[1] Iterations towards the final 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions
[2] Latest End Times Chronology
[3] The Fig Tree Illustration
[4] The 11 marriages of the 3rd
[5] The 3 Arks
[6] Building the House of , Solomon's Temple
[7] Power and Reign of the Sea Beast of Revelation13 (the WEF)
[8] The meaning of Augur (noun) and Peter standing up in the midst of the brothers
[9] The runs for 220 days from 2022Tebbeth24, the 3rd fire sign, to 2023Elul4, the end of WW3
[10] The Symbolism of VeAdar
[11] 2000 days of Mark5 of Possession
[12] The 4 stages of wheat maturation
[13] A Jubilee Restoration or at least Passover entry into it MUST start or end in 2020Tishri, the Jubilee month which has 2020Tishri10, Atonement day, as its Jubilee release day
[14] The 1443 Jubilees of Adam from 3993Iyyar1 BC to 2020Tishri30 AD
[15] The monthly Sabbaths of the 4th Adamic/Abrahamic Kingdom Jubilee and the 1st and 2nd Isaaic Jubilees
[16] The 12 crops of the tree of life of Revelation22
[17] The Month of Abib, the Abib Passover and Abib Cakes for each land of God
[18] The Tree of Life of Revelation22
[19] The Count of the Beast from the Sea of Revelation13
[20] Fire Sign Prediction Iterations
[21] LATEST CHRONOLOGY: The Absolute end of Adam (meaning Adam and all his genetic progeny) is 2023Tebbeth14, the first death Passover
[22] Raptures and Resurrections
[23] Midst of the sea of Sodom on dry land
[24] Midst of Pharaoh's Servants
[25] WW3, the and the 4th Horseman
[26] Edenic Restoration
[27] Chronological Confirmations
[28] The days of Noah, Lot and the Son of Man
[29] By what shall know that he shall take the Kingdom in possession? (By after the 11 prophetic times of 's sacrifice)
[31] The 6331 days of the Sentence count of the the contest of 1Kings18:21-24 from the 2005Sivan14 fall of the Watchtower, to the rapture of Elijah4 and the Ezekiel8 tuft of hair on 2022Tebbeth15
[32] The 8010 days of the earth based congregation of Daniel12:12 until we are raptured
[33] The 24 regular early and late Salvation Passovers...
[34] and Kingdom Appointments/Installations
[35] The Crown of Thorns, the Coronavirus of Spike Proteins, braided/platted/woven/double helixed/gene spliced by the soldiers for , the last Adam, the end of mankind, is an incontrovertible proof that we are now in the End Times because it was the last abuse that received before being led off to be killed
[36] Covid Vaccines are Genetic bestiality, which is the disgusting thing causing desolation of Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:31
[37] More Chronology
[38] Nebuzaradan burning the temple on Ab10
[39] 3 Entrance
[40] The Accepting/Goodwill year of Isaiah61
[40a] The dividing of 's forces by night between the ark and the earth
[41] The , and Marriages
[42] The 9 Happinesses of Matthew5
[43] Iterations to the Absolute End of Adam being 2023Tebbeth14
[44] The Definition of a Super Pentecost
[45] True Church Appointments
[46] The Super Pentecost fulfilment to the fire signs of 1Kings18
[47] The Inauguration of the temple of Solomon2
[48] Elijah meets Elisha
[49] The rapture of the Ezekiel8 Tuft of Hair occurs on 2022Tebbeth15
[50] 616 and the Chronology of the Mark of the Beast
[51] The Chronology of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
[52] Elijah's Prayer of 1Kings18:36-37
[53] Laodicean or Gentile call Woman Bent Double for 18 years of Luke13
[54] Omitted
[55] The Acts2 Pentecostal fulfilments for the first signs of 1Kings18
[56] The fire signs of 2Kings1
[57] The sentence count of Exodus 14: A stretched hand is 5x precisely. So a stretched hand upon/over the sea is 6x precisely?
[58] The ran from 2012Sivan15 to 2019Sivan15
[59] The to the Absolute end of Adam
[60] The Timetable
[62] The mountain of the house of of Isaiah2 is IN THE ARK
[63] The fire consuming the bull precedes the cloud filling the sanctuary in Solomon's Temple
[64] 11x450 = 4950 days from 1992Elul11 to 2005Sivan11/12 our first fir sign prediction
[65] The pillar of cloud departing from going ahead of Israel and moving to going behind Israel is the 2nd fire sign occurring
[66] The Jeohoiachin and Maccabean gapped must end and must be installed as Caesar over each group in order to have the authority to rapture them into the ark
[67] Fire Sign Predictions from 2017Shebat23 onwards
[68] The 195 day of Mark testing entrance
[69] Feedings of the 4000 and 5000
[70] The Passover Door Frame Symbolism
[71] Gordon/ must reign until all enemies are put under their / feet
[72] 6331 day contest 'day' of 1Kings18
[73] Testing God 10x in Egypt and in the wilderness
[74] The Greater 450 years from 's sacrifice on 1885Nisan14 to the first judge Othneil in 1435
[75] Acts2 proves that the 1Kings18 fire signs must be seen from the ark
[76] The Tetramenos of John4
[77] The 5250 missed sacred Sabbaths of the Watchtower and their payback period
[78] Adam was installed as priest to his family on 3989Sivan10, Jubilee release day in the first 50 month Jubilee of 's 6,000 year headlease
[79] MIKE'S DREAM OF THE NIGHT OF 2014AUGUST2/3 (2014Ab5) - Here is the Dream as described by Mike in an email on 2014August3...
[80] The Timeline of the Coronavirus outbreak
[81] The 70 years of devastations of Jerusalem
[82] The fire sign which kick starts should occur at a Pentecost or a Pentecost
[83] The Tuft of Hair of Ezekiel8 and 2022Heshvan5, the 5th day of the 6th month of the Sivan1 sacred year
[84] Haggai [meaning festive] Timetable...
[85] 1834x of Gathering the Prophets to Mount Carmel [86] 2706 days of Prophesying until the grain offering goes up
[86] 2706 days of Prophesying until the grain offering goes up
[87] Isaiah30: The Day of the big slaughter when the towers fall, the day of the binding up of the breakdown and the healing of the wound
[88] Baptising Elimelec on 2017Tishri2
[89] The 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
[90] The sentence count of the 4 angels prepared for the years months day and hour to kill 1/3rd of the men
[91] the 3rd takes over on Palm Monday 2023Nisan5, the late 7th Pentecost
[92] I will make the Laodiceans come and do obeisance before your feet
[93] The Torments of the Watchtower and Babylon
[94] 6,000 days from Laodicean leak to torrent of Ezekiel47
[95] will come in a day that is not expected but is known and in an hour that is not known but is expected
[96] The 11 of the Abrahamic Times
[97] The 11 years it takes for to inherit the kingdom from 2012Sivan14 to 2023Heshvan14
[98] is Betrayed into the hands of sinners
[99] The 7,000 year and 7,000 day gapped weeks...
[100] The weekly Sabbath is both a sacred and a secular Sabbath. This prefigures the two 1,000 year Sabbaths of the
[101] The Watchtower fell as a true church on 2005Sivan14
[103] Pivotal Dates
[104] Killing Cain
[105] The Symmetrically Banked River of Daniel12
[106] Isaiah 6: How long until the cities crash and are deserted?
[107] The parables of the SEWER
[108] Non biblical: Christine Lagarde's Prophetic Words to the National Press Club
[109] Contest Noon for 1Kings18 and 6301 days from 2005Sivan14 to 2022Chislev15
[110] 11 Disciples go into Galilee to the Mountain where appointed them
[112] Goliath's Copper Priesthood
[113] Peace and Security of 1Thesalonians 5:3 is Declared 9 months before the 12th crop of Revelation22
[114] Amos 1-2 and the 7 months fire after 8 years of
[115] Sending Bread out upon the waters 7/8 times
[116] The Significance of 616
[117] 5724 days of the sentence count of Esther9 from 2003Shebat21, the installation of Laodicea over the s to 2019Tebbeth14, when the last reserve is sealed in reappointed Laodicea. The 7th bride is sealed on 2020Tammuz14 in Sodom
[118] Building Solomon's own house.
[119] Can the very definition of love not find a way to save mankind which does not involve 12 nuclear bombs?
[120] The Dunghill Dismembering Decree Day of Nebuchadnezzar
[121] UK Reformation -
Isaaic fulfilment
14 Indications that the 2nd and 3rd fire signs occur on 2020Chislev8-10 and 2020Chislev21/22.
2020Heshvan6/7 seen at 07:00 BST 2020October14 (2020Tishri23) Published at 18.07 BST 2020October 14 (2020Tishri23)
2020Heshvan8/9 seen at 03:00 BST 2020October16 (2020Tishri25) Published at 09:00 BST 2020October16 (2020Tishri25).
2020Heshvan5-7 and 2020Heshvan6-9 were seen at 01:00 BST on 2020October18 (2020Tishri27) and published at 08:30 BST on 2020October18 (2020Tishri27)
2020Heshvan21/22 was seen at 04:00 GMT on Tuesday 2020October27 (2020Heshvan6)
and published at 22:07 GMT on 2020October27 (2020Heshvan7)
2020Heshvan21/22 and 2020Heshvan21/22 was seen at 18:00 GMT on Friday 2020October30 (2020Heshvan10) and published at 08:02 GMT on Saturday 2020October31 (2020Heshvan10)
2020Chislev8-10 and 2020Chislev21/22 were seen at 10:00 GMT on Sunday November8 (2020Heshvan18) and published at 11:10 GMT the same day.
2020Chislev20-22 and 2020Chislev21/22 were seen at 10:00 GMT on Sunday November8 (2020Heshvan18) and accepted for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2020Chislev11 and published at 03:55 GMT on 2020December3 (2020Chislev13).
2020Chislev21-22 and 2020Tebbeth4-6 were seen at 08:00 GMT on Saturday December12 (2020Chislev22) and published at 16:10 GMT on Saturday 2020December12 (2020Chislev23).
2020Tebbeth4-6 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 16:30 GMT on Sunday December13 (2020Chislev24) and published at 18:11 GMT on Sunday 2020December13 (2020Chislev24).
2020Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 were accepted at 15:47 GMT on Sunday December27 (2020Tebbeth7) and published at 15:55 GMT on Sunday 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7).
2020Shebat4/5/6 and 2020Shebat20-22 were seen at 19:00 GMT on 2021January12 (2020Tebbeth24) and published at 05:37 GMT on 2021January13 (2020Tebbeth24).
2020Shebat7/8 and 2020Shebat20-22 were seen at 06:40 GMT on 2021January26 (2020Shebat7) and published at 09:11 GMT on 2021January26 (2020Shebat7).
2020Shebat20-22 and 2020Shebat20-22 were accepted at 01:00 GMT on 2021January28 (2020Shebat9) and published at 01:20 GMT on 2021January28 (2020Shebat9).
2020Adar4/5/6 and 2020Adar20-22 were seen at 20:39 GMT on 2021February10 (2020Shebat23) and published at 23:30 GMT on 2021February10 (2020Shebat23).
2020Adar20-22 and 2020Adar20-22 were seen at 06:00 GMT on 2021February25 (2020Adar7) and published at 07:23 GMT on Thursday 2021February25 (2020Adar7).
2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 were seen at 03:43 GMT on 2021March14 (2020Adar24) and published at 07:55 GMT on Sunday 2021March14 (2020Adar24).
2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 OR 2021Nisan10/11/12 were seen at 11:45 GMT on 2021March16 (2020Adar26) and published at 11:49 GMT on Tuesday 2021March16 (2020Adar26).
2021Nisan10/11/12 and 2021Nisan26/27/28 were seen at 10:15 GMT on 2021March23 (2021Nisan9) and published at 12:33 GMT on Tuesday 2021March23 (2021Nisan9).
2021Nisan26/27 and 2021Iyyar10/11 were seen at 12:19 BST on 2021March31 (2021Nisan17) and published at 13:46 BST on Wednesday 2021March31 (2021Nisan17).
2021Iyyar10/11/12 and 2021Iyyar20/21 were seen at 13:55 BST on 2021April11 (2021Nisan28) and published at 14:01 BST on Sunday 2021April11 (2021Nisan28).
2021Iyyar14/15 and 2021Iyyar20/21 were seen at 01:47 BST on 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13) and published at 05:16 BST on Monday 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13).
2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Sivan9/10/11 were seen at 07:14 BST on 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16) and published at 07:22 BST on Thursday 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16).
2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Iyyar27/28 were seen at 03:58 BST on 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20) and published at 04:33 BST on Monday 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20).
2021Iyyar27/28 and 2021Iyyar27/28 were seen at 02:05 BST on 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22) and published at 02:45 BST on Wednesday 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22).
2021Sivan9/10 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 were seen at 08:47 BST on 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29) and published at 10:19 BST on Wednesday 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29).
2021Sivan20/21/22 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 were seen at 06:22 BST on 2021May25 (2021Sivan12) and published at 06:30 BST on Tuesday 2021May25 (2021Sivan12).
2021Tammuz9-11 and 2021Elul5-7 were seen at 05:25 BST on 2021June5 (2021Sivan23) and published at 07:00 BST on Saturday 2021June5 (2021Sivan23).
2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 were seen at 02:31 BST on 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12) and published in the morning of Thursday 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12).
2021Tammuz21-23 OR 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 were seen at 07:04 BST on 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19) and published at 07:27 BST on Thursday 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19).
2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul4-7 was seen at 19:46 BST on 2021July5 (2021Tammuz23) and published at 06:18 BST on Tuesday 2021July6 (2021Tammuz24).
2021Ab20-22 and 2021Elul4-7 was seen at 14:19 BST on 2021July21 (2021Ab9) and published at 15:16 BST on Wednesday 2021July21 (2021Ab9).
2021Elul4-7 and 2021Elul4-7 was seen at 10:57 BST on 2021August3 (2021Ab22) and published at 19:42 BST on Tuesday 2021August3 (2021Ab22).
2021Elul20-22 and 2021Elul20-22 was seen at 05:00 BST on 2021August17 (2021Elul6) and published at 19:02 BST on Tuesday 2021August17 (2021Elul6).
2021Tishri4-6 and 2021Tishri20-22 was seen at 08:30 BST on 2021September5 (2021Elul25) and emailed to the list at 18:17 BST on Sunday 2021September5 (2021Elul25).
2021Tishri11-12 and 2021Tishri20-22 was seen at 12:17 BST on 2021September17 (2021Tishri7) and published at 12:56 BST on Friday 2021September17 (2021Tishri7).
2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Tishri20-22 was seen at 03:35 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) and published at 04:02 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Heshvan4-6 was seen at 18:00 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) and published at 18:35 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
2021Heshvan4-6 and 2021Heshvan20-21 was seen at 15:07 BST on 2021October3 (2021Tishri23) and published at 23:56 BST on Sunday 2021October3 (2021Tishri24).
2021Heshvan20-22 and 2021Heshvan20-22 was seen at 17:00 BST on 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7) and published at 17:43 BST on Sunday 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7).
2021Chislev4-6 and 2021Chislev20-22 was seen at 04:29 GMT on 2021November3 (2021Heshvan24) and published at 17:55 GMT on Thursday 2021November5 (2021Heshvan26).
2021Chislev4-6 OR 2021Chislev20-22, and 2021Chislev20-22 was accepted at 12:42 GMT on 2021November15 (2021Chislev6) and published at 12:49 GMT on Monday 2021November15 (2021Chislev6).
2021Chislev20-22, and 2021Chislev20-22 was accepted at 01:22 GMT on 2021November16 (2021Chislev7) and published at 01:25 GMT on Tuesday 2021November16 (2021Chislev7).
2021Tebbeth4-6, and 2021Tebbeth20-22 was seen at 03:11 GMT on 2021December1 (2021Chislev22) and published at 04:15 GMT on Thursday 2021December2 (2021Chislev23).
2021Tebbeth20-22, and 2021Tebbeth20-22 OR 2021Shebat4-6 was seen at 15:48 GMT on 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth7 - Nisan1 calendar) and published at 15:51 GMT on Thursday 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth7 - Nisan1 calendar).
2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat20-22 was seen at 22:50 GMT on 2021December28 (2021Tebbeth20 - Nisan1 calendar) and published at 08:55 GMT on Wednesday 2021December29 (2021Tebbeth20), before expiration of the previous prediction.
2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat21-23 was seen at 02:00 GMT on 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26 - Nisan1 calendar) and updated at 02:20 GMT on Tuesday 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26), before expiration of the previous prediction.
2021Shebat21-23 and 2021Shebat21-23 were accepted at 09:41 GMT on 2022January17 (2021Shebat9 - Nisan1 calendar) and published at 11:24 GMT on Monday 2022January17 (2021Shebat9), AFTER expiration of the previous 2nd fire sign prediction.
2021Adar5-7 and 2021Adar20-22 were seen at 17:38 GMT on 2022January23 (2021Shebat16 - Nisan1 calendar) and published at 10:24 GMT on Wednesday 2022January26 (2021Shebat18), before expiration of the previous fire sign predictions.
2021Adar20-22 and 2021Adar5-7 = 2021VeAdar5-7 were realised at 20:30 GMT on 2022February15 (2021Adar9) and published at 07:00 GMT on Friday 2022February18 (2021Adar11), before expiration of the previous fire sign predictions.
2021VeAdar5-7 and 2021VeAdar20-22 were realised at 23:16 pm GMT on 2022February26 (2021Adar20) and published at 06:00 GMT on Tuesday 2022March1 (2021Adar22), same prediction as previous fire sign prediction.
2021VeAdar20-22 and 2021VeAdar28-30 - 2022Nisan4-6 were realised at 14:30 GMT on 2022March17 (2021VeAdar8) and published at 07:30 GMT on Friday 2022March18 (2021VeAdar9)
2022Nisan4-6 and 2022Nisan21-23 were seen at 09:00 BST on 2022April1 (2021VeAdar23) and published at 23:31 BST on Friday 2022April1 (2021VeAdar24)
2022Nisan14-15 and 2022Nisan21-23 were seen at 13:21 BST on 2022April9 (2022Nisan7) and published at 16:59 BST on Saturday 2022April9 (2022Nisan7)
2022Nisan21-23 and 2022Nisan21-23 were seen on 2022April27 (2022Nisan16) and published at 22:04 BST on Saturday 2022April23 (2022Nisan22)
2022Chislev5-7 and 2022Chislev20-22 were seen on 2022Nisan25 and 2022Nisan23 respectively
2022Heshvan4-6 and 2022Chislev20-22 were seen at 05:47 on 2022May9 (2022Iyyar7).and published at 11:08 May9.
So the 2nd fire sign occurs on 2022October31-November4 (allowing for the Sivan1 sync or Nisan1 sync sacred year) and the 3rd fire sign from 2022December16-20 (uploaded on 2022May28 18:18)
2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Chislev20-22 was seen at 03:01 BST on 2022June9 (2022Sivan8) and published at 03:38 on Thursday 2022June9 (2022Sivan8)
2022Chislev5 and 2022Tebbeth21 was seen at 21:00 BST on Monday 2022October10 (2022Tishri12) and published at 04:55 on Tuesday 2022October11 (2022Tishri12)
2022Chislev5-6 and 2022Tebbeth21-22 was seen at 02:49 BST on Saturday 2022October29 (2022Tishri30) and published at 08:28 on Saturday 2022October29 (2022Tishri30)
2022Tebbeth4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 was seen at 03:01 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 06:03 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 were reseen at 13:49 BST on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 14:12 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22. 2022Shebat4-6 were tweeted at 15:39 on Monday 2022December5 (2022Chislev7)
2022Chislev12, 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 06:35 on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8) and published at 07:35 GMT on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8)
2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth12-13, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 00:25 on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3) and published at 00:42 GMT on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3)
2022Tebbeth20-22 (or possibly 2022Shebat20-22), 2022Shebat4-6 were re-seen at 18:27 on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15) and published at 18:44 GMT on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15)
AND from the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 we predict a volcanic fire sign between 2022Tebbeth15-22 (2023January11-19)
So the 2nd fire sign occurs on 2023January16-19 AND we expect a volcanic fire sign between 2023January11-19 (assuming a Nisan1 sync for the Sivan1/Ab1 Kingdom sacred years) and the 3rd fire sign from 2023January30-2023February2
39 In reply he said to them: A wicked generation and an adulterer keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. (Matthew 12 )
The adulterer was ' fiancé, the s and the s. The wicked generation runs from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower the unilateral start of the contest of 1Kings18, to 2022Tebbeth20-22, the 2nd fire sign. 17½ years of being signians.
The 4th Abrahamic Kingdom Jubilee was 2020Tishri. In that month the s and the s were restored to their kingdom inheritance by finishing being baptised on 2020Tishri10, which is their Jubilee release day and Atonement day of the Nisan1 sacred year.
The 2nd Isaaic Kingdom Jubilee is 2023Chislev. In that month the has his kingdom inheritance of restored to him on 2023Chislev10, the Jubilee release day and Atonement day of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year. The the last week of Daniel 9:27, runs from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10, and the absolute end of Adam is 2023Tebbeth14, 6015¾ year after he sinned on 3993Nisan14.
is the one who tells the end, the finale, from the beginning. But Daniel must go to the end. Because he determines the beginning of his church and of the time of the end etc., from the end of Adam. We reached the realisation that the end of Adam was 2023Tebbeth14, the last chance saloon Passover after the Jubilee month at 15:48 on Tuesday 2022October18 (2022Tishri19).
So the final / Atonement (for the heavenly kings of the kingdom) occurs when the Abrahamic Jubilee release day meets the Nisan1 sacred year Atonement day on 2020Tishri10
Whereas the final Atonement (for the citizens of the Kingdom) occurs when the Isaaic Jubilee release day meets the Sivan1 sacred year Atonement day on 2023Chislev10
The Jubilee restoration day for must occurs in Isaaic (not after it) because the Jubilee pattern began with the start of Isaaic . It is the pattern for that church. We are released actually from Isaaic on 20234Chislev10, the last day of entrance into that church, which ends on 2023Chislev14.
Furthermore the pattern of and salvation from our Abrahamic restoration on 2012Sivan14 is 38 months ahead of the pattern of and salvation from our Isaaic restoration on 2015Ab14.
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2012Sivan14 is 2020Heshvan14,
the 4th marriage Passover execution
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2015Ab14 is 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover execution
The malediction, caused by the idolatry of Physical Israel, could not extend further than the end of 's lease, since it was a removal of the blessing of having God as king under a Satanic lease. Once the lease has gone, then God is King rather than period. So 's lease ends on 2022Tishri14 and the 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped ends the next day on 2022Tishri15. This is true of all maledictions.
2022Tebbeth10 (2023January6/7, the weekly Sabbath) is the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th Nisan1 sacred year of . It is the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release by Atonement of the ark based Abrahamic s, and the start of the Accepting year of Isaiah61. It is the 10th day of the 9th month of the 7th Sivan1 sacred year of the Jericho campaign by Isaaic against Laodicea. Then 2022Tebbeth15 is the baptism of the remaining 8 apostles, and 2022Tebbeth16 is the start of post apostolic the temple building time of Haggai1 to 2022Shebat16.
Baal is the 'head' of the Watchtower, the chairman of the governing body.
Jezebel is Asherah, his wife, the balance of the governing body.
Ahab is the Laodiceans on the governing body
Ahab is told to collect all Israel to Elijah at mount Carmel (that is all the saints and cannot be fulfilled until Ahab ceases being a . The 3rd does do this from the ark).
Ahab collects 'the prophets' by only collecting the prophets of Baal, because the 'prophets' of Asherah are not interested in prophecy!
Prophets of Baal are s who are interested in Bible prophecy but side with the chairman of the Governing Body of the Watchtower (a representative of from 2005Sivan14) rather than Elijah (a representative of ). They are sons of the , spiritual, but with misplaced faith.
Prophets of Asherah have absolutely no interest in the contest whatsoever. They only care about congregation fertility, numbers, money. They regard the Watchtower as an effective business model they wish to improve upon. They are aspiritual, having no faith. They are not sons of the . Jezebel, took power on 1975May1 when the Governing Body of the WTBTS unanimously voted to adopt a 2/3 majority democratic decision making process for the Governing Body - Just as the Catholic church does with its Cardinals. They became the image of the church they were set up to replace. They became the daughter of the mother of the harlots.
The table of Jezebel was established on 1975Iyyar18 (May1) when the Watchtower was taken over by Jezebel through her 2/3 majority vote resolution following after the Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church.
30 And Elijah said to all the people: Approach [ye] me.
And all the people [they] approached him. And he sewed together/mended the altar of the [one] torn/pulled down.
31 And Elijah took 12 stones, as/like according to the number of the tribes/staffs of the sons of , to whom 's word had come, saying: Israel is what your name will be.
32 And he built the stones [into] an altar in the name of and made a trench as/like the area sowed with 2 seah measures of seed [dual only time ever needed], circuit to/all around the altar [saints and priests, most holy and holy].
33 And he ordered/arranged the woods and chopped/cut up the young bull and placed it upon the woods. And said: Fill ye 4 large jars waters and pour ye upon the burnt offering and upon the woods [not the stones].
34 And he said: Do it again. And they did it again. And he said: Do it a 3rd time. And they did it a 3rd time.
35 And the water went/walked circuit/around to/for the altar, and the trench additionally he filled waters
36 And it occurred in to go up the grain offering and Elijah the prophet drew near and said: Oh , the God of , and Israel, today let it be known that you are God in Israel and I am your servant and in your (words) [word] I have done all these words/things.
37 Answer me, Oh , answer me, and this people will perceive that you, , are the [true] God and you yourself have turned their heart back.
38 And the fire of came falling and went eating up namely the burnt offering and namely the pieces of wood and namely the stones and namely the dust, and namely the waters which in the trench it licked up.
39 And all the people saw, and fell upon their faces and said: , he is the [true] God! , He is the [true] God!
40 And Elijah said to them: Seize ye namely the prophets of Baal! Do not let a man escape from them! And they seized them, and Elijah then brought them down to the torrent valley of Kishon/twisted and slaughtered them there.
41 And Elijah said to Ahab: Go up, eat and drink; for there is the voice/rumour/call of the turmoil of a downpour.
42 And Ahab went up to eat of and to drink of. And Elijah,
he went up to top/start/head of the Carmel and bowed himself down to/upon earth [hc'r>a] and put his face between his knees.
43 And he said to his attendant/boy: Go up now/please!
Look in way/direction of the sea. And he went up and looked and said: There is nothing at all. And he said, Go back/turn around 7 times/anvils.
44 And it was/occurred in/at the 7th and he said: Look! A small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. And he said: Go up, say to Ahab, 'Hitch up! And go down and/that the downpour may not detain you!'
45 And was until like this and until like that and the heavens themselves darkened up [with] clouds and wind and a great downpour occurred. And Ahab kept riding and journeyed to Jezreel [God sown]. (1 Kings 18 )
2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16, 3x of Isaaic baptism of the post apostolic trench with the 2 measures of seed (4 jars poured 3x).
2022Tebbeth15 - 2023Sivan15: 5 Colonnades of Bethzatha from the start to the end of the , at the end of the ascension of the s (who chose their priests).
Verse 30: 7x
Verse 31: 12x+12x = 24x
Verse 32: 12x+1x+2x+1x = 16x.
Verse 33: 1x+3x+1x+3x = 8x
Total 7x+24x+16x+8x = 55x from 2022Chislev21, the end of the 12x from 2010Chislev21, when all people approached Elijah4 for the 1st fire sign, to 2022Shebat16, the start of the baptism of the 3rd .
The Mid point of Bethzatha is 2022Adar18, the day before the start of the 195 days of /// entry to 2023Tishri4 of 's negotiation of Genesis18..
2022Tebbeth15 is the 4th day of Solomon being installed as vassal Caesar (over Cain after , Adam and , all of mankind) in the 2nd month of such installations (2022Chislev5/6 and 2022Tebbeth5/11)
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse.
Having gone back 7x, it came about in the 7th that the attendant said: Look! a small cloud like a man's palm going up from the sea - which counts as 3x because 'palm' counts as 1x whereas 'hand' counts as 5x (the Hebrew word for Palm means: Curved. The palm is always curved, fingers can be straight. So the palm excludes the fingers in Hebrew as it does in English).
It takes Gordon 18 years from 2004 to 2022 to take the 12 stones, to appoint the 12 apostles. It takes 12x precisely of the 12 stones according to the number (12) of the tribes of the sons of of altar mending and altar building from 2010Chislev21/22, the 1st fire sign, when all the people approach Elijah4, to 2022Chislev21+55x sentence count of 1Kings18:30-33 , to repair and build the altar of the s (which was broken to s) until it is ready to baptise the 3rd on 2022Shebat16. The altar of the s fro s was broken down on 2002Tammuz10, when we failed to be installed to rule over them. The altar of the Watchtower was destroyed on 2005Sivan14, when all s became prophets of Baal (the Governing Body of that church). Gordon made Mike the 5th apostle on 2005Elul30 at his baptism. He made Dave the first apostle in 2004 before Jeff's baptism (Jeff chose not to be an apostle). The s who were Isaaic in 2015, cannot be sealed until 2022Chislev21, the end of the ..
3x of pouring water NOT on the stones but on the cut up bull and the woods.
These are the 3 baptisms one can have in total. And 3 baptisms of Adamic, Abrahamic and Isaaic, that the adamic s get.
The waters walked circuit to altar and filled the trench of 2 seahs of seed. 3 months from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16, the end of the Isaaic for the saints, 3x of pouring of the 4 jars not on the 12 stones after the start of the Isaaic .
The 2 measures of seed are heavenly / seed and earthly / seed. The 12x tribes are the 12x tribes, apostolic father to apostolic son.
The repaired altar upon which to baptise the s is finished on 2022Shebat16,
when the first s are Isaaic baptised into the s..
Elijah reached the top of Carmel on 2015Chislev21 his first installation over the s. Then he bows down to/upon the earth (without quite reaching it) and puts his head between his knees (not on the ground) counting to 2015Chislev26. Then he says NOW Go up, look in way of sea. And he went up and looked and said there is nothing taking us to 2015Tebbeth1. Then 7x to 2022Tebbeth1. Then it was in/at the 7th and he said Look a small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. That counts as 7x.(1x+1x+1x) = 21x taking us to 2022Tebbeth22, the 3rd fire sign, the day after the Pentecost Pentecost of the new Chislev1 secular year, the Super Pentecost.
(5) the ground, with h local hc'r>a; (Milêl) to the ground, as hc'r>a; WxT;v.YIw: Genesis 33:3; 37:10. Hence poet., things that creep on the ground
Verse42 Elijah at the top of Carmel: 1x+0x/1x+3x = 4x/5x:
Verse43: 1x+1x+1x+1x+1x+7 times = 5x + 7 times
Verse44: 7x.(1x+1x+1x) = 21x
Total is 30x/31x + 7 times.
It was hard to see how could rapture us to be with him during the !!
is appointed/installed as Caesar to on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 and to on 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5. He cannot be appointed as Caesar during the 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped .
1st saw the absolute end of Adam as 2023Tebbeth14 on 2022Tishri19.
1st accepted 2005Sivan14 as the fall of the Watchtower on 2022Tishri14 as a result of the 7x to 2005Tebbeth15 and to 2012Sivan15 and contest noon to the installation of as Caesar over and hence also over Abrahamic reverted Laodicea on 2022Chislev5.
It is confirmed by the precise 18x count of the parable of the Sewer:
All Watchtower s reserves were defiled on 2001Chislev14 and no true reserve was defiled on 2019Chislev14. All Watchtower reserves left the on 2001Chislev14. And all Watchtower reserves finished re-entering the on 2019Chislev14 - see para 107.
and the s are resurrected from from 2022Chislev2-3, 2 layers of stones, Dukes and Lords. They are clean birds but enter from not by rapture.
7 times can mean 7 Pentecost festivals or late versions thereof.
The 1st fire sign of 1Kings18 occurred on 2010Chislev20-23, 7 Pentecosts NOT 7 years after 2003Shebat21, the Laodicean installation to feed the s, to 2010Heshvan21, then the 31x sentence count to 2010Chislev22, the weekly Sabbath when Ian recognised the largest fire in modern Israel's history upon mount Carmel as being the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18.
The 2nd fire sign did not occur 7 years precisely after the 2015Heshvan5 installation of Isaaic over (the start of the Isaaic administration) to 2022Heshvan5, then the 31x sentence count to 2015Chislev6
The 2nd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 is a following chief to the first who was 2010Chislev21. So he is either 2022Chislev21 or 2022Tebbeth21, following by an integral number of years or by a month modulo the years. Also Mike's dream has the augur month being the 8th month of the Sivan1 calendar (which applied during Mike's dream of 2014Ab5). that month is Tebbeth. So we would expect both the 2nd and 3rd fire signs to fall in 2022Tebbeth. So the 2nd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 is 2022Tebbeth21, which is a fire sign,.
For the Sivan1 and Ab1 sacred years we leave the Nisan1 sync in place. We can take the go back 7x to mean 7 Pentecosts or 7 years precisely. 7 year precisely can perhaps trump any sentence count? We do this in Daniel4 which says...
16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it, and let 7 times pass over it (Daniel4).
We do not sentence count the heart operations. We just take the time period of the malediction to be 7x precisely.
There could therefore be a fire sign on 2022Chislev21 (7x of years after 2015Chislev21 our installation over the s) OR on 2022Chislev22 to 31x after 2022Heshvan21, 7 Pentecosts after 2015Chislev21. NOPE
1Kings18 is about the , the Pentecostal malediction. So there will be a fire sign on 2022Tebbeth22, 31x after 2022Chislev21, the end of that malediction.
In a Hebrew construct noun chain the state of the absolute noun determines the state of the entire chain. So if the absolute noun is definite then the entire chain is definite - https://www.hebrew4christians.com/Grammar/Unit_Four/The_Construct_Relation/the_construct_relation.html
Therefore top/start of the Carmel is the top/start of Carmel. So there is only one top or start for each Carmel, each true church or the .
So there may be a fire sign 31x + 7x after 2022Chislev5, the start of the installation of the (Elijah4 is a vassal king to Caesar), which is 2022Tebbeth13, the 6th Sabbath of Weeks of the Chislev1 secular year.
Or there might be one 31x + 7x after 2022Tebbeth11, the final installation of the Kingdom under over Cain, which is 2022Shebat19, which occurs after WW3 begins on 2022Shebat4.
Then the 2nd chief of 50 of 2 Kings1 is 2022Tebbeth21 inclusively, with his 50 being 2022Chislev2-2022Tebbeth21 - because Elijah speaks to the 50 by addressing the chief of 50. .
Also we must use.1Thessalonians 4:16-17
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first.
17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will,
together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.
18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
A commanding call, (Alarm) an archangel's voice (Shouting), God's trumpet (Trumpets) = 2022Chislev1, new Rosh Hashana for the Abrahamic secular year and 2022Tebbeth1, new Rosh Hashana for the Isaaic secular year.
Abrahamic rapture is 2022Chislev15-19 followed by 3 transfer is 2022Chislev17-21 to meet . Isaaic rapture is 2022Tebbeth15-21.
So this would require the fire sign dates of 2022Chislev20-22 or 2022Tebbeth20-22 to be correct.
So our predicted dates for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 are now...
2022Chislev12 (2022December9/10) - NOPE
2022Chislev20-22 (2022December17-20) - NOPE
2022Tebbeth5-6 (2023January1-3) - NOPE
2022Tebbeth12-13 (2023January8-10) - NOPE
2022Tebbeth20-22 (2023January16-19)
2022Shebat4-6 (2023January30-2023February2) 30x/31x after 2022Tebbeth5, 7x after 2015Tebbeth5, Isaaic 's installation over
2022Shebat20-22 (2023February15-18) 30x/31x after 2022Tebbeth21, if that is the end of the .
6,000 days of the contest of 1Kings18 from 2006Iyyar21/22 (our first warning bomb prediction failure) to 2022Tebbeth21/22 (the 2nd fire sign).
22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia]
from en and kainoj,
mean in-new] took place in Jerusalem [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] and it was winter
23 and was walking in the temple in the colonnade of Solomon [walking,
without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood.
This is s in Sodom walking amongst s in the colonnade waiting to enter into the temple of Solomon]
The Jews therefore [oun] [because it was Hanukkah so the Jews were there and because was there so 2x from the setup] encircled him [2x.
One encirclement by the plural Jews who made one circle. Count triggered]
and said to him: Until when,
the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing?
[until Hanukkah AND the festival (Passover + Cakes-Booths) of the rededication of the temple in the form of the temple of Solomon in the ark - which festival is an innovation in temple building!] If you are the Christ, tell us outspokenly (John 10 ).
Verse 22: 1x+1x =2x
Verse 23: 1x
Verse 24: encirclement + 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Total: (2x+1x).4x = 12x. From 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 - 2022Tebbeth14. ALSO 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 is an even number of encirclements/years.
(4) counts 4x in the account from John 10:22-39. So the noun takes a greater meaning (the s). The encirclement means that the fulfilment is also until Hanukkah AND until the rededication of the earthly temple of Solomon back into the . The fact that it is a rededication shows that this is a second baptism for some of the s
Well he started lifting souls up from Reappointed Laodicea into the ark on 2019Tishri17 and continued until the Abrahamic rapture from 2022Chislev15-19, whereupon ALL Laodicean (reappointed and reverted) saints had been lifted up and continued to be lifted up until they come down to the pool at Bethzatha (angels coming down into the pool) on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the start of the Isaaic baptism for temple building, the 4th day of Solomon's installed reign over mankind as vassal Caesar to . So drops the ark based s down into the pool of Bethzatha, for an earth mediated Isaaic baptism during Hanukkah during Greek winter from 2022Chislev25-Tebbeth2 + 12x sentence count so 2022Tebbeth14. The original account was set in winter time which means it must have been in 32 AD (29 is too early and the 30,31,33 did not have Hanukkah in Greek winter).
Hanukkah is in winter in 2022 and 2025. It is not in winter in 2023 or 2024. So the 119th congress cannot be the 2nd horse of the apocalypse. It must be the 118th.
Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Elul16/Heshvan5
2015Tishri16 is the weekly Sabbath. So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
2015Ab14-16 is our Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion
The 2 men were left behind when sacrificed , so there was no saintly appointment in (the s) from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2015Ab14-16.
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 was therefore the Isaaic appointment/installation and the runs from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21, when the Isaaic s can start to be sealed, at the end of the precisely 12 year apostolic altar building of 1Kings18 from the first fire sign..
The gifts of the spirit are poured out for 7x to 2023Tammuz21.
189 days of Daniel7:5 from 2021Adar14 (Annexation of Donbas from Ukraine by Russian agreement between Putin and Putin) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22), the start of the Russian bear fully mobilising into war mode and eating much flesh. 300,000 reserves were called up - see U156
‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/putin-calls-up-300-000-reservists
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister)
"232 days of Daniel7 from 2021Adar14 (Annexation of Donbas from Ukraine by Russian agreement between Putin and Putin) to 2022Heshvan6, the start of the Russian bear fully mobilising into war mode and eating much flesh? Or the end of the Ukraine war altogether?" - is what he had on 2023Elul23, when Putin called started mobilising, we were 43 days out.
2 farming curses one on Cain one on Adam implies Cain is not adamic, War which makes more seed, therefore implies famine
Ye are my witnesses. At the mouth of two witnesses or 3, every matter is established (Watchtower s and Laodicea).
2x1290 days run from 2015Ab14 (2x1335 before 2022Chislev14) to 2022Tishri14 (The end of 's 42 month lease).
must be appointed/installed on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 as Caesar to in order to rapture the Laodicean s on 2022Chislev15-19 into 2 and transfer on 2022Chislev17-21 into 3, during Booths of the Sivan1 year..
2x1335 days runs from 2015Ab14 to 2022Tebbeth14. Then 2022Tebbeth15 is the rapture of the s on the first day of late Booths (Sivan1 sacred). So that all Israel celebrates Booths together following 1Kings8 and 2Chronicles7.
The 12 crops of Revelation22 must run from 2022Tebbeth14 to 2023Chislev14, the Laodicean Passover to the late non religious Passover, in order that first crop of the tree of life is fed by waters from the throne over the waters, i.e. occurs after is installed as Caesar over on 2022Tebbeth5. The final Passover into the 6th crop of Revelation22 is 2023Sivan14-16, which must occurs BEFORE the end of the rapture, which must therefore be 2023Tammuz7 (the late Pentecost), or the 6th crop s would not be able to make it into the ark.
2022Elul10 Entrance into Sodom ends (the Watchtower temple is fully burnt)
2023Ab10, entrance into the late Laodicean Passover ends (Adamic Sodom is fully burnt)
Benjamin's ark entry by resurrection through is 2023Nisan5-6.
ark entry from is 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5. So that we have 92 day from reappointed Laodicea, 120 from reverted Laodicea. 5 for Abrahamic s and 7 from run and 76 from 3rd run from 2023Nisan22 to 2023Tammuz7, because the waters rose up as one dam far away at Adam in Joshua3 and the clean animals went in 7,7. And the outer gates to Ezekiel's temple are 50 cubits long,
ark entry from run is 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7 (late Pentecost).
Flood is 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4.
The end of the Dragon's lease is 3 months before the rapture of the s because 2x1335 - 2x1290 = 90, days from 2022Tishri14 to 2022Tebbeth14.
The acceptable year for s runs from 2022Tebbeth10 (entry day into the Laodicean Passover)
to 2023Tebbeth10, entrance day into the 1st death Passover, the end of kingdom salvation (Atonement day to Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year).
The early Laodicea Passover, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover is 2022Chislev14, prior to the Abrahamic rapture from 2022Chislev15-19 into 2, then transfer from 2022Chislev17-21 into 3.
The early Watchtower Passover, the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, is 2022Tebbeth14,
prior to the Isaaic rapture from 2022Tebbeth15-21 into 3.
cannot be appointed/installed as Caesar to until 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 (due to the Discontinuous to 2022Tishri15). He is appointed/installed as Caesar to on 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 (before we are raptured on 2022Tebbeth15-21). The appointment and installation as Caesar to , both occur on the weekly Sabbath. But thereagain the Kingdom is the Sabbath that we are all waiting for.
The Dragon's 42 month lease runs from 2019Nisan22 ( first fruits) to 2022Tishri14. Then is appointed as Caesar over on 2022Tishri16, when the beast starts acting against divine authority.
2023Elul is the 5th Sabbath of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee and is 15½ years after 2008Nisan14
2023Heshvan is the 7th Sabbath of the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee from 2015Ab1
2023Chislev is the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee and 2023Chislev10 is the Jubilee release day and is Atonement day for the Sivan1 sacred year, the last day of entry into .
So has his inheritance restored to him in that month.
So there are 3600 days of oversight and shining (with a 127 day installation gap) from 2012Ab5 before the s start building the house of , Solomon's temple on earth, to 2022Chislev12
There are 3550 days of treading down and suppression from 2012Tishri5 of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea and Sodom's building of the house of , Solomon's temple, to 2022Ab15, the end of the .
installed over
s transform from to s installed over
3rd meets Laodicea and start oversight on behalf of Solomon?
2012Ab5 ( Pentecost)
3600 overseers/shining ones of the s with 127 day Installation gap
Laodicea installed over End of the from 2015Ab15
2012Tishri5 (3rd Pentecost)
2022Ab15 ( Sodomites can now join the s)
3300 + 250 = 3550 treaders down of Laodicea of 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 (one does not have to be in a true church to tread people down)
So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Elul16/Heshvan5
2015Tishri16 is the weekly Sabbath. So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
480 days of 1Kings 6:1 run from 2021Elul15 (when the last leaves Watchtower Egypt or Laodicea Egypt for Sodom) to 2022Tebbeth15, the 4th day of Solomon being vassal Caesar to Cain (from 2022Tebbeth11) in the 2nd month of his installations over , Adam, , Cain. Many of the s of Israel are adamic. Some are Abrahamic. Some are genetically . Solomon becomes installed as vassal Caesar over them on the days when is installed as their Caesar which are 2022Chislev5/6 and 2022Tebbeth5/11. The appointments are 2022Tishri16/Tishri17 and 2022Heshvan16/22.
The s started entering reverted Laodicea on 2020Heshvan15, after the 4th bride had been Passover executed on 2020Heshvan14). Just as there were no s baptised into reappointed Laodicea from the baby wisdom of Solomon of 1Kings3 - see U296. For the Jordan stopped when the ark went across it. But reverted Laodicea was the most submerged of all submarines for Jonah. This was 300 denarii of perfumed oil on ' feet before 2021Elul15, 480 days of 1Kings6 before 2022Tebbeth15, the start of temple building upon the foundation of the altar, which is the 12 apostles - each apostle beginning of a baptism into a life of sacrifice for love.
2022Tebbeth21, the end of 3 entrance for Isaaic s, to 2023Sivan15, the end of the ascension of all the s. This period being the 144 cubit high wall of the city of Revelation22 in days. Every has to climb the 144 day wall to ascend into heaven. So ascension runs from 2023Iyyar15 to 2023Sivan15. These cubits are a man's measure which is an angel's measure. For they are the length of the journey from man to angel via the ark, wherein men become angels. Then the s enter heaven through the Tsohar on 2023Sivan16, first fruits, 11 years precisely after was appointed over . - for more see U151.
So the first Passover of Israel out of Egypt began on Nisan14-21 and the last Passover of Israel out of Egypt occurs on Tebbeth14-21?
New secular year (honouring ) is Chislev1. This is not the Kingdom secular year.
450 prophets of Baal from the fall of Sodom on 2022Elul14 to 2023Chislev14 the end of . Let not a man from them escape is 2022Elul14 to 2022Tishri14. The escape occurs after the end of the Dragon's 42 month lease.
7+7 cows a month for a recital cow from 2022Heshvan10 (2 cycles of days after 2022Elul10, the end of entrance into reverted Laodicea). 7 fat cows to 2023Sivan10, the end entrance into of salvation in , the entrance of the s into heaven. All 7 ears of grain must be on the one stalk of Isaaic . Then 7 thin cows to 2023Tebbeth10, the end of entrance into salvation. Entrance into the for the 3rd ends on 2023Nisan5.
The supporting robber was sealed on 33Nisan14 itself. The last chance saloon,
is yet another church, the descended church of the , the descended church of and Yeshua. Entrance is during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10 and exit is at the 1st death Passover..
The 1000x of 5 loaves into 5,000 men of John6 (feeding saints in the true churches of reappointed Laodicea and Sodom) from 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 and 2020Tammuz10 to 2022Elul14 as a true church feeding containing s if they are down here unmarried..
Non adamic Sodom falls on 2022Elul14. falls on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22.
The 15 months between these two falls are the 450 prophets of Baal for reverted Laodicea ( Sodom)
9 Happinesses run from 2023Nisan5 (68 days after 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the rapture) to 2023Tebbeth5, during the week of entrance into the last chance saloon from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10.
Abrahamic to Isaaic Transformation
s can be baptised into
90 day starting bank of Sodom
724 days of baptism into Sodom 90 day finishing bank of Sodom
Start of true church to start of baptism
from 2020Sivan10 to 2022Sivan14
End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2019Adar10 to 2020Sivan10
2022Sivan14 to 2022Elul14
Does Sodom run from 2019Shebat10 to 2022Elul14, then 450 prophets of Baal to 2023Chislev14 or from 2019Shebat14 to 2022Elul10, then 450 prophets of Baal to 2023Chislev10? THE FORMER. The faithful robber was seized on 33Nisan14 and churches generally end on the 14th of the month (although reappointed Laodicea ended on 2019Adar13)..
2021Adar14: Monday February21. Putin unilaterally Annexes Donetsk and Lugansk by signing an agreement between himself and himself. The bear now has 3 Ukrainian ribs in its mouth, Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk.
We go under the law of the 3rd , when they take over on 2023Nisan5. the 9th Pentecost from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5.
1901Tishri2/Heshvan21: appointed/installed to feed the s
1905Nisan17/Sivan6: appointed/installed to rule over the s
1999Tishri2/Chislev21: appointed/installed to RULE over the s. Because it was appointed/installed to feed them on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7. But 4600 solar days of Daniel8 from 1999Heshvan21, when the first incarnation of this website (bibledecoded.com) went live with pipex, when the constant feature of this website began, to 2012Sivan16, when the Place of the s is in the right condition (). 1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month.
Constant feature of this website began with pipex as bibledecoded.com installed to rule over the s All true churches finish becoming . The Place is now in the right condition,
Jubilee restored.
4600 solar days of Daniel9
12 And an army itself was gradually given over,
together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.
13 And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?
14 So he said to me: Until 2,300 evenings [and]
mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition. (Daniel 8 )
This absolutely requires the reserves to be a different appointment to the non reserves. The Watchtower never recognised that there were any reserves.
2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10: FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the s (due to HyperOs) after having been appointed/installed to feed the on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the reserves.
7x Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel,.
2003Chislev2/Shebat21 Laodicea appointed/installed to feed s (after and ) 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14.
2007Iyyar17/Tammuz6: Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over the reserves (because There is no reserve appointment, there is only a appointment. So and took the first two such appointments to feed s.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the Sabbath) is when Laodicean is appointed/installed to rule over the s, because then 40 months take us to 2010Chislev inclusively AND nobody else was installed over the s on 2007Elul11. so the 40 month would be taken inclusively,
2010Tebbeth24: Laodicea falls over the reserves after 40 months of Joash. So Joash of 2Chronicles24 got 40 months from 2007Elul11 to 2010Tebbeth24, the 1,000th day of the Kingdom from 2008Nisan14 - see U112.
2012Sivan14-16: s and Laodicea become
2012Sivan16/Ab5: appointed/installed over - in order that these dates ARE first fruits and the Pentecost.
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin)
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over
2012: Abrahamic is not appointed/installed over s or to feed s because and left the 2 young men in Genesis 22:5 to perform the ram substitution sacrifice of - see U318.
2015Ab14-16: s become .
2015Elul16/Heshvan5: Isaaic appointed/installed over
2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: Isaaic appointed/installed over (2015Tishri16 was the weekly Sabbath).
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21: Isaaic is appointed/installed over the s. Then 7x of the to 2022Chislev21. Then 30/31 days of the sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 to the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18
2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Isaaic is appointed/installed to feed the reserves (4th after , and Laodicea - 2015Adar is an Isaaic Sabbath) but not to rule over them. None of them ever joined the church. But returned to the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 after sacrificing - see U318
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence)
2019Ab21/Tishri10: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the reserves
2019Tishri16/Chislev5: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over
Laodicea was never appointed/reinstalled to rule over It never became Isaaic.
Mark Enforcement Day, WW3 begins Catching of the Beast. End of WW3 Burning of the beast End of the lava flood
12th crop Passover of Revelation22
2023Elul4 (End of Mark Enforcement) 2023Elul21 (members condemned to ) 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse) 2023Chislev14
7 months of Mark Enforcement
17x of Revelation19:20
70x of left over ones of Revelation19:21
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam starts End of 's lease
End of 's lease
3993Nisan17 (knowledge of Good)
3989Nisan17 (knowledge of Good and Bad)
2008Nisan14 (Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 begins) 2012Nisan14
4 years
6000 less 4 years
4 years
1266/1254 day ministry payback (29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5) runs from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri16 - during which time the angels of the 3rd are denied access to 3.
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
The must arrive before the demons in order to police their possession of humans. Russell must have descended in time for his appearances to Laodicea on 2019Ab27 (the first Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20 and 2019Elul5, 8 days of John20 later at the late Pentecost). And they must come on the 17th day of the 2nd month, which is Heshvan17, since Noah's/' age is measured in secular Tishri1 months.
11 In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day to the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. (Genesis 7)
So they must have entered into the ark on 2017Heshvan17 and reached the bottom of 's ladder on 2017Chislev17.
Floodgates of the heavens opened s reach earth Secular Ministry payback begins
City starts asserting itself/Kingdom miracle power regained
2017Heshvan17 (s descend)
2022Tishri16 ( appointed Caesar over )
30 days of 's ladder
1254/1266 day payback ministry (42 months of being trampled having no kingdom powers and being denied access to 3)
2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11 )
is here for his 1254/1266 day secular payback ministry just as he was here for his 1254/1266 day sacred miracle ministry from 29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 excluding 33Nisan14-16 and excluding 33Iyyar25-33Sivan5
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 )
Demons evicted from heaven Demons reach earth Dragon's 42 month lease begins
Dragon's 42 month lease and all heavenly power for demons ends
2019Nisan22 ( first fruits)
30 days of 's ladder
Dragon's 42 month lease of Revelation13 (1252 days)
Esther 9 is very specific....
1 Now in the twelfth month, that [is], the month Adar,
on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them) (Esther 9 )
1 Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have rule over them, (whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them,) (Esther 9 )
VeAdar is a rerun of Adar, it is a setting of the clock back a month. So VeAdar is also the 12th month. Then...
17 [This was done] on the 13th day of the month Adar;
and on the 14th day of the same they rested, and made it a day of feasting and gladness.
18 But the Jews that were in Shushan assembled together on the 13th [day] thereof, and on the 14th thereof; and on the 15th [day] of the same they rested [entering into God's rest in the ark - the start of the ark rapture], and made it a day of feasting and gladness.
19 Therefore do the Jews of the villages, that dwell in the unwalled towns, make the 14th day of the month Adar [a day of]
gladness and feasting, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another (Esther 9 ).
The fulfilment in Shushan is the rest on 2019Adar15
The fulfilment outside Shushan is the rest from working for on 2019Adar13, the fall of reappointed Laodicea over them.
So we deduce the Laodicea falls as a true church over the congregations on 2019Adar13. And they were no longer under law all day on 2019Adar14.
Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
Likewise also you, when you see all these things,
know that he is near at the doors. (Matthew 24 )
A fig tree near Gordon began to put forth leaves on 2022Nisan7. Hebrew Summer begins at first fruits, which is 2022Nisan22 this year. This does not mean that is near at the doors. But when the signs of the times of Matthew24 are fulfilled then he is near at the doors to the ark..
Here it is at 19:00 on April 22 (2020Nisan20)
Matthew 24:7 refers not merely to earthquakes but to all types of shocks and shakeups (political, economic, military, biological, immunological virological etc.). These are already increasing as of 2020. The is appointed on 2022Tishri16. That is the start of the conclusion of the age, for that is the Kingdom (of God) being aroused/raised up upon the Kingdoms of the world - see U77a
was walking in the temple in the colonnade/porch of Solomon. So he was IN THE TEMPLE AT BETHZATHA (5 colonnades) and the Jews encircled during Hanukkah of John 10:22-24 asking until when the soul singular of us are you lifting up?
Well he started lifting souls up from Reappointed Laodicea into the ark on 2019Tishri17 and continued until the Abrahamic rapture from 2022Chislev15-18, whereupon ALL Laodicean (reappointed and reverted) saints had been lifted up and continued to be lifted up until they come down to the pool at Bethzatha (angels coming down into the pool) on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the start of the Isaaic baptism for temple building, the 4th day of Solomon's reign as vassal Caesar to all mankind in the 2nd month of his installation over all of mankind (, then Adam, the then Cain). So drops the ark based s down into the pool of Bethzatha, for an earth mediated Isaaic baptism during Hanukkah during Greek winter from 2022Chislev25-Tebbeth2 + 12x sentence count so 2022Tebbeth14. But no temple building (post apostolic) baptism occurs until 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1. The original account was set in winter time which means it must have been in 32 AD (29 is too early and the 30,31,33 did not have Hanukkah in Greek winter).
Hanukkah is always in Hebrew winter. It is not always in Greek winter.
The s pray that their flight shall not occur in winter, in Greek winter of 2022 from 2022December21 at 21:35 (2022Chislev24) to 2023March20 at 21:13 (2022Adar23) and not in the Sabbath (month of 2022Shebat). So join BEFORE 2022Shebat1.
127 Jurisdictional districts of Esther are 127 Branch and Country offices of s see U610. 127 months from the installation of Laodicea to rule over the s + s on 2007Elul11 to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea + 2019Tishri10 to 2019Adar13 (in reappointed Laodicea) +
2020Sivan10-2020Heshvan14 (in Sodom)
excluding 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6, the Laodicean Abrahamic installation gap over the s
10 years + 5 months + 5 months -3 months = 127 months.
300 Denariii of genuine nard on the head runs from 2019Elul10 to 2020Tammuz10 for reserves.
The 12th year of Esther of Ahasuerus ( through s in Laodicea over the s) from 2007Sivan22/Elul11 (true and false church) is 2019 sacred. The 13th day of the 12th month of the 12th year is 2019Adar13, the the fall of Laodicea over the congregations.
An is a loss of face to face dealings with a sacred king (priest) representing God. Aaron dealt with Israel not directly but through Levi, during the .
Rosh Hashana is the festival of Trumpets, Shouting and Alarm.
A commanding call, (Alarm) an archangel's voice (Shouting), God's trumpet (Trumpets) = 2022Chislev1, new Rosh Hashana.
Then on 2022Chislev2/3, the s are resurrected from into the ark?.
The first first fruits of the new Kingdom 2022Chislev1 secular year MUST see a fulfilment. That fulfilment is the ark resurrection on 2022Chislev2/3.
The first Pentecost of the new Kingdom 2022Chislev1 secular year MUST see a fulfilment. That fulfilment is the completion of the rapture of the s into the ark on 2022Tebbeth21.
The pouring out of the gifts of the spirit on to the 12 apostles must occur on 2022Tebbeth21, because it is the late end of the of 1Kings18:43 from 2015Chislev21 (and all the apostles must be baptised by then).
The 1st 50 of 2Kings1 is the Pentecost from 2010Tishri2 to 2010Heshvan21. The chief of 50 is the late Pentecost on 2010Chislev21.
The 2nd of 50 of 2Kings1 is the 2nd Pentecost from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth21. The 2nd chief of 50 is 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecost on the Chislev1 secular year - this must be a fire sign..
The 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 is the 9th Pentecost on 2023Nisan5, when we hand over to the 3rd just after the middle of the 2nd marriage feast. His 50 are 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, the entire period of ark based baptism of the 3rd .
The 4th marriage Passover is 2020Heshvan14. It MUST be held in Egypt not in the promised land of the ark and it MUST be held WHEN the bride is killed sacrificially, which is BEFORE she is resurrected in the ark. So it is held in Sodom and entrance day into it is 2020Heshvan10 (Late Atonement day) 2020Tishri10, Atonement day and the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee release day, is when the last member of the 3rd is baptised into Sodom. So the 4th bride rapture into 2 is 2020Heshvan15.
18 Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?
19 In answer said to them: Break down this temple,
and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in 3 days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body. (John 2 )
Watchtower falls as a true church Last is baptised into reverted Laodicea 3rd marriage Passover + execution 2 resurrection of 3rd bride 4th marriage Passover and execution 2 resurrection of 4th bride
2020Tishri10 (3rd is completed)
46/3 years of John2 = 15⅓ years of being broken down
The temple of the reserves for the 3rd , ' wife, his Kingdom body, is raised up in 3 days and spends 15⅓ years being broken down. It is raised up non adamically in the day of Laodicea. It is raised up into the ark in the days of reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea ( Sodom).
