with us directly hence the scripture says:

29 But I tell you, I will by no means drink henceforth any of this product of the vine [1AC] until that day when I drink it new with you [plural] in the kingdom of my Father (Matthew 26)
25 Truly I say to you, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine [LRC] until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God (Mark 14)
18 for I tell you, From now on I will not drink again from the product of the vine [ARC] until the kingdom of God arrives (Luke 22).

These 3 prohibitions cannot possibly have applied to the cup of the 1NC or NO Christian church would ever had had a 1NC saint drinking the Lord's evening meal, after 33Nisan14 and so the entirely of Christianity would have been false. The scriptures use 'this product of the vine' for a testing covenant and 'the product of the vine' for a sealing covenant (mediated by Jesus?).

Had a 1NC joined this church before the Kingdom of God, then all 3 out of the 4 cups would have been drunk by Jesus. But the LWs lost that opportunity when they were cut in half as a result of chasing after the wrong goals.

Jesus has now drunk all 4 cups and eaten all 4 loaves with Laodicea at the Watchtower Exodus Passover nights held by Laodicea on 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 and reverted Laodicea on 2020Tammuz14- see U15

[44] Jesus Christianised the Passover, the first festival of the law of Moses, which became the Lord's evening meal. We follow Christ, because we are Christians and his disciples. So we Christianise all the other festivals of the law of Moses. After all poor old Jesus should not only have an evening meal. He should have breakfast and lunch too and perhaps afternoon tea! Each festival under law represents a Christian festival at which one or more salvation covenant cups should be drunk. 

Nisan14: Passover - Lord's evening meal: ARC, LRC, 1AC, 1NC, HLC
Sivan5-11:Mosaic Pentecost -  1NC Pentecost 1EC or 3EC
Ab5: Zoar Pentecost - CRC (not a festival under law)
Tishri1: Rosh Hashana - This represents the first salvation covenant which gave salvation from Tartarus to the angels, the validation sacrifice for that covenant was Jehovah God himself - who is no hypocrite.
Tishri10: Atonement day - a fast for Jews under law and a fast for Christians under the law of the LWs.
Tishri22: The solemn/formal assembly - the 2NC Assembly: 2NC
Heshvan21: The 2NC Pentecost (not a festival under law): 4EC

[45] The Sabbath. The LWs celebrate the weekly Sabbath of the law of Moses on the same day that the Jews celebrate it. That is from Friday sunset to to Saturday sunset. This is both a sacred and a secular Sabbath. It is a God given rest from secular work and spiritual work. However we do not enforce this as a burden, since Jesus taught that God man the Sabbath for man not man for the Sabbath. God did not make the Sabbath for Jacob. He made it for man, who is Adam. And the scripture says...

55 But the women, who had come with him out of [ek] Galilee, followed along and beheld the memorial-tomb [mnhmeion] and how [ws] his body was laid. [ws - can mean like, when or how]
And they went back to prepare spices and perfumed-oils. But, indeed, they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment (Luike 23)

That Sabbath was 33Nisan15, the day after Jesus died, as the final sacrifice of the law of Moses, ending that law forever. The law had ended. But the Sabbath commandment of the 10 commandments was still valid and in force AMEN.

Jesus did not die to end the Sabbath. He died to give us the opportunity to enter the 1,000 year Sabbath of the kingdom of God. Furthermore the Sabbath system of God pre-dated the law of Moses by eons, since it appears in Genesis 1 and 2. So plainly the Sabbath principle is still applicable today. We are not pharisaical about it like the Hassidic Jews however. It is supposed to be a holiday, a rest, not a further burden. It just means you can chill out physically financially and spiritually without feeling guilty at all! The LWs also celebrate a land Sabbath, which is a Sabbath for the administration of the church, on a 50 month cycle rather than a 50 year cycle. This we understand is what the Law of Moses foreshadowed for this time - see joining35.

[46]  Disfellowshipping (excommunication, disconnection). Regrettably, a true church does have to throw out people who commit a capital sin , which is essentially a sin for which under law they would have been stoned. The law of Moses does not apply today, but Paul said that by law is the accurate knowledge of sin. He did not say that by law was the accurate knowledge of sin. So the righteousness of the law is not obsolete, it is timeless. Although the penalties and animal sacrifices no longer apply. The LWs give warnings for non capital sins and give instant disfellowshipping for capital sins such as murder and idolatry and adultery etc. But we do not shun people who have been thrown out. We still talk to them and discuss the scriptures with them and love them, but they cannot come to our meetings for 7 months after having been evicted. After 7 months, if they say that they are repentant, and if there is no immediately available evidence to the contrary, we re-admit them, which normally involves a re-baptism - see joining

[47] The Law of Moses and the 10 commandments. Today we are under the 10 commandments of Moses and 2 more added by Jesus. But we are not under the law of Moses. However Paul said...

