The Infinite Love And Finite Justice of God
The Watchtower Missed Weekly Sabbaths Payback Period Ends on 2019July30/31. The founding of the Papacy on 67Tebbeth20 was the transgression causing desolation to the first true Christian church
(updated to 2019Tishri18 2019October20/21)
Anybody who is still adamic today is not in a true church because he cannot work for God during the 1,000 year sacred Sabbath for Adam from 2012Sivan24 to 3012Sivan14. All those in true churches are now
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This talk is an exposition of the unstoppable power and universal nature of God's love, which forces to be a place neither of torture which is an abuse of love, nor of permanent incarceration which is an absence of love, but instead is must be a temporary rehabilitative sin bin, for everybody because tell us that love endures all things and bears all things, even the kinds of behaviour that puts one in .
So is not a place of torture as the Catholics propose. It is not a place of switching off as the 's witnesses and 7th day Adventists propose. It is not a place of permanent incarceration for the unrepentant as the Mormon's propose. It is a sin bin with a maximum sentence of 1,000 years even for the unrepentant sinner. This is the triumph of God's love over his own justice.
Let me ask rhetorically...
Does God design a soft breeze to caress the cheek of a man for 70 years or more and then burn him in hell for an eternity with a wind so hot that his flesh vapourises?
Does he design the face of a woman to be so loving that it intoxicates a man his whole life, in order to kill him in a permanent , ensuring that he will never see that face
Does he command a man to love his brother and then destroy that love along with his brother in a of torment or of non existence from which there is no escape?
Does he command us to love our enemies whilst he hates them and manifests that hate by punishing them eternally in a hell without end?
Here is the scriptural proof of these assertions.
Jeremiah said:
For not to time indefinite will cast off.
32 For although he has caused grief, he will also certainly show mercy according to the abundance of his loving-kindness.
33 For not out of his own heart has he afflicted or does he grieve the sons of men (Lamentations 3 )
Literally he will not cast off to a hidden time. So he will always tell the convict the length of his sentence just as any human court would do. It is an abuse to give a prisoner an indefinite sentence because it denies him hope.
Applying the Binary Question Principle of the Code to Psalm 88:10-12...
10 For those who are dead will you show a marvel?
[1st death: No]
[Judicially dead but physically alive: Yes. Second dead: Yes]
Or will the Rephaim arise praising you? Selah [Even the Rephaim, the giant Canaanite enemies of Israel: No, for the most part] [But Yes, for some of them]
11 Will your loving-kindness be declared in the grave itself?
[In : No]
[ In : Yes]
Your faithfulness in [the place of] destruction?
[In : No] [In : Yes]
12 Will a marvel by you be known in the darkness itself?
[No, not in . Because the 1st dead are conscious of nothing being asleep]
[Yes, in , where you can see what you wish to see some of the time, the marvels of the kingdom will be known]
Or your righteousness in the land of forgetfullness/oblivion?
[No, not in ] [Yes,
in ] (Psalm 88).
The binary question principle of the code REQUIRES both answers to be true. And one answer is YES YES YES.
The apostle Peter tells us...
9 He is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance (2 Peter 3)
Do you think he will be frustrated by this desire, because he is not quite powerful enough to achieve it? Isaiah answers saying...
10 Everything that is my delight I shall do (Isaiah 46).
So there it is. A two piece jigsaw saying: God saves everyone. That is absolutely every man, every woman, every child and every angel.
1John4:8 tells us that God is love. This means the following...
It means God invented love.
It means God defines love.
And it means that if you can think of a more loving plan than God has come up with then you are love and he is not.
Plainly the most loving plan would be to save everybody
Furthermore ' name (Yeshua) means is salvation, whereas Elisha's name means God is salvation. So if God is love and God is salvation, then love is salvation, since equality is transitive. Since God loves us all, however unrighteous our behaviour, he will save us all, for that is what love is. Another two piece jigsaw.
Then we have the Lord's prayer...
6 Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6)
So his will is going to be done everywhere, and his will is that all men should be saved...
3 This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Saviour, God,
4 whose will is that all men [pantaj anqrwpouj] should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth (1 Timothy 2).
So he will save us all. Another two piece jigsaw!
But if that is too complex for ye great and holy researchers of the perfect word of God, try this one piece jigsaw (included especially for Americans)...
10 For to this end we are working hard and exerting ourselves, because we have rested our hope on a living God, who is a Savior of all men, especially of faithful ones(1 Timothy 4).
But also of unfaithful ones through the sin bin of ()
Or indeed this one piece jigsaw...
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15 )
Does it say: Some will be made alive? No. It says all will be made alive.
Then we have this one piece jigsaw...
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life in Christ our Lord (Romans 6).
Yes. That is the gift God gives. It is not the gift God might give. It is not a question of whether you will get it, for God loves us all equally. It is merely a question of when you will get yourself ready to receive what is ready to receive you.
Love never fails and we must love our enemies and you cannot love the non existent or the perpetually roasted. Put those two together and you see again that everyone will be saved eventually, both our friends and our enemies. For love bears all things, love endures all things, even the sort of behaviour that puts us into ()!
Here is the famous scripture read at many a wedding (1 Corinthians 13)...
4 Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up,
5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury.
6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with (1 Corinthians 13 )
55 Death where is your victory? Death where is your sting? (1 Corinthians 15)
So the worst a man gets from death is a sting. Death has victory over no one. So we are all victorious over death eventually. It is just that some of us take a bit longer than others to conquer it.
For the Jewish reader: Under law the sin offering worked as follows... The fat was burnt at the altar, representing the stored up knowledge of the futility of sin that wicked behaviour produces as a fruit. The flesh was burnt outside the camp representing the outcome for the body of the sinner. But the blood, the life, the spirit of the sinner, was spattered 7 times before the curtain and put on the horns of the altar etc. It was not destroyed. So the spirit of the sinner lives on.
And said of death...
26 [Until] the last enemy, death is brought to nothing
But is the 2nd death. If it is to be brought to nothing, then all its inmates shall be released.
The prodigal son did pretty much everything that one is not supposed to do and yet he was not only forgiven but the fatted calf was slaughtered for him. So what really can one do that God will not in the end forgive if one is repentant? What sin is too great for God's love? The parable gives us the answer.
God loves those in for the Psalm says...
33 For hears the needy, and He does not despise His prisoners (Psalms 69 ).
God's justice is eye for eye, tooth for tooth, blow for blow, branding for branding and soul for soul. A perfect balance of the scales. So if a man sins for 100 years he cannot be punished for eternity. That would not be justice. It would be murder. He could be punished for a period longer than 100 year to give him time to repent and be rehabilitated. But the punishment period must be finite since his sin, however bad, was finite in duration and in extent.
In fact the statement: 'Love never fails' - means that love will succeed in all of us. And when our love succeeds we shall be saved by God, the father, the craftsman of all love.
The Watchtower never gave its congregation any sacred Sabbaths at all
33 And you I shall scatter among the nations, and I will unsheathe a sword after you; and your land must become a desolation, and your cities will become a desolate ruin.
34 'At that time the land will pay off its Sabbaths all the days of its lying desolated, while you are in the land of your enemies. At that time the land will keep Sabbath, as it must repay its Sabbaths. (Leviticus 26 )
True of Christians too. .
First we must prove that the Watchtower was installed to rule over the s on 1901Heshvan21 and fell as a true church on 2005Sivan14. Then we can add their missed sacred Sabbaths to that date and find out when they have paid off their missed Sabbath error.
2001Heshvan10/11 is accepted as when the letter of unrepentance was written and 2001Chislev14, was when the Watchtower lost its baptism of repentance. Laodicea accepted this.
And I saw, I Daniel, and, look!... there were two others standing, one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the stream
Then one said to the man clothed of the linens, who was up above the waters of the stream:
How long will it be to the end of the astonishing/strange/wonderful things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite:
It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish. (Daniel 12 )
could be defining the distance between the two banks, the length of time during which the angel floats above the river (without a water baptism - even though at least the water baptism is available), the gap in the presence. Or he could be defining the length of the bank which is the period after the end of the river, the water baptism and before the end of the church, the finishing of the dashing of the power of the people to pieces. That would be one Time of the End of the church.
raises his hands to the heavens and swears by the one living to time indefinite, which directs us to an angelic fulfilment for the hands. So the gaps in the 2nd presence are 4½x or 5x or the two of them add up to 10x or in fact both.
Whereas the earthly fulfilment is simply a time, times and half a time, where times can be dual or Hebrew plural. So the earthly fulfilment is 3½x or 4½x for the length of the banks.
Daniel12 says the bank after that, the sand, the sons of the is 3½x or 4½x long depending upon whether 'time' is dual or Hebrew plural. In Greek a time, times and half a time is 3½x. In Hebrew it can be 3½x or it can be 4½x since Hebrew has a duall number which counts as 2 and a Plural which therefore counts as 3. Also the Angel in Daniel12 does not say a time times and half a time. It says a time times and a half which could be a half of (time, times) which would again be 4½x.
But the vision of Daniel12 is symmetric, so the start bank of the Watchtower the period between the baptism of Russell as 3 and his baptism of the 2nd International Bible Student, is the same length as the far bank.
We can prove that the 2nd presence banks are 3½ times long and that they Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 from 1Kings18. We get this date from the contest of 1Kings18 because the 450 prophets of Baal go first they being in the majority over the 100 prophets of plus plus his attendant plus Obadiah (team ). that is a majority of 347 and began contesting with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter of 2006Sivan1. So 347 days before then is 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell and its prophets became prophets of Baal.
We can also prove it from the first presence banks being 4½x long which forces the 2nd presence banks to be 3½x long in order that both of the possible meanings are true - since God is always precise in his ambiguity - see U42.
And he ordered them to make recline all, company company [literally symposiums, symposiums], on the greenish/yellow [clwroj]
grass [watered/dry grass - so with/without a water baptism].
And they reclined squares [prasia]
[prasia] [literally garden plot, garden plot, or a bed of leeks, a bed of leeks],
by 100, and by 50. (Mark 6 ED)
fed for 50 years of the sitting in groups and leek beds of 50 of the feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6 before they lost their leek green water baptism and became chlorine yellow green grass.
fed for 100 years of the sitting in groups and leek beds of 100 of the feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6 before they lost their leek green water baptism and became chlorine yellow green grass.
The Greek word for green is prasinoj which means leek-green. Liddell and Scott has...
L35576 prasia, prasia pra±sia,, Ionic Greek. &ih,, h`, (pra,son) properly a bed of leeks: generally, a garden-plot, Homer's Odyssey.:-metaphorically., prasiai.
prasiai, in companies or groups, New Testament.
L35578 pra,sinoj prasinoj pra,sinoj(&on; leek-green, light green***
L35581 pra,son prason PRA´SON Îa±Ð( to,, a leek, Latin: porrum, Aristotle.
L46332 clwro,j clwroj clwro,j, poët. cloero,j, a,( o,n, (clo,h) greenish-yellow (like young grass or leaves), pale-green, light-green, green, grassy, Homer's Odyssey., Sophocles., Euripides.;
si,tou e;ti clwrou/ o;ntoj Thucydides.
2. yellow, of honey, Homer; avmfi. clwra.n ya,maqon on the yellow sand, Sophocles.
II. generally, pale, pallid, bleached, clwro.j u`pai. dei,ouj Il.;-then, as an epithet of fear, clwro.n de,oj Homer:-yellow, pallid, of persons affected by the plague, Thucydides.
So the leek green would be with a water baptism - which they sat down with in groups of 50 and 100. But instructs them to continue reclining on the chlorine yellow-green grass after the water baptism ends until the church becomes false - when he can give them no instruction.
The Watchtower Magazine was first published in July 1879. So the Watchtower feeds 5,000 s with a water baptism for 100 years not 50. So these run from 1901 to 2001Chislev14. Appointments/Installations to feed churches are made at the Pentecost - see U42. So was appointed to feed the s on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21. So it was appointed/installed to rule the s as sacred king 3½ years of ' ministry (which defines the fundamental pattern of every Christian church) later at the Pentecost (when church law becomes operational as was the case on 1513Sivan7, the mosaic Pentecost at mount Sinai) on 1905Tammuz11 (because was appointed/installed over the s first on 1890Nisan22/Sivan11)..
was appointed/installed to feed the saints on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21, because it fed them in leek green beds (with a water baptism) for the 100 years of the feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6, up until 2001Chislev14. That would be 100 sacred year starts from 1902Nisan1 to 2001Nisan1 inclusively - see U67 and see U42. So they were appointed/installed over all of ' belongings (the saints) on 1905Iyyar22/Tammuz11.
They did not understand that they should have implemented a Land Sabbath system, so were not held accountable for failing to do that?
They did not understand that they were supposed to celebrate the Atonement day fast. They were not held accountable for these for if they had been they would have all been disfellowshipped on 1906Heshvan10 (late Atonement day), for God said:
27 However, on the 10th of this 7th month is the day of atonement. A holy convention should take place for you, and you must afflict your souls and present an offering made by fire to .
28 And you must do no sort of work on this very day,
because it is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before your God;
29 because every soul that will not be afflicted on this very day must be cut off from his people.
30 As for any soul that will do any sort of work on this very day, I must destroy that soul from among his people. (Leviticus 23 )
Actually perhaps not? They would have to be disfellowshipped at some point. But not necessarily immediately disfellowshipped.
Everybody should understand that God made the Sabbath for man (Adam, all of Adam - including Christian Adam) not (Israel), and that died not to end the Sabbath but to end the law. He died to establish the Sabbath which preceded the law.
So the Watchtower is held accountable certainly for missed sacred Sabbaths (Weekly Sabbaths) AND missed Atonement day Sabbaths - when s should not have worked for the priesthood or at all. For more see U271-11#77.
The time honoured manner in which God releases his people from slavery to an Egypt is the Passover. But he could not do this until the Watchtower Sabbath error was paid off.
We read in Exodus14
20 And it came in between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. And it proved to be a cloud together with darkness [Fire sign clouds and Day of darkness]. And it kept lighting up the night [for the s, proving them to be in spiritual light. So it has now become a pillar of fire which is leading them]. And this did not come near towards that all night [the night is the Watchtower Passover night from 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 for the Watchtower as a group coming near to . This is not necessarily one literal night, because the Hebrew word for night means a twisting, a turning around. So it is the period of turning around. The day is the period after 2019Tebbeth14, the late 3rd Watchtower Passover, for the Watchtower. Actually the night lasted until 2023Tishri21, the fall of reverted Laodicea, the final Laodicean church of the night, submarine church of Jonah] (Exodus 14).
So we would not see any s until after 2023Tishri21 from that account. However individual s can leave the society and join Laodicea after 2019Ab21 (their reappointment as a true church) or join the of the s after 2024Tishri15 the end of the from 2017Tishri15 - see U123.
was appointed/installed to feed s on 29Tishri2/Heshvan21. John did baptize at least 6,000 s since there are 6,000 reserves from the first presence half of a tribe of 12,000 of Revelation7 (all of whom were baptized by him personally - since his baptism was intransitive).
1 When, now, the Lord became aware that the Pharisees had heard that was making and baptizing more disciples than John --
2 although, indeed, himself did no baptizing but his disciples did -- (John 4 )
This was after the 12 apostles were called since baptized through them. Also Herod beheaded John before he heard the report of how famous had become. So John was murdered quite early in ' ministry. So perhaps John had baptised 5,000 reserves before was installed to feed or perhaps had 5,000 disciples to feed in late 29 AD. So the 50 years of Mark5 of 5,000 reclining upon green grass would run from late 29 to 79, when the water baptism ended.
So a 3½ or 4½ year bank of Daniel12 from end of water baptism would run from 79Tishri14/Heshvan14 to 83/84Nisan14/Iyyar14. The saints should all be harvested by Tishri14, the last day of the harvest before the first Sabbath of Booths. And the first Christian church ( which became the Roman Catholic Church) would fall on Nisan14 seeing as the 2nd Christian church (the Watchtower) fell on Iyyar14, the 2nd Passover.
So the far bank runs from 79Tishri14 to 83/84Nisan14
Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?
19 In answer said to them:
Break down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in 3 days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body (John 2).
In the literal meaning, this was the physical human body of which was broken by the Jews and then resurrected in 3 days. In the greater meaning it was the church, the temple of which was broken by the spiritual Jews, the sons of the , the new covenant saints, who became a harlot church fornicating with Rome to become the Roman Catholic church after 46 years. Then builds 3 more churches on 3 further days, these being the churches of , and . So it took 46 years to build ' body in by water baptism which would run from 33Nisan16 to 79Tishri14/Heshvan14, 46 Nisan1 sacred year starts. Herod's temple (which took 46 years to build, was a rebuilt of Zerubbabel's temple, which must have been broken down. 'Break down this temple' shows the temple existed before was sacrificed. It was the temple of his body. So it began on 29Tishri10. But it was the rebuild of ' body that took 46 years just as Herod's rebuild of Zerubbabel's temple took 46 years. So there are 46 years of water baptism from 33Nisan16 to 79Tishri14, which is 3½/4½ times of Daniel12 before the fall of (by then the Roman Catholic Church) as a true church.
Since the earthly fulfilment of the length of the two banks of the vision of Daniel12 is so obviously ambiguous (being either 3½x or 4½x from the dual or the Hebrew plural and from the time times and a half rather than time times and half a time) it follows that if the 2nd presence banks are 3½ years long then the first presence banks are 4½ year long and conversely. In the first presence the 1290 days of verse 11 from the removal of the constant feature (the disgusting thing causing desolation having been set up) to the end of something canot be the end of the Jewish system in 70 AD, because the baptism continued for 46 years of John2 after 33Nisan16, the rebuilding of ' body temple and for a green (water baptised) leek bed of 50 years of Mark6 from late 29 AD, when was feeding 5,000 saints (baptised by John) to 79. And the constant feature falls after the baptism. So it must be the end of as a true church. So the first presence banks are longer than 1290 days and are therefore 4½ years long. so the far bank of TCC! ran from 79Tishri14 to 84Nisan14.
But the vision of Daniel12 is symmetric so the capability of the law of Moses ended on 24Chislev10, 4½x before John started baptising on 29Sivan10, the Pentecost.
gets only 50 days because gets 100 years feeding the s and they sat down in rows of 50 and rows of 100. So it goes 50,100,100,50. Also the one group did not come near the other all night long in the Exodus. So we do not see Watchtower reserves until after 2019Tebbeth14.
The 1st presence ran from from 29Tishri10 to 159Tishri10 - with 10 year gap of Peter's stretched out hands. It is not split 4½ and 5½ like the 2nd presence is, because there was no further presence at the end of the split first presence. So the time, times and a half of Daniel12 applies to the width of the stream when the gap in the presence is split but not when it is not split. And Laodicea was literal in the first presence - so there is no Laodicean betrayal or Laodicean part to the first presence. So the first presence restarted on 89Tishri14.
And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down
And [the] army was given over,
together with the constant [feature], due to transgression. And it kept throwing truth to the ground, and it acted and had success.