The temple of the entire 3rd is raised up into the ark during the 3 days of the 1st 2nd and 3rd presences of the Christ.
Baptising priests is not building a temple. The temple is made out of saints. The priests officiate in it. But 46 years/3 days is 15 years and 4 months precisely from 2005Sivan14, the knocking down of the temple of the Watchtower to 2020Tishri14, the 3rd marriage Passover, which is celebrated by the 3rd and 4th dries, all the s left on earth, the earthly balance of the completed body of ' kingdom wife. The 4th marriage Passover is 2020Heshvan14. The 4th bride resurrection is 2020Heshvan15 into 2. Then she transferred into 3 for the 4th marriage itself on 2020Heshvan18 after the Jubilee month It appears that s and s can be married on adamic Sabbath months (2015Iyyar20 and 2020Elul22). The 4th bride would have been sealed on 2020Heshvan14, when she will have died as a human as did. So all of the stones of the temple of the 3rd were raised up into the ark by 2020Heshvan15, But all the stones were cleansed by 2020Tishri10. The 46/3 year prophecy is measured in 3 day blocks. So it is accurate to 3 days??
Mark enforcement begins on 2022Shebat4 (after the fire signs). So the beast is caught (domesticated) 7 months of all ones compared to the rich the poor the great the small the free and the slaves of Revelation13:16 later on 2023Elul4. So it is burnt 17x of Revelation 19:20 later on 2023Elul21, and the end of is 70x of Revelation19:21 after 2023Tishri4 (the end of the lava flood, the end of the run of the 4th horse), which is 2023Chislev14.
Mark Enforcement Day, WW3 begins Catching of the Beast. End of WW3 Burning of the beast End of the lava flood
12th crop Passover of Revelation22
2023Elul4 (End of Mark Enforcement) 2023Elul21 (members condemned to ) 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse) 2023Chislev14
7 months of Mark Enforcement
17x of Revelation19:20
70x of left over ones of Revelation19:21
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam starts End of 's lease
End of 's lease
3993Nisan17 (knowledge of Good)
3989Nisan17 (knowledge of Good and Bad)
2008Nisan14 (Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 begins) 2012Nisan14
4 years
6000 less 4 years
4 years
Let those in Judea flee to the mountains
Pray that your flight does not occur of winter and not to/in the Sabbath.
Those in Judea ARE all the saints, who are scattered in all churches etc. They are NOT those in Laodicea and Sodom, which are false churches at the time of this flight. They flee into before 2022Shebat, the first Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month in Greek winter.
The accepting year for s runs from 2022Chislev10, entry day into the early 1st crop of Revelation22 to 2023Chislev10, entry into the 12th crop (Atonement day to Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year).
The accepting year of immediate transformation (either standing or sleeping through ) runs from 2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10 (Late Atonement day to late Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year)..
must cease to be Caesar before 2023Elul30 the end of the 7th year of slavery for non adamic Abrahamics from 2015Heshvan5, the installation of Isaaic over non adamic Abrahamics
The 1st crop of Revelation22 is 2022Tebbeth14-16 because the waters for 12 crops of Revelation22 comes from the Isaaic throne of God and of . That throne cannot be used until the end of the 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped on 2022Tishri15. The first Pentecost after that is 2022Tishri16 to 2022Chislev5, when is installed as Caesar over , then 2022Chislev6 (the 7th Pentecost), when is installed as Caesar to Adam. Then 2022Tebbeth5, when he is installed as to . The tree cannot bear fruits until is installed upon that throne.
The Time of Distress and ESCAPE (out of Adam and out of this world), during which everyone of Daniel's people written in the book of the escapes NOT out of Adam (because that has been going on since 2012Sivan14) but out of this world, runs from 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. The escape by rapture of Laodicean Abrahamic s on 2022Chislev15-19 was not of Daniel's people since they are not under the authority of .
The last crop, the 6th crop, is 2023Sivan14-16. And the end of rapture is 2023Tammuz7 (the late Pentecost).
2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 take us to 2019Ab14, the restoration of the constant feature in reappointed (on 2019Ab7) Laodicea.
2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2015Ab14 take us to 2022Tishri14, the end of the 42 month lease of the Dragon.
So it is the Time of the End of the Dragon's authority.
2x1335 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan14. Then 2019Heshvan15 is the 2 rapture of the 4th bride, the congregation s.
2x1335 days of Daniel12 from 2015Ab14 to 2022Tebbeth14. Then 2022Tebbeth15 is the 3 rapture of the s on the first day of Booths. So that all Israel celebrates Booths together following 1Kings8 and 2Chronicles7.
38 These 20 years I have been with you. Your female sheep and your she-goats did not suffer abortions, and the rams of your flock I never ate.
39 Any animal torn to pieces I did not bring to you. I myself would stand the loss of it. Whether one was stolen by day or was stolen by night, you would put in a claim for it from my hand.
40 It has been my experience that by day the heat consumed me and the cold by night, and my sleep would flee from my eyes.
41 This makes 20 years for me in your house. I have served you 14 years for your 2 daughters and 6 years for your flock, and you kept changing my wages 10 times. (Genesis 31 )
This must be Laodicea/ Sodom working for the Watchtower as Laban. Perhaps 20 years from 2002Elul16, the baptism of Roger Knight to 2022Elul14 the end of Sodom?
14 years from 2007Sivan22/Elul11, Laodicea's appointment/installation over the s to 2021Elul15, the end of entrance into Sodom.
10x of wage changing of Genesis31 from 2007Elul11 to 2017ELul10, the fall of Laodicea
Perhaps if a number of things appears twice in an account then it is accurate to the month in the greater meaning?
The Abrahamic s go up into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 then into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. They must start their earthly interaction immediately or they will be missed down here. So their interaction lasts 50 days to 2022Shebat6-10. Then the tuft of hair s are raptured on 2022Tebbeth15-21 and we have 50 days of earthly interaction to 2022Adar4-10. Then we get married on 2023Nisan2-8 and 2023Iyyar2-8. The ascension for all s runs from 2023Iyyar15 to 2023Sivan15. Then we enter through the Tsohar into heaven on 2023Sivan16. 2023Sivan15 is 144 cubits of the wall of Revelation21 from the last rapture of Isaaic s on 2022Tebbeth21.
All s ascend at the same time. But our earthly interactions are not synchronised.
The Watchtower stole 2½ tribes of s from the s (Mike's Frank's and Caleb's tribes). But the s were complicit in that theft. These s are now in the 3rd . So they must make restoration 5 fold. They must return to us 12½ tribes, all the s to .
Bride | Egypt | Passover House |
Bride Type | Engagement/Marriage Passover |
Sacrificial Death | 2 | 3 Marriage |
1st | world | 3 | 1st presence s | 2008Nisan14 | At human death | Day after human death | 2008Nisan22 |
2nd | world | 3 | 2nd presence s | 2008Nisan14 | At human death | Day after human death | 2015Iyyar20 |
Early 3rd | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Early /Laodicean Administrators | 2019Elul14 | 2019Tishri14 | 2019Tishri15 | 2019Tishri17 |
3rd | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | /Laodicean Administrators | 2019Tishri14 | 2019Tishri14 | 2019Tishri15 | 2019Tishri17 |
Early 4th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Early /Laodicean Congregation | 2019Tishri14 | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Heshvan15 | 2019Heshvan22 |
4th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Congregation | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Heshvan15 | 2019Heshvan22 |
Late 3rd = 6th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Late /Laodicean Administrators | 2019Heshvan14 | |||
Early 5th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Early Ex /Laodicean Prisoners | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Chislev14 | 2019Chislev15 | 2019Chislev20 |
5th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Ex /Laodicean Prisoners | 2019Chislev14 | 2019Chislev14 | 2019Chislev15 | 2019Chislev20 |
Late 4th = 7th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Late Congregation | 2019Chislev14 | |||
6th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Late /Laodicean Administrators | 2019Tebbeth14 | 2019Tebbeth14 | 2019Tebbeth15 | 2019Tebbeth18 |
Late 5th = 7th | Watchtower | Reappointed Laodicea | Late Ex /Laodicean Prisoners | 2019Tebbeth14 | |||
7th | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Late Laodicean Congregation | 2020Tammuz14 | 2020Tammuz14 | 2020Tammuz15 | 2020Tammuz19 |
Early 1st | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Early Laodicean Administration | 2020Tammuz14 | 2020Ab14 | 2020Ab15 | 2020Ab17 |
1st | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Laodicean Administration | 2020Ab14 | 2020Ab14 | 2020Ab15 | 2020Ab17 |
Early 2nd | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Early Laodicean Congregation | 2020Ab14 | 2020Elul14 | 2019Elul15 | 2019Elul22 |
2nd | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Laodicean Congregation | 2020Elul14 | 2020Elul14 | 2019Elul15 | 2019Elul22 |
Late 1st | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Late Laodicean Administration | 2020Elul14 | |||
3rd for late 1st | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Late Administration | 2020Tishri14 | 2020Tishri14 | 2020Tishri15 | 2020Tishri20 |
Late 2nd | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Late Laodicean Congregation | 2020Tishri14 | |||
4th for late 2nd | Reappointed Laodicea | Sodom | Late Congregation | 2020Heshvan14 | 2020Heshvan14 | 2020Heshvan15 | 2020Heshvan18 |
entrance into Laodicea ends on 2019Shebat10 (a stretched hand from 2019Elul10)
entrance into Laodicea ends on 2019Adar13
There was no reappointed Laodicean prison (the church did not last long enough to have one). If you were thrown out of reappointed Laodicea then you were not a or saint.
All saints had to join reappointed Laodicea by 2019Tebbeth10.
The 2020Heshvan14 4th marriage Passover cannot have been held in the ark.
Passovers must be held in Egypt. the 4th bride 2 rapture was 2020Heshvan15.
The 2nd bride was married on 2020Elul22, in the Sabbath month and the 2nd bride was married on 2015Iyyar20 in the Sabbath month. Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbaths do not apply to resurrected people. There was no late 4th marriage Passover in the ark on 2020Chislev14 because Passovers occur in Egypt, not in the promised land.
So 2020Heshvan15, was the start of entry into reverted Laodicea after all the s were both baptised AND anointed (on Passover entry day).. But 2021Elul15, 480 days of 1Kings6:1 before 2022Tebbeth15, when we start building the Isaaic temple on the place of David was the last day of the saints leaving the congregation of the Watchtower for Sodom, 300 denarii of perfumed oil on feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan15 the start of entry, the Passover execution of the last , for the Jordan dried up when the ark was carried across it.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt [the Watchtower as a false church], was 430 years.
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on the very/itself day the this [the Passover day AND the day of reappointed Laodicea and Sodom being true churches] that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt [the congregation of the fallen Watchtower] (Exodus 12 ).
42 It [is] a night of celebration to , for bringing them out from the land of Egypt. This night [is] a celebration for all the sons of Israel to their generations. (Exodus 12 )
If we take this day as the 'day' of the festival of Cakes, then the saints leave the Egypt of this world after 430 years a month for a day from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri14 (the Passover execution of the 3rd bride). Then on
2019Tishri15 (3rd bride rapture)
2019Heshvan15 (4th bride rapture)
2019Chislev15 (5th bride rapture)
2019Tebbeth15 (6th bride rapture)
2020Tammuz15 (7th bride rapture)
2020Ab15 (1st bride rapture)
2020Elul15 (2nd bride rapture)
2020Tishri15 (3rd bride rapture)
2020Heshvan15 (4th bride rapture)
2021Elul15 (last s leave the Watchtower for Sodom)
2022Chislev15-19 (first rapture of the s)
2022Tebbeth15-21 (last rapture of s).
All raptures or exodi of saints begin on the 15th of the month, the first Sabbath of Cakes and all Passover executions occur on the Passover of course..
entry from the earth: 2019Tishri17 - 2019Tebbeth18 and 2020Tammuz19 - 2020Heshvan18 and 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15 - 2023Nisan7: 92 + 120 + 5 + 83 = 300 days, a day for a cubit of ark length. - NOPE
entry from the earth: 2019Tishri17 - 2019Tebbeth18 and 2020Tammuz19 - 2020Heshvan18 and 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21 and 2023Nisan22 - 2023Tammuz7: 92 + 120 + 5 + 7 + 76 = 300 days, a day for a cubit of ark length out of a total of 1340 days - YEP
80x of birds (saints) being invited to the great evening meal of God of Revelation19 from 2022Tebbeth15, the start of the Isaaic ark rapture, to 2023Nisan5, the end of the baptism of the saints of the 3rd
So this is 80x of ark base feeding by the s from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Nisan5, when we hand over to the 3rd .
Then lava flood runs for 40+40 days from 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4 - YES. The flood is a Passover Escape scenario. It is the judicial execution of non Adam (and non Cain). It starts at the late Passover rather than the late Egyptian Passover. Because the Passover house is and it is the 2nd Passover execution of Adam. The Abrahamic s are raptured from Hebron.
10 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'Although any man of you or of your generations should happen to be unclean by a soul or off on a distant journey, he too must prepare the Passover sacrifice to .
11 In the second month, on the 14th day between the 2 evenings, they should prepare it. Together with unfermented cakes and bitter greens they should eat it. (Numbers 9 )
The s arrive at the mountain of on the same day of the 3rd month of Exodus19:1.
1 In the 3rd month to go out, the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt, in the day the this/same, they entered pasture/wilderness of Sinai. (Exodus 19 ) ???
7 days of Genesis 7:4 plus the 40+40 day flood must equal or exceed the sentence count of the ride of the 4th horseman which is 87x.So the ride runs from 2023Tammuz7 to 2023Tishri4. The flood is the Passover of Adam and Cain, and the Passover execution of non Adam and non Cain.
24 Suppose there are 50 righteous men in the midst of the city. Will you, then, sweep them away and not pardon the place for the sake of the 50 righteous who are inside it?
25 It is unthinkable of you that you are acting in this manner to put to death the righteous man with the wicked one so that it has to occur with the righteous man as it does with the wicked! It is unthinkable of you. Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?
26 Then said: If I shall find in Sodom 50 righteous men in the midst of the city I will pardon the whole place on their account. (Genesis 18 )
The midst of the city from 2022Elul14 (when Sodom falls as a true church - so Sodom and Sodom are indistinguishable - just one false religious dual administration) to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the Watchtower administration (1440 days of the sentence count of cutting down the Watchtower tree of Daniel4 after 2019Heshvan14, the late 1st Watchtower Passover the start of said cutting down). 2023Heshvan14 is also the end of the lives of the rest of the beasts. And the Dunghill dismembering decree of 2023Heshvan23 would certainly end all false religion.
2023Heshvan14 is 12x of anger torment and mourning of Revelation18 from 2022Heshvan14, the Isaaic Kingdom Passover. The mid point of the city of the Watchtower administration after the fall of Sodom, is 2023Nisan14 (the Babylonian Passover). So the 50 potentially righteous sons of the run from 2022Adar19 to 2023Iyyar9 and the 195 days of Kingdom entrance run from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood, which must be the end of non Adam and non Cain. Also Mark of the Beast Registration occurs on 2022Tebbeth28, 51 days before 2022Adar19, which are the 50 days of the South outer gate of Ezekiel's temple plus 1.
Also Genesis 18 cryptically confirms that the 195 days of extra entrance end at the end of the lava flood, and that 30 days previous is the end of WW3 - see U154.
The 4th horseman stops riding on 2023Tammuz10, when the demons are all expelled. but the 4th horse gallops on without a rider for a further 54 days, to the end of WW3 on 2023Elul14, because authority was given THEM to kill in Revelation6:8. So non Cain must continue until 2023Tishri4, in order that new people can enter into the until that date.
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 (2022Tishri16 is the weekly Sabbath - does not matter for Caesars. is Lord of the Sabbath)
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over Adam on 2022Tishri17/Elul6
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over on 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over Cain on 2022Heshvan22/Tebbeth11
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over on 2023Ab16/Tishri5 (2023Ab16 is the weekly Sabbath - does not matter for Caesars. is Lord of the Sabbath)
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over Adam on 2023Ab17/Tishri6
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over on 2023Elul16/Heshvan5
The Kingdom is appointed/installed under over Cain on 2023Elul22/Heshvan11.
For one cannot enter into the installed unless one is born again. So non Adam and Cain must be dead before the Kingdom is installed over Adam and Cain.
It appears that the s must have joined the before 2008Nisan14, whereas the s join it during these 195 extra days of entrance before the final 7 days into the last chance saloon.
The demons must be evicted by 2023Tammuz10, the end to the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20 (notwithstanding the 2016Chislev4 US presidential election).
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the was following with [meta] him, and was given to THEM authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword and in famine and in death/deadly plague and under/by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 )
So the last 84 days of the ride are riderless. Indeed that is why the scripture does NOT say that authority was given to the one riding. The horse itself is lethal!
12 And he began to dream, and, look! there was a ladder stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and, look! there were God's angels/messengers ascending and descending on it (Genesis 28)
All the household of Noah () goes into the ark
entry: 2008Nisan22 (from heaven - not from the earth), 2015Iyyar20 (from heaven), 2019Tishri17, 2019Heshvan22, 2019Chislev20, 2019Tebbeth18 (then the expires in reappointed Laodicea on 2019Shebat10), 2020Tammuz19
entry: 2020Ab17, 2020Elul22, 2020Tishri20, 2020Heshvan18 (2020Elul was an adamic Sabbath month but resurrected s in the ark are not adamic). So the for s in Sodom ends on 2020Tishri10.
entry: 2022Chislev2/3 (by resurrection from . So not counted in 300 cubits of ark entrance from the earth)
Laodicean entry: 2022Chislev15-19 (5 layers) into 2 and 2022Chislev17-21 into 3
entry: 2022Tebbeth15-21 (the 6 days of invitation of Revelation 6:2).
ark entry: 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5
ark rapture is 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7 (late Pentecost) inclusively (2 months to date).
So we exclude 2008Nisan22 and 2015Iyyar20 in the 7,7 of the entrance of the birds of the heavens (and have a total of 5+4+5+7=21 days).
End of the 2nd presence: s become unclean pigs First pig jumps off the overhang of the fallen Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the lake of the Reappointed Laodicean
2000 days
This month will be the start of the months of the year FOR YOU. The s use a Chislev1 sacred calendar from 2022Chislev1 (in honour of becoming Caesar to Abrahamics on 2022Chislev5).
2022Chislev2/3 ark resurrection 2 layers of stones. the dead in Christ must rise first.
2022Chislev15-19: Unengaged 2 rapture, 5 layers of stones. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 NOT Elijah himself.
2022Chislev17-21: Unengaged 3 transfer, 5 layers of stones. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 NOT Elijah himself.
2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10: 18x of earthly baptism of Abrahamic s, Joshua5 taking the sandal/bolt from upon the foot,
from the baptism of Caleb to the end of earthly interaction of Abrahamic s
2022Tebbeth15-21: Engaged ark rapture. the tuft of hair rapture of Ezekiel8. Those directly connected to his head! A house is what shall make for you. These 7 days are the building of the house of upon the threshing floor of Araunah in the ark.
2022Tebbeth21: 2nd horseman starts to ride.
2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5: ark rapture
2022Shebat4-2023Elul4: WW3. Then 2023Tishri4 is the end of the lava flood and the ride of the 4th horse. Then 66x+4x = 70x of Revelation19:21 to the end of on 2023Chislev14.
2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7: ark rapture: 2 Months to date of Genesis 7:2 and 7:9 and 7:15.
2023Tammuz7 to 2023Tishri4: 87x ride of the 4th horseman from the end of ark rapture to the end of the lava flood. 2023Tammuz10 is the end of demon possession, the earthly expulsion of the demons, the end of the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20, the bottom of 's ladder after the heavenly eviction of the demons on 2017Heshvan20..
2023Tammuz14-2023Tishri4 The 40+40 day lava flood from 7 days after the end of ark rapture on 2023Tammuz7. So we are not going to have: WELCOME to the , please put on your asbestos shoes!
We cannot be raptured to meet during the . But we can be raptured into the ark without meeting him.
There was no because we never got the blessing of authority over the s because we failed the rulership test from 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 to 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10 by going off and designing HyperOs to compete with Microsoft.
There are 3 arks. One for each . 's ark is that of the 1st . The 1st presence ark was that of the 2nd , ' ark is that on the 3rd .
Peter married a female angel and had a son, in the form of a born again human,
whom they chose. Then the 3rd sealed that son and become its everlasting angelic mother, whereas is its everlasting angelic father..
, the mediator of the , was promised an angel, but did not receive one because he must be the son of the mediator of the . s had to wait for the s to become consciously angelic and married before they could be given angels. No can become angelic before all the s have become angelic.
The dead in Christ rise first. Blood on a door post means the virgin wedding blood is on a connection between the earth and the ark, which means that somebody is raptured into the ark on the wedding day but it is not the bride who dies at the Passover and therefore is resurrected on the 15th (not into the groom's house, 3, but into 2). No, but some people are resurrected or raptured into the ark on the wedding day for the the wedding blood blood was on both door posts and the lintel.
4 And in month, the 7th, on the 17th day to the month, the ark rested/drew breath upon [ the] mountains of Ararat [meaning curse reversed] (Genesis 8)
The plural mountains means there are two Tishri17s when the ark draws breath (humans). 2019Tishri17 (the 1st of the week, when the 3rd bride moved from 2 to 3) and 2022Tishri17 (the 1st of the week, first fruits after the end of the Discontinuous . This must be when the ark comes to a rest/draws breath from , for the dead in Christ, the sons of the , all the sleeping members of True Christian Churches must stand up first.
15 This for to you we are saying in word of Lord, that we the living the (ones) being left around into the presence of the Lord not not we should come ahead of the (ones) having slept;
16 because very (one) the Lord in command, in voice of archangel and in trumpet of God, he will come down from heaven, and the dead (ones) in Christ will stand up first,
17 Thereupon we the living the (ones) being left around at the same time together with them we will be snatched in clouds into meeting of the Lord into air; and thus always together with Lord we shall be. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
There are two mountains of Ararat (curse reversed administrations - church administrations) from which these humans, these breathers, are drawn. So it means that one group of breathers enters into God's rest in the ark of , wherein he is Caesar from reappointed Laodicea on 2019Tishri17 and another from Sodom (Mount not mount Moriah since it is a fallen church) on 2022Chislev17 (the 17th day of the 7th month of the Sivan1 sacred year). So perhaps they go up into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and then into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21?
2019Tishri17: Genesis 8:4: The ark comes to rest upon the mountains plural of Ararat meaning curse reversed (reappointed Laodicea and Sodom and Hebron and ). The 3rd bride enters into 3
2022Chislev17: Genesis 8:4: The ark comes to a rest NOT upon the mountain of (because the is still ongoing) but on the mountain of Sodom (when it is a false church, but is and so God's people by genetics). The Abrahamic s are raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 into 2 and then transferred to 3 on 2022Chislev17-21.
The lava flood begins on 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4, with mid point at 2023Ab24. And whereas the original flood of Noah was not a Passover because Noah did not run a Passover house, nobody was saved other than those prescribed by God, there was no free choice means of salvation, the last flood is most definitely a Passover.
10 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'Although any man of you or of your generations should happen to be unclean by a soul or off on a distant journey, he too must prepare the Passover sacrifice to .
11 In the second month, on the 14th day between the 2 evenings, they should prepare it. Together with unfermented cakes and bitter greens they should eat it. (Numbers 9 )
92 (2019Tishri17 to 2019Tebbeth18 from reappointed Laodicea)
120 (2020Tammuz19-2020Heshvan18 from reverted Laodicea)
5 (2022Chislev17-21 from Hebron of )
7 (2022Tebbeth15-21 from under )
76 (2023Nisan22 - 2023Tammuz7 from under the 3rd ) = 300 days a day for a cubit of ark length
entrance from reappointed Laodicea was marriage to marriage with 2 marriage bloods on the lintel
entrance from Sodom (reverted Laodicea was marriage to marriage with 3 marriage bloods on the lintel
entrance from Hebron (Laodicea within ) has no marriages.
Entrance from is for the 1st marriage on 2023Nisan2 and the 2nd on 2023Iyyar2.
Marriages have the virgin blood of the hymen. When is the marriage?
Engaged s can go into house, the ark, whenever they want. It is not their groom's house. but engaged s can only go into 3 upon their marriage day.
2 Of every clean beast you must take to yourself by sevens, the sire and its mate; and of every beast that is not clean just 2, the sire and its mate; (Genesis 7 )
2 lKOmi hm'heB.h;
hr"AhJ.h; ^l.-xQ;Ti h['b.vi h['b.vi vyai ATv.aiw> hm'heB.h;-!miW rv,a]
alO hr"hOj. awhi ~yIn:v. vyai ATv.aiw> (Genesis 7 BHSox)
2 from + all of of the + beast the + pure will take +
to/for + you (s) SEVEN SEVEN Man and + woman of + him and + from + the + beast which NOT pure herself two Man and + woman of + him (Genesis 7 WLCi)
Yet they entered in 2,2.
9 ~yIn:v. ~yIn:v. WaB'
x;nO-la, hb'Teh;-la, rk'z" hb'qen>W rv,a]K; hW"ci ~yhilOa/ x;nO-ta,
9 two two entered towards + "rest" towards + the + chest male and + woman as/like + which constituted Elohim namely +
"rest" (WLCi)
15 WabOY"w: x;nO-la,
hb'Teh;-la, ~yIn:v. ~yIn:v. rf'B'h;-lK'mi AB-rv,a] x;Wr ~yYIx; (Genesis 7 BHSox)
15 and + entered towards + "rest" towards + the + chest two two from + all of of + the + flesh which + in/at + him spirit of alives (Genesis 7 WLCi)
So just 2 but at least 4 (2,2). Therefore 2 months of entry.
The symbolism of the Passover door frame is that the marriage entrances into the ark form the door frame of ark entrance from the Passover house. They start it and they end it. The blood on the door posts and the lintel is the virgin blood of the bride when her rather metaphorical hymen breaks. So the 3rd bride could not enter into 3 (the ark of the 3rd ) until 2019Tishri17 (her wedding night).
Non adamics and Saints cannot go into adamic death for the former have a human body which is not under that penalty and the later have an angelic body which cannot be under that penalty Neither do they fall asleep in their own angel or their borrowed angel for days on end in a form of pseudo death (Death is when your spirit is running on a shared angelic server, consciously in and subconsciously in ). No. They can only be asleep for one night like everybody else who is alive. So the 3rd bride must enter into AN ark on 2019Tishri15 along with all the non adamics and saints who died before them are were resurrected into the ark of the 2nd .
So what happened on 2019Tishri15 was that the 3rd bride was resurrected into 2.
And all the Laodicean unsanctified non adamics who had died during the Discontinuous , and had been resurrected into 2 after a night's sleep in their own borrowed angel were transferred to 3 under as Caesar.
Because if a unsanctified Laodicean dies prior to 2019Tishri15, he cannot go into the ark of , yet he cannot go into the first death or the second either. So he must go into a different ark. That ark is the ark of the 2nd - 2.
Likewise the Laodicean reserves who had died before 2019Tishri15 were resurrected into 2 to wait to be called to their marriage in 3 on 2019Tishri17. Whereas the unsanctified Laodiceans who died before 2019Tishri15 were resurrected into 2 to wait for 2019Tishri15.
Total Hebrew word count from verses 14, 17-20, 24: 19x+6x+27x+22x+10x+13x = 97x from 2022Elul14, the fall of Sodom, to 2022Chislev21, the end of 3 entrance of Abrahamic s
2021Elul29: 2021September9: Biden's Vaccine Mandate Executive Order.
The minute we lift our rod up in the ark - we split the sea apart!
5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: [but] he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken. (Deuteronomy 24 )
5 In case a man takes a new wife, he should not go out into the army, nor should anything else be imposed onto him. He should continue exempt at his house for one year, and he must make his wife whom he has taken rejoice. (Deuteronomy 24 )
5 When a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, and he shall not be given any thing [to do]. He shall be free at his own house for one year, and shall gladden his wife whom he has taken.
(Deuteronomy 24 )
So we must not go out of the ark to war down here after the completion of the installation of the marriage. The marriages occur on 2023Nisan2 and 2023Iyyar2, to enable the s to interact with the earth for 50 cubits of ark width all the way from 2022Tebbeth21 to 2022Adar10.
We must be free at home in our own house for a year.
1 Solomon now gave the word to build a house to 's name and a house for his kingship.
2 Accordingly Solomon counted off 70,000 men as burden bearers and 80,000 men as cutters in the mountain, and overseers/shining ones
over them 3,600 .
10 And, look! to the gatherers of wood, the cutters of the trees, I do give wheat as food for your servants, 20,000 cors, and barley 20,000 cors, and wine 20,000 baths, and oil 20,000 baths.
17 Then Solomon took a count of all the men that were alien residents, who were in the land of Israel, after the census that David his father had taken of them; and there came to be found 153,600 .
18 So he made 70,000 of them burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain and 3,600 overseers/shining ones for keeping the people in service. (2 Chronicles 2 )
1 Solomon now gave the word to build a house to 's name and a house for his kingship.
2 Accordingly Solomon counted off 70,000 men [as] burden bearers and 80,000 men [as] cutters in the mountain, and overseers/shining ones over them 3,600 .
3 Further, Solomon sent to Hiram,
the king of Tyre, [Hiram means free-born - i.e. . Tyre mean rock or knife. This is Laodicea who were divided from the s and who received the rock mass of the 2nd presence]
saying: Just as you dealt with David my father and you kept sending him cedar wood to build himself a house in which to dwell, --
4 here I am building a house to the name of my God to sanctify it to him, to burn perfumed incense before him, with the constant layer bread and burnt offerings in the morning and in the evening, on the Sabbaths and on the new moons and at the festival seasons of our God. To time indefinite this will be upon Israel.
5 And the house that I am building will be great, for our God is greater than all the [other] gods.
6 And who could retain power to build him a house? For the heavens and the heaven of the heavens cannot contain him, and who am I that I should build him a house except for making sacrificial smoke [rj;q'
the root of Keturah] before him?
7 And now send me a skillful man to work in gold and in silver and in copper and in iron and in wool dyed reddish purple and crimson and blue thread, and knowing how to cut engravings, along with the skillful ones that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father has prepared.
8 And send me timbers of cedar, juniper and algum from Lebanon, for I myself well know that your servants are experienced at cutting down the trees of Lebanon, and here my servants are together with your servants,
9 even for preparing timbers for me in great number, for the house that I am building will be great, yes, in a wonderful way.
10 And, look! to the gatherers of wood, the cutters of the trees, I do give wheat as food for your servants, 20,000 cors, and barley 20,000 cors, and wine 20,000 baths, and oil 20,000 baths.
11 At that Hiram, the king of Tyre said [the word] in writing and sent [it] to Solomon:
Because loved his people he has constituted you king over them.
12 And Hiram went on to say: Blessed be the God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth, because he has given to David the king a wise son, experienced in discretion and understanding, who will build a house to and a house for his kingship.
13 And now I do send a skilful man, experienced in understanding, belonging to Hiram-abi,
14 the son of a woman of the sons of Dan but whose father was a man of Tyre, experienced, to work in gold and in silver, in copper, in iron, in stones and in timbers, in wool dyed reddish purple, in blue thread and in fine fabric and in crimson and at cutting every sort of engraving and at designing every sort of device that may be given to him along with your own skillful men and the skillful men of my lord David your father.
15 And now the wheat and the barley, the oil and the wine that my lord has promised, let him send to his servants.
16 As for ourselves, we shall cut down trees from Lebanon according to all your need, and we shall bring them to you as rafts by sea to Joppa, and you, for your part, will take them up to Jerusalem.
17 Then Solomon took a count of all the men that were alien residents, who were in the land of Israel, after the census that David his father had taken of them; and there came to be found 153,600 .
18 So he made 70,000 of them burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain and 3,600 overseers/shining ones for keeping the people in service. (2 Chronicles 2 )
11 And Solomon, for his part, gave Hiram 20,000 cor measures of wheat as food supplies for his household and 20 cor measures of beaten-out oil. That was what Solomon kept giving Hiram year by year.
12 And , for his part, gave Solomon wisdom, just as he had promised him; and there came to be peace between Hiram and Solomon, and both of them proceeded to conclude a covenant.
13 And King Solomon kept bringing up those conscripted for forced labour out of all Israel; and those conscripted for forced labour amounted to 30,000 men.
14 And he would send them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 a month. For a month they would continue in Lebanon, for 2 months at their homes;
and Adoniram [Lord of height] was over those conscripted for forced labour.
[30,000 is 2½ tribes of s, the s. 1 month from 2022Chislev15, to 2022Tebbeth15 in the ark without the s and two months from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Adar15 in the ark with s].
15 And Solomon came to have 70,000 burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain [s in the administration],,
16 aside from the appointed chiefs to Solomon who were over the work, 3,300 treaders-down over the people who were active in the work.
17 Accordingly the king commanded that they should quarry great stones, expensive stones, to lay the foundation of the house with hewn stones.
18 So Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders and the Gebalites did the cutting, and they kept preparing the timbers and the stones to build the house. (1 Kings 5 )
7 As for all the people that were left over of the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites,
who were no part of Israel,
8 from their sons that had been left behind them in the land, whom the sons of Israel had not exterminated, Solomon kept levying men for forced labour until this day.
9 But there were none out of the sons of Israel that Solomon constituted slaves for his work; for they were warriors and chiefs of his adjutants and chiefs of his charioteers and of his horsemen.
10 These were the appointed chiefs, the [ones] which [were] appointed to/for Solomon, 250 treaders-down over the people. (2 Chronicles 8 )
Tyre = Laodicea
Hiram =
Skillful man = = Caleb
Lebanon = Sodom (true and fallen)
150,000 men = 12½ tribes of s excluding the half tribe of Laodicea
30,000 men in Lebanon = 2½ Watchtower tribes.
Two Parallel accounts in 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 and 2Chronicles2 means two slices of a whole cake. These are the piece from 2012Ab5 (our installation over ) to 2022Chislev12 (3600 overseers/shining ones + 127 day installation gap) and 3300+250 treaders down from 2012Tishri5 (Laodicea's installation over )
to 2022Ab15, the end of the (during which Laodicea could not join the s). They tread down. But we are all building the same temple of Solomon.
So there are 3600 days of oversight and shining (with a 127 day installation gap) from 2012Ab5 before the s finish building the house of , Solomon's temple on earth, to 2022Chislev12
There are 3550 days of treading down and suppression from 2012Tishri5 of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea and Sodom's building of the house of , Solomon's temple, to 2022Ab15, the end of the .
installed over
s transform from to s installed over s
3rd starts managing the 30,000 Reverted Laodicean s on Solomon's behalf?
2012Ab5 ( Pentecost)
3600 overseers/shining ones of the s with 127 day Installation gap
Laodicea installed over End of the from 2015Ab15
2012Tishri5 (3rd Pentecost)
2022Ab15 ( Sodomites can now join the s)
3300 + 250 = 3550 treaders down of Laodicea of 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 (one does not have to be in a true church to tread people down)
So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Elul16/Heshvan5
2015Tishri16 is the weekly Sabbath. So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample upon the holy city [for] 42 months. (Revelation 11 )
42 months of trampling the City of the non reserve administration by the nations (of the 12 tribes of Laodicea), during its 1252 earthly payback ministry from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14. Frank has realised that this is the powerless ministry payback period. The City is trampled upon for that entire period because they cannot do the miracles that did in his first century ministry .Because he took the powers from these 42 months and used them in the 1st century.
37 And the sons of Israel travelled from Rameses to Succoth [during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21],
the men being about 600,000 on foot, apart from little ones.
38 And also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks, and herds, very many livestock.
39 And they baked the dough which they brought out from Egypt into unleavened cakes. For it was not leavened, because they were driven out from Egypt, and they were not able to delay. And also they had not prepared food for a journey for themselves.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel,
which they dwelt in Egypt, [was] 430 years.
41 And it happened, from the end of 430 years, it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21],
all the armies of went out from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
51 And it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], brought out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt by their armies. (Exodus 12 )
In the original period from 1943Nisan14, when crossed the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled territory, to 1513Nisan14, the Egyptian Passover, was accurate to the day, the scripture is only stated accurate to the year. BUT 430 years is repeated successively. So by the Immediate number repetition principle of the bible code, it is exact to the day. And taken a month for a day, the 14 years and 4 months are also exact to the day
They run from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri14 in the Egypt of the fallen Watchtower. Then on 2019Elul30 at the end of the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the first left the Watchtower for Laodicea. The 5250 solar day Sabbath error payback ended on 2019Tishri5. After which the 1st Watchtower Passover could occur.
Exodus of saints from the Watchtower into Laodicea/ Sodom
Watchtower falls & becomes Egypt 1st Watchtower Passover execution
Last true leaves the Watchtower and joins Sodom.
2021Elul15 (Seizing 450 reappointed Laodicean prophets of Baal from 2019Adar13,
ends on 2021Sivan13)
430 years a month for a day 23 month Passover 'day'
Watchtower falls & becomes Egypt Laodicea begins by baptism theft
The fall of reverted Laodicea
7 months of
6000 days of Ezekiel47 and 200 denarii of monthly loaves
Entry into the early 1st Watchtower Passover Entry day into the 7th marriage
s start being baptised into reverted Laodicea End of entrance into reverted Laodicea
2019Elul10 (3rd presence begins)
2020Tammuz10 (3rd presence restarts)
300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Head of Mark14
300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Feet of John12
INCORRECTLY applied to s rather than saints
End of the world End of
2022Ab15 (Isaaic baptism now available to s)
430 years a month for a day
14 Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come. (Romans 5 )
When God was appointed Caesar to Israel through Moses on 1513Nisan18 (Mosaic first fruits), the secular Calendar was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start in honour of God becoming Caesar to Israel and removing Israel from Egypt via the Exodus during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21. Pharaoh had no authority over Israel from 1513Nisan14 onwards. became Caesar in Nisan but his law, the law of Moses, was not installed until the Pentecost on 1513Sivan7, when Moses made the Pentecostal sacrifice upon mount Sinai in Arabia. there is no division between God and God so the sacred and secular years were Both Nisan1 start until Saul when the secular year reverted to Tishri1 start, the adamic year start.
Likewise, when removes the Abrahamic s from the Egypt of this world on 2022Chislev15-19 after having become Caesar to them, the secular year changes from a Tishri1 start of Adam to a Chislev1 start of .
held the Exodus Passover from Egypt in that month on 1513Nisan14 and the Jews crossed the Red Sea at the late Passover on 1515Iyyar14 BC.
holds the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2022Chislev14. The Abrahamic s cross the Reed/Red sea into the ark from 2022Chislev15-19. Then the Isaaic world Exodus Passover, occurs on 2022Tebbeth14, and the Isaaic s are raptured into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15-21.
baptism: Physical temples are built then inaugurated. Spiritual temples are founded then inaugurated then built?
crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan The one day Passover in Egypt
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1513Nisan14 BC
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for + seed in Egyptian controlled territory
480 years of 1Kings 6:1
Watchtower falls as a true church
1st Watchtower Passover
Last saint is accepted and/not baptised into Sodom Isaaic Temple building in the 4th day in the 2nd month of 1Kings 6:1
2005Sivan14 (14 years 4 months before escape) 2019Tishri14 (3rd bride executed)
2021Elul15 (300 Denarii of oil of feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan15)
2022Tebbeth15: 4th day of Solomon's installation over all mankind
430 years in Watchtower Egypt a month for a day
480 years of 1Kings6 after leaving Watchtower of 1Kings6 a year for a day = 480 days
Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built upon the ground of David on 2022Tebbeth15
pokes fun at weaned in Genesis 21:8 leave Egypt
1913Nisan BC
1513Nisan14 BC
400 years of affliction and servitude of Genesis15 in a land not theirs for 's seed ( then )
s are baptised into Laodicea 1st Watchtower Passover
2006Sivan14 (Start of the 2nd presence) 2019Tishri14 (s escape Laodicea by Passover execution).
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude in a land not theirs of Genesis15
End of entrance. End of world End of 400 years a month for a day of affliction of saints in Watchtower in post Egypt (last leaves the Watchtower for reverted Laodicea - dies to the s)
2021Ab14 (on 2021Ab10 Gordon sends Mark of the Beast is vaccine Passports email to all Bethels)
X___________________________________X (on 2021Elul15, the last saint joined reverted Laodicea, 300 denarii of feet oil after 2020Heshvan15, the start of entry)
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude in a land not theirs of Genesis15
14 years and 4 months is 430 years a month for a day in the Egypts of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea (lower then upper Egypt, upper due to the raptures from reappointed Laodicea)
Laodicea appointed to feed the s
Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea reappointed over the s Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church
13 years 9 months 8 days
6 months 22 days
Total = 14 years 4 months = 430/30 years = 430 years a month for a day.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
13 Then came from Galilee to the Jordan to John,
in order to be baptized by him.
14 But the latter tried to prevent him, saying: I am the one needing to be baptized by you [unfulfilled hypothetical], and are you coming to me?
15 In reply said to him: Let it be, this time/for now, for in that way it is suitable for us to carry out all that is righteous.
Then he quit preventing him. (Matthew 3 )
The original fulfilment was 29Tishri10. The next time fulfilment is 2022Adar10 (late Atonement day of the Ab1 sacred year, for the 2nd fulfilment) the mid point of the Isaaic baptism of the 3rd from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. The unfulfilled hypothetical is 2022Chislev21 or shortly thereafter, when Elijah4 is baptised into the name of the , sealed into the by (for Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these lilies - non s during the from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21). After that we do baptise (the 3rd ) into from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. Just go through the scriptures fulfilling all the unfulfilled hypotheticals!
8 And in the 5th month on the 7th [day] to the month,
that is to say, the 19th year of King Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon,
Nebuzaradan the chief of the bodyguard, the servant of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem.
9 And he proceeded to burn the house of [Watchtower s] and the king's house [ s and s - there are none left] and all the houses of Jerusalem; and every great house he burned with fire. (2 Kings 25 )
2022Chislev7 is the 7th day of the 5th month of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year, in the 19th Nisan1 Adamic then Sivan1 Abrahamic then Ab1 Isaaic sacred year of Gordon over the s from 2000Elul16. The 1st regnal began on 2001Nisan1. He did not have 2013/2014/2015 because the 2 men of Genesis22 did not accompany to sacrifice . So the 19th sacred year begins on 2022Ab1. Then the temple is burnt on 2022Chislev10, which is the 10th day of the 5th month of the Ab1 sacred year, and temple burning day. Not sure how.
2022Chislev9 is the 24th day of the 6th Pentecost, the Isaaic Kingdom Pentecost, which counts to the 9th of the month fulfilling Haggai2. BECAUSE it is the 9th day of the 9th month and nounless number must have two fulfilments (or God would have given it a noun to define the one fulfilment). But the 6th Pentecost this year is the 24th Pentecost after the completion of the 3rd at the 4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18. So it is a 24th and a 24th and a 9th and a 9th as required by the nounless number principle.
2022Chislev24 - 2022Tebbeth9: There is a fulfilment of the 24th to the 9th of Haggai2, on the 24th of the month see para84..This is obviously a candidate.
2022Tebbeth9 is the 24th day of the 7th Pentecost from 2022Chislev16, and so is the 24th day counting to the 9th of the month. So both 2022Chislev24 and 2022Tebbeth9 are 24ths and 9ths. The stones start being placed upon the stones on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings6:1 (the 4th day of installation over Cain and all mankind in the 2nd month of installations of Solomon as vassal Caesar to over mankind). 2022Chislev24 is the 9th day of ark dwelling for Abrahamic s.
Whereas 2022Tebbeth9 is their 24th day. The palace/spacious/heaven is established between 2022Chislev24 and 2022Tebbeth9 (by ???).
2022Tishri is the 24th month of the 9th Adamic/Abrahamic 50 month Jubilee of the s being a true church from the heavenly baptism of Elijah4 on 1989Sivan7 (the Pentecost),
1987Sivan1, 1991Ab1, 1995Tishri1, 1999Chislev1, 2003Shebat1, 2008Nisan1,
2012Sivan1, 2016Ab1, 2020Tishri1, being the start of the 9 Jubilees??.
1 And it came about in the 80th year [day] and 400th year [day] to going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year [], in the month [Chodesh] of Ziv [brightness], he [is], the second month [Chodesh] to reign Solomon over Israel [], and he built [vuv consecutive imperfect] the house to [] (1 Kings 6).
It came about
IN the 480th day TO the exodus of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt
IN the 4th day
IN the Chodesh of Ziv, he [is] the 2nd Chodesh to reign of Solomon
AND he built the house to
The scripture does NOT say in the 4th day TO the month of Ziv. So it could be the 4th day to the week, or the 4th day to something else, such as the meeting of Elijah with Elisha of 1Kings19, or the Rod of Moses from 2022Elul5.
1 And it came about in the 80th year [day] and 400th year [day] to going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt [FROM the fallen Laodicea and Watchtower into Sodom by 2021Elul15, the last day of entry into Sodom, temple burning day for the last Watchtower saints. So 450 prophets of Baal from reappointed Laodicea are seized from 2019Adar13 to 2021Sivan13 and a man, a month does not escape from them - because they all just go back into the Watchtower?? The first s enter into Sodom on 2020Sivan10 (from the 127 jurisdictional districts of Esther) are not from Reappointed Laodicea (which only had s and s from the two women only in the house for which Solomon offered to divide the child - see U296). The last s enter Sodom on 2021Elul15, 300 denarii of perfumed oil on the head after 2020Heshvan15, the start of entrance into reverted Laodicea, after the 4th bride is anointed (identified) because the Jordan dried up when the ark went across it. The last Laodiceans are seized and enter it on 2021Sivan13, at the end of the 450 prophets of Baal. Laodicea is completely in Sodom on 2021Sivan13], in the 4th year [the 4th day of Solomon's installations as vassal Caesar over mankind in the 2nd month of such installations after 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's 42 month lease], in the month [Chodesh] of Ziv [brightness], he [is], the second month [Chodesh] to reigning of Solomon upon Israel [as vassal Caesar over all mankind. Gordon is the sacred king of . But he is appointed as the secular King of all mankind as vassal under ], and he built [vuv consecutive imperfect] the house to [ON THE PLACE OF DAVID. Before it is rebuilt in the ark. He builds by baptism, laying one stone on top of the other by baptismal descent. The groom builds the bridal chamber in the ark before he marries the bride - the whole bride? He starts by laying himself as the foundation stone?] (1 Kings 6).
1Kings 6:1-38 and 2Chronicles 3:1-4:22 are parallel accounts. But year and month (yerach) and month (chodesh) take do not the same greater meaning in both accounts (as with the 7 fat and thin cows dream and recital). But they are separate slices of the whole combined cake by the parallel account principle of the bible code
Solomon's temple is completed on 2022Shebat16 by baptism of the last Laodicean saints, who are released from reverted Laodicea on 2022Tebbeth10, their Jericho Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th month of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year, late Atonement day.
450 prophets of Baal from the fall of the previous true church must be seized by prophets of in the next true church.
Fall of Laodicea, seizing begins
Seizing 450 prophets of Baal ends Last saint enters Sodom
The end of Sodom
s can now escape End of Kingdom seizing and salvation
2019Adar13 (none of the 450 escape) 2021Sivan13 Last Laodicean enters 2021Elul15 (300 denarii of feet oil after 2020Heshvan15) 2022Elul14 (seizing of 450 begins) 2022Tishri14
2023Chislev14 (End of )
450 Laodicean prophets of Baal
450-30 Reverted Laodicean prophets of Baal are seized by s, then by , then by
2022Tishri10 is Atonement day for the Nisan1 Adamic sacred years
2022Chislev10 is Atonement day for the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year.
2022Shebat10 is Atonement day for the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year
The noun 'year' counts 5x in the account from 1Kings 6:1-38 and 1x in the parallel account from 2Chronicles 3:1-2Chronicles 4:22. So it takes a greater meaning. Yes. 480 days from 2021Elul15 when the last leaves the Egypt of the Watchtower and enters into Sodom to 2022Tebbeth15, the start of Solomon's Isaaic temple building. Yerach for lunar month appears 2x and Chodesh 4x. 1Kings 6:2 has a double designation...
2 And the house that the King, Solomon, built to was 60 cubits in its length, and 20 in its width, and 30 cubits in its height. (1 Kings 6 ).
So we can take month and year as literal or not in these accounts. We take year to mean day and month to mean month in 1Kings6 and year to mean year and month to mean month in 2Chronicles3-4. We have the Chodesh of Ziv and the Yerach of Ziv.
37 In the 4th year [some 4th day not necessarily of the month, but of something] in the lunar-month [yerach NOT chodesh] of Ziv [splendour - i.e. from blossom - when the fig tree (whose blossom is its fruit) blooms)], the house of was founded/established [NOT built - BUT established. Surely Yerach is different from Chodesh in the greater meaning. So this is 2022Shebat4, the start of WW3]
38 And in the 11th year [day], in the lunar month [yerach] of Bul [meaning rain/showers/produce/harvest], he [that month is] the 8th renewal/month [Chodesh] [The 8th month of Solomon's reigning as Vassal Caesar over somebody ( and Adam). So this is 2023Sivan11, the end of Gordon's teaching. This must be the because the lamb enters into the ark Passover house into heaven in some sense on 2023Sivan10,
entry day into the Abrahamic Passover. So his ascension runs from 2023Iyyar15 to 2023Sivan15], the house was finished to all word of words of him [doctrine]
and to judgement of judgements [on prophecy and chronology] of him [NOT baptism of saints]
.And he was building it/built it 7 years [from 2022Tebbeth15-21 in the ark] (1Kings 6 )
Using two different words for month (yerach - lunation like Jericho, moon city, and chodesh - renewal) is begging for one of them to take a different meaning in the symbolism (not the standard calendar month).
Yerach is month in general not necessarily of a year.
Chodesh of verse1 is month of the appointed reign of Solomon over all saints from 2022Heshvan16/22 his appointment over Isaaic/Cain, which is month of the Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year.
Chodesh of verse 38 is month of the appointed reign of Solomon over and Adam from 2022Tishri16/17.
Rafters hold the stones in place. Rafters are the doctrine and chronology, stones are the saints.
Physical temples are built then inaugurated. Spiritual temples are inaugurated then built?
11 Anyone touching the corpse of any human soul must also be unclean 7 days. (Numbers 19 )
Any male born in Israel had to be circumcised on the 8th day during which he lived. So he was unclean for 7 days.
Any bride in Israel had to be installed in the bridal chamber for 7 days before her veil was lifted and the marital supper occurred on the 8th.
Aaron took 7 days to be installed as high priest...
33 And you must not go out from the entrance of the tent of meeting for 7 days, until the day of fulfilling the days of your installation, because it will take 7 days to fill your hand with power.
34 Just as it has been done this day, has commanded to be done so as to make atonement for you.
35 And you will stay at the entrance of the tent of meeting day and night for 7 days, and you must keep the obligatory watch of , that you may not die; for so I have been commanded. (Leviticus 8 )
Isaaic priests have more power than Aaron had. We killed people to Adam or and resurrected them to without them feeling anything. They have the power to mediate a restoration. But they take 7 whole day to be installed counting from their baptism day as day 1. Then on the 8th day of that count, ,which is the 7th day after the day they were baptised, they are installed as Isaaic priests and they themselves can baptise.
The Isaaic baptism does not become transitive until the 7th day after the day of baptism. So a baptised person cannot baptise until he is in his 8th day of having a baptism.
2022Chislev2 is the 3 resurrection of the 1st generation of s (Dukes) -
1,440,000 + 120,000
2022Chislev3 is the 3 resurrection of the 2nd generation of s (Lords) -
14,400,000 + 1,200,000
2022Chislev15 is the 2 rapture of the 1st generation Laodicean son of Solomon - Caleb - 1
2022Chislev16 is the 2 rapture of the 2nd generation Laodicean sons - 6
2022Chislev17 is the 2 rapture of the 3rd generation Laodicean sons - 60
2022Chislev18 is the 2 rapture of the 4th generation Laodicean sons -
2022Chislev19 is the 2 rapture of the 5th generation Laodicean sons -
2022Tebbeth15 is the baptism of Caleb, , the Laodicean ½ apostle
2022Tebbeth22 is the baptism of the 2nd generation Laodicean sons - 6
2022Tebbeth29 is the baptism of the 3rd generation Laodicean sons - 60
2022Shebat6 is the baptism of the 4th generation Laodicean sons - 600
2022Shebat13 is the baptism of the 5th generation Laodicean sons -
2022Tebbeth15 is the 3 rapture of Elijah4 and 12 apostles - 1+12
2022Tebbeth16 is the 3 rapture of the 2nd generation sons - 144 + 6
2022Tebbeth17 is the 3 rapture of the 3rd generation sons - 1,440 + 60
2022Tebbeth18 is the 3 rapture of the 4th generation sons - 14,400 + 600
2022Tebbeth19 is the 3 rapture of the 5th generation sons - 144,000 + 6,000
2022Tebbeth20 is the 3 rapture of the non half apostle - 1
2022Tebbeth21 is the 3 rapture of the non reserve half tribe - 6,000
2023Nisan6-9 is the baptism of the 1st generation of reserve s (Dukes) -
2023Nisan13-16 is the baptism of the 2nd generation of reserve s (Lords) -
2023Nisan6-9 is the baptism of the 1st generation of s (Dukes) -
2023Nisan13-16 is the baptism of the 2nd generation of s (Lords) -
2022Shebat15-21 (Booths of the Ab1 sacred year) is the installation of the complete temple in the ark AND/OR 2023Nisan15-21 is the installation of the complete + temple in the ark.
Generation | Layer of temple walls | Number in temple | Number in reserve tribe | / date for s and Laodiceans | of s | baptism date for Laodicean reserve s and reserve s |
7th generation sons (2nd generation) | 7th layer stones | 14,400,000 max | 1,200,000 max | 2022Chislev3 | 2022Tebbeth21 | 2023Nisan13-16 |
6th generation sons (1st generation) | 6th layer stones | 1,440,000 max | 120,000 max | 2022Chislev2 | 2022Tebbeth20 | 2023Nisan6-9 |
5th generation sons | 5th layer stones | 144,000 max | 12,000 max | 2022Chislev19 | 2022Tebbeth19 | 2022Shebat13 |
4th generation sons | 4th layer stones | 14,400 max | 1,200 max | 2022Chislev18 | 2022Tebbeth18 | 2022Shebat6 |
3rd generation sons | 3rd layer stones | 1,440 max | 120 max | 2022Chislev17 | 2022Tebbeth17 | 2022Tebbeth29 |
2nd generation sons | 2nd layer stones | 144 max | 12 max | 2022Chislev16 | 2022Tebbeth16 | 2022Tebbeth22 |
Apostles - 1st generation sons | 1st layer Foundation stones | 12 | 2 half apostles | 2022Chislev15 | 2022Tebbeth15 | 2022Tebbeth15 |
Solomon/ | Rock mass, the Christ | 1 (Gordon) | 1 () | 2022Chislev15/Chislev2 | 2022Tebbeth15: Foundation laid | is baptised? |
2022Tebbeth15 for the last 1st row stones
2022Tebbeth22 for the 2nd row stones
2022Tebbeth29 for the 3rd row stones
2022Shebat6 for the 4th row stones
2022Shebat13 for the 5th row stones
2023Nisan6-9 for the 6th row stones
2023Nisan13-16 for the 7th row stones
Would be the shortest way to build the non reserve temple. Which is inaugurated in the ark from 2022Shebat15-21, Booths of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year or 2023Nisan15-21. ALL temples are inaugurated at Cakes or Booths.
At the end of the Kingdom there will be around 14.4 Billion citizens. So each Lord will rule over 1,000 people. So the Lords will be chiefs of 1,000.
plays Joseph to Gordon's here. Caleb and the non half apostle are Manasseh and Ephraim in this symbolism.
The words and the judgements of Solomon are the chronology and doctrine and prophecy of the Lords Witnesses appear to be completed by 2023Sivan11 (from 1Kings 6:38), the day after entrance into the Passover house for heaven in the ark, for all the s .
But the temple building time of Haggai1 for the outer courtyard of the s runs from 2022Tebbeth10, entrance into the 1st crop of Revelation22 to 2023Tebbeth10, the end of entrance into the last chance saloon. on late Atonement day of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year and late Jubilee release day of the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee. It is built upon the place of David (out of ex s) from 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1 (see point 84 below). The end of Adam is 2023Tebbeth14. So is entirely chosen in by 2023Chislev10, Atonement day of the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year and the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release day. BUT God always goes the extra mile in mercy so everybody who misses out gets one more chance in the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , entrance into which occurs throughout the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10. Its patrons are Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16.
The Time of Distress and ESCAPE (out of Adam and out of this world), during which everyone of Daniel's people written in the book of the escapes NOT out of Adam (because that has been going on since 2012Sivan14) but out of this world, runs from 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover or 2022Chislev15, the start of the rapture of the Abrahamic s (does the rapture run from 2022Chislev14-15?), to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22, the end of .
The last crop, the 6th crop, is 2023Sivan14-16. And the end of rapture is 2023Tammuz7 (the late Pentecost). Also the Gregorian year of 2023 which runs from 2022Tebbeth4 to 2023Tebbeth14 is the Gregorian time of escape into and out of this world.
16 When David raised his eyes, he got to see 's angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem; and David and the older men, covered with sackcloth, at once fell down upon their faces. (1 Chronicles 21 )
1 And Solomon began to build the house of at Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah, where his father was seen to David
[i.e. David saw Solomon's or his own angelic father], in the place that David had prepared, in the threshing/ grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite; ()
2 And he began to build on the second, in the second month, in the 4th year of his reign. (2 Chronicles 3 )
The guardian angel of Israel was . So is David's angelic father.
1 And Solomon started/perforated to build the house of in Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah [chosen by Jah
, where was seen to David his father (who was - 's angel) [OR where () was seen to David his (Solomon's father)], which [house] he built in the place of David, in the grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite
2 He started/perforated to build in the 2nd in the 2nd month [Chodesh] in year [day/year] of 4th to kingdom of him (2Chronicles3)
1 And Solomon started/perforated to build the house of
A. in Jerusalem [the adamic s on 2001Iyyar14, the baptism of Lee - who has left but will come back in time to retain his status]
B. in Mount Moriah [chosen by Jah]
[the administration on 2019Tammuz2 with the baptism of Pastor Zach], where his father was seen to David [OR where (the bible code) was seen to David his father],
which (house) he built
C. in the place of David [when we start baptising Sodomites and ex s - actually on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the 4th day of Solomon's reign as Caesar's appointed vassal over Cain and over all mankind]
D. in the [!r<GO]
level place/grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite [trodden down hence threshing floor] [Ornan and Jebusite noun counts zero times, only appearing in this possessive noun chain. THE ARK]
2 He started/perforated to build in the 2nd [] in the 2nd month [Chodesh] [2001Iyyar14 of the Nisan1 sacred year, the 2nd Passover festival in the 2nd month of the 4th year of the s being a true church (Gordon reigning as sacred king over s), the baptism of Lee, the first to retain his status (presently disassociated)] in year of 4th [from 1997Nisan1] to Kingdom of him [from 1996Nisan18/Sivan7, his appointment to feed the s] (2Chronicles3)
2 He started/perforated to build in the 2nd [] in the 2nd month [Chodesh] [2019Tammuz2 of the Sivan1 sacred year, the baptism of Pastor Zechariah, the first Isaaic baptism during the from 2015Ab15 to 2022Ab15 - so not of saints] in year of 4th [from 2016Sivan1] to kingdom of him [in Isaaic over the s from 2015Chislev21] (2Chronicles3)
Solomon started to build the house of in 2 different places in the 2nd in the 2nd month in the 4th year of his reign and he continued to build it in 2 further places in the greater meaning at times not specified in this verse. But specified in the parallel account in 1Kings6.