20 Therefore by works of law no flesh will be declared righteous before him, for by law is the accurate knowledge of sin (Romans 3).

Jesus died to end the physical restrictions of the law, to end the sacrificial obligations of the law and to end the brutal penalties of the law. But his death did not end or change the perfect judicial principles of God that the law made manifest to mankind through Moses, neither did he end the spiritual restrictions of the law or the sexual restrictions. These things even today give us accurate knowledge of sin. When the apostles were deciding which parts of the law should remain binding upon Gentiles this was their decision...

20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols [maintain spiritual restrictions of the law] and from fornication [maintain sexual restrictions of the law] and from what is strangled [a soul is a breather, strangling is a very serious physical restriction to your soul, so this is meant symbolically and means do not keep the physical restrictions of the law] and from blood [abandon the sacrificial requirements of the law] (Acts 15).

So the spiritual requirements of the law still apply. The sexual requirements of the law still apply. The physical requirements of the law no longer apply today and the sacrificial requirements of the law no longer apply. It is really important to realise that if someone knocks your tooth out today, then yes, under Christian law you can defend yourself if he is still attacking you or might continue the attack. Furthermore if in the process of reasonably defending yourself the attacker gets killed, you are not guilty of murder. But if you go after an attacker for vengeance, and knock his tooth out in vengeance, then you are guilty under the law of the Christ today. Vengeance belongs to God, and do not worry, he is far more effective than you could ever be.

19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says
Jehovah (Romans 12) - see intro30

[48] The Kingdom of God, which Jesus preached, is the next heavenly administration of the earth. It began in heaven on March 23, 2008 (2008Nisan22), when Jesus married the first presence 3rd Holy spirit (the first presence 1NCs). 

The Kingdom of Jesus is first appointed on earth on 2020Tishri20 initially over Adam and installed on 2020Chislev9 under Jesus as Caesar. 

The Kingdom of Jehovah is first appointed on earth on 2033Nisan16 over Abraham and on 2033Iyyar16 over Isaacand installed on 2033Sivan5 over Abraham and 2033Tammuz5 over Isaac

The Kingdom of God is run by God > Jesus > Peter > 144,000 first new covenant kings > 1,440,000 HLC Dukes and 14,400,000 HLC Lords from heaven and Methuselah > Gordon > AOL > 144,000 second new covenant kings > 1,440,000 ELC dukes and 14,400,000 ELC Lords on earth. It is divided up into 144,000 individual kingdoms each of which has the following administrative structure (more or less)...

1NC King
12 HLC Dukes
120 HLC Lords
2NC King over FRCs and over LRCs
12 ELC Dukes
120 ELC Lords
120,000 FRCs and LRCs max.

Jesus would not have advised people to be good Samaritans if there was not a salvation reward for such works of love.

We are the generation which will see the greatest contrast in political leadership ever experienced by mankind. We will see the worst that demons of the dragon, the present earthly ruler of this world, has to offer, the nearer we get to the end of this world. And then we will see the best that Jesus has to offer at the beginning of the next world, the kingdom of God. In that kingdom every physical miracle that Jesus performed in his ministry will happen as a matter of course to everyone not miraculously, but due to our advances in technology. But our behaviour will not become instantly perfect. So our health will not become instantly perfect either. Presumably it will improve throughout the kingdom. If you die in an accident you will be instantly resurrected (we think). In the Kingdom, God will cease to be our estranged uncle and start being our live at home father. Then the scripture will be fulfilled which says...

4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away (Revelation 21).

There will be no kidnapping because the angels will see where everyone is all the time and actually tell us. There will be perfect justice, because the angels will not only see everything and hear everything as they presently do, but will actually tell us whatever we want to know. So no matter will be concealable from a court. So lying will be pointless. Both humans and animals will cease being carnivorous and become vegetarian. That is not to say that we should be vegetarian in this system. Quite the contrary, we should be omnivorous, since God gave us meat to eat after the flood, and the law of Moses required the eating of meat. But in the new system nature will reflect our moral advancement. So there will be no predatory behaviour from animals and very little predatory behaviour from humans. We shall not compete for the glory of man, we shall co-operate for the glory of God, which is love. We shall achieve technological and artistic and sociological development that is at present inconceivable. Yet all of that will be as a crashing cymbal or as a sounding piece of brass when compared to our emotional development, our love. A love that will give billions of people a partnership as sweet as Lennon and McCartney, and as enduring as St. Paul under tribulation.