And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking,
and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking:
How long will the vision be [of] the constant [feature] and the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?
So he said to me: Until evening [and] morning 2300, and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition/restored (Daniel 8).
compromises with Rome (the Catholic - meaning universal - church)
s ride the 7 hills of Rome as a harlot church
The first Bishop of Rome, Pope St. Linus becomes its head 1290 days of Daniel12:11 before the fall of as a true church 4½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 79Tishri14, the end of the water baptism
Transgression causing desolation to
Constant feature of Acceptable evangelism is removed
falls as a true church
68January15/16 AD (67Tebbeth20)
80August19/20 AD (80Elul14)
4600 Solar Days of Daniel8
1290 days of Daniel12 (The Time of the End of )
The Catholic Encyclopedia has St. Linus as the first Pope after St. Peter (who was never a Pope). And has St. Linus ruling from 67-76 -
Wikipedia has St Linus becoming Pope in 64 or 68 AD.
"According to the earliest succession lists of Bishops of Rome passed down by Irenaeus of Lyons (c180 AD) and Hegesippus (c160) and attested by the historian Eusebius (c260-340) he (St. Linus) was entrusted with his office by the apostles Peter and after they had established the Christian church in Rome. By this primitive reckoning he was therefore the first Pope. But from the late 2nd or early 3rd century the convention began of regarding St. Peter is first Bishop" - The Oxford Dictionary of Popes 2005 JND Kelly and M Walsh
7 But, on the contrary, when they saw that I had entrusted to me the good news for those who are uncircumcised, just as Peter [had it] for those who are circumcised --
8 for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations;
9 yes, when they came to know the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Cephas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of sharing together, that we should go to the nations, but they to those who are circumcised. (Galatians 2 )
So Peter was never the Bishop of Rome!!
"The blessed apostles, then, having founded and built up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate. Of this Linus, makes mention in the Epistles to Timothy. To him succeeded Anacletus; and after him, in the third place from the apostles, Clement was allotted the bishopric" - Irenaeus against Heresies Book 3 chapter 3.
21 Do your utmost to arrive before winter. Eubulus sends you his greetings, and [so do] Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brothers. (2 Timothy 4 )
The UN has 7 secretary generals (U Thant to Antonio Guterres) ridden by the Vatican with the blasphemous name of the see. The Vatican gained permanent UN observer status on 1964April6 (1964Nisan22/23) during the tenure of U Thant..
The harlot church rides the 7 headed UN Beast
The Constant feature of field service being accepted as true worship ends
The end of world
Watchtower join the UN as an NGO
Abomination Causing Desolation placed before this
The end of the 6,000 year lease from to .
Transgression causing desolation to
Army released to . Field service is no longer true worship.
6,000 years after Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14
January 28/29, 1992 (1991Shebat18)
September 1st/2nd 2004 (2004Elul14. The 1st day of the field service year) 2008Nisan14
4600 Solar Days of Daniel8
1290 Days of Daniel12 (Time of the End of the Watchtower in the world)
Jerusalem fell to Nebuchanezzar who burnt the temple on 586Ab10 which was his 19th regnal year and is relatively undisputed amongst historians.
1 The word that occurred to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the 4th year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, that is, the first year of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon (Jeremiah 25).
So 604, the first of Nebuchadnezzar was the 4th of Jehoiakim. So the first of Jehoiakim was 607. But Jehoiakim was a vassal of Necho, so represented the end of God's ruling of Jerusalem and so was the end of Ezekiel's 390 year siege of Jerusalem on his right side representing the sin of Israel which was continuous from the end of Solomon's reign. So Solomon's last regnal year was 997.
1 And you, O son of man, take for yourself a brick, and you must put it before you and engrave upon it a city, even Jerusalem.
2 And you must lay siege against it and build a siege wall against it and throw up a siege rampart against it and set encampments against it and put battering rams all around against it.
3 And as for you, take to yourself an iron griddle, and you must put it as an iron wall between you and the city, and you must fix your face against it, and it must get to be in a siege, and you must besiege it. It is a sign to the house of Israel.
4 And as for you, lie upon your left side, and you must lay the error of the house of Israel upon it. For the number of the days that you will lie upon it you will carry their error.
5 And I myself must give to you the years of their error to the number of 390 days, and you must carry the error of the house of Israel.
6 And you must complete them. And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the error of the house of Judah 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you (Ezekiel 4).
The iron griddle is protection from God, Ezekiel is representing the enemies of Jerusalem. This protection from God for Jerusalem fails at Pharaoh Necho’s victory over Josiah at Meggido, but Jerusalem itself does not fall until Nechoh appoints Jehoiakim. The error of Israel began when Jeroboam instructed the northern kingdom people not to celebrate Booths in 997Tishri in the house of in Jerusalem but instead to celebrate it in 997Heshvan in Samaria. They did not sin in following Jerobaom the son of Nebat, from the house of Joseph as King, since God appointed him over Israel in 1Kings 11...
42 And the days that Solomon had reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel were 40 years (1 Kings 11).So since his 40th year was 997, his first was 1036.
1 And it came about in the 480th year after the sons of Israel came out from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year, in the month of Ziv, that is, the second month, after Solomon became king over Israel, that he proceeded to build the house to (1 Kings 6).
he 4th year of Solomon was 1033. If this was the 480th after the Exodus, then the zeroth after the exodus was 1513. So the Exodus from Egypt was in 1513 during the festival of cakes from Nisan15 to Nisan21. The Jews actually crossed the Red Sea on 1513Nisan21, which is when they stopped having to eat half cooked cakes in a hurry.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years.
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 12).
430 years from 1943Nisan14, when and the army of of his household which defeated the Chedorlaomer and the 4 kings of Genesis14, crossed the Euphrates into the Egyptian colony of Canaan to 1513Nisan14.
430 years from 1513Nisan15-21 to 1183Nisan15-21 (the anointing of David as king by Samuel and the deliverance from Goliath). David delivered the battle lines of Israel,
and enabled the armies of to go forth out of a war with Canaan which was a colony of Egypt at the time. Eventually David liberated all of Israel from Egyptian dominated proxies.
So all the armies of ('s 318 trained men who defeated Chedorlaomer and the Kings of Genesis14 who had kidnapped Lot) entered Egypt 430 years before they left. But we know from , that crossed over the Euphrates from Haran entering Canaan which was under Egyptian control, inaugurating his covenant with God, 430 years before the first part of the , the Passover festival, was held on Nisan14 in 1513: If you still have doubt, then nails it as usual...
17 Further, I say this: As to the covenant previously validated by God, the Law that has come into being 430 years later does not invalidate it, so as to abolish the promise (Galatians 3).
1 And proceeded to say to Abram: Go your way out of your country and from your relatives and from the house of your father to the country that I shall show you;
2 and I shall make a great nation out of you and I shall bless you and I will make your name great; and prove yourself a blessing.
3 And I will bless those who bless you, and him that calls down evil upon you I shall curse, and all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves by means of you
4 At that Abram went just as had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
And Abram was 75 years old when he went out from Haran.
5 So Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot the son of his brother and all the goods that they had accumulated and the souls whom they had acquired in Haran, and they got on their way out to go to the land of Canaan. Finally they came to the land of Canaan (Genesis 12).
Now Canaan, the promised land, is defined by:
To your seed I will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates (Genesis 15:17,18).
So when crossed the Euphrates, then he had finished obeying the commandment of God, and the covenant was inaugurated. This occurred 430 years before 1513Nisan14, the Passover day, the day before the sons of Israel started the Exodus from Egypt. So crossed into the Promised land, which was under Egyptian control in 1943Nisan.
Josephus, the Jewish historian from ’ time states: They left Egypt in the month of Xanthicus (Nisan) on the 15th day of the month, 430 years after our forefather came into Canaan, but 215 years only after removed into Egypt. It was the 80th year of the age of Moses (Book 2 Chapter 15 Antiquities of the Jews).
was 75 when he went out from Haran and crossed the Euphrates on 1943Nisan14 into Canaan inaugurating the first Abrahamic Covenant. Terah died in that year aged 205, because God had instructed to go to Canaan before they moved to Haran. So was already on his way to Canaan when his father Terah died. He would have mourned him for 30 days and then followed God's command to go to Canaan. Then we count back through the patriarchs of Genesis 5 and 11 and see that Adam was born between 4027Tishri1 and 4026Elul30 BC. Ages are counted in Tishri1 years.
Counting ages of patriarchs the year of Adam's birth to the year of Terah's death is 2083 years - see U16
So Adam was born in the year from 4027Tishri1 to 4026Elul30.
The Central Correspondence Calculation
5 For one God, one also [a] mediator of God and of men, [a]
[a] Christ, .
6 The one having given himself [as a]
corresponding ransom over all ones, the witness to its own appointed times (1 Timothy 2 - Literal translation)
45 It is even so written: 'The first man Adam became a living soul.' The last Adam became a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15).
The ransom of did not correspond with 'all ones' for a ransom is soul for soul. So it corresponded with Adam. But how did ' ransom correspond with Adam?
' ransom of Adam corresponded from a human standpoint, since both were . And it corresponded from an angelic standpoint since had angelic life like Adam when the ransom was agreed. He did not get everlasting angelic life until he agreed the firstborn rights with and became the mediator of the 2nd , the blessing of which for its members is everlasting life. This was in fact the wedding gift from God to his 2nd wife.
Some gift! But it also corresponded as a witness to its own appointed times in so far as Adam sinned aged 33½ and paid to that sin aged 33½. So Adam lived before he sinned for the same length of time that lived before he paid for that sin.
We can deduce the year when crossed the Euphrates from the corresponding ransom and the midst prophecy mathematically as follows...
The year of Adam's birth to the end of 's 6,000 year lease is 6033 years (from the corresponding ransom which says that died aged 33½ and Adam sinned aged 33½ - Adam was born on Tishri2, died in Nisan14).
But those 6033 years are also equal to the period from Adam's birth to the year of Terah's death which is the year in which crossed the Euphrates + the period of the midst prophecy.
Terah's death was 2083 years after Adam's birth from the ages of the patriarchs in Genesis5 and Genesis11.
Then the midst prophecy says that: The time between 's crossing the Euphrates (when Terah died) and sacrifice = the time from his sacrifice to the end of the the 6,000 year lease which is the end of entrance into the ..
So the 6033 years = 2083 years + 2x the time from crossing the Euphrates to ; sacrifice
So the time from crossing the Euphrates to ; sacrifice =
(6033-2083)/2 = 1975 years
So crossed the Euphrates 1975 years before died on 33Nisan14.
So crossed the Euphrates on 1943Nisan14 BC.
And the was instigated and the Midst Prophecy began on 1943Nisan14 BC and ran to 2008Nisan14 with dying in the middle of that period on 33Nisan14 because the whole plan rests upon his shoulders.
saves 50% of mankind through the , the Faith Covenant and a further 25% through the , the Love Covenant aka the , the (both of the sealing covenants for the , the 1st Abrahamic Covenant)
whilst he owns Adam until 2008Nisan14. But after his 6,000 year headlease on Adam expires he has no authority to save. So salvation by into the ends on 2008Nisan14, which ends the midst prophecy.
So 's 6,000 year lease on Adam ran from 3993Nisan21, first fruits after sin on 3993Nisan14 BC, to 2008Nisan14 (there was no 0 BC).
So 2008 was year 6000 and 2033 is year 6025 in Nisan1 sacred years. One 6,000 year lease followed by by balance of Adam's first Jubilee in God's family (rather than 's) takes us to the Jubilee release on 2028Tishri10. The accepting
year of Isaiah61 begins at the late celebration of that Atonement festival on 2028HEshvan10, entry day into the early 1st crop of Revelation22, the early Laodicean Passover crop. actually overpaid for
Adam's sin by ransoming Adam's living non ageing angel with his own everlastingly living non ageing angel.
The moon calendar online is the original calendar of mankind. We call it the Biblical Luinar Calendar - please see
We can also use the 3 of the temple times of 1Chronicles21 which run from David's purchasing of the temple floor on Mount Moriah from Ornan the Jebusite, on 1048Nisan16 BC to the resurrection of as a human on 33Nisan16 AD. This is the commissioning of Solomon's temple. Temples are inaugurated 22½ years after begin commissioned, so the inauguration would be 1026Tishri BC. Solomon finished building the temple in Heshvan in the 11th year of his reign...
38 and in the 11th year, in the lunar month of Bul, that is, the 8th month, the house was finished as regards all its details and all its plan; so that he was 7 years at building it. (1 Kings 6 )
He inaugurated in during Tishri, but brought in the ark during that month and evidently made a few finishing touches up until Heshvan. So his first regnal was 1036Nisan1 to 1036Adar30.
1 And it came about in the 480th year after the sons of Israel came out from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year, in the month of Ziv, that is, the second month, after Solomon became king over Israel, that he proceeded to build the house to (1 Kings 6).
The 4th year of Solomon was 1033. If this was the 480th after the Exodus, then the zeroth after the exodus was 1513. So the Exodus from Egypt was in 1513 during the festival of cakes from Nisan15 to Nisan21. The Jews actually crossed the Red Sea on 1513Nisan21, which is when they stopped having to eat half cooked cakes in a hurry. Then we count back the 430 years of Exodus12 to crossing the Euphrates on 1943Nisan14 etc.
Adam was born sometime in Tishri because the Tishri1 calendar is what his sons use to determine age.
was born on 2Heshvan21 BC because, then he was circumcised on the 8th day which by Hebrew counting is 2Heshvan29, since the first day is 2Heshvan22. Whereas Peter was sanctified on 29Heshvan29 the day of the Jewish call when was 30 years old by Jewish registration precisely to the day. This was when the water was turned into wine at Cana, symbolising the Jewish call into the and coincident with that call. That was ' first miracle and you cannot do a miracle unless you are a priest and you could not be a priest under law until you were 30 - which he became on 29Tishri1 by Hebrew reckoning - except that he was .
Now the Jewish call lasted for 30 years precisely from the 30, 60,100 fold in the parable of the sower. But ' actions are all temporally central since the whole plan for man rests upon his shoulders and so he is the fulcrum - see U100.
And he said to the man with the withered hand: Get up and come to the centre (to meson) (Mark 3).
positioned himself in ‘the centre’.
So he instigated the Jewish call dead centre of the period from his circumcision/registration/naming to the end of that call (the end of Jewish naming into the , to be the Jewish part of his wife, his flesh, his body). So he was indeed circumcised on 2Heshvan29 and he was born on 2Heshvan21 BC.
But of course Heshvan21 is the Pentecost and was first ripe fruits to Adam's first fruits and Adam was born on Tishri2, which is first fruits
So now we have Adam born on 4027Tishri2 and born on 2Heshvan21. Now the length of the part of the tabernacle was 20 cubits, which was twice the 10 cubit length of the most part of the temple. This ratio was preserved in Solomon's temple.
16 Further, he built 20 cubits at the rear sides of the house with boards of cedar, from the floor up to the rafters, and built for it inside the innermost room, the Most .
17 And it was 40 cubits that the house proved to be, that is, the temple in front of it. (1 Kings 6 ).
tells us that the temple curtain was ' flesh...
19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of ,
20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, (Hebrews 10 ).
4027Tishri2 to 2Heshvan21 is 4025 years and 49 days - represented by the length of the . Then we add half of that, represented by the length of the Most part of the temple, which is 2012½ years and 24½ days, to ' birth, and get 2012Sivan15/16. And that is the extent of Adam for those in the temple. On 2012Sivan15/16 all those in the two true churches of the s and Laodicea became .
22 And God went on to say: Behold! The man [1x] has become like one [1x] from us [2x - and his wife, the 1st ] towards knowing of to be good and [knowing of to be] evil [2x], and now in order that he may not put his hand out [5x] and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life [1x] and eat [1x] and live to time indefinite [1x], -- (Genesis 3 )
23 And God put him out of the garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken [1x]. (Genesis 3 )
(1x+1x.2x ).2x.(5x+1x+1x+1x)+1x = 49x. 49 months. Then he gets a priesthood which gives him access to the tree of life (by putting his hand out to God) on the Jubilee, the 50th month, the release to for Adam 3989Sivan, the first Jubilee under 's 6,000 year lease from 3993Nisan14 to 2008Nisan14. The Jubilee could also be looked at as a Pentecostal installation period in months.
So the sacred working week of Adam ran for 6,000 years from 3989Sivan5-11 to 2012Sivan14, when we died to Adam and became - ending that week.
On 2012Sivan14 both true church, the s and Laodicea, became . So there was no true church of Adam working for God. So the sacred working week of Adam ended. We deduce this from the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy - see U108
All this occurred because 6,000 year lease ran from 3989Nisan16-22 to 2012Nisan14. Adam did not need a priesthood whilst was Caesar, because there was no division between the sacred and the secular under . He did need a priesthood when was appointed Caesar. So Adam was appointed high priest to his family on 3989Nisan16-22 and installed on 3989Sivan5-11.
In 1823 John Aquila Brown discovered what was to become the Key to unlocking the code of the bible. He read the account in Daniel4 of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, who had taken the Jews into exile, dreaming about a tree being cut down but the stump being left in the ground and 7 times passing over it.
10 'Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding, and, look! a tree in the midst of the earth, the height of which was immense.
11 The tree grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth.
12 Its foliage was fair, and its fruit was abundant, and there was food for all on it. Under it the beast of the field would seek shade,
and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh would feed itself.
13 'I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, look! a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens themselves.
14 He was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: Chop the tree down, and cut off its boughs. Shake off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs.
15 However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.
16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it, and let 7 times pass over it.
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind. (Daniel 4 )
Daniel interpreted this dream to mean that Nebuchadnezzar would lose his kingship for 7 years and then have it returned to him after he humbled his heart and realised the God was indeed ruler in the Kingdom of mankind (being the direct father of Adam). Then the king did indeed lose his kingdom for 7 years.
Most people would think, fair enough, God gave this king a dream and it was interpreted by the prophet Daniel and then fulfilled just as he interpreted - end of story.
But wait a minute. Who cares about this King ruling over Babylonians? The bible is not the a history book for Babylon. It is a history book for Israel and for God's people. The biblical issue is not now long will it be before King Nebuchadnezzar regains his throne over Babylon? It is how long will it be before a son of David becomes King of Israel once more? The Reverend John Aquila Brown realised that the dream might have a 2nd application to the more scripturally relevant regnal problem.
He interpreted the dream as meaning that God's people might be without a davidic king king for 7 Times.
He further interpreted that those 7 times were not 7 years of day but were 7 years of years or 2520 years.
The principle of taking a day for a year in bible prophecy was first used in Christian exposition in 380 AD by Ticonius, who interpreted the three and a half days of Revelation 11:9 as three and a half years, writing 'three days and a half; that is, three years and six months' ('dies tres et dimidium; id est annos tres et menses sex').
Others who expounded this principle are: John Wycliffe, John Knox, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, Philip Melanchthon, Newton, Jan Hus, John Foxe, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney, C. H. Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, and Bishop Thomas Newton -
The scriptural basis for such a substitution is found in Numbers14 or Ezekiel4.
34 By the number of the days that you spied out the land, 40 days, a day for a year, a day for a year, you will answer for your errors 40 years, as you must know what my being estranged means. (Numbers 14 )
6 And you must complete them. And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the error of the house of Judah 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you. (Ezekiel 4 )
Notice that is both verses, the phrase 'a day for a year' is repeated immediately. So the day for a year idea was already known in 1823. But had until then only been applied to Daniel 7,9,12 and Revelation 11-13.
But John Aquila Brown made two gargantuan strides in decoding the bible.
He realised in 1823 that one account can have 2 fulfilments, 2 meanings. He realised that the bible accounts could be quadratic essentially.
2. He applied the principle of a day for a year to the 7 times of Daniel4.
But it took 169 years before the mankind (in particular, the writer of this webpage) looked as his work as applying not merely to Daniel 4 but to the entire bible.
Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell saw that Daniel4 might have 2 meanings and that 7 times might stand for 2520 years in Daniel4. And many bible interpreters before them including Sir Newton had supposed that the time times and half a time of Revelation 13 or the time times and a half of Daniel12 could be taken as 1260 years and the Millerites and 7th day adventists thought that the 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel8 could stand for 2300 years. But nobody thought of applying those principles to any bible account other than Daniel4,7,8,9,12 and Revelation11-13. Not until January 1992. That is how negligent man has been with the task of decoding God's book.
Rev Brown ran the 2520 years from the first year of Nebuchadnezzar (which was the 4th of Jehoiakim), when he successfully besieged Jerusalem but did not burn the temple. He knew this year to be 604 BC (from secular history). So his 2520 years ended in 1917.
Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell ran their 2520 years from 606 and ended it in 1914 because they initially failed to grasp that there was no 0 BC or 0 AD but the years went from 1 BC to 1 AD.
Then the Watchtower, which Russell founded, fossilized that doctrine and decided that became 'King' over God's people invisibly in 1914.
The trouble has been that all 's Witnesses have been paying tax to Caesar since 1914 to this day. So is not the secular King of God's people yet!
1. In 1943 Freddie Franz (before he became the president of the Watchtower) adjusts the start date to 607Tishri in the book: 'The truth shall set you free'. The date for the rebuilding of the altar by Zerubbabel, 70 years after 607Tishri is now 537Tishri, a correct date. But the date for the burning of Jerusalem by Nebuchanezzar of 607 is wrong. And the start of the being the assassination of Gedaliah is also wrong. However at least the continuous now ended in 1914Tishri taking proper account of the lack of 0 BC/AD.
2. In 1988 Ed Schnopp, collates overwhelming evidence that 604 was the 1st regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar and therefore Jerusalem was burned in 586 BC. John Brown knew this in 1823, he had the first year of Nebuchadnezzar as 604 !! Ed shows that there are two 70 year exiles, one for Israel and one for Judah. Israel's exile ends in 539Tishri at the fall of Babylon and starts he thought in 609 with the Babylonian conquest of Nineveh or the fall of Assyria to Babylon. It actually began on 609Tishri1 after the missed land Sabbath year of 608Tishri1 to 608Elul30 (for the Northern Kingdom). The 70 year Northern penalty was a land Sabbath payback penalty from 509Tishri to 539Tishri (the decree of Cyrus). The 70 year Southern Kingdom penalty was a temple exile from 585Nisan1, the first sacred year without Solomon's temple to 515Nisan1, the first sacred year with Zerubbabel's temple - see U122.
3. In January 1992 Gordon proves that the were 2520 years long from Leviticus 26 (something Franz had suspected but could not prove). He had also stumbled across the Discontinuous Israeli , a part of the curse of the law on genetic Israel preventing them from having a king from their own people for 2520 years plus a 6 year gap for Jehoiachin's elevated throne in Babylon, from 586Tammuz, the deposing of Zedekiah plus a 4 year gap for ' Ministry, to 1948Sivan3, the founding of the state of modern Israel. But he did not realise that precisely until March 2017. Credit for this must go to Massoud Vakili Shayesteh a friend of Gordon's from Uni. He convinced Gordon that the s had brainwashed him and that he should look at the scriptures with his own mind rather than with the minds of the governing body of the Watchtower. That indeed is the first law of God. That you should serve God with your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole heart and your whole strength. Not someone else's mind or soul or heart or strength. Or as William Tyndale put it.
“If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives a plough to know more of the scriptures than you do.” - William Tyndale
4. In 1999 Gordon reads Ed Schnopp's web page (now taken down but recited below). He realises that Ed is right as regards the date of the burning of Jerusalem being 586, but knows that the 607 date is also right for the start of the . He then recalculates the whole history of the Kings and finds out that 608 was the accession of Jehoiakim the vassal not of but of Pharaoh Nechoh. Jehoiakim was appointed and chosen by Pharaoh, not by God. He realises that this means that 607Tishri15 (the first 1st day of Booths after Jehoiakim's accession) was the true start of the . He then synchronises the Babylonian Chronology known to Rev Brown, with Biblical, Assyrian and Egyptian Chronology. See U91.
So Gordon realised that the began not when Jerusalem fell to Nebuchanezzar, but when Pharaoh Nechoh having defeated and killed King Josiah, removed Jehoahaz from the throne (who was chosen by the Jews) and appointed Eliakim as King of Judah and changed his name to Jehoiakim (to make him sound like he was approved by God) and when Jehoiakim taxed the people and paid a tribute to Nechoh
31 23 years old was Jehoahaz when he began to reign, and for 3 months he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.
32 And he began to do what was bad in 's eyes,
according to all that forefathers of his had done.
33 And Pharaoh Nechoh got to put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, to keep him from reigning in Jerusalem, and then imposed a fine upon the land of 100 silver talents and a gold talent.
34 Furthermore, Pharaoh Nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in place of Josiah his father and changed his name to Jehoiakim; and Jehoahaz he took and then brought to Egypt, where he eventually died.
35 And the silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave to Pharaoh.
Only he taxed the land, to give the silver at the order of Pharaoh. According to each one's individual tax rate he exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, to give it to Pharaoh Nechoh.
36 25 years old was Jehoiakim when he began to reign, and for 11 years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah from Rumah. (2 Kings 23 )
So Jehoahaz was stopped from reigning by Nechoh. So no one was reigning for a period and then Jehoiakim had 11 regnal years starting in 607. Jehoiakim was not a vassal of because he was a vassal of Pharaoh Nechoh, being chosen by him and paying him an annual tribute. Now has said, when asked on his views about paying tax:
17 Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. And they began to marvel at him (Mark 12).
So if Pharaoh is getting the tax, then he is Caesar, not God. So God relinquished his Kingship of Judah at the accession of Jehoiakim, who was no longer a vassal of the Almighty, but rather a vassal of Egypt.
So in general the is a period when God's people are ruled by a King chosen by a foreign Caesar who taxes the people on behalf of that Caesar.
Jehoiakim acceded on 608Chislev10 - see U97. so the Gentile times began on 607Tishri15 (since Kingship maledictions begin on the first day of Booths). This chronology agrees with secular history - see U91.
1 The word that occurred to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the 4th year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, that is, the first year of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon; (Jeremiah 25 )
So Jehoiakim acceded in 608. So his first regnal year (which must begin on Nisan1) was 607, so his 4th regnal year was 604, which was the first regnal year of Nebuchanezzar. (Ptolemy)
Babylonian King | Berossus | Ptolemy | BCE |
Nabopolassar | 21 years | 21 years | 625-605 |
Nebuchadnezzar | 43 years | 43 years | 604-562 |
Evilmerodach | 2 years | 2 years | 561-560 |
Neriglissar | 4 years | 4 years | 559-556 |
Labashi-Marduk | 9 months | n/a | 556 |
Nabonidus | 17 years | 17 years | 555-539 |
Wikipedia has Jehoiakim appointed to the throne of Judah by Pharaoh Nechoh in 608 BC -
Egyptian Event | History of Ancient Egypt - Rawlinson | Chronicle of the Pharaohs - Clayton | Cambridge Ancient History |
Pharoah Nechoh accession | 612/610 | 610 | 610 |
Defeats Josiah at Meggido | 608 | 609 | |
Pharoah Nechoh dies | 596 | 595 | 595 |
5. In 2014, Stephen E. Jones of God's Kingdom Ministries postulated that the 2,520 years of the was punctuated by a gap due to the uprising of the Maccabees. "If these beast empires (from Babylon to the little horn) had ruled with no interruption, their 2,520 years would have lasted from 607 B.C. to 1914 A.D. However, from 163-63 B.C. their rule was interrupted for a century on account of the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes, who attempted to turn the temple in Jerusalem into a shrine to Zeus. The uprising of the Maccabees gave Judah independence for a hundred years, depriving the Grecian beast his final century of rule." God's Kingdom Ministries Newsletter 1st May 2014.
6. Gordon realised that Dr Jones was correct about the Maccabean gap. But that he did not have its timing quite right. The key was 1 Maccabees 11:32-37, which is a quote from a letter from King Demetrius II Nicator (the Seleucid King of Israel) to Jonathan Maccabeus...
32 King Demetrius to the Honorable Lasthenes, greetings.
33 I have decided to grant the Jewish nation certain benefits because they are our loyal allies and keep their treaty obligations.
34 I confirm their rights to the land of Judea and the three regions of Ephraim, Lydda, and Arimathea, which are hereby annexed to Judea from Samaria with all the lands belonging to them. This will be of benefit to everyone who goes to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice, since payments of the annual tax on produce and fruit from these lands will no longer be made to the king, but to the Temple [meaning God is now Caesar - pay Caesar's things not to Caesar but to God!].
35 And I also grant them relief from the payment of revenues now due me from tithes, tolls, salt taxes, and special taxes.
36 None of the provisions mentioned in this letter shall ever be cancelled in the future.
37 You are required to see that a complete copy of this decree is made and given to Jonathan, to be posted in a prominent place on the Temple hill.
(1 Maccabees 11 - GNT)
So here is a Greek King telling the Jews to pay Caesar's things not to Caesar, but to God. That was truly the start of the Maccabean gap. It could not be more obvious once you see it. The letter was written as a result of a meeting between Demetrius II and Jonathan Maccabeus not more than a few months after he became king. This was in September 145 BC according to Wikipedia - For more see U123.
So the was suspended from 144Tishri15.
The Judeans came under taxation again when Pompey captured Jerusalem from Aristobulus II in 63BC. But Pompey favoured Hyrcanus II (the ruler whom the Jews themselves had chosen) and put him back in power as ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of Judea, with authority to raise taxes for Rome (and he was really bad at raising taxes!). Then Julius Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Thapsus on the 6th either of February or of April in 46 BC. Julius Caesar then promoted Antipater, the Idumean to be the ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of that province with the right to raise taxes for Rome instead. Antipater was a much better tax collector than Hyrcanus II. Perhaps that is why the people loved Hyrcanus II. Hyrcanus continued as the deputy under Antipater, the founder of the Herodian dynasty, until 40BC when he was taken prisoner by the Parthians in Babylon and had his ears cut off so that he could no longer be ruler or high priest.
So the was restarted on 46Tishri15.
So now the runs from 607Tishri15 to 144Tishri15 BC and then from 46Tishri15 BC to 2012Tishri15. But then we must add a 4 year Jewish Ministry gap and a 4 year Gentile Ministry gap.
7. In 2015, we realised that the had a 95, then in 2018 a 97, then in 2018Tishri a 98 year Maccabean gap in it and therefore did not end until 2012Tishri15. Then we realised that it also had a 4 year gap for ' Ministry OR a 4 year gap for 's ministry and a 4 year gap for ' lease. So that extended the malediction until 2020Tishri15.
8. In 2015/2016 we realised that the dream, the recital, the interpretation and the fulfilment of Daniel4 gave 4 different greater maledictions of 7x. We also realised that these 4 were not maledictions but maledictions because trees feed, they do not rule. So they were promised land prohibitions, rather than kingship maledictions. BUT the angel said...
15 However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper [Kingship of iron and Priesthood of copper], among the grass of the field [Exedenic]; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth (Daniel 4).
We new that iron stood for rulership (he will shepherd the people with an iron rod Revelation 2:27. You will break them with an iron sceptre - Psalm 2:9) and copper stood for the priesthood (all the utensils of the priesthood were copper). So a banding of iron going one time around the rootstock with 7 times passing over it, gave a 7x kingship malediction and the copper band likewise gave a 7x priesthood malediction. So now we had 4 , 4 and 4 maledictions from Daniel4 - see U123.
9. In March 2017 we worked out the literal meaning of Leviticus26 and got the Discontinuous Israeli , the period when Genetic Israel does not have a king from its own people. this period ran from the capture of Zedekiah in 486Tammuz to the release of Jehoiachin by Evil Merodach on 561Adar25/27 and then from the death of Jehoiachin, the last King of Judah somewhere between 549Adar26/28-548Adar25/27 to the Ben Gurion proclamation on 1948March14 (1948Sivan3) declaring Israel to be an independent self governing state, when the British mandate to rule Palestine expired - see U121.
The 4 year ; Ministry gapped Davidic Israeli denying physical Jews a Davidic secular king
Zedekiah captured and blinded
Zedekiah taken captive to Babylon 586Tammuz9+ X____________________________ |
Cana veil lifting and marital supper day is Caesar to 29Heshvan29 X___________________________ |
Pentecost: ' last miracle becomes Caesar again 33Sivan5 X_________________________ |
Britain and France declare war on Germany WW3 begins 1939Elul15 (September3) X_____________________ |
Ben Gurion proclaims State of Israel - US Accepts British Mandate to Govern Palestine ends 1948Sivan3 (1948May14) X_____________ |
614 years | 1266 day miracle ministry gap | 1906 years |
Timeline of Hitler's Concentration Camps
1933January30: Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
1933February27: The Reichstag fire. The subsequent Reichstag Fire Decree suspends the German Constitution and most civil liberties.
1933March22: Dachau concentration camp, the first concentration camp in Germany, opens 10 miles northwest of Munich at an abandoned munitions factory.
1933October24 – November24: The government passes a law allowing "dangerous and habitual criminals" – including vagrants, alcoholics, the unemployed, and the homeless – to be interned in concentration camps. The law is later amended to allow for their compulsory sterilization.
1936August28: 1936Elul7: Mass arrests of 's Witnesses begin.
1937February27 (1936Adar10/11): The Kripo (German Criminal Police) begins the first mass roundup of political opponents.
1937July15 Buchenwald concentration camp opens in Ettersburg five miles from Weimar.
1938March24 Flossenbürg concentration camp is opened in Flossenbürg, Bavaria, ten miles from the border with Czechoslovakia
1938June13–18 The first mass arrests of Jews begin through Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich.
Booths after Zedekiah is captured 586Tishri15 X_____________________ |
Booths before ' ministry begins 29Tishri15 X_________________________ |
Booths after ' ministry ends 33Tishri15 X_________________ |
The curse in the law of Moses at Leviticus26 on Genetic Israel ends 1939Tishri15 X_____________ |
614 years | 4 year miracle ministry gap | 1906 years |
One is forced to the conclusion that the demons incited WW2 at the end of the curse of the law on genetic Israel, in order to imprison and kill them in concentration camps and prevent them returning to the promised land.
We knew that the chapter had 4 further periods in the word symbolic meaning because the 7x penalty is repeated 4x in verses 18, 21, 24, 28.
12. In 2018VeAdar we hopefully correctly identified The , the (, or general) and the for (which became the Catholic church), (the Watchtower), Laodicea, (the s) and Adam. So we now think we have all of the maledictions suffered by God's people in the Abrahamic System at least. We also have the 3 large malediction of 2520 years - see U121 and see U123. Not quite!
9 Do you not yet see the point, or do you not remember the 5 loaves in the case of the 5,000 and how many baskets you took up?
10 Or the 7 loaves in the case of the 4,000 and how many provision baskets you took up?
11 How is it you do not discern that I did not talk to you about loaves? But watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
(Matthew 16 )
18 'Though having eyes, do you not see; and though having ears, do you not hear?' And do you not remember,
19 when I broke the 5 loaves for the 5,000 [men], how many baskets full of fragments you took up? They said to him: 12.
20 When I broke the 7 for the 4,000 [men], how many provision baskets full of fragments did you take up? And they said to him: 7.
21 With that he said to them: Do you not yet get the meaning? (Mark 8 )
So the number of provisions baskets full of fragments has a greater MEANING that we have to GET!!!
18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation: The 3 baskets are 3 days. (Genesis 40 )
So we take 12 baskets as being 12 units of time. Sacred years actually.
This is a numerical symbolism. The bible is a history book with no dates.
But it does have with a load of seemingly irrelevant numbers of people and things scattered throughout the book.
is telling us to consider these numbers
Joseph is telling us that they are the dates.
Mark6 and Matthew14 are parallel and the word andreV for males appears twice so has a greater meaning of saints, whereas women and children appear once so mean women and children. So the greater meaning refers to 5,000 male saints in both Matthew and Mark (since they are a greater male which is also a male).
Fish (6), Loaves (8), Males (2), Grass (2). So these nouns in particular, since they appear an even number of times take two meanings in total, and so have a greater meaning in the word symbolic thread which is different to the literal meaning. Nouns which appear an odd number of times are invariant in the symbolism.
In Mark 6:30-45 and Matthew 14:13-22, which are parallel accounts because in both accounts leaves Capernaum for a lonely place on the Capernaum side of the lake towards Tiberias, and then after the feeding the disciples head for Bethsaida on the other side of the lake. This is not the case with John 6 or Luke 9, which are parallel accounts set in Bethsaida and after feeding 5,000 other men, set sail for Capernaum.
In Mark 6:30-45 and Matthew 14:13-22, which are parallel accounts because in both accounts leaves Capernaum for a lonely place on the Capernaum side of the lake towards Tiberias, and then after the feeding the disciples head for Bethsaida on the other side of the lake. This is not the case with John 6 or Luke 9, which are parallel accounts set in Bethsaida and after feeding 5,000 other men, set sail for Capernaum.
At hearing this withdrew from there [Capernaum]
in boat into a lonely place
on his own. But the crowds,
having heard, followed him on-foot [adverb]
from the cities.
So when he got out he saw a great
crowd. And he felt-tender-affection for them, and he cured their sick [ones].
But [at the time] of
having become
[after 2001Chislev14, the end of the first part of the 2nd presence]
came to him saying: The
is lonely and the
has already passed by; send off the
in order that having gone off into the
they might buy themselves
foods [The disciples are asking to finish off the Watchtower as a true church and send everyone off to eat somewhere else].
said to them: They do not have to leave: You give them [something]
to eat
[form a new church, Laodicea, and feed them].
They said to him: We do not have [anything] here but 5
and 2
[We have the food of the 5 presidents of the Watchtower and the food of the Angel of Laodicea and the Angel of Philadelphia, the president of the s, whom we spy upon].
He said: Bring them here to me
[in the form of the reserves in the Watchtower - my fiance].
And having commanded the
to recline on the
[Could be green. Could be yellow. This is the Laodicean congregation from 2003Shebat21 when they were installed to feed the reserves],
he took the 5
and the 2
[icquaj], and, looking up into
heaven, he blessed [them] and, having broken [them] he gave the
to the
and the
[gave them] to the
So all ate and were satisfied, and they took up the [food] remaining over [the out of date showbread of the s], 12
baskets [accusative]
full of
[12x from 2003Shebat21 (delayed by the Sabbath month but not by the Jubilee month from 2003Tebbeth21) to 2015Shebat21,
the entire length of the spying based feeding program of Laodicea. the light of Laodicea went out on 2016Nisan1, the start of their 40 month wilderness penalty after they failed their 40 day spying test of Numbers13 to see if they could make their own light.]
Yet the [ones] eating were males about [wsei]
5,000 [male reserves], apart from women
[female reserves]
and little-children
[ saints in Laodicea]
And immediately, he compelled the
to step aboard the
and go ahead of him to the other-side [peran]
[Then Laodicea joins before in the form of the descended 3rd joins us], while he sent off the
[ended Laodicea as a true church on 2017Elul10]
(Matthew 14).
And the
gathered together before
and reported to him all [things]
as many as they had done and as many as they had taught.
And he said to them: Come, you yourselves, privately into a desolate/lonely
and rest up a little. For the [ones] coming and the [ones] going were many, and they did not have-an-opportunity to eat.
So they went off in the
[from Capernaum]
into a lonely
for themselves.
But many saw them going and got to know it, and they ran there together on-foot from all the
and got ahead of them.
Well, on getting out, he saw a great
crowd, but he felt-tender-affection for them,
because they were as [wj]
without a
shepherd. And he started to teach them many [things].
And [at the time] of the
already having come to be much, his
came up to him and said: The
is lonely, and the
is already much.
Send them away
[2x], in order that having gone off into the
in a
circle [kuklw]
[4x precisely. These are the 4 , 1440 years, of the Waterless Times of Revelation7 from the end of the baptism into on 435Iyyar21 to the start of the baptism into on
they might buy themselves what they might eat [Get their own food from false religion]
Answering he said to them: Ye give to them to eat. At this they said to him: Having gone off
[become a false church, left on 2017Elul10 for Laodicea]
shall we buy
[implied ek] [out] of 200
and give to them to eat? [200x from 2019Ab21 to 2019Adar11, the appointment of reverted Laodicea as a true church. An unfulfilled Hypothetical. So it must be fulfilled in the greater meaning]
He said to them: How many
have you? Go see! After ascertaining it, they said: 5, and 2
And he ordered them to make recline all, symposiums,
symposiums, on the greenish/yellow [clwroj]
grass [watered/dry grass - so with/without a water baptism].
And they reclined garden plot [prasia]
garden plot
[prasia] [literally: bed of leeks, a bed of leeks],
by 100, and by 50 [So there are at least 4 true churches with feeding campaigns for water baptised s of length 50 or 100 units]. (Mark 6 ED)
The Greek word for green is prasinoj which means leek-green. Liddell and Scott has...
Ionic Greek. &ih,,
properly a bed of leeks: generally, a garden-plot, Homer's Odyssey.:-metaphorically., prasiai.
prasiai, in companies or groups, New Testament.
leek-green, light green***
a leek, Latin: porrum,
poët. cloero,j,
a,( o,n,
greenish-yellow (like young grass or leaves), pale-green,
light-green, green, grassy, Homer's Odyssey., Sophocles., Euripides.; si,tou e;ti clwrou/ o;ntoj Thucydides.
2. yellow, of honey, Homer; avmfi.
clwra.n ya,maqon on the yellow sand, Sophocles.
II. generally, pale, pallid, bleached, clwro.j u`pai. dei,ouj Il.;-then, as an epithet of fear, clwro.n de,oj Homer:-yellow, pallid, of persons affected by the plague,
So the leek green would be with a water baptism - which they sat down with in groups of 50 and 100. But instructs them to continue reclining on the chlorine yellow-green grass after the water baptism ends until the church becomes false - when he can give them no instruction.
commanded the 5,000 men of Mark6 to recline on the chlorine-green-yellow grass (watered-not watered grass which responds to light). But they fell up in leek-green (fully watered) groups of 100 and 50. These 100x and 50x are therefore feeding periods of true churches from when they first have 5,000 male saints to feed until the end of their water baptisms (when their grass is no longer leek green and becomes Chlorine green-yellow).
And having taken the 5
[the 5 presidents of whilst it still had a water baptism and before it became the Roman Catholic Church (Peter, John, James, Timothy, Epaphras) and the 5 presidents of the Watchtower whilst it had a water baptism (Russell,
Knorr, Franz, Henschel)]
and the 2
[the food of the first 2 Popes with fish hats, St Linus (67-75) and St Anacletus (76-88) OR the food of the first two presidents of , and James we think? In the 2nd presence it was the food of , the the Angel of Philadelphia, the president of the Lords Witnesses and the food of , the angel of Laodicea, the head of the sect within the Watchtower],
having looked up into heaven [meaning the blessing and the breaking comes from there],
he blessed and broke
the loaves [a loaf is the food baked by the administration of a president - the research of that administration. A loaf receives a heavenly blessing when the helps with that research. A loaf is broken when it is turned from research into a teaching. The blessing is on the food not the person so it is not a sanctification]
and began giving them to the
in order that they might place them before them; and he divided up the 2 fishes
for all.
So they all ate and were satisfied;
43 and they took up/raisedup/lifted up/carried off fragments [ did not give them fragments - they took them up - so the fragments are after the Watchtower fell as a true church], ones-filling 12 of baskets [accusative] [quantitative genitive] [12 years, 12 pre made baskets, 12 secular calendar years from 2005TIshri1, after 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church. These fragments are whole calendar months, which are the fragments of a whole secular year. They are not days which would be fragments of fragments of a year. They (plural) took up fragments from 2 fishes are 2x2x2=8 years], and from the fishes [icquaj] [they took up fragments] [2x.2x.2x=8x whole years from 2005Sivan14 to 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, the end of the water baptism for Laodicea]
The 12 baskets of fragments are 12 years of a fragment of the Watchtower remaining a true church (Laodicea).
12 filled baskets of fragments: 12 secular years from 2005Sivan14 to 2017Elul10,
the fall of the Laodicean fragment of the Watchtower as a true church. The 12th secular year (2016Tishri1 to 2017Elul30) has all 12 monthly fragments in it (the 12th fragment 2017Elul is not complete but still a fragment).
8x of taking up fragments from the 2 fishes: 8 years from 2005Sivan14 to 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, the end of the water baptism for the Laodicean fragment of the Watchtower (fishes live in water).
The loaves fed the 5,000 males. The fragments and the fishes were not said to have fed those 5,000.
And the [ones] having eaten the
were 5,000
[5,000 true saints who remained in the Watchtower until 2001Chislev14. The 5th watch under Henschel, began on 1992Chislev30 and ended on 2002VeAdar13 (2003March22) with his death. His resignation on 2000Heshvan4/5 had no effect since the Governing Body is in fact a democracy which is a demoncracy].
And, immediately
[in fact by virtue of the descended 3rd and the understandings of the church], he compelled his
to board the
boat [Research group] and go on ahead to the other-side [peran]
Bethsaida [house of fish, the s], while [ewj]
he himself dismissed the
[ended the Watchtower as a true church on 2005Sivan14]
(Mark 6).
Fish (6), Loaves (8). Males (2), Grass (2) in Mark 6:30-45 and Matthew 14:13-22, which are parallel accounts because in both accounts leaves Capernaum for a lonely place on that side of the lake towards Tiberias, and then after the feeding the disciples head for the Bethsaida side of the lake. This is not the case with John 6 or Luke 9, which are parallel accounts set in Bethsaida and after feeding 5,000 other men, set sail for Capernaum.
Baking is the research done under a president
Breaking is the conversion of research into teaching.
169Groups of 50 and 100
: 50 years from late 29 ( after ' installation to feed on 29Heshvan21) when 5,000 male saints (baptised by John) had become disciples of , to 79Tishri14, when the water baptism ended. They continue reclining for a further dry 4½x of Daniel12, on yellow grass until 84Nisan14, when (the Roman Catholic church) fell as a true church.
: 50 years of feeding of s from 109 AD to 159Tishri10, the end of the 2nd presence due to the last leaving his human body and being transferred into his angel (green grass all through).
: 100 years from 1901Heshvan21, the installation of to feed, to 2001Chislev14, when the water baptism ended. They continue to recline for a further dry 3½x of Daniel12 on yellow grass, until 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell as a true church.
Laodicea: 100 months from 2003Shebat21, the installation to feed the s, to 2012Sivan21, between the death of Adam and the death of Cain in true churches
: 50 days from 2026Tishri16 (which must be 4th row laying day) when 5,000 male s are in , to 2026Chislev5, when the 3rd takes over (all the Isaaic s) - see U271-11#6.
2026Tishri14 is 4th row baptism day for the 3rd
2026Tishri15 is 4th row conversion day for the 3rd
2026Tishri16 is 4th row Isaaic stone laying day for the 3rd
5 loaves and 2 fishes
/: 5 loaves are the food of the administrations of the 5 presidents of , Peter, John, James, Timothy,
Epaphras. 2 fishes are the food of the administrations of the next two heads of the church who were the first two Popes, who wear their fish hats, the first two Bishops of Rome, St Linus from 67-76 AD and St Anacletus from 76 to 84Nisan14, when the Roman Catholic church fell as a true church - see U233.
Peter was never a Pope, he was never a Bishop of Rome because his ministry was to the Jews - see U42. Or perhaps the food of 1 (John the baptist) and 2 () both of whom fed (which was
appointed/installed to feed the s on 29Tishri2/Heshvan21) and both of whom were fountains of living water, having a water baptism from heaven..
/: 2 fishes are the food of the administration of 3 (Russell) and 4 (Ritchie). 5 loaves are the food of the administrations of the 5 post Russell presidents of the Watchtower:
Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, Henschel. Don Adams until the fall of the Watchtower during his presidency (on 2005Sivan14)..
The 2 fishes are and , the Angel of Laodicea (Caleb) and the Angel of Philadelphia (Gordon). The 5 loaves are the food of the administrations of the angels of Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira and Sardis in Revelation 2,3 and Don Adams who humbly described himself as a mere administrator. He had no presidential authority. But he did hold the title. So he was not a star in ' right hand of Revelation. Therefore the Watchtower fell as a true church during the administration of Don Adams from 2000Heshvan5 to 2014. In fact it fell on 2005Sivan14.
Fragments left over
: 12 baskets full of fragments (calendar months) are whole sacred years from 85Nisan1 to 97Nisan1 and not to 98Nisan1
: ??
: 12 baskets full of fragments (calendar months) are filled secular years from 2005Tishri1 (after their fall on 2005Sivan14) to 2017Elul10) the fall of Laodicea as a true church, after a part of the 12th month of the Tishri1 secular year, a fragment of a fragment)
: 8x of fish fragments are 8 sacred years from 2005Sivan14 to 2013Adar10, the end of the baptism for Laodicea, the end of the 2nd presence - during which the s had a water baptism hence fish.169
The 1st presence ran from 29Tishri10 (when entered into and so was present in the flesh)
to 79Tishri14 and 89Tishri14 to 159Tishri10.
was commissioned to build the temple of on 10Tishri2, 22½ years before 33Nisan16, when was appointed.
Compelling disciples to board a boat and go to the other side of the lake whilst dismissing the crowds, is the first true religion becoming false and telling the loyal ones to get into a new outfit, a new church whilst leaving the hangers on behind in a dismissed church. The new church Bethsaida, is the house of fish, the church of the fishes - who must therefore be the first 2 presidents of and not the first 2 popes. Although there were 2 popes with their silly fish pope hats during the 50 years of the feeding of . For more see U67.
It all began with the two fulfilments to the dream of Daniel4 and the interpretation that 7x stood for 7 years not of days but of years, which is 7x360 = 2520 years in the Biblical Lunar Calendar which has 12 months of 30 days each in a calendar year.
But it was not until 1992 that someone asked this question:
If 7x stands for 2520 years in Daniel4, then does it also stand for 2520 years in Genesis4?
15 At this said to him: Therefore anyone/everyonel killing Cain will be avenged 7 times. And so set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. (Genesis 4 )
15 Therefore/for that reason everyone/anyone [-lk] killing Cain 7 times he will be avenged [~qy] (Genesis 4 ).
The answer was yes it does.
11 And now you are cursed in banishment from the ground [the family land/ground of Adam], which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood at your hand.
12 When you cultivate the ground, it will not give you back its power. A wanderer and a fugitive you will become in the earth (Genesis 4).
13 At this Cain said to : My punishment for error is too great to carry.
14 Here you are actually driving me this day from off the surface of the ground, and from your face I shall be concealed [he used to see God's face because he was and was therefore a priest to Adam's family all of whom were adamic and therefore constructively dead]; and I must become a wanderer and fugitive on the earth, and it is certain that anyone finding me will kill me.
15 At this said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance 7 times.
And so set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him (Genesis 4).
In the literal meaning, the vengeance from God for any man who killed Cain within 7 years of his killing Abel was physical death (vengeance). But the penalty on Cain himself, who was a murderer from among God's people (although a son of and Eve) was eviction from the land of Adam and his family for 7 years. He was banished from the ground, the true church congregation, the covenant family of Adam. Whilst he was excommunicated from God's true people God gave him the vengeance penalty protection for 7x. He would not need that protection once the banishment was over because he could return to the covenant family of Adam if he so chose.
But quite obviously God would not afford a greater protection to a false worshipping murderer amongst his people than he would afford a true worshipping non murderer. So what we are seeing here is a law from God on all of his true people that murderers should be evicted for 7 years from the homeland of Adam and his family and that the pre-adamics outside that land should not kill adamic murderers.
In fact once Adam had left the garden his introduction to knowledge of Good and of Bad began. This would obviously mean that God would give him a set of laws which defined the two. One of these laws was the 7 year eviction for murder law.
Now in the case of Ezekiel's actions as a prophet in Ezekiel 4:1-12, we know that each day of his literal actions stood for a year in the real fulfilment on God's people. This was part of the basis for the Times Principle. So applying the Times Principle of the code, we know that in the greater meaning 7 years become 7 or 2520 years.
Take Cain (a murderer from God's people) to be God's people, who were most of Adam's family plus pre-adamic proselytes. Adam's family were sons of a mother who conspired with to murder Adam and Adam who murdered himself for his love of Eve. So Cain can justifiably stand for all of God's people.
Their banishment for eating from the tree (false worship) in circumstances where Eve had conspired to murder Adam and Adam murdering himself (neither of which were sins under the one law of Eden), was to be a banishment from a promised/edenic land for 7 or 2520 years. And there you have the . So just as Cain was banished from the family land/ground of Adam and consigned to a land which would not give him its true productive power for 7 years (for being a false worshipping murderer), so God's official people were banned from Eden and evicted into a land growing them thorns and thistles for 7 or 2520 years (7x360 years) until they entered into the promised land, flowing with milk and honey in 1473Nisan (for being false worshipping murderers).
Actually God's people under law could kill false worshippers and murderers (sons of Cain) by stoning them, under the law of Moses from 1473Nisan14/15 onwards. Nobody was stoned in the wilderness under law because all those over 20 were already sentence to die in the wilderness (and you cannot get two death penalties from God) and all those under 20 were not circumcised and therefore not under law. So God's people were prevented from applying the death penalty for the entire length of the .
Literal | Symbolic |
Cain | God's people (Adam's salvation covenant family, his family) |
7 years | 7 , 2520 years |
Banished from Adam's family land | Exedenic, not in an edenic or promised land |
Land would not produce for him | Thorns and thistles, no edenic fruit and no milk and honey |
Cain was not to be killed for 7 years | False worshipping murderers did not receive the death penalty for 2520 years under the law of Moses until they entered into the promised land |
So the next question was well if 7x stands for 2520 years of Daniel4 and in Genesis4 does it stand for 2520 years through the bible? And what around 2x or 3x or 4x or 5x etc.?
Here are the ones we have so far determined...
Name | X times | Start | Event | Finish | Finish | Scripture | Section |
7 times | 3993Nisan16 BC | Eviction from Eden | 1473Nisan15 BC | Grain eaten in promised land | Genesis 4:15 | U133 | |
7 times | 2488Sivan BC | Genesis 6:3. No more gifts of the spirit | 33Sivan5 | Pentecost: Gifts of the spirit poured out | Leviticus 4:6,17 | U129 | |
Continuous | 7 times | 607Tishri15 BC | First secular year under Nechoh | 1914Tishri15 | WW1. The Signs of the Times of Matthew 24 begin as predicted by Russell in 1876. | Daniel 4:17 | U120, U121, U123 |
Discontinuous | 7 times | 607Tishri15 BC | First secular year under Nechoh | 2020Tishri15 | can now be installed as Caesar over humans on earth | Daniel 4:25 (98 year Maccabean gap from 144Tishri15 -46Tishri15 and the 4 year Jewish Ministry gap from 29Tishri15 to 33Tishri15 OR 4 year Gentile Ministry gap from 66Tishri15 to 70Tishri15) and 4 year lease gap from 2012Tishri15 to 2016Tishri15 | U121, U123 |
Discontinuous Davidic Israeli | 7 times | 586Tishri15 BC | The capture and deposing of Zedekiah in 586Tammuz | 1941Tishri15 | WW2 ends on 1945May8 (1945Iyyar30). 1948May14 (1948Sivan3), the Modern state of Israel is declared | Leviticus 26 (2 year gap when Jehoiachin 's throne was raised up in Babylon - Jeremiah 52:31-34, 2Kings25:27-30 AND 4 year Ministry gap of ) | U121 |
Temple Times | 3 times | 1048Nisan16 | David buys temple floor | 33Nisan16 | Temple floor of laid. | 1 Chronicles 21:12(3 days, months, years) | U40 |
Pharaoh's Times | 10 times | 1593Nisan14 BC | Pharaoh order babies into Nile | 2008Nisan14 | End of the world | Genesis 31:7 | U31 |
Lamech's Times | 11 times | 3928Nisan14 BC | Cain Kills Abel | 33Nisan14 | Caiaphas sacrifices | Genesis 4:24, Matthew 18:22(77 times compared to 7 times) | U133#Lamech |
's Times | 11 times | 1943Nisan14 BC | inaugurated | 2018Nisan14 | Must then add the sentence count of the execution of the command, 31x in months to the 11 and get to 2020Heshvan15, the resurrection of the 4th bride, the final resurrection of the 3rd , who will possess the Kingdom through the s. | Genesis 15 (3 year old heifer+ram+she-goat + 2 birds) | U271-11#29 |
Waterless Times | 4 times | 435Iyyar21 | The water baptism ends in | 1875Iyyar21 | The water baptism begins in | Revelation 7:1 with 4 angels standing upon the 4 extremities of the earth hold back the 4 winds. | U271-12#96 U151#7 |
Clarification Times | 7 times | 497Adar21 BC | Last prophet to get the word of directly (Malachi). Nehemiah, Ezra and Esther did not claim to have that word | 2024Adar21 | Clarification of God's word in the furnace of silver ends with the sealing of the last on 2024Adar21 | Psalm 12:6 | U271aq |
Babel's Times | 2 times | 2233Sivan BC | The languages at Babel were confused and the maximum lifespan of adamic men was halves from 480 to 240 years. The earth was divided in the days of Peleg | 1513Sivan7 | The became operational. God's people were no longer unrestrained | Genesis 11:6-7, Genesis 10:25, Revelation 18:2 | Intro15 |
Binary Questions
said in John 11...
9 answered, Are there not 12 hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble because he sees the light of the world. (John 11 )
Well yes there are 12 hours in a daylight day. But there are 24 hours in a calendar day. The daylight day ends with its evening at darkness. The calendar day ends with its evening at sunset. These are the two evenings that the Passover lamb is supposed to be sacrificed between. This is a classic example of a Yes/No or binary question for which both answers are true. This is an element of of the bible code. Every yes/no or binary question in the bible has both answers true in the literal or symbolic meaning. If one answer is true literally then the other is true symbolically.
4 Nicodemus said to Him, How is a man able to be generated, being old? He is not able to enter into his mother's womb a second [time] and be born [is he]? (John 3 )
Well literally of course not. But symbolically yes. That is precisely how one is born again as an angel. One enters into one's angelic mother's womb and is born from a second womb. It is also how one is resurrected as a human from . One's human body is cloned and non adamically gene zapped. In that way you remain a son of your original mother who is now adamic like you. So you have effectively re-entered into a version of her womb and been born again non adamically.
asks in Romans8...
33 Who will file accusation against God's chosen ones? God is the One who declares [them] righteous (Romans 8).
In the literal meaning no one. In the greater meaning Gordon! See ['The cut in two']
And Pilate enquired of : Are you the king of the Jews? (Mark 15:2).
Literally, no, he wasn't at that time. Symbolically, yes, on 2020Tishri15 - see U121 and see U123, he becomes Caesar to all the spiritual Jews, the covenant sons of , the saints in the ark. He alluded to this in his answer:
36 answered: My kingdom is no part of this world [it is in the ark and in the next world]. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source (John 18).
38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom the spirit of God is? (Genesis 41)
Literally no, Joseph was unique. But in the greater meaning, yes, there will be another Joseph.
31 Still, many of the crowd put faith in him; and they commenced saying: When the Christ arrives, he will not perform more signs than this man has performed, will he? (John 7)
Literally no because of course was the Christ that the Jews had been waiting for. But when comes again in Kingdom power, in the body of his wife, to separate the sheep from the goats, he will actually do more signs than were done in his ministry to the Jews.
enquires of God...
23 Then approached and began to say: Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? (Genesis 18)
Literally no. Word symbolically yes. negotiates for the righteous ones who miss the ark, the sons of the . They are therefore swept away with the wicked ones, but then are resurrected into the kingdom
But the largest scriptural example of a Binary Question comes from ...
27 Now yeu are Christ's body, and members individually. (1 Corinthians 12 )
28 And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first, apostles; second, prophets; 3rd,
teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services,
abilities to direct, different tongues.
29 Not all are apostles, are they?
Not all are prophets, are they?
Not all are teachers, are they?
Not all perform powerful works, do they?
30 Not all have gifts of healings, do they?
Not all speak in tongues, do they?
Not all are translators, are they?
31 But keep zealously seeking the greater gifts. And yet I show you a surpassing way [7 Binary questions in the same form. So indeed for 7x we shall have all these powers by the 8
Isomorphic Happinesses Principle of the true bible code] (1 Corinthians 12).
27 yeu but yeu are body of Christ and members out of part. (1 Corinthians 12 )
27 umeij de este swma cristou kai melh ek merouj (1 Corinthians 12 VatBO)
28 And those-whom indeed set the God in the ecclesia first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, thereupon [he gave] powers, thereupon gracious gifts of healings, helps, steerings, kinds of tongues. ()
28 kai ouj men eqeto o qeoj en th ekklhsia prwton apostolouj deuteron profhtaj triton didaskalouj epeita dunameij epeita carismata iamatwn antilhmyeij kubernhseij genh glwsswn (VatB)
29 Not all (ones) apostles? Not all (ones) prophets? Not all (ones) teachers? Not all (ones having) powers? ()
29 mh pantej apostoloi mh pantej profhtai mh pantej didaskaloi mh pantej dunameij (VatB)
30 Not all (ones) gracious gifts they are having of healings? Not all (ones) to tongues they are speaking? Not all (ones) are translating? (1 Corinthians 12 )
30 mh pantej carismata ecousin iamatwn mh pantej glwssaij lalousin mh pantej diermhneuousin (1 Corinthians 12 VatB)
31 Be yeu zealously acting for but the gracious gifts the greater. And yet according to over-cast/hyper-thowing/casting beyond way to you I am showing. (1 Corinthians 12 )
31 zhloute de ta carismata ta meizona kai eti kaq uperbolhn odon umin deiknumi (1 Corinthians 12 VatB)
Verse27: 2x+2x=4x
Verse28: 2x+2x+2x.2x+3x.2x+(12x+2x)+(14x+2x.2x+2x+2x+2x.2x) = 54x
Verse29: 2x+2x+2x+2x.2x = 10x
Verse30: 2x.2x.2x+2x.2x+2x = 14x
Verse31:2x.2x.2x+2x.(1x+2x) = 14x
Total 4x+54x+10x+14x+14x = 96x. Months from the pouring out of the gifts on 2025Iyyar21, after the rapture of Benjamin, when the smoke of the heat sealed 3rd enters the temple sanctuary according to Revelation15, to the absolute end of
Cain, the late 1st death Passover on 2033Iyyar14. Solomon's temple is inauguration during the late Pentecost of the Isaaic Adar1 secular year from 2025Nisan2 to 2025Iyyar21. So the inauguration festival in late Cakes from
2025Iyyar15-21. Because one cannot inaugurate and incomplete temple and 2025Iyyar2 is 7th rwo baptism day, when it is completed.
But we have a period when we are all things to all people according to ...
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all [men], that I might by all means save some. (1 Corinthians 9 )
So out of the 8 years of the gifts of the spirit from 2025Iyyar21, there will be 7 years precisely during which we shall indeed be all things to all people and bear all things to all people. Only sealed saints can have the gifts of the spirit, because they are a wedding present. It is clear therefore that one of their purposes is to protect/heal people under salvation testing from the murderous designs of . Yes indeed. Not a hair upon their heads will be singed. WW3 will be virtual to all those with faith in God.
The Designations Principle
If an item or character in an account is referred to by several different designations then in the greater meaning each designation refers to a different character or item.
Daniel 4 refers to the one character Nebuchadnezzar as:
Nebuchadnezzar, the king
King Nebuchadnezzar
In the literal meaning all these designations refer to the same character. In the word symbolic thread
My Lord is
The King is the 3rd
Nebuchadnezzar, the King is the all the 2nd presence s.
Nebuchadnezzar is the 2nd presence reserves
King Nebuchadnezzar is the 2nd presence reserves after they have married and become Kings
Daniel is Gordon
Belteshazzar is the mediator of the (a name of Gordon)
The Magic practicing priests are the 2NCs
Joshua 6 refers to the ark as
The ark
The ark of the covenant
The ark of
The ark of the covenant of
In the literal meaning all these designations describe the one acacia wood box made by Bezalel. But in the greater meaning in our current understanding of the account
The is the greater ark of Noah.
The of is (it marches round the city and is carried)
The of the Covenant is the salvation provisions of the , a clean flesh,
the promise of a body
The of the Covenant of is the blessing of the /, the gift a body.
The Numerical Principle
Joseph in Genesis 40 and 41 interprets 3 twigs as 3 days, 3 baskets as 3 days and 7 cows are 7 years. The principle we can extract from this is that any number of animals or things or people can be that number of days month or years in the greater meaning. Here are some examples...
1. The 1.1 million men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 stand for 1.1 million days of entry from the presentation of the census to David on 1048Nisan14 BC, the start of the 3 day plague to 1048Nisan16, when David purchased the temple floor from Ornan the Jebusite and stopped the plague. Although actually the plague ended after 70,000 people had been killed by it in circumstance where their redemption value was the debt owed by the people to for not paying the half shekel per head registration tax of Exodus 30:11-16 on 1.57 million people. 1048Nisan16 was 3 of the Temple Times before rebuilt his temple on 33Nisan16.
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to 1,100,000 men drawing sword, and Judah 470,000 men drawing sword (1 Chronicles 21).
So 1.1 million days would take us to 2008Heshvan6. But entrance into the ended on 2008Nisan21 the last day before the marriage of to his first presence wife on 2008Nisan22, and the last day of the week of Daniel9 during which God has to keep the covenant of the in force because 's lease over Adam (which is the basis of his salvation of Adam) ended on 2008Nisan14. So there are a further 195 days of entry which are not covered during this period. These are the 195 days of Kingdom entry for sealing (rather than sealing). They run from 2028Heshvan29/30 to 2029Sivan14/15 - see U154#2. For more on the 1Chronicles21 - see U40.
2. 1901 now spoke to Moses [4], saying:
2 Speak to the sons of Israel [all the saints, and ], and they should turn back and encamp to faces of Pihahiroth [Mouth of the
channels in Hebrew and Place where reeds grow in Egyptian - s] between/in midst of Migdol [Tower - Watchtower] and between/in midst of the sea [the mass of mankind] to faces of Baal-zephon [Baal of the North, the contest of 1Kings18]. In front of it
yeu are to encamp upon/by the sea [So go and camp between the Watchtower and the mass of mankind in view of the contest of 1kings18 and read the website].
3 And Pharaoh [] will certainly say to/for/about the sons of Israel, 'They are wandering in confusion in the land. The wilderness has shut/closed in upon them [the s have become trapped by their attempts to get the bomb date].'
4 And I shall indeed let Pharaoh's heart [body part: sentence count trigger] become obstinate, and he will certainly chase after them and I shall get glory for myself by means of Pharaoh and all his military force; and the Egyptians [s] will certainly know that I am .
And they did correctly.
5 And it was reported to the king of Egypt that the people had run away. And the heart of Pharaoh and his servants was changed/turned [singular] towards the people, and they said: What is this that we have done [in] that we have sent Israel away from slaving of us?
[we have lost all the saints, the sons of Israel, the s, the s and the s.
This was completed on 2022Elul11, 300 + 300 denarii of perfumed oil on the ' feet of John12 after 2020Tebbeth11, the start of the stolen for s in Reverted Laodicea]
(Exodus14 adapted from and Hebrew)
600 chosen chariots of Exodus 14:7 do not stand merely for 600 days for they each have a 3rd man and Pharaoh also took his people with him (we count everything taken by Pharaoh) and so we have 600 chosen chariots and 1800 men upon chosen chariots. These make 2400 days. But they are not called men they are called thirds.
6 And he proceeded to make namely his chariot ready [1x. This maybe his generalized chariot,
i.e. his army of chariots], and he took namely his people with him [2x].
7 And he proceeded to take 600 of chosen/proven chariot and/even all of chariot/chariotry of Egypts [NOT 1x.2x=2x - we know the number of them - it is 600. So this must be 1x.] and thirds [masculine plural] upon all of him [Literally 600 chosen chariots with 1800 men aboard making 2400x. But counts as a further 1800x + 1x for upon all of him, the chariotry]
Verse 6: 1x+2x = 3x
Verse 7: 600x+2x+1800x+3x+1x (Pharaoh's chariot is also a chariot of Egypt) = 2406x
The 3rd man either a (3rd in collection to s and s) or is a late Watchtower Passover partaker on 2019Tammuz14.
600x of chosen chariots chasing after Israel, even all the chariots of Egypt, are the priests from the Watchtower, those who eventually gain an Isaaic baptism by 2026Tishri5, the end of the Isaaic for those outside the 3rd . But the last chosen chariot arrives at in time to request a baptism on 2026Elul14 from 1Kings 18:40...
40 Then said to them: Seize ye namely prophets of the Baal! A man will not be delivered from them! At once they seized them, and then brought them down to the torrent valley of Kishon and slaughtered them there (1 Kings 18 ).
3x.(3x.450x+450x)+3x.450x+450x+450x = 5400x + 2250x = 7650x or 21¼ years from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, when all s became prophets of Baal, to 2026Elul14, the Passover before the start of the 3rd presence on 2026Elul16. The Isaaic ends on 2026Tishri5 for Kingdom priests. It must end for s on 2026Elul14.
So the last to be baptised arrives at the church or request baptism on 2026Elul14. But the last Kingdom priests is actually baptised on 2026Tishri5. So we baptise the first chasing s on 2024Shebat5, 600 days before 2026Tishri5. These are the 600 chosen chariots of Exodus14 - see U358.
entry ends on 2026Tishri5, 574 days of Bethzatha from 2024VeAdar2.
Watchtower entry ends on 2028Shebat10 for the 2028Shebat14 late Watchtower Passover in the 19th adamic Nisan1, then Abrahamic Elul1 then, Isaaic Tishri1 year of Gordon over the s
Watchtower entry ends on 2029Ab10 for the 2029Ab14 late Watchtower Passover in the 19th adamic Nisan1, then Abrahamic Elul1 then, Isaaic Tishri1 year of Gordon over the s - see
U271-11#38 .
8 And bound/hardened the heart of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt [1x], and he went chasing after/behind [rxa] the sons of Israel [13x+1x=14x],
and/while the sons of Israel were going out in/by hand
uplifting [out of Adam into . 13x in 5x = 65x]
9 And Egypts [dual, 2x] went chasing after/behind them [12x+2x=14x], and reached them camping upon the sea, all the horse of chariot of Pharaoh and his cavalrymen and his military force,
upon/at Pihahiroth to faces of/before/opposite Baal-zephon (Exodus 14 ). i.e. all the horse of chariot of Pharaoh and his cavalrymen and his military force reached them [whilst they were] camping upon the sea upon Pihahiroth opposite Baal zephon
Verse 8: 1x+14x+65x = 80x
Verse 9: 14x+1x+3x+1x+12x+12x.2x+1x+1x = 14x + 43x = 57x
Total of Pharaoh's taking and chasing from Verse6-8 3x+2406x+80x = 2489x from 2022Elul11, the end of Watchtower entry into Reverted Laodicea, the end of Israel leaving the Watchtower, to 2029Ab10, the late Watchtower Passover entry day for the
3rd Watchtower man. The end of Watchtower salvation through .
The chariots are charging through the scriptures. The are ridden by research groups. The needing 2 or 3 gathered together (riding in a chariot). The wheels of the chariot are the new form of locomotion, the new form of bible interpretation. These charioteers must adopt the new and bible code methods of interpretation and throw away their old interpretational methodology.190
4913 And one who had escaped [Caleb] came and told Abram the Hebrew [ in the true church, the s]. And he [was] living among the
strong trees/oaks of Mamre [fatness/strength - Joseph/4] the Amorite [mountaineer], the brother of Eshcol [Cluster]
and Aner. And they owners of covenant of Abram. (Genesis 14 )
14 And Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive. And he mustered his trained men, 318 slaves born in his household, and pursued until Dan.
15 And [by] night he divided/was smooth upon them, he and his slaves, and defeated them and pursued them until Hobah, which is north of Damascus.
16 And he proceeded to recover all the goods, and he recovered also Lot his brother and his goods and also the women and the people.
(Genesis 14 )
14 And Abram [ s in the ark] got to hear that brother [ Laodiceans - in Etham] of his had been taken captive [1x. Lot was not his genetic brother, Lot was the son of Haran who was one of the 3 brothers Abram, Haran and Nahor. So Lot was in the genetic house of his brother Haran] [actually his Nephew, the son of his brother, which to a Hebrew is his brother] [Reverted Laodicea falling to become a false church on 2023Tishri21 and then most of the s not being in the one true church of ]. And he emptied out/poured out/drew out his trained-ones (masculine) [318x: Abrahamic Laodiceans who were to become priests in the Kingdom], 318 born-ones of his house [they were] [318x: A further specification of trained ones. We use the most accurate figure we have] and he pursued until Dan [2x] [the judge of all the earth].
Verse 13: 2x+1x.3x.2x+2x = 10x
Verse 14: 1x+318x+318x+2x = 639x
Total is 10x+639x = 649x from 2024Tebbeth16, the start of the rapture to 2026Heshvan5, the start of the judging of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 - see U902.
's activities with his trained ones are 639x from 2024Tebbeth26, the start of the mustering and drawing out of the ones born in the house of towards , the start of the Isaaic for priests, to 2026Heshvan5, Dan, when the 3rd is
handed Abrahamic , and starts judging the sheep and the goats.
15 And [by] night [ he] divided/was smooth upon them [3x for them. Not 4x for 4 kings because there were others], he and his slaves [that is - a substitution for he] [His forces are the sons of the divided between the who go into the ark in a hidden way (by night) and the and the Benjamite Kings who remain on the earth], and he defeated them [3x] and he pursued/chased them [3x] until/to Hobah [hiding place/hidden place] [Hobah is further than Damascus on the way back to Mesopotamia from Dan. Damascus, meaning well watered land, stands for , a church, not a secular kingdom, which ends on 2031Nisan5, 4½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after the end of the river of the Isaaic on 2026Tishri5. Hobah is the last chance saloon, the descended church of and Yeshua], which from left/dark/north/wrapped up to Damascus [alertness or well watered land] [1x+1x=2x: Hobah is beyond Damascus].
16 And he proceeded to recover all the property [1x], and he recovered also/additionally Lot his brother [1x] and his property [0x - there is no additional property to all the property] and also/additionally [to that he recovered] the women [3x] and the people [1x] [the list totals 6x of recovery].
Verse15: 1x+3x+319x+319x.3x+319x.3x.1x+1x+1x = 6x+7x.319x = 6x + 2233x = 2239x from 2024Tebbeth16, the start of the rapture of , his division by night, to
2031Nisan5, the end of
and the installation of Hobah, the last chance saloon..
Verse16: Recovery of all stolen existing covenant possessions of : 319x.6x = 1914x from 2023Tishri21 to 2028Shebat15, the recovery of the 3rd crop, the late Watchtower crop (as it should be - since the Watchtower stole them). So the 12
crops of Revelation must run from 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14. So the end of salvation, the 6th crop, is 2029Iyyar14.
17 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he [Abram] returned from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him [killed to Adam and to false worship], to the Low Plain of Shaveh [level, flat], that is, the king's Low Plain [preserving his kingship but losing his authority in , hence the kings low level plain. He came to the Watchtower Passover].
18 And [King of righteousness - in this case] king of Salem brought out bread and wine [of the or of the ?], and he was priest of the Most High God.
19 Then he blessed him [the King of Sodom, the reserves] and said: Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, Producer of heaven and earth (Genesis 14 )
So the far bank of Daniel12 of runs from 2026Tishri5 to 2031Nisan5, 4½x (a time, 3 times and a half)
Dan (meaning judge): from 2026Heshvan5, when the 3rd is installed over Abrahamic ..
Damascus (meaning well watered land according to wikipedia) is , run by the s to 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5. ends on 2031Nisan5 (4½.x of the far bank after 2026Tishri5, the end of the Isaaic for earth dwellers).
Hobah meaning hidden place, is the descended church of the , the last chance saloon from 2031Nisan5 - 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death Passovers for Adam/Cain. baptism within it occurs during the last week of Daniel 9:27 from
2033Nisan3/4-10/Iyyar3/4-10. Exit from it occurs by Passover execution of Adam on 2033Nisan14 and Cain on 2033Iyyar14. These are resurrected back onto the planet on 2033Nisan17 and 2033Iyyar22.
hands the kingdom over to his God and father ON 2033Sivan5,
the installation of as Caesar to , after the day when he brings death to nothing for Adam and for Cain by resurrection the sealed last chance salooners NOT invisibly into the ark, but VISIBLY back onto the planet.
In Genesis 14: Lot is the Watchtower saints. The King of Sodom is (Angel of Laodicea). 4 kings against 5 is the Watchtower Governing Body Laodicean power struggle. The man who escaped to tell Abram about the enslavement of Lot, is Caleb, the spy of Joshua2 - see U30749.
The Translation Principle
8 But Elymas, the sorcerer that, in fact, is the way his name is translated began opposing them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith (Acts 13).
Elymas was a sorcerer and his name means sorcerer. That is now the bible is written. The literal meaning of the Hebrew name tells you what the greater meaning of that noun is. So for translate read INTERPRET.
1. 1 And Nahash [Serpent] the Ammonite [meaning: of the people] [the internal corruptor of the Watchtower] proceeded to go up and camp against Jabesh in Gilead [meaning: dried up place in Witness heap] [Jabesh is Laodicea after it had lost its water baptism in Gilead, the witness heap, which is the the Watchtower]. At that all the men of Jabesh [saints in Laodicea] said to Nahash: Conclude a covenant with us that we may serve you [enter into an idolatrous agreement with the GB of the Watchtower] (1Samuel11) For more see U271c
2. Numbers 33:38-39 it a whole account. Year (1) Month (2). Year means year or literally cycle (so it can mean day too another solar cycle).
38 And Aaron [ reserves s who are to have a priesthood in Laodicea] the priest proceeded to go up into Mount Hor [meaning: the mountain of the mountain] [Laodicea, the mountain within a mountain, the administration within an administration] at the order of and to die there [to Adam and be baptised into ] in the year/cycle 40 to the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypts [Does the Watchtower 40 year wilderness penalty end at the same time as the Laodicean 40 month wilderness penalty?], in the 5th month [2019Ab], in the first [festival day] to the month [2019Ab14, the reverse Laodicean Passover, when they had their constant feature reaccepted?]
39 And Aaron [not said to be the priest - So we take him here as the king priests or as the Aaronic priests, the s] son of 3 and 20 and 100 of year [The 2nd presence began on 1890Sivan14 and ran for 120 years with gaps to 2020Heshvan14, the lifespan of Moses. Then 3 more years take us to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea as a true church] in to die him on Mount Hor [The administration of the administration - Laodicea within ] (Numbers 33)
Verses 38 and 39 above form a complete account. Aaron (2), Year (1), Month (2). Moses lived for the length of the first and 2nd presences, 120 years each..
3. Cain and Abel. Cain means pierced and Abel means breath. pierced Eve, and did not kiss her, when fathering Cain. Adam French kissed her and loved her when fathering Abel.
12 not according as Cain out of the wicked (one) he was and he slaughtered the brother of him; and thanks of what slaughtered he him? Because the works of him wicked was, the (ones) but of the brother of him righteous (ones). (1 John 3 )
For Eve said at the birth of Cain...
1 And Adam had intercourse with Eve his wife and she became pregnant. And she gave birth to Cain and said: I have produced a man with . (Genesis 4 - adapted from the Hebrew)
This was because was the head of the and so was in God's flesh when he slept with Eve. So God's flesh was the father of Cain. had sex with Eve, then killed her (constructively) by persuading her to eat the fruit. In this way he hoped to prevent her having any offspring with Adam. Cain was and not under any death penalty until he killed Abel.
He who has been created is beautiful [any angelic birth, any child born to judicially living parents], but you would <?> find his sons [begotten sons, such as the Nephilim, produced not angelically but by sexual reproduction] noble creations. If he were not created, but begotten [by sexual reproduction], you would find that his seed was noble [ was begotten and his seed is noble]. But now he was created (and) he begot [ was created angelically and he had sex with Eve. He did what the demons later did with human women. Eve could only beget without divine consent after she sinned, since begetting by sexual reproduction is the preserve of the dead. But had the authority as head of the first to have a child with Eve before she sinned which meant that the child would be alive. So he had a living child with Eve and then and he constructively killed her human soul, which is murder. Eve did also lose her angelic soul because even though she was deceived, she broke God's law and therefore came under the penalty for that breach. Adultery preceded murder. God allows people to have children without his consent only if these children are dead. So he slept with her and made her pregnant then he persuaded her to sin so as to lose her non ageing human soul. Then he conspired with her not to murder Adam, but to persuade him to kill himself knowingly. He lost his human soul and his angelic soul (since he was not deceived). Eve eventually lost both her angelic and human souls and so was murdered]. What nobility is this? First, adultery came into being, afterward murder [ first seduced Eve and committed adultery with her not because she was married to or engaged to Adam, but because he was married to as the head of the first ! He led into adultery! He then murdered the girl]. And he [Cain] was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent [ came down in human form to seduce Eve, and Cain was carried and delivered by Eve]. So he became a murderer/manslayer, just like his father, and he killed his brother [Abel]. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which has occurred between those unlike one another is 'adultery'/bestiality [ mating with Eve was NOT cross species adultery. because had an indefinitely living angelic and an indefinitely living human body and so did Eve. But it was adultery because was the head of the 1st which was married to God. was the head of God's first wife. He had authority to consent to angelic procreation. Cain was created by angelic procreation. Abel was created by sexual reproduction which is the preserve of the dead] (Gospel of Philip)
only explained the meaning of two of his parables to his disciples in the scriptures. Of course he explained the meanings of many other parables to them privately, but the holy word only records two of his explanations. These explanations are therefore fundamental to all Christians and especially to bible decoders which Christians should now become. He explained the meanings of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, and of the parable of the sower who went to sow. His interpretations of these parables are the key to the interpretations of all the other parables for said...
13 Further, he said to them: You do not know this parable, and so how will you understand all the [other] parables? (Mark 4)
In his explanation of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, gives us the meanings of the words: Sower, Field, Fine Seed, Weeds, Enemy, Harvest, all of which are repeated NOUNS in the account - see [The Repetition Principle]. And he gives the meaning of one further noun: Reapers, which is not repeated - see [70].
In his explanation of the sower who went to sow, in all three cases (Matthew13, Mark4 and Luke8), gives the meaning neither of words, nor of repeated words, but of unrepeated phrases which describe events in the parable - see [63].
So in the case of the weeds explains the meaning of the words in the parable (the repeated nouns except one)
37 In response he said... The [one] sowing the fine seed is the Son of man.
38 The field is the world (kosmoj). As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom. But the weeds are the sons of the wicked one .
39 But the hostile [one],
the [one] having sown them, is the Devil. The
harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels (Matthew 13).
Whereas in the case of the sower explains the meaning of the events in the parable (which are not repeated).
19 Where anyone hears the word of the kingdom but does not get the sense of it, the wicked one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart; this is the one sown alongside the road.
20 As for the one sown upon the rocky places, this is the one hearing the word and at once accepting it with joy.
21 Yet he has no root in himself but continues for a time,
and after tribulation or persecution has arisen on account of the word he is at once stumbled.
22 As for the one sown among the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, but the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.
23 As for the one sown upon the fine soil, this is the one hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that one 60, the other 30. (Matthew 13 )
It is not hard to see, therefore, that is explaining the word symbolic meaning of the weeds and the event symbolic meaning of the sower. Furthermore, since he only explains these two types of symbolism, these are the only two types of symbolism employed by the bible code.
In other words these two are the beginning and end of the matter as regards bible symbolism.
In fact the event symbolic meaning of the sower relates to the sowing of the seed of the Kingdom message in the soil of the hearts of the faithful, the sons of the , the children of by faith. Whereas the word symbolic meaning relates to the sowing of the seed of the saints into the soil of the congregation of a true church, the earth that is overseen by the mountain of the true church administration.
But the event symbolic meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds relates to the harvesting of the saints who are oversown with the offspring of vipers, the seed of , who has his own Demonic Angelic Covenant. Whereas the word symbolic meaning relates to the harvesting of the faithful, the true believers, who are oversown with the hypocrites, the false believers, sons of the world, who join churches for all sorts of socio-economic reasons, but have little genuine interest in God. The method of harvesting in both cases is mobility. The true believers and the saints will be prepared to move to a new church if they see that it is now the true church. The offspring of vipers in the and the sons of the world will not see the point in moving and will be trapped by their love for the status they hold in their original church.
So explains the meaning which relates to the faithful in both cases and not the meaning which relates to the saints. But the Repetition Principle tells us that in a 2 threaded account (which both parables are), if a noun appears as a noun an odd number of times then it takes only one meaning in all the symbolisms (it is invariant symbolically). So for several of the nouns that interprets in the phrases of the event symbolism relating to the faithful in the parable of the sower, we can use the same interpretation for them in the word symbolism relating to the saints. And the same is true for the parable of the wheat and the weeds. So actually does around 50% of the work for us in the alternative symbolism as well!
For an explanation of the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds see U70
For an explanation of the 3 Parallel Parables of the Sower see U63
he set before them
[the crowds], saying: The
of the
[the general kingdom of God, not necessarily angelic]
has become like a
[human with angelic body or ex human angel]
that sowed fine
[Any one in a salvation covenant - sons of the - for is the father of us all] in his
[the world, all mankind, purchased by through the ].
While the
were sleeping
[saints, stop doing bible research], the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed [epespeiren]
[a contemporaneous sowing]
[corruptors. People who are not only outside of a salvation but are actually enemies of salvation covenants - false religious leaders and corrupt secular leaders. The genetic seed of , the 2nd dead born again seed of - his hell's angels, and descended demons possessing some of his born again 2nd dead seed]
up through [the] midst of the
[real sons of the ],
and left
[after entrance into the ended on 2008Nisan21 left his heavenly position when he was thrown out of it after the war of Revelation12].
So when the blade
[ began]
and produced
fruit [kingdom fruit, understanding or baptized people?], then the weeds/zizania appeared also [Identified by Zoarites].
So the
[at least two faithful slaves per system of things]
of the
came up
[The Administration of Laodicea and ]
and said to him, 'Lord, [ being the Lord of both of the slaves] did you not sow fine seed in your field? [The world is owned by , purchased by ransom and Leased to for 6,000 years] From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile man
[, an ex human angel], did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out
[not said to be into the field - but into the congregation]
and collect them?'
[Shall we attempt to remove the faithless from the church?]
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them
[No because if you try and do that you might destabilize and corrupt and actually remove some of the the wheat in the true church].
Let both grow together
[in the World - where the weeds and most of the wheat is]
+ genitive] the
[into ], and in the
of the
harvest [the acceptable/goodwill year of Isaiah61] I will tell the
[plural. Both the messengers of , the bad 'angels' and the true angels in the /]
collect first the
and bind them into
bundles ['s people collect the weeds, the faithless and the weak in faith, into bundles which are mark bearing organizations (sacred and secular). They bind them into those outfits with the Mark. Some outfits will refuse the Mark. No wicked will understand, so the kingdom failures (sons of nobody, the orphans) and the weeds, will choose false churches or other secular mark bearing outfits. Mark bearing outfits are a trap for the faithless. A few of these ones may actually join the true church, but not because they think it is a true church, they are blind to that (unless they repent and wake up).
They will join because they perceive that the true church offers something physical that they want. But that is highly unlikely to be true given that we will not have the mark. tells his angels to carry out the collection after 's demons have carried out the binding into organisations taking the mark.]
to burn them up,
then gather the
into my
[faithful men into ]'
(Matthew 13).
Not collecting the weeds means there is not much collecting of wheat either since the two are indistinguishable until the harvest time. Again there is no harvest before the harvest time. Also the slaves do not collect, the reapers of bind and the reapers of collect.
So and got corrupted by sons of the which tells them not to collect and with an event symbolism that is a real command.
36 Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.
37 In response he said... The [one] sowing the fine seed is the Son of man.
38 The field is the world (kosmoj). As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom. But the weeds are the sons of the wicked one [not rotten saints who were at one time sons of the kingdom but became corrupted, but counterfeit Christians, non s who join the true church for secular reasons, or weak s,
who fail to get sealed into either the or the ].
39 But the hostile [one],
the [one] having sown them [This is a double designation], is the Devil. The
harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels [all the messengers/angels not just his angels of verse 41 (the angels of )].
40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things.
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels [not the angels], and they will collect out of [ek]
his kingdom [Out of the world -
which is actually now his kingdom] all the stumbling-blocks [ensnarers, stumblers,
corruptors of the faithful, the sons of , the weeds, the wicked ones] and the [ones] doing the lawlessness [these are not the weeds, they are the sons of nobody, the orphans, the kingdom failures. These are lawless people who are not genetic or 2nd dead born again sons of in the ],
42 and they will pitch them into the furnace of fire. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be.
43 Then [tote]
the righteous ones will shine like [wj] the sun in the kingdom of their father.
Let him that has ears listen (Matthew 13).
Field (1), Seed (2), Weeds (2), Son (3), Conclusion of System (2).
Seeds are human or angelic. Weeds are human or angelic. The 3 types of 's sons are...
1. Genetic through Anak a Nephlim son of Arba, a human possessed by who founded Kirath-arba, meaning the 4th city, which was Hebron, which is a city of actually - see U314. It may have been the 4th earthly administration of .
2. Born again sons of the with 2nd dead angels - 's angels in fact.
3. Angelic sons of who (perhaps exclusively) possess sons of the
The two conclusions are of the world and of . We clean up our house once we get access to it during the 7 months of the Vengeance on Cain from ??
he set before them
[the crowds, whom he dismissed in verse 36], saying: The
of the
has become like a
that sowed fine
in his
While the
were sleeping, the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed
up [ana]
[the] midst of the
and left.
So when the
sprouted and produced
fruit, then the weeds/zizania appeared also.
So the
of the
came up and said to him, 'Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field?
From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile man, did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out and collect them?'
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them.
Let both grow together until the
harvest; and in the
of the
I will tell the
collect first the
and bind them into
to burn them up,
then gather the
into my
he set before them, saying: The kingdom
of the
heavens is like a grain
[kokkoj] of mustard, which a man took and planted in his field;
which is, smaller indeed [men]
[implied ek]
of all the
[comparative for superlative - all], but when it has grown it is larger [indeed] [implied
of the
[comparative for superlative]
and becomes a
tree, so that the
come and lodge in its
33 Another parable he spoke to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like [omoia] leaven, which a woman took and hid in 3 Seahs of flour, until the whole [lot] was fermented
All these [things]
spoke to the
parables. Indeed, without a
he would say nothing to them;
So that the [thing] might be fulfilled spoken through the
saying: I will open my
parables?, I will publish [things] hidden since the
[a set of criteria which are to be measured against/compared with the activities of potential fulfillers. So it is comparative speech, like slave is not greater than his master a maxim to be applied to any master slave type relationship] [11]
= 11
Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet = 5
Matthew 13:24-35 and Mark 4:21-34 are parallel. Parallel parables which are not in parallel literal accounts are not treated as parallel !
Mark =9
Mark Ears, Measure,, Parable, Word, Disciples = 6
Matthew + Mark = 11+9 = 20 (2 threads)
Matthew + Mark Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet =
5, Ears, Measure,, Word, Disciples =
10 (2 threads)
Matthew = 24+14 = 38
Matthew Man, Seed, Field, Weeds, Wheat, Blade, Fruit, Slaves of Householder, Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest, Reapers, Bundles,
Storehouse, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Tree, Birds of Heaven, Branches,
Leaven, woman, Seah, Prophet, Mouth, Founding = 25
Mark = 26
Mark Lamp,
Measuring-basket, Bed, Lampstand, Man, Seed, Earth, Night, Day, Blade,
Stalk-head, Cereal, Fruit, Sickle, Harvest, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables,
Branches, Birds of Heaven, Shadow = 20
Matthew + Mark = 38+26 = 64 (2 threads)
Matthew + Mark Man, Seed, Field, Weeds, Wheat, Blade, Fruit, Slaves of Householder, Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest, Reapers, Bundles,
Storehouse, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Tree, Birds of Heaven, Branches,
Leaven, woman, Seah, Prophet, Mouth, Founding = 25, Lamp,
Measuring-basket, Bed, Lampstand, Earth, Night, Day,
Stalk-head, Cereal, Sickle, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Shadow = 38 (2 threads)
Then having dismissed the
crowds [who must have remained in localised groups] he went into the
house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the
of the
of the
Answering he said: The [one] sowing the fine
is the
of the
is the
world [kosmoj];
now the fine
seed, these are the
of the
but the
are the
of the wicked [one],
the hostile [one], the [one] having sown them
is the
Devil [this triple designation only applies to this line, has 3 types of son, three types of seed]. The
is a
of a
system, and the
Therefore, just-as [wsper]
are collected and burned down by
fire, thus [outwj]
[it] will be in the
of the
of the
will send forth his
angels, and they will collect out [ek]
of his
kingdom all the stumbling-blocks
and the [ones] doing the
[ does this for the. Gordon does it for the Kingdom of ],
and they will pitch them into the
of the
fire. There the
and the
of the
will be
[One has eyes which cannot see and teeth which cannot bite in . This is because one shares them with umpteen soul mates. So one cannot use them to see with or to bite with until one's turn arrives. But during one's turn one can weep and gnash].
Then the righteous [ones] will shine as [wj]
in the
of their
Father. The [one] having
let him listen.
[12] [18]
= 18 (3 threads)
Crowds, House, Disciples, Parable, Son of Man (2+1), World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father, Ears = 15
= 12
Seed (2), Field, Sons of Kingdom, Weeds (2), Harvest, Reapers, Fire,
Stumbling-blocks, Furnace of Fire, Sun = 10
Matthew 13:36 is stand alone. It is the only explanation of the parable of the weeds of the field.
Parable account + Interpretation account =
24+14+12+26 = 76 (2 threads)
Parable account + Interpretation account Man, Seed, Field, Weeds, Wheat,
Blade, Fruit, Slaves of Householder, Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest,
Reapers, Bundles, Storehouse, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Tree, Birds of Heaven, Branches, Leaven, woman, Seah, Prophet, Mouth, Founding = 25, Sons of Kingdom, Fire, Stumbling-blocks, Furnace of Fire, Sun = 30, Lamp,
Measuring-basket, Bed, Lampstand, Earth, Night, Day, Blade, Stalk-head, Cereal,
Sickle, Shadow = 42
Common parable symbolism principle
The parable has only one word thread. All the explanations have only one word thread except for the hostile one the one sowing them is the Devil. For the noun 'Son' appears 3x. so has 3 types of Son which he sows.
Seed (2), Weeds (2), Son (3), Conclusion of System (2).
Seeds are human or angelic. Weeds are human or angelic. The 3 types of 's sons are...
1. Genetic through Anak a Nephlim son of Arba, a human possessed by who founded Kirath-arba, meaning the 4th city, which was Hebron, which is a city of actually - see U314. It may have been the 4th earthly administration of .
2. Born again sons of the with 2nd dead angels - 's angels in fact.
3. Angelic sons of who (perhaps exclusively) possess sons of the
The two conclusions are of the world and of . We clean up our house once we get access to it during the 7 months of the Vengeance on Cain from ??
There is a kink or an omission in every sequence in the bible. This is a test superimposed upon perfection. For there were 12 sons of but Joseph was taken out and his two sons replaced him making a rather imperfect 13. But then purchased the Levites and so we were back to 12. And had 12 apostles. But then Judas was removed and replaced with Matthias and John the baptism and Jonah are half apostles to the first presence and third presence reserves. These perfect sequences with one kink or omission are effectively a test from God. If you see the perfection in the sequence are you stumbled by the deliberate kink or omission? Symbolically interpreting scriptural account yields the same pattern. Take for example the parable of the call to the vineyard workers in Matthew 20 - see U192. Two calls were made at the 11th hour and Benjamin is omitted.
Church | Wage | Hour | Call | Recipient | Covenant | Length | Period | Kingdom Position |
Pre-law | Garden | Early Morning | Went Out | |||||
The Law | Garden | 1sthour workers | Inferior wine of Cana | Sons of the Law | 935year + 2865day | ?? | Eden2 | |
The Law | Angel | 2nd hour workers | Reuben | Jewish call | 30 | 29Heshvan29-59Heshvan29 | Heavenly King | |
Angel | 3rd hour workers | Simeon | Proselyte Call | 30 | 33Sivan5 - 63Sivan5 | Heavenly King | ||
Angel | 4th hour workers | Judah | Gentile Call | 30 | 36Tishri14 - 66Tishri14 | Heavenly King | ||
Angel | 5th hour workers | Gad | Jewish Call | 30 | 48Chislev29 - 78Chislev29 | Heavenly Lord | ||
Garden | 6th hour workers | Dan | Jewish Call | 100 | 66Heshvan29 - 166Heshvan29 | Earthly Duke/Lord | ||
Garden | 7th hour workers | Naphtali | Gentile Call | 60 | 73Iyyar14-133Iyyar14 | Earthly Duke/Lord | ||
Angel | 8th hour workers | Asher | Church Proselyte Call | 100+60+30 | 173Sivan7 - 363Sivan7 | Heavenly Duke/Lord | ||
Angel | 9th hour workers | Asher continuation | Church Proselyte Call | 100 | 1890Sivan11 - 1990Sivan11 | Heavenly Duke/Lord | ||
Angel | 10th hour workers | Issachar | Church Proselyte Call | 60 | 1905Tammuz11- 1965Tammuz11 | Heavenly King | ||
Angel | 11th hour workers | Zebulun | Church Gentile Call | 100m | 2003Shebat29 - 2012Sivan29 | Heavenly King | ||
Garden | 11th hour workers | Manasseh | Church Proselyte Call | 60m | 1999Tebbeth21 - 2004Tebbeth21 | Earthly King | ||
Garden | 11th hour workers | Ephraim | Church Gentile Call | 100m | 2003Sivan14 - 2011Tishri14 | Earthly King |
Church | Wage | Hour | Call | Recipient | Covenant | Length | Period | Kingdom Position |
Angel | Not counted hour workers | Levi | Samaritan Call | 30 | 34Shebat10 - 64Shebat10 | Heavenly King | ||
Angel | Further 8th hour workers | Gad | Jewish Continuation Call | 30 | 173Sivan7 -203Sivan7 | Heavenly Lord | ||
Angel | Not counted hour workers | Levi | Samaritan Continuation Call | 30 | 1906Adar12/13-1936Adar12/13 | Heavenly King | ||
Angel | Further 10th hour workers | Judah | Gentile Continuation Call | 70 | 1908Heshvan14-1978Heshvan14 | Heavenly King | ||
Garden | 12th hour workers | Benjamin | Proselyte Call | 30m | 2020Heshvan25 - 2023Iyyar25 | Earthly King |
26 years + 7½ months (balance of post sacrifice Reuben call) +30+30+30+100+60+190+100+60+30+30+30+70+100 +290 months = 886+297½ months = 910 years +285 days. So by the Midst prophecy for the saints there were 910 years and 285 days of pre ' sacrifice saintly calls.
had 4 children (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah), then ’s maidservant had two (Dan, Naphtali), then ’s maidservant had two (Gad, Asher) then had two (Joseph who dropped out and was replaced by Manasseh and Ephraim, and Benjamin). These women stand for covenants as follows:
, New Covenant | |
, Newer Covenant, 2nd new covenant | |
, Earthly Lord Covenant. Helper covenant to the second new covenant | |
, Heavenly Lord Covenant. Helper covenant to the first new covenant |
is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So we need some 2nd presence Lords for the administrations of the 2nd presence Kings. Hence the Asher call is to the Watchtower.
The astonishing thing is that the Asher call, to 1.56 million heavenly Overlords and Overladies, was into the Watchtower. During the 1950s and 1960s perhaps something like 1 in 4 s were actually anointed, spirit begotten, born again angelically, into the . But nobody realised it until we did the research behind this video. Having said that Ray Franz knew that the heavenly woman would have more saints than the earthly woman had genetic sons of from Galatians3. But he erroneously believed that these would all be in the first new covenant.
The Asher call into the Watchtower lasted for 100x of the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 from 1905Nisan17 ( first fruits - when the Watchtower was appointed to rule as sacred king over all of the saints) to 2005Nisan17, 57 days before they fell as a true church on 2005Sivan14. It was a proselyte call to anyone with a Watchtower water baptism, a water baptism.
Please visit for the entire chronology of the calls to be spirit baptised, the March of the saints.
Each time that the householder left his vineyard to hire more workers, he was abandoning a true church.
He left the vineyard early in the morning abandoning the post flood church of Peleg for the law of Moses.
He went out at the 3rd hour of the day abandoning the law of Moses for the first true Christian church, .
He went out at the 6th hour of the day abandoning for
He went out at the 9th hour of the day abandoning for
He went out at the 11th hour of the day abandoning for
So his exits out of and re-entrances into the vineyard reveal that there are to be 4 true Christian churches.
The sower is sowing saints in the earth of a true church.
The parable of Matthew is
The interpretation of Matthew is
The parable of Mark is
The Interpretation of Mark is
The parable of Luke is the re-appointed Laodicea
The interpretation of Luke is
16 Now the promises were spoken to and to his seed. It says, not: And to seeds, as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: And to your seed, who is Christ. (Galatians 3 )
There are 13 calls of Matthew20 to workers in the vineyard and 13 numbers (30,60,100) x4 and 100 of Luke. So there are 4x 30 cycle calls, 4x 60 cycle calls and 5x 100 cycle calls. All 4 churches to produced saints 30,60,100 as required by the parable of the sower in Matthew13 and Mark4 and one further church (Laodicea) produced saints 100 fold from Luke8: See the vineyard call parable in U192
The following nouns are invariant, taking the same symbolic meaning in both the event and the word symbolism.
Root (5) in himself, is inner conviction, certainty of faith resulting from personal bible research, obeying the first law.
Thorns (9) are corrupting influencers
Birds (3) are demons or the bodies of false churches run by demons. only runs true churches.
The Rocky [place] (invariant because 'Rocky' is an adjective) is a place full of stumbling blocks
3 Then he
told them many [things] in parables, saying: Look! The one sowing went out to sow [Saints].
4 And as he was sowing [progressive development], some indeed [ones] [some saints] fell alongside the way/path/track/furrow (para thn odon) [literally outside the furrow] [the furrow is the organized structure of the
(the Watchtower). Some seed fell outside and was sanctified outside the church - In fact all the seed fell outside the church], and the birds [false churches with wings. So they must be run by demons] came and ate them up [demonically controlled churches target true saints for converts. But not all churches are birds, run by demons].
5 But others fell upon the rocky/stony [places] [some of the more shallow congregations in ] where it did not have much earth/soil (ghn), and immediately (euqewj)
it sprang up because of not having depth of earth/soil (ghn)
6 But after the sun had risen [,
the light of the world. All the non reserves s had been transferred into their angels so as not to see death and ascended up 's ladder] it was scorched [the water baptism ended], and because of not having root [no personal research - ' interpretation since the noun count is 5 so it is invariant] it withered [not good]
7 But others, fell upon/among [accusative]
the thorns [corrosive corrupting brothers in ], and the thorns came up and choked them .
8 But others fell upon the soil, the fine/rich/fertile [variety], [faithful and loving congregations in ]
and they began to yield fruit, this one indeed 100, that one but 60, the other but 30
100 years of the Asher Proselyte continuation call into the from 1890Sivan11 to 1990Sivan11.
60 years of the Issachar Proselyte Call into the Watchtower and into the , from 1905Tammuz11 to 1965Tammuz11.
30 years of the Levi continuation Call from 1906Adar12/13-1936Adar12/13
100 months of the Zebulun, the spiritual Jewish call to s in a true church, from 2003Shebat21 to 2012Sivan29 (the last 15 days being exclusively to Laodiceans) - see U42 and see
The 3 tribe division of (the Watchtower) is Judah. Issachar and Zebulun.
[9 Let him that has ears listen (Matthew 13).]
16 In-this-way the last [ones] will be first, and the first [ones] last (Matthew 20).
18 You, then, listen to the parable of the [one] that sowed.
19 As for anyone [saints] hearing the word of the kingdom
not understanding it, the wicked one [not the birds. These ones are resistant to false churches but not to wicked people corrupting them] comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart ; this is the [one] sown alongside the way [The furrow is the organized structure, the righteous path in
(the s). was actually called 'the way'. But is the way the truth and the life].
20 But the [one] sown upon the rocky/stony [places] [congregations containing or influenced by external stumbling blocks], this is the one hearing the word [as preached by ] and at once accepting it with joy.
21 Yet he has no root in himself [does not do his own bible research. Does not obey the first law. Relies on others to tell him what scriptures mean - shallow spiritually] but is temporary,
and after tribulation or persecution [] has arisen through the word he is at once stumbled.
22 But the [one] sown into the thorns [worldly corruptors, either inside or outside the congregation], this is the [one] hearing the word [as preached by ], but the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the word [], and he becomes unfruitful.
23 But the [one] sown upon the fine soil (thn kalhn ghn) [in a good congregation], this is the [one] hearing and understanding the word, who actually does bear fruit and produces, this one indeed 100 [for 100x], that one but 60, the other but 30.
60 months of Manasseh,
the Proselyte call into the , from 1999Tebbeth21 to 2004Tebbeth21
30 months of the Benjamin call into through Reverted Laodicea from 2020Heshvan25, the 4th marriage of Cana veil lifting and marital supper day. Cana, means place of reeds ( rods and sceptres for Kings), to 2023Iyyar25.
100 months of Ephraim call, the Gentile call into the , from 2003Sivan14 to 2011Tishri14
The calls are made in the order Proselyte Gentile Benjamin, 60, 100,
30. But this,
that, the other, does not have to be order preserving. In fact the repetition demands two different fulfilments of 100,60,30 the first of which is order preserving. But since the wording does not require order preservation the second fulfilment will be out of
sequence] (Matthew 13).
, the research church interprets the demise and the chronology of the evangelical church. So the parable applies to who do not see its meaning. And the interpretation applies to who do..
2 And he was teaching them many [things] in parables and he was saying to them in his teaching:
3 Listen! Look! The one sowing went out to sow [ went to sow some saints for and into ].
4 And as he was sowing [progressive development], some indeed [of it] fell alongside the way [furrow, outside the church of
], and the birds [false churches with wings. So they must be run by demons] came and ate it up [demonically controlled churches target true saints for converts. But not all churches are birds, run by demons].
5 And other [seed] fell upon the rocky [place]
and [the place] where it did not have much soil, and straight away (euquj)
it sprang up because of not having depth of soil (ghn).
6 And when the sun rose (kai ote aneteilen), it was scorched, and because of not having root it withered
7 And other [seed] fell into the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit
8 But others fell into the soil, the fine, and coming up and increasing, they began to yield fruit, and they were bearing into/one 30 and into/one 60 and into/one 100
30 years of the Reuben Jewish call into the from 29Heshvan29 to 59Heshvan29 were into , but were made before was appointed to rule and after it was appointed to feed.
30 years of the Simeon proselyte call into the , from
33Sivan5 to 63Sivan5
30+30 = 60 discontinuous years of the Levi Samaritan call into the from 34Shebat10 to 64Shebat10 into and from 1906Adar12/13-1936Adar12/13 into
30+70 = 100 discontinuous years of the Judah Gentile call into the from 36Tishri14 to 66Tishri14 and from 1908Heshvan14 to 1978Heshvan14 into .
30+30 = 60 discontinuous years of the Gad Jewish call into the from 48Chislev29 to 79Chislev29 into and from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15 into .
All the calls into finished before the transgression causing desolation on 67Tebbeth20, the appointment of the first Pope, St. Linus as a result of the compromise with Rome]
[9 And he was saying: Let him that has ears to listen listen (Mark 4)]
kai. a;lla e;pesen eivj th.n gh/n th.n kalh,n( kai.
evdi,dou karpo.n avnabai,nonta kai. auvxano,menon( kai. e;feren eivj tria,konta kai. eivj e`xh,konta kai. eivj e`kato,n (Mark 4 TIS and )
kai. a;lla e;pesen eivj th.n gh/n th.n kalh,n kai.
evdi,dou karpo.n avnabai,nonta kai. auvxano,mena kai. e;feren eivj tria,konta kai. e]n e`xh,konta kai. e]n e`kato,n (Mark 4 WHO and VaticanB)
14 The one sowing sows the word [The word into saints, or the word symbolises saints].
15 But these [messages],
are the ones alongside the way where the word is sown, [the furrow in which the seed is supposed to go. (the Gnostic church of ) in this case. Just as seed is scattered into the furrow and some of it misses, so the saints are sanctified some in the church and some outside] and as soon as they have heard [the word] comes and takes away the word that was sown into them.
16 And these, likewise, are the ones sown upon the rocky/stony [places]. As soon as they have heard the word, they accept it with joy.
17 Yet they have no root in themselves [no conviction], but they are temporary, then as soon as tribulation or persecution arises through the word, they are stumbled.
18 And others
[alloi] are the [ones] sown into the thorns, these [seed or these who have had seed sown into them?] are the ones that have heard the word [and therefore what is sown could be human or could be a message],
19 but the anxieties of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches and the desires for the rest of the things making inroads, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful [saints stop growing and do not reach maturity - they are not sealed].
20 And, the ones [saints] that were sown on the soil, the fine are those who listen to the word and favourably receive it and bear fruit one 30
and / and one 60 and / and one 100
100 years of Dan, the Jewish call into the from 66Chislev29 to 166Chislev29
60 years of Naphtali, the Gentile call into the from 73Iyyar14 to 133Iyyar14. So the Jews who were called first in the first presence are called last in the first presence fulfilling ' words in the parable of the vineyard calls.
100+60+30 = 190 years of the Asher Proselyte call into the from 164Tammuz9 to 354Tammuz9. Adding them up is - another possible interpretation of the words of the Uncial Codex only]
30 years of Gad, the Jewish continuation call from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15 (Mark 4).
In-this-way the last [ones] will be first, and the first [ones]
last (Matthew 20).
20 kai ekeinoi eisin oi epi thn ghn th_ kalhn sparentej oitinej akouousi ton logon kai paradecontai kai karpoforousin en 30 kai
en 60 kai en 100 (Mark 4 Original)
20 kai outoi eisin oi epi thn ghn th_ kalhn sparentej oiteinej akouousin ton logon kai paradecontai kai karpoforousin en triako?a
kai en exhkonta kai en ekaton (Mark 4 Original)
20 kai ekeinoi eisin oi epi thn ghn thn kalhn sparentej oitinej akouousin ton logon kai paradecontai kai karpoforousin en triakonta kai exhkonta kai ekaton (Mark 4 )
20 kai ekeinoi eisin oi epi thn kalhn ghn sparentej oitinej akouousin ton logon kai paradecontai kai karpoforousin en triakonta kai
exhkonta kai en ekaton (Mark 4 )
, the research church interprets the demise and the chronology of the evangelical church. So the parable applies to who do not see its meaning. And the interpretation applies to who do..
5 The one sowing went out to sow his 'thing sown' [The saints]. Well, as he was sowing, some indeed [of it] fell alongside the way [outside Laodicea and outside the s] and was trampled down [suppressed], and the birds of heaven [demons]
ate it up [so that the saints never made it into the church].
6 And another landed upon [accusative]
the rock-mass [of the s in Laodicea], and, after sprouting [This is not a call to be spirit sanctified. Sprouting occurs when water is applied], it dried up because of not having moisture [Laodicea lost their water baptism].
7 And another fell in [the] midst of the thorns, and the thorns that grew up with it choked it off].
8 And another fell into the soil, the good [Good church administration - the reappointed Laodicea], and, after sprouting, it produced fruit a hundredfold [100
months in Laodicea and in ]. As he told these things, he proceeded to call out: Let him that has ears to listen, listen (Luke 8).
100 months of the Zebulun, the spiritual Jewish call to s in a true church (Laodicea), from 2003Shebat21 to 2012Sivan29 (2012Sivan14-29 will be exclusively for Laodiceans) - see U42
and see U192
11 Now the illustration means this: The seed is the word of God [the covenant house of , the saints]
12 Those [saints]
alongside the way/road [of or ] are the ones that have heard, then the Devil comes and takes the word away from their hearts in order that they may not believe and be saved.
13 Those upon the rock-mass are the ones who, when they hear it, receive the word with joy, but these have no root; they believe for a season/appointed time, but in a season/appointed time of testing they fall away
14 As for that which fell among the thorns,
these are the ones that have heard, but, by being carried away by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, they are completely choked and bring nothing to maturity/completion
15 As for that on the fine soil [th kalh gh],
these are the ones that, after hearing the word with a fine and good heart [a double description. So this account has two fulfilments, one for in years and the other for
Laodicea in months],
retain it and bear fruit with endurance (Luke 8).
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Bridge = 30+22=52 (2 threads)
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Bridge Seed (2),
Way (6), Rock-mass (2), Root (5), Thorns (9), Earth (8), Heart (5), Heart of People (n/a), Eyes (2), Ears (2), Birds of Heaven (n/a), Moisture (1), Fruit (4), Bird (3), Depth of Earth (1), Sun (2) = 16 (2 threads).
Orange text is for successive designations
Blue text is for explanations
Black text for literal countable nouns
Green text for symbolic countable nouns
Brown text is for possessive nouns (which are not countable)
Red is for words where Mounce and Barclay Neuman Lexicons disagree!
Purple is for Hebrew words which are not proper Greek nouns (indeclinable)
On that
day, having come-out, the
of the house
[genitive direct object of come out],
[he] was sitting beside the sea;
and many
gathered to him, so that he went aboard a
to sit down,
and all the
was standing on the
And he told them many [things] in
[so this account continues until the end of the parables when he dismisses the crowds in verse 35], saying:
Look! The [one] sowing went out to sow;
and in his sowing, some [seeds] indeed fell beside the
way, and the
came and ate them up.
Others fell upon the rocky [places] where they did not have much
earth/soil, and at once they sprang up due to its not having
But [at the time]
[implied epi]
of [the] Sun
having risen they were scorched, and due to not having
they withered.
Others, too, fell upon the
thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them.
Others, still, fell upon the earth/soil,
the fine
[not a double designation. It is equivalent to the fine soil as in verse 23, c.f. the dragon, the great, the serpent, the original] and began to yield
fruit, this one 100, that one 60, the other 30.
The [one] having ears
let him listen.
And the
came up and said to him: Why do you speak to them in
In reply he said that to you it is granted to understand the
of the
of the
heavens, but to those [ones] it is not granted.
For whoever has
[doctrinal humility],
it will be given to him and he will be made to abound; but whoever does not have
[doctrinal humility], even what he has
[dead fossilized doctrine]
will be taken from him.
This is why I speak to them in
parables, because, looking, they do not see, and listening, they do not hear, neither do they comprehend.
and toward them is being fulfilled
the prophecy of Isaiah,
the [one/prophecy - feminine]
saying [c.f. the dragon, the great, the serpent, the original, the [one] called the Devil and , the [one]
misleading the entire inhabited earth]
hearing, you will hear but not understand; and looking, you will look but not see.
For the
of this
was made-thick, and with their
they have heard heavily/difficulty
[literal ears hear. The brain/heart, the metaphorical ears, then makes it heavy or difficult.
But ears are a part of the process so they are used metonymically whereas eyes can be used used metaphorically for seeing with the mind], and they have shut their
[the eyes of the mind, so as not to understand]; that they might not ever see with their
[literal eyes] and hear with their
[these are literal ears, not the ears of the heart because the 'ears' of the heart are described next] and comprehend in their
and turn back, and I heal them.'
However, happy are your
because they behold, and your
because they hear
[literal ears cannot be happy. These must be the eyes of the mind and the ears of the heart].
For truly I say to you that, many
and righteous [ones] desired to see what [things] you are beholding and did not see [them], and to hear what [things] you are hearing and did not hear [them]. [9]
You, therefore, listen to the
of the [one] having sown.
[in the case] of anyone hearing the
[metonym] of the
but not comprehending [it], the wicked [one] comes and snatches away the [thing] having been sown in his
heart; this is the one sown beside the
But the [one] sown upon the rocky [places], this is the [one] hearing the
and immediately accepting it with
Yet he has no
in himself but is temporary, and [at the time]
[implied epi]
having occurred due to the
he is immediately stumbled.
But the [one] sown into the
thorns, this is the [one] hearing the
word, but the
of this
and the
choke the
word, and he becomes unfruitful.
But the [one] sown upon the fine
earth/soil, this is the [one] hearing the
and getting the sense of it, who really is bearing-fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that one 60, the other 30. [12] (Matthew 13)
And again he started teaching beside the
sea. And a most-great
gathered near him, so that he went aboard a
to sit in the
and all the
were [facing] toward the sea
on the earth/seashore
And he began to teach them in
many [things]
[so this account covers several parables actually to verse 34]
and to say to them in his
Listen! Look! The [one] sowing went out to sow.
And this happened in the sowing, some [part of the seed] indeed fell beside the
way, and the
came and ate it up.
And another [part of the seed] fell upon the rocky [place] and [the place] where it did not have much
earth/soil, and it immediately sprang up due to it not having depth of earth/soil.
And when the Sun
rose, it was scorched, and due to it not having
it withered.
And another [part of the seed] fell into the
thorns, and the
came up and choked it,
and it yielded no
But other [parts of the seed] fell into the earth/soil,
the fine
[not a double designation. It is equivalent to the fine soil, c.f. the dragon, the great, the serpent, the original] and, coming up and increasing, they began to yield
fruit, and they were bearing into 30, and in 60 and in 100.
So he was saying: Whoever has
to listen, let him listen.
Now when they got to be alone, the [ones] around him, together with the 12, began questioning him [on] the
And he proceeded to say to them: To you the
of the
has been given, but to those outside all [things] occur in
in order that, though looking, they may look and yet not see, and, though hearing, they may hear and yet not comprehend, nor at any time should they turn back and it be forgiven them. [3]
Further, he said to them: You do not know this
parable, and so how will you understand all the [other]
The [one] sowing sows the
These, then, are the [ones] beside the
where the
is sown; but whenever they might hear [it]
immediately comes and takes away the
the [one] having been sown into them.
And likewise these are the [ones] sown upon the rocky [places], who whenever they hear the
word, they immediately accept it with
Yet they have no
in themselves, but are temporary; [at the time]
[implied epi]
of the next [eita]
having occurred due to the
word, they are immediately stumbled.
And others are the [ones] sown into the
thorns; these are the ones that have heard the
but the
of this
and the
and the
about the remaining [things] impinge and choke the
word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Now the [ones] sown on the
the fine
[not a double designation. It is equivalent to the fine soil, c.f. the dragon, the great, the serpent, the original]
are those who listen to the
and accept it and bear-fruit in 30 and in 60 and in 100. [17] (Mark 4)
1 And this [the parable of verse 4] happened next [kaqexhj]. He was travelling through according to city and village, preaching and declaring-as-good-news the kingdom of God. And the 12 [were] with him,
also women, certain ones
who had been cured from wicked spirits and sicknesses,
Mary, the [one] called Magdalene, from whom 7 demons had come out,
and Joanna, the woman of Chuza,
foreman of Herod, and Susanna and many other [women], who were ministering to them from their [things].
[This is an intro to the subsequent account of the parable of the sower. It would make no sense to stop here!]
4 But [at the time] [implied epi]
of a great crowd collecting together and [of collecting together] of the [ones] going towards him according to city, he spoke through a parable:
The [one] sowing went out to sow his seed.
And in his sowing, some [seed] indeed fell beside the
way and was trampled down, and the birds of
heaven ate it up.
6 Some other [seed]
fell down upon the rock-mass, and, after sprouting, it dried up through not having moisture.
Some other [seed] fell in [the] midst of the thorns, and having grown up together the thorns choked it off.
Some other [seed] fell into the
the good,
[not a double designation. It is equivalent to the fine soil of verse 15, c.f. the dragon, the great, the serpent, the original] and having sprouted it produced fruit a hundredfold. Saying these [things], he proceeded to call out: The [one] having ears to listen, let him listen.
But his disciples were asking him what this parable might mean.
He said: To you it is granted to understand the sacred-secrets of the kingdom of God, but for the remaining [ones] [it is given] in parables, in order that,
by looking,
they may not see, and by hearing, they may not understand.
Now this is the parable: The seed is the word of God.
The [seeds] beside the way are the [ones] that have heard, then the Devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts in order that they may not believe and be saved.
13 But the [seeds] upon the rock-mass [are the ones] who, when they hear [it], are accepting the word
with joy, but these have no root;
[being the ones] who believe for a season/appointed time, but in a season/appointed time
testing they fall away.
14 But the [seed] having fallen
into the thorns, these are the [ones] that have heard, but proceeding under
anxieties and riches and pleasures of life,
they are choked and fail to mature.
15 But the [seed] [sown] in the fine earth/soil, these are the ones who, having heard the word
with a fine and good heart, retain it and bear-fruit with endurance. [16] (Luke 8)
Luke Sower Parable + Explanation = 9 + 8 =17
Luke Sower Parable Seed, Way, Birds of Heaven, Rock-mass,
Moisture, Thorns, Earth, Fruit = 8, Hearts, Root = 10
Matthew Sower Parable Explanation and Bridge = 10+5+5=20
Matthew Sower Parable Explanation and Bridge
Way, Birds, Earth, Depth of Earth, Sun, Root, Thorns, Fruit = 8, Heart of People, Eyes, Heart, Ears = 12
Mark Sower Parable and Explanation = 11 + 4 = 15
Mark Sower Parable and Explanation Way, Bird, Earth, Depth of Earth, Sun, Root, Thorns, Fruit = 8
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Bridge = 17+20+15=52 (2 threads)
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Bridge Seed,
Way, Birds of Heaven, Rock-mass,
Moisture, Thorns, Earth, Fruit = 8, Hearts, Root = 10, Birds, Depth of Earth,
Sun, Heart of People, Eyes, Ears = 16 (2 threads).
Luke Verse 1-15 = 16+16 =32
Luke Verse 1-15 Disciples, Parable, Sacred-secrets of, Word of God, Word, Joy, Season, Season of Testing, Anxieties, Riches,
Pleasures of Life, Endurance = 12, City, Village,, Women,
Spirits, Sicknesses, Mary, Magdalene,
Demons, Joanna, Woman of Chuza, Susanna, Crowd, Ears = 26
Matthew Intro + Parable+ Bridge + Explanation = 10 + 9 + 12 = 31
Matthew Intro + Parable+ Bridge + Explanation Day, House, , Sea, Crowd, Boat, Beach,
Parables, Ears = 9, Disciples, Sacred-secrets of Kingdom of Heavens, Prophecy of Isaiah,
Prophets, Word of Kingdom, Word, Joy, Tribulation, Persecution,
Anxiety of system, Deceit of Riches = 21
Mark = 10 + 20 = 30
Mark Parable, Sacred-secret of, Word, , Joy, Tribulation, Persecution, Anxieties of system,
Deceit of Riches, Desires = 10, Sea, Crowd, Boat, Earth, Instruction, Ears = 16
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Narrative = 32+31+30 =93 (3 threads)
Matthew 13 + Mark 4 + Luke 8 Sower Parable + Explanation + Narrative Disciples, Parable, Sacred-secrets of, Word of God, Word, Joy, Season, Season of Testing, Anxieties, Riches,
Pleasures of Life, Endurance, City, Village,, Women, Spirits, Sicknesses, Mary, Magdalene,
Demons, Joanna, Woman of Chuza, Susanna,
Crowd, Ears = 26, Day, House, , Sea, Boat, Beach, Earth,
Instruction, Sacred-secrets of Kingdom of Heavens, Prophecy of Isaiah, Eyes, Prophets, Word of Kingdom, Tribulation, Persecution,
Anxiety of system, Deceit of Riches, , Desires = 45 (3 threads)
Root (5) in himself, is inner conviction, certainty of faith resulting from personal bible research, obeying the first law.
Thorns (9) are corrupting influencers
Birds (3) are demons or the bodies of false churches run by demons. only runs true churches.
The Rocky [place] (invariant because 'Rocky' is an adjective) is a place full of stumbling blocks
Again [palin]
the [administration of the] kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant/trader [a saint is an upwardly mobile understanding trader or dealer]
seeking fine
pearls [masculine] [sources of spiritual wisdom, various churches. This guy is a bundle jumper. He buys into the church with the highest value pearl as many times as he finds one. This being the journey of a true saint].
Finding one highly valued pearl
[a very wise church],
he went off and sold all the [things - neuter] he had and bought it [He traded his old understandings for the new understandings of the highly valued pearl. For a saint must die in a true church with a valid water baptism. A son of must also be a son of . So a son of the must also be a son of the ] (Matthew 13)
Finding the pearly gates of the true church is rarely a one step journey. One has to kiss many frogs before one finds the prince. Be prepared to trade up churches. All churches are false except for one or at most two if two true churches overlap for a small period. It is not a mistake or a sin to join a false church if its doctrine is better than your existing church. It is a mistake and a sin to remain in one after you have seen a better pearl!
Please see U60. The doorkeeper must open the door to the shepherd. This means that any president of governing body member of a true church must have been baptised or had his baptism accepted by the to the church.
Please see U15 and 2019Iyyar14
6 But whoever stumbles one of these little [ones] the [ones] putting-faith in me, it is better for him that a millstone of-an-ass should be hung around his neck and he should be sunk in the watery-deep of the sea (Matthew 18)
42 But whoever stumbles one of these little [ones], the [ones] believing, it would be finer for him if a millstone of-an-ass were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea (Mark 9)
An Ass in scripture stands for the congregation of a true church. Because rode an Ass into Jerusalem on Palm Monday.
5 Tell the daughter of , 'Look! Your King is coming to you, mild-tempered, and mounted upon an ass, yes, upon a colt, the offspring of a beast of burden.' (Matthew 21 )
So was using symbolic language. He was not inventing nasty ways to drown people physically. The millstone of an ass is the works of the congregation and the tablet of the law of the church. Having the millstone of an ass, the law of works of the church, hung around your neck in shame, means that you have transgressed that law. Being thrown into the sea of the world is being disfellowshipped/excommunicated/ejected from the land of the church. So being ejected into the sea with this large weight hung around your neck is being ejected and never being permitted back. So it is a permanent ejection into the sea. But even that is better than stumbling one of the little ones. For those who cannot go into a true church can still be saved through the if they obey their consciences whilst outside the true church and put faith in God and have works or faith in order that they are sealed into the or works of love in order that they are sealed into the (Love Covenant, the ).
If you stumble a little one, putting faith in , and believing in him, a young sons of the , then you rob him of his Kingdom salvation. So in god's justice you too will be robbed of your kingdom salvation. However if you are permanelty disfellowshipped then you can still be saved through the and the or the (the Love Covenant).
Again I say to you, It is easier for a
to enter through an
of a needle
than [for] a rich [one] to enter into the
But the
having heard [this] were very much astounded
[this would only happen the once so these verses are parallel to Mark 10 and Luke 18], saying: Who really can be saved?
Looking directly [into them],
said to them: With
this is impossible, but with
all [things] possible [are] (Matthew 19).
It is easier [for] a
to go through the
of a
than [for] a rich [one] to enter into the
But the [ones] became still more astonished and said to him: And who can be saved?
Looking directly into them
said: With
[it is] impossible, but not [so] with
God, for all [things] are possible with
(Mark 10).
Because it is easier, for a camel to get through the
aperture of a sewing-needle
[belonhj] than for a rich [one] to enter into the kingdom of God.
But the [ones] having heard this said: And who can be saved?
He said: The [things] impossible with men is/are possible with God (Luke 18)
An ass stands for the congregation of the true church because rode on on Palm Monday...
5 Tell the daughter of , 'Look! Your King is coming to you, mild-tempered, and mounted upon an ass, yes, upon a colt, the offspring of a beast of burden.' (Matthew 21 )
A camel on the other hand is used for trade across the middle East. A camel train 2,000 years ago is a convoy of trucks today. So it stands for the congregation of a false church. Because false churches are just secular businesses posing as churches. So how do you put a false church through the eye of a needle? Well today we use the expression: Thread the needle, metaphorically to mean successfully complete a task requiring great precision. So what task would that be for a false church? Well gives the clue. Things that are impossible for man are possible for God. Indeed all things are possible for God. God can even show a false church how to become a true church. He can in fact pull a false church away from and rescue it for himself. That is what he has to do with a rich man, and that is what he has to do with a false church. And neither is impossible for God. Indeed Laodicea became a false church on 2017Elul10, 3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its water baptism on 2013Adar10. It became a true church again on 2019Ab1. Then 2019Ab10 was, temple burning day, when it separated itself from the Watchtower. Then on 2019Ab21, 5th and reappointed Laodicean first fruits, it was appointed to rule over the s - see U151.
The event symbolic meaning is that it is more difficult for a rich man to enter into the than it is for a false church to become a true church. But then there are 3 parallel account of the Camel metaphor. So there are 3 word symbolic meanings which together make up the whole jigsaw actually of of false churches, which become true churches.
The word symbolic meanings of Matthew and Mark refer to adamic and to adamic Laodicea dying to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and being resurrected non adamically through 3 days to 2012Sivan16, at which point neither had any sort of priesthood. But then we were both reappointed. Those were two camels threading the needle.
Luke, where the Camel threads a sowing needle (even more impossible physically), must be Laodicea losing its true church status on 2017Elul10 and regaining it on 2019Ab21. Because that is a less obvious and more complex and impressive operation.
12 And entered into the temple and threw out all the [ones] selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money-changers [kollubisthj] and the benches of the [ones] selling the doves. (Matthew 21)
And they came to
And having entered into the
he started to throw out the [ones] selling and the [ones] buying in the
[again, like he did the day before - see Matthew 21:12 which is parallel to Mark 11:1-11], and the
of the
and the
of the [ones] selling the
he overturned;
and he would not let anyone carry a
through the
temple (Mark 11)
And he found in the temple [ieron]
those selling cattle and sheep and doves and the money-brokers
sitting [there].
So, after making a whip out of ropes,
he drove all [those] with the sheep and cattle out of the temple [ieron], and of the money-changers [kollubisthj]
he poured out the coins and overturned the tables [Greek likes to mess with word order for effect].
And he said to those selling the doves: Take these [things] away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a
house of merchandise!
(John 2)
o`, (ko,lluboj) a small money-changer, N.T. From ko,lluboj ko,llu²boj, o`,
a small coin
A dove stands for a sealed saint or at least a clean saint (with a water baptism). The small coins are saints too, silver money or gold money of God which should be deposited with angelic bankers. So the greater meaning here is the selling of sainthood for a price and even the swapping of changing of saintly covenants for a price. This is a market in sainthood! It applies both to the Roman Catholic Church and to the Watchtower and to Laodicea..
There are people who have swapped from a to a or vice versa using these spiritual bureaux de change. These churches have a marketplace for sainthood!
But overturns their tables and pours out the coins. So all of these transactions are null and void and anyone participating in any of them will lose his angel period.
Overturning the tables of the money changers is the church administration losing its authority over the saints, falling over the saints, becoming the evil slave of Matthew24.
Overturning the benches of those selling doves, is taking away the ability of the church to deal in clean saints. It is therefore the end of a presence, the end of the water baptism of the church.
Driving out those selling sheep and cattle with a whip of ropes, is removing the congregation from the church. This happens after the church has become false.
Not carrying a utensil in the temple is an interesting one. It means that one should not discuss secular work during a congregation meeting.