Lee on 2001Iyyar14 was the first stone who left but will end up in the temple (not as an apostle - as a rebaptised stone)
Dave on 2002Nisan14 is the first stone who did not leave. He is the first apostle, the first foundation stone.
9 The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house [10x], and his own hands will finish [it] [10x]. And you will have to know that of armies himself has sent me to you people. (Zechariah 4 )
So 20 years of building from the first foundation stone of Dave on 2002Nisan14 to the end of the for non reserve s on 2022Tebbeth21
But 21 years of building from the first stone of Lee.
2023Nisan5: The 3rd takes over at the 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1. The 50 souls who are precious in the eyes of Elijah run from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, the 9th Pentecost, because the Isaaic baptism of the 3rd occurs on every day of that Pentecost.
2022Tebbeth22-2022Shebat10: 18x of Joshua taking the sandal off the foot.
The field of the s is white for harvesting. But the s themselves, the farmhouse, is not, due to the from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21 (consider the lilies of the field. Solomon was not arrayed such as one of those).
The earth based priests cannot enter into the ark based temple from 2022Tebbeth15-21, whilst the cloud of raptured s is filling the temple sanctuary.
JESUS starts to assemble the s into , having already assembled the Laodicean half tribe into Sodom. The Hen gathers the chicks under her wings for a house is what shall build for you.
Wonderfully in we start to build the temple by laying the stones in their correct baptism genealogies above Gordon and above (for the reserves).
But let us consider the cloud that filled the temple.
13 And [they] were as one to the trumpeters, and to the singers to cause one sound to be heard to praise and to thank . And when they lifted up [their] voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised , [saying], For He is good; for his mercy [endures]
forever; and a cloud filled the house, the house of ;
14 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of had filled the house of God. (2 Chronicles 5 )
6 Then the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of to [la,]
its place, to [la,]
the innermost room of the house, to [la,]
the Most , to [la,]
underneath the wings of the cherubs [a quadruple description of its place].
7 For the cherubs were spreading out their wings over the place of the , so that the cherubs kept the and its poles screened over from above.
8 But the poles proved to be long, so that the tips of the poles were visible from the in front of the innermost room, but they were not visible outside. And there they continue down to this day.
9 There was nothing in the but the 2 stone tablets which Moses had deposited there in Horeb, when had covenanted with the sons of Israel while they were coming out from the land of Egypt.
10 And it came about that when the priests came out from the holy place, the cloud itself filled the house of .
11 And the priests were unable to stand to do their ministering because of the cloud, for the glory of filled the house of . (1 Kings 8 )
Bringing the ark into the Place is rapturing the Place into the ark, which is rapturing the s into the ark for they are the holy place and once they are raptured into the ark then the ark is in the holy place because it becomes their base of operations, part of their operations. And they are in the ark some of the time. The cloud of s fills the holy place. So all the s are raptured in order that the Place is filled. And during that time, the priests, the water baptised s, the s, could not stand to minister, which means that nobody gets baptised during the rapture of the saints. The priests came out of the Place to pickup and rapture the balance of the cloud into the ark.
But why does Joshua ask Peter: Are you to for us or to/for our adversaries?
13 Are you to/for us [s], behold!/or [~a] [we take this as: OR, AND we take it as: BEHOLD] to/for our adversaries/foes/STONES/pressing ones [rc; tsar] [are you] [Laodiceans! Are you rapturing them rather than us? No both - but they go first!] (Joshua 5)
In the literal meaning The chief of the army of was plainly for Joshua and for Israel, not for the enemies of Israel. In the greater meaning, he must be for the enemies - for every meaning of scripture must be fulfilled. Indeed, the Laodicean s are raptured before the s.
1.There was one day in the year when a human could go behind the curtain into the Most . It was Tishri10, Atonement day. If anyone missed a festival non deliberately, he could celebrate it one month late. Applying the same rule to Atonement day, the s permit members to fast and atone on Heshvan10 if they forget or were unable to atone on Tishri10 (unclean by a dead sole). So that makes 2 days in the year where a man could go behind the curtain into the Most , without dying Tishri10 and Heshvan10. Theoretically one can go behind the curtain without going into the ark - by meeting with Peter or Russell who are a part of the curtain of ' flesh. But now we understand that the sacred year start on Sivan1. Sivan1 not Nisan1. So the new Atonement days (the 10th day of the 7th month and 8th month) would be 2022Chislev10/Tebbeth10, this year and then 2022Shebat10/Adar10 for the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year..
There was only one day in the year when Aaron was permitted and indeed commanded to go behind the curtain - Tishri10 (possibly also the late version on Heshvan10). That is telling us something. He is declaring that mankind will be permitted behind the curtain on Atonement day. Such a permission is an ark rapture OR an appearance of the curtain of ' flesh with a discussion of the ark I suppose. .
The ark is the dock wherein the temple is built. It is the threshing floor of Araunah (meaning ark). But it itself is not mount Moriah. The saints are the temple.- We are not confined to the ark. The ark is a space port for the vessel of our temple..
2 And proceeded to say to Moses: Speak to Aaron your brother, that he should not at all times come into the holy place inside the curtain, in front of the cover which is upon the , that he may not die;
because in a cloud I shall appear over the cover. (Leviticus 16 )
2 And said to Moses, Speak to your brother Aaron, and he shall not come in at any/every time to the sanctuary within the veil, to the front of the mercy-seat. (Leviticus 16 )
3 In this Aaron should enter towards the holy place in bull, son of cow [1x], for sin offering and ram [1x] for burnt offering.
4 He should put on the holy linen robe [1x],
and the linen drawers [dual] should come upon his flesh [2x+1x=3x],
and he should gird himself in the linen sash [1x]
and wrap himself in the linen turban [1x].
They [5x] are holy garments. And he must bathe his flesh in the waters [3x]
and put them on [5x: The holy garments]. (Leviticus 16 )
Verse3: 1x. After he enters in to the most on 2022Tebbeth10
Verse4: 1x+3x+1x+1x+5x+3x+5x = 19x
Total is 1x+19x = 20x from ??
Aaron gets up on Atonement day and goes in with 2 animals and performs this 19x clothing and baptism routine before entering behind the curtain. Clothing in holy-linen is sealing the different groups of s into the .
8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones. (Revelation 19 )
20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, (Hebrews 10 )
The ambiguity of any/every time is saying that since Aaron could not go behind except one appointed time in the year, we shall be behind the curtain nearly all the time except for an appointed time perhaps? Aaron is the prophet for the permanent entering behind the curtain. Going behind the curtain IS an atonement. For that is where God is.
17 And not any man shall be in the tabernacle of the congregation (the tent of the meeting) as he goes in to atone in the sanctuary, until he comes out. And he shall atone for himself, and for his house, and for all the congregation of Israel. (Leviticus 16 )
This must be fulfilled on 2022Tishri10/Heshvan10/Chislev10/Tebbeth10/Shebat10/Adar10. Because the new Kingdom sacred year is changed from Adamic Nisan1 to Abrahamic Sivan1 to Isaaic Ab1 year start, i.e. from barley to wheat to ?, from first fruits to the Pentecost to ?.
takes the cover off the ark on 2022Chislev1/2 of Genesis 8:13, so that the resurrected s can see how lawless corrupt dishonest immoral and depraved Sodom has become.
9 And he tells me: Write: Happy [of Daniel12] are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb's marriage [the marital supper and veil lifting day on 2023Nisan9 and 2023Iyyar9]. Also, he tells me: These are the true sayings of God.
17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together into the ark, to the great evening meal of God [2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Nisan5 is the gathering of the Isaaic and saints into the ark and into ] (Revelation 19 ).
There is a fire sign at the completion of the ark rapture on 2022Tebbeth21, when the gifts of the spirit are poured out. We will be able to see everything that is going on down on the earth once the cover is removed on 2022Chislev1/2 of Genesis 8:13. That is how we manage the Kingdom from the temple. The Ezekiel8 tuft of hair group, the s, have to drill a hole in the temple wall to see into the temple of Ezekiel8. Perhaps that is the beginning of the removal of the cover for them? Aaron must go behind the curtain and stand before the cover upon the ark and the cloud of raptured s (or of incense poured onto burning coals, so of prayers?) must appear above the cover (WOW does this mean the cover is the atmosphere and the ark is above it and we see right through the atmosphere?)
2. On 2022Tebbeth14, failures lose their status but not their angels
One cannot enter into the ark unless one is angelic OR (i.e. born again in the flesh or the spirit: John 3:3-6). That is why the s are raptured from 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7, ending after the last crop on 2023Sivan14-16. s become upon baptism
3. Laodicean Elijah, in 1Kings19, finds Elisha on 2022Chislev15, (2022Chislev12/13), the 12th day of the 12 month Gregorian. He sees the true church from the ark. This occurs In the last of 12 yokes/pairs of sacred Nisan1 then Sivan1 then Ab1 years of ploughing by Elisha from 1999Tishri2/Chislev21 - see U367. He passes over towards him on 2022Tebbeth14. He is baptised by him into the as the half apostle to Hebron on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings6:1. He arrives from 3 at a 12x sentence count of John 10:22-24 after Hanukkah, i.e. on 2022Tebbeth14.
4. The sheep should come into the Passover house (of the angelically run church of the Dragnet beach) by edenic restoration, on the 10th of the month and remain in the house until the 14th of the month, when it should be slaughtered. The tree of life of Revelation22 must be in the Garden of Eden. Nobody has transplanted it! So those entering into the crops of that tree must be entering into Eden. They must be becoming Kingdom citizens. They are slaughtered to Adam on the 14th by gene zap and completed their edenic restoration on the 16th. It does appear that adamic people cannot enter into the ark. So the Dragon's 42 month lease ends on 2022Tishri14, is appointed/installed as Caesar over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 and over on 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5. Entry into he early 1st crop of the tree of life of Revelation22 occurs on 2022Chislev10.
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God.' (Leviticus 23 )
Well yes indeed, the Laodicean s are raptured on 2022Chislev15-19, during Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year and the s are raptured on 2022Tebbeth15-21, during late Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
Horn___________________________10 Horns_____________________________Horn
Diadem_________________________________________10 Diadems____________________________________________ 10th Diadem ends
10 kings = 10 horns not
Leopard_____________________4 heads________________________ Leopard/Sea Beast_____________________7 heads___________________ Sea Beast heads end
yet received a kingdom
10 kings get authority End of world judicially Transfer begins
4 Leopard heads start Transfer complete Mark Enforcement
7 Sea heads begin
Sea Beast caught Sea Beast is burnt
Kingdom prevails
1000 day chain ends 1 hour of 42 months 42 month lease ends 10 horns end
China attacks itself 10 diadems start
and WW3 begin
4 leopard heads end Domesticated Judged to Babylon destroyed
2022November29/30 2022Nov29 (with tanks) 2022December29/30
2023September8/9 2023October31/Nov1
2023Elul4 (WW3 ends) 2023Elul21
4 months = 4 horns of power 4 months = 4 horns
30 day power and authority transfer WW3 runs for 7x = 7 months of Daniel3 17 days of Revelation19:20
1 And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. (Revelation 13 )
19 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar himself got filled with fury, and the very expression of his face was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times more than it was customary to heat it up. (Daniel 3 )
12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. (Revelation 17 )
Horn = month of power for 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom.
Diadem = month of post horn kingship for the 10 kings based upon their own power (diadems upon their horns) not upon God's authority.
Head = month of headship./rulership
6+1=7 months precisely (of all ones compared to the free, the slaves, the rich, the poor the great and the small ones of Revelation13:16) of Universal Mark enforcement by WW3 from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast
7 months precisely (of all ones compared to the free, the slaves, the rich, the poor the great and the small ones of Revelation13:16) of Universal Mark enforcement from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast (all ones compared to the small the great the rich the poor the free and the slaves)
The contest instruction period of 1Kings18:21-24 ends for the prophets of Baal on 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic world exodus Passover, 6300 days = 14x.450x of the sentence count of 1Kings18:21-24 after 2005Sivan14, when it began. Then there are a further 31 days of work for Elijah (the sentence count for his and the people and God's and the prophets of Baal's actions) in the total sentence count of 6331 days to 2022Tebbeth15, the end of the ark rapture of the s, when Elijah's body leaves the planet - See point 72 below.
Watchtower falls as a true church
World Exodus Passover
s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21
Unilateral contest day begins
Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 Elijah4 enters into God's rest in the ark
2022May6/7 2022January11/12
6300 days = 14x.450x
31 days of Elijah's work
The s are Nazareth meaning sprout town. Because we sprouted in 2000 but we never grew until 2022. And Frank, one of the 4 apostles of the contest of 1Kings18, was born in Nazareth Hospital Philadelphia PA. The s are also the congregation of Philadelphia of Revelation3. Although the big fulfilment of that is the Brotherly Love Covenant, the .
Solomon's temple was accepted by fire consuming the bull on 1026Tishri7, the 7th day of the 7th Tishri1 secular year of its construction from 1033Iyyar2 of 2Chonicles 3:2.
Solomon's Kingdom temple is accepted on 2022Chislev7, the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th Sivan1 sacred year of Isaaic , when Solomon tweeted fire sign predictions for 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6 we assert.
The beast is caught (domesticated) on 2023Elul4, and 17x of Revelation19:19 later it is burnt, on 2023Elul21. Then 53 more days take us to 2022Heshvan14, when its 10th diadem, its rulership, ends, at the destruction of Babylon, when the words of God of Revelation17:16-17 are fulfilled and the 10 kings cease giving their kingdoms to the beast. The beast is burnt in the sense that its members (who are Babylonian since they worship the woke religion they created, which is anti Christianity) are denied entrance into the last chance saloon. So the globalist beast administration becomes a burning beast on 2023Elul21.
The greater decree of Caesar Augustus appears to symbolise the fulfilling of prophecy and increase in fruit, i.e. the receipt of divine blessing.
Used in English in the 1540s, from Latin augur, a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens, perhaps originally meaning "an increase in crops enacted in ritual," in which case it probably is from Old Latin *augos (genitive *augeris) "increase," and is related to augere "increase," from Proto Indo European root AUG "to increase." - www.etymonline.com To inaugurate is literally to get the Augurs, to obtain a blessing from God. Hence the expression: This augurs well.
The stone of Daniel2 is not made by hands and so counts as 10x and it hits the feet which also count as 10x. The 10 toes are the 10 diadems, the Last Kingdom of Mankind of Daniel2, in which days the kingdom of God is installed over under as Caesar on 2023Tishri5. The 10 toes run from 2022Tebbeth2 (the end of the transfer of power and authority from the 10 horns who are 10 kings, to the sea beast of Revelation13, to 2023Heshvan14, the destruction of Babylon. the end of the 10 kings giving their kingdom to the beast of Revelation17:16, the end of the rulership of the beast. .
Laodicean s go into the half tribe under Caleb. The Watchtower s from Sodom go into Frank and Mike's tribes. And that is all of the Watchtower saints.
cannot come to the temple until it is inaugurated. He gives the gifts of the spirit on 2022Tebbeth21 at the end of the ark rapture. He comes to the temple by baptism from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5 (centred around 2022Adar10, late Atonement day of the Ab1 sacred year), after the mid heavenly inauguration from 2022Shebat15-21. The cloud of the 3rd fire sign occurs on 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year. The s are raptured into the ark from 2022Tebbeth15-21, so that we are caught away in that cloud to heaven following 1Thessalonians 4:16. We go to the mountain of the 3rd in the ark. Then comes into the temple of Solomon from 2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5, the 50 days of the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1..
11 and they said: Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This who was received up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky.
12 Then they [s who have been in the ark] returned to Jerusalem [the ark] from a mountain called the Mount of Olives [],
which is near Jerusalem, being a Sabbath day's journey away [].
13 So, when they had entered [into the ark], they went up into the upper chamber [top floor], where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James. (Acts 1 )
To say he will come in the manner in which you see him leaving is absurd until you understand that he will come by lifting us up into an ark where he is.
The ark based baptism in Jerusalems (plural) begins on 2022Tebbeth21, after the cloud has filled the sanctuary. Is Bethzatha a pool with 5 colonnades or a pool of 5 colonnades? It is pool having 5 colonnades. Pools do not in general have colonnades. If a pool had 5 different depth regions within it that would count as 1x.5x=5x. The colonnades are not integral to the pool, they are additional to the pool. they are external to the pool. So a pool having 5 external colonnades is 1x+5x. But in the colonnades are a crowd counting 8x. So they count as 40x in total. So the pool counts as 2x.(1x+1x.1x+5x)=14x + 40x.4x = 174x. From 2022Chislev21 to 2023Sivan15. 5 Colonnades (150 days) of Isaaic baptism (after the apostles) from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15.
We worked out the waiting system for the Isaaic on 2022Tishri18. Before the pool began. The system is that it takes 7 whole days to install a baptised brother (counting from the day of baptism as day 1) before he can baptise the next person. And the 4 tribes of the 1st 4 apostles, the 4 water jars of 1Kings18 start baptising on 2022Tebbeth15, the 4th day in the 2nd month of the as installed Caesar to all mankind and Solomon as his vassal from 2022Tebbeth11 (for Cain) .Then the 3rd is baptised from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. See U112#20
There were no African baptisms between 2022Ab15 and 2022Chislev10.
2020Heshvan18-2022Chislev14: 746 days of Daniel1:19-21. 2 years 24 days of commanding the saints (after the 3rd is completed at the 4th marriage, when the s (Mishael) and the s (Azariah) have been brought before the king and start to be commanded) before bringing the s in before the king by rapture into the ark. 2022Chislev10 is Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred calendar, when the high priest should go behind the curtain. Perhaps this is when the Laodiceans in Hebron meet the chief of the army of ,.- see U172.
The under as Caesar is appointed/installed over on 2023Ab16/Tishri5 (Isaaic first fruits/Pentecost) delayed 11 years 2 months from 2012Sivan16/Ab5
The under as Caesar is appointed/
installed over on 2023Elul16/Heshvan5 (Late Isaaic first fruits/Pentecost)
delayed 8 years less 2 months from 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
God has to put the last enemy (the 1st death) under ' feet (which he does on 2023Tebbeth14-16, the 1st death Passover to the resurrection of the last chance salooners), before hands the Kingdom over to his God and father...
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.
25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet.
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.
(1 Corinthians 15 )
Hobah of Genesis14 (meaning hiding place) is the last chance saloon, the descended (hitherto hidden) church of from 2023Tebbeth3/4-14. hosts the 12th crop Passover on 2023Chislev14 and ends at that Passover.
2023Ab10: The last entrance day into restoration for Laodiceans from the tree of life of Revelation22. So it is Laodicean temple burning day of the adamic Nisan1 sacred year
2023Tishri10: The last entrance day into restoration for Christians from the tree of life of Revelation22. So it is Christian temple burning day of the abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year
2023Chislev10: The last entrance day into restoration for Non religious people from the tree of life of Revelation22. So general temple burning day of the isaaic Ab1 sacred year
is sealed into the or rejected and returns to being adamic on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22.
s are resurrected into the ark on 2023Tammuz15/Ab15/Elul15/Tishri15/Heshvan15/Chislev15, the 1st day Booths (Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year)
ends on 2023Chislev14
Hobah of Genesis14, the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , runs from 2023Tebbeth3/4-2023Tebbeth14. Then hands over the Kingdom to his God and father on 2023Tebbeth16, when death has been brought to nothing for the last chance salooners.
End of entrance into Sodom Isaaic Kingdom Passover entry 6th crop entry, end of salvation 1st death Passover entry ,
end of salvation
2023Tebbeth10 (end of last chance saloon entry)
2 monthly cycles of days
7 fat cows
7 thin cows
Benjamin is called for 30x (of 30, 60, 100x of the parable of the sower), 30 months precisely from the end of the 1st marriage feast of Cana (the place of reeds) from 2020Ab17-23 with marital supper and veil lifting day, when the bridegroom tasted the fine wine on 2020Ab24, to 2022Shebat24. He is a proselyte call, the result of turning the water of the or into the wine of the . (the ) died giving birth to him. So he is the last call.
34 And he kept having portions carried from before him to them, but he would increase Benjamin's portion 5 hands the size of the portions of all the others. So they continued banqueting and drinking with him to the full. (Genesis 43 )
34 and + lifted up ? of from + namely/with faces of + him towards + them and + was multiplied ? of Benjamin from + ? of all of of + them FIVE Hands and + drank and + drank till full together with + him (Genesis 43 WLCi)
There were 10 brothers and Benjamin. The portions of each of the others are a general Hebrew plural of 3x. Whereas 25x.3x = 75x from 2022Shebat24, the end of the Benjamin call, to Iyyar9, the day before the end of ascension, or possibly the end of ascension?.
5 [Bear in mind/Remember] the word that I concluded/cut with ye in your coming forth from Egypt, and [in] my spirit standing in midst of ye. Fear ye not
The only thing concluded by Israel with during the geographical or judicial Exodus was the law covenant at Pentecost - when the journey out of the law of Pharaoh and into the law of was completed. Haggai must be referring to the Pentecost.
6 For this is what of armies has said, 'Return/Repeat one [dx'a,
achath] --
small she [ means small] -- and I am rocking the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground.' (Haggai 2 - adapted)
6 For thus said of Hosts: Yet once more -- it {is}
a little, And I am shaking the heavens and the earth, And the sea, and the dry land, (Haggai 2 YLT)
6 For so says of Hosts: Yet once, it [is] a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. (Haggai 2 )
So we repeat one Pentecost which is small. That must take us to the Late Pentecost on 2022Elul5, because means smallness. NOPE.
This must refer to the 2022Heshvan21 Pentecost which starts counting from 2022Tishri2, first fruits of the Tishri1 secular year and then 2022Chislev21, the late Pentecost, the end of the from 2015Chislev21. So the rocking begins on 2022Chislev21. Presumably by the ark based Abrahamic s starting to collect the non temple?
Now there is a sentence count on verse 6 because it has the number 1 in it.
6 For this is what of armies has said,
'Repeat/again one [repeat a festival OR a further Pentecost to the one at mount Sinai] -- small she [A festival - meaning small] -- and I am rocking the heavens [dual not plural according to Jeff Benner - http://www.ancient-hebrew.org.
But he is wrong there is the atmosphere the firmament and God's home. It is plural]
and the earth and the sea and the dry-ground [counts as 6x].'
and I will rock all the nations [3x] and the desire of all the nations [all the sons of the ],
they shall go in [3x] and I will fill this house with glory [1x], [3x+3x+1x=7x] (Haggai 2).
Verse 6: 3x+1x+!x+1x = 6x of rocking from 2022Chislev21, the repeated Pentecost to 2023Sivan14,when the last is harvested into
Verse 7: 3x+3x+1x = 7x from 2023Sivan14 to 2023Tebbeth14 for the harvest.
This 3 item list of verse4 applies both literally and distributively.
The 47x of the sentence count of Joshua 5:13-14 from 2022Chislev5, when stands up, the great prince, on behalf of the sons of your people of Daniel12 to 2022Tebbeth22 when the Isaaic baptism begins. Then we start taking the Laodicean bolt off the foot of Joshua for 12x of instruction + 6x of execution from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of Laodicean Abrahamic earthly interaction.
14 Thus Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive. With that he mustered his trained men, 318 slaves born in his household, and pursued until Dan.
15 And [by] night he divided/was smooth upon them, he and his slaves, and defeated them and pursued them until Hobah, which is north of Damascus.
16 And he proceeded to recover all the goods, and he recovered also Lot his brother and his goods and also the women and the people.
(Genesis 14 )
14 And Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive [1x] [actually his Nephew, the son of his brother, which to a Hebrew is his brother] [Laodicea becoming a false church again on 2019Adar13]. And he emptied out/poured out/drew out his trained ones (masculine) [s from the true church into , by means of the 12 crops of Revelation22], 318 ones born of his house [318x] and pursued until Dan [2x] [the judge of the earth. God, becomes Caesar to on 2023Elul5 and to on 2023Tishri5].
Verse 14: 1x+318x+2x = 321x from 2022Chislev14-16 (the early Laodicean Passover crop, the start of the drawing out of the sons of the from Adam to be non Adamic ) to 2023Heshvan5, the installation of the under (the judge) over - Dan, meaning judge. So 2023Heshvan5 is when the judge of all the earth (of Genesis 18) actually becomes the judge of all the earth of and , having been appointed as Caesar to / on 2023Ab16/Elul16 before the end of the lava flood on 2023Tishri4. But the Kingdom is installed under as Caesar over / on 2023Tishri5/Heshvan5, after the end of the lava flood. For does NOT become Caesar to non s.
15 And [by] night he divided/was smooth upon them [3x for them OR 4x: 4 kings], he and his slaves [divided/were smooth upon them] [His forces are the sons of the divided between the who go into the ark in a hidden way (by night) and the and the Benjamite Kings who remain on the earth], and he defeated them [3x/4x: 4 kings] and he pursued them [3x/4x: 4 kings] until Hobah [hiding place/hidden place] [1x+1x = 2x: Pursuit + Hobah. Hobah is further than Damascus on the way back to Mesopotamia from Dan. Damascus, meaning well watered land, stands for , a church, not a secular kingdom, which ends on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22. Hobah is the last chance saloon, the descended church of and Yeshua, entrance into it occurring during the last week of Daniel 9:27], which from left/dark/north/wrapped up to Damascus [alertness or well watered land] [1x,1x=1x: i.e. beyond Damascus].
16 And he proceeded to recover all the property [1x], and he recovered also/additionally Lot his brother [1x+1x] and his property [1x] and also/additionally the women [3x+1x] and the people [1x] [the list totals 7x of recovery].
From 2022Chislev15, the start of the division of into the ark by rapture of the Abrahamic Laodicean s, to 2023Chislev14, the end of the recovery of all the covenant possessions of at the 12th crop of Revelation22, the end of .
Verse15: 1x+5x+319x+5x+5x+5x(1x+1x+1x) = 350x
Verse16: 1x+2x+1x+4x+1x = 9x.
Total: 350x+9x = 359x from 2022Chislev15 to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22, the end of , the end of the recovery of everything stolen from Arbaham, the Jubilee restoration to .
The sealed 1st death Passover victims, the final last chance saloon group (with no faith at all but with sufficient love), Ye of less than little faith, are resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16.
17 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he [Abram] returned from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him [killed to Adam and to false worship], to the Low Plain of Shaveh [level, flat], that is, the king's Low Plain [preserving his kingship but losing his authority in , hence the kings low level plain. He came to the Watchtower Passover].
18 And [King of righteousness - in this case] king of Salem brought out bread and wine [of the or of the ?], and he was priest of the Most High God.
19 Then he blessed him [the King of Sodom, the reserves] and said: Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, Producer of heaven and earth (Genesis 14 )
Dan (meaning judge): 2023Heshvan5, the installation of the under over drawn out of Adam after 2023Tishri5, the installation over drawn out of Adam..
Damascus (meaning well watered land according to wikipedia) is , which ends on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation.
Hobah meaning hidden place, is the descended church of the , the last chance saloon from 2023Tebbeth3/4-14, entrance into it occurs during the last week of Daniel 9:27.
hands the kingdom over to his God and father on 2023Tebbeth16, when the last chance salooners are resurrected so that death has been brought to nothing for all sealed surviving s.
In Genesis 14: Lot is the Watchtower saints. The King of Sodom is (Angel of Laodicea). 4 kings against 5 is the Watchtower Governing Body Laodicean power struggle. The man who escaped to tell Abram about the enslavement of Lot, is Caleb, the spy of Joshua2 - see U307
Caleb baptises the Laodicean s into the reserve half tribe of Caleb - who being a foundation stone, a half apostle, must be laid (baptised transitively) above . Caleb is regarded as being in . All other Laodiceans are not. So Gordon baptises into the on ??. And Gordon baptises Caleb on 2022Tebbeth15 (transitively). Then Caleb baptises Hebron (Laodicea within ) from 2022Tebbeth22 in the ark. The non half apostle does NOT have to baptise all 6,000 s in his tribe personally just as John the Baptist did. There should be a family structure isomorphic to the half tribe under Caleb.
The inauguration of the altar of the 12 apostles must now occur between 2022Tebbeth15-22 and the inauguration of Solomon's temple occurs during Booths of the Ab1 sacred year from 2022Shebat15-21 in the ark.
The 2nd horseman rides on 2022Tebbeth21 (starting when the last is raptured) for 13x of the description of his ride in Revelation 6:4 to 2022Shebat4, the start of WW3, when he is granted to take peace out of the earth and is given (by congress) the Great Sword of the US military in order to fight WW3. So 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4 is the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 of WW3.
2 I shall without fail finish everything off the surface of the ground, is the utterance of .
3 I shall finish off earthling man and beast. I shall finish off the flying creature of the heavens and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked ones; and I will cut off mankind from the surface of the ground, is the utterance of
14 The great day of is near [1x], and it is hurrying near(er) greatly [1x]. The sound of the sad day of is powerful crying out loud there [1x].
15 That day is a day of fury/outburst [1x], a day of distress and [a day of] anguish [2x], a day of storm and [a day of] desolation [ 2x], a day of darkness and [a day of] gloominess [ 2x], a day of cloud and [a day of] thick gloom [ 2x],
16 a day of shofar/trumpet and alarm/terror signal [ 2x], upon the inaccessible cities [] and [a day of trumpet and alarm] upon the high corner towers [a day of trumpet upon things and a day of alarm upon things is 1x+1x =2x].
17 And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of 's fury [which is the day of , since according to Joel that day is a day of fury]; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth [Yes, by the 'fire' of his zeal. By Passover execution and by non Adam lava flood execution and by the final failed execution on 2023Chislev14] (Zephaniah 1).
Israel = 12x. House of Israel = 1x.
Verse14: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Verse15: 1x+2x+2x+2x+2x = 9x
Verse16: 1x + 1x = 2x
Verse 15-16: 9x+2x = 11x from 2022Shebat16, 9th first fruits, the appointment of the 3rd over , when comes into the temple of the s from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam.
The Day of begins when empowers the s, by joining them, after having clothed them with the gifts of the spirit, to enable them to respond to the provocations from the Dragon on 2022Tebbeth21, the late end of the . It runs until the end of the final extermination of Adam on 2023Tebbeth14., the 1st death Passover, the end of entry into the 1st death, the end of non kingdom citizens being alive upon the planet. Everyone on the planet cops it during these 11 months or enters into in which case they cop it by death to Adam and sleeping resurrection to . So one way or another we all die or pass away into the ark. Whereas the s die by standing resurrection.
The s suspect that has already responded himself to Covid19 by creating Omicron - which even Bill Gates admits was a better vaccination than man could make..
First God adds the s to the s. Then he adds the s, then Laodicea, then the priests, then the 3rd .
1 Blow ye a trumpet/shofar in [3x:
for Rosh Hashana]
And shout ye in hill of holiness of me [3x:
for Rosh Hashana]
Let them tremble, all of ones sitting of the land [3x:
for Rosh Hashana, the festival of trumpets, shouting and alarm, terror]
Because he comes, day of [1x]
Because close (he is) [1x]
2 Day of darkness and gloom (he is) [2x]
Day of cloud and blackness (he is) [2x] (Joel 2 )
Verse1: (3x+3x+3x).1x.(1x+2x+2x) = 45x From Isaaic Kingdom Rosh Hashana on 2022Tebbeth1 to 2022Shebat16, the start of the day of .
Like dawn spreading upon the mountains [is] a great and strong people. One like it has not been made to exist from the indefinite past, and after it there will be none again to the years of generation after generation (Joel 2:1-2)
Verse 2 has a count of 4x for darkness and gloominess and cloudiness as does Zephaniah 1:15. So these run as 4 months from start of the 40 nights of the lava flood on 2023Ab24 to 2023Chislev. Darkness and gloom and cloud and blackness - this is the volcanic and nuclear winter from the and the lava flood.
2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness
as the dawn spread out on the mountains, a great and a strong people. There has never been the like, nor shall there ever be again to the years of many generations; (Joel 2 )
11 The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low [2x], and the loftiness of men must bow down [1x, bow down is singular]; and to separation of him, must be lifted up in that day [1x+1x=2x].
12 Because day to armies [1x] upon everyone self-exalted and lofty and upon everyone lifted up and low [3x.(1x+1x+1x+1x)=12x];
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon the lofty and the lifted up and upon all the massive trees/oaks of Bashan [3x.3x=9x]
14 and upon all the lofty mountains and upon all the hills the lifted up [3x.2x=6x]
15 and upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall [3x.2x=6x];
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all boats the desirable [3x.2x=6x]
17 And the haughtiness of the earthling man [1x]
must bow down, and the loftiness of men [1x]
[it] must become low []; and to/for part of him must be put on high in that day [1x]
18 And the valueless gods themselves will pass away completely.
19 And people will enter into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.
20 In that day the earthling man will throw his worthless gods of silver and his valueless gods of gold that they had made for him to bow before to the shrewmice/moles/burrowers and to the bats, (Isaiah 2 adapted from the Hebrew).
Verse 11-17: 5x.1x+1x+12x+9x+6x+6x+6x+1x+1x+1x = 48x. From the start of the Day of on 2022Shebat16, the appointment of the 3rd over , to 2023Nisan4. BUT the count continues.
Verse 20 Those who take the Covid-19 vaccine as a cure for a man made virus (a double CGG codon in a furin cleavage site does not occur in any natural virus) are seeking salvation from the genes of mice and bats whence it was made and whence the vaccine spikes are copied. of Armies is put on high by the rapture of the s, half of mankind. And ALL the meaningless status of man so beloved by women will be destroyed.
So putting Joel2 and Zephaniah1 and Isaiah2 together, the Day of runs from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. And it involves the collecting of the great and strong people, the Zoarites. Whereas the Day of the Dragon lasts for 42 months of Revelation13 from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14..
2022Chislev21 to 2023Sivan15: The 174x of Bethzatha from the start of the queue for Isaaic baptism (in the ark after the end of the - during which s cannot enter into the ark) until the end of the ark based baptism.
2022Tebbeth28-2022Adar8: The 40 day deluge of waters returning from the ark from 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after 2022Tebbeth21, the end of ark entry of the saints (submediators and sons of the ) into the ark, to 2 days before the end of the 40 cubits ark width of initial earthly interaction.
2022Tebbeth15-21 to 2022Adar4-10: 50 days of earthly interaction of s. We can beam up (which must be a gift of the ) AFTER the .
2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5: The 50 days of baptism for the 3rd of Joshua3:12-13.
2022Tebbeth22: The 22nd day of the 2nd month of the Chislev1 Abrahamic secular year NOT of Genesis 7:11. All the springs of the vast deep are busted open, because they were all baptised by 2022Tebbeth15, the Isaaic baptism of the last apostle? Does this mean that the waters of the Jordan for those outside the 3rd dry up after the 4 soles of the priests carrying the ark come to rest in the water of the Jordan, i.e. 12x after 2022Shebat16 which is 2022Shebat28? I do not think so. The cleansing of the 3rd and the are kept entirely separate temporally.
2022Tebbeth22: The formal ark assembly of the entire congregation (since they are all raptured, but not all baptised).
12 Then they returned [on 33Iyyar25] to Jerusalem from a mountain called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem, having way/road of Sabbath [2019Tishri15/Heshvan15/Chislev15/Tebbeth15,
2020Tammuz15/Ab15/Elul15/Tishri15/Heshvan15, 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21, the start of the rapture of the Laodiceans and the s are the first festival Sabbaths of Booths and late booths for the Chislev1 secular year, Really the way of the Sabbath is the way to the Sabbath resting in the ark from the administration of . All 11 apostles go from the s to the ark].
13 And when they had entered into the upper chamber, they went up where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew,
Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James []
14 all these [11x] were persevering of same- mind in the prayer,
together with some women [2x] and Mary [1x] the mother of and with his brothers [2x for some of them NOT 4x for James Joses Simon Judas].(Acts 1)
55 Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? (Matthew 13 )
Verses 12: 11x
Verse 13: 11x+11x
Verse 14: 11x+2x+1x+4x
Total = 44x+2x+1x+2x = 49x
from 2022Tebbeth15, the ark rapture of The apostles, on the day of the first Sabbath of Cakes/Booths from the mount of olives, to Jerusalem above in the ark, to 2022Adar4, the end of their 50 cubits of earthly interaction.
15 And having stood up in the midst of the brothers,
Peter said - and the crowd of names upon it (the praying) was all together about 120 [?]: (Acts 1 )
15 And in the days these having stood up Peter in midst of the brothers [of the Isaaic baptism] said, was and crowd of names upon the very (prayer) as 120 (Acts 1 )
15 kai en taij hmeraij tautaij anastaj petroj en mesw twn adelfwn eipen hn te ocloj onomatwn epi to auto wsei ekaton eikosi (Acts 1 Sinai)
16 Men, brothers, it was necessary for the scripture to be fulfilled, which the holy spirit spoke beforehand by David's mouth about Judas,
who became a guide to those who arrested , (Acts 1 )
Peter stood up by baptism in the midst of the brothers who are standing up by Isaaic baptism in the pool called Bethzatha
Start of Isaaic Isaaic baptism for 3rd starts Isaaic for 3rd ends
End of Isaaic baptism of Bethzatha
2022Shebat16 (6-16 Ab1 sacred) 2023Nisan5 = 2022Adar29 (Peter's baptism) 2023Sivan15
31 days
9th Pentecost (3rd 50 of 2Kings1)
70/76 days compared to 74/80 days
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
We thought that the 160x of Bethzatha might run from 2022Chislev15 (on 2022Tishri18 we realised that there was a 7 day installation after the Isaaic baptism), to 2023Iyyar25. For we are all disabled, even those in the 3rd , waiting for the pool at Bethzatha - The Queuing Pool - Very British. The 3rd is dipped from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. They are disabled too individually but NOT collectively. We all are individually until we become Gods. When the soles of the feet of those carrying the ark enter in to the waters of the Jordan it stops. This could mean it stop for those outside the 3rd on 2022Shebat16 or 8x.3x=24x later on 2022Adar10 - which could be when the earthly is suspended but is also when earthly interaction ends. It does not seem right to baptise others along with the 3rd . So we take this as meaning that earthly interaction ends on 2022Adar10 and the is suspend fro 49 days on 2022Shebat16.
The of Bezalel is the entrance of the 3rd into by Isaaic baptism (which is yet to begin).
the 2 guys carrying the ark behind the box are 50 days. The 2 guys carrying the ark in front of the box are 50 days. The ark is the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1.
The ride of the 4th horseman of Revelation 6:8 is 2023Tammuz7, the end of the ark rapture to 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood, 87x of the sentence count of Revelation 6:8. It must end when non Adam is terminated, because death (2) has not authority over , he only has authority over non Adam and non Cain.
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the was following with [meta] him, and was given to them authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth [the non s], to kill in long sword [WMDs] and in famine and in death/deadly plague [viral bioweapons] and under the wild beasts [genocidal governments] of the earth (Revelation 6 )
Therefore 2 achieves no more in his ride as the 4th horseman than God was going to achieve anyway through the lava flood from 2023Tammuz14-2023Tishri4, and in the same time frame. It is in fact the camouflage for the lava flood execution.
The of Matthew24 runs for 220 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-14.
20 Be praying but in order that not should occur the flight of you of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 )
20 proseucesqe de ina mh genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
The flight of the saints must precede 2022Shebat1, the start of the Sabbath month in Greek winter, which begins on 2022Chislev24 (2022December21 at 21:35). In fact the altar of 1Kings18, which is the 12 apostles (11+½+½), is completed by 2022Chislev21 + 46 days of the sentence count of 1Kings 18:30-33, which is 2022Shebat16..But all s are in the ark or in certainly before 2022Tebbeth24, the start of the .
The wording is deliberately ambiguous
Either: Pray that your flight does not occur (in winter and not on the Sabbath), for then there will be a (in winter and NOT on the Sabbath)
OR: Pray that your flight does not occur in winter and not on the Sabbath, for then there will be a (in winter and on the Sabbath)..
It is ambiguous as to whether it means not on the Sabbath or on the Sabbath. so it means a Sabbath which is not a Sabbath (a weekly Sabbath which is not a monthly Sabbath actually). Greek winter runs from Winter solstice to Spring Equinox. The Greeks were keen mathematicians. So they would have nailed the solstice certainly to the day. The Greeks, like the Hebrews, reckoned the day to run from sunset to sunset - https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/11539-night
2022Tebbeth24 is the weekly Sabbath (2023January20/21). The month of 2022Shebat is an adamic and Abrahamic Sabbath but not an Isaaic one. Whereas the month of 2023Nisan is an Isaaic Sabbath but not an adamic and Abrahamic one.
The 1,000 day Sabbath, wherein we rule with the Christ, runs from 2022Adar11 (the 1st day after the end of earthly interaction on 2022Adar10) to 2025Chislev20/21. The 6,000 day working week to fix Laodicea runs from 2005Tebbeth15 (when they stole our baptism for the 2nd Laodicean) to 2022Tebbeth27, the end of the for earth dwellers - with 51+81 day installation gaps.
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism of earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
Start of Laodicean leak. Theft of
End of the 6,000 cubits of Ezekiel47
Start of the torrent of the baptism after Ezekiel goes swimming
2nd Laodicean baptised without reference to s
The fall of Reverted Laodicea Not yet the end of the working week to fix the Laodicean divide due to 51+81 day installation gaps to 2022Tebbeth27
6000 days of Ezekiel47
96-132 days (see U267)
before adamic and Laodicea
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodicea steals the baptism
7 months
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodiceans and s become .
7 years of Naaman's bathing in the Jordan
Naaman went down (The Watchtower fell as a true church)
Naaman and all of Laodicea die to Adam
Naaman and all of Laodicea are restored to Laodicea ends
2012Sivan15/16 (his flesh comes back like the flesh of a little boy) 2019Sivan15
Bathing 7x in the Jordan () during the Watchtower
7x of the Laodicean
The is presumably when a WMD threat becomes very real. - It did with the first wartime firing of a nuclear capable Kinzhal hypersonic missile on 2022March18, hitting a target in Ukraine, reported by Russia at 9:00 am on Saturday 2022March19 (2021VeAdar10), the last Sabbath of Greek winter. But for some reason very few people understood the catastrophic potential of that event. And so the did not begin then. Instead it begins on the weekly Sabbath on 2022Tebbeth24, 3 days after the 3rd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth21, during Greek winter (from the winter solstice on 2022Chislev24 to the spring Equinox on 2022Adar23), 220 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-14 before 2023Elul4, the end of WW3..
This winter must be Greek winter, not Hebrew winter, because firstly the scripture is Greek, and secondly the s all fled from the Watchtower to reappointed Laodicea from 2019Elul10 to 2019Chislev10 (2019December11/12) before the winter solstice. So they none of them fled during Greek winter, but they all of them fled during Hebrew winter. And the saints are advised to pray that they do not flee in winter. 2022 is to s what 2019 was to s essentially.
Now we must consider the Great Crowd of Revelation7.
9 After these (things) [2x]
[sealings of the 144,000 s and s and reserves] I saw [1x],
and look! crowd much [1x],
which to number it no one was able [1x: So they include the non priestly s],
out of every nation [pantoV
are both singular] and [out] of tribes and [out] of peoples and [out] of tongues [within nations?] [2x+2x+2x+2x=8x],
(ones) having stood in sight of [enwpion]
the throne [1x+1x=2x] and in sight of [enwpion] the Lamb [1x+1x=2x:
lambs can see]
(ones) having been thrown around [periballw] robes white [1x+1x=2x:
1 robe each around and therefore upon the bodies of the representative people - the count of the crowd]
and palm [branches] in the hands of them [1x.5x+1x.5x=10x];
10 and they are crying out to voice great, saying The salvation [is due] to the God of us [1x. NOT - there ae non Christians in this group] to the (one) sitting upon the throne [2x: NOT ]
and to the Lamb [1x: Elijah4, who runs the departure lounge]. (Revelation 7 )
Verse9 from look!: 1x+2x+1x.1x.8x.(2x+2x+2x)+8x.10x+8x.(1x+2x+1x) = 3x+48x+80x+32x = 163x from 2022Tebbeth24 (the start of the ark rapture) to 2023Tammuz7 (the end of ark rapture)
11 And all [pantej]
the angels had stood to circle of the throne and of the older persons [24 of them]
and of the 4 living [creatures] [a circle of 1x+24x+4x = 29x], and they fell in sight of the throne upon the faces of them [2x+2x+2x = 6x: Falling before the throne] and worshiped to the God.
12 (they) saying Amen (let it be like this); the blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving [rather than wealth of Revelation5] and the honour and the power and the strength to the God of us [7x]
into the ages of the ages; amen {the blessing...}. (Revelation 7 )
Verse 11-12: 2x.29x+2x+2x+2x+2x.(1x+7x.4x+7x.4x+1x) = 58x+6x+2x.58x = 180x from 2023Nisan5, the rapture of the last angel of Benjamin, to 2023Tishri5, the installation of the under over .
11 And I saw [1x], and I heard voice [1x] of angels many in/to circle of the throne and of the living [creatures] and of the older persons [1x:
One circle of the 1x+4x+24x=29x],
and was the number of them myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands [a witness to 100x, the comparison between 100,000,000 and 1,000,000],
12 saying [1x for the circle that they make]
in/to voice great Worthy is the Lamb [1x]
the (one) having been slaughtered [1x]
to receive the power and wealth [rather than wealth of Revelation7] and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing [7x.
Whereas is worthy of worship being a God]. (Revelation 5 )
I saw = 1x. The voice of many angels = 1x. One great circle of the throne the living creatures and the elders = 29x
Verse 11-12: (1x+29x).7x = 210x from 2022Tebbeth21 to 2023Ab21, the period of the giving of the gifts of the spirit.
13 And concluded/answered [apokrinomai, apo and krinw] [to decide from, to conclude] one out of the elders [24x] saying to me: These (being) the (ones) having been thrown about the robes the white [white robes upon them, means sealed] who are they and wherefrom came they [who are the ones covered by robes and where did they come from: 2x.2x+2x.2x=8x]?
14 And I have said to him [24x: One of the elders]: Lord of me, you have seen [oidaj from eidw] [1x, Lord of me, not one of the elders].
And he [1x] said to me These [4x] are the (ones) coming out of the tribulation the great [present tense - into the ark. NOT going back and forth after ark entrance. Because the tribulation ends for ark dwellers the moment then enter into the ark. A trip back to the earth in semi angelic form with the gifts of the spirit is not a worry at all],
Verse 13: 24x.(2x.2x+2x.2x) = 24x.8x= 192x
Verse 14: 24x.1x+1x.4x =
Total = 220x. The length of the from 2022Tebbeth24, the weekly Sabbath after the 3rd fire sign during Greek Winter,
the start of the rapture of the s, the Kingdom priests, to the end of WW3 on 2023Elul4. The winter solstice is December21 at 21:35 GMT which is 2022Chislev24. This is the period of serious worry about nuclear obliteration.
And they washed the robes of them [2x: one robe each, robe standing for faithful character here, this is a baptism into the / and a sealing into the /] and they whitened them in the blood of the Lamb [2x: The relevant lamb. , the lamb of the or Methuselah, the lamb of the . They wash their robes in the blood of the /!AC. They whiten them in the blood of the /. So robes are flesh actually. They are not necessarily baptised. But the priestly law they obey is that of the ] (Revelation 7 )
15 Through this they are in sight of/before [evnw,pion equivalent to o` evn wvpi w;n, one who is in sight] the throne of the God [2x.1x: In the ark], and they are rendering service to him of day and of night in the divine habitation of him [2x+2x=4x] [So they are either priests or in the outer courtyard. they are worshippers] either priests or in the outer courtyard. they are worshippers] either priests or in the outer courtyard. they are worshippers] either priests or in the outer courtyard. they are worshippers], and the (one) sitting upon the throne [2x] will tent upon them [2x].
To render service in the temple you must be a worshipper. So you must be obeying the 1st law. so you are an not an . You do not have to be officiating at the altar as a priest.
20 Be praying but in order that not should occur the flight of you of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 )
20 proseucesqe de ina mh genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
And the flight of the s to should precede Sabbath month of 2022Shebat in Greek winter from the winter solstice on 2022Chislev24 (2022December21 at 21:35).
16 Not they will hunger yet/further [2x]
not-but they will thirst yet/further [2x],
not-but not should fall upon them the sun [0x/1x+2x]
not-but all/any burning heat [0x+2x],
17 because the Lamb [1x],
the (one) up [ana] middle/midst [meosj]
of the throne [1x]
will shepherd them [2x],
and will guide them upon of life fountains of waters [2x+2x=4x.
and will wipe out the God every tear out of the eyes of them [2x.2x.2x=8x].
(Revelation 7 )
Verse 14 from And he said to me - 17:
2x+(2x+2x).(2x.1x+4x+2x.2x)+(2x+2x+2x+2x).1x.1x.(2x+4x)+2x.2x.2x = 40x+48x+8x =
So the Great Crowd of Revelation 7:9 are the ark raptured s and the s. All those saved by rapture out of the into the ark in fact. They are NOT the s who are resurrected into the ark or the last chance salooners who are resurrected back into the kingdom. So Rutherford was not so far out.
We have as an understanding of Joshua10 that time on earth stands still for those in the ark (if they want). And we interpret that to mean that you get one day in the ark for free for each day down here. Because the sun did not hasten to set for about a whole day.
12 It was then that Joshua proceeded to speak to on the day of 's abandoning the Amorites to the sons of Israel,
and he went on to say before the eyes of Israel: Sun, be motionless over Gibeon, And, moon, over the low plain of Aijalon.
13 Accordingly the sun kept motionless, and the moon did stand still, until the nation could take vengeance on its enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun kept standing still in the middle of the heavens and did not hasten to set for about a whole day. (Joshua 10 )
So we deduce that you get about a whole day in the ark whilst the sun stands still on earth for those in the ark. This is a relativistic concept
Simply put. The ark is live one get one free.
VEADAR (Groundhog Month)
What is that crazy month doing in God's perfect ?
Tis a month which is a repetition of the previous month.
VeAdar provides a free day for every day in Adar,
VeAdar is the result of buy one month get another month free.
There is nothing God does, especially things that on the face of it look ridiculous, which does not have a brilliant prophetic significance. And VeAdar is the most brilliant of them all.
When we go into the ark we get a free day in that boat for every day we spend down here. But that is precisely what happens during Adar. For every day in Adar brings us another day in VeAdar free.
Adar is the last month of the adamic sacred year. So at the end of the adamic world those who escape from Adam and become are raptured into the ark wherein they get one free day in the ark for each day they live on earth - during their 50 days of ark based earthly interaction. Time stands still on earth for those in the ark. but only during their 50 days of earthly interaction - a transition period, an installation period, a Pentecost.. .
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam starts End of 's lease
End of 's lease
3993Nisan17 (knowledge of Good)
3989Nisan17 (knowledge of Good and Bad)
2008Nisan14 (Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 begins) 2012Nisan14
4 years
6000 less 4 years
4 years
1254 day ministry payback (29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 but less 33Nisan14-16 and 33Iyyar25-33Sivan5) runs from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri16 - during which time the angels of the 3rd are denied access to 3.
The demons are thrown down here after the 14 day war of Revelation 12 for 2,000 pigs of Mark 5 as follows..
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
The must arrive before the demons in order to police their possession of humans. Russell must have descended in time for his appearances to Laodicea on 2019Ab27 (the first Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20 and 2019Elul5, 8 day of John20 later at the late Pentecost). And they must come on the 17th day of the 2nd month, which is Heshvan17, since Noah's/' age is measured in secular Tishri1 months.
But during 42 months of their earthly sojourn the Dragon is given a lease over mankind the authority from which he gives to the sea beast of Revelation13...
1 And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names.
4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words:
Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 )
12 And the 10 horns which you saw 10 kings they are, who kingdom not as yet received, but authority as kings one hour they are receiving with the wild beast. (Revelation 17 )
So 10 horns with 10 diadems are 10 horns who are 10 kings, since kings wear royal crowns which are called diadems.
There is no point in have such authority unless you can wield it with a global perspective. has been trying to create that perspective through the earthly spying agencies. But their vision is very limited when compared to the ark from which heavenly mountain/administration one can see all the kingdoms of the earth in an instant of time...
8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, (Matthew 4 )
5 So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time; (Luke 4 )
So during the 42 month lease, the dragon is permitted to use the ark. He uses 1 presumably, the ark of the 1st , which 1 himself built and which presumably he got in his divorce from the 1st
The angels of the 3rd spirit came down to police the demons directly and to carry out their 1266 day secular payback ministry (without any gifts of the spirit - which used in the first century ministry)) from 2017Heshvan17 of Genesis 7:11 to 2017Chislev17.
Floodgates of the heavens opened s reach earth Secular Ministry payback begins
City starts asserting itself/Kingdom miracle power regained
2017Heshvan17 (s descend)
2022Tishri16 ( is appointed as Caesar over )
30 days of 's ladder
1254/1266 day payback ministry (42 months of being trampled having no kingdom powers and being denied access to 3)
2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11 )
is here for his 1254/1266 day secular payback ministry just as he was here for his 1254/1266 day sacred miracle ministry from 29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 excluding 33Nisan14-16 and excluding 33Iyyar25-33Sivan5
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 )
Demons evicted from heaven Demons reach earth Dragon's 42 month lease begins
Dragon's 42 month lease and all heavenly power for demons ends
2019Nisan22 ( first fruits)
30 days of 's ladder
Dragon's 42 month lease of Revelation13 (1252 days)
The phrase in the 12th month, that, the month Adar appears in pairs. It appears in accounts in Esther 3:7,13 and in Esther 8:12 and 9:1.
7 from month to month, [to] the 12th, that is, the month Adar. (Esther 3 )
13 on the 13th [day] of the 12th month, that is, the month Adar (Esther 3 )
12 on the 13th [day] of the 12th month, that is, the month of Adar. (Esther 8 )
1 And in the 12th month, that is, the month of Adar (Esther 9 )
No other month which is both named and numbered appears in pairs. Here are all the instance.
7 In the first month, that is, the month Nisan (Esther 3 )
1 in the month of Ziv, that is, the second month (1 Kings 6 )
9 in the 3rd month, that is, the month of Sivan (Esther 8 )
38 in the lunar month of Bul, that is, the 8th month (1 Kings 6 )
1 on the 4th [day] of the 9th month, [that is,] in Chislev. (Zechariah 7 )
16 in the 10th month, that is, the month Tebbeth (Esther 2 )
7 On the 24th day of the 11th month, that is, the month Shebat (Zechariah 1 )
These are the only references to months in the bible both by number and by name. ONLY Adar is referenced in pairs in both accounts in which it appears.
So Esther is definitely declaring a second Adar, VeAdar, AdarII. Not sure how that fits in to things.
Wheat matures on the stalk from first fruits to first ripe fruits. Non adamics mature on the stalk presumably from a first fruits to a Pentecost when non adamic Abrahamics become Melchizedaic and when non adamic Isaaics become Methuselaian?. We are harvested once we are fully mature, once we have stopped ageing, for a does not die adamic death and does not age. So a ripe fruits has stopped ageing. Wheat stops maturing when it is harvested into the barn. It ripens on the stalk. So we should become Methuselaian at a Pentecost, a first ripe fruits, since we became and Isaaic at a first fruits
The 4 stages of wheat development are
1. Milk - Adamic
2. Soft dough - Abrahamic
3. Hard dough - Isaaic
4. Mature - Methuselaian.
And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed/transferred [1x] and to/for/? the giving/placing/setting up of a disgusting thing that is causing desolation [1x], there will be 1,290 days (Daniel 12)
Verse11: 1290 days from the time of the removal of the constant feature AND 1290 days from the time of the placing of the disgusting thing making 2580 days.
Since the bible is maximally distributive.
2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 take us to 2019Ab14, the restoration of the constant feature in reappointed (on 2019Ab7) Laodicea.
2x1290 = 2580 days of Daniel12 from 2015Ab14, the death to of Isaaic when be transformed into from 2015Ab14-16, to 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's 42 month lease, the end of the world judicially.
Blessednesses/Happinesses of the one keeping in expectation and he reaches/touches to the 1335 days!
And you [], Go to the end
[advice for interpreting verse11, the end of the world, and verse12, the end of the 6,000 day working week of the s to fix the Laodicean divide,
which is 2022Tebbeth30, the end of the ark based baptism for Laodiceans. And it is 2023Chislev14, the absolute end of Adam, from which we can count backwards]; and you [Daniel] will rest [in the ark[, and you will rise/stand up for/to your inheritance at/to the end of the days [rise up into the ark at the end of the 1335 days] (Daniel 12).
Verse12: 2x.1335 days = 2670 days
Benjamin Davidson Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: The word for Blessednesses/Happinesses rv,a, a masculine noun - happiness, is found only in the plural construct. yrEv.a;
The singular form rv,a, is a purely hypothetical grammatical construction in Hebrew (Daniel 2:4 to 7:28 is Aramaic = Chaldee). So we can count the singular (or as plural) because there is no singular or dual. We therefore count it as 1 (i.e. as a plural only for politeness or for emphasis). But we apply it in substitution for the 1290 days of verse 11 and get 2x1335 = 2670 days from 2015Ab14, the starting point of verse11, to 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover. Then 2022Tebbeth15 is the ark rapture, when Elijah4 stands up for his lot, and enters into God's rest from a Satanic world.
2022Chislev14: The Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the first Passover of the Chislev1 secular year (in honour of being installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5), is the true antitype of 1513Nisan14. Then 1513Iyyar14, the crossing of the Reed/Red Sea by genetic Israel is the archetype of 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover.
This happens once every 25 years). 2020Tishri10 was entry day into the 3rd marriage Passover of the 3rd bride, held in the Passover house of Sodom in the Egypt of this world. It was also the end of baptism for s and therefore for the entire 3rd . So the 3rd was completed on 2020Tishri10, the 3rd Kingdom adamic Jubilee release day and Atonement day of the Nisa1 adamic sacred year. So the baptism of the last Lord in the 3rd occurred on 2020Tishri10.
Likewise, 2023Chislev10 is the Jubilee release day for the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee of the Kingdom and is Atonement day of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year. It is the end of entry for s to be sealed into the . And 2023Chislev14, is the end of sealing for the final crop of Revelation22. It is the day when is restored as a possession of under the priesthood of for the Kingdom. It is the day when has restored to him. and recovered from 2..
s from 2012Sivan14 (the death to Adam of Laodicea) to 2017Elul10 (the fall of Laodicea) and from 2019Ab7 (the reappointment of Laodicea) through 2019Elul10, entry day into the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2019Tebbeth10, when the last enters into reappointed Laodicea.
s from 2012Sivan14 (the death to Adam of Laodicea) to 2017Elul10 (the fall of Laodicea) and from 2019Ab7 (the reappointment of Laodicea) through 2019Elul10, entry day into the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2019Adar13, the fall of Laodicea and from 2020Tammuz10 (the one and only entrance day for s into Sodom - from the 1,000 days of John6 - see U67) to 2020Tishri10, entrance day into the late 2nd Passover
Non s from 2012Sivan14 (the death to Adam of Laodicea) to 2017Elul10 (the fall of Laodicea) and from 2019Ab7 (the reappointment of Laodicea) through 2019Elul10, entry day into the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2019Adar13, the fall of Laodicea and from 2020Heshvan15 (the start of entrance into Sodom, at the end of entrance, 300 denarii of perfumed oil on the feet of to 2021Elul15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 before 2022Tebbeth15, the start of building Solomon's temple by Isaaic baptism on the 4th day on Solomon having been installed as Vassal Caesar over mankind in the 2nd month of Solomon being appointed as such. Then the temple building time of Haggai1 from 2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10.
s from 2012Sivan14 (the death to Adam of the s) through from 2019Tammuz2, the baptism of Pastor Zach to 2022Ab15, the end of the (non adamic Abrahamically). Then from 2022Ab15 to 2022Tebbeth21, the end of ark rapture when all s must at least have turned up at and be waiting in the colonnades of Bethzatha of John5. Then on to 2022Tebbeth27 the suspension of the for earth dwellers. Then to 2022Shebat16 the ark based ISaaic for s.
s from 2022Chislev2-3 (2 days from ) into the ark by resurrection, then Isaaic baptism from 2022Shebat9 to 2022Shebat16 (for the 6th and 7th rows in the temple wall).
s: Upon 2 resurrection 5/10 hours after natural death then 2015Iyyar20 or 2019Tishri15 then 2019Tishri17, 2019Heshvan15 then 2019Heshvan22, 2019Chislev15 then 2019Chislev20, 2019Tebbeth15 then 2019Tebbeth18, 2020Tammuz15 then 2020Tammuz19 (after the respective Passover executions on the 14th of the month)
s: Upon 2 resurrection 5/10 hours after natural death which is 2020Ab15 then 2020Ab17 and 2020Elul15 then 2020Elul22 and 2020Tishri15 then 2020Tishri20 and 2020Heshvan15 then 2020Heshvan18 (after the respective Passover executions on the 14th of the month)
Laodicean s: 2022Chislev15-19 (2) then 2022Chislev17-21 (3)
s: 2022Tebbeth15-21 (3)
10 And it came about that when the priests came out from the holy place, the cloud itself filled the house of .
11 And the priests were unable to stand to do their ministering because of the cloud, for the glory of filled the house of . (1 Kings 8 )
13 and it came about that as soon as the trumpeters and the singers were as one in causing one sound to be heard in praising and thanking , and as soon as they lifted up the sound with the trumpets and with the cymbals and with the instruments of song and with praising , for he is good, for to time indefinite is his loving-kindness, the house itself was filled with a cloud, the very house of ,
14 and the priests were not able to stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of filled the house of the [true]
God. (2 Chronicles 5 )
1 Now as soon as Solomon finished praying, the fire itself came down from the heavens and proceeded to consume the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and 's glory itself filled the house.
2 And the priests were unable to enter into the house of because 's glory had filled the house of . (2 Chronicles 7 )
So the ark based baptism does not start until all the s have been raptured on 2022Tebbeth21.
Benjamin: 2023Nisan5/6
s from 2023Nisan22 - 2023Iyyar5
s from 2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7 into the ark - herself 2, man and woman of him, of Genesis 7:2, 7:9, 7:15).
s on 2023Tammuz15 (7th crop) and 2023Ab15 (8th crop) and 2023Elul15 (9th crop), 2023Tishri15 (10th crop), 2023Heshvan15 (11th crop), 2023Chislev15 (12th crop).
Last chance saloon s are Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected into the installed on 2023Tebbeth16 (8th first fruits)
1,000 year Sabbath begins
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts
s die to Adam
Monthly Jubilees start 6,000 year adamic working week starts
1,000 year Kingdom Sabbath starts 6,000 year adamic week ends
All 3rd saints are in the
From 3993Iyyar1 BC 1st Jubilee from Adam's sin 492nd Jubilee from Adam's sin 966th Jubilee from Adam's sin 1440th Jubilee from Adam's sin 1441st Jubilee
Atonement day
Adam Sins
Adam freed to become 1st priest Covenant inaugurated
's 6,000 year lease on Adam ends Passover
1443rd Jubilee
3rd marriage
3993Nisan14 BC
3989Sivan5-11 BC
1943Nisan14 BC
33Nisan14 AD
2008Nisan14 AD 2012Sivan14 AD
2020Tishri10 AD
X_____________________X______________________________X____________________________ X_____________________________X___________________________________________X____________________________X________________________X
50 months (1 Jubilee) 2045 years 10 months
975 Years (474 Jubilees) 1975 Years (474 Jubilees)
50 months (1 Jubilee)
100 months (2 Jubilees)
All the s and s are now collected
3rd Kingdom Jubilee
1st Sabbath of 4th Jubilee 2nd Sabbath of 4th Jubilee
3rd Sabbath of 4th Jubilee 4th Sabbath of 4th Jubilee
5th Sabbath of Jubilee
3rd Bride sacrificed/resurrected/married Nothing
3rd enters on 2022Shebat16 End of WW3 and Mark Enforcement
2020Tishri (3rd completed)
The Laodicean and and saints are all raptured on 2022Chislev15-19 or 2022Tebbeth15-21, before the 4th Sabbath of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee on 2022Shebat. Hence Elijah sent Ahaziah 3 50s and 3 chiefs of 50.
s become 1st Isaaic Jubilee month
7th Sabbath of 2nd Isaaic Jubilee 2nd Isaaic Jubilee month
Month0 for Isaaic Jubilee System 1st Watchtower Passover
installed (Tishri5) End of .
End of sealing of s
2019Tishri14 (3rd bride escapes) 2023Tishri
2023Chislev14 (last s escape)
50 months
50 months
So everybody escapes either through or by rapture between the 1st and 2nd Jubilees of the Kingdom.
Revelation22: 1st monthly Tree of life crop 5th monthly Tree of life crop
6th monthly Tree of life crop
7th monthly Tree of life crop
11th monthly Tree of life crop
12th monthly tree of life crop
Laodicean s adamic death
Non religious s adamic death
Late Partakers adamic death
Laodicean s adamic death
Non religious s adamic death
Late Partakers adamic death
to standing restoration
to standing restoration
to standing restoration
to ark resurrection
to ark resurrection
to ark resurrection
2022Tebbeth14-16 Passover transformation 2023Iyyar14-16 Passover transformation 2023Sivan14-16 Passover transformation 2023Tammuz14-16 Passover via 2023Heshvan14-16 Passover via 2023Chislev14-16 Passover via
Passover Attendance Date | Gene Zap Transformation | Monthly Crop of Tree of Life Revelation22 | Passover Type | |
2022Chislev14 | None | Early Laodicean | ||
2022Tebbeth14 | 2022Tebbeth14-16 () | 1st of 12 | Laodicean and early Watchtower | |
2022Shebat14 | 2022Shebat14-16 () | 2nd of 12 | Watchtower and late Laodicean and early Christian | |
2022Adar14 | 2022Adar14-16 () | 3rd of 12 | Christian and late Watchtower and early Babylonian | |
2023Nisan14 | 2023Nisan14-16 () | 4th of 12 | Babylonian and late Christian and early Non religious | |
2023Iyyar14 | 2023Iyyar14-16 () | 5th of 12 | Late Babylonian and Non religious | |
2023Sivan14 | 2023Sivan14-16 () | 6th of 12 | Late Non religious and early Laodicean | |
2023Tammuz14 | Death then ark resurrection | 2023Tammuz16 | 7th of 12 | Laodicean and early Watchtower |
2023Ab14 | Death then ark resurrection | 2023Ab16 | 8th of 12 | Watchtower and late Laodicean and early Christian |
2023Elul14 | Death then ark resurrection | 2023Elul16 | 9th of 12 | Christian and late Watchtower and early Babylonian |
2023Tishri14 | Death then ark resurrection | 2023Tishri16 | 10th of 12 | Babylonian and late Christian and early Non religious |
2023Heshvan14 | Death then ark/earthly resurrection | 2023Heshvan16 | 11th of 12 | Non religious and late Babylonian |
2023Chislev14 | Death then ark/earthly resurrection | 2023Chislev16 | 12th of 12 | Late Non religious |
2023Tebbeth14 | Death then earthly resurrection | 2023Tebbeth16 | Last chance saloon | Total Unbelievers with love? |
Early and partakers get a gene zap transformation at their regular Passover.
Late and partakers get their gene zap transformation at their late Passover. They do not have to wait for the all the regular Passover partakers to be transformed (unlike the late brides who must wait until after for the regular brides). The tree of life of Revelation22 can yield several crops in each month (early regular and late Passover crops).
Laodicean partakers are Passover executed and non adamically, edenically restored by transformation from 2022Tebbeth14-16, the 1st crop of the tree of life of Revelation22.
Late non religious Partakers are Passover executed and resurrected at the late non religious Passover from 2023Chislev14-16, the 12th crop of the tree of life of Revelation22.
Last chance saloon atheists or agnostics, sealed by love, are Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14, the first death Passover, and resurrected back onto the earth on 2023Tebbeth16, 8th first fruits.
A late non religious Partaker is gene zapped from 2023Sivan14-16 becoming on 2023Sivan16. He is raptured into the ark between 2023Sivan16-2023Tammuz7 (the end of ark rapture). BEFORE the sealed arrive not by rapture on 2023Tammuz15 but by resurrection on 2023Tammuz16.
So there are 12 monthly crops of those who start the Kingdom from the tree of life of Revelation22 from 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023Chislev14-16 (as a result of waters coming from the installed throne of as Caesar over on 2022Tebbeth5). Then 2023Tebbeth14 is the 1st death Passover, when all the remaining Kingdom failures are Passover executed. This is the absolute end of Adam and the end of entry into the 1st death, which is adamic death.
So the is appointed on 2023Ab16 in the 1st month of the Isaaic sacred year (from 2015Ab1 due to 2015Ab14-16), and is fully established on 2023Tebbeth14, in the 1st month of the Isaaic secular year (from 2022Tebbeth1 due to becoming Caesar to on 2022Tebbeth5 and rapturing him on 2022Tebbeth15-21).
first fruits/Pentecost are always Sivan16/Ab5,. they are independent of Sacred year start.
Hanukkah likewise is Chislev25-Tebbeth2, independent of sacred year start month.
But all Mosaic based festivals are defined by the month number, not by the month name in Leviticus23.
The Nisan1 sacred year starts when the new moon is visible is Jerusalem in circumstances where barley is headed/eared/ripe (Abib). One cannot wait to see if the barley is offerable on Mosaic firstfruits because then one does not know what month one is in until firstfruits (the 1st day of the week after the Passover). Alternatively it can be defined as the first month in which the astronomical spring equinox precedes the astronomical full moon - For more see U4.
We can define a Sivan1 sacred year as starting when the new moon is visible in Jerusalem in circumstances where wheat is headed/eared/ripe (Abib).
Alternatively it can be defined as the 2nd month after the month in which the spring equinox is less than one day after the full moon (which effectively synchronises the solar year to the lunar year on Sivan1 but uses the spring equinox to do that). Or we can leave the sacred year synced to Nisan1 and just count the months of the year from Sivan1 (That appears to be correct from the 5,000 men and 1,000 days of John6).
We can define an Ab1 year as being the month after the month in which the solstice is less that one day after the full moon (syncing to Ab1). Or we can leave the sacred year synced to Nisan1 and just count the months of the year from Ab1 (that appears to be correct - but weird).
Year Start Month | Exodus Justification | Nisan | Iyyar | Sivan | Tammuz | Ab | Elul | Tishri | Heshvan | Chislev | Tebbeth | Shebat | Adar |
Adamic Sacred Calendar Month Number | Adam's Exodus from Eden for the world of the 1st death 3993Nisan17 BC. God Appointed Caesar to Israel 1513Nisan18 BC & Exodus from Egypt | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Abrahamic Sacred Calendar Month Number | Adam's Exodus from the world of the first death. He was edenically restored on the 1st Kingdom Jubilee to become on 2012Sivan14-16. 's lease expired on 2012Nisan14. | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Sacred Calendar Month Number | is transformed to become on 2015Ab14-16. | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Adamic Secular Calendar Month number | Adam Born 4027Tishri2. He was born to preadamic parents. | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Abrahamic Secular Calendar Month Number | is installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5 Exodus from Egypt of this world into the ark begins on 2022Chislev15 after the world exodus Passover on 2022Chislev14 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Secular Calendar Month Number | is installed as Caesar over on 2022Tebbeth5 Exodus from Egypt of this world into the ark begins on 2022Tebbeth15 after the late world exodus Passover on 2022Tebbeth14 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
The escape from Adam is the Nisan1 to Sivan1 sacred calendar change (on 2012Sivan14-16)
The escape from is the Sivan1 to Ab1 sacred calendar change (on 2015Ab14-16)
The Abrahamic escape from Egypt is the Tishri1 to Chislev1 secular calendar change (2022Chislev15-19 for Abrahamic s, becoming their Caesar on 2022Chislev5)
The Isaaic escape from Egypt is the Chislev1 to Tebbeth1 secular calendar change (2022Tebbeth15-21 for Abrahamic s, becoming their Caesar on 2022Tebbeth5)
Its not about waiting for Barley to become headed in Israel. It is the month in which the land, the congregation of the true church became headed over Israel, the month in which the church administration was appointed over the saints, the month of appointment of the FDS.
4 Today you are going out in the month of Abib.
5 And it must occur that when will have brought you into the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Hivites and the Jebusites [Jebus means threshing floor. Jebusalem became Jerusalem? was king of Salem on Eden2], which he swore to your forefathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, then you must render this service in this month [not all services in this month and not all services in accordance with a calendar starting in this month].
6 7 days you are to eat unfermented cakes, and on the 7th day is a festival to .
7 Unfermented cakes are to be eaten for the 7 days; and nothing leavened is to be seen with you, and no sourdough is to be seen with you within all your boundaries.
8 And you must tell your son on that day, saying, 'It is because of that which has done to me when I came out of Egypt.'
9 And it must serve for you as a sign upon your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, in order that 's law may prove to be in your mouth; because by a strong hand brought you out of Egypt.
10 And you must keep this statute at its appointed time from year to year.
11 And it must occur that when brings you into the land of the Canaanites, just as he has sworn to you and to your forefathers, and when he does give it to you,
12 And/then you must devote everyone that opens the womb to , and every firstling, the young of a beast, which will come to be yours. The males belong to . (Exodus 13 )
Its a classic omission symbolism. Verse 5 When will have brought you into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites. Hivites. Jebusites, which he swore to your forefathers to give then you will render this service in this month
Verse11: When brings you into the land of the Canaanites, just as he has swore to you and your forefathers - you must do this...
Fine. But what should we do when he brings us in the land of the Hittites - write Hits?
So God will bring an Israel into 5 lands in the greater meaning. These are the lands of AND, the , the , the and the (leading to ), the congregations of the 4 true Christian churches founded by the 4 Elijahs. In all these lands we must celebrate Cakes for 7 days in the month of Abib. Not said to be Nisan and not said to be the 1st month. Abib means having a developed ear or being headed ready for harvest or being ripe for harvest. It is a noun so the accurate translation would be ripeness, headship, ear-development. It refers to Barley in the case of Nisan under Moses. AND it refers to God becoming their Caesar in that month. So it refers to the start of headship as well. So the Abib month is the month of appointment of the true church as head over some group. was under law until was sacrifices. So it had to celebrate the Passover in Nisan. And it did not celebrate it twice in the year. So Abib was not Sivan when John started baptising. But was Nisan, when was appointed over the s at first fruits. For the Passover occurred when was appointed Caesar to Israel as first fruits, not when he was installed at the Pentecost.
It referred to 33Nisan16, the appointment of as head over the 1st true church (the spiritual Hittites), and the development of the ears of Christians to hear the message of the Christ through his sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection.
It refers to 1905Nisan17, the appointment of as head over the 3rd true church (the spiritual Hivites), and the development of the ears of s to hear the message of Charles Taze Russell who is Elijah3
It refers to 1999Tishri2, the appointment of as head over the 4th true church (the spiritual Jebusites), and the development of the ears of s to hear the message of Gordon Ritchie who is Elijah4
It refers to 2012Sivan16, the entrance into and appointment of as head over - there was no appointment over the s for Abrahamic due to Genesis 22 ( and left the 2 men)
It refers to 2015Ab16, the entrance into NOT 2015Heshvan2, the appointment as head over the s OR 2015Heshvan16, the appointment over ..
It refers to 2019Ab7, the reappointment of Laodicea as a true church NOT 2019Ab21, the reappointment of Laodicea over the s
Entrance into it for saints from 2020Sivan10, NOT 2019Adar10, the appointment of Sodom as a true church.
So the Exodus gives the new Passover AND entrance into the new promised land gives the new Passover - both in Nisan for Israel..
An Exodus from a Prison and entrance into a new TYPE of promised land for all of God's people gives a new sacred year which itself gives a new Passover.
A new TYPE of secular King gives a new secular year.
1513Nisan1/14/15-21 was new secular year, Passoser and Exodus during Cakes for Israel
2022Chislev1/14/15-21 is new secular year, Passover and ark rapture for during Cakes
2022Tebbeth1/14/15-21 is new secular year, Passover and ark rapture for Isaaic during Cakes.
Israel had no secular vassal King until Saul. was their king. So the sacred and the secular year should start in Nisan. There is no division between as sacred king and as secular king. He can be both being perfect and being XXXY as adamic his son was before the rib was removed for Eve.. So Tishri once again became the secular year start when Saul became the King.
7 Then said to Samuel: Listen to the voice of the people as respects all that they say to you; for it is not you whom they have rejected, but it is I whom they have rejected from being king over them. (1 Samuel 8 )
14 Later Samuel said to the people: Come and let us go to Gilgal that we may there make the kingship anew/renewed [vd;x'].
15 So all the people went to Gilgal [meaning circle], and there they proceeded to make Saul king before in Gilgal. Then they rendered up communion sacrifices there before , and there Saul and all the men of Israel continued rejoicing to a great degree. (1 Samuel 11 )
This was a new secular year in honour of the new human/adamic Kingship. Gilgal means circle and Chadash means new. We know this was Tishri1, because that was the secular year for Israel, who had an adamic king..
5 In the first month, on the 14th day of the month,
between the 2 evenings is the Passover to .
6 'And on the 15th day of this month is the festival of unfermented cakes to . 7 days you should eat unfermented cakes.
7 On the first day you will have a holy convention occur.
No sort of laborious work may you do.
8 But you must present an offering made by fire to 7 days. On the 7th day there will be a holy convention. No sort of laborious work may you do.' (Leviticus 23 )
15 You will keep the festival of unfermented cakes. You will eat unfermented cakes 7 days, just as I have commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Abib, because in it you came out of Egypt. And they must not appear before me empty-handed. (Exodus 23 )
18 The festival of unfermented cakes you are to keep. You will eat unfermented cakes, just as I have commanded you, 7 days at the appointed time in the month of Abib, because it was in the month of Abib that you came out of Egypt. (Exodus 34 )
1 Let there be an observing of the month of Abib, and you must celebrate the Passover to your God, because in the month of Abib your God brought you out of Egypt by night.
2 And you must sacrifice the Passover to your God,
of the flock and of the herd, in the place that will choose to have his name reside there [an authorised true church].
3 You must eat nothing leavened along with it for 7 days.
You should eat along with it unfermented cakes, the bread of affliction, because it was in haste that you came out of the land of Egypt, that you may remember the day of your coming out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.
4 And no sourdough should be seen with you in all your territory 7 days, neither should any of the flesh, which you will sacrifice in the evening on the first day, stay all night until the morning.
5 You will not be allowed to sacrifice the Passover in any one of your gates/cities that your God is giving you [which do not have God's name - i.e. which are false churches].
6 But at the place [not the gate/city But a Passover house of a true church] that your God will choose to have his name reside there, you should sacrifice the Passover in the evening as soon as the sun sets, at the appointed time of your coming out of Egypt [in a sacred manner into a true church or in a secular manner into the ark].
7 And you must do the boiling and the eating in the place that your God will choose, and in the morning you must turn around and go to your own tents.
8 6 days you should eat unfermented cakes; and on the 7th day there will be a solemn assembly to your God. You must do no work.
(Deuteronomy 16 )
Physical entrance into a new land trumps entrance into a new church.
So the adamic s should have been celebrating a Passover and Cakes on Tishri14-21, memorialising our appointment to rule over the s and the start of our congregation on 2000Elul16 (Tony) and 2000Tishri16 (Jamie)
Sivan14-21 for Abrahamic (we were appointed over on 2012Sivan16. But this is a physical entrance into )
Ab14-21 for Isaaic , due to our physical entrance into . We were appointed on 2015Heshvan2 to rule over the s (the installation on 2015Chislev21 being maledicted until 2022Chislev21, does not affect the appointment). We DID celebrate it on 2021Chislev14-21 and on 2021Shebat14 on earth! (we forgot Cakes from 2021Shebat15-21). We celebrated 2022Nisan14-21/Iyyar14. We never celebrated Ab14-21 DOH!
The s should celebrate the Passover on 2022Ab14, when we entered into the land of .
1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life,
bright as crystal, coming forth out of the throne of God and of the Lamb [2 rivers, the from the throne and the from the lamb - 1 river each side of the dry land of the broadway - Mesopotamia].
2 In the midst of its broadway [platuj]
[from 2022Chislev5 the 5th Pentecost,
the installation of the Kingdom under over , to 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14, the end of baptism for earth dwellers of the Jerusalem below and 2023Nisan5, the end of baptism for ark dwellers of the Jerusalem above. Whereas the tree of life (from Eden) runs from 2022Chislev10, the early Laodicean Passover entry day to 2023Chislev10 the late non religious Passover entry day, the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release day,
Atonement day Sivan1 sacred and the end of Kingdom salvation other than through the last chance saloon]
and of the river, from here and from there [the arm of the river on each side of the street], [was] a tree of life producing 12 fruits: according to month each yielding its fruit [12 months precisely from 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023CHislev14-16, with ALL crops during the installed throne of over from 2022Tebbeth5 and 3 crops during the installed throne of over from 2023Tishri5. These must start after the Dragon's 42 month lease ends on 2022Tishri14 and after becomes Caesar,
because the water of life comes from his installed throne (over the waters of ) and because God does not put people under a satanic Caesar unless they are in a true church. And these crops are not in a true church. Because if they were they would already be ]. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations. (Revelation 22 )
2 e mesw
thj platiaj authj kai tou potamou enqen kai poioun karpouj ib kata mhna ekaston apodidouj touj karpouj autou kai ta fulla twn xulwn eij qerapeian eqnwn (Revelation 22 Sinai)
When anyone is baptised into a true church after 2012Sivan14, then must die to Adam that day because one cannot be in a true church as a son of Adam and one is in a true church at baptism. So there is no need for the 12 crops of Revelation22 within a true church. So they occur outside the true church and therefore cannot begin until becomes Caesar and so gain authority to act on people not in a true church. These 12 crops are the secular edenic restoration of Adam and Cain.
The 12 crops are 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023Chislev14-16, the Laodicean, ,
Christian, Babylonian, Non religious s and s (early regular and late Passovers)
The last day of entrance into Kingdom salvation before the last chance saloon is 2023Chislev10, the end of entrance, temple burning day of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year..
Then the unbelievers must enter into the last chance saloon by 2023Tebbeth10,
and be sealed into the = due to love by 2023Tebbeth14,
the end of Kingdom salvation and sealing for last chance salooners. They are Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16 (8th first fruits)
(Faith covenant) Passovers are held by the angels on the dragnet beach (the sand of the ).
() = (Love covenant) Passovers are held by the angels on the dragnet beach (the sand of the ).
Laodiceans who fail to be sealed by 2022Shebat14, the late Laodicean Passover, can be sealed instead by 2023Ab14, the late Laodicean Passover, and resurrected into the ark by 2023Ab16, the appointment of the under over .
1 And proceeded to say to Abram: Go your way out of your country and from your relatives and from the house of your father to the country that I shall show you; ()
1 And had said to Abram, Go out from your land and from your kindred, and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you. ()
2 and I shall make a great nation out of you and I shall bless you and I will make your name great; and prove yourself a blessing. ()
2 And I will make of you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great; and you will be a blessing. ()
3 And I will bless those who bless you, and him that calls down evil upon you I shall curse, and all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves by means of you. ()
3 And I will bless those who bless you, and curse the one despising you. And in you all families of the earth shall be blessed. (Genesis 12 )
1 And I saw out of the sea [1x]
wild beast stepping up [1x producing sea + beast separated], having horns 10 [10x] and heads 7 [7x], and upon the horns of it 10 diadems [10x+10x], and upon the heads of it names of blasphemy [7x.(2x+1x)=21x].
2 And the wild beast which I saw was like to leopard [59x+1x], and the feet of it as [those] of bear [20x+20x. Bears have 20 claws upon their 4 feet], and the mouth of it as mouth of lion [31x+31x. Lions have 30 teeth and 1 Tongue]. And gave to it the dragon the power of it and the throne of it and authority great [59+3x].
3 And I saw one out of the heads of it [7x]
as having been slaughtered into death [1x.
One out of 7 heads is a witness to 7x precisely. This is the US head which receives the death stroke, and leaves the beast which has no eagle parts in it], and the blow of the death of it was cured [1x]. And was made to wonder whole the earth behind/opposite/about the wild beast [1x-1x+0x: Wild beast is 1x, it is not wild beast that you saw which is 59x],
4 and they worshiped the dragon [2x]
because it gave the authority to the wild beast [1x+1x=2x:
Not the wild beast that he saw. Unknowingly by worshipping the beast], and they worshiped the wild beast [2x which is a false church, the father of Babylon, the church of globalism and wokeness and political correctness] saying Who like to the wild beast [1x+1x], and who is able to war with it [1x+1x]?
5 And was given to it [0x:
continuing from verse 2] mouth [31x]
speaking great (things) and blasphemies [2x+2x. The body part, mouth, forces the count on the non homogeneous list], and was given to it [0x] authority to do [what it wants - ] months 42 [42 months].
6 And it opened up the mouth of it [31x]
into blasphemies toward the God [2x], to blaspheme the name of him [1x]
and the tent of him [1x], the (ones) in the heaven tenting [2x]
[31x.2x.(1x+1x.2x)=31x.6x = 186x. One can only blaspheme against God or his wife, the 2nd (those tenting with him) of and his wife the 3rd ].
7 And was given to it [0x:
continuing from verse 2] to make war in the midst of/among [meta] the holy (ones)
[0x+1x+2x=3x] and to conquer them [2x], and was given to it authority [1x] upon every tribe [2x] and people [2x]
and tongue [2x] and nation [2x]
8 And will worship him [the dragon - masculine not the beast - neuter] all the (ones) dwelling upon the earth [2x.(1x+1x)=4x],
whom not has been written the name of him in the little book of the life of the Lamb the (one) having been slaughtered from throwing down of world.
9 If anyone is having ear [1x+1x:
person + ear] let him hear [1x - the warning in verse 8] [if A then B is not (A and not B), which counts as A+B.
So total for this verse is 1x+1x+1x] (Revelation 13 corrected from the Greek)
The /YLT/ all omit the word 'people' from verse7. The includes it as do the Greek Texts.
Verse1: 1x+1x+10x+7x+20x+21x = 1x+59x
Verse2: 59x+1x+40x+62x+59x+3x = 224x
Verse3: 7x.1x+0x+1x = 8x
Verse4: 2x.2x+2x.(1x+1x+1x+1x) = 12x Not describing the beast.
Verse5: 0x+31x.4x = 124x
Verse6: 31x.6x = 186x
Verse7: 3x+2x+1x+2x+2x+2+2x = 14x
Total = 1x+ 59x+224x+8x+124x+186x+14x = 616x. 616 is THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. These are its day of operation under its own authority, its own name, the number of the days of its name is 616.
These 616 days of self granted authority are to be taken in addition to the 42 months of its divine authority, which is given rather than taken.
13 Now when the dragon saw that it was hurled down to the earth, it persecuted the woman that gave birth to the male child. (Revelation 12 )
The sea beast of Revelation13, the 4th Beast of Daniel7, has no eagle body parts! This is because the US head gets a death stroke. This does not kill the US. It removes it from the global terrible beast. The beast from the sea of Revelation13 i s the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7 which is whipped up by the people of the world through social media which is manipulated by the deep state. That beast is possibly the 10 Kings of the WEF. It has...
Dragon evicted from heaven Dragon reaches the earth Beast takes authority (666 day)
42 month licence starts
42 month licence ends possession ends
The end of the 7th head of the beast Beast authority ends
2018Elul6 (supremacy over states?) 2019Nisan22 ( first fruits)
2023Elul4 (the beast is caught)
30 days down 's ladder
226 days of authority taken
42 months of heavenly authority
390 days of hanging on to power with no divine authority
226 + 390 = 616 The number of days that the beast is given authority not by God but by the Dragon, the number of days that it is down here with stolen non divine authority, the number of days during which it takes authority for itself, the number of its name. 2018Elul6 is the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th Nisan1 sacred year after the end of 's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan17 to 2012Nisan14. So it is 6-6-6 day.
Horn___________________________10 Horns_____________________________Horn
Diadem_________________________________________10 Diadems____________________________________________ 10th Diadem ends
10 kings = 10 horns not
Leopard_____________________4 heads________________________ Leopard/Sea Beast_____________________7 heads___________________ Sea Beast heads end
yet received a kingdom
10 kings get authority End of world judicially Transfer begins
4 Leopard heads start Transfer complete Mark Enforcement
7 Sea heads begin
Sea Beast caught Sea Beast is burnt
Kingdom prevails
1000 day chain ends 1 hour of 42 months 42 month lease ends 10 horns end
China attacks itself 10 diadems start
and WW3 begin
4 leopard heads end Domesticated Judged to Babylon destroyed
2022November29/30 2022Nov29 (with tanks) 2022December29/30
2022January30/31 2023April1/2
2023September8/9 2023October31/Nov1
2023Elul4 (WW3 ends) 2023Elul21
4 months = 4 horns of power 4 months = 4 horns
30 day power and authority transfer WW3 runs for 7x = 7 months of Daniel3 17 days of Revelation19:20
The demons possess Serpent Covenant people.
Since the Dragon's 42 months are a heavenly appointment, they begin on first fruits day, which was 2019Nisan22. The end of the 42 month lease on 2022Tishri14 is NOT coincident with the end of Sodom on 2022Elul14.
The 1290 days of the Time of the End of of Daniel12 from the loss of his constant feature, his heavenly viewpoint, on 2017Chislev20 (when he reached the bottom of 's ladder in the ark, after being evicted from heaven on 2017Heshvan20), end on 2021Tammuz20 (2021July1/2). This is the day when completes his repentance.
Evicted reaches the bottom of 's ladder repents.
1290 days of the Time of the End for of Daniel12.
11 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda]
because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX,
construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They give their rulerships away to the 4th beast during 30 days from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth2. And those in heaven took away their ruleship on 2022Tishri14. Then the kingdom of the 10 toes which is the kingdom of the 10 diadems runs from 2022Tebbeth2 to 2023Heshvan14, the end of Babylon, after the beast is caught on 2023Elul4], and there was a lengthening in life [after 2022Tishri14]
given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[]
[This could be for a year to 2023Tishri14 and then a season (Greek Autumn to 2023Tebbeth14, the end of their lives, the end of Adam. The Dunghill dismembering decree of Daniel3 is made on 2023Heshvan23, 51 days before 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. One does not need a true church if there is no satanic Caesar. But the tree of life of Revelaton22 and the last chance saloon cannot crop unless a Satanic Caesar is still around]. (Daniel 7)
is the one who has been acting as a restraint upon the demons, preventing the 10 kings from appearing and the Mark from being implemented until the completion of his repentance on 2021Tammuz20 (1290 days of the time of the End of from his heavenly eviction on 2017Heshvan20-2017Chislev20)..
7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint [1]
gets to be out of the way.
8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed [2 for the world and for Laodicea], whom the Lord will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. (2 Thessalonians 2 )
2022Tishri14: 42 month lease of the Dragon ends
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over at 5th first fruits/Pentecost
2022Tishri17/Chislev6: The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Adam at 7th first fruits/Pentecost. These are both Sabbaths, but then so is the Kingdom!
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over at 5th first fruits/the 6th Pentecost.
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Cain at 8th first fruits/Pentecost.
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over at first fruits/Pentecost.
2022Ab17Tishri6: The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Adam on first fruits/Pentecost (Ab1 sacred calendar).
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over at late first fruits/Pentecost (Ab1 sacred year). 2023Heshvan is an Isaaic Sabbath.
2023Elul22/Heshvan11: The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Cain at 2nd first fruits/Pentecost (Ab1 sacred calendar).
2023Tishri3/4: Non Adam dies at the end of the 40+40 day lava flood from 2023Tammuz14
2023Chislev14: The end of . The 2nd Isaaic Jubilee.
2023Tebbeth14: The absolute end of Adam
Successive Caesar (secular king - father) appointments are generally all made at the same festival. They are not made at successive festivals like sacred king (priestly - mother) appointments.
2022Tammuz is the 3rd Sabbath month of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee. The 3 chiefs of the 3 fifties of 2Kings1 declare that this is the last one before all the saints are raptured out of this world (on 2022Tebbeth21 before the 4th Sabbath month of 2022Shebat)
06:09 on Sunday 2020August16 (2020Ab24) we saw 2020Elul5/6 and 2020Elul10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. We first published them at 17:09 on Monday August17 (2020Ab25).
02:30 am on Saturday 2020August19 (2020Elul7) we accepted 2020Elul10/11 and 2020Elul10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. We first published them at 06:36 am on Saturday August29 (2020Elul7).
2020Elul7 is the 7th day of the week, the weekly Sabbath, and the 7th day of the month, and in the monthly Sabbath in fact in the 7th Sabbath month of the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee, and in the Sabbath year of . It could not possibly be more seventhy!
12:59 BST on Wednesday 2020September2 (2020Elul11) we saw 2020Elul21/22 and 2020Elul21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. We first published them at 03:45 BST on Thursday September3 (2020Elul12).
02:00 BST on 2020September11 (2020Elul20) we saw 2020Tishri6/7and 2020Tishri212/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We first published those predictions at 19:35 BST on 2020September11 (2020Elul21)
06:00 BST on 2020September29 (2020Tishri8) we saw 2020Tishri11/12 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:57 BST on Wednesday 2020September30 (2020Tishri9).
17:30 BST on 2020October3 (2020Tishri12) we accepted 2020Tishri21/22 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:36 BST on Saturday 2020October3 (2020Tishri13).
07:00 BST on 2020October14 (2020Tishri23) we saw 2020Heshvan6/7 and 2020Heshvan6/7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:07 BST on Wednesday 2020October14 (2020Tishri23).
03:00 BST on 2020October16 (2020Tishri25) we saw 2020Heshvan6/7 and 2020Heshvan8/9 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 09:00 BST on Friday 2020October16 (2020Tishri25).
01:00 BST on 2020October18 (2020Tishri27) we saw 2020Heshvan5/6/7 and 2020Heshvan6/7/8/9 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 08:30 BST on Sunday 2020October18 (2020Tishri27).
04:00 GMT on 2020October27 (2020Heshvan6) we saw 2020Heshvan5-9 and 2020Heshvan21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 22:07 GMT on Tuesday 2020October27 (2020Heshvan7).
18:00 GMT on 2020October30 (2020Heshvan10) we saw 2020Heshvan21/22 and 2020Heshvan21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 08:02 GMT on Saturday 2020October31 (2020Heshvan10).
10:00 GMT on 2020November8 (2020Heshvan18) we saw 2020Chislev8-10 and 2020Chislev21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 11:10 GMT the same day
10:00 GMT on 2020November8 (2020Heshvan18) we saw 2020Chislev20-22 and 2020Chislev21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We accepted these on 2020Chislev11 & published them at 03:55 GMT on 2020December3 (2020Chislev13).
08:00 GMT on 2020December12 (2020Chislev22) we saw 2020Chislev21/22 and 2020Tebbeth4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 16:10 GMT on Saturday 2020December12 (2020Chislev23).
16:30 GMT on 2020December13 (2020Chislev24) we saw 2020Tebbeth4-6 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:11 GMT on Sunday 2020December13 (2020Chislev24).
15:47 GMT on 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7) we accepted 2020Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:55 GMT on Sunday 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7).
19:00 GMT on 2021January12 (2020Tebbeth24) we saw 2020Shebat4/5/6 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 05:37 GMT on Wednesday 2021January13 (2020Tebbeth24).
08:40 GMT on 2021January26 (2020Shebat7) we saw 2020Shebat7/8 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 09:11 GMT on Tuesday 2021January26 (2020Shebat7).
01:00 GMT on 2021January28 (2020Shebat9) we accepted 2020Shebat20-22 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 01:20 GMT on Thursday 2021January28 (2020Shebat9).
20:39 GMT on 2021February10 (2020Shebat23) we saw 2020Adar4/5/6 and 2020Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:30 GMT on Wednesday 2021February10 (2020Shebat23).
06:00 GMT on 2021February25 (2020Adar7) we saw 2020Adar20-22 and 2020Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:23 GMT on Thursday 2021February25 (2020Adar7).
03:43 GMT on 2021March14 (2020Adar24) we saw 2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:55 GMT on Sunday 2021March14 (2020Adar24).
11:45 GMT on 2021March16 (2020Adar26) we saw 2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 OR 2021Nisan10/11/12 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 11:49 GMT on Tuesday 2021March16 (2020Adar26).
10:15 GMT on 2021March23 (2021Nisan9) we saw 2021Nisan10/11/12 and 2021Nisan26/27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 12:33 on Tuesday 2021March23 (2021Nisan9).
12:19 BST on 2021March31 (2021Nisan17) we saw 2021Nisan26/27 and 2021Iyyar10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 13:46 BST on Wednesday 2021March31 (2021Nisan17).
13:55 BST on 2021April11 (2021Nisan28) we saw 2021Iyyar10/11/12 and 2021Iyyar20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 14:01 BST on Sunday 2021April11 (2021Nisan28).
01:47 BST on 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13) we saw 2021Iyyar14/15 and 2021Iyyar20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 05:16 BST on Monday 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13).
07:14 BST on 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16) we saw 2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Sivan9/10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:22 BST on Thursday 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16).
03:58 BST on 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20) we saw 2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Iyyar27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:33 BST on Monday 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20).
02:05 BST on 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22) we saw 2021Iyyar27/28 and 2021Iyyar27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 02:45 BST on Wednesday 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22).
08:47 BST on 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29) we saw 2021Sivan9/10 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 10:19 BST on Wednesday 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29).
06:22 BST on 2021May25 (2021Sivan12) we saw 2021Sivan20/21/22 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:30 BST on Tuesday 2021May25 (2021Sivan12).
05:25 BST on 2021June5 (2021Sivan23) we saw 2021Tammuz9-11 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:00 BST on Saturday 2021June5 (2021Sivan23).
02:31 BST on 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these in the morning of Thursday 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12).
07:04 BST on 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19) we saw 2021Tammuz21-23 OR 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:27 BST on Thursday 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19).
19:46 BST on 2021July5 (2021Tammuz23) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:18 BST on Tuesday 2021July6 (2021Tammuz24).
14:19 BST on 2021July21 (2021Ab9) we saw 2021Ab20-22 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:16 BST on Wednesday 2021July21 (2021Ab9).
10:57 BST on 2021August3 (2021Ab22) we saw 2021Elul4-7 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:42 BST on Tuesday 2021August3 (2021Ab22).
05:00 BST on 2021August17 (2021Elul6) we saw 2021Elul20-22 and 2021Elul20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:02 BST on Tuesday 2021August17 (2021Elul6).
08:30 BST on 2021September5 (2021Elul25) we saw 2021Tishri4-6 and 2021Tishri20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We emailed the list with these at 18:17 BST on Sunday 2021September5 (2021Elul25).
12:17 BST on 2021September17 (2021Tishri7) we saw 2021Tishri11-12 and 2021Tishri20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 12:56 BST on Friday 2021September17 (2021Tishri7).
03:35 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) we saw 2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Tishri20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:02 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
18:00 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) we saw 2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Heshvan4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:35 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
15:07 BST on 2021October3 (2021Tishri23) we saw 2021Heshvan4-6 and 2021Heshvan20-21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:56 BST on Sunday 2021Ocobter3 (2021Tishri24).
17:00 BST on 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7) we saw 2021Heshvan20-22 and 2021Heshvan20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 17:43 BST on Sunday 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7).
04:29 GMT on 2021November3 (2021Heshvan24) we saw 2021Chislev4-6 and 2021Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 17:55 GMT on Thursday 2021November5 (2021Heshvan26).
12:42 GMT on 2021November15 (2021Chislev6) we accepted 2021Chislev4-6 OR 2021Chislev20-22 for the 2nd, and 2021Chislev20-22 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18. We published these at 12:49 GMT on 2021November15 (2021Chislev6)
01:22 GMT on 2021November16 (2021Chislev7) we accepted 2021Chislev20-22 and 2021Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 01:25 GMT on 2021November16 (2021Chislev7)
03:11 GMT on 2021December1 (2021Chislev22) we saw 2021Tebbeth4-6 and 2021Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:15 GMT on Thursday 2021December2 (2021Chislev23)
15:48 GMT on 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth7) we saw 2021Tebbeth20-22 and 2021Tebbeth20-22 or 2021Shebat4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:51 GMT on Thursday 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth7)
22:50 GMT on 2021December28 (2021Tebbeth20) we saw 2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 08:55 GMT on Wednesday 2021December29 (2021Tebbeth20)
02:00 GMT on 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26) we saw 2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We updated these at 02:20 GMT on Tuesday 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26)
09:41 GMT on 2022January17 (2021Shebat9) we accepted 2021Shebat21-23 and 2021Shebat21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We updated these at 11:24 GMT on Monday 2022January17 (2021Shebat9)
17:38 GMT on 2022January23 (2021Shebat16) we saw 2021Adar5-7 and 2021Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 10:24 GMT on Wednesday 2022January26 (2021Shebat18)
20:30 GMT on 2022February15 (2021Adar9) we realised 2021Adar20-22 and 2021Adar5-7 = 2021VeAdar5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:00 GMT on Friday 2022February18 (2021Adar11)
23:16 GMT on 2022February26 (2021Adar20) we realised 2021VeAdar5-7 and 2021VeAdar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:00 GMT on Tuesday 2022March1 (2021Adar22)
14:30 GMT on 2022March17 (2021VeAdar8) we saw 2021VeAdar20-22 and 2021VeAdar28-30 = 2022Nisan4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:30 GMT on Friday 2022March18(2022VeAdar9)
09:00 BST on 2022April1 (2021VeAdar23) we saw 2021VeAdar28-30 = 2022Nisan4-6 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:31 BST on Friday 2022April1(2022VeAdar24)
13:21 BST on 2022April9 (2022Nisan7) we saw 2022Nisan14-16 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 16:59 BST on Saturday 2022April9(2022Nisan7)
on 2022April27 (2022Nisan16) we saw 2022Nisan21-23 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 22:04 BST on Saturday 2022April23(2022Nisan22)
on 2022Nisan25 and 2022Nisan23 respectively 2022Chislev5-7 and 2022Chislev20-22 were seen
05:47 BST on 2022May9 (2022Iyyar7) we saw 2022Heshvan4-6 and 2022Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 11:08 BST on Monday May9 (2022Iyyar7).
03:01 BST on 2022June9 (2022Sivan8) we saw 2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 03:38 BST on Thursday June9 (2022Sivan8).
21:00 BST on 2022June9 (2022Tishri12) we saw 2022Chislev5 and 2022Tebbeth21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:55 BST on Tuesday October11 (2022Tishri12).
02:49 BST on 2022October29(2022Tishri30) we saw 2022Chislev5-6 and 2022Tebbeth21-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 08:28 BST on Saturday October29 (2022Tishri30).
2022Tebbeth4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 was seen at 03:01 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 06:03 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 were re seen at 13:49 BST on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 14:12 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22. 2022Shebat4-6 were tweeted at 15:39 on Monday 2022December5 (2022Chislev7)
2022Chislev12, 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 06:35 on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8) and published at 07:35 GMT on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8)
2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth12-13, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 00:25 on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3) and published at 00:42 GMT on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3)
2022Tebbeth20-22 (or possibly 2022Shebat20-22), 2022Shebat4-6 were re- seen at 18:27 on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15) and published at 18:44 GMT on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15)
AND from the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 we predict a volcanic fire sign between 2022Tebbeth15-22 (2023January11-19)
39 and/when + saw all of + the + people (singular) and/then + {they} fell upon + faces of + them and + {they} said he or it the + Elohim he or it the + Elohim (1 Kings 18 WLCi)
Verse 38: 3x.2x+3x.2x = 12x from 2022Tebbeth21 (when all the people saw the 2nd AND 3rd fire signs - is God, is God) to 2023Tebbeth3/4-10, entrance week into the last chance saloon after the 12th crop of Revelation. AND is Elohim, is Elohim is precisely 2x for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs?
5 And the Egyptians will certainly know that I am when I stretch out my hand against Egypt [from 2022Chislev15, the start of the bringing out of Israel into the ark to 2023Iyyar15, which must be the end of said Exodus. So Benjamin must interact with the earth for 40 days from 2023Nisan5/6, in order than no more saints are on the earth on 2023Iyyar15. All raptures/ark resurrections of saints occur or begin or end upon the first day of Cakes.
2019Tishri15 (3rd bride)
2019Heshvan15 (4th bride)
2019Chislev15 (5th bride)
2019Tebbeth15 (6th bride)
2020Tammuz15 (7th bride)
2020Ab15 (1st bride)
2020Elul15 (2nd bride)
2020Tishri15 (3rd bride)
2020Heshvan15 (4th bride)
2022Chislev15-19 (Laodicean s)
2022Tebbeth15-21 (Non Laodicean s)
2023Nisan5/6 (Benjamin)
So it makes sense that the final entrance of Benjamin into the ark ends on 2023Iyyar15, the first day of Cakes, a stretched out hand of Exodus 7:5 after 2022Chislev15, the start of ark rapture. This is 144 solar days after 2022Chislev15 - which is not a fulfilment of Revelation21. The 144 cubit height of the wall runs from 2022Tebbeth21, the end of 3 entrance for Isaaic s to 2023Sivan15, the end of ascension of the s, when we finish climbing 's ladder in the ark, to the top of the wall of heaven], and I shall indeed bring the sons of Israel out from their midst.
6 And Moses and Aaron went ahead doing as had commanded them. They did just so.
7 And Moses son of 80 year and Aaron son of 3 and of 80 year in their speaking to Pharaoh (Exodus 7 ).
5 And the Egyptians shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them. (Exodus 7 )
5 And the Egyptians will certainly know that I am when I stretch out my hand against Egypt, and I shall indeed bring the sons of Israel out from their midst. (Exodus 7 )
Year (2).
80 months of Moses over everyone from 2015Shebat21 (Isaaic 's final installation to feed the s after being appointed on 2015Tebbeth2, 4th after , adamic and Laodicea) to 2022Tishri.
So Aaron is 83 months old from the installation of Isaaic over on 2015Heshvan5 to 2022Tishri. Aaron must be s with authority over but not over . Are only the apostles Isaaic? If so then Alan (who was made an apostle on 2015Chislev21) did not become Isaaic until 2022Ab15, the end of the . Hence all the Africans were Abrahamic until 2022Ab15, when they became Isaaic. Moses and Aaron spoke to Pharaoh in prayer from 2022Tishri16/17 when he was appointed Caesar to /Adam.
Moses was born on 1594Adar1 and died on 1474Adar1. So he was 80 years old from 1512Tishri1. He spoke to Pharaoh until sometime in 1513Nisan. So he was indeed 80 whole Nisan1 year old when speaking to Pharaoh (but not 80 Tishri1 years).
Total period for the ark resurrection/rapture of the saints is 3½x less 9 days from 2019Tishri15 to 2023Nisan6.
If we define an Egypt as running from the end of the Dragon's divine authority to the start of God's divine authority.
The fall of Sodom (becoming Egypt, a prison for Israel)
Start of ark rapture End of Benjamin's ark rapture End of ark rapture
91 days
111 days of saintly ark rapture
91 days
See U368 for more on the 10 plagues of the Egypt of this world
The s and s died as humans at their marriage Passovers and were resurrected into 2 and then transferred in 3 for their marriages. They did not however go to just as was snatched out of its gates after his spirit being in God's hand or hands for 5/10 hours.
The ark is full of Booths. It is a hotel. It is Succoth, the destination after the escape from Egypt during Cakes. Succoth was not in Egypt and was not in the promised land. These booths are in no man's land, in the ark. The ark is the transitory dwelling prior to the kingdom. All Israel must be raptured into the ark during Booths. Because.
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God.' (Leviticus 23 )
That means we all dwell in ark rooms or suites upon exit from the world from 2022Chislev17-21 and 2022Tebbeth15-21 Booths and late Booths of the Chislev1 secular calendar, by ark rapture of the s.
Since all the s and s are in the 3rd , married to from 2020Heshvan18, there are no appointments of any earthly church over those saints for the purpose of teaching or testing them after 2020Heshvan18.
Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath and Jubilee months: 2012Sivan, 2012Tebbeth, 2013Ab, 2013Adar,
2014Tishri, 2015Iyyar, 2015Chislev, 2016Tammuz, 2016Ab, 2016Adar,
2017Tishri, 2018Iyyar, 2019Chislev, 2019Tammuz, 2019Shebat, 2020Elul, 2020Tishri,
2021Iyyar, 2021Chislev, 2022Tammuz, 2022Shebat, 2023Elul. The s and s are all in the ark before the 4th Sabbath of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee - 2022Shebat. For more see U103.
Isaaic Sabbath and Jubilee months: 2015Ab, 2015Adar, 2016Tishri,
2017Iyyar, 2017Chislev, 2018Tammuz, 2018Shebat, 2019Elul, 2019Tishri,
2020Iyyar, 2020Chislev, 2021Tammuz, 2021Shebat, 2022Elul, 2023Nisan 2023Heshvan,
Appointments/Installations to rule over the s were
Adamic (1999Tishri2/Chislev21)
Non adamic Abrahamic NONE (Genesis 22 forbids it and left the 2 men behind with the Ass)
Non adamic Isaaic (2015Heshvan2/Chislev21)
Laodicea stole the crown according to Revelation3. So they were never actually appointed by God even to feed the s. they never even took the 3½ year test for that.
1 As regards Belshazzar the king, he made a big feast for 1,000 of his grandees, and to front of [lbeq.]
the 1,000 he was drinking wine.
2 Belshazzar, under the influence of the wine, said to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken away from the temple that was in Jerusalem, that from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his wives might drink.
3 At that time they brought in the vessels of gold that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God that was in Jerusalem,
and from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his wives drank.
4 They drank wine, and they praised the gods of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone.
5 At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing. (Daniel 5 )
24 Consequently from before him there was being sent the back of a hand, and this very writing was inscribed.
25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE,
26 This is the interpretation of the word: MENE, God has numbered [the time units of] your kingdom and has finished it.
27 TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.
28 PERES, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. (Daniel 5 )
MENE = Babylonian Mina = to number/appoint/count = 50 Shekels - Jewish encyclopedia - http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14821-weights-and-measures
TEKEL = Shekel = negative judgement
PERES = Hebrew plural of dividings of MENE or of SHEKEL or of Kingdoms. This could be 1½ Shekels or 1½
Minas = 75 Shekels
Daniel's interpretation was specific. God has numbered/counted your kingdom and finished it. It is finished legally by judgement and finished physically by division.
MENE + MENE + TEKEL + PARSIN (Change, part of a shekel or a mina or some other type of division) = 50 + 50 + 1 + 0/1 Shekels = 101/102 Shekels
101 months from 2012Sivan14, the Abrahamic Passover to 2020Heshvan14,
the 4th marriage Passover, the completion of the dividing off of the s and s of the 3rd from the rest of mankind.
101 months from 2015Ab14, the Isaaic Passover to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22, the end of , the end of the dividing off of Kingdom citizens from the rest of mankind (other than through the last chance saloon).
Also 2 months (mene mene) from 2012Nisan14 to 2012Sivan14, the Passover, then 2 Kingdom Jubilees to 2020Tishri, the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee. 2020Tishri10, Jubilee release day is the end of entrance for s
Also 2 months (mene mene) from 2015Sivan14 to 2015Ab14, the Isaaic Passover, then 2 Kingdom Jubilees to 2023Chislev, the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee. 2023Chislev10, Jubilee release day, is the end of entrance into for s.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who/which dwelt/resided in Egypt, was 30 year and 4 of hundreds year
41 And it came about at the end of 30 year and 4 of hundreds year, it even came about on/in/at this very day
[Literally they started to leave on the Passover day.
But completed their exit during the whole 'day'/festival of Passover/Cakes from 1513Nisan14-21]
that all the armies of went forth from of the land of Egypt [in fact they collected at Rameses on 1513Nisan14 and then left Rameses on 1513Nisan15]
42 It is a night for observance
with regard to for bringing them out of the land of Egypt. With regard to this night is one for observance on the part of all the sons of Israel throughout their generations (Exodus 12).
51 And it came about on this very day that brought the sons of Israel together with their armies out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
The OBSERVED Passover always precedes the Exodus! For s. s,. s, s, s, s
The 6 final crops of the tree of life of Revelation22 also make 6 crops of failures on from 2023Tammuz14 (late Laodicean) to 2023Chislev14 (late non religious). Now all the adamic non s and the cainian non s are dead at the end of the lava flood on 2022Tishri4. But the failures from the first 6 crops all get a chance to be sealed into the (because either sufficient faith OR sufficient love gets one saved). The failures from the last 6 crops are not killed by the lava flood but are entered into the last chance saloon during the last week of entrance from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10 of Daniel 9:27. These ones are obviously NOT sons of the on 2023Chislev14, the end of . But they retain their status until that date (when they lose it) in order that they are protected from the lava flood and the 4th horseman and get a chance to enter into the last chance saloon. So it appears that and failures outside do not lose their status until the end of .
So actually no suffers anything from a failure to be sealed other than he has to remain in the world (which is suffering enough). All the unsealed s are thrown out of the on 2023Chislev14. And those who still have love and obey the 2nd law then regain their status upon entry into the last chance saloon,. the descended church of the , during the last week of Daniel 9:27.
God is nothing if not merciful. For his mercy always defeats his justice and his love always defeats his righteousness. So they get one more chance to enter into a final test in Hobah, the descended church of the , on 2023Tebbeth3/4-10. And if they pass, they are sealed into the on 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover just as the supportive robber was, who was crucified next to .
It is next to an impossible task for a bible interpreter to limit the mercy of God. So just when you think it is all over for these failures. It is not. inc. is worse than Dreamworks when it comes to suspense movies. In this last gasp week of salvation, the last chance saloon for salvation, the abject failures convention, where we see what love really is. For the leper said to in the 1st chapter of Mark.
40 There also came to him a leper, entreating him even on bended knee, saying to him: If you just want to, you can make me clean.
41 At that he was moved with pity, and he stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him: I want to. Be made clean. (Mark 1 )
There is no distance too far from God for his love to reach across. There is no uncleanness too great for him to heal and there is not one moment in your life, however unrighteous your behaviour, however ghastly your morality, however perverted your sexuality, however heartless your philosophy, however depraved, corrupted and addicted to destruction your personality, when God does not want to save you. Therefore he will seal these total failures in that very week just as saved the evil doer who supported him at his crucifixion. In fact these total failures are the repentant robber in the same judgement as the Christ. The robber screwed up his entire life. But with his dying breath, he showed what he had learned from all of his mistakes. And not only was that good enough for . It was the very reason that God had Adam eat from the tree of good and bad in the first place (by setting him a test he was bound to fail) - to learn from his mistakes and to learn from the mistakes of his brothers and his sisters..
42 And he went on to say: , remember me when you get into your kingdom.
43 And he said to him: Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. (Luke 23 )
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate. (Daniel 9 )
Egyptians are non s. They also were defined on 2008Nisan14, the end of entrance (except for the 195 + 7 days in the Kingdom)
There must be a 10 plague fulfilment and an Exodus fulfilment on the greatest Egypt of them all, End times non s. 7 of these plagues are the subject of Revelation15-16, the story of 7 vials of vaccine from and 7 vials of condemnation from God. These plagues will be judgements upon all the false Gods of modern day Egypt (Money, False Religion, Corrupted Democracy, Corrupted Science,
Abusive Technology, Profit seeking Pharmacology, Wokeness, Press worshipping Celebrity,
Success by cheating, etc.)
12 After a while the sun was about to set, and a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and, look! a frightfully great darkness was falling upon him.
13 And he began to say to Abram: You may know for sure that your seed [singular] will become an alien resident in a land not to them, and they will have to serve them, and they will certainly afflict them 400 year [4 of 100 year] [Year (0) can be anything in the greater meaning]
13 and said to/for "high father" to perceive will perceive that/because sojourner will be seed of you (s) in/at Earth NOT to/for them and they will labour them and they will answer namely them four/4th of HUNDRED year (Genesis 15 WLCi)
14 But the nation that they will serve I am judging, and after that they will go out with great wealth (Genesis 15 - adapted from the Hebrew).
6 and + Noah son of + SIX of HUNDRED year and + the + fluid-deluge was waters upon + the + Earth (Genesis 7 WLCi)
Noah was not a son of (6 of 100) year he was a son of (6 of 100 year)
So both hundred and year are genitive in Genesis 7:8. So both are genitive in Genesis 15:13. So year counts zero times in the account. So it can take any greater meaning we can find.
13 And he began to say to Abram: You may know for sure that your seed [singular but referred to as 'them' so taken as plural 3x] will become an alien resident in a land not to them, and they will have to serve them, and these will certainly afflict them for 400 years.
14 But the nation that they will serve I am judging, and after that they will go out in great wealth.
15 As for you, you will go to your forefathers in peace;
you will be buried in good old age.
16 But in the 4th generation they will return, because the error of the Amorite [mountain dweller]
[is] not finished until then [the said 4th generation]. (Genesis 15 )
Verse13: 3x.3x+3x.3x+3x.3x.400x = 3618x
Verse14: 3x+3x = 6x
Verse15: 3x+1x = 4x
Verse16: 4x.3x.(1x+4x) = 60x
Total: 3618x+6x+4x+60x = 3688x from 2012Sivan16 to 2022Elul14, the fall, the judgement, of Sodom
Passover - restoration
Non adamic Sodom ends
3688 days of having to serve them of Genesis 15:13-16 for until the end of the Dragon's lease
The period after you become during which you will still have to serve your afflictors is 3688 days from 2012Sivan16 to 2022Elul14, the judgement on reverted Laodicea. We became Alien resident (not being adamic) on 2012Sivan14-16.
s are baptised into Laodicea 1st Watchtower Passover
2006Sivan14 (Start of the 2nd presence) 2019Tishri14 (s escape Laodicea by Passover execution).
400 years a month for a day
The s and s must have gone up into the ark for residence being a part of the 300 cubits of ark length. No or got the snake bite vaccine, because the last one was Passover sacrificed on 2020Heshvan14 (2020November2/3).. It was a close call though! The first public vaccination occurred in the UK on 2020December8.
70 months of devastations of Jerusalem precisely in the greater meaning of Daniel9, from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, to 2019Tebbeth10, the entry of the last into the reappointed Laodicea, the end of the desolation of Jerusalem.
1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans;
2 in the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books
[of the bible] the number of the years
concerning which the word of had occurred to Jeremiah,
the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem [several of them], [namely,]
70 years. (Daniel 9 )
2022Tishri27: Mark administrative inauguration day, 91 days of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 of showing the Image to administrators, before 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Registration day.
2005Tebbeth15 - 2020Heshvan18: Bethany was 15 stadia from the completed 3rd Jerusalem in John11. From the start of the Laodicean congregation to the completion of the 3rd (s and s)
2021Elul29: Non President Vote Fraud Organisation Biden's Executive order Mandating Vaccines is signed on September9, applying to all federal employees and employees of corporations with more than 100 staff (the ETS Vaccine Mandate)
2021Heshvan24 (November4): ETS Vaccine Mandate for all public sector employers and private sector employers of more than 100 people is entered into the federal register
2021Heshvan26 (November6): Federal judge suspends Biden's vaccine mandate for constitutional reasons.
2021Heshvan28 (November8): The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate in the circuit.
2021Chislev22 (November30 8:50 pm New York Post): Louisiana District Judge Dougherty issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate Nationwide.
2021Chislev30 (December8 8:00 pm): Senate votes 52:48 to end Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate on Businesses (meaningless posturing - they should have refused to fund the government until the mandate was completely negated).
2021Tebbeth9 (December17:8:00 pm approx) 6th Circuit court of Appeals reinstates Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate.
2021Tishri6: UK Care Home Staff must get their first jab by 2021September16 in order to be doubly jabbed by 2021November11 (8 weeks later on 2021Chislev2), when doubly jabbed vaccine mandate comes into force.
2021Shebat23: 2022January31: UK vaccine mandate for care home and NHS staff axed.
2021Shebat24: 2022February1: Denmark abolishes all vaccine mandates.
2022Chislev17-21: The 3 transfer of Abrahamic s to be walking with before Hanukkah of John 10:22-24
2022Chislev25-2022Tebbeth2: Hanukkah. The suspense of the s over meeting Laodicea ends a sentence count of 5x/7x later on 2022Tebbeth7/9..
2021Adar14: Monday February21. Putin unilaterally Annexes Donetsk and Luhansk by signing an agreement between himself and himself. The bear now has 3 Ukrainian ribs/provinces in its mouth, Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk.
2021Adar14 to 2022Elul23: 189x of the sentence count of Daniel7:5 where the 3 ribs or the Globalists are saying to the 5x Russian bear: GET UP, EAT MUCH FLESH. From the annexation of Donetsk and Luhansk,
at which point the Russian bear had 3 ribs in its mouth, to the start of Russia eating much flesh on 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22), when Putin mobilised 300,000 reserves - see U156
2021Adar15: February21: Putin sends Russian 'Peacekeepers' into Donetsk and Luhansk in tanks. They may not prove to be very successful at keeping the peace (that was an understatement)
2021Adar17: Thursday morning 5 am:February24 Putin invades the rest of Ukraine
2022Tebbeth21: A reformed congress as a result of vote fraud acceptance passes its first legislation with DONALD TRUMP as president. It starts at the rapture of the last s.
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Compulsion day is 216x of the sentence count of universal compulsion of Revelation13:15-17 before 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast.
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Registration day, 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 before Mark Enforcement on 2022Shebat4. 210x of the sentence count of Daniel3:4-7 (which is also the 7x of the fiery furnace of WW3) before 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast of Revelation19.
2022Shebat4-2023Nisan4: The 60 cubits height of the image of Daniel3, the period of Mark testing of saints, ending at the human death and ark resurrection of angelic Benjamin from 2023Nisan3/4 to 2023Nisan5/6 (3 day death). 2 days of ark entrance for an unclean bird after the s hand over to the 3rd and before the ark rapture from 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7. Unclean birds go in before beasts.
2022Tebbeth21-2023Ab21. The gifts of the spirit of 1Corinthians12:28-31 are given to human s and s and s? Starting at the late end of the .
2022Shebat4: The the start of the fiery furnace of WW3, which runs for 7x to 2023Elul4, 13 days after the 7 months of the gifts of the spirit. These must be used to protect s from WW3 !!
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day (throwing people without any government assistance rations, shelters) into the fiery furnace of WW3 (and sending them to the front lines), which begins 2022Shebat4.
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day. is 7x of compulsion of all one compared to the small the great the rich the poor the free and the slaves of Revelation13:16 before 2023Elul4, the end of Mark testing, the catching of the beast of Revelation19.
2022Shebat4-2023Elul4: 7 months of beastly compulsion of non Adam (except US)
from Mark Enforcement day to the catching of the Beast. 1x+6x from: All ones compared to the rich ones the poor ones, the small ones the great ones the free ones and the slaves of Revelation13:16.
2022Shebat4 - 2023Elul4: WW3, the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3. And the 13x of the ride of the 2nd horseman of Revelation 6:4 after the coming out of the reformed congress to pass its first legislation on 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the ark rapture.
2022Tebbeth27: Of Genesis 8:14. When the earth has dried because the baptism for earth dwellers ends on this day.
2023Tebbeth16: The end of the 280x of the sentence counts for the sheep and the goats of Matthew25:32-46 from 2023Nisan6, when all the nations are gathered before running and all the angels are with him. 2023Nisan6 being the end of the rapture of Benjamin. 280 days of the two sentence counts of the loving ones AND of the non loving ones: 12x+264x of sheep or 264x of goats + 4x = 280x from 2023Nisan6, the end of the rapture of Benjamin after all the nations are gathered before because he has taken over on 2023Nisan5, to 2023Tebbeth16, the resurrection of the last chance salooners, and the descent into of the Kingdom failures, the judgement at the end of the separating of the sheep and the goats through Mark of the Beast deprivation in and through the last chance saloon, the descended church of the of and of Yeshua, Hobah of Genesis14, the church of the last week of Daniel9:27, the church of the final separation,
entrance into which runs from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10. These ones are Passover executed at the 1st death Passover on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16, when the 1st death is brought to nothing. Those who fail to take that chance do go to hell - see U902. WOW.
End of the ark rapture of Benjamin after takes over on 2023Nisan5 The resurrection of the last chance salooners
2023Nisan6 (all the angels are now with )
2023Tebbeth16 (the descent into hell of the Kingdom failures)
280x days of the loving and the non loving sheep and goats of Matthew25 - see U902
( ) was appointed/installed only to feed the s, not to rule over them. We do eventually get them in the church in the form of the 3rd from 2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5, when they take over the church. But we never rule over the 3rd !
Laodicea fed with 12 baskets of fragments left over from the Watchtower feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6. 12 filled secular years (whole or part of all 12 months) from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea.
Sodom continues to feed Sodomites with 12 baskets of fragments left over from the fall of Sodom on 2022Elul14, to 2023Elul14, the late Watchtower Passover?
God saves each group successively. No two groups overlap in salvation.
s, then s, then s, then s, then s, then s, then s. All the s must be in the ark before the first resurrection.
He removes non Adam from 2023Tammuz14 (7 days after 2023Tammuz7, the end of ark rapture) the start of the lava flood, to 2023Tishri4.
The hands of Zerubbabel laid the foundation on 2002Nisan14, the baptism of Dave,
the first apostle (a part of the foundation of the temple). And his hands finish baptism of non reserve s and s on 2022Shebat16, the end of the 12x of altar building of 1Kings18 from 2010Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21 + the 55x sentence count of 1Kings18:30-33 to 2022Shebat16. - 20 years (the sentence count of Zechariah 4:9).
s: 2022Tishri16: Kingdom Proselyte Call to s in (4th first fruits) onwards, from - the dead in Christ rise first
s: 2022Chislev2-3: says the dead in Christ shall rise first (from ). After WE the living (the s) shall be caught away in the clouds (volcanic or fire signs)
s: 2022Chislev15-19 Laodicean s into 2. Then 2022Chislev17-21 into 3.:
s: 2022Tebbeth15-21: s. We get married on 2023Nisan2 and 2023Iyyar2
s: 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5: The s are raptured after the late Christian Passover and before the late Babylonian Passover.
Benjamin: 2023Nisan5/6 after 60 cubits of Mark testing from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Nisan4.
s : 2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7 (2 months to date and 15x 2,2 days, herself 2 man and woman of him, of Genesis 7:2 and Genesis 7:9 and Genesis 7:15)
The lava flood starts on 2023Tammuz14, 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after the end of ark rapture on 2023Tammuz7, and ends 40+40 days + nights later inclusively on 2023Tishri4
s: 2023Tammuz16/Ab16/Elul16/Tishri16/Heshvan16/Chislev16 - by ark resurrection from AFTER the rapture of the s.
s: 2023Tebbeth16 - by earthly resurrection from . s are s, the Love Covenant is the . But we use for unbelievers and for believers with insufficient faith.
s: 2024Ab1: Kingdom Samaritan call, to sealed s who died in a true or ex true church without a water baptism - the dead in Christ rise first.
The 300 cubits of ark entry is not from .
s: 2026Nisan10/14: Kingdom Gentile call, to sealed s who died outside any true or ex true church - the dead in Christ rise first.
300 days of 3 entrance (for s by rapture or by Christ like death of saints) are 2019Tishri17 to 2019Tebbeth18 (92 days from reappointed Laodicea) + 2020Tammuz19 to 2020Heshvan18 (120 days from Sodom) + 2022Chislev17-21 (5 days from Hebron) + 2022Tebbeth15-21 (7 days from ) + 2023Nisan22 to 2023Tammuz7 (76 days from run ). 300 = 92 + 120 + 5 + 7 + 76. Benjamin is excluded from the above because he is an and suffers a 3 day type death, not a 5/10 hour Christ like death. He does not actually get access to his angel until he is resurrected (like the s). It appears that Benjamin although , is contracted to suffer an adamic death for parts of 3 days like his brothers do. This is NOT the death of the Christ who did not go to .
The 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped ends on 2022Tishri15 (2022October13/14). So cannot become King over God's true people, those in a true church on earth until then. However is Caesar to those in the ark the minute they are resurrected, even if during the . Because the resurrected person is not under the malediction, having died and been acquitted of sin and no longer being adamic..
According to Glenn Beck, the first cases of Covid19 occurred in China in 10 hospitals in October 2019. The 7th bride was Passover executed on 2020Tammuz14 (2020July6/7). So some of them would have been infected with Covid19. But they become his crown upon marriage, the crown of 12 stars of Revelation12. So was given a crown of thorns through his 7th bride. He has to become Caesar to a group before he can rapture them into the ark. Matthew 27 and Mark15 have sentence counts which reveal when physically becomes King of the Jews, the saints, all the saints...
27 Then the soldiers of the governor having taken along the into the praetorium [of reappointed Laodicea] led together upon him whole the spiral [speira]
[of troops or of RNA] [2x.2x = 4x. By 2020Heshvan18, the 4th marriage, when the entire body of the 3rd is completed]
28 And having disrobed him [2x]
cloak scarlet they placed around him [2x],
29 and [they 2x]
having braided crown out of thorns [2x]
they imposed upon the head of him [2x+1x=3x]
and reed in the right [hand] of him [5x],
and having knelt in front of him [1x+1x=2x]
they made fun of him saying Be rejoicing, king of the Jews [1x],
30 and having spat-upon into him they took the reed and were hitting into the head of him. (Matthew 27 )
Verse 27: 2x.2x = 4x
Verse 28: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 29: 2x.(2x+3x+5x+1x+1x+1x) = 26x
Verse 30: 2x.(2x+1x+1x) = 8x
Total = 42x from 2019Tishri10 (the entrance of into the Praetorium - meaning judgement room, court room - the installation to judge the s of reappointed Laodicea - which was run by 1) to 2023Nisan6, when Benjamin finishes being raptured so that all the saints are in the ark with .
16 The but soldiers led off him inside the courtyard,
which is Praetorium [1x: Courtyard is Praetorium of reverted Laodicea], and they call together whole the spiral.
17 And they deck him purple [2x]
and place around him having braided thorny crown [2x];
18 and they started to be greeting him Be rejoicing, King of the Jews [2x];
19 and they were smiting of him the head to reed [2x]
and were spitting-upon him, [2x.2x=4x]
and placing/bending the knees they were doing obeisance to him. [2x.2x=4x]
20 And when they made fun of him [2x],
they stripped him the purple [2x]
and they clothed him the outer garments of him [2x.2x=4x].
And they lead out him in order that they might impale him [2x.2x=4x:
with a vaccination or with demon possessed s piercing his body?]
(Mark 15 )
Verse 16: 1x+2x = 3x
Verse 17: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 18: 2x
Verse 19: 2x+2x.2x+2x.2x = 10x
Verse 20: 2x+2x+2x.2x+2x.2x=12x
Total = 31x from 2020Tammuz10 when first enters into reverted Laodicea for the 7th marriage) to 2022Shebat24, the end of the Benjamin CALL.
We do know just about 12 months later in Wuhan – where Peter Daszak, Dr. Shi, the bat lady, and Dr Baric were all doing research on coronaviruses – about a year later, there’s an outbreak, and the outbreak actually begins according to documents that we have that have been smuggled out of China that there were 10 hospitals involved by October with patients that were now, we now know, are corona-like virus symptoms. They didn’t know what was going on. Now, that was in October. - Glenn Beck - https://thelibertydaily.com/glenn-beck-drops-bombshells-on-tucker-nih-claims-joint-ownership-of-moderna-vaxx-started-working-on-it-long-before-pandemic/
There are Passovers pretty much every month from 2019Elul14 (the early 3rd marriage Passover) to 2020Heshvan14 (the 4th marriage Passover) and from 2022Elul14 the Passover at the end of Sodom, to 2022Tishri14, the Passover at the judicial end of all satanic authority, to 2022Heshvan14, the Isaaic Kingdom Passover, to 2022Chislev14, the early Laodicean Passover, to the 12 crops of Revelation22 from 2022Tebbeth14 to 2023Chislev14, the end of , to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover.
Midst of the sea of Sodom on dry land
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and divide it, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
A true church administration is a mountain with oversight over the land, the congregation
A false church administration is a boat floating upon the sea, the congregation which supports it.
Dry land is a church without a water baptism ( on earth after 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14, when the for earth dwellers ends and the 3rd before 2022Shebat16)
8 And the second angel blew his trumpet. And something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea. And a 3rd of the sea became blood; (Revelation 8 )
Moses is the administration of
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and split it apart, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
Elijah4's hand ends during the 2nd marriage feast? We MUST be coregent with the 3rd from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Sivan15. David and Solomon. Elijah4 of 2Kings1 comes down to the King not below the king.
Rulership of is elevated ( rapture begins)
End of Benjamin's ark rapture
End of ascension. End of elevated stretched hand of .
2022Adar30 = 2023Nisan6
2½ months
22 And the sons of Israel came into the midst of the sea on dry land, while the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
The fall of Sodom The late Laodicean Passover
The start of the lava flood, the killing of the sea begins
2022Shebat14 (dry land of Hebron is completed)
5 months
5 months
29 And the sons of Israel walked on dry ground in the middle of the sea the waters [being] a wall for them, from their right and from their left (Exodus 14 ).
The fall of Sodom The 2nd last day of earthly interaction of the s The absolute end of war.
The warring sea ends.
6 months less 5 days
6 months less 5 days
20 And it was, in the day, the 3rd, day of being-born of namely Pharaoh, and he proceeded to make a feast for ALL his servants and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants.
Laodicea reappointed to feed and rule over s
3rd marriage
6th marriage
Fall of Laodicea
2019Adar13 (2019Adar14?)
56 days 91 days
55 days
Abrahamic ark rapture Isaaic ark rapture
suspended for those outside the 3rd
1 month
1 month
The chief of the bakers, the s, are lifted up from the midst of the feast of the reappointed Laodicean administration (servant)
The chief of the cupbearers, the s, is lifted up from the midst of the feast of the s.
The 5 colonnade pool at Bethzatha runs from 2022Tebbeth15, the start of the Isaaic baptism to 2023Sivan15, the end of the . Isaaic . Priests have a 7 day installation period, which is what those waiting in the colonnades is all about, the queue for baptism -
very British. This baptism occurs in Jerusalem above (the ark) and Jerusalem below (the earth).
49 days of Joshua3:12-13 of baptism of the 3rd into :
2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5
7x of Isaiah30 of binding up the breakdown of entire temple from 2022Chislev7, the seeing and publishing of the correct fire sign predictions, to 2023Tammuz7, the end of rapture.
25 And there shall be upon every mountain [3x. BIG], and upon every high hill [3x. SMALL], raised up rivers/streams [gl,P,] [3x], streams/rivers [lb'y"] of waters [i.e. raised up rivers of waters. No a different Hebrew word is used. These are raised up rivers and steams of waters, s] in the day of the great slaughter, in the falling of the towers [911, 2001 was small and then the 2nd/3rd fire signs are big in comparison].
DAY OF THE BIG SLAUGHTER: This counts as (3x.(3x+3x.3x) + 3x.(3x+3x.3x)).1x.3x = 72x.3x=216x from 2022Shebat28, to 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, the end of the day of the great slaughter from 2022Shebat28, 24 days into WW3. The rapture runs from 2023Nisan22-2032Iyyar5. The end of the Isaaic of Bethzatha is 2023Sivan15, the end of ascension because the saints choose the priests?
26 And the light of the moon [1x] shall be like the light of the glower/sun [1x]. And the glower's/sun's light shall be sevenfold [7x greater than normal= counts as 1x compared to 7x or 8x], as/like the light of seven days [7x], in the day [not literal] of binding up [binding] the break of his people, and healing the wound of his blow [That divided from Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 ).
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become [for] 7 [times], as/like the light of 7 of days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him ().
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun.
And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea]. ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glower/sun.
And the glower/sun's light shall be 7 glowers/suns, [it shall be] as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, [it shall be] like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 )
Verse 26: 1x+1x+7x+7x in a day of 2x = 16x.2x = 32x from 2022Tebbeth14-2022Shebat16, from the start of reconciliation, to the start of the baptism of the 3rd .
The light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun at the equinox. The autumnal equinox in 2022 is September23 at 00:59 (2022Elul24). The vernal equinox in 2023 is March20 at 21:13 (2022Adar23).
If the light of the moon becomes like the light of the glower and the light of the glower becomes 7x as bright. Then we have a total of 7+1=8 glowers. But that makes a Hanukkah! Which must be of some use.
The earth is dry from waters being UPON it on 2022Chislev1 of Genesis 8:13, because the Isaaic baptism has not yet started and the baptism of reverted Laodicea expired on 2022Sivan14. The s have perhaps 100 baptised people of which perhaps 8 are in the administration.
The s must all be baptised before their corresponding counterpart, because each is baptised by his corresponding son.
2022Shebat10: The end of faith salvation for Laodiceans. Late Laodicean Passover entrance day. The end of sealing for them by the angels.
2022Adar10: The end of faith salvation for s. Late Passover entrance day. The end of sealing for them by the angels.
2023Nisan10: The end of faith salvation for Christians. Late Christian Passover entrance day. The end of sealing for them by the angels.
2023Iyyar10: The end of faith salvation for Babylonians. Late Babylonian Passover entrance day. The end of sealing for them by the angels.
2023Sivan10: The end of faith salvation for non religious people. Late non religious Passover entrance day. The end of sealing for them by the angels.
2023Ab10: The end of love salvation for Laodiceans. The end of sealing for them by the angels. The late Laodicean Passover entrance day.
2023Elul10: The end of love salvation for s. The end of sealing for them by the angels. The late Passover entrance day.
2023Tishri10: The end of love salvation for Christians. The end of sealing for them by the angels. The late Christian Passover entrance day.
2023Heshvan10: The end of love salvation for Babylonians. The end of sealing for them by the angels. The late Babylonian Passover entrance day.
2023Chislev10: The end of love salvation for non religious people. The end of sealing for them by the angels. The late non religious Passover entrance day ( = = Love Covenant = )
2021Elul12. We legislated with Step8 of our baptism process to disfellowship anyone who takes the incessant spike protein production chimeric bestiality genetically reprogramming system hacking vaccine snake bite. BOY were we right on that one..
2022Chislev21-2022Tebbeth10: The concubine of Judges19 falls upon rapture into the ark (or at the end of the ), with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold - the ark, the hold for the threshed wheat. 19x later she is atoned and perhaps the door is opened to her into the Most on late Atonement day of the Sivan1 secular year.- see U268
2021Chislev10: 04:03 am, the longest partial lunar eclipse (97%) for 580 years!!
2022Iyyar14: 2022May16 04:12 Total Lunar eclipse
FEEDING THE RECLINED 5,000 OF JOHN6 IN A TRUE CHURCH (Nisan1 sacred sync. Sivan1 sacred start) - YEP
Laodicea installed to feed s Died to Adam
Installed over s 3½x after 2013Adar10 Laodicea Reappointed Constant feature restored reappointment 3rd presence begins in Laodicea Reinstalled over the s
Laodicea falls
2017Elul10 (falls)
2019Ab7 (not Sabbath) 2019Ab14
2019Ab21 2019Elul10 (5½x after 2013Adar10) 2019Tishri10
2993 days 82 day gap 1804 days 696 day gap
7 days
7 days
19 days 31 days 153 days (and big fish of John21)
Laodicea installed to feed s Died to Adam
Installed over s 3½x after 2013Adar10 Laodicea Reappointed Constant feature restored re appointment
3rd presence begins in Laodicea
Reinstalled over the s Laodicea falls
2017Elul10 (falls)
2019Ab6 (not Sabbath) 2019Ab14
2019Ab22 2019Elul10 (5½x after 2013Adar10)
2993 days 81 day gap 1805 days 696 day gap
8 day gap
8 day gap
18 days 31 days 153 days (and big fish of John21)
2993+1804+19+31+153 = 5000 days.
2019Ab7 of Nebuzaradan and 2019Adar13 of Esther9.
33 day starting bank of reappointed Laodicea
5 months of the 1st part of the 3rd presence 33 day finishing bank of reappointed Laodicea
Reappointment as true church to start of 3rd presence
from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10
End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2019Shebat10 to 2019Adar13
200 Denarii of loaves (not enough) runs from 2019Ab21, the reappointment of Laodicea to feed s to 2019Adar13. Laodicea cannot be reappointed as a true church during their 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 - during which they are ostracised. Although they were a true church during the ostracism until 2017Elul10 (but that was due to an appointment before the ostracism).
2019Adar13 must have something to do with Esther9.
Reappointed Laodicea only has 5 loaves for s from 2019Tishri10 and to 2019Adar13.
5 cities are 5 months for Russell over reappointed Laodicea from 2019Tishri10 (the Laodicean Pentecost, the 5th Pentecost, their installation over the s) to 2019Adar13, the fall of reappointed Laodicea as a true church.
10 Minas/Cities of Hebron and under Peter from 2022Shebat16 (the start of the baptism of the 3rd ) - 2023Chislev14 (the end of )
The scripture states Minas and NOT Shekels (unlike Daniel5 which states both). Mind you they stand for times of administration because administrations take 50 days to install and a Mina is 50 Shekels. So the word symbolic meaning will be 5 Minas and 10 Minas over saints BUT NOT 250 and 500 shekels over s?
250 Shekels of reappointed Laodicea from 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 and Sodom from 2020Sivan10 (s join reverted Laodicea) to 2020Tammuz14, the 7th marriage Passover (216x+34x = 250x)
500 Shekels for Peter in Sodom from 2020Tammuz16 to 2020Heshvan14 then Hebron from 2022Heshvan22 (' appointment as Caesar over Cain) to 2023Nisan5 (we give the talent of the wicked and sluggish slave back to Peter - we do NOT take it for ourselves. So s must be with Laodicea and must also join Hebron. Then from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Chislev14.
118x+133x+249x = 500x .
300 Denarii of anointing as Kings (head of Mark14) runs from 2019Elul10 to 2020Tammuz10
300 Denarii of anointing as Kings (feet of John12) runs from 2020Heshvan15 to 2021Elul15
The s leave the Watchtower (none were in reappointed Laodicea) and join Sodom on 2020Sivan10 (from the 127 jurisdictional districts of Esther)
The reserves (all of whom are Laodicean) join Sodom on 2020Tammuz10, entry day into the 7th marriage Passover, deduced from the 1,000 days of John6 - see U67
Passover | Bride | Marriage | Date |
Early 1st Watchtower | Bethel s | 3rd | 2019Elul14 |
1st Watchtower | Bethel 1NCs | 3rd 1NC | 2019Tishri14 |
2nd Watchtower | Congregation 1NCs | 4th 1NC | 2019Heshvan14 |
3rd Watchtower | Prison s (Disfellowshipped and Disassociated) | 5th 1NC | 2019Chislev14 |
4th Watchtower | Late Bethel 1NCs | 6th 1NC | 2019Tebbeth14 |
7th 1NC | late + Laodicean Congregation s (the balance) | 7th 1NC | 2020Tammuz14 |
1st | +Laodicean admin s | 1st | 2020Ab14 |
2nd | +Laodicean congregation HLCs | 2nd HLC | 2020Elul14 |
3rd | Late +Laodicean admin s | 3rd HLC | 2020Tishri14 |
4th HLC | Late +Laodicean+ Sodom congregation s (the balance) | 4th | 2020Heshvan14 |
There is no + Laodicean prison bride, because Laodicean did not last enough to have a prison
Judas bursts in his midst from 2019Tishri10 (the appointment of reappointed Laodicea over the s and the entrance day for s into reappointed Laodicea) to 2020Tammuz10 (the restart of the 3rd presence in reverted Laodicea), which midst is 2019Shebat25. Reappointed Laodicea is run by 1 possessing . was possessing the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry , was dipped/baptised into the by the descended Charles Russell (on the same day that was baptised - 29Tishri10). He presides over the Watchtower Passovers honourably as the King of the locusts, the angel of the abyss of Revelation8. THIS WAS HIS REPENTANCE! - See U853 and see U151
baptism of s not s into reappointed Laodicea begins enters mirroring on 29Tishri10
leaves in Judas'
7th bride enter Sodom
2019Elul10 (2nd presence begins)
2019Tishri10 (reappointed Laodicea installed over s) 2019Shebat25 (not in the midst of the field)
2020Tammuz10 (Passover entry day)
1 month
4½ months of serpent feeding of woman
4½ months of wilderness feeding of woman
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism for Laodicean earth dwellers ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
The last chance salooners saved between 2023Chislev11 and 2023Tebbeth10 appear to be represented by the non Abrahamic vast mixed company of uncircumcised people that came out of Egypt with the Jews (sons of ) and the sons of . So they are not in the - well not until the last 7 days of entry of Daniel 9:27 from 2023Tebbeth4-10. Then they are saved into the Kingdom and resurrected from on 2023Tebbeth16 for that purpose (having been Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover). The last chance salooners are last minute proselytes to essentially.
crosses the Euphrates David buys threshing floor of Ornan
sacrificed End of 1,099,798 day Entrance Mark test baptism starts
Mark test baptism ends entry restarts 1Chronicles21 1.1 million men end
1943Nisan14 ( entry begins) 1048Nisan16 (1,100,000 men start)
2008Nisan14 (6,000 lease ends) 2022Adar19
2023Tishri4 (lava flood ends) 2023Tebbeth3/4 2023Tebbeth10 ( entry ends)
1975 years of entry to
1975 years of entry
195 days of entry
Last Week of Daniel9 of entry
1,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 = 1,099,798 + 195 + 7 days of entry
Ye of little faith are the s who enter from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4 exclusively
Ye of very little faith (but sufficient love) are the s who enter from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
Frank calls this pattern, pre midnight darkness, midnight (double darkness) and post midnight darkness.
3½ year starting bank for Laodicea
98 months of the stolen baptism by Laodicea
3½ year finishing bank of Laodicea
Start of dry Laodicea to theft
the 2nd part of the 2nd presence began on 2006Sivan14 End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2002Tammuz15 to 2005Tebbeth15
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2013Adar10 to 2017Elul10 (Laodicea means People of Judgement)
Gordon Gary and Richard invented HyperOs in 2000November.
33 day starting bank of reappointed Laodicea
5 months of the 1st part of the 3rd presence 33 day finishing bank of reappointed Laodicea
Reappointment as true church to start of 3rd presence
from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10
End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2019Ab7 to 2019Elul10
2019Shebat10 to 2019Adar13
90 day starting bank of Sodom
724 days of baptism into Sodom 90 day finishing bank of Sodom
Start of true church to start of baptism
from 2020Sivan10 to 2022Sivan14
End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2019Adar10 to 2020Sivan10
2022Sivan14 to 2022Elul14
Start of Laodicean leak. Theft of
End of the 6,000 cubits of Ezekiel47
Start of the torrent of the baptism after Ezekiel goes swimming
2nd Laodicean baptised without reference to s
The fall of Reverted Laodicea Not yet the end of the working week to fix the Laodicean divide due to 51+81 day installation gaps to 2022Tebbeth27
6000 days of Ezekiel47
96-132 days (see U267)
Word goes forth after year of rejoicing of Deuteronomy 24:5 Ezekiel tuft of hair ark rapture. Start of Isaaic ark rapture
2021Heshvan25 (Word goes forth into that church)
2022Tebbeth15 (Isaaic s meet in the ark)
62 solar weeks of Daniel9
Kingdom first fruits after the Dragon's 42 months lease ends installed as Caesar over handed over to Methuselah??
2022Tishri16 ( appointed Caesar to )
7 solar weeks
62-7=55 solar weeks
FEEDING THE 5,000 OF LUKE9 (s by the s) - YEP
s at Laodicea start eating Food
s die to Adam s installed to feed s die to s installed to feed Last s (7th bride) die.
2006Nisan12 (2006Nisan8 letter to Don Adams)
51 day installation gap
1089 days
81 day installation gap
1689 days
There were no saintly appointments for Abrahamic (the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 - see U318 were left alone when went to sacrifice ). But true church s are Abrahamic after 2012Sivan14.
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MARK8 ( by s)
Abrahamic s installed to feed/rule s die to s installed to feed/rule
Hand over of to Methuselah??
2015Ab14 2015Heshvan5
1089 days
81 day installation gap
2911 Days inclusively/exclusively
The feeding of the 4,000 reserves in a wilderness (Laodicea) instructed by to recline upon the ground, must end on 2017Elul10, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, which is 5½ years of the absence, the gap between the banks, before 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence..
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MATTHEW15 (s by Laodicea)
reserves start being fed at Laodicea
Laodicean installation gap begins Installation over s
Installation over
Laodicea falls as a true church
2006Iyyar8 (6 days of John 12 before the late Passover)
2196 days
82 day Abrahamic Laodicean installation gap
29 days of installation
1775 days
The s fed Laodicean s from 2006Nisan12 and the Laodiceans fed them from 2006Iyyar8. The sign of Jonah letter was sent on 2006Iyyar1.
So we we have found the other fulfilment to the anointing of ' feet...
1 Accordingly , 6 days before the Passover [2006Iyyar8],
arrived at Bethany [Laodicea], where Lazarus was whom had raised up from the dead.
2 Therefore they spread an evening meal for him there [on 2006Iyyar8/9],
and Martha was ministering [Laodicea was appointed over the s not the s], but Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with him.
3 Mary, therefore, took a pound of perfumed oil, genuine nard, very costly, and she greased the feet of [ reserves here, the last ones of his body] and wiped his feet dry with her hair. The house became filled with the scent of the perfumed oil.
4 But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples [a double designation requiring two word symbolic meanings], who was about to betray him, said:
5 Why was it this perfumed oil was not sold [out] of 300 Denarii and given to the poor people? [Unfulfilled Hypothetical: Not sure where these 300 days fit].
6 He said this, though, not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and used to carry off the monies put in it.
7 Therefore said: Let her alone, that she may keep this observance in view of the day of my burial.
8 For you have the poor always with you, but me you will not have always. (John 12 )
Laodicea falls as a true church
stands up in Laodicea by baptism on Watchtower reserve temple burning day. Non adamic 3rd presence starts.
Woe, Woe of Revelation18?
WW3 is the fiery furnace of Daniel3. It runs for 7x (months) from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4
2022Tebbeth24 to 2023Elul4: The 220 days of Revelation 7:13-14 of the of Matthew24. It begins at the 5 day reaction to 3rd fire sign and ends at the end of WW3. It is quite obviously the period of worry about being wiped out by missiles - offensive missiles.
2023Tammuz7-2022Tishri4: 7 days of Genesis 7:4 plus the 40+40 day flood must equal the sentence count of the ride of the 4th horseman which is 87x.So we take the 40+40 days exclusively and run the flood from 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4. The flood is the Passover of Adam and Cain, and the Passover execution of non Adam and non Cain. So the 4th horseman is doing nothing that God was not going to do himself in that very period. Both only kill non Adam and non Cain.
The is appointed/installed over Adam on 2023Ab17/Tishri6 (5th first fruits/Pentecost)
2012Sivan14: The baptism after this date makes everyone on the 3rd day from the baptism as the 1st day, by gene zap transformation.
2015Ab14: non adamic Abrahamics in begin their transformation to become Isaaic on 2015Ab16. BUT ONLY THOSE IN THE s ON 2015Ab14, and then the ran from 2015Ab15 to 2022Ab15, which prevented further Isaaic transformation. Presumably that occurs to all those b4EC baptised during the malediction on 2022Ab14-16.
2022Tebbeth14 - 2023Sivan14: The sealed sons of the start becoming during 3 days from the relevant Passover to the festival first fruits thereafter by gene zap transformation without baptism
2023Tammuz14-2023Chislev14: The sealed sons of the start becoming during 3 days from the relevant Passover to the festival first fruits thereafter Passover execution and resurrection.
2023Tebbeth14: The / faithless but loving (agnostic or atheist) sealed sons of the are Passover executed and escape , the 1st death, by resurrection on 2023Tebbeth16.
0. The 7th marriage, completion of the 3rd , occurs on 2020Tammuz19. Then had to make his wife rejoice for a year (Deuteronomy 24:5) from veil lifting and marital supper day 2020Tammuz26 to 2021Tammuz26, during which time he could not fight in a war. But that would not prevent him from being appointed/installed as Caesar because secular Kings of Israel did not cease to rule when they got married (the 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped prevented him). Likewise had to make his wife rejoice after the 4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18 for a year from 2020Heshvan25 to 2021Heshvan25, before the 3rd became a war equipped force of Joshua6, before the man seen in Joshua5 had a sword in his hand and before he could extract any of his people from the Kabul of this world into his ark (which is a military operation). Actually is appointed/installed as Caesar over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 because that is the first Pentecost after 2022Tishri15, the end of the Discontinuous double gapped from 607Tishri15, So he did not become Caesar until he had completed his year of making his installed 4th secondary wife rejoice.
Booths after Nechoh appoints Jehoiakim Booths after throne of Jehoiachin Booths after Jehoiachin dies
Booths after Demetrius II grants
Booths after Julius Caesar appoints
Earthly s can have a Caesar
Booths after Eliakim/Jehoiakim
is raised up in Babylon by
Last king of Judah dies in Babylon Jonathan Maccabeus exemption Antipater, the Idumean, ethnarc of Judea
who is appointed by God
Vassal king pays tribute to Nechoh Evil Merodach
after 10 years of throne elevation from paying tribute to Caesar He pays tribute to Caesar
Discontinuous Ends
607Tishri15 560Tishri15
46Tishri15 BC
2022Tishri15 AD
47 years
Jehoiachin's 10 year exilic regnal gap - see U121 406 years
98 year Maccabean Gap
2067 years
47 + 406 + 2067 = 2520 years of the Discontinuous Double gapped the secular Kingship malediction on God's earthly people from physical Israel
The malediction prevents God from ruling as Caesar over the sons of the (his official tribed people on earth), through a vassal chosen by him and his people (the sons of the ).
29 And a decree is set out by me, that any people,
nation, and language [3x] who [singular] speak deception [1x]
upon/concerning the God of them,
that [is of/the God of] Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego [1x:
the God of them, who is actually the God of the Shadrach and the God of Mechack and the God of Abednego], he will be made into [mere]
members [3x] and his house shall be made/be made an outhouse/dunghill [1x].
Because [yDi lbeq.-lK'] not there is God another who is able to deliver like this [God] [1x/2x+1x=2x/3x a comparison between a God and another God].
(Daniel 3 )
In the same time the king []
himself caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to prosper in the jurisdictional district of Babylon [3x]
[you bet!]
(Daniel 3).
29 and + from + me was put taste that all of tribe, people and + tongue who + will speak deception upon/concerning God of + them who + "rejoicing in the way" Meshach servant + "Servant of Nego" fragments will make (self) and + house of + him a dunghill will be placed/made because not there is of God another who + will be able to/for + ? as/like + "a low place" (Daniel 3 WLCi)
Verse29: 3x.(1x+1x).(3x+1x).2x+3x = 51x from 2023Heshvan23 - 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. Compare with Daniel 2:5 Your houses will be made a dunghill (Genesius).
OR 3x.(1x+1x).(3x+1x).3x+3x = 75x from 2023Tishri29 - 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam.
It must be 2023Heshvan23 because the rest of the beast of Daniel7 get their lives extended for a year and a month from 2022Tishri14 to 2023Heshvan14.
Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan at 10:43 pm on August2 (2022Ab3). It is hard to see much distress of nations on 2023Elul4, after the end of WW3 and the lava flood and the ride of the 4th horseman and the great tribulation.
Nebuchadnezzar (15), King (18), Shadrach (12), Meshach (12), Abednego (12), Mantles (2) Peoples (1), Nations (1), Languages (1).
God finishes saving his people from the fiery furnace on 2023Elul4 at which point a decree might well be made. But Daniel's people (the sons of the , do not finish their escape until 2023Chislev16, the resurrection of the 12th crop. Then all of is saved or loses his status until the week of entrance into the last chance saloon. So the Time of Distress and Escape for Daniel's people written in the book of the must run from 2022Tebbeth14 to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover. Abrahamic s are not Daniel's peopleon which day everyone written in the is saved and those who are not written are stuck down here. But then a few more get written into that book from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10, the last week of Daniel 9:27.
3. 11 Look! The ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth is passing to faces of ye/before ye into the Jordan [meaning:
Descender] [1x+3x = 4x: passing into the Jordan before ye].
12 And now take to/for yourselves [to represent the tribes of Israel] 12 men from the tribes of Israel, one man one man to/for the tribe [12 in total one from each tribe: The 12 apostles].
Verse12 is a witness to 12x precisely from the immediate number repetition principle. These must run from 2022Chislev10, entrance into the early Laodicean Passover, to 2023Chislev10, the end of entrance into . This is the acceptable year of Isaiah61, from the early entrance into the 1st crop to entrance into the 12th crop of Revelation22.
There were 4 priests carrying the ark. 2 in front and 2 behind. Joshua 8:33 where in the people stood on each side before the priests plural carrying the ark. For there are 4 true Christian churches which house . , , and . The s do not until 2022Shebat16. But Laodicea, who stole our baptism, did. So it looks like each ark bearer is a true church.
33 And all Israel and their older men and the officers and their judges were standing on this side and on that side of the in front of the priests, the Levites, carrying the ark of the covenant of , the alien resident as well as the native, one half of them in front of Mount Gerizim and the other half of them in front of Mount Ebal, just as Moses the servant of had commanded, to bless the people of Israel first of all (Joshua 8 ).
13 And it must occur that as/like to rest/lodge, the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of [8x: 4 male s with 4 soles carrying the ], the Lord of the whole earth, in the waters of the Jordan [3x] [rest, because the s enter into God's rest in the ark before they baptise the angels of the 3rd into the ], the waters of the Jordan will be cut off [specified by next phrase], the waters descending from above [that is] [3x+1x: from above something to not being above - like bolt from upon sandal of Joshua5 or like cloud ascending from the sea of 1Kings18], and they will stand still [in/as/making] one dam [3x+1x: the waters descending from above will stand still making one dam] (Joshua 3 )
Verse 11: 4x
Verse 12: 12x
Verse 13 8x.3x+4x.1x+4x+1x=21x
Total: 4x+12x+33x = 49x from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5: The baptism of the 3rd , the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1. The chief of the 3rd 50 himself falls on his knees for baptism. Are the waters cut off on 2022Shebat16, or 24 days later (8 soles in waters) on 2022Adar10, the end of earthly interaction for waters,
The = The greater ark of Noah.
The of is salvation from the
The of the Covenant is salvation from
The of the Covenant of is the blessing of the , ark entry
14 And it came about in to pull up the people from their tents [1x.3x] to pass over of the Jordan [2x], and the priests [that were] carrying the ark of the covenant to faces of/before the people [4x+1x=
15 and as/like they came, the carriers of the until/as far as the Jordan [4x: the 2 carriers of the 1 ark came to the Jordan] and the feet of the priests carrying the were dipped in the edge of the waters [2 priests from Joshua 8:33. So 4x.10x = 20x]
now the Jordan overflowed upon all its banks/shores all the days of harvest [(3x+3x).3x=18x.
overflows upon the plural of many banks],
16 And the waters descending from above [something] began to stand still [3x.1x: The earthly baptised sons of the - too early for the ark baptised ones - and therefore stopped descending from above]. They rose up [as/into] one dam very far away in/at Adam [3x.1x= 1x: The rose up as one dam in far away Adam. Restored pre fall Adam in the ark. The pre fall adamic (which we actually call )
waters were raptured when the ended], the city from side of Zarethan [2x]
- cooling, the same is called
Joshua 3:16]
and the [ones] descending upon the sea of the Arabah [desert], the Salt Sea [3x], were exhausted. They were cut off [3x] and the people [singular] [they] passed over front part [dg<n<]
Jericho [1x+3x=4x] (Joshua 3 )
17 And the priests carrying the ark of 's covenant [the ] kept standing immovable in dry ground [the is the drying with the towel from ' loins] in the middle of the Jordan [4x+1x+1x=6x] and all Israel [singular] [they] were [plural] passing over in dry ground [3x/12x], until all of the people [singular] passing over of the Jordan [1x]. (Joshua 3 )
Man in the house is 1x.1x = 1x
Man in the midst of the house is 1x + 1x = 2x because one compares the position of the man with the position of the house.
Verse 14: 3x.2x.5x = 30x
Verse 15: 4x+40x+(6x.3x)= 44x/62x
Verse 16: 3x.1x+3x.1x.2x+3x+3x+4x =19x
Verse 17 (passing over): 6x+3x/12x+1x = 10x/19x
Total = 30x+44x+19x+10x/19x=103x/110x from 2022Chislev15 to 2023Nisan5, the end of the baptism for saints.
4. 2005Sivan14 (the fall of the Watchtower as a true church - when s became prophets of Baal) to 2012Tishri5-2015Ab14 (contest noon, double light from the s and from Laodicea) from Abrahamic 's reinstallation over as priests to the death of to on 2015Ab14) to 2022Chislev5, when is installed as Caesar over - the end of the unilateral contest day of 1Kings18.
UNILATERAL CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 () NOON MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - JESUS LEAVES IN THE MIDST OF CONTEST NOON - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest
There was no because we failed the test to rule over the s from 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 to 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Fall of the Watchtower s not true church Laodicea installed over Midday (End of 2nd presence)
s die to
s now Isaaic Last failed fire sign prediction
Not prophets of Baal
2014February14-16 (midst prophecy) 2015July2/3
2015August3/4 2023January2/3
2012Tishri5 (noon begins)
2013Adar9/10 ( ends for Laodicea) 2015Ab14 (noon ends) 2015Elul16
Morning: 2629 days
Contest Noon: 514½ + 514½ days
Afternoon: 2629 days
Adamic/Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic/Isaaic illumination
The contest is between prophets of Baal (in a false church) and prophets of (in a true church). Hence 2012Sivan14-16 and 2015Ab14-Elul16 are excluded. Laodicea was never appointed to feed s. The contest is over s not s and not s. So double light (noon) is the period when Laodice and the s were installed to feed from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14.
We take noon as running from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14, the middle period of double light. And we take midday to be the mid point of that period and pivot the day on that point (3145½ days either side of it) or just make it symmetric about noon.
(2629 days either side of it). We first saw this symmetry in solar days at 17:00 on 2022February4 (2021Shebat28, the weekly Sabbath). We saw the symmetry incorrectly at 20:32 on 2022April6 (2022Nisan5). We saw the correct chronology on 2022Tishri14, when we realised that the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 not 2005Iyyar14. And finally on 2022Tebbeth4 (06:46 on January1)
when we excluded 2012Sivan14-15 and 2015Ab14-Elul16, when the s were not a true church. died in the midst of entrance into the .
Here leaves in the midst of the contest.
6000 days of predictions from 2006Iyyar21 our first prediction for a warning bomb (7x after 2006Iyyar14 our Passover in Manhattan) to 2022Tebbeth21.
1st warning bomb prediction date 3rd fire Sign. End of ark rapture.
6000 day prediction working week
2nd Laodicean is baptised
Fall of Reverted Laodicea as a true church
2005Tebbeth15 (Laodicea steals ) 2022Elul14
6000 day Laodicean working week
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin, 4th after , ,
adamic Laodicea)
Abrahamic (the s) were not appointed over the s (Genesis 22 prohibits it - and left the 2 men)
was appointed/installed over the s on 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21, the 2nd Pentecost (having passed the test once they do not have to take it again) (2nd after adamic on 1999Tishri2/Chislev21)..
2012Sivan14-16: s and Laodicea become
2012Sivan16/Ab5: appointed/installed over - in order that these dates ARE first fruits and the Pentecost.
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin)
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over (2012Tammuz16 and 2012Elul5 we weekly Sabbaths)
2012: Abrahamic is not appointed/installed over s or to feed s because and left the 2 young men in Genesis 22:5 to perform the ram substitution sacrifice of - see U318.
2015Ab14-16: s become .
2015Elul16/Heshvan5: Isaaic appointed/installed over
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21: Isaaic is appointed/installed over the s. Then 7x of the to 2022Chislev21, the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18
2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: Isaaic appointed/installed over .
2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Isaaic appointed/installed to feed the s. We were already feeding them from 2015Heshvan5, since they are . They do join from 2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5. Laodicea was installed to feed the s on 2003Shebat21. But that was late 2003Tebbeth21. So 2003Shebat21 was not used as a regular festival (for a 3rd installation). So Isaaic can still be installed on 2015Shebat21. 2015Adar is a Sabbath month
never passed the test to preside over the s and Laodicea never passed the test to preside over the s. They never took the test because they never publicly acknowledged the existence of the (or anything else).
So was never installed over the s having failed the test. And Laodicea was never appointed over the s have never qualified to take the test.
But Isaaic was appointed/installed to feed the s (not rule over them) on 2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21 (4th after . , Laodicea). We regained that installation only in Isaaic because and returned to the 2 young men in Genesis 22:19 see U318..
The sentence count of 1Kings18:21-24 is 14x.450x = 6300x for the prophets of Baal and 31x more for the extra activity of Elijah until the hand over to the 3rd - see point 72
Watchtower falls as a true church
World Exodus Passover
s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21
Unilateral contest day begins
Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 Elijah4 enters into God's rest in the ark
2022May6/7 2022January11/12
6300 days = 14x.450x
31 days of Elijah's work
4. 9 Here is a little boy [1x - the reappointed Laodicean administration] who has 5 barley loaves and 2 small fishes [7x]. But what are these into [eij] so-many? [5000/5=1000, 5000/2=2500. We are being told to do those divisions] [They are the feeding of Laodiceans from 2019Tishri10 when they were reinstalled as a true church again. The 2 fishes are the periods when Laodicea was a false church. The 5 loaves are food for reserves] (John6)
1,000 days of 5 loaves into 5,000. From 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 in reappointed Laodicea as a true church and 2020Tammuz10 to 2022Elul14 in Sodom as a true church containing some s if any are here (216+784 = 1000 days).
2,500 days of 2 fishes into 5,000 is 7 years less 20 days of installed to rule over s churches feeding ( water baptised s and water baptised engaged s - FISH) from 2007Elul11 to 2012Sivan14 and 2012Elul6 to 2013Adar10 and 2019Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 is not actually atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, but perhaps no rulership over s could be implemented until the Nisan1 Atonement celebration completed on 2019Tishri11) to 2019Shebat10 in reappointed Laodicea and 2020Tammuz10 until 2020Heshvan14, the 4th marriage Passover execution.
4 years 9 months 3 days + 18 months + 4 days + 4 months -1 day + 4 months + 4 days = 6 years 11 months 10 days = 2500 days.
2007Sivan22/Elul11: Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over the s (3rd after , , but 2007Ab was a Sabbath)
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Non adamic Abrahamic Laodicea installed to rule over the s (4th after , , adamic Laodicea)
2020Sivan10: s join Sodom (from the 127 jurisdictional districts of Esther)
2020Tammuz10: s join Sodom at the 7th marriage Passover entry day.
2020Heshvan15: s join Sodom for 300 denarii of perfumed oil on the feet of to 2021Elul15, when the last joins, Sodom.
2022Elul14: The end of the 1000 years a year for a day of binding the Dragon of Revelation20 (in the sacred thread) into possessing people in reappointed Laodicea and Sodom, from 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 in reappointed Laodicea and from 2020Tammuz10 to 2022Elul14 in Sodom = 216+784 = 1000 fays of being bound in those two true churches
Laodicea must be reappointed on a first day of the week. 2019Ab7 was the first of the week. For more see U67
5. The Laodiceans had a Jericho campaign (actually the fulfilment of the instructions for the Jericho campaign), with a campaign day for a sacred year from 2013Nisan1. The Jubilee release day was 2019Heshvan10, entry day into the early imprisoned Passover, the early 3rd Watchtower Passover..
The s have a Jericho campaign to capture the Laodicean City (the fulfilment of the campaign itself with a campaign day for a sacred year from 2016Nisan1, due to our appointment/installation to rule over the s on 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after adamic ). Jericho Jubilee release day is 2022Tebbeth10, the end of the transitive , and the end of the for Laodiceans, the 10th day of the 8th month of the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year. For more see U112#8.
And 7 priests with 7 trumpets is a witness to a temporal Pentecost counting until the month after the 7th month in the 7th year:
6 years precisely from 2013Nisan1 to 2019Nisan1. Then 7 months of the manufactured Sabbath [year] are treated as 7 Sabbaths to 2019Tishri30. Then the Jubilee release in the 50th month on 2019Heshvan10, entrance day into the late 1st Watchtower Passover, the end of acceptance for the Watchtower Bethelites,
the Watchtower administration. Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church on 2019Adar13.
6 Nisan1 then Sivan1 sacred years precisely from 2016Nisan1 to 2022Sivan1. Then 7 months of the manufactured Sabbath [year] are treated as 7 Sabbaths to 2022Chislev30. Then the Jubilee release in the 50th month on 2022Tebbeth10, late Atonement day, entrance day into the Laodicean Passover, the start of their faith based salvation
Only on this day did they go around the city 7x from 2019Nisan1to 2019Tishri30 and not to 2019Heshvan30 because the city of the Watchtower, the Watchtower administration finishes being Passover executed on 2019Heshvan14
Only on this day did they go around the city 7x from 2022Sivan1 to 2022Chislev30 and not to 2022Tebbeth30 because the city of the Laodicea, the Laodicean administration are all atoned but NOT baptised on 2022Tebbeth10, their Jericho Jubilee release day.
6. The 6,000 day working week to fix the Laodicean divide from 2005Tebbeth15, the theft of the baptism by Laodicea (7 months of an after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14), with 51 and 81 day gaps from 2012Sivan14-Ab5 and 2015Ab14-2015Heshvan5 ends on 2022Tebbeth27, the end of the baptism for earth dwellers, the end of the Laodicean divide. After 2022Chislev17-21, Caleb's half tribe can descend from the ark and baptise earth dwelling Laodiceans into the up until 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14.
Adamic Laodicea was never appointed over the s, because the crown in Revelation3 was stolen. The 1,000 day Sabbath, wherein we rule with the Christ, runs from 2022Adar11 (the 1st day after the end of earthly interaction on 2022Adar10) to 2025Chislev20/21. The 6,000 day working week to fix Laodicea runs from 2005Tebbeth15 (when they stole our baptism for the 2nd Laodicean) to 2022Tebbeth27, the end of the for earth dwellers - with 51+81 day installation gaps.
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism for earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
before adamic and Laodicea
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodicea steals the baptism
7 months
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodiceans and s become .
7 years
Naaman went down (The Watchtower fell as a true church)
Naaman and all of Laodicea die to Adam
Naaman and all of Laodicea are restored to Laodicea ends
2012Sivan15/16 (his flesh comes back like the flesh of a little boy) 2019Sivan15
Bathing 7x in the Jordan () during the Watchtower
7x of the Laodicean
Then the administration is appointed/installed as Caesar to the Kingdom on 2025Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
4 And it came about that in to cut off [NOT having Watchtower worship rejected - losing the constant feature on 2004Elul14, but the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14, when all the prophets of in the Watchtower became prophets of Baal and so the prophets of in Laodicea were isolated- the only one left in the Watchtower] Jezebel namely 's prophets, and Obadiah took 100 prophets [100 days] and he hid them 50 man [50 months] in/at/on/against/by/per the cave, and he was supplying them [vuv consecutive perfect] bread [ understandings] and waters [ and waters. Obadiah only supplied one type of water baptism, into the . Russell supplied the . So waters could stand for 1x or 3x]. (1Kings 18)
Verse 4: 3x.(100x+100x+1500x+100x+300x) = 6,300x = 14x.450x from 2005Sivan14 to 2022Chislev14. Then on 2022Chislev15, the Laodicean s (prophets of Baal) start to be raptured into the ark.
These 100 hidden people are described both as prophets and as men. So they stand both for Pentecostal days and Jubilaic months giving us 2 hidden Pentecosts of days and 2 hidden Jubilees of months. Such is the perfection of the holy word. These Pentecosts apply to Laodicea for they are this cave of robbers. Two Pentecosts mean two installations in that cave. Laodicea was appointed/installed over the s on 2003Chislev2/Shebat21 and reappointed/reinstalled over the s on 2019Ab21/2019Tishri10 (the 5th Pentecost, which was not Atonement day under the Sivan1 sacred calendar.
The first 50 is the Pentecost from 2003Chislev2 to 2003Tebbeth21/Shebat21 (the monthly Sabbath delayed 3rd Pentecost) when Laodicea was appointed to installed as priests to feed the reserves - cutting in two (2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month).
The 2nd 50 is 5th Weeks from 2019Ab21 to 2019Tishri10, reappointment to reinstallation of Laodicea over the s (2019Tishri10 was not Atonement day under the Sivan1 sacred calendar).
13 Has not my lord been told what I did in to kill [becoming a false church on 2005Sivanr14 so that its prophets of become prophets of Baal] Jezebel namely the prophets of [3x] ? And I hid [some] from the prophets of , 100 man, 50 50 man in the cave, and supplied/measured them [vuv consecutive imperfect - the prophets of not just the ones in the cave] bread and waters? [100x.(1x+3x) = 400x] (1Kings 18)
A prophet for a day, a man for a month. So 100 months+400 months = 500 months = 41 years 8 months to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea as a true church from 1975Tebbeth. Well on 1976January1 (1975Tebbeth23/24), the Governing Body of the Watchtower became a multi headed beast, by adopting a 2/3 majority vote just like the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals. this must have had something to do with the embarrassment they felt over the failure of the 1975Elul29 prediction? - see U171. they should not have been embarrassed. they should have been proud to have tried and failed and looked stupid for the sake of God and and the Kingdom and the prophetic power of the Scriptures.
7.16 When David raised his eyes, he got to see 's angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem; and David and the older men, covered with sackcloth, at once fell down upon their faces. (1 Chronicles 21 )
16 And the angel kept his hand thrust out toward Jerusalem to bring it to ruin; and began to feel regret over the calamity, and so he said to the angel that was bringing ruin among the people: It is enough! Now let your hand drop. And 's angel himself happened to be close by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. (2 Samuel 24 )
1 And Solomon began to build the house of at Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah, where his father was seen to David [i.e. David saw Solomon's or his own angelic father], in the place that David had prepared, in the threshing/grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite; ()
's angel, the Guardian angel of Israel, who is , was seen by David. So was the father of either Solomon or David - actually both since Solomon is the Angelic son of David as well as his genetic son from Matthew1. In fact they are both the angelic sons of from Matthew1, which in one thread is the angelic descent of the paternal line to Therefore was 's DIRECT angelic father from Matthew1 (since the genealogy starts at ).
8. The Kingdom temple has its earthly inaugurated from 2022Chislev15-21 (Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar) and its ark inauguration from 2022Shebat15-21 (Booths of the Ab1 sacred Calendar). All temples appear to be inaugurated at Cakes or Booths, i.e. in Nisan or Tishri of the Nisan1 sacred year, the 1st or the 7th month. Solomon1 was inaugurated on 1026Tishri15-21 BC. Zerubbabel temple was inauguration on 515Nisan15-21. Solomon's altar was built by David to stop the plague upon Jerusalem of 1Chronicles21 and 2Samuel24. But it was installed into the temple by Solomon. The temple is accepted by the gifts of the spirit being poured out on 2022Tebbeth21, the late end of the from 2015Chislev21.
18 Later Gad came in to David on that day and said to him: Go up, set up for an altar on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
19 And David began to go up in accord with the word of Gad, according to what had commanded.
25 And David proceeded to build there an altar to and offer up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and began letting himself be entreated for the land, so that the scourge was halted from upon Israel (2 Samuel 24 ).
9. The demons are Babylonian, soliciting and receiving false worship.
4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words:
Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it;
the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. (Revelation 13 )
The unrepentant firstborn of the demons were not subject to the pre kingdom baptism, because they were not human during that time. So they are unaffected by the Babylonian Passover on 2023Nisan14, the late Christian Passover. But they are subject to the 195 days of the sheep and goats baptism from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4. But the unrepentant ones among them are expelled into on 2023Tammuz10, at the end of the 2,000 demon possessed pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20, 30 days after their eviction from heaven on 2017Heshvan20.. Non demon possessed Babylonians and repentant demons are subject to the Babylonian and late Babylonian Passovers on 2023Tishri14 and 2023Heshvan14. But the beast, which will comprise some non religious people, is burnt (its members are judged into ) on 2023Elul21 (17x of Revelation19:20 after it is caught on 2023Elul4), that being when the last failures are sentenced to (subject to the last chance saloon - which is not available to beast members - that being their penalty for the genocide they are presiding over).
10. The true church passed over from the law of Moses on 33Nisan14 to the law of the Christ on 33Sivan5, the Pentecost. Kingdom first fruits under is 2022Tishri16 for and 2022Heshvan16 for . But the Isaaic s go under the secular law of as Caesar upon entry into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15.
The s are a church from a sacred standpoint and a ark departure lounge from a secular standpoint. The completed 3rd ( and ) became operational on 2020Tebbeth7, the 4th marriage Pentecost (but was subject to the year of wife rejoicing and staying at home of Deuteronomy 24:5 from 2020Heshvan25, 4th marriage marital supper and veil lifting day, to 2021Heshvan25). has to become Caesar before he can rapture his subjects into the ark. But he can Passover execute and resurrect his wives into the ark without being Caesar, since those are the terms of the and he is their secular head by marriage. So he Passover executed and first Sabbath of Cakes resurrected the s and s from 2019Tishri15 to 2020Heshvan15 into 2. But he cannot rapture the s or anybody else to whom he is not married until after the end of the Discontinuous, 10 year Jehoichain and 98 year Maccabean gapped (seen by Rev John Aquila Brown in 1823 and corrected by Charles Taze Russell, Dr Stephen E. Jones and Gordon Ritchie), from 607Tishri15 to 2022Tishri15 with the 10 year exilic regnal gap of Jehoiachin (seen by Gordon Ritchie) and the 98 year Maccabean gap (seen by Dr Stephen E Jones and corrected by Gordon Ritchie - see U120). He is installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5 and raptures Abrahamic s into the ark on 2022Chislev15. He is installed as Caesar to on 2022Tebbeth5, and raptures Isaaic s into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15.
11. 70 solar weeks of Daniel 9:24 to terminate transgression and anoint the holy of holies etc
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies.
And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem [Laodicea is the one church that was restored and rebuilt after having fallen]
until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square [for the public, for sons of the ] and moat [a water baptism for the priests and the kings], but in the straits/distress of the times [The Time of Distress of Daniel9].
26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, and nothing for/to himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be in/with/by the flood.
And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation [the 4th horseman];
and until an extermination [the end of the lava flood which end the authority of the 4th horseman over non Adam, by ending non Adam], the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate [Babylon].
(Daniel 9 )
The wording of '7 weeks also 62' does indicate that the same thing happens at the end of the 7 as happens at the end of the 62. And indeed it does. That thing is a Pentecost. The 7 weeks are begging to be interpreted as a festival of Weeks. One does not have to add the 7 to the 62 and get 69 weeks. Here is the fulfilment...
Word goes forth after year of rejoicing of Deuteronomy 24:5 Ezekiel tuft of hair ark rapture. Start of Isaaic ark rapture
2021Heshvan25 (Word goes forth into that church)
2022Tebbeth15 (Isaaic s meet in the ark)
62 solar weeks of Daniel9
Kingdom first fruits after the Dragon's 42 months lease ends installed as Caesar over handed over to Methuselah??
2022Tishri16 ( appointed Caesar to )
7 solar weeks
62-7=55 solar weeks
12. 7 Who are you, Oh great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the headstone. There will be shoutings to it: How charming! How charming!'
8 And the word of continued to occur to me,
saying: ()
9 The hands of Zerubbabel have founded/appointed/ordained/established this house; his hands shall also finish [it] [10x+10x=20x]. And you [the great mountain of the Laodicean or Sodom administration] shall know that of Hosts has sent me to ye (Zechariah 4 )
10x+10x=20x which are 20 years NOT from 2000Elul16, the first baptism into the of Tony and NOT from 2000Tishri16, the 2nd baptism into the of Jamie, because both of them left and neither became an apostle. But from 2002Nisan14, when Dave was baptised, the 1st apostle, the first foundation stone. and the first to be baptised who has not left the church, to 2022Shebat16, the completion of the temple, 12x of 1Kings18:31 after the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev21 plus the 46x sentence count of 1Kings 18:30-33.
Elijah4 does not build the or outer courtyard of the Kingdom temple of Solomon.
2019Tishri10 - 2020Tishri10 is the accepting year of Isaiah61 for s and s from entrance into the 3rd marriage Passover to the end of entrance into the .
2022Chislev10 - 2023Chislev10 is the accepting year of Isaiah61 for s, from entrance into the early Laodicean Passover and the start of the Isaaic baptism for temple building of 1Kings6, to entrance into the 12th crop of Revelation22 (Atonement day to Atonement day of the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year).
2022Tebbeth10 - 2023Tebbeth10 is the accepting year of Isaiah61 for s, from entrance into the Laodicean Passover to the end of entrance into Kingdom salvation in the last chance saloon of Hobah of Genesis14, the descended church of () and Yeshua ()
The s must baptise their corresponding s from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, starting after the cloud of all raptured s has FILLED the temple sanctuary in the ark at the cloud of the 3rd fire sign upon which (and upon the 2nd fire sign cloud) comes into the church by baptism..
28 said to them: Truly I say to you, In the re-creation, when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne [1x+1x=2x], you who have followed me [12x.(1x+1x)] will also yourselves sit upon 12 thrones [12x], judging the 12 tribes of Israel. (Matthew 19 )
The son of man sits down upon his glorious throne over those in the ark on 2019Tishri15, the ark rapture of the 3rd bride
He sits down on his throne as Caesar to God's people on earth AFTER 2022Tishri15, the end of the Discontinuous double gapped from 607Tishri15 BC.
Verse 28 from throne: 2x+12x+12x+12x = 38x from 2019Tishri15 when becomes Caesar to the 3rd bride in the ark to 2022Chislev5, ' installation as Caesar to
There is also a witness to 12x+1x precisely in the 12+1 apostles sitting upon 12+1 thrones judging the 12+1 tribes of Israel during the recreation. These run from the Revelation22 tree of life early 1st crop Passover on 2022Chislev14, for the 1st crop of the tree of life of Revelation22, to 2023Tebbeth14,.for the 1st death Passover. That being the entire period of judging for people outside the s and Laodicea for recreation non adamically or not. It would appear that the s and s sealed into a tribe as well!
Mark inauguration day is 2022Tebbeth28 and Mark enforcement day is 2022Shebat4. So (the Angel of Philadelphia) and his entire body are kept out of the hour of the test of Revelation3 of the counsel to Philadelphia (to him and his body but not quite his body actually). The rapture ends on 2022Tebbeth21. The rapture runs from 2023Nisan22 to 2023Iyyar5. So they are NOT kept out of most of the hour of the test (rather they come out of the of Revelation7). So 's body but not his body is Mark tested.
The Hour of the test on the entire inhabited earth is 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Inauguration/Registration day to 2023Elul4, the end of Mark enforcement, the catching of the beast, the end of WW3, when the 1st law is enacted on mankind - 7 months 6 days.
2023Heshvan23 is Dunghill and Dismembering decree day of Daniel3.
When no more idolatry is permitted.
The day of installed runs from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s, to 2022Adar10, the end of the 1st earthly interaction of the s, 7 years and 79 days.
43 so that your generations shall know that I caused the sons of Israel to live in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I [am] your God. (Leviticus 23 )
We live in Booths (Hotel rooms) in the ark. The Laodicean s are raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 during Booths of the Sivan1 Abrahamic calendar. Then s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21 during late Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar.
10x of testing of Numbers14 applies to...
10x of testing God with UN idolatry from 1991Chislev14 (1991November25/26) when the Watchtower applied to the UN to become an NGO affiliated to the UN DPI, to 2001Chislev14 when they lost their water baptism. They were accepted by the UN on 1992January28 (1991Shebat18).
Laodicea from 2007Elul11, its installation of the s, to 2017Elul10, when it fell as a true church - see U360
22 But all the men [3x]
who have been seeing my glory [1x] and my signs [3x] that I have performed in Egypts [2x] and in the wilderness
[1x] and kept testing me this/these 10 times,
and have not listened to my voice [1x].
(Numbers 14 )
23 Behold! They WILL see the land which I swore to their fathers [3x. They see it because they are interested in it but incredulous or too idolatrous of their priesthood. They will most certainly see it. But will they enter into it? Not initially, they must go into Hebron],
and, all of derider of me, they will not see her [3x.3x=9x] (Numbers 14).
3x.(1x+3x.2x+3x.1x+10x+1x).3x+3x.3x = 9x.21x+9x = 198x = 16½ years from 2006Sivan1 (the Revised Sign of Jonah letter) to 2022Chislev15-19, the rapture of the Abrahamic s into the promised land in the ark. Tebbeth is the augur month, the month of great increase for the s, the month of speedy succession in Mike's dream (August the 8th Gregorian month standing for Tebbeth, the 8th month of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year. BECAUSE the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year had begun by the time of Mike's dream on 2014Ab5. So really the month of speedy succession should is 2022Tebbeth, when the 3rd fire sign occurs which Mike sees from the ark)
There are 200 months, 200 denarii of loaves from the start of Laodicea on 2005Tebbeth15, to the fall of reverted Laodicea on 2022Elul14. In fact it is 6,000 days of Ezekiel47 inclusively.
26 Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah [2x] [120 year warning?], so it will be [] also in the days of the Son of man [2x] [120 year presence?]:
27 they were eating [2x], they were drinking [2x], men were marrying [2x], women were being given in marriage [2x], until day that Noah entered into the ark [1x], and the flood arrived [1x]
and destroyed [them] all [2x+2x=4x men and women]
(Luke 17).
Verse26: 120 years of day of Noah's warning period and 120 years of the day of the 2nd presence.
Verse27: 2x+2x+2x+2x+1x+1x+2x+2x=14x. From 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd presence, to 2020Heshvan14, the end of the 3rd presence, when , through his fiance, finished entering into the ark.
28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot [2x. Days of the reinstalled administration of Laodicea] they were eating [2x],
they were drinking [2x], they were buying [2x], they were selling [2x],
they were planting [2x], they were building [2x] [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x=12x].
29 But in which day Lot came out from Sodom [1x] fire and sulphur rained from heaven [2x]
and destroyed all [ones] [2x]
30 According to the same [things] it will be in which day when the Son of man is being revealed {Luke 17) [].
Verse 28: 12x of day of Lot from 2005Tebbeth15 to 2017Elul10 and from 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 (which does not get a year)
Verse 29: 1x.2x.2x = 4x from 2019Tishri10, the start of entry in to reappointed Laodicea (out of the Sodom of the Watchtower) to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam and Cain.
5 He now brought him outside and said: Look up, please,
to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them. And he went on to say to him: So your seed will become [by becoming angels and by entering into the ark].
6 And he put faith in ; and he proceeded to count it to him as righteousness [ - the righteous declaration in the flesh by works perfected faith].
7 Then he added to him: I am , who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take it in possession.
8 And he said: Sovereign Lord , in/by what shall I know that I shall take it in possession? [1x - count not triggered yet]
9 And he said to him: Take for me a heifer 3rd [3x - Abrahamic sons of the , the 3rd system under the : PCC, then , then ]
and a she-goat 3rd [3x - sons of the , the 3rd system under the : , then , then ] and a ram 3rd [3x - sons of the , the 3rd system under the : then then , then ] and a turtledove [1x - sealed saints who are resurrected as angels]
and a young pigeon [1x - unsealed saints who are resurrected or raptured as angels].
10 And he took all these [generic farm animals, not said specifically to be the heifer, the she goat and the ram] to/for him [11x], and he cut/cut off/divided them in the middle [3x+3x+3x+2x=11x:
the birds wee divided one each side of the centre line of the sacrifice. He could have put them both on the same side of it]; and he laid each piece against its companion [6x+2x = 8x: 8 pieces from 3 animals and 2 birds], but he did not cut/cut off/divide the bird [1x: The bird category was not divided] (Genesis 15 /)
Q: How long do I have to go into the Kingdom before I am given it? OR how long from the start of my covenant until I am given the Kingdom.
A: 3x+3x+3x+1x+1x = 11 times of the sacrifice of verse 9. These are 11 years. OR 11 , 11x360 years, 3960 years, from 1943Nisan14 BC to 2018Nisan14 AD.
There is a witness to a division in two in the sacrifice (3 animals divided in two and two further animals stated not to be divided, but called 'the bird'
singular. So the bird singular is divided into 2 birds
There is an obvious witness to 3 years (it being mentioned 3x successively -
meaning the 3x is accurate to the day AND the 30 month sentence count is too).
The sentence count of the execution in Verse 10: 11x+11x+8x+1x = 31x
Covenant fulfilment: 11 from 1943Nisan14 BC when crosses the Euphrates inaugurating the , starting entrance, the 11x of his sacrifice of Genesis15, to 2018Nisan14 AD. Then 30 months to 2023Tishri14, the absolute end of Adam. We take animal species in the sacrifice (cow, sheep, goat, dove, pigeon) as and animal types (farm, bird) as months.
Inaugurated by crossing the Euphrates Completion of the 3rd , the stars of the heavens who inherit the Kingdom
2018Nisan14 2020Heshvan14 (4th marriage)
11 , 11x360=3960 years 31 months
There is also a witness to 3x in this sacrifice. Perhaps for the 3 midst prophecies for the , the and the ?
Midst fulfilments:
The 5 animals that took represent his seed, his children, the covenant house of . The cutting in two of the 3 singular land animals represents 3 midst prophecies!
was sacrificed (on 33Nisan14 by Caiaphas) in the middle of the entry period under 's lease - see U100
/ was sacrificed (on 33Sivan5 by God) in the middle of the years of water baptism into the
was sacrificed in the middle of the years of sanctification into the .
For all 3 salvation plans rest upon his shoulders.
492nd monthly Jubilee from Adam's sin 966th Jubilee from Adam's sin
1440th Jubilee from Adam's sin
Covenant inaugurated
End of 's 6,0000 year headlease on Adam
1943Nisan14 BC
33Nisan14 AD
2008Nisan14 AD
1975 Years (474 monthly Jubilees)
1975 Years
7 years of many believers being baptised into Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea 7 years of few believers being baptised into Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea
7 years of spiritual people being baptised into Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea 7 years of unspiritual people being baptised into Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea
7 years of good spiritual food for Laodiceans and reappointed Laodiceans
7 years of poor spiritual food for reappointed Laodiceans and Sodomites.
UN figures for Global 3rd world hunger decrease year on year
UN figures for Global 3rd world hunger increase year on year The end of entry into Sodom
2008Sivan14 (2 years to date after 2006Sivan14, the 2nd presence start)
7 years to date of 7 fat and beautiful of face cows and 7 fat and good ears of grain 7 years to date of 7 thin and ugly of face cows and 7 thin and blasted ears of grain
7 months of many believers being baptised into the s
7 months of few believers being baptised into the s
7 months of righteous due to faith s being baptised into the s
7 months of unrighteous s being baptised into the s due to Love
7 months of plenty of new spiritual food for s
7 months of little new spiritual food for s due to the s finishing their ark based earthly interaction
7 months of plenty of food for the 1st and 2nd world
7 months of famine in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd worlds due to WW3 and the Mark of the Beast
salvation entry ends
2022Heshvan10 ( stands upon as appointed Caesar)
2023Sivan10 (the end of & start of salvation, entry into the late & early Laodicean Passovers)
7 months to date of 7 fat and beautiful of body cows and 7 fat and good ears of grain
7 months to date of 7 thin and ugly of body cows and 7 thin and scorched ears of grain
2022Heshvan10: stands upon the bank of as his appointed Caesar,
2 monthly cycles of days after 2022Elul10, the end of entry into Sodom.
2022Adar10 is the end of earthly interaction by Reeds
2023Nisan5 is the end of the river of the .
The last day of entrance into Sodom is 2022Sivan14
The end of Sodom is 2022Elul14
The end of is 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22
Last day of entrance is 2023Chislev10, and is into the last chance saloon, Hobah of Genesis14, the descended church of the .
450 prophets of Baal from the fall of Sodom are seized from 2022Elul14 to 2023Chislev14, the end of Kingdom seizing, the 1st death Passover.
The famine of the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse begins on 2022Shebat20. But perhaps big food prices do not create a thin cow until 2023Sivan10?
's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan17 BC ended on 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we had the 2,000 day possession payback period from 2012Nisan16 to 2017Heshvan6, then the 14 day war of Revelation12 to 2017Heshvan20, then 30 days down 's ladder to 2017Chislev20. Then a further 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20 to 2023Tammuz10, entry day into the Christian Passover. Then 54 days later the beast is caught on 2023Elul4, at the end of WW3, the day before 2023Elul5, when the is installed under as Caesar over . Then 70 days of the leftover ones Revelation19:20 to 2023Chislev14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam.
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
Frank calls this pattern, pre midnight darkness, midnight (double darkness) and post midnight darkness (mirroring morning light, double light noon and afternoon light in a day).
Exodus of saints from the Watchtower into Laodicea/ Sodom
Watchtower falls & becomes Egypt 1st Watchtower Passover execution
Last true leaves the Watchtower and joins Sodom.
2021Elul15 (Seizing 450 reappointed Laodicean prophets of Baal from 2019Adar13,
ends on 2021Sivan13)
430 years a month for a day 23 month Passover 'day'
Watchtower falls & becomes Egypt Laodicea begins by baptism theft
The fall of reverted Laodicea
7 months of 6000 days of Ezekiel47 and 200 denarii of monthly loaves
crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan The one day Passover in Egypt
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1513Nisan14 BC
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for + seed in Egyptian controlled territory
480 years of 1Kings 6:1
Watchtower falls as a true church
1st Watchtower Passover
Last saint is accepted and/not baptised into Sodom Isaaic Temple building in the 4th day in the 2ndf month of 1Kings 6:1
2005Sivan14 (14 years 4 months before escape) 2019Tishri14 (3rd bride executed)
2021Elul15 (300 Denarii of oil of feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan15)
2022Tebbeth15: 4th day and 2nd month of Solomon's vassal Caesar installations
430 years in Watchtower Egypt a month for a day
480 years of 1Kings6 after leaving Watchtower of 1Kings6 a year for a day = 480 days
Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built upon the ground of David on 2022Tebbeth15
pokes fun at weaned in Genesis 21:8 leave Egypt
1913Nisan BC
1513Nisan14 BC
400 years of affliction and servitude of Genesis15 in a land not theirs for 's seed ( then )
s are baptised into Laodicea 1st Watchtower Passover
2006Sivan14 (Start of the 2nd presence) 2019Tishri14 (s escape Laodicea by Passover execution).
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude in a land not theirs of Genesis15
End of entrance. End of world End of 400 years a month for a day of affliction of saints in Watchtower in post Egypt (last leaves the Watchtower for reverted Laodicea - dies to the s)
2021Ab14 (on 2021Ab10 Gordon sends Mark of the Beast is vaccine Passports email to all Bethels)
X___________________________________X (on 2021Elul15, the last saint joined reverted Laodicea, 300 denarii of feet oil after 2020Heshvan15, the start of entry)
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude in a land not theirs of Genesis15
Entry into the early 1st Watchtower Passover Entry day into the 7th marriage
s start being baptised into reverted Laodicea End of entrance into reverted Laodicea
2019Elul10 (3rd presence begins)
2020Tammuz10 (3rd presence restarts)
300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Head of Mark14
300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Feet of John12
INCORRECTLY applied to s rather than saints
End of the world End of
2022Ab15 (Isaaic baptism now available to s)
430 years a month for a day
14 Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come. (Romans 5 )
When God was appointed Caesar to Israel through Moses on 1513Nisan18 (Mosaic first fruits), the secular Calendar was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start in honour of God becoming Caesar to Israel and removing Israel from Egypt via the Exodus during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21. Pharaoh had no authority over Israel from 1513Nisan14 onwards. became Caesar in Nisan but his law, the law of Moses, was not installed until the Pentecost on 1513Sivan7, when Moses made the Pentecostal sacrifice upon mount Sinai in Arabia. there is no division between God and God so the sacred and secular years were Both Nisan1 start until Saul when the secular year reverted to Tishri1 start, the adamic year start.
Likewise, when removes the Abrahamic s from the Egypt of this world on 2022Chislev15-19 after having become Caesar to them, the secular year changes from a Tishri1 start of Adam to a Chislev1 start of .
held the Exodus Passover from Egypt in that month on 1513Nisan14 and the Jews crossed the Red Sea at the late Passover on 1515Iyyar14 BC.
holds the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2022Chislev14. The Abrahamic s cross the Reed/Red sea into the ark from 2022Chislev15-19. Then the Isaaic world Exodus Passover, occurs on 2022Tebbeth14, and the Isaaic s are raptured into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15-21.
baptism: Physical temples are built then inaugurated. Spiritual temples are founded then inaugurated then built?
14 years and 4 months is 430 years a month for a day in the Egypts of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea (lower then upper Egypt, upper due to the raptures from reappointed Laodicea)
Laodicea appointed to feed the s
Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea reappointed over the s Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church
13 years 9 months 8 days
6 months 22 days
Total = 14 years 4 months = 430/30 years = 430 years a month for a day.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
The last chance salooners saved between 2023Chislev11 and 2023Tebbeth10 appear to be represented by the non Abrahamic vast mixed company of uncircumcised people that came out of Egypt with the Jews (sons of ) and the sons of . So they are not in the - well not until the last 7 days of entry of Daniel 9:27 from 2023Tebbeth4-10. Then they are saved into the Kingdom and resurrected from on 2023Tebbeth16 for that purpose (having been Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover). The last chance salooners are last minute proselytes to essentially.
crosses the Euphrates David buys threshing floor of Ornan
sacrificed End of 1,099,798 day Entrance Mark test baptism starts
Mark test baptism ends entry restarts 1Chronicles21 1.1 million men end
1943Nisan14 ( entry begins) 1048Nisan16 (1,100,000 men start)
2008Nisan14 (6,000 lease ends) 2022Adar19
2023Tishri4 (lava flood ends) 2023Tebbeth3/4 2023Tebbeth10 ( entry ends)
1975 years of entry to
1975 years of entry
195 days of entry
Last Week of Daniel9 of entry
1,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 = 1,099,798 + 195 + 7 days of entry
Ye of little faith are the s who enter from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4 exclusively
Ye of very little faith (but sufficient love) are the s who enter from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
Frank calls this pattern, pre midnight darkness, midnight (double darkness) and post midnight darkness.
Humans who own angelic souls can ascend or descend 's ladder. Our human brains cannot double their clock speed, but God can double the bandwidth of the connection to the angelic brain until full bandwidth is achieved on day 30 of ascension. The human brain would then act as a full speed interface coprocessor between the angelic brain and the human body. Each step is a doubling/halving of angelic brain speed. 30 steps take us from 200Hz to 200GHz or vice versa.
12 And he began to dream,
and, look! there was a ladder stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and, look! there were God's angels ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28 )
51 He further said to him: Most truly I say to you men,
you will see heaven opened up and the angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of man. (John 1 )
Possession targets are not in the ark during the descent. So demonic possession begins at the bottom of the ladder/snake not the top.
The 1st fire sign of 1Kings18 occurred on 2010Chislev20-23, 7 Pentecosts NOT 7 years after 2003Shebat21, the Laodicean installation to feed the s, to 2010Heshvan21, then the 31x sentence count to 2010Chislev22,
The 3rd fire sign occurs 7 years precisely after the 2015Tebbeth5 installation of Isaaic over to 2022Tebbeth5, then the 30x/31x sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 to 2022Shebat5-6 (by the Ambiguity Principle of the code)
The 2nd fire sign occurs 7 years precisely after the 2015Chislev21 installation of Isaaic over the s to 2022Chislev21, then the 30x/31x sentence count to 2022Tebbeth21/22 .
We became Abrahamic from 2012Sivan14-16
We became Isaaic from 2015Ab14-16
7 times can mean 7 Pentecost festivals or late versions thereof.
Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Elul16/Heshvan5
2015Tishri16 is the weekly Sabbath. So Isaaic is appointed/installed over on 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
Go back 7x in Pentecosts from 2003Chislev2/Shebat21, the Laodicean appointment/installation to feed the s to 2010Heshvan21, the Pentecost,
then 30/31 days of the sentence count to 2010Chislev20-23 for the 1st fire sign
Go back 7x in years from 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21, the Isaaic installation over the s, to 2022Chislev21 (the late Pentecost), then 30x/31x days of the sentence count to 2022Tebbeth21/22, the 3rd fire sign at the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year or the super Pentecost thereafter.
Go back 7x in years from 2015heshvan16/Tebbeth5, the Isaaic installation over (the last Isaaic installation to rule), to 2022Tebbeth5 (the 6th Pentecost), when himself reaches the top of mount Carmel over , then 30x/31x of the sentence count of 1Kings12:42-44 to the 3rd fire sign on 2022Shebat5/6.
The first fire sign occurred during the late Pentecost on 2010Chislev21
The 3rd fire sign occurs around 2022Shebat5, the 7th Pentecost.
The 2nd fire sign occurs during the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year on 2022Tebbeth21.
A following 2nd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 after Chislev21 of the first fire sign
The s and started to be saved 7x after they became and after their 40 month wilderness penalty ended on 2019Tammuz30
The s start to be saved 7x after we became , and after the fall of Sodom on 2022Elul14.
The 2 patterns being 38 months apart, the gap between 2012Sivan14 and 2015Ab14.,.
The year of 2022 is to the what they year of 2019 was to the
The 33½ year Fundamental Pattern of the s
1st Watchtower Passover that Gordon attended 1st Passover Adamic/Egyptian Passover /Abrahamic Passover 1st Passover in reverted Laodicea End of
11 years
11 year
Passover & sacred year change
8 years
3½ year ministry
1991Chislev14: 1991November25/26. Watchtower applies to join the UN as a NGO affiliated to the DPI. 10x of testing of of Numbers 14 before 2001Chislev14, when it lost its water baptism.
1992January28: UN DPI accepted 36 new NGOs one of which was the Watchtower Bible and TRact Society of New York. Their main Representative at the UN was Ciro Aulicino.
1999Tishri2/Chislev21: (Gordon) appointed/installed to rule over the s (1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month).
2001Chislev14: The Watchtower loses its water baptism due to putting in writing in its 2001Heshvan10/11 2001Nivember1 letter to the Bethels that it was unrepentant for riding the UN beast as a harlot church and for putting the throne of into
the temple of by joining the UN DPI as an affiliated NGO.
2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10 OR 2003Iyyar22/Tammuz11: FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the s (due to HyperOs)
2002Tammuz15: Laodicea appointed as a true church, 3½ years of the near bank of Dnaiel12 before 2005Tebbeth15, when they stole the to start their water baptised congregation, 7 months of an after 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower. Roger Knight first contacted the s around this time.
2002Elul16: Gordon baptised a Roger Knight, who was a clandestine Laodicean,
who became their apostle.
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the reserves.
7x Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel,.
2003Chislev2/Shebat21 Laodicea appointed/installed to feed s (after and ) 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14.
the Watchtower falls as a true church, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its baptism on 2001Chislev14..
2nd Laodicean is baptised into the . Laodicean congregation begins.
2005Tebbeth15: 7x of an after 2005Sivan15, the 1st day of Cakes after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14
2005Sivan15 to 2012Sivan15: 7x of an from the 1st day of Cakes after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14, to the 1st day of Cakes after the Passover on 2012Sivan14, when all those in the 2 true churches died to Adam.
2006Sivan14 to 2013Iyyar14: The 7x, of Naaman ( reserves) pre Passover bathing in the Jordan to get clean flesh as the fiance of before 2007Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2013Nisan14/Iyyar14,
before the end of the 2nd presence on 2013Adar10
- U652.
2007Iyyar17/Tammuz6: Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over the reserves (because there is no reserve appointment, there is only a appointment. So and took the first two such appointments to feed s.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the Sabbath) is when Laodicean is appointed/installed to rule over the s, because then 40 months of Joash take us to 2010Chislev inclusively AND nobody else was installed over the s on 2007Elul11. So the 40 month would be taken inclusively, The 4600 solar days from 1999Heshvan21 to 2012Sivan16 is a fulfilment of Daniel8. 1999Heshvan21 is a transgression causing desolation - not sure what it was.
2010Chislev: Laodicea falls over the reserves after 40 months of Joash.
2012Sivan1: Start of the Sivan1 sacred year due to our edenic restoration from 2012Sivan14-16, to be .
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to gene zap transformation for Laodicea and the s
Constant feature of this website began as bibledecoded with pipex All true churches finish becoming . The Place is now in the right condition,
Jubilee restored.
4600 solar days of Daniel9
The 2:1 Temple Ratio Prophecy
first fruits
1st day of Cakes/ first fruits
Adamic Starts
Temple curtain (' flesh) Adamic Most Ends Abrahamic flesh begins (Jubilee edenic restoration is complete)
Adam born
born in Bethlehem
True churches die to Adam All true church congregations become (Laodiceans and Lords Witnesses)
2Heshvan21 BC
4025 years 49 days (40 cubits)
2012½ years 24½ days (20 cubits)
2012Sivan16/Ab5: appointed/installed over - in order that these dates ARE first fruits and the Pentecost.
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin)
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over
2012: Abrahamic is not appointed/installed over s or to feed s because and left the 2 young men in Genesis 22:5 to perform the ram substitution sacrifice of - see U318.
2015Ab14-16: s become .
2015Elul16/Heshvan5: Isaaic appointed/installed over
2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: Isaaic appointed/installed over .
2015Heshvan2: The s are given the land of the Jebusites of Exodus 13:5 by appointment to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2 and 2015Heshvan2. Hence we must celebrate the Passover-Cakes on both Sivan14-21 from our 2012Sivan14-16 restoration and on Ab14-21 from our Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion.
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21: Isaaic is appointed/installed over the s. Then 7x of the to 2022Chislev21.
2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Isaaic is appointed/installed to feed the reserves (4th after , and Laodicea - 2015Adar is an Isaaic Sabbath) but not to rule over them. None of them ever joined the church. But returned to the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 - see U318
2016Nisan1-2019Tammuz30: The 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty upon Laodicea. This follows immediately after the 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 to 2015Adar25/30, which was the result of their giving up on chronology post the 1975 End of the World failure (to avoid further embarrassment).
40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty begins Spying test starts 40 month Laodicea wilderness penalty begins
Laodicea falls as a true church 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty ends Laodicea reappointed as a true church
1976Nisan1 2015Shebat21
2016Nisan1 (night of weeping)
40 years
40 days
40 months
40 days of Laodicean spying run from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1. And the night of weeping is 2016Nisan1- see U360.
2016Tishri1, 2017Tishri1, 2018Tishri1, 2019Tishri1, 2020Tishri1, 2021Tishri1, 2022Tishri1 which is replaced by 2022Chislev1 for s. 7 Rosh Hashana trumpets before the ark.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence)
2019Ab7: Laodicea is reappointed as a true church. Nebuzaradan arrives at Jerusalem following 2Kings 25:8
2019Ab10: The temple of the Watchtower starts to be burnt. People start entering into reappointed Laodicea which is separate from the Watchtower due to the 5250 Sabbath payback period from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5
2019Heshvan14: The late 1st Watchtower Passover, 1440x of the sentence count of cutting down the tree of the Watchtower of Daniel4:13-17 before 2023Heshvan14,
the physical end of the Watchtower (the final installation of the under over Cain being 2023HEshvan11). See U123.
2019Adar13: the fall of reappointed Laodicea
14 years and 4 months is 430 years a month for a day in the Egypts of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea (lower then upper Egypt, upper due to the raptures from reappointed Laodicea)
Laodicea appointed to feed the s
Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea reappointed over the s Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church
13 years 9 months 8 days
6 months 22 days
Total = 14 years 4 months = 430/30 years = 430 years a month for a day.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
2019Ab14: 2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 take us to 2019Ab14, the restoration of the constant feature in reappointed (on 2019Ab7) Laodicea.
2019Ab21/Tishri10: The reappointment/reinstallation of Laodicea over the s (2019Tishri10 was the mandatory Atonement day Sabbath under the Nisan1 sacred calendar but NOT under the Sinva1 sacred calendar)
installed over the s Watchtower directors released on Bail Fall of the Watchtower as a true church
End of the 5250 Solar day Sabbath payback from 2005Sivan14
1918Adar18 =
31,500 solar day enforced working week
5297-47 prison Sabbaths =
5250 missed weekly Sabbaths + Atonement days from 1905Sivan6 to 2005Sivan14 (installation over s to fall)
Laodicea has to be independent of the Watchtower in order to avoid the Sabbath penalty and therefore be a true church. The false Watchtower church had a 5250 day missed enforced Sabbath penalty to pay off before God could rescue the saints starting with the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14.
So each enforced weekday is also 5250 solar days long. So the Watchtower enforced working week was 31,500 solar days long running from 1918Adar18. But the directors of the Watchtower Society were released on bail on 1918VeAdar17.18 - 1918Adar17/18 !!! So this is saying the the enforced work began after their incarceration.
2019Tishri10 -2020Tishri10: The Accepting/Goodwill year of Isaiah61 for reserves and s, from entrance into the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to entrance into the 4th marriage Passover, the end of the anointing of the 3rd .
crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan The one day Passover in Egypt
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1513Nisan14 BC
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for + seed in Egyptian controlled territory
480 years of 1Kings 6:1
Watchtower falls as a true church
1st Watchtower Passover
Last saint is accepted and/not baptised into Sodom Isaaic Temple building in the 4th day in the 2ndf month of 1Kings 6:1
2005Sivan14 (14 years 4 months before escape) 2019Tishri14 (3rd bride executed)
2021Elul15 (300 Denarii of oil of feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan15)
2022Tebbeth15: 4th day and 2nd month of Solomon's vassal Caesar installations
430 years in Watchtower Egypt a month for a day
480 years of 1Kings6 after leaving Watchtower of 1Kings6 a year for a day = 480 days
Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built upon the ground of David on 2022Tebbeth15
End of the 2nd presence: s become unclean pigs First pig jumps off the overhang of the fallen Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the lake of the Reappointed Laodicean
2000 days
2019Tishri10 - 2019Adar13: 5 Minas for Russell over Laodicea.
2019Tishri14: 3rd marriage Passover
2019Tishri15: The 2 rapture of the 3rd bride on the last day of the Laodicean .
2019Tishri16/Chislev5: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over
2019Tishri17: The 3rd marriage in the 3 after the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14.
So the early 1st Watchtower Passover is 2019Elul14. So the 3rd presence must start on 2019Elul10
2019Tishri17-2023Tammuz7 = 1340 day period of ark entry from earth.
2019Tishri17, 2019Heshvan22, 2019Chislev20, 2019Tebbeth18, 2020Tammuz19, 2020Ab17, 2020Elul22, 2020Tishri20,
2020Heshvan18, 2022Chislev17-21,
2022Chislev15-21, 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5, 2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7 = 95 days of 3 entry
2x1335 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan14. Then 2019Heshvan15 is the 2 rapture of the 4th bride, the congregation s.
2019Heshvan17: All the Watchtower springs of the vast unspecified fluid deep of Genesis 7:11 are busted open? No. Only the saints left for reappointed Laodicea at that time.
2019Chislev/Shebat5: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over
2019Tebbeth18: The 6th marriage
2019Shebat10: The end of the baptism for reappointed Laodicea (a stretched hand after.2019Elul10).
2019Shebat10: The appointment of Sodom as a true church (4 months of the near bank of Daniel12 before 2020Sivan10, the start of entrance into Sodom).
A time, times and a half of a day?
2019Adar7: The 6th marriage Pentecost from 2019Tebbeth18
2019Adar9: 5th marriage Pentecost from 2018Chislev20 (delayed from 2020Shebat9), the completed non late 3rd Pentecost. This is the installation of Sodom?
2019Adar13: The fall of Laodicea as a true church 200 Denarii + 3 from 2019Ab21,
their appointment to feed the s. For 200 Denarii of John6 was not enough to feed them.
2019Adar13: End of 153 big fish of John21 from 2019Tishri10, the entrance of the first s from the Watchtower into reappointed Laodicea.
5 January 2020 (2019Tebbeth4/5): WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan - https://www.who.int/news/item/27-04-2020-who-timeline---covid-19
12 January 2020 (2019Tebbeth11/12): China publishes genetic sequence of COVID19
11 March 2020 (2019Adar10/11): WHO declares COVID to be a Pandemic.
14 March 2020 Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, announces the US is to extend its European coronavirus travel ban to include the UK from 16 March.
14 March 2020 UK retailers release a joint letter asking customers not to panic buy products after some supermarkets sell out of items such as pasta, hand gel and toilet paper.
20 March 2020 UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces that the government will pay 80% of wages for employees not working, up to £2,500 a month, as part of "unprecedented" measures to protect people's jobs. Prime Minister Boris Johnson orders all cafes, pubs,
restaurants, gyms and other social venues to close from the evening of 20 March, except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus. All the UK's nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres are told to close "as soon as they reasonably can"
23 March 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a televised address to the nation, says that Britons should only go outside to buy food, to exercise once a day, or to go to work if they absolutely cannot work from home. Citizens will face police fines for failure to comply with these new measures (most of Daniel's people - s - are in the UK)..
25 March 2020: UK Parliament closes down for a month
26 March 2020: UK lockdown regulations come into force
31 March 2020: A significant rise in anxiety and depression among the UK population is reported following the lockdown. The study, by researchers from the University of Sheffield and Ulster University, finds that people reporting anxiety increased from 17% to 36%, while those reporting depression increased from 16% to 38%.
2020Sivan10: The start of the baptism into Sodom for non saints
Constant feature is interrupted by death
Place comes into final condition
2300 Solar Days
2020Tammuz10: The start of the baptism into Sodom for s. This is the restart of the 3rd presence. The 7th marriage Passover on 2020Tammuz14 is for the late partaking Congregation s. There is no early version of it.
2020Tammuz19: The 7th marriage, the completion of the Kingly part of the 3rd .
2020Ab7: 2020July30: WEF announces COVIDPASS using blockchain technology and requiring an antibody blood test. It is a platform for nation states to use to develop a vaccine passport - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/covid-19-passport-app-health-travel-covidpass-quarantine-event/
2020Ab10: Entrance day into the 1st marriage Passover in Sodom.
2020Ab14: The 1st marriage Passover in Sodom.
2020Ab15: The 1st bride 2 rapture.
2020Ab17: The Cana marriage, the 1st marriage.
2020Ab17-23: the Cana marriage feast, the 1st marriage feast
2020Ab19: The 1st marriage and ark3 entrance
2020Ab24: Veil lifting and marital supper day for the 1st marriage.
2020Ab24: Cana marriage marital supper and veil lifting day. The start of the 30 months Benjamin call to 2022Shebat24. the water of the is turned into the wine of the for the Kings of Benjamin
2020Ab24 - 2022Elul14: The 25x of the sentence count of Acts3 verses 6-8 of Benjamin, the Kings, being called into reverted Laodicea - see U214
2020Ab24 - 2022Shebat24: The 30x of the Benjamin proselyte call of the sower parable. This call is into Sodom until 2022Elul14, the fall of that church, and then into . It must end before the ark resurrection of Benjamin on 2023Nisan5/6.
2020Ab/Elul: 2020August: First countries, 6 East African nations, try out the WEF Common Pass (a renamed CovidPass) - https://www.weforum.org/videos/common-pass-travelling-the-world-in-the-covid-era
2020Elul8: The installation of the 7th bride, the installation of the completed 3rd (as regards its kings).
2020Elul8: The word of Daniel9 cannot go forth because he must stay at home and make his wife rejoice for a year from marital supper and veil lifting day in accordance with Deuteronomy 24:5.
2020Elul14: 2nd marriage Passover.
2020Elul15: 2nd bride 2 rapture
2020Elul22: 2nd bride marriage and 3 entrance (2020Elul is a Sabbath month for adamics on earth, not for non adamics in the ark)
2020Elul/Tishri: 2020September: USA and European nations start using Common Pass as an air travel vaccine Passport - https://www.weforum.org/videos/common-pass-travelling-the-world-in-the-covid-era
2020Tishri is the 3rd sacred Kingdom Jubilee. 2021Iyyar, 2021Chislev, 2022Tammuz and the 3 chiefs of 50 of 2Kings1 (in the monthly fulfilment) and 2022Tebbeth21 is the end of the rapture of the saints before the 4th Sabbath of 2022Shebat
2020Tishri10: The end of the baptism for s for the late 2nd marriage.
2020Tishri10: 3rd Kingdom Jubilee release day and Atonement day (this coincidence occurs once every 25 years). The entire 3rd (both kings and lords) is now baptised, Atoned.
18 Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?
19 In answer said to them: Break down this temple,
and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in 3 days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body. (John 2 )
Watchtower falls as a true church Last is baptised into reverted Laodicea 3rd marriage Passover + execution 2 resurrection of 3rd bride 4th marriage Passover and execution 2 resurrection of 4th bride
2020Tishri10 (3rd is completed)
46/3 years of John2 = 15⅓ years of being broken down
The temple of the reserves for the 3rd , ' wife, his Kingdom body, is raised up in 3 days and spends 15⅓ years being broken down. It is raised up non adamically in the day of Laodicea. It is raised up into the ark in the days of reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea ( Sodom).
The temple of the entire 3rd is raised up into the ark during the 3 days of the 1st 2nd and 3rd presences of the Christ.
2020Tishri14: 3rd marriage Passover.
2020Tishri14: The end of the division of the 3rd (s and s)
from earthly mankind MENE MENE TEKEL AND PARSIN in months from 2012Nisan14, the Passover at the end of 's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan14.
50+50+1+2x.½ = 102 Months from 2012Nisan14, the end of 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam, to 2020Tishri14, the sealing of the last ..
2020Tishri15: 3rd bride 2 rapture
2020Tishri20: 3rd bride marriage and 3 entrance
2020Heshvan15: The start of entry into Sodom. 300 Denarii of perfumed oil of John12 on the feet of before 2021Elul15, the end of entry into Sodom.
2020Heshvan15: 4th bride 2 rapture. The and marriage raptures must be for residence or they would not count as ark entrance.
2020Heshvan18: 4th bride marriage
2020Tebbeth7: Completed Pentecost, the 4th marriage Pentecost.
2020Shebat29 (2021February16): Israel introduces Green Pass system.
2021Sivan7 (May19/20): Austria introduces its Green Pass for bars, restaurants, hotels,
language classes, gyms, hairdressers, etc.
2021Sivan13: The physical end of reappointed Laodicea, 450 prophets of Baal after 2019Adar13, the fall of reappointed Laodicea. ON this day the last Laodicean enters into Sodom, the last reappointed Laodicean prophet of Baal is seized
2021Tammuz20: repents. 1290 days of the Time of the End of run from 2017Chislev20 (when he loses his constant feature of heavenly spying) to 2021Tammuz20, when the one acting as a restraint over the demons is taken out of the way!.
Evicted reaches the bottom of 's ladder repents.
1290 days of the Time of the End for of Daniel12.
2021Ab7: Gordon and Alex Jones realise that Boris Johnson's law to make double vaccination passports mandatory for nightclubs (of July19) confirms that vaccination passports are the Mark of the Beast. They were not introduced on October1 when first scheduled.
2021Ab10: Mark of Beast email sent to all Bethels explaining that vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 and coronavirus is the crown of thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 and that Vaccine Passport will become the Mark of the Beast.
Word of Vaccine Passport Mark of Beast email went forth
Laodicean Pre rapture visit Abrahamic rapture ends
69 weeks of Daniel9
1 Week
2021Ab28/29: Sunday August8: Senator Rand advises people to resist authoritarian 'COVID'
restrictions - indicating that the Senate has lost the battle. Youtube bans his constitutionally protected free speech.
2021Ab29: Monday August 9: France mandates vaccine passports - pass sanitaire -
for non emergency hospital visits, non emergency medical centre visits,
restaurants, cafes and big shops - proving that vaccine passports are not about health.
2021Elul1: The EUDCC vaccine Passport is the only internationally adopted vaccine passport. It must therefore become the greater registration of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2. It was launched on 2021July1 and phased in from July1 to August12. It was first mandated by France on August9. Israel began using a national Green Pass on February16 but stopped using it on June1 then restarted on July29 Denmark started using a nation pass on April 21 but stopped on September 10. The EUDCC is now used by all 27 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
and by a further 22 non EU countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Faroes, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Morocco, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City. - https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en
2021Elul3: August13: Kabul begins to fall - 2 Para starts packing for redeployment: This is proof that the Globalist control the UK and the US. The idea that we would deliberately pull out troops and abandon our citizens is not from humans. It is from demons. The greater August is not August, but the 8th Hebrew month of some sacred year!
2021Elul12. s legislated with Step8 of our baptism process to disfellowship anyone who takes the incessant spike protein production chimeric beastiality genetically reprogramming N1 Methylpseudouridine immune system hacking vaccine snake bite BOY were we right on that one..
2021Elul12: We added the 1st and 7th days of Cakes and 1st day of Booths to our annual festival calendar.
2021Elul15: 600 chosen chariots chasing after Israel must run from 2021Elul15, the end of entry into reverted Laodicea, to 2023Iyyar15, the start of ascension,
the end of earthly interaction in chariots. Are the marriages now 2023Iyyar2 and 2023Sivan2? see U358.
2021Elul15: The last s enter into Sodom before the late Isaaic Passover.
2021Elul29: Non President Vote Fraud Organisation Biden's Executive order Mandating Vaccines is signed on September9, applying to all federal employees and employees of corporations with more than 100 staff
3 And Pharaoh will say as to the sons of Israel, They [are] entangled in the land [but resident in the ark], the pasture/desert has shut them in [the pasture in the ark is where they live], (Exodus 14 )
Etham means: Boundary or Fortress or Wall. So this is the law of the . We are given the talent by the Mother Hen who gathers her chicks under her wings.
2021Tishri1: Elijah4's attendant/boy of 1Kings18 becomes 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning ,having been born on 2002Nisan14 by the baptism of the first not to have left the church. So he is now a man by Hebrew reckoning.
2021Tishri6: September15/16: The Italian govt approves a law requiring all private sector and public sector employees to have a green COVID19 vaccine or recent test pass or be suspended without pay. The law is scheduled to come into effect on October15 (2021Heshvan5)
2021Tishri6: September15/16: UK Care Home Staff must get their first jab by 2021September16 in order to be doubly jabbed by 2021November11 (8 weeks later), when vaccine mandate comes into force.
2021Tishri15: 2021September25: Holland made vaccine passports compulsory for bars, restaurants, theatres, venues
2021Tishri15/16: Gordon realised that the vaccines were unclean due to chimeric bestiality AND HOW. He later updated Step8 of the baptism process accordingly on 2021Tishri17/18 (email sent on 2021Tishri18).
2021Tishri22: Sajid Javid, the UK Health Secretary on October2 at 10:45 am refused to delay the care home vaccine mandate. Sajid Javid has said care home workers who are not willing to get vaccinated against Covid-19 should “get out and get another job”.
The Health Secretary said he is not prepared to “pause” the requirement for care home staff to be fully-vaccinated by November 11, amid concerns significant numbers of staff are reluctant to receive the vaccine.
This was a confirmation of UK vaccine compulsion of 2021September16 (2021Tishri6). https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/02/sajid-javid-unvaccinated-care-workers-should-get-get-another/
2021Heshvan8: October18: Scotland imposes vaccine passports enforceable by law for nightclubs and large events. So much for the bagpipes being left out of Daniel3 !
2021Shebat2: The end of the 1000 day chain from 2019Nisan22,
the start of the 42 month lease give to the Dragon of Revelation13. The start of the 10 horns who are 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom, 10 months precisely to 2022Chislev2
Horn___________________________10 Horns_____________________________Horn
Diadem_________________________________________10 Diadems____________________________________________ 10th Diadem ends
10 kings = 10 horns not
Leopard_____________________4 heads________________________ Leopard/Sea Beast_____________________7 heads___________________ Sea Beast heads end
yet received a kingdom
10 kings get authority End of world judicially Transfer begins
4 Leopard heads start Transfer complete Mark Enforcement
7 Sea heads begin
Sea Beast caught Sea Beast is burnt
Kingdom prevails
1000 day chain ends 1 hour of 42 months 42 month lease ends 10 horns end
China attacks itself 10 diadems start
and WW3 begin
4 leopard heads end Domesticated Judged to Babylon destroyed
2022November29/30 2022Nov29 (with tanks)
2023September8/9 2023October31/Nov1
2023Elul4 (WW3 ends) 2023Elul21
4 months = 4 horns of power 4 months = 4 horns
30 day power and authority transfer WW3 runs for 7x = 7 months of Daniel3 17 days of Revelation19:20
1 And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. (Revelation 13 )
19 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar himself got filled with fury, and the very expression of his face was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times more than it was customary to heat it up. (Daniel 3 )
12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. (Revelation 17 )
Horn = month of power for 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom.
Diadem = month of post horn kingship for the 10 kings based upon their own power (diadems upon their horns) not upon God's authority.
Head = month of headship./rulership
6+1=7 months precisely (of all ones compared to the free, the slaves, the rich, the poor the great and the small ones of Revelation13:16) of Universal Mark enforcement by WW3 from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast
2021Heshvan24 (November4): ETS Vaccine Mandate for all public sector employers and private sector employers of more than 100 people is entered into the federal register
2021Heshvan26 (November6): Federal judge suspends Biden's vaccine mandate for constitutional reasons.
2021Heshvan28 (November8): The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate. Then 2021Chislev22 (November30 8:50 pm New York Post): Louisiana District Judge Dougherty issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate Nationwide (US).
2021Chislev6/7: Published/Accepted our 462nd fire sign prediction for 2021Chislev20-22 and 2021Chislev20-22.
2021Chislev10: 04:03 am, the longest partial lunar eclipse (97%) for 580 years!! Passover entry day for the World Exodus Passover and the Christian Passover.
2021Chislev22 (November30 8:50 pm New York Post):
Louisiana District Judge Dougherty issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate Nationwide (US).
2021Chislev30 (December8 8:00 pm): Senate votes 52:48 to end Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate on Businesses (meaningless posturing - they should have refused to fund the government until the mandate was completely negated).
2021Tebbeth3: Japanese government advice:
“Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.” The government even links to a
“Human Rights Advice,” including instructions for handling any complaints if individuals face “vaccine discrimination”
at work. - Rio Times
2021Tebbeth9 (December17:8:00 pm approx) 6th Circuit court of Appeals reinstates Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate.
2021Tebbeth20: We saw and published a the incorrect fire sign predictions for 2021Shebat20-22
2021Tebbeth26: We saw and published the last incorrect sign predictions for 2021Shebat4-6 and 2021shebat21-23 (taking the 4th Pentecost to be 2021Shebat22).
2021Shebat2 (2022January9/10): The Dragon is let off his 1000 day chain from 2019Nisan22. He is let off his chain after the entire has been harvested (Kings and Lords) having already implemented the vaccine passports using the WEF.
Dragon's 42 month lease starts End of 1000 day chain
42 month lease ends
2022January9/10 2022October12/13
1000 day chain of Revelation20
252 days
42 month lease of the Dragon of Revelation13 from 2019Nisan22 (2019April27/28) to 2022Tishri14 (2022October12/13), the end of the world judicially.
2021Shebat16/18: We predicted 2021Adar5-7 and 2021Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18
2021Shebat23: 2022January31: UK vaccine mandate for care home and NHS staff axed.
2021Shebat24: 2022February1: Denmark abolishes all vaccine mandates.
2021VeAdar10: the last weekly Sabbath in Greek winter. NOT The start of the of Matthew 24.
2021VeAdar10: Saturday around 9:00am UK time, Russia announces that it has used the Kinzhal Hypersonic missile system on Deliatyn, a village in the foothills of the picturesque Carpathian mountains, is located outside the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, to take out an ammunition dump there. These missiles go at mach 12 and are unstoppable by any NATO anti missile system.
Kinzhal is a Mach12 air launched nuclear capable March12 3000 km missile.
Zircon is a Mach8 1500 km winged ship or ground launched antiship missile
is a Mach20 unlimited range ballistically launched manoeuvring glide vehicle MIRV nuclear weapon - WOOPS
Kh85 is a long range air launched hypersonic cruise missile
"He could have used some other missile, and he chose a hypersonic one," she said. "So the strategic messaging is that they've got this weapon. We don't. But even more importantly, is because it's dual-capable – it can be loaded with a conventional warhead or with a nuclear warhead."
Koffler argued that using the Kinzhal missile loaded with a conventional warhead proved no more strategically useful for Russia than by using another long-range cruise or ballistic missile.
"He's messaging to us that he has a high tolerance for nuclear warfare," the former DIA officer said. "And that if pushed – if we continue pushing him in the corner – he will have no choice, in his view, but to do this."
Koffler said that while the threat of a nuclear strike has increased, she believes Moscow may have launched a hypersonic missile to "compel us to stand down."
2021Adar12: Saturday 2022February19 US defence Secretary Lloyd Austin (a retired military general) said to Baltic leaders in Vilnius the Lithuanian capital as reported by Reuters that Russian forces were " uncoiling and are now poised to strike,"
Comparing Putin's forces to a giant snake. He said: "Having done this before, I can tell you that that's exactly what you need to to attack and the and the stance that you need to be in to attack,"
2021Adar14: Monday February21. Putin unilaterally Annexes Donetsk and Luhansk by signing an agreement between himself and himself. The bear now has 3 Ukrainian ribs in its mouth, Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk.
2021Adar14: Monday February21: Putin sends Russian 'Peacekeepers' into Donetsk and Luhansk in tanks. They may not prove to be very successful at keeping the peace. (indeed they were singularly unsuccessful)
2021Adar14 Putin orders 'peacekeeping forces into the Donbas. 42 days after 2021Shebat2, the end of the 1,000 day chain of Revelation20 from 2019Nisan22, the start of the Dragon's 42 month lease of Revelation13 to 2022Tishri14.
2021Adar14 - 2022Elul23: 189 day sentence count of Daniel7:5 of the 3 ribs or 'they' telling the bear to get up and eat much flesh. This is the period of Russia having the 3 provinces of Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk) in its military jaws (but no other provinces of Ukraine) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22) when Putin mobilised 300,000 reserves - see U156
‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/putin-calls-up-300-000-reservists
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister)
2021Adar17 (2022February24) Full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine occurs 45 days after the end of the Dragon's 1,000 day chain. He did not waste much time. Snakes attack by deception slithering sideways and uncoiling before they strike. Hence the 'peacekeepers' were sent in first. If we move the Dragon's lease one more month forward, then it would run from 2019Iyyar20 and the 1,000 day chain would end on 2021Shebat30, 14 days before Putin attacked by deception. One cannot logistically arrange a massive invasion of a country in 14 days. So we must now have the 42 months correctly.
2022Nisan5. April6/7: The UK IDVT DBS (ID Verification Technology Digital Barring System) legislation came into force.
2022Nisan7: We saw/published 2022Nisan14-15 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2022Iyyar22: Alan and Gordon see that Monkeypox is the 6th plague of Exodus9 -
2022Iyyar23: May25. Russian Duma votes to remove upper age limit on conscription to retirement age from 40 for Russians and 30 for foreigners. Another seed grab.
2022Iyyar27: May29: Putin signs into law the removal of the upper age limit for enlistment/conscription into the army. It is now retirement age (65 for men).
Another seed grab.
2022Sivan14: and appointment Passover. Our Abib month, our churchwide Egyptian Passover. We must celebrate this Passover on 2022Sivan14. We have never done that before (We did on 2022Sivan14).
2022Tammuz: The 3rd monthly Sabbath of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee.
2022Ab15: The end of the . The baptism now becomes Isaaic rather than Abrahamic. What about the Kenyans?
So there are 3600 days of oversight and shining (with a 127 day installation gap) from 2012Ab5 before the s start building the house of , Solomon's temple on earth, to 2022Chislev12
There are 3550 days of treading down and suppression from 2012Tishri5 of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea and Sodom's building of the house of , Solomon's temple, to 2022Ab15, the end of the .
installed over
s transform from to s installed over
3rd meets Laodicea and start oversight on behalf of Solomon?
2012Ab5 ( Pentecost)
3600 overseers/shining ones of the s with 127 day Installation gap
Laodicea installed over End of the from 2015Ab15
2012Tishri5 (3rd Pentecost)
2022Ab15 ( Sodomites can now join the s)
3300 + 250 = 3550 treaders down of Laodicea of 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 (one does not have to be in a true church to tread people down)
Laodicea installed over Fall and Ostracism of Laodicea
Gathering of prophets to Sodom and treading them down ends
2012Tishri5 (3rd Pentecost)
2022Ab15. from 2015Ab15 ends
12x+450x+400x+13x+450x+400x+50x = 1775x of 1Kings18:19-20 - see section [85]
2x 1775x = 3550x = 3300x+250x of treaders down from 1Kings5 and 2Chronicles8.
2022Ab15 - 2022Chislev15 - 2023Nisan6: The Tetramenos from the end of the , to the start of the ark harvest of the saints (Abrahamic s). And the subsequent tetramenos to the end of the harvest of the saints (Benjamin)
Saintly ark harvest begins with Abrahamic s Saintly ark harvest ends at the rapture of Benjamin
4 months, tetramenos before ark harvest 4 months, the harvest tetramenos of the saints
2022Elul10: Last day of Sodom entry.
2022Elul14: The fall of Sodom. We give to on 2023Nisan5 and it ends on 2023Heshvan14.
2022Elul14: 6,000 days of Ezekiel47 and 200 denarii (months) of loaves after 2005Tebbeth15, when the Laodicean congregation began by theft of the from the s
2022Elul14: 450 Sodom Prophets of Baal are commanded to be seized to 2023Chislev14, the end of Kingdom seizing, the absolute end of Adam. The month of no escape (into ) runs from 2022Elul14 to 2022Tishri14.
2022Elul14: Total Hebrew word count from Joshua2 verses 14, 17-20, 24:
19x+6x+27x+22x+10x+13x = 97x from 2022Elul14 to 2022Chislev21, the end of the Abrahamic rapture and transfer into 3 - see U367.
2022Elul14: The end of the 1000 years a year for a day of binding the Dragon of Revelation20 into possessing people in reappointed Laodicea and Sodom, from 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 in reappointed Laodicea and from 2020Tammuz10 to 2022Elul14 in Sodom = 216+784 = 1000 fays of being bound in those two true churches
2022Elul14: 200 cubits of the little boat of John21 from 2023Nisan5, when the 3rd spirit takes over
2022Elul14: The end of the 1000 day of the feeding of the 5,000 of John6 -
1,000 days of 5 loaves into 5,000. From 2019Ab7 to 2019Adar13 in reappointed Laodicea as a true church and 2020Tammuz10 to 2022Elul14 in Sodom as a true church containing some s if any are here (216+784 = 1000 days).- See U67
Start of Laodicean leak. Theft of
End of the 6,000 cubits of Ezekiel47
Start of the torrent of the baptism after Ezekiel goes swimming
2nd Laodicean baptised without reference to s
The fall of Reverted Laodicea Not yet the end of the working week to fix the Laodicean divide due to 51+81 day installation gaps to 2022Tebbeth27
6000 days of Ezekiel47
96-132 days (see U267)
2022Elul14-2022 Heshvan10: The 56x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot + wife + daughters by the hand out of Sodom from its fall on 2022Elul14.
So the lamb is exclusively in the house of the by 2022Adar10 (having stopped earthly interaction), and the late Passover of Babylon is completed on 2023Nisan14, in the lower house of the Dragnet beach on earth rather than the upper house of the ark.
Non adamic Sodom falls
joins the boat of fallen Sodom
25 or 30 stadia
Passover - restoration
Non adamic Sodom ends
3688 days of having to serve them of Genesis 15:13-16 for until the end of the Dragon's lease
The period after you become during which you will still have to serve your afflictors is 3688 days from 2012Sivan16 to 2022Elul14, the judgement on reverted Laodicea. We became Alien resident (not being adamic) on 2012Sivan14-16.
End of entrance. End of world End of 400 years a month for a day of affliction of saints in Watchtower in post Egypt (last leaves the Watchtower for reverted Laodicea - dies to the s)
2021Ab14 (on 2021Ab10 Gordon sends Mark of the Beast is vaccine Passports email to all Bethels)
X___________________________________X (on 2021Elul15, the last saint joined reverted Laodicea, 300 denarii of feet oil after 2020Heshvan15, the start of entry)
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude in a land not theirs of Genesis15
s are baptised into Laodicea
1st Watchtower Passover execution.
2006Sivan14 (Start of the 2nd presence) 2019Tishri14 (s becomes engaged to ).
400 years a month for a day
2022Elul23 from 2021Adar14: 189 days of Daniel7 from 2021Adar14 (Annexation of Donbas from Ukraine by Russian agreement between Putin and Putin) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22), the start of the Russian bear fully mobilising into war mode and eating much flesh. 300,000 reserves were called up - see U156
‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/putin-calls-up-300-000-reservists
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister)
2022Elul25 2022September24: Epoch Times writes an article headlined Xi Jing Ping ready to counter a military coup - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/xi-jinping-ready-to-counter-a-military-coup_4014137.html
2022Elul26: 2022September25 around 2 pm BST: Reported Military coup against Xi Jing Ping after he returned from his foreign trip to Samarkand in Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Corporation Organisation where he met Putin. This was his first foreign trip since the pandemic began. All outbound flights from Beijing were cancelled upon his return - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/15/hat-in-hand-putin-meets-xi-at-summit-in-samarkand
Flights were cancelled from several airports in China from September21 - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mass-cancellation-of-flights-across-china-reasons-unclear_4749582.html
- https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/china/coup-against-chinas-xi-jinping-of-buzz-fact-checks-military-convoys-and-flight-radars-articleshow.html
Putin's decision to mobilise and to hold sham referenda to create a fake case for using nuclear weapons against Ukraine followed from Pressure exerted by Xi at the SCO. Xi wants his Ukraine misadventure wrapped up quickly - https://www.dw.com/en/former-adviser-sees-influence-by-chinese-president-xi-jinping-in-putins-recent-decisions/a-63217909
Xi did NOT endorse Putin's aggression against Ukraine. He told Putin that: “China is willing to work with Russia to play a leading role in demonstrating the responsibility of major powers, and to instil stability and positive energy into a world in turmoil,” That is a clear slam of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
The 12 yokes + Elisha are 24 sacred years from 1999Tishri2/Chislev21,
Gordon's installation to rule over the s to 2023Ab1 - 2024Tammuz30, the 24th sacred Nisan1 then Sivan1 then Ab1 year of land preparation. was never appointed over the s. The first appointment must go to the covenant mediator!
But then Elijah passes over TOWARDS Elisha. So the two meet/join at/after a Passover -
which must now be 2022Tebbeth14-21, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover/Cakes -
which has the Isaaic rapture from 2022Tebbeth15-21..
19 And he went from there [1x] and found Elisha [] the son of Shaphat [judge] [1x] and he was ploughing 12 yokes/pairs to faces of/before him [12x.2x.1x=24x in ONE way (yoke is a noun counting 2x). Faces is a polite plural counting 1x] and he in/at the 12th [12x in TWO ways, no noun. In/at the 12th yoke yes, but also the 12th nothing. Since ambiguity adds, it is AT the 12th yoke and IN the 12th something else. These two fulfilments are required by the nounless number principle]. And Elijah passed over towards him [1x] and threw his garment/robe/glory/magnificence towards him [1x. has magnificence relating to Laodicea and the WTBTS. Gordon, Elisha, now becomes Elijah. This is Caleb () accepting that Gordon () is the head of ]. (1Kings 19)
You cannot plough land unless you own it. So this ploughing occurs after Elijah4 is appointed/installed to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2/Chislev21
Elisha installed to rule over the s Start of 1st sacred year 2nd joins
Start of 13th sacred year 12th pair of sacred Nisan1 then Sivan1 then Ab1 years starts 12th day of the 12th month Gregorian
24th year ends
1999Heshvan21 ( Pentecost)
2022Ab1 (start of 23rd whole sacred year of ploughing)
2022December12/Chislev14/15 (Elisha in the 12th) 2023Chislev14 2024Tammuz30 X__________________________________X______________________X_____________X_______________________X_______________________________________________________X_____________________________________________X_______________X
Nisan1/ Sivan1/Ab1 | 2022 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002 | 2000 |
Sacred years | 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2003 | 2001 |
We uploaded the bold version of condition8 (disfellowshipping s who take the snake bite) to the baptism at 20:06 on August22 (2021Elul12), sunset in London was 20:08. We uploaded a non bold version earlier in that day.
So logically Elijah finds Elisha on a single 24th and on a double 12th, by the nounless number principle of the code, which states that any nounless number has a double fulfilment.
The reader must understand that did not FORGET to put a noun in his word. This was not a Divine typo. This is an example of the Nounless Number Principle of the .
So Elijah finds Elisha after 12 pairs of years from 1999Tishri2/Chislev21. That gives us the pair of years from 2022Ab1 to 2024Tammuz30. Then we apply the nounless number principle and Elijah finds Elisha on 2022December12, 12-12-2022. But Elisha is in the 12th in the sense that? .2022Chislev14/15 is the 12th day of the 12th month Gregorian. That is 'in the 12th'. Normally we do not take a time as Gregorian (we take it as being a day month or year). But here 12th has no noun. So we can take it as being whatever we want.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha on 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover. The Isaaic s are raptured during Cales from 2022Tebbeth15-21, which is late Booths of the Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year.
Elijah () throwing the coat upon Elisha () makes Gordon () into Elijah and into 'him'. Elijah + Elisha = Jahsha = Jahshua = Yeshua = ..
crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan The one day Passover in Egypt
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1513Nisan14 BC
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for + seed in Egyptian controlled territory
480 years of 1Kings 6:1
Watchtower falls as a true church
1st Watchtower Passover
Last saint is accepted and/not baptised into Sodom Isaaic Temple building in the 4th day in the 2ndf month of 1Kings 6:1
2005Sivan14 (14 years 4 months before escape) 2019Tishri14 (3rd bride executed)
2021Elul15 (300 Denarii of oil of feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan14)
2022Tebbeth15: 4th day + 2nd month of Solomon's vassal Caesar installations
430 years in Watchtower Egypt a month for a day
480 years of 1Kings6 after leaving Watchtower of 1Kings6 a year for a day = 480 days
Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built upon the ground of David on 2022Tebbeth15
2022Tishri14: Realised that the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 not 2005Iyyar14 - from the 7x of the Laodicean to 2005Tebbeth15 and the 7x of the to 2012Sivan15 and the contest day through contest noon to the installation of as Caesar over and therefore over reverted Laodicea and the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18
2022Tishri14: The end of 2x1290 = 2580 days = 7 years 2 months from 2015Ab14, the loss of constant feature due to Abrahamic to Isaaic transformation in , to the end of the 42 month lease of the dragon and the Laodicean Passover,
2022Tishri14: The end of the Dragon's 42 month lease from 2019Nisan22 - which is not over non adamics too, the strangers who pay tax until the lease expires.
2022Tishri14: The End of the World Judicially.
2022Tishri14: The Kingdom Passover to as the end of the 42 month lease of the Dragon
2022Tishri14: The end of the 42 months of authority of Revelation13, given to the dragon by to the Dragon and by the dragon to the wild beast - from 2019Nisan22
2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2015Ab14 take us to 2022Tishri14, the end of the 42 month lease.
2022Tishri14-16: 3 days of Jonah being in the heart of the earth???
2022Tishri14 -2023Tebbeth14: One Time of the End of Daniel12, from the end of the dragon's 42 month lease to the absolute end of Adam.
11 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda]
because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
And as for the remainder of [raX,
construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They give their rulerships away to the 4th beast during 30 days from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth2. And those in heaven took away their ruleship on 2022Tishri14. Then the kingdom of the 10 toes which is the kingdom of the 10 diadems runs from 2022Tebbeth2 to 2023Heshvan14, the end of Babylon, after the beast is caught on 2023Elul4], and there was a lengthening in life [after 2022Tishri14]
given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[]
[This could be for a year to 2023Tishri14 and then a season (Greek Autumn to 2023Tebbeth14, the end of their lives, the end of Adam. The Dunghill dismembering decree of Daniel3 is made on 2023Heshvan23, 51 days before 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. One does not need a true church if there is no satanic Caesar. But the tree of life of Revelaton22 and the last chance saloon cannot crop unless a Satanic Caesar is still around]. (Daniel 7)
2022Tishri16: The Kingdom Proselyte call to the sons of the in ?
2022Tishri16/Chislev5: The appointment/installation of the under over (both are Sabbaths but then so is the ). It follows after the 42 month day of the dragon of Revelation13 from 2018Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14.
2022Tishri17/Chislev6: The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Adam at 7th first fruits/Pentecost.
2022Tishri18: Elijah4 realised from the sentence count of Revelation9:13-15 (which was 7 days too short), that the Isaaic baptism does not become transitive until the 7th day after the day of baptism, the 8th day of baptism.
This established the pool called Bethzatha, which is a 5 colonnade queuing system for disabled people from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15. A very British baptism exercise!
2022Tishri24 - 2022Tebbeth24: 3x days of rousing up of the spirits of Joshua, Zerubbabel and the people of the land of Haggai1, ending on the 24th to the 6th month of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year, when the priests start being raptured into the ark (to do the priestly work of the house of ).
2022Tishri27: 2022October25/26: The Image of Daniel3, the Mark of the Beast, is introduced and shown to those who will administer it, 91 days of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark registration begins on 2022Tebbeth28. This introduction in October leads 91 days later to the greater registration of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2 (Tebbeth being the 8th month of the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year).
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
2022Heshvan or 2022Tebbeth: The Augur month of fulfilment of signs and of increase and of inauguration of the temple - these being meanings of the Latin noun augur (a prophet of increase/success/blessing). The pages of August going by in speedy succession in Mike's dream symbolise the month of RAPID increase, which is the 8th month not of the Gregorian Calendar but of the Nisan1 sacred Biblical Hebrew Calendar (2022Heshvan) or the Sivan1 sacred year (2022Tebbeth). Actually Tebbeth is the augur month, the month of great increase for the s, the month of speedy succession in Mike's dream (August the 8th Gregorian month standing for Tebbeth, the 8th month of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year. BECAUSE the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year had begun by the time of Mike's dream on 2014Ab5. So really the month of speedy succession should is 2022Tebbeth, when the 3rd fire sign occurs which Mike sees from the ark. Mike's Dream had
Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August."
The meeting in Berlin is an meeting. There will be an attack on the coast in 2022Heshvan/Tebbeth. Mike will attend a meeting to discuss this attack in 2022Heshvan/Tebbeth. Actually he will be in the ark to see the 3rd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth21.
7x precisely of burning false churches Judicially from 2022Elul14 (2022September12/13) to 2023Nisan14, the late Christian Passover, the end of end of salvation of Christians, at the 4th crop of Revelation22
8x precisely of not turning it back, due to 7x of revolts from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s to 2022ChIslev21, the end of the Alineation Times, to 2023Chislev21, the end of the destruction of false religion
is installed over the s
The end of the destruction of false religion
2015Chislev21 2022Chislev21
7 years precisely of revolts of Amos 1-2 1 year precisely of not turning it back
The start of the judgement, the early Laodicean Passover
The lava flood starts
7 months of promising to send a fire precisely of Amos 1-2
7 annual revolts. Then the judgement is set in stone. But there are 12 months precisely during which the judgement occurs from 2022ChIslev21 to 2023ChIslev21. The 7 months of promising to send a fire. The revolts appear to be against God's church of . These must run from 2015Heshvan5, its installation of OR from 2015Chislev21, its installation over the s..
The 8 verbatim repetitions in Amos1-2, have same form as the 9 happinesses of Matthew5. They are a witness to 8x precisely of months (not turn it back being a reference to the turn of the month), and a baptism (repentance is turning back to God).
Ezekiel sitting in house elders before his Hand of God falls upon him Giant image of man, end of
rapture completed
2022Heshvan5 of Ezekiel8:1
2022Tebbeth21 (gifts of the spirit given)
35x sentence count of verse1
11x sentence count of verse2
30x sentence count of verse3
2022Heshvan5: The 5th day of the 6th month of Ezekiel 8:1 of the Sivan1 sacred year, this day being the installation Hebron. The hand of God falls upon Ezekiel a 35x+11x = 46x sentence count of Ezekiel 8:1 later on 2022Chislev21, the end of the .. But the s apostles, the tuft of hair of Ezekiel, those who adhere directly to his headship, see the giant man (behind the curtain) on 2022Chislev10, Atonement day of the Sivan1 year. Then on 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year, the gifts of the spirit are poured out onto the apostles.
2022Heshvan10: 2022November9: US Midterm elections. The Reds will win because the 2nd horse is fiery-red and is the US congress. The Republicans will take both houses of congress. EVENTUALLY
2022Heshvan10-2023Sivan10: The 7 months of the fat cows, to the late non religious Passover entry day. earthly interaction ends on 2022Adar10, then on 2023Iyyar2. The baptism ends on 2023Sivan5.
The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over at 6th first fruits/ Pentecost.
2022Chislev1: The start of the new Kingdom secular year due to begin installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5.
2022Chislev1: The 1st day of the initial/primary month of Genesis 8:13, when the earth has dried from the waters upon it because the apostles and elders are all sealed?
2022Chislev1: Genesis 8:13. takes the cover off the ark (the earth camera cover), so the s who are resurrected into it on 2022Chislev2/3 can see what a Sodom and Gomorrah the world has become.
Sacred Calendar | Sacred Calendar | From | Secular Calendar | From | Passover | Cakes | first fruits | Pentecost | Rosh Hashana | first fruits | Atonement day | Booths | Harvest Assembly | Pentecost |
Adamic | Nisan1 | 3993Nisan14 BC | Tishri1 | 4027Tishri2 BC | Nisan14 | Nisan15-21 | 1st day of the Week in Cakes | 1st fruits + 49 days | Tishri1 | Tishri2 | Tishri10 | Tishri15-21 | Tishri22 | Heshvan21 |
Abrahamic | Sivan1 | 2012Sivan14 | Chislev1 | 2022Chislev5 | Sivan14 | Sivan15-21 | 1st day of the Week in Cakes | 1st fruits + 49 days | Chislev1 | Chislev2 | Chislev10 | Chislev15-21 | Chislev22 | Tebbeth21 |
Ab1 | 2015Ab14 | Tebbeth1 | 2022Tebbeth5 | Ab14 | Ab15-21 | 1st day of the Week in Cakes | 1st fruits + 49 days | Tebbeth1 | Tebbeth2 | Shebat10 | Shebat15-21 | Shebat22 | Shebat21 |
festivals are of the sacred year. festivals are of the secular year.
The world was under the adamic Nisan1 barley sacred calendar, a first fruits calendar,
synchronised to barley being headed in Israel (the vernal equinox).
is under the Abrahamic Sivan1 wheat sacred calendar, a first ripe fruits calendar,
synchronised to wheat being headed? We presently use the Nisan1 sync of the Passover being after the vernal equinox
The world had a secular year honouring Adam's birth on 4027Tishri2, first fruits.
has a secular calendar honouring becoming Caesar to him on 2022Chislev5 and his Exodus by rapture from 2022Chislev15-19. His sons are the first kingdom citizens
The Kingdom has an Isaaic Ab1 sacred calendar.
The Kingdom has an Isaaic Tebbeth1 secular calendar.
In the Kingdom the sacred and secular years must move one month closer together than they were in the world (Ab to Tebbeth, rather than Nisan to Tishri)
Event | Escape from literal Egypt | Escape from Watchtower Egypt (Sinai peninsular) |
Escape from Laodicean Egypt (Gordon, Thomas, Woodhouse, Jackson Reefs) | Escape from Sodom Egypt to AND from the world to the ark (Island of Tiran to Arabia). The fulfilment is shuffled chronologically. |
Start of New Year | 1513Nisan1 BC | 2019Tishri1: Rosh Hashana | 2020Sivan1 Abrahamc sacred year | 2022Chislev1: New secular Abrahamic Rosh Hashana |
1st Passover entry day | 1513Nisan10 | 2019Tishri10 | 2020Tammuz10 | 2022Chislev10: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover entry day |
1st Passover | 1513Nisan14 | 2019Tishri14 | 2020Tammuz14 | 2022Chislev14: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover day |
End of 1st Cakes, Reached Succoth | 1513Nisan21 | 2019Tishri21 (3rd bride in the ark) | 2020Tammuz21 (7th bride in ark) | 2022Chislev21: All Abrahamic s in 3 |
Left Succoth | 1513Nisan23 | Ascending to heaven | Ascending to heaven | 50 days of earthly interaction to 2022Shebat10. |
1st fruits of Escape | 1513Nisan18 | 2019Tishri17: 3rd marriage | 2020Tammuz19: 7th marriage | 2022Chislev20 (all Abrahamic s are in 2 or 3) |
last Passover | 1513Nisan14 | 2019Tebbeth14 | 2020Heshvan14 | 2022Tebbeth14: Isaaic World Exodus Passover |
last Cakes & Escape | 1513Nisan15-21 | 2019Tebbeth15-21 | 2020Heshvan15-21 | 2022Tebbeth15-21: Isaaic World Exodus Cakes |
Pillar of fire and cloud appears Leading | 1513Iyyar7/8 | ?? | ?? | 2022Chislev7/Tebbeth3: Correct fire sign predictions seen/published |
Reached Etham ( ) at the edge of wilderness | 1513Iyyar?? | ?? | ?? | 2022Tebbeth14: Elisha and Elijah of 1Kings19 meet |
U turn at Etham (boundary of the sea) | 1513Iyyar?? | ?? | ?? | 2022Tebbeth15: Isaaic baptism begins |
Got to Pihahiroth (: Mouth of the channels): Last Passover entry day | 1513Iyyar10 | 2019Tebbeth10: End of baptism for s | 2020Tishri10: End of for s | 2022Chislev10/Tebbeth10 Atonement day/Late Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred calendar. goes behind the curtain by meeting said curtain. |
Crossed Red Sea at Late Passover | 1513Iyyar14 | 2019Tebbeth14: 4th Watchtower Passover execution of 6th bride | 2020Heshvan14: 4th marriage Passover execution of 4th bride | 2022Tebbeth14: Does it take a few hours to get from earth to the ark arriving on 2022Tebbeth15? |
Pillar of fire and cloud becomes following | 1513Iyyar12 | ?? | 2020?? | 2022Tebbeth20-22: 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 |
Last Cakes | 1513Iyyar15-21 | 2019Tebbeth15-21 | 2020Heshvan15-21 | 2022Tebbeth15-21: Isaaic World Exodus Cakes-Booths. The rapture of the Isaaic s. |
2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'The seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm]
of that you should proclaim are holy conventions. These are my seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm]:
(Leviticus 23 )
10 And in the day of your rejoicing and in your seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm] and at the commencements of your months, you must blow on the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your communion sacrifices; and their use must serve as a memorial for you before your God. I am your God. (Numbers 10 ).
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding shout, with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet [on 2022Chislev1, Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, the festival of Trumpets and alarm and shouting], and those who are dead in Christ will rise first (1 Thessalonians 4 ).
17 Then we who remain alive will be caught up together with them in [the] clouds to a meeting with the Lord in [the] air. And so we will always be with [the] Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
5 And it must occur that when they sound with the horn/queren of the jubilee/yobel, when you hear the sound of the horn/queren of the ram's horn/shofar, all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat, and the people must go up, each one straight before him. (Joshua 6 )
20 And the people shouted, and/when they blew the shofars.
And it occurred that the people heard the sound of the shofar and the people began to shout a great war cry, then the wall began to fall down flat. And the people went up into the city, each one straight before him [from fallen Laodicea up into and up into the administration in the ark], and captured the city [of Laodicea]. (Joshua 6 )
5 God has ascended [through Peter] with joyful shouting, with the sound of the horn. (Psalms 47 )
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this which is mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15 ).
31 And he will send forth his angels with/by [meta]
a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the 4 winds, from extremities of the heavens until the extremities of them (Matthew 24 ).
29 Immediately but after the tribulation of the days [Covid19]
those the sun will be darkened, and the moon not will give the light of it [volcanic ash of the 3rd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth20-22], and the stars will fall from the heaven [The 1st horseman starts riding], and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
30 And then will appear the sign of the Son of the man in heaven, and then will strike themselves all the tribes of the earth and they will see the Son of the man coming upon the clouds of the heaven with power and glory much (Matthew 24 ).
31 And he will send forth his angels [2x]
with/by [meta] a great trumpet sound [on 2022Chislev1 - Kingdom Rosh Hashana], and they will gather [2x]
his chosen ones together [2x] out of the 4 winds [4x],
from extremities of the heavens [2x]
until extremities of them [2x: of the chosen ones] (Matthew 24 )
2x+2x.2x.4x.(2x+2x) = 2x+64x=66x of gathering into the ark of heavenly chosen ones by the angels, the saints and priests by rapture into the ark, from 2022Chislev10 to 2022Shebat16, by ark rapture.
The angels are not sent forth with a trumpet sound, it does not accompany them on their journey. They are sent off by a trumpet sound which instructs them to start gathering. So it occurs when they are sent off.
24 But in those the days after the tribulation that the sun will be darkened, and the moon not will give the shining of it,
25 and the stars will be out of the heavens falling, and the powers the (ones) in the heavens will be shaken.
26 And then they will see the Son of the man coming in clouds with power much and glory;
27 and then he will send off the angels and he will lead together the chosen (ones) of him out of the 4 winds from extremity of earth until extremity of heaven. (Mark 13 )
Verse 24-25: 1x+1x+2x.2x+2x,2x.(2x+1x) = 30x
Verse 26: 2x.(1x+1x+1x).2x = 12x
Verse 27: 2x+1x.2x.4x.(1x+1x) = 18x
Total: 30x+12x+18x = 60x Is this the ark rapture of the s from 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7 inclusively (herself 2, man and woman of him, of Genesis 7:2, 7:9,
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. (Revelation 21 )
17 just as it is written: I have appointed you a father of many nations. This was in the sight of the One in whom he had faith, even of God, who makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they were. (Romans 4 )
2022Chislev2: The start of the ark rapture on first fruits which must have fulfilment given the calendar change.
2022Chislev2-3: The ark rapture of the s. That invisible rapture is actually the start of the for earth dwellers. The dead in Christ shall rise first ( among them)..
UNILATERAL CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 () NOON MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - JESUS LEAVES IN THE MIDST OF CONTEST NOON - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest
There was no because we failed the test to rule over the s from 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 to 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Fall of the Watchtower s not true church Laodicea installed over Midday (End of 2nd presence)
s die to
s now Isaaic Last failed fire sign prediction
Not prophets of Baal
2014February14-16 (midst prophecy) 2015July2/3
2015August3/4 2023January2/3
2012Tishri5 (noon begins)
2013Adar9/10 ( ends for Laodicea) 2015Ab14 (noon ends) 2015Elul16
Morning: 2629 days
Contest Noon: 514½ + 514½ days
Afternoon: 2629 days
Adamic/Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic/Isaaic illumination
The contest is between prophets of Baal (in a false church) and prophets of (in a true church). Hence 2012Sivan14-16 and 2015Ab14-Elul16 are excluded. Laodicea was never appointed to feed s. The contest is over s not s and not s. So double light (noon) is the period when Laodice and the s were installed to feed from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14.
We take noon as running from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14, the middle period of double light. And we take midday to be the mid point of that period and pivot the day on that point (3145½ days either side of it) or just make it symmetric about noon.
(2629 days either side of it). We first saw this symmetry in solar days at 17:00 on 2022February4 (2021Shebat28, the weekly Sabbath). We saw the symmetry incorrectly at 20:32 on 2022April6 (2022Nisan5). We saw the correct chronology on 2022Tishri14, when we realised that the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 not 2005Iyyar14. And finally on 2022Tebbeth4 (06:46 on January1)
when we excluded 2012Sivan14-15 and 2015Ab14-Elul16, when the s were not a true church. died in the midst of entrance into the .
Here leaves in the midst of the contest.
6000 days of predictions from 2006Iyyar21 our first prediction for a warning bomb (7x after 2006Iyyar14 our Passover in Manhattan) to 2022Tebbeth21.
1st warning bomb prediction date 3rd fire Sign. End of ark rapture.
6000 prediction working week
2022Chislev5 is the end of the unilateral contest day from 2005Sivan14 which is symmetric about noon from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14
7x of Isaiah30 of binding up the breakdown of entire temple to 2023Tammuz7, the end of rapture, the end of the 150 days of overwhelming waters waters of Genesis 7:24 from 2022Shebat7, the end of rapture..
2022Chislev9 is the 24th day of the 6th Pentecost, the Isaaic Kingdom Pentecost, which counts to the 9th of the month fulfilling Haggai2. BECAUSE it is the 9th day of the 9th month and nounless number must have two fulfilments (or God would have given it a noun to define the one fulfilment). But the 6th Pentecost this year is the 24th Pentecost after the completion of the 3rd at the 4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18. So it is a 24th and a 24th and a 9th and a 9th as required by the nounless number principle.
2022Chislev10: Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred calendar. (Abrahamic Aaron) is permitted to go behind the curtain - by meeting said curtain, the descended s?.
2022Chislev10: Lamb in the house for the early Laodicean Passover.
Early Passovers are a promise from God to give the blessing of the regular Passover at the regular Passover (whether you attend it or not?)
2022Chislev10-21: The 11x of the giant man of Ezekiel8 - see point 23 below, following the 35x of the sentence count of verse1 from 2022Heshvan5 to 2022Chislev10. 2022Tebbeth15-21 is the building of the temple of Solomon in the ark, on the threshing floor of Ornan = Araunah (meaning ark) - 2Samuel 24. 's angel (David's angelic father) was standing between the earth and the heavens (in the ark) in 1Chronicles 21:16.
2022Chislev10: The temple building time of Haggai1 runs from 2022Chislev10 to 2023Chislev10 for the entire outer courtyard. The end of is 2023Chislev14.
2022Chislev14: Early Laodicean Passover
2022Chislev14: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.
2022Chislev14: 14x.450x = 6300x days of the sentence count of the contest of the prophets of Baal of 1Kings18:21-24 from 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell and s became prophets of Baal, to the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover. Then the s in Hebron are raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 - See point 72 below
Watchtower falls as a true church
Abrahamic World Exodus Passover
s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21
Unilateral contest day begins
Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 Elijah4 enters into God's rest in the ark
2022May6/7 2022January11/12
6300 days = 14x.450x
31 days of Elijah's work
2022Chislev14: Genesis 14:14: 1x+318x+2x = 321x from 2022Chislev14 (the early Laodicean Passover crop, the start of the drawing out of the sons of the from Adam to become non Adamic ) to 2023Heshvan5, the installation of the under (the judge) over - Dan, meaning judge. So 2023Heshvan5 is when the judge of all the earth (of Genesis 18) actually becomes the judge of all the earth of and , having been appointed as Caesar to / on 2023Ab16/Elul16 before the end of the lava flood on 2023Tishri4 and installed on 2023Tishri5/Heshvan5, after the end of the lava flood. For is NOT going to become Caesar to non s.
Early Passovers are a promise from God to give the blessing of the regular Passover at the regular Passover (whether you attend it or not?)
2022Chislev14 - 2023Chislev14: The Time of Distress and Escape of Daniel12 into , which ends on 2023Chislev14
The Time of Distress and ESCAPE (out of Adam and out of this world), during which everyone of Daniel's people written in the book of the escapes NOT out of Adam (because that has been going on since 2012Sivan14) but out of this world, runs from 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover or 2022Chislev15, the start of the rapture of the Abrahamic s (does the rapture runs from 2022Chislev14-15?), to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22, the end of .
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark from 2022Chislev15 onwards..
2023Chislev15: The end of: 350x+9x = 359x of Genesis14:15-16 from the start of the division of by night into the ark by rapture of the Abrahamic Laodicean s, to 2023Chislev14, to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22, the end of , the end of the recovery of everything stolen from , the Jubilee restoration to - See U307.
2022Chislev15-19: The Abrahamic s perforate 2, going through the curtain of ' flesh, to build the temple on the threshing floor of Araunah (meaning ark). 21 days of saintly 3 entry: 7 marriages, 4 marriages, 2022Chislev17-21,
2022Chislev15-19: The rapture of the Abrahamic s is completed BEFORE Hanukkah of John 10:22-24 from 2022Chislev25-2021Tebbeth2. The Jews encircled during this festival in John 10:22-24 and asked him: Until when the soul of us are you lifting up? Answer until Hanukkah + 5x/7x sentence count to 2022Tebbeth7/9..
2022Chislev15-19: 40 months of Acts1 a month for a day after 2019Ab27, the first Sabbath of Laodicean Weeks, when Russell appeared to reappointed Laodicea - see para 74.
2022Chislev15-19: Unengaged 2 rapture, 5 layers of stones. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 NOT Elijah himself.
2022Chislev15-21: Laodicean Cakes
2022Chislev21-2022Tebbeth10: The fallen concubine of Judges19 (reverted Laodicea which fell on 2022Elul14) falls upon the completion of her entrance into 3,
at the end of the . The ark is the threshold, the hold for what is threshed and is the spreading out, the snatching away [@s;], which is the entrance to the departure lounge for the ark for the original Laodicean s in her. She gets her hands upon the threshold for 19x the sentence count Judges 19:27 from 2022Chislev21, to the start of the light of the s on 2022Tebbeth10, her Jericho Jubilee release and Atonement? And the opening of the 12th apostolic door to the house of on 2022Tebbeth15. This is after the end of the 3 churches of the night (Laodicea, reappointed Laodicea and Sodom) - see U268
We thought that the 160x of Bethzatha might run from 2022Chislev15 (on 2022Tishri18 we realised that there was a 7 day installation after the Isaaic baptism), to 2023Iyyar25. For we are all disabled, even those in the 3rd , waiting for the pool at Bethzatha - The Queuing Pool - Very British. The 3rd is dipped from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. They are disabled too individually but NOT collectively. We all are individually until we become Gods. When the soles of the feet of those carrying the ark enter in to the waters of the Jordan it stops. This could mean it stop for those outside the 3rd on 2022Shebat16 or 8x.3x=24x later on 2022Adar10 - which could be when the earthly is suspended but is also when earthly interaction ends. It does not seem right to baptise others along with the 3rd . So we take this as meaning that earthly interaction ends on 2022Adar10 and the is suspend fro 49 days on 2022Shebat16.
The of Bezalel is the entrance of the 3rd into by Isaaic baptism (which is yet to begin).
the 2 guys carrying the ark behind the box are 50 days. The 2 guys carrying the ark in front of the box are 50 days. The ark is the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1.
2022Chislev17-21: Unengaged 3 transfer, 5 layers of stones. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 NOT Elijah himself.
2022Chislev17-21 to 2022Shebat8-10: The earthly interaction of the first raptured s from 2022Chislev15-19 into 2 and transferred into 3 on 2022Tebbeth15-21.
2022Chislev21: The end of the from 2015Chislev21.
2022Chislev21: 12x precisely after 2010Chislev21, when Elijah4 said to all the people approach ye me, through the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23. And they all did. Then he mended the altar that was broken down by taking 12 stones according to the number (12) of the tribes of the sons of Israel, 12 apostles, which by the Immediate Number Repetition Principle of the stands for 12x precisely which are 12 years to 2022Chislev21. Then the 55x sentence count of 1Kings18:30-33, takes us to 2022Shebat16, when the church is ready to receive s having failed the test to rule over them from 1998Chislev21 (the 2nd Pentecost) to 2002Tammuz10 (the 2nd Pentecost).
2022Chislev21-2022Shebat16: The 55x sentence count of 1Kingsd18:30-33 after the end of the 12x of building the altar of 1Kings18 from the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev21. The temple of Solomon is inaugurated in the ark from 2022Shebat15-21. So that all Israel celebrates Booths together following 1Kings8 and 2Chronicles7.
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
5 And the sons of Israel pulled up [stakes] from Rameses [Son of the Sun] and camped in Succoth [Booths].
6 And they pulled up [stakes] from Succoth and camped at Etham [Egyptian for boundary of the sea i.e.
shoreline - Gesenius], which is in the edge of the wilderness.
7 And they pulled up [stakes] from Etham and turned back to Pihahiroth [mouth of the channels], which [is] before Baal-zephon [hidden Baal]; and they camped before Migdol [Watchtower].
8 And they pulled up [stakes] from Pihahiroth and passed over through the midst of the Sea [on 1513Iyyar10], into the wilderness, and went a journey of 3 days in the wilderness of Etham, and camped at Marah [to rebel, to lash, to be bitter] [on night of 1513Iyyar13].
9 And they pulled up [stakes] from Marah and came to Elim [trees,
palm grove - Gesenius]. And in Elim [were] 12 springs of water [12 apostles] and 70 palm trees [Date palms were they? 12 apostles and 70 older men who got some of the spirit upon Moses of Numbers11. These are 70 anointed ones helping Moses, the , and 12 apostles?]. And they camped there [on night of 1513Iyyar14].
46 And they journeyed from Marah and came to Elim, and in Elim were 12 springs of water and 70 date trees, and the children encamped there by the waters.
47 And they journeyed from Elim and came to the wilderness of Sin, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from Egypt (Book of Jashar)
1 Later they departed from Elim, and the entire assembly of the sons of Israel finally came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the 15th day of the second month after their coming out of the land of Egypt [2022Chislev15: They came out of Egypt on 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's lease]. (Exodus 16 )
70 palm trees and 12 springs from 2023Nisan5 (palm Monday) - 2022Sivan15 (the end of ascension, the end of the Isaaic ). 12 springs are the 12 apostles but also perhaps 12 days from 2022Tebbeth15-27 of Genesis 8:14?
27 After that they came to Elim [Palm trees], where there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they went camping there by the water []. (Exodus 15 )
9 Then they pulled away from Marah and came to Elim. Now in Elim there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they camped there. (Numbers 33 )
2 parallel accounts. Spring (2), Palm tree (2). 12 springs are 12 apostles, 70 Palm Trees are the of Moses in Numbers20, who had some of the spirit of Moses. AND they are both days.
Palm trees are a preparation period before the arrival of (palm Monday). Palm trees stand for peace and is the prince of peace.
2022Chislev25-2022Tebbeth2: Hanukkah. The Jews encircled in the temple colonnade of Solomon during the festival of the dedication in winter and said: Until when the soul of us are you lifting up? Until 2022Tebbeth7/9 a sentence count of 5x/7x after Hanukkah.
2022Tebbeth1-2022Shebat16: The 45x sentence count of Joel 2:1-2 to the start of the 11 months of the sentence count of Zephaniah 1:14-16 of the Day of of Zephaniah1, Joel2, Malachi4, Amos5,
Isaiah13, etc. to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover. This is the day of judgement. A massive volcanic eruption that fills the atmosphere with ash TO THE FACES OF the day of and BEFORE the day of the Lord of Acts2, which day begins on 2022Chislev5, when Lord is installed as Caesar over after the 42 month day of the Dragon's lease of Revelation12.. For the stars will withdraw their brightness and the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
Peter stood up by baptism in the midst of the brothers who are standing up by Isaaic baptism in the pool called Bethzatha
Start of Isaaic Isaaic baptism for 3rd starts Isaaic for 3rd ends
End of Isaaic baptism of Bethzatha
2022Shebat16 (6-16 Ab1 sacred)
2023Nisan5 = 2022Adar29 (Peter's baptism)
31 days
9th Pentecost (3rd 50 of 2Kings1)
70/76 days compared to 74/80 days
2022Tebbeth10: Laodicean Passover entry day and early Watchtower Passover entry day
2022Tebbeth10: The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign day, which is the 7th Nisan1 then Sivan1 sacred year (after our installation over the s on 2015Chislev21). The end of transitive baptism, the end of the for Laodicea
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (the ark) from 2022Chislev15 (2022December12/13 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic rapture begins.
2022Tebbeth10-21: 11x of all things being given into the hand of the son by the father from the falling of the hand of God upon Ezekiel in chapter 8 to the giving of the gifts of the spirit.
35 The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand [1x+10x=11x] From 2022Tebbeth10-21
2022Tebbeth10-2023Tebbeth10: The temple building time of Haggai1
In Revelation 9:13-15 we take 1/3 of the men as 1/3 of the 12 tribes of Israel (not just the saints), 4 tribes out of 12 tribes of them. So they make up 1/3 of the baptisms. These 4 apostles (through their tribes) baptise the 4 corresponding tribes in the 3rd into as well.
Alan appointed as an apostle The Laodicean Jubilee release, their Atonement on 10-10-10
2015Chislev21 (around midnight to 2 am)
7 years + 19.555/19.777 days
Alan installed as an apostle The start of the Isaaic baptism by the 4 apostles
7 years + 19.555/19.777 days
It appears that al least with the Isaaic baptism there is a 7 day installation before it becomes transitive. 2022Tebbeth10 is entry day into the 2022Tebbeth14 Exodus Passover - the Isaaic rapture being 2022Tebbeth15-21.
The 4 angels being prepared for the hour, the day, the month and the year, are a witness to 4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours which run from 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence, the entrance by baptism of the first reserves into Passover execution into , to 2023Tebbeth14 at midnight, the last Passover execution into (of the last s). The a 3rd of the men killed are a 3rd of the men in the Watchtower, killed by the sword of man. following the haircut of Ezekiel5.
2 A 3rd you will burn/consume in the fire/light [rWa] in the midst of the city as soon as the days of the siege have come to the full. And you must take another 3rd. You will strike [it] with the sword all around her, and the [last] 3rd you will scatter to the wind, and I shall draw out a sword itself after them.
3 And you must take therefrom a few in number and wrap them up in your skirts.
4 And others of them you will take and you must pitch them into the midst of the fire [vae]
and incinerate them in the fire [vae].
From one a fire [vae]
will go forth to all the house of Israel. (Ezekiel 5 )
12 A 3rd of you -- by the pestilence they will die, and by famine they will come to their end in the midst of you. And another 3rd -- by the sword they will fall all around you. And the [last] 3rd I shall scatter even to every wind, and a sword is what I shall draw out after them. (Ezekiel 5 )
Watchtower Governing Body changes to 2/3 majority vote of Cardinals like the Vatican Watchtower falls Laodicea stole the baptism and started their congregation Laodiceans and s die to Adam (error wiped out)
1976January1: Idolatry error begins
Abrahamic Passover
353 months of Watchtower idolatry error
77 months of Laodicean idolatry error (353+77 = 430 = 390 + 40 of Ezekiel4)
The two idolatry errors of the Watchtower and Laodicea are added because the idolatry of Laodicea was of the governing body of the Watchtower. The two churches were related. Perhaps until 2008Shebat, 37 months into Laodicea?
Idolatry error is paid off 7x - see U121. So 7x430 = 3010 days (a day for a month), which is 8 years and 130 days. But Laodicea was a false church between 2017Elul10 and 2019Ab7, which introduces a gap of 2 years less 33 days. which produces a payback period (day of a true church post 2012Sivan14) of 10 years 97 days from 2012Sivan16 to 2022Elul14 + 9 more days which run from 2022Chislev15 (the start of Abrahamic entry into the true church in the ark, to 2022Chislev24 of Haggai2, when blessing can start to occur. Evidently although we died on 2012Sivan14, we lost neither our true church status nor our baptism. The church just lost its appointments.
Non Abrahamic rebuilding complete Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea Reappointed as true church
Reverted Laodicea falls Laodicean s enter 3 church Laodicean s enter the Isaaic
2022Chislev24 (of Haggan2, when blessing can commence)
1884 days
false church gap
1117 days
false church gap
9 days (1884 + 1117 + 9 = 3010 days)
So the s enter into the 3rd after having paid off their 5250 day Sabbath error from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5 and into by Isaaic baptism after having paid off their idolatry error from 2012Sivan14 to 2022Chislev24.
The siege of chapter4 by Ezekiel (the Watchtower Governing Body) against Israel lasts 40 days against Judah from 2019Elul30 (when the first flying pig of Mark5 jumps off the cliff of the Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the in reappointed ) to 2019Heshvan10, the end of entrance for Bethelite s, the Jericho Jubilee release for the Watchtower Bethelite s and 390 days for Israel from 2022Chislev14 (the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover) to 2023Tebbeth14 (the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam). This being the judgement starting with the house of God. During this siege, One 3rd of s go to hell because they remain in that bundle of weeds to the end. One 3rd leave because they see through the master deception of the church and God guides these s into the sword of a blessing in . One 3rd are killed by baptism into a salvation through the 1st death, that is an baptism (or baptism for s or s). Babylon is burnt on 2023Heshvan14, the late Babylonian Passover. But the people in it are not finally burnt until 2023Tebbeth16, when they are resurrected into , after the days of the siege are completed.
The 4 angels are of Revelation7 standing on the 4 corners, being the 4 cornerstones of reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea, under and under the 3rd (Peter). all 3 churches baptise people into a Passover execution - that is how we kill them.
1st reserves baptised into the and the non funeral death of the Christ The last sons of Adam enter into .
3rd presence starts
1st death Passover
2019Elul10 (for Passover execution on 2019Tishri14)
2023Tebbeth14 (Midnight)
4 years + 4 months + 4 days + 4 hours
2022Tebbeth14: Elijah Passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. This being the Isaaic world Exodus Passover.
2022Tebbeth14: 2x 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 from the loss of constant feature on 2015Ab14, to the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2022Tebbeth14.
Then on 2022Tebbeth15, the day of Happiness/Blessedness of the : s, Daniel enters into God's rest in 3 and from as Caesar, the day Daniel stands up for his lot. The rest of the s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21.
2022Tebbeth14-16: The Laodicean Passover gene zap restoration,
held in Hebron or on the dragnet beach? Is Hebron in fact the dragnet beach? A perpetual beach of the s?
Midst of Pharaoh's Servants
20 And it was, in the day, the 3rd, day of being-born of namely Pharaoh, and he proceeded to make a feast for ALL his servants and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants.
Laodicea reappointed to feed and rule over s
3rd marriage
6th marriage
Fall of Laodicea
2019Adar13 (14?)
56 days 91 days
55 days
Fall of Sodom Start of Isaaic ark rapture
End of earthly interaction of Benjamin
4 months 1 day
4 months
Saintly ark harvest begins with Abrahamic s Saintly ark harvest ends at the rapture of Benjamin
4 months, tetramenos before ark harvest 4 months, the harvest tetramenos of the saints
The chief of the bakers, the s, are lifted up from the midst of the feast of the reappointed Laodicean administration (servant)
The chief of the cupbearers, the s, is lifted up from the midst of the feast of the s.
12 Then they returned [on 33Iyyar25] to Jerusalem from a mountain called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem, having way/road of Sabbath [2019Tishri15/Heshvan15/Chislev15/Tebbeth15,
2020Tammuz15/Ab15/Elul15/Tishri15/Heshvan15, 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21, the start of the rapture of the Laodiceans and the s are the first festival Sabbaths of Booths and late booths for the Chislev1 secular year, Really the way of the Sabbath is the way to the Sabbath resting in the ark from the administration of . All 11 apostles go from the s to the ark].
13 And when they had entered into the upper chamber, they went up where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew,
Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James []
14 all these [11x] were persevering of same- mind in the prayer,
together with some women [2x] and Mary [1x] the mother of and with his brothers [2x for some of them NOT 4x for James Joses Simon Judas].(Acts 1)
55 Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? (Matthew 13 )
Verses 12: 11x
Verse 13: 11x+11x
Verse 14: 11x+2x+1x+4x
Total = 44x+2x+1x+2x = 49x
from 2022Tebbeth15, the ark rapture of The apostles, on the day of the first Sabbath of Cakes/Booths from the mount of olives, to Jerusalem above in the ark, to 2022Adar4, the end of their 50 cubits of earthly interaction.
2022Tebbeth15: 6331 days of the sentence count of the contest of 1Kings18:21-24 from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower (when s became prophets of Baal), to the end of the rapture, the removal of Elijah4's body from the planet
Watchtower falls as a true church
World Exodus Passover
s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21
Unilateral contest day begins
Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 Elijah4 enters into God's rest in the ark
2022May6/7 2022January11/12
6300 days = 14x.450x
31 days of Elijah's work
12 Oh the happinesses/blessings [3x] of the one keeping in expectation {to/for the 1335 days} AND reaches to/for the 1,335 days! (Daniel 12 )
3x.(1335 days +1335 days) = 3x.2670 days = 8010 days from 2000Tishri16, the start of the congregation of the Lords Witnesses (the baptism of Jamie, the 3rd after Tony, the 2nd on 2000Elul16) to 2022Tebbeth15 (inclusively) the start of the 3 rapture of the Isaaic s from 2022Tebbeth15-21). A lot more impressive than the Royal Albert Hall (the Watchtower's interpretation for the end of this period).
of Tony, the 2nd
Start of the Abrahamic ark rapture
2000Elul16 (2 gathered together in '
6x 1335 = 8010 days of Daniel12
of Jamie, the 3rd
Start of the Isaaic ark rapture
2000Tishri16 (3 gathered together in ' name)
6x 1335 = 8010 days of Daniel12
Yes. The s last 8010 days before we are raptured. And Daniel (yours truly) has to keep in expectation for no more than that in the last true church before he stands up for his lot at the end of the days and gains the happinesses/blessednesses of being raptured into the ark. One cannot enforce the law of a church without at least 3 church members (2 to judge the 3rd).
2022Tebbeth15: 22¼ years, 8010 days of Daniel 12:12 after 2000Tishri16, the start of the congregation (when we first had 3 s - at the baptism of Jamie).
2022Tebbeth15/16: The end of 1600 discontinuous stadia of trampling of the winepress of the anger of God outside the city from 2017Elul10 excluding the 202/203 days of reappointed Laodicea and the 124 days of s being in / run Sodom..
1600 Stadia of sealing of s entirely outside a true / run church - YEP
Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicean city reappointed over the s Reappointed Laodicean falls s join Sodom
Last dies
The Last is sealed into the
1st and 2nd horsemen ride.
2022Tebbeth15/16 (1st & 2nd horses bridled)
701 days of trampling outside 202/203 days of some trampling inside city 117/116 trampling day outside 124 days of trampling inside 781/782 trampling days outside
701 + 117/116 + 781/782 = 1600 days of trampling with all s entirely outside a / controlled true church
The s are all sealed from 2022Chislev21, the late Pentecost of the Tishri1 secular year, the end of the , to 2022Tebbeth15/16, DURING the Isaaic ark rapture from 2022Tebbeth15-21, for the entire field must be white before the harvest can occur
2022Tebbeth15-21: Laodicean Cakes
2022Tebbeth15-21: The ark rapture of the Isaaic s after the Isaaic world exodus Passover. This is an antitype of the 1514Iyyar14 crossing of the red sea.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The 7 days of 1Kings 6:37-38 of building the temple of Solomon in the ark.
2022Tebbeth15-21. Mother hen, the 3rd , raptures the chicks, the children of the s. Do the sons to be rapture their fathers into the ark? NO because they do not become their sons until after the rapture.
34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her [2x.(2x+2x)=8x] -- how many times [Indeed. Lets count them!] I wanted to gather your children together [2x] in manner which a hen gathers-together-upon her brood/nest under her wings [2x-1x=1x], but ye people [2x: in old Jerusalem] did not want [it]! (Luke 13 )
34 Jerusalem Jerusalem, the (one) killing the prophets and stoning the (ones) having been sent forth toward her, - how many times I wanted to lead-together-upon the children of you which in manner/way/fashion hen the of herself brood under the wings [gathers together upon], and not ye wanted! (Luke 13 )
How many times: 8x+ 2x.1x+2x = 12x. The 12 days of ark rapture from 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21
2022Tebbeth15-22: The inauguration of the apostolic altar of Solomon on earth.
The length of the Isaaic baptism, a stretched out hand of Moses over the sea.
2022Tebbeth16: Water starts 1 month circuit around, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18 to 2022Shebat16, when all the s are baptised at the end of the temple building time of Haggai1.
2022Tebbeth16: 1st crop of Revelation22 completes its restoration
2022Tebbeth16-2022Shebat16: The temple building time of Haggai1
2022Tebbeth20-22 (2023January16-19): The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18, at the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year. 2022Tebbeth21 is the first Pentecost under the new Chislev1 secular calendar (from first fruits on 2022Chislev2) in honour of becoming Caesar to on 2022Chislev5. So it is the antitype of 33Sivan5, the 1st Pentecost in . This is an attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson in Manhattan or the Thames East of London around Dartford.
2022Tebbeth21: The Pentecost (of the Chislev1 secular year). The inclusive following chief of 50 of 2Kings1 (never referred to as the 2nd chief). His 50 are 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth21 - following 30 days after the first 50 from 2010Heshvan2 to
2022Tebbeth21: A reformed congress as a result of vote fraud acceptance passes its first legislation with D. J. TRUMP as president. It starts at the end of the rapture of the s
2022Tebbeth21: The Pentecost of the Sivan1 year, follows day by day literally DOOOOOOOOOOOOH after the late Pentecost of the Nisan1 year,
when the 1st fire sign occurred on 2010Chislev20-23 upon mount Carmel in Israel eating up a member of the 1st 50 and the chief of 450, namely 2010Chislev21..
2022Tebbeth21: The gifts of the spirit are given to all 12 apostles, at the first Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year and of ark based under . Only the apostles will have the capability to confer them. This is the late end of the .
2022Tebbeth21/22: The opening of the door to the ark based after the temple is filled with smoke. Only then can the priests stand to minister.
2022Tebbeth21 - 2022Shebat4: The 13x ride of the 2nd horseman of Revelation 6:4 - starting at the 3rd fire sign and reaching to 2022Shebat4, the start of WW3, when he is give the great sword of the US military by congress (his horse).
2022Tebbeth21 - 2022Shebat4: The 13x ride of the 1st horseman of Revelation 6:2 - starting with the end of the rapture s and ending with the end of the earthly interaction of the 2022Chislev15 raptured Abrahamic s (part of the horse).
2022Tebbeth21 - 2022Adar10: The earthly interaction of the last raptured s.
then 2022Adar16 the opening of the Tsohar of Genesis 8 to 2023Iyyar2, the 2nd marriage.
2022Tebbeth21 - 2023Ab21: The gifts of the spirit of 1Corinthians12:28-31 are given to the ageless stones of the human s and s and s? Starting at the first ark base Pentecost attended by all 13 apostles and half apostles
2022Tebbeth22: The formal ark assembly of the entire congregation.
2022Shebat10: The last Laodicean arrives at , 18x of Joshua5 after 2022Tebbeth22, when the first Laodiceans are Isaaic baptised by Caleb.
2022Tebbeth10 is the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release, when they are atoned on late Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign day/year against Laodicea, the 7th Sivan1 sacred year from 2016Sivan1.
Nineveh (the Watchtower) is turned back to God on 2019Tishri24, 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover of the Bethels. Nineveh (Reverted Laodicea) is destroyed on 2022Tebbeth24, 40 days of Jonah after 2022Chislev14, the early Laodicean Passover.
2022Tebbeth24: 2023January20/21. The of Matthew 24 begins (worry about nuclear bombs) upon the weekly Sabbath in Greek Winter..
2022Tebbeth24 to 2023Elul4: The 220 days of Revelation 7:13-14 of the of Matthew24. It begins at the 3rd fire sign and ends at the end of WW3. It is quite obviously the period of worry about being wiped out by missiles - offensive missiles.
2022Chislev24 is the Winter Solstice, the 1st day of Greek winter.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the end of the pre 3rd Isaaic ..
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become [for] 7 [times], as/like the light of 7 of days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him ().
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun.
And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea]. ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glower/sun.
And the glower/sun's light shall be 7 glowers/suns, [it shall be] as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, [it shall be] like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 )
Verse 26: 1x+1x+7x+7x in a day of 2x = 16x.2x = 32x from 2022Tebbeth14-2022Shebat16, from the start of the Isaaic , to the start of the baptism of the 3rd .
2022Tebbeth25/29: 2023January21/22/25/26: PEACE and SECURITY is declared 5/9 days of the sentence count of 1Thessalonians 5:3 before WW3 begins on 2022Shebat4 (2023January30/31)..
2022Tebbeth27. The end of the baptism for earth dwellers on the 27th day of the 2nd month of the Chislev1 secular year of Genesis 8:14. Priestly faith being rendered obsolete through the PEACE and SECURITY declaration?
2022Tebbeth27: The last day of our 6,000 day working week to fix the Laodicean divide from 2005Tebbeth15, with 51 and 81 day installation gaps from 2012Sivan14-2012Ab5 and 2015Ab14-2015Heshvan5.
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism for earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
2022Tebbeth28-2022Adar8: The 40 day deluge of waters returning from the ark, start 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after the end of the rapture on 2022Tebbeth21, the end of ark entry of the saints (submediators and sons of the ) to the end of the 1st marriage feast.
7 So Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him, into the ark from faces/presence of/before the waters of the deluge
8 Of every clean beast and of every beast that is not clean and of the flying creatures and everything that moves on the ground,
9 2, 2, they went in to Noah
into the ark []
male and female, just as God had commanded Noah
10 And it occurred to 7 of the days
[of sons and wives going in from the face of the deluge. So the deluge begins on 2022Tebbeth28, 7 days after 2022Tebbeth21, the completion of the wives and sons (the mediators and saints of the , ,
, ) going into the ark - by rapture and by resurrection]
and the waters of the deluge came upon the earth (Genesis 7)
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Registration/Inauguration day, 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 before Mark Enforcement on 2022Shebat4.
2022Shebat: The 4th Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month of 4th Kingdom Jubilee
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement Day. The global enforcement (by means of the fiery furnace of the front lines of WW3) of the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13 begins (210 days of Daniel3:4-7 before the catching of the beast on 2023Elul4, the end of Mark Enforcement, but not the end of the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3, which furnace is WW3
2022Shebat4: The the start of the fiery furnace of WW3, which runs for 7x to 2023Elul4. Whereas 2023Tishri23 is Dunghill Dismembering Decree day of Daniel3. Until the end there will be war (Daniel9)
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day. is 1x+6x = 7x precisely of all ones compared to the small the great the rich the poor the free the slaves of Revelation13:16 before 2023Elul4, the end of Mark testing, the catching of the beast of Revelation19.
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day. It is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark in the 10 Kingdoms of the 10 horns of Revelation17. These appear to exclude the USA (no eagle parts in the 4th Beast of Daniel7, the sea beast of Revelation13).
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day (throwing unvaxxed people without any government assistance into the fighting in the fiery furnace of WW3, which begins 2022Shebat4, and excluding them from the financial system).
2022Shebat4 - 2023Nisan4: The 60 cubits height of the image of Daniel3, the period of Mark testing of saints, ending at the death and ark resurrection of Benjamin on 2023Nisan3/4 and 2023Nisan5/6. 2 days of ark entrance for an unclean bird. s are ark resurrected after the 3rd. takes over.
2022Shebat4 - 2023Elul4: WW3, the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3. It starts 13x of the ride of the 2nd horseman of Revelation 6:4 after the coming out of the reformed congress to pass its first legislation on 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the ark rapture invitation to the s of Revelation 6:3.
2022Shebat4 - 2023Elul4: The period of the 7 heads of the sea beast. It is caught on 2023Elul4, 17 days of Revelation19-20 before it is burnt on 2023Elul21.
2023Elul4 is 70x of Revelation19:21 before the end of on 2023Heshvan14.
2022Shebat4 - 2023Elul4: The 7 heads of the sea beast of Revelation13, the terrible beast of Daniel4. From the completion of the transfer of power and authority of the 10 kings, to the catching of the beast of Revelation19.
2022Shebat4-6 (2023January30-2023February2): 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 31x of the sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 after 7x after 2015Tebbeth5, the installation of Isaaic over : An attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Thames around Dartford East London or above the Hudson in Manhattan.
2022Shebat7-2023Tammuz7: 150 days during which the waters of Genesis 7:24 overwhelm the earth until they are lacking as in Genesis 8:3..The waters are metonymical waters of the priest by water baptism and the metaphorical waters of the s, who are priests to the s, waters to their land, their group, their congregation, teaching them the 1st law by example.
24 And the waters were overwhelming/prevailing upon the earth 150 days [from 2371Chislev27 to 2371Iyyar27, when the mountains plural were covered, although from 2371Nisan17, the mountains of Ararat were exposed] [2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence, the restart of the baptism of s and s, to 2019Shebat10, the end of the baptism of the reappointed Laodicea AND 2022Shebat7, the end of ark rapture,15 cubits after 2022Tebbeth22, to 2023Tammuz7, the end of ark rapture] (Genesis 7).
2022Shebat10: Entry day into the late Laodicean Passover, the end of faith salvation for Laodiceans.
2022Shebat10: The end of earthly interaction for Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19. The taking the bolt of the foot of Joshua5 runs for 18x of the sentence count from 2022Tebbeth22 to 2022Shebat10
2022Shebat10: The end of Kingdom entry for Laodicean s. Faith testing now ends for Laodiceans for sealing. Faith now become irrelevant to Laodiceans for salvation purposes.
Midst of the sea of Sodom on dry land
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and divide it, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
A true church administration is a mountain with oversight over the land, the congregation
A false church administration is a boat floating upon the sea, the congregation which supports it.
Dry land is a church without a water baptism ( on earth after 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14, when the for earth dwellers ends and the 3rd before 2022Shebat16)
8 And the second angel blew his trumpet. And something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea. And a 3rd of the sea became blood; (Revelation 8 )
Moses is the administration of
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and split it apart, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
Elijah4's hand ends during the 2nd marriage feast? We MUST be coregent with the 3rd from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Sivan15. David and Solomon. Elijah4 of 2Kings1 comes down to the King not below the king.
Rulership of is elevated ( rapture begins)
End of Benjamin's ark rapture
End of ascension. End of elevated stretched hand of .
2022Adar30 = 2023Nisan6
2½ months
22 And the sons of Israel came into the midst of the sea on dry land, while the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
The fall of Sodom The late Laodicean Passover
The start of the lava flood, the killing of the sea begins
2022Shebat14 (dry land of Hebron is completed)
5 months
5 months
29 And the sons of Israel walked on dry ground in the middle of the sea the waters [being] a wall for them, from their right and from their left (Exodus 14 ).
The fall of Sodom The 2nd last day of earthly interaction of the s The absolute end of war.
The warring sea ends.
6 months less 5 days
6 months less 5 days
2022Shebat14: The late Laodicean and Watchtower Passover and early Christian Passover.
2022Shebat14-16: The Watchtower Passover gene zap restoration on the dragnet beach
2022Shebat15-21: The inauguration of the temple of Solomon in the ark, during booths of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year.
2022Shebat16: The 4th presence starts by the baptism of the 1st members of the 3rd into .
2022Shebat16 - 2023Nisan5: The 3rd crosses the Jordan of the . This is the 50 day baptism of the 3rd . This is a 50 day deluge of holy spirits who are to become waters. NOT the 40 day deluge of waters returning from the ark
2022Shebat16 - 2023Nisan5: The 50 days of Joshua3:11-13 of baptism of the 3rd into
10 Cities of Hebron and under Peter over 2022Shebat16 - 2023Chislev14 (the end of ).
2022Shebat20: 2x.(450x+1x).(1x+1x+1x) = 6x.451x=2706x of 1Kings 18:29 from 2015Ab14 to 2022Shebat20 the going up of the grain offering.
The prophets of Baal stop prophesying. There is a 13x sentence count from 2022Shebat7-20 in the ride of the 3rd horseman of Revelation 6:5, to the start of expensive staples on 2022Shebat20 (2023February15/16).
2022Shebat22: This is the 1st day of an inaugurated temple, when all of tribal Israel is with Solomon, who sends them away that 8th day (1Kings 8:66).
2022Shebat24 from 2020Shebat24: The 30x of the Benjamin proselyte call of the sower parable. This call is into Sodom until 2022Elul14 and then into . It must end before the rapture of Benjamin on 2023Nisan5/6.
2022Shebat10: The end of Hebronite earthly interaction: 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.18x = 8820x SOLAR Days of the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24 from 1998Chislev21, the installation of to feed the s to 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction of Hebron. This must be the fulfilment upon the city.
24 Weeks (of days) 70 was cut upon + people of + you (s) and + upon + city of holiness of + you (s) = 490x.2x
to/for + to be of completed the + defection and + =
to/for + to cause to complete of (misses) [miss] and + = 3x/1x
to/for + to cover over/overspread of perversity and + = 2x/1x
to/for + to cause to enter of straightness of hidden times and + = 3x
to/for + to seal of divine vision and + prophet and + = 2x
to/for + to stroke/anoint of holiness of holinesses = 1x (Daniel 9 WLCi)
Total = 490x.2x.9x/10x/11x/12x = 8820x/9800x/10780x.11760x
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sins/sin [Qere/Kethib, written/spoken], and to cover iniquity, and to bring in righteousness of hidden times [several fulfilments], and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies (Daniel 9 literal).
Qere (spoken): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.18x = 8820x. SOLAR Days from 1998Chislev21, the installation of to feed the s, to 2022Shebat10/11, the end of the earthly interaction of the Hebronite s. That must be upon the city. This is the period of division of the s due to our failing to be appointed/installed to rule of the s on 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Qere (spoken): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.20x = 9800x. SOLAR Days from 1996Nisan18, the appointment of to feed the s, to 2022Shebat9/10, the end of the earthly interaction of the Hebronite s. That must be upon the city. This is the period of division of the s due to our failing to be appointed/installed to rule of the s on 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.22x = 10780x. SOLAR Days from 1994Tammuz15, 6 days after my letter of 1994Tammuz9 revealing that Milton Henschel, the President of the Watchtower, the angel of Sardis of Revelation3, was not a saint, to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam.
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.22x = 10780x. SOLAR Days from 1994Iyyar14, the Memorial that the Watchtower defiled after my letter of 1994Nisan3, the start of exposing their sin, to 2023Heshvan14, the absolute end of the Watchtower
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.24x = 11760x. SOLAR Days to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover,. the absolute end of Adam, from 1991Heshvan7 (1991October19/20), 10 years of testing in Egypt of Numbers14 and 3/4 days before the 2001Heshvan10/11 letter to the Bethels showing no repentance for riding the beast as a harlot church and putting the throne of in the temple of . Perhaps the Governing Body made the decision to join the UN by becoming affiliated to the UN DPI on 1991Heshvan7 (1991October19/20) but did not apply until 1991Chislev14, 10x precisely before 2001Chislev14, when God took away their water baptism of repentance, after being test by them for 10x. The 1991September8, Awake magazine (page 10) did a publicity piece for the UN in accordance with the UN publicity obligations for NGOs wishing to become associated with the UN DPI. The Awake magazines (now discontinued) were distributed after their publication date. The UN archive cannot find the record of the date of application only the year of acceptance. The Watchtower had authority over the saints for 100 years and 8 days from 1905Sivan6 to 2005Sivan14. They committed UN idolatry testing God for 10x of Numbers14 and 10% of their period of authority - see U651
2022Adar10: Entry day into the late Passover and the Christian Passover, the end of faith salvation for s. Faith now becomes irrelevant to s for salvation purposes. Love is what is required.
9 Happinesses run from 2022Adar10 (33 days after 2022Shebat7, the end of the rapture) to 2023Chislev10, the end of entrance into the last chance saloon, the descended church. The sermon on the mount begins when the last saint finishes his earthly interaction - leaving the preaching down here to the 3rd .
2022Adar10: The end of 50 cubits of ark width of earthly interaction from 2022Tebbeth21.
2022Adar11: The start of the 1,000 day Sabbath to 2025Chislev20/21. Then the s are appointed/installed as Caesar over the on 2025Tebbeth2/Shebat21 ( first fruits/Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Kingdom secular year honouring being installed as Caesar over on 2022Tebbeth5 and rapturing the Isaaic s on 2022Tebbeth15-21). We conquer by baptism until 2023Nisan5, the end of ark based baptism..
2022Adar14: The early Babylonian and Christian Passover and late Watchtower Passover.
2022Adar14-16: The Christian Passover gene zap restoration on the dragnet beach.
2022Adar19 - 2023Tishri4: The 195 days of entry of Genesis 18.
Then the lava flood runs from 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4 (the end of non Adam and Cain, after this all of Adam and Cain are s). 50 potentially righteous in the midst of the city from 2022Elul14, the fall of Sodom to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the Watchtower administration, are centred on 2023Nisan14 and so run from 2022Adar19 to 2023Iyyar9
2023Nisan2: The 1st marriage to Hebronite s (who have finished their earthly interaction)
2023Nisan2-8: The 1st marriage feast
2023Nisan5: The end of the ark based baptism.
2023Nisan5: PALM MONDAY 2023March27: rides the colt, the son of the ass into the temple. He is riding the Laodicean part of the son of the church? This is the antitype of Palm MONDAY on 33Nisan10
2023Nisan5/6: The ark rapture of Benjamin, the Kings, the Kings, 2 days for unclean birds, ravens.
2023Nisan10: Early non religious and Babylonian and late Christian Passover entry day
2023Nisan14: The early non religious and Babylonian and late Christian Passover. The end of faith based salvation for Christians. Love based salvation of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 from this point onwards.
2023Nisan14-16: Passover execution and standing gene zap transformation of Babylonian s on the dragnet beach.
2023Nisan19: The administration of the and the holy place are given into the hand of the little horn of Daniel 7:25 for 4½ months until 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast.
2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5: The 2x7=14 days, 2 weeks of / ark entry (by 7s).
2023Iyyar2: The 2nd marriage (the dove of Genesis8 returned to the ark for 2 periods of 7 days - the two marriage feasts).
2023Iyyar2-8: 2nd marriage feast
2023Iyyar15: 600 chosen chariots of Exodus14 chasing after Israel must run from 2021Elul15, the end of entry into reverted Laodicea, to 2023Iyyar15, the start of ascension,
the end of earthly interaction in chariots. Are the marriages now 2023Iyyar2 and 2023Sivan2? - see U358.
2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7: 2 months, 2 months to date of ark entry (herself, 2 man and wife of him, of Genesis 7:2 and Genesis 7:9 and Genesis 7:15)
2023Iyyar9: 2nd marriage veil lifting and marital supper day.
2023Iyyar10: Non religious and late Babylonian Passover entry day.
2023Iyyar14: The Non religious and late Babylonian Passover (the last Passover)
2023Iyyar14: The end of faith based salvation for Babylonians (those in non Christian religions).
2023Iyyar14-16: Passover execution and standing gene zap transformation of Non religious s, the 5th crop of Revelation22
2023Iyyar15: The end of the Isaaic baptism on ascension day - the end of earthly interaction through the Tsohar.
2023Iyyar15-2023Sivan15: The ascension of ALL s. the first raptured ones wait for the last raptured ones.
2023Iyyar29 to 2022Chislev14: the 195 days of sealing for Kingdom s - who must be sealed by the 12th crop Passover.
2023Sivan10: Late non religious and early Laodicean Passover entry day.
2022Sivan10: All s go through the Tsohar into heaven on Passover entry day.
2023Sivan11: The timber frame, the rafters of the temple of Solomon are completed by this day (in fact on 2023Sivan10, the entrance of Solomon and the s into heaven. The temple is finished as regards the words (doctrine) and judgements (Chronology and prophecy) of Solomon on the 11th day of the 8th month of the exclusive post Dragon's lease reign of Solomon from 2022Tishri14.
2023Sivan14: The Late non religious and early Laodicean Passover.
2023Sivan14-16: Passover execution and standing gene zap transformation of ALL the late partaking s, the 6th crop of Revelation22
2023Sivan15: The end of ascension from 2023Iyyar15
2023Tammuz7: The last day of ark entry. Whereas 2023Tammuz16, late first fruits, is the first ark resurrection (of the Laodicean s) from . The s MUST precede the s into 3.
2023Tammuz7 - 2023Tishri4: The ride of the 4th horse of the apocalypse
Nuclear war occurs between 2023Tammuz7 and 2023Tishri4, the ride of the 4th horse (the intelligence services). But the rider of that horse, 2, Cain, and his demons, are evicted on 2023Tammuz10. So they only ride the 4th horse for 3 days. The horse is riderless for 84 days, 12 weeks. So although the demons set us up to annihilate each they do not actually perform much if any of the annihilation. We do that to ourselves after being misled into it by them.
2023Tammuz10: Laodicea Passover entry day.
2023Tammuz10: The end of demon possession at the late Pentecost, 2,000 pigs of Mark5, after 2017Chislev20, the start of demon possession, 30 days of 's ladder after the eviction from heaven of the Dragon on 2017Heshvan20
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7
6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
2023Tammuz10: The end of demon possession at the late Pentecost, 2,000 pigs of Mark5, after 2017Chislev20, the start of demon possession, 30 days of 's ladder after the eviction from heaven of the Dragon on the Pentecost.
2023Tammuz10: The end of the authority of the Dragon to kill non Adam,
because the dragon is no more - having been expelled into .
2023Tammuz14: The Laodicean and early Watchtower Passover.
2023Tammuz14-16: Passover execution and ark resurrection of Laodicean s from , the 7th crop of Revelation22
2023Tammz14-2023Tishri4: The lava flood execution of non Adam. Adam was sentenced to die on the 14th day of the 1st month of the Nisan1 sacred year. The sentence begins to be carried out on the 14th day of the 2nd month of the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year. He dies from the late Passover on 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4, the day before the installation of the over on 2023Tishri5, the Pentecost..He is unclean by a dead soul, his own, so he must celebrate the late Passover. Also this is the 2nd Passover execution of all of Adam. The flood of Noah was not a Passover execution. It was a total execution excepting 8 souls.
10 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'Although any man of you or of your generations should happen to be unclean by a soul or off on a distant journey, he too must prepare the Passover sacrifice to .
11 In the 2nd month, on the 14th day between the 2 evenings, they should prepare it. Together with unfermented cakes and bitter greens they should eat it. (Numbers 9 ) - Does this apply somehow Adam is certainly unclean by a dead soul?
2023Tammuz14 -2023Tishri4 The 40+40 day lava flood of Genesis7/8, starting 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after the end of ark rapture on 2023Tammuz7. The end will be by the flood - Daniel 9:26. The flood starts after the Kingdom is installed under , because cannot execute Adam until he becomes Caesar to Adam. The flood ends BEFORE the is installed under as Caesar over , Adam, Cain and . Non Adam is killed by 2023Tishri4, before the Kingdom is installed over Adam on 2023Tishri6. Non Cain is killed on 2023Tishri4 (the end of the lava flood and of the 195 days of Mark testing baptism from 2022Adar19) before the Kingdom is installed over Cain on 2023Heshvan11. Non Adam, constructively dead Adam, cannot get God as Caesar (for then he would truly be in the and one must be born again to enter into that Kingdom according to John3). So he must die before the under God is installed over him. So God is NOT going to be saying: Welcome to the , please put your asbestos shoes on!
2023Tammuz30 to 2023Tebbeth14: 2023July19/20: The stock market goes to ZERO. 164 days of the sentence count of Revelation18:11-13 of stock being worthless before the absolute end of Adam..
2023Ab10: and early Christian and late Laodicean Passover entry day
2023Ab14: and early Christian and late Laodicean Passover
2023Ab14-16: The Passover to ark resurrection from
2023Ab16/Tishri5: The appointment/installation of the under over (2023Elul is an Abrahamic Sabbath. But God and are Lords of the Sabbath)
2023Ab17/Tishri6: The appointment/installation of the under over Adam at 4th first fruits/Pentecost.
Non Adam dies out on 2023Elul4, the end of the lava flood.
2023Elul4: The end of the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 of WW3 from 2022Shebat4
2023Elul4: The end of the 220 day of Matthew24 from 2022Tebbeth24, the 3rd day after the 3rd fire sign, a weekly Sabbath in Greek winter, the start of the rapture of the s, the one coming out of the tribulation of Revelation7
2023Elul10: Entry day into the Christian Passover
2023Elul14: The Christian Passover and late Passover and early Babylonian Passover.
2023Elul14-16: The Christian Passover to earthly resurrection from
2023Elul16: 6-16 day Nisan1 sacred
2023Elul16/Heshvan5: The appointment/installation of the under over at 2nd first fruits/The late 2nd Pentecost .
2023Elul21: The burning of the beast. This is the denial of its members entrance into the last chance saloon, their condemning to . From this day onwards, it is a burning beast.
2023Elul21: The burning of the Beast. 17x of the sentence count of Revelation19-20 after 2023Ab4, the catching of the beast. All its members are sentenced to .
2023Elul22/Heshvan11: The completion of the appointment/installation of the under over Cain at 5th first fruits/Pentecost
2023Tishri3/4: The end of the 40+40 day lava flood from 2023Tammuz14
2022Tishri3/4: The absolute end of non Adam AND of non Cain.
2023Tishri4: The end of the 195 days of Mark of the beast testing entrance from 2022Adar19 of 's negotiation of Genesis18.
2023Tishri10: Entry day into the 10th crop of Revelation22, the late Christian and the Babylonian Passover and the early non religious Passover entry day.
2023Tishri14: The 10th crop of Revelation22, the late Christian and Babylonian and early non religious Passover
2023Tishri14-16: The Babylonian Passover execution - ark resurrection.
2023Heshvan10: Entry day into the 11th crop of Revelation22, the non religious Passover.
2023Heshvan14: The non religious Passover.
2023Heshvan14: The end of . The end of the 1440x of the sentence count of cutting down the tree of the Watchtower of Daniel4:13-17 from 2019Heshvan14, the late 1st Watchtower Passover execution of the failed members of the 3rd bride - see U123
11 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda]
because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
And as for the remainder of [raX,
construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They give their rulerships away to the 4th beast during 30 days from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth2. And those in heaven took away their ruleship on 2022Tishri14. Then the kingdom of the 10 toes which is the kingdom of the 10 diadems runs from 2022Tebbeth2 to 2023Heshvan14, the end of Babylon, after the beast is caught on 2023Elul4], and there was a lengthening in life [after 2022Tishri14]
given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[]
[This could be for a year to 2023Tishri14 and then a season (Greek Autumn to 2023Tebbeth14, the end of their lives, the end of Adam. The Dunghill dismembering decree of Daniel3 is made on 2023Heshvan23, 51 days before 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. One does not need a true church if there is no satanic Caesar. But the tree of life of Revelaton22 and the last chance saloon cannot crop unless a Satanic Caesar is still around]. (Daniel 7)
So nation state beasts continue until the end of Adam, for one needs a Satanic Caesar for salvation. But the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7, the sea beast of Revelation13, only has authority until 2023Heshvan14, the end of its headship and its diadems, at the destruction of Babylon. WW3 is represented as being fought between nation states and ends on 2023Elul4. So nation states must exist until them. The eagle is specifically excluded from Daniel7, the wings are plucked out. And it is absent from the sea beast of Revelation13. This must be due to the wisdom of the US constitution or the Patriotism of DJ Trump..
2023Heshvan14-16: The 11th crop of Revelation22, the Passover execution of the non religious s to their earthly resurrection from .
2023Heshvan23: Dunghill dismembering decree day of Daniel3: Every Knee Shall Bend day of Romans14 and Isaiah45, 51x of the sentence count of Daniel 3:29 before the absolute end of Adam on 2023Tebbeth14.
2023Chislev: The 2nd Isaaic Jubilee month of the Kingdom from 2015Ab14. This is the month in , in which has all his possessions restored to him. His possessions are all the sealed s, who at the end of becomes all the s..
2023Chislev10: The end of the Accepting year of Isaiah61 from 2022Chislev10, for s baptised up to 2023Tishri4
2022Chislev10: The end of Kingdom salvation entrance for salvation from the 12 crops of Revelation22
2023Chislev10: The end of the 9 Happinesses of Matthew5 from 2022Adar10, the start of the sermon on the mount of the ark administration (32 teeth + 1 tongue after 2022Shebat7, the end of the ark rapture, when all disciples have come to him in his mountain). 2022Adar10 is the end of earthly interaction other than through the Tsohar.
2023Chislev14: The late non religious Passover. The end of Kingdom starter salvation for of great faith () or of little faith and love (). The end of s (everyone is either Passover executed or loses his status)
2023Chislev14: The end of .
The end of the Time of Distress and ESCAPE (into and out of Adam), during which everyone of Daniel's people written in the book of the escapes running from 2022Chislev14, the early Laodicean Passover.
2023Chislev14: The end of: 350x+9x = 359x of Genesis14:15-16 from the start of the division of by night into the ark by rapture of the Abrahamic Laodicean s on 2022Chislev15, to the end of the recovery of all the covenant possessions of , the end of , the Isaaic Jubilee restoration to - See U307.
2023Chislev14-16: The 12th crop of Revelation22, the Passover execution of ALL the late partaking s to their earthly resurrection from .
2023Chislev14-2023Tebbeth14: 30 days of mourning upon the greater plains of Moab after the end of - for the sons of ?
2023Tebbeth3/4-10: The last week of entrance of Daniel9, into the last chance saloon, Hobah of Genesis14, the descended church.
2023Tebbeth10: The absolute end of entrance into the and Kingdom salvation.
2023Tebbeth14: The absolute end of Adam, the last 1st death Execution stayed from Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC.
2023Tebbeth14: 1st death Passover, the end of entry into the 1st death.
2023Tebbeth14: The last chance saloon Passover execution for earthly resurrection at the relevant Kingdom call.
2023Tebbeth16: The 2nd day of 1st death Cakes, the end of the escape from the 1st death, from , by the sons of the (last chance salooners, faithful robbers). The resurrection of the 1st death Passover executed faithless sons of the = ..
2023Tebbeth16: The end of the 280x of the sentence counts for the sheep and the goats of Matthew25:32-46 from 2023Nisan6, when all the nations are gathered before running and all the angels are with him. 2023Nisan6 being the end of the rapture of Benjamin. 280 days of the two sentence counts of the loving ones AND of the non loving ones: 12x+264x of sheep or 264x of goats + 4x = 280x from 2023Nisan6, the end of the rapture of Benjamin after all the nations are gathered before because he has taken over on 2023Nisan5, to 2023Tebbeth16, the resurrection of the last chance salooners, and the descent into of the Kingdom failures, the judgement at the end of the separating of the sheep and the goats through Mark of the Beast deprivation in and through the last chance saloon, the descended church of the of and of Yeshua, Hobah of Genesis14, the church of the last week of Daniel9:27, the church of the final separation,
entrance into which runs from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10. These ones are Passover executed at the 1st death Passover on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16, when the 1st death is brought to nothing. Those who fail to take that chance do go to hell - see U902. WOW.
2025Chislev20/21: The end of the 1,000 days of ruling with the Christ from 2022Adar11 (the 1st day after 2022Adar10, the end of earthly interaction, the start of the Sermon on the mount). This is the 1,000 day Sabbath for the s.
2025Tebbeth2/Shebat21: The appointment/installation of the s as Caesar to the at the Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Kingdom secular year honouring being installed as Caesar over and rapturing the Isaaic s into the ark from 2022Tebbeth15-21.
300 days of ark entry from the surface of the earth via 2 of Genesis 7:3 are 2019Tishri17-2019Tebbeth18 (92 from reappointed Laodicea) + 2020Tammuz19-2020Heshvan18 (120 from Sodom) + 2022Chislev15-19 (5 days from Hebron) + 2022Tebbeth15-21 (7 days from ) + 2023Nisan22 - 2023Tammuz7 (76 days from run ). 92+120+5+7+76=300. Total period of ark entry from 2019Tishri17 to 2023Tammuz7 is 1340 days.
80 days of invitation to the Great evening meal of God for the birds that fly in midheaven of Revelation19 make one sitting from 2022Tebbeth15, the start of the ark rapture,
to 2023Nisan5, the end of the entry of the 3rd into .
80 days of feeding by ark based for the Great evening meal of God for the birds that fly in midheaven of Revelation19 make one sitting from 2022Tebbeth15, the start of the clean ark rapture,
to 2023Nisan5, when we hand over to the 3rd
The dragon has had no authority after 2022Tishri14 (but is nonetheless permitted to remain without authority - for educational purposes - until his eviction on 2023Tammuz10).
Elijah sends 3x 50s and 3 chiefs of 50s to Ahaziah in the greater meaning of 2Kings1. These are 3 Kingdom Jubilees from 2008Iyyar1 to 2020Tishri30 and then 3 more Sabbath months (2021Iyyar, 2021Chislev, 2022Tammuz) until 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the rapture. So 2022Tammuz is the last Sabbath month of the saints (covenant Israel, the sons of the and also the sons of the ) being under a satanic Caesar (divinely appointed or not). The 4th Sabbath of the 4th kingdom Jubilee is 2022Shebat.
Reappointed Laodicea (5)
2019Elul14 (Early Watchtower Bethelite)
2019Tishri14 (Watchtower Bethelite - 3rd marriage)
2019Heshvan14 (Watchtower Congregation - 4th marriage)
2019Chislev14 (Watchtower Prisons - 5th marriage)
2019Tebbeth14 (Late partaking Laodicean Bethelites - 6th marriage)
2020Tammuz14 (Late partaking Laodicean Congregations - 7th marriage on 2020Tammuz19 - they did not last long enough to have a prison)
2020Ab14 (Reappointed Laodicean Bethelites - 1st marriage on 2020Ab17)
2020Elul14 (Reappointed Laodicean Congregations - 2nd marriage on 2020Elul22). 2020Elul was a Sabbath month but not for non adamics in the ark.
2020Tishri14 (Late partakers on 2020Elul14 - Reappointed Laodicean Bethelites -
3rd marriage on 2020Tishri20)
2020Heshvan14 (Late partakers on 2020Tishri14 - Reappointed Laodicean Congregation -
4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18)
2022Chislev14 (Early Laodicean/ Passover)
2022Tebbeth14 (Laodicean Passover - 1st crop of Revelation22)
2022Shebat14 (Watchtower Passover - 2nd crop of Revelation22)
2022Adar14 (Christian Passover - 3rd crop of Revelation22)
2023Nisan14 (Babylonian Passover - 4th crop of Revelation22)
2023Iyyar14 (Non religious Passover - 5th crop of Revelation22)
2023Sivan14 (Late Partakers Passover - 6th crop of Revelation22)
2023Tammuz14 (Laodicean Passover - 7th crop of Revelation22)
2023Ab14 (Watchtower Passover - 8th crop of Revelation22)
2023Elul14 (Christian Passover - 9th crop of Revelation22)
2023Tishri14 (Babylonian Passover - 10thy crop of Revelation22)
2023Heshvan14 (Non religious Passover - 11th crop of Revelation22)
2023Chislev14 (Late Partakers Passover - 12th crop of Revelation22)
Last Chance Saloon (1)
2023Tebbeth14 (1st death Passover for those in the above categories who repented too late for their category, the last chance saloon)
These are in 'should know better' order.
The chief of the cupbearers said of his dream...
11 And Pharaoh's cup [of the ] was in my hand, and I proceeded to take the grapes and squeeze them out into Pharaoh's cup. After that I gave the cup [of the ] into Pharaoh's hand. (Genesis 40 )
So there are 3 versions of each of the 3 Passovers of Exodus 11-12 of the firstborn of Pharaoh and of the maidservant at the mill and of captive in the prison hole, the early, the regular and the late version.
5 and every firstborn in the land of Egypt must die,
from the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the maidservant who is behind the millstones and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 11 )
29 And it came about that at midnight struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 12 )
But then in the interpretation Joseph said...
13 In repeating 3 of days Pharaoh will lift up your head [] and he will certainly return you to your standing/status [] and you will certainly give Pharaoh's cup into his hand [5x cups], according to the former custom when you acted as his cupbearer [NOT as the chief of his cupbearers - giving his cup into his hand].
Then the fulfilment was...
21 Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer [], and he was giving the cup into Pharaoh's PALM ['The cup' is the . Just one Passover - hence Palm rather than hand].
3 hands and hand from custom and one palm give 21 Passovers in all!
Total number of Passovers referenced is hand + hand + hand + former custom (hand) + palm = 5+5+5+5+1 = 21 cups. These are the 21 Passovers excluding the 1st death Passover and early and late versions..
Laodicean = 1st Abrahamic
= 2nd Abrahamic
Christian = 3rd Abrahamic
Babylonian = 4th Abrahamic
Non religious = 5th Abrahamic
Date | Passover | Early Passover | Late Passover | Egypt | Church | Men | Beasts | Egyptians | Firstborn of Men | Firstborn of Beasts |
2019Elul14 | Early 1st Watchtower | Watchtower | Laodicea | Saints | unsanctified | s | First to be baptised | |||
2019Tishri14 | 1st Watchtower | Early 2nd Watchtower | Watchtower | Laodicea | Saints | unsanctified | s | Bethelite s | First to be baptised | |
2019Heshvan14 | 2nd Watchtower | Early 3rd Watchtower | late 1st Watchtower | Watchtower | Laodicea | Saints | unsanctified | s | Congregation s | First to be baptised |
2019Chislev14 | 3rd Watchtower | Late 2nd Watchtower | Watchtower | Laodicea | Saints | unsanctified | s | Ex s | First to be baptised | |
2019Tebbeth14 | 6th marriage | Late 3rd Watchtower | Watchtower | Laociea | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Late partaking Admin s | First to be baptised | |
2020Nisan14 | Lord's evening meal | |||||||||
2020Sivan14 | 7th Marriage | Early 1st marriage | Laodicea | Sodom | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Late Partaking Congregtion s | First to be baptised | |
2020Ab14 | 1st Marriage | Early 2nd Marriage | Laodicea | Sodom | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Administration s | First to be baptised | |
2020Elul14 | 2nd Marriage | Late 1st Marriage | Laodicea | Sodom | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Congregation s | First to be baptised | |
2020Tishri14 | 3rd Marriage | Late 2nd marriage | Sodom | Sodom | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Late Partaking Admin s | First to be baptised | |
2020Heshvan14 | 4th Marriage | Sodom | Sodom | Saints | unsanctified | Laodiceans | Late Partaking Congregation s | First to be baptised | ||
2022Chislev14 | Early 1st Crop | Laodicea | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | Laodiceans | Pre Kingdom Laodicean s | Genetic firstborn | ||
2022Tebbeth14 | Laodicean | Early 2nd Crop | Laodicea | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | Laodiceans | Pre Kingdom Laodicean s | Genetic firstborn | |
2022Shebat14 | Early 3rd Crop | Late Laodicean | Watchtower | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | s | Pre Kingdom s | Genetic firstborn | |
2022Adar14 | Christian | Early 4th Crop | Late | Christianity | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | Christians | Pre Kingdom Christian s | Genetic firstborn |
2023Nisan14 | Babylonian | Early 5th Crop | Late Christian | Babylon | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | Babylonians | Pre Kingdom Babylonian s | Genetic firstborn |
2023Iyyar14 | Non religious | Late Babylonian | Irreligious | Dragnet Beach | s | Non s | Irreligious | Pre Kingdom Non religious s | Genetic firstborn | |
2023Sivan14 | Early 7th Crop | Late Non religious | Irreligious | Dragnet Beach | s | None | All | Pre Kingdom s | Genetic firstborn | |
2023Tammuz14 | Laodicean | Early 8th Crop | Laodicea | Dragnet Beach | s | None | Laodiceans | Pre Kingdom Laodicean s | None | |
2023Ab14 | Early 9th Crop | Late Laodicean | Dragnet Beach | s | None | s | Pre Kingdom s | None | ||
2023Elul14 | Christian | Early 10th Crop | Late Watchtower | Christian | Dragnet Beach | s | None | Christians | Pre Kingdom Christian s | None |
2023Tishri14 | Babylonian | Early 11th Crop | Late Christian | Babylonian | Dragnet Beach | s | None | Babylonians | Pre Kingdom Babylonian s | None |
2023Heshvan14 | Non religious | Late Babylonian | Irreligious | Dragnet Beach | s | None | Non religious | Pre Kingdom Non religious s | None | |
2023Chislev14 | Late Non religious | Irreligious | Dragnet Beach | s | None | Non religious | Pre Kingdom Non religious s | None | ||
2023Tebbeth14 | Passover | World | Kingdom | s | None | Faithless | Unsealed s | None |
The flood, which ends on 2023Tishri3/4 combined with the 4th horseman of the apocalypse whose 87 day ride of the sentence count of Revelation6:8 - see U151, from 2023Tammuz7 finishes on 2022Tishri4, kill off non Adam. is the church of escape from Adam.
s for sealing do have to go to the land the God shows them (after becoming constructive ). So they must join .
s for sealing have insufficient faith for sealing and are saved on love.
If a Laodicean misses the Laodicean Passover on 2022Tebbeth14 (in Hebron which is the Dragnet beach and is an beach for sons of beaches?) and attends the late version on 2022Shebat14 (in Hebron), then he is sealed into the 2nd crop of the tree of life of Revelation22 and gains his restoration from 2023Sivan14-16, the late Partakes restoration, the 6th crop of Revelation22
The last is raptured into the ark on 2023Tammuz7, BEFORE the 1st resurrection on 2023Tammuz16, of the 7th crop.
ALL KINGDOM s (who are baptised during 195 days of extra entry from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4) ARE SEALED AND EDENICALLY TRANSFORMED BY OR RESURRECTED INTO THE ARK OR ONTO THE EARTH THROUGH HADES ON FESTIVAL SABBATH FIRST FRUITS (the 15th of the month)
All the reserves at the 3rd to 7th marriages died at the Passover and were resurrected as a human into the ark on the 15th after having their spirits in the hand/hands of God for 5/10 hours - this being a term of the - the reserves were - so did NOT go to . They are baptised into the death of the Christ, the death which he suffered.
All the s also died at their marriage Passover and were resurrected into the ark - NOT through ..
So the deaths of the s and the s were as earthly humans only. They did not enter , the 1st death, they were snatched from the gates of like David and like . Their spirits were in Gods hand/hands for 5/10 hours. .
5 Into your hand I entrust my spirit. You have redeemed me, Oh the God of truth. (Psalms 31 )
46 And called with a loud voice and said: Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit. When he had said this, he expired. (Luke 23 )
30 Then Pharaoh got up at night, he and all his servants and all [other] Egyptians; and there began arising a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where there was not one dead. (Exodus 12 )
10 For you will not leave my soul in Sheol. You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit. (Psalms 16 )
10 For You will not leave My soul in Sheol; You will not give Your One to see corruption. (Psalms 16 )
3 Oh , you have brought up my soul from Sheol itself; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down into the pit. (Psalms 30 )
3 O , You have brought up my soul from Sheol; You have kept me alive, from going down into the Pit. (Psalms 30 )
Once the firstborn are killed, the 2nd born become the first born!
Passover Date | Appointment/Installation | Sacred: First fruits/Pentecost | To rule over | Church |
2012Sivan14 | 2012Sivan16/Ab5 | 1st | Non adamic | Abrahamic s ( ) |
2012Ab14 | 2012Ab16/Tishri5 (2012Tammuz16 is the Sabbath) | 3rd | Non adamic | Abrahamic Laodicea |
2015Elul14 | 2015Elul16/Heshvan5 | 4th | Non adamic | Isaaic s ( ) |
2015Heshvan14 | 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 | 6th | Non adamic | Isaaic s ( ) |
2019Tishri14 | 2019Tishri16/Chislev5 | 5th | Non adamic | Reappointed Laodicea |
2019Chislev14 | 2019Chislev16/Shebat5 | 7th | Non adamic | Reappointed Laodicea |
2020Tammuz14 | 2020Tammuz16/Elul5 | 2nd | Non adamic | Sodom |
2022Tishri14 | 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 | Caesar | Non adamic | under |
2022Tishri14 | 2022Tishri19/Chislev8 | Caesar | Adam | under |
2022Heshvan14 | 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 | Caesar | Non adamic | under |
2022Heshvan14 | 2022Heshvan17/Tebbeth6 | Caesar | Cain | under |
2023Ab14 | 2023Ab16/Tishri5 | Caesar | Non adamic | under |
2023Ab14 | 2023Ab17/Tishri6 | Caesar | Adam | under |
2023Ab14 | 2023Elul16/Heshvan5 | Caesar | Non adamic | under |
2023Ab14 | 2023Elul22/Heshvan11 | Caesar | Non adamic | under |
Hobah of Genesis14 is the last chance saloon, the descended church of the . Entrance is the last week of Daniel 9:27 from 2023Chislev3/4-10..
Nobody is ever appointed over the s other than adamic on 1999Tishri2/Chislev21 and on 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21
The 3rd Pentecost from 2020Sivan21 is 2020Ab10 and the late version is 2020Chislev10 delayed from 2020Elul10 (monthly Sabbath) and 2020Tishri10 (Atonement day) and 2020Heshvan10 (weekly Sabbath)
The 7th marriage Pentecost from 2020Tammuz19 is 2020Elul8 (This is not delayed by the monthly Sabbath of 2020Elul, which does not apply to people resurrected into the ark) and the late version is 2020Tishri8
1st marriage Pentecost from 2020Ab17 is 2020Tishri6 and the late version is 2020Heshvan6
2nd marriage Pentecost from 2020Elul22 is 2020Heshvan11 and the late version is 2020Chislev11
3rd marriage Pentecost from 2020Tishri20 is 2020Chislev9 and the late version is 2020Tebbeth9.
4th marriage Pentecost from 2020Heshvan18 is 2020Tebbeth7 and the late version is 2020Shebat7
Christians must be sealed by 2022Adar10, Christian Passover entry day, in order to become by gene zap restoration on 2022Adar14-16 (the Christian restoration 3rd crop of Revelation22) and by 2023Nisan10, late Christian Passover entry day, in order to become by gene zap restoration on 2023Sivan14-16 (the late partakers restoration, for the 6th crop of Revelation22).
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Not yet fully updated below here
Furthermore it is a proof that becomes King over mankind a sentence count after October 2019 (when 10 hospitals in Wuhan has Covid19 cases according to Glenn Beck) or after the first saint was infected, for Matthew 27 says...
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took into the governor's palace and gathered the whole body/coil [speira] together upon/towards him .
28 And disrobing him, they draped him with a scarlet cloak,
29 and they braided/plaited/double helixed a crown out of thorns [Corona is a Latin feminine noun meaning crown. So a corona of spike proteins - Covid19] and put it on his head and a reed in his right [hand]. And, kneeling before him,
they made fun of him, saying: Good day, you King of the Jews!
30 And they spit on into [eij]
him [how COVID is transferred] and took the reed and began hitting him upon his head
31 Finally, when they had made fun of him, they took the cloak off and put his outer garments upon him and led him off for impaling/crucifixion.
(Matthew 27)
27 Then the soldiers of the governor having taken along the into the praetorium [of reappointed Laodicea] led together upon him whole the spiral [speira]
[of troops or of RNA] [2x.2x = 4x. By 2020Heshvan18, the 4th marriage, when the entire body of the 3rd is completed]
28 And having disrobed him [2x]
cloak scarlet they placed around him [2x],
29 and [they 2x]
having braided crown out of thorns [2x]
they imposed upon the head of him [2x+1x=3x]
and reed in the right [hand] of him [5x],
and having knelt in front of him [1x+1x=2x]
they made fun of him saying Be rejoicing, king of the Jews [1x],
30 and having spat-upon into him they took the reed and were hitting into the head of him. (Matthew 27 )
Verse 27: 2x.2x = 4x
Verse 28: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 29: 2x.(2x+3x+5x+1x+1x+1x) = 26x
Verse 30: 2x.(2x+1x+1x) = 8x
Total = 42x from 2019Tishri10 (the entrance of into the Praetorium - meaning judgement room, court room - the installation to judge the s of reappointed Laodicea - which was run by 1) to 2023Nisan6, when Benjamin finishes being raptured so that all the saints are in the ark with .
16 The but soldiers led off him inside the courtyard,
which is Praetorium [1x: Courtyard is Praetorium of reverted Laodicea], and they call together whole the spiral.
17 And they deck him purple [2x]
and place around him having braided thorny crown [2x];
18 and they started to be greeting him Be rejoicing, King of the Jews [2x];
19 and they were smiting of him the head to reed [2x]
and were spitting-upon him, [2x.2x=4x]
and placing/bending the knees they were doing obeisance to him. [2x.2x=4x]
20 And when they made fun of him [2x],
they stripped him the purple [2x]
and they clothed him the outer garments of him [2x.2x=4x].
And they lead out him in order that they might impale him [2x.2x=4x:
with a vaccination or with demon possessed s piercing his body?]
(Mark 15 )
Verse 16: 1x+2x = 3x
Verse 17: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 18: 2x
Verse 19: 2x+2x.2x+2x.2x = 10x
Verse 20: 2x+2x+2x.2x+2x.2x=12x
Total = 31x from 2020Tammuz10 when first enters into reverted Laodicea for the 7th marriage) to 2022Shebat24, the end of the Benjamin CALL.
Harvard Medical School in February 2020 first referred to COVID19 as a Crown of Thorns: In February, researchers published the structure of the spike protein, the hallmark protrusions that form the distinctive crown of thorns that SARS-CoV-2 uses to penetrate host cells. With this information in hand, McMahon and Kruse realized they could try to identify nanobodies that might be able to block the interaction between the spike protein and its target on human cells, a protein called ACE2—found in abundance in cells in the airway. - https://hms.harvard.edu/news/through-storm
stands symbolically for all of his royal flesh, all the Kings here. So the last abuse that s get is the Crown of Thorns, which is the Coronavirus of Spike Proteins. The last one died on 2020Tammuz14, the 7th marriage Passover execution. That was the final stage of the end times for them (on earth). The death of pictures the absolute end of his flesh (the s and the s).
In the end times is here - for stands up in the Time of the End (Daniel12:1). When is here so are the demons as they were in his first century ministry. For when he expelled them, they would say: What do we have to do with you, son of the most high God? Here is what they have to do with : When he is here they are here.
The soldiers braided/platted/double helixed the crown. This is the bible telling us that (actually demon possessed) members of the military gene spliced COVID19.
The soldiers spat-upon into : Spitting is how the flu is transferred through droplets of fluid expelled from the mouth. This is the (demon possessed)
military deliberately infecting mankind with COVID19.
You cannot beat your enemy until you know who he is. The demons are here, actually for 2,000 pigs of Mark5 a pig for a day from 2017Chislev20 to 2023Tammuz10 - see U112.
They have several goals:
1. Destroy love for God - (closing down churches)
2. Destroy love between humans - (COVID regulations, no hugging, face masks,
anti social distancing, no visits to care homes, no visits to dying relatives,
no Christmas etc.)
3. Destroy gender (woke cancellation of male and female)
4. Pervert children (encourage sex change drugs or operations before the age of consent - trans grooming of minors)
5. Turn us into the seed of the Serpent (vaccination gene therapy - fill us with snake venom or have us kill our brother upon the battlefields like Cain did to his brother after having invited him into the field)
6. Kill sufficiently large numbers of us to frighten us into obeying them
7, Make us feel guilty and submissive (White supremacy slander manufactured slave guilt and face masks)
8. Avoid being detected (The camouflaged stealthy serpent moves sideways and ambushes its prey)
9. Prevent us from being saved into the .
The weapons they will use upon us later this year are:
1. Globalism: The UK/US feet of the giant image of Daniel2 will lose their authority and be replaced by 10 toes, which are the 10 diadems upon the 10 horns of Revelation17, 10 months from 2022Tebbeth2 to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the authority of the beast.
2. The 2nd horseman of the apocalypse, the new reformed congress with Donald Trump as president, after the midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan10).
3. The nuclear worries of the , for unless those days were cut short not all [chosen] flesh would be saved, from 2022Tebbeth24-2023Elul4 .
4. The deadly plague of Revelation 6:8 WHICH WE ARE YET TO SEE (resulting from vaccine induced progressive immune system degradation?)
5. Total exclusion from the economic system, unless you have a Vaccine Passport. No one can buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast (the USA escapes this - there are no eagle parts in the sea beast of Revelation13)
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High,
and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Daniel 7 )
25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and [he] shall wear out the saints of the Most High. And he intends to change times and law. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and one half time [4½x because they are given into his hand]. (Daniel 7 )
The beast is caught on 2023Elul4. So these 4½ times run from 2023Nisan19. So on 2023Nisan19, the city and the sanctuary, the holy place start to be destroyed by the people of the little horn. But the congregation of is not destroyed. ends over /Adam/ on 2023Chislev14. It becomes a mountain and fills the whole earth. Its congregation is handed over to at the installation of the under as Caesar over /Adam/..
CANNOT permit the beast to continue compelling people to take the Mark of the Beast after the beast is caught on 2023Elul4. It loses its headship when it is caught - but not its power. For the beast and false prophet are thrown living (politically - with political power) into the fire and no wicked shall understand. But the wicked shall understand once they go into . In fact it is OK if they understand after sealing has ended. They must not be permitted to understand whilst it is possible to be saved BY FAITH. So they cannot understand up to 2023Sivan14, the end of Passovers. Then many wicked ones will understand and be saved through their love. Then the beast is burnt on 2023Elul21 (by sentencing its members to ), 17 days of Revelation19:19-20 after it is caught. But it continues in existence as a burning beast, along with Adam, to the Passover of first death on 2023Tebbeth14.
15 Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, let the reader use discernment, (Matthew 24 )
31 And there will be arms [literal arms] that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually perforate/pierce through/wound [ll;x']
the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (Daniel 11 )
31 And seeds shall spring up out of him, and they shall profane the sanctuary of strength, and they shall remove the perpetual [sacrifice], and make the abomination desolate. (Daniel 11 LXXb)
31 kai. spe,rmata evx auvtou/
avnasth,sontai kai. bebhlw,sousin to. a`gi,asma th/j dunastei,aj kai.
metasth,sousin to.n evndelecismo.n kai. dw,sousin bde,lugma hvfanisme,non
(Daniel 11 LXXr)
31 kai spermata ex autou anasthsontai kai bebhlwsousin to agiasma thj dunasteiaj kai metasthsousin ton endelecismon kai dwsousin bdelugma hfanismenon (Daniel 11 LXXa)
32 And those who are acting wickedly against [the]
covenant, he will corrupt/profane/pollute/profile [@nEx']
by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God,
they will prevail and act effectively. (Daniel 11 ) (Daniel 11 )
The disgusting thing is the vaccines which perforate your arms and are delivered by arms. The holy place is saints and the faithful, those in holy salvation covenants. The shows us that the arm perforating vaccines are seeds, seeds - see mRNA. The arms are from the King of the North, the 10 tribe Kingdom, the globalists, with 10 Kings of Revelation17. The King of the South is a 2 tribe Kingdom, the UK/US power - which is presently being destroyed by globalists..
0. It is obvious from the vaccine mandates in France, the Netherlands, Austria (which recognises natural immunity) and the US, that the Mark of the Beast on the hand of Revelation13 (without which one cannot buy or sell) will be the vaccine passport system. One cannot buy or sell a restaurant meal today (2021) in France, Holland or New York, without a vaccine passport in the hand of the diner.
1. We use the terms Chimera, Chimeric to mean a human animal combination not an animal animal combination. What is not so obvious is that the vaccines cause a form of bestiality. The disgusting thing causing desolation of Matthew24 and Daniel11, standing where it ought not, in the Place, is Chimeric Vaccine DNA and mRNA in the body cells of saints and of the faithful, the sons of by covenant and in people in the holy place of Jerusalem in Israel. It is genetic bestiality to mix the seed, the genetic material of bats or bat viruses or Chimeric humanized mice with human DNA or human mRNA by a process of chimeric conversion of a bat virus. The end result is that some of the genetic code of the bat (the spike protein which mates with the bat ACE2 receptor and the human ACE2 receptor) ends up in human cell nucleus DNA through Astra Zeneca.and Johnson & Johnson or in persistent cellular mRNA through Pfizer and Moderna and their lipid nanoparticle protection. Furthermore all of the genetic code of the Chimeric virus ends up in the human cell nucleus or in persistent cellular mRNA. This is genetic bestiality combining the seed of man and an animal virus and a bat and any chimeric vehicle used to cause the virus to jump species. It is an abomination to God. There is nothing wrong with gene therapy to replace or fix missing or defective human genes to cure Sickle Cell or Leber Congenital Amaurosis. There is everything wrong with gene bestiality, chimeric gene therapy, inter species gene mixing, putting non human chimeric genes into humans. In fact any chimeric gene is genetic bestiality.
16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] in them. (Leviticus 20 - adapted)
The Hebrew has their blood [is] in them ( has upon them). Blood represents life, just as genetic seed represents life. So their genes are upon them one might say.
This is not a trivial matter. If a beast gives its seed to a woman, the seed cannot combine with the human egg and make a viable foetus. BUT Covid vaccines have found a away around that. They put the animal and viral genes straight into human cells though an adenovirus vector or through lipid nanoparticles. And since Pfizer contains 30ug or 14.4 Trillion copies of Covid-19 spike protein mRNA and Moderna contains 100ug or 48 Trillion copies, and since humans have between 6 and 36 Trillion cells, depending upon how you count them, the vaccines have the numerical capacity to infect every single cell in the human body as if they have been present in the very egg of your mother.
25 And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good.
26 And God went on to say: Let us make man in our image,
according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth. (Genesis 1 )
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind,
and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis 1 )
Every beast is made according to its kind or after its kind. But man is made in God's image, not according to the kind of a beast. So it is against nature to combine human and animal or viral DNA or mRNA and it is against God.
23 'And you must not give your emission [tb,kOv.
literally effusion] to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection/be prostrate/be quadrate [[b;r"]
with it. It is a violation of what is natural.
24 'Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things,
because by all these things the nations whom I am sending out from before you have made themselves unclean.
25 Consequently the land is unclean, and I shall bring punishment for its error upon it, and the land will vomit its inhabitants out [with the final lava flood, the greater flood of Noah]. (Leviticus 18 -
adapted from the Hebrew)
This scripture is fulfilled again today, since every nation which has taken a chimeric covid spike vaccine has had genetic connection with a beast (a chimeric bat and/or a chimeric mouse) - https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/09/10/fauci-funded-wuhan-lab-viruses-10000-times-stronger-than-usual-documents-show/
The EcoHealth Alliance first notified the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that it created the three lab-generated SARS-related coronaviruses in a progress report detailing its research activities between June 2017 and May 2018.
In the report, the organization said:
Using the reverse genetic methods we previously developed, infectious clones with the WIV1 (Wuhan Institute of Virology Hu1 variant) backbone and the spike protein of SHC014, WIV16 and Rs4231, respectively, were constructed and recombinant viruses were successfully rescued. 2 and 4 days post infection, the viral load in lung tissues of mice challenged with rWIV1-SHC014S, rWIV1-WIV16S and rWIV1-Rs4231S … were significantly higher than that in rWIV1-infected mice.
“These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins in humanized mice,” the report added.
And the delta variant has around a 1,000x higher viral load than Wuhan Hu1 - https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01986-w So it looks like the EcoHeath Alliance of Peter Daszak and the NIAID of Tony Fauci in the US and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China made both the Wuhan Hu1 'original' variant on their computers and then in the lab.
ll the nations who have permitted Chimeric vaccination will be vomited out by lava flood from the earth (which kills all of non Adam, all of their nationals who do not repent).
Making any Chimeric animal is giving human seed to a beast and taking any chimeric therapy is having genetic connection with a beast,
which makes the human unclean.
Any virus persuaded to jump from animals to humans through a Chimeric intermediary is unclean due to genetic bestiality. Any vaccine comprising a part of that virus or the genes coding for a part of that virus is also unclean due to genetic bestiality. Any one who takes such a vaccine is therefore guilty of genetic bestiality. Bestiality was a capital offence under the law of Moses.
15 'And where a man gives his seminal emission [tb,kOv.
literally the product of lying with] in a beast, he should be put to death without fail, and you should kill the beast.
16 And where a woman approaches any beast to be prostrate/quadrate [[b;r"]
with it, you must kill the woman and the beast. They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is in them. (Leviticus 20 - adapted from the Hebrew)
This is not a trivial matter. It is a capital offence. All chimeric animals should be killed. Humans who took the vaccination in ignorance and are not under a church law which prohibits vaccination can be forgiven. But they cannot be forgiven if they know and understand that vaccines are chimeric bestiality. The result of EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Tony Fauci, NIAID, Wuhan Institute of Virology Chimeric research has been a total and utter disaster for mankind. And it will only get worse until we repent.
For more on Covid and Vaccinations see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding917.html
Covid Vaccinations are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 and COVID-19 itself is the strangulation. the suffocation, the constriction of that snake
For proof that the Covid Vaccinations turn the recipient into the seed of Cain, the seed of the serpent of Genesis 3:15 please see www.truebiblecode.com/mRNA.html
For articles on Covid and Revelation written for the Expose see www.truebiblecode.com/expose.html
1 The of the Lord [is] on Me, because has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the meek. He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and complete opening to the bound ones;
2 to proclaim the acceptable year of , and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn;
6 But you shall be called, Priests of ; it will be said of you, Ministers of our God. You shall eat the wealth of the nations, and you shall revel in their glory. (Isaiah 61 )
15 In turn the prince of the army of said to Joshua: Draw your sandal from upon your foot [1x+5x=6x], because the place on which you are standing [2x] is holy. At once Joshua did so [1x]. (Joshua 5 - adapted from the Hebrew)
15 and + said leader of + army/host of towards +
Joshua "God saved" (he) must eject + shoe of + you (s) from + upon foot of + you (s) that/because the + place which THOU standing (one) upon + him holiness he or it and + laboured Joshua "God saved" as-commanded [12x]
(Joshua 5 Hebrew Interlinear)
Total: 6x.2x+6x = 18x from 2022Tebbeth22-2022Shebat10, from the start of the Isaaic baptism for non apostolic Laodiceans to the end of the earthly interaction of Laodicean s
2022Tebbeth10 is late Atonement day for the Sivan1 sacred year and the Jericho Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign day which is the Sivan1 sacred year from 2022Sivan1, the day when the ark based Laodiceans are Atoned.
24 And it came about afterward that Ben- hadad the king of Syria proceeded to collect all his camp together and to go up and besiege Samaria.
25 In time a great famine arose in Samaria, and, look!
they were besieging it until an ass's head got to be worth 80 silver pieces, and the 4th of a cab measure of dove's dung was worth 5 silver pieces.
26 And it came about as the king of Israel was passing over upon the wall [changing church]
that a certain woman cried out to him, saying: Do save,
Oh my lord the king!
27 To this he said: If does not save you, from what [source] shall I save you? either from the threshing floor or from the wine or oil press?
28 And the king went on to say to her: What is the matter with you? So she said: This very woman said to me, 'Give your son that we may eat him today [reappointed Laodicea], and my own son we shall eat tomorrow [ Sodom]
29 Accordingly we boiled my son and ate him. Then I said to her on the next day, 'Give your son that we may eat him.' But she hid her son [ saints in Sodom].
30 And it came about that as soon as the king heard the woman's words, he immediately ripped his garments apart [lost his priesthood]; and as he was passing over upon the wall, [changing church]
the people got to see, and, look! sackcloth was underneath upon his flesh.
31 And he went on to say: So may God do to me [Give his son to be eaten] and so may he add to it, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat continues standing upon him today! [Elisha is denied headship over the s during the day of Sodom]
32 And Elisha was sitting in his own house [1x], and the older men were sitting with him [1x+3x],
and/when he sent a man from before him [1x+1x=2x]. Before the messenger/angel could come in to him [1x] he himself said to the older men [3x]:
Have ye seen how this son of a murderer has sent to remove my head? [1x]
See ye [that]: as/like to enter the messenger/angel [1x],
close ye the door [1x], and press ye him back in the door [1x]. Is there not the sound of the feet of his lord behind him? [2x, 2 feet.
His lord is behind him, not behind the sound]
33 Again/still/further he was yet speaking together-with them [2x.(1x+3x)=8x],
and Look! the messenger/angel was coming down to him [1x], and he [the king through the messenger] proceeded to say:
Look! this is the calamity from [1x]. Why should I wait again/still/further for [1x+1x=2x]? (2 Kings 6 )
He said to the older men: Make ye sure that ye do not forget that ye have been told that ye should eat 2 meatballs - counts as 3x.2x=6x not 3x.3x.3x.3x.3x.2x = 486. Because a symbolic 3 older men must not forget that they have been told to eat 2 meatballs (no cross terms)??
He said to the older men: Have ye seen the sun = He said: Have ye (older men)
seen the sun = 3x NOT 3x.3x=9x.
Verse 32: 1x+1x+3x+2x+1x+3x.(1x+1x+1x+1x+1x+2x) = 29x
Verse 33: 8x+1x+1x+2x =12x
Total = 29x+12x = 41x from 2022Elul14 to 2022Tishri25??
22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia]
from en and kainoj,
mean in-new] took place in Jerusalem [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] and it was winter
23 and was walking in the temple in the colonnade of Solomon [walking,
without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood.
This is s in Sodom walking amongst s in the colonnade waiting to enter into the temple of Solomon]
The Jews therefore [oun] [because it was Hanukkah so the Jews were there and because was there so 2x from the setup] encircled him [2x. One encirclement by the plural Jews who made one circle. Count triggered]
and said to him: Until when,
the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing?
[until Hanukkah AND the festival (Passover + Cakes-Booths) of the rededication of the temple in the form of the temple of Solomon in the ark - which festival is an innovation in temple building!] If you are the Christ, tell us outspokenly (John 10 ).
Verse 22: 1x+1x =2x
Verse 23: 1x
Verse 24: encirclement + 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Total: (2x+1x).4x = 12x. From 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 - 2022Tebbeth14. ALSO 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 is an even number of encirclements/years.
(4) counts 4x in the account from John 10:22-39. So the noun takes a greater meaning (the s). The encirclement means that the fulfilment is also until Hanukkah AND until the rededication of the earthly temple of Solomon back into the . The fact that it is a rededication shows that this is a second baptism for some of the s
Well he started lifting souls up from Reappointed Laodicea into the ark on 2019Tishri17 and continued until the Abrahamic rapture from 2022Chislev15-19, whereupon ALL Laodicean (reappointed and reverted) saints had been lifted up and continued to be lifted up until they come down to the pool at Bethzatha (angels coming down into the pool) on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the start of the Isaaic baptism for temple building, the 4th day of Solomon's installed reign over mankind as vassal Caesar to . So drops the ark based s down into the pool of Bethzatha, for an earth mediated Isaaic baptism during Hanukkah during Greek winter from 2022Chislev25-Tebbeth2 + 12x sentence count so 2022Tebbeth14. The original account was set in winter time which means it must have been in 32 AD (29 is too early and the 30,31,33 did not have Hanukkah in Greek winter).
was walking in the temple in the colonnade/porch of Solomon. So he was IN THE TEMPLE and the Jews surrounded during Hanukkah of John 10:22-24 asking until when the soul singular of us are you lifting up?
Hanukkah is always in Hebrew winter. It is not always in Greek winter.
The s (Judea) pray that their flight (into ) shall not occur in winter, in Greek winter of 2022 from 2022December21 at 21:35 (2022Chislev24) to 2023March20 at 21:13 (2022Adar23). So they all come into BEFORE 2022Shebat, the Sabbath month during winter.
42 You shall live in booths seven days; all who are native in Israel shall live in booths,
43 so that your generations shall know that I caused the sons of Israel to live in booths, in/at/when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I [am] your God. (Leviticus 23 )
Well the Hebron s are resurrected into the ark from 2022Chislev15-19, during Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar and the Isaaic s are raptured for residence from 2022Tebbeth15- 21, during late Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar.
Saints have 50 days of earthly interaction and 30 days of ascension
Priests have 50 days of earthly interaction but no ascension.
The citizens have no ark based earthly interaction and no ascension.
So the saints are 3D (length + width + height), the priests are 2D (length +
width) and the citizens are 1D (length).
For there is a deluge of waters (priests) not a sand storm of citizens (sons of the )!
The 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1, is 2023Nisan5, the 9th Pentecost. Elijah4 rose and went down to the king with the 3rd chief. This rise is the start of his ascension from 2023Iyyar15-2023Sivan15. He went down to the king with the chief he did not rise with the chief, whose 50 runs from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. These souls are precious/highly-valued in Elijah's eyes, because these are the days of the baptism of the 3rd and Elijah4 obeys the 1st law. The s are the church of the 1st law. The s were the church of the 2nd law in the 2nd presence. So Elijah4 goes down to the King on 2023Nisan5 during the 2nd marriage and goes up 's ladder from 2023Iyyar15.
keeps the Angel of Philadelphia (Elijah4) and his body out of the hour the test of the Mark of the Beast by rapturing, his body from 2022Chislev15-19 and from 2022Tebbeth15