We shall, out of free will, choose the path of moral sustainability, understanding that freedom requires sacrifice, happiness is putting love first, and love both demands and requires that we obey the law of God. A law which is the perfect soil in which to grow everlasting love between free willed spirits. A law which is the only soil which gives us a permanent future. Oh yes and we will all live in perfect non ageing bodies. Sure, they will still look like us, but they will look better than we did when we were 21! We will have no 'bad hair' days, and we will have the energy of child for 1,000 years - see U8

25 Let his flesh become fresher than in youth. Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor (Job 33).

[49] The ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. The greater ark which protects us from the coming lava flood, has entrance for 300 discontinuous days, a day for a cubit from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2029Iyyar14-16 (1560 cubits/days). Minimum period before ascension for saints is 50 days a day for a cubit. The saints can stay longer if they like. Ascension for saints lasts for 30 days/cubits of Jacob's ladder plus one more day going through the Tsohar, which was one cubit high. 50% of mankind, all the sons of the FRC, all those who obey the first law, are saved into the ark. In addition to them, 50% of the balance, those who obey the 2nd law, are still saved, but by Hades free death and ark resurrection, following the pattern of the Christ - see U43.

[50] Jared (who returned as Melchizedek after the flood), Methuselah, Enoch, Eber, Serug, Job, Jesse, Jehoida, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Simeon. John the baptist and Jesus were all non adamic and either incarnations of Melchizedek or possessed by Michael or Gabriel - see intro21.

[51] It is the purpose of every true church to produce or receive saints who become members of a Holy Spirit which marries a God who has made a sacrifice of his everlasting angel in order that these saints can gain everlasting angelic life. The saints worship the God who gave them their everliving angelic life through his sacrifice. Jesus does nothing that he has not seen Jehovah doing. So Jehovah did this all first. We have so far identified 3 more Gods to be, Gabriel, Satan and David - see U190.

[52] Gays can be saved into the kingdom. Furthermore 50% of gays will be saved and 50% rejected (2 men in one bed, one is taken, the other left - Matthew 24:41). Indeed 50% of all unfaithful or unrighteous people are saved. Whereas 75% of all men are saved and 25% rejected and 75% of all women are saved and 25% rejected. In fact any body can be saved however unrighteous their behaviour if they have the love of the good Samaritan - see U218

[53] The spirit of God (the human character, the self writing operating system of mankind, the DI rather than the AI) is downloaded into a foetus at mid term (after 19 weeks of gestation). From that point onward only abortion is murder - see intro41. Prior to that point the foetus is NOT a human soul. At mid term, both halves of the brain become connected and there is a massive increase in cerebral activity

[54] Women become Gods by developing perfect love without wielding authority over men. Then when they have perfect love, they will never abuse their authority. So they can be given it over men. Gods are gender neutral (Adam had both the XX and the XY chromosomes giving him 24 chromosome pairs, before God removed XX to crete Eve, leaving him with the non divine numbers of 23 Chromosome pairs. So Adam had Klinefelter Syndrome and his genes initially were both male and female. He was made in the image of God. So God has all the male attributes and all the female attributes. But out of convention he is called male. All humans with Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY, XXXY etc.) are have been regarded as male biologically. All non divine creation has gender (male or female). Gender is a tutor to love. Once you have perfect love, you no longer need gender - see U7. A male is a person who has a Y chromosome in every cell. A female is a person who has no Y Chromosome is her cells.

[55] Just as God makes saints by giving men angels, when they are born again angelically into the JAC (the Jacobian Angelic Covenant). So Satan gives men 2nd dead Hell's angels, when they are born again angelically into the DAC (the demonic Angelic Covenant). These demonic angels have the powers like the born again Christian Saints, but the angels are sentenced to death in Gehenna, with a stay of execution until their human hosts die. So they are second dead angels constructively. So they are hell's angels - see U70. But they are real angels. Once the DAC has finished his sentence in Gehenna, he becomes angelic, just like a son of the JAC.

[56] All those who died in a true religion prior to John the baptist were resurrected as humans on to Eden2 where David was resurrected. It is a planet in another galaxy - we believe - see U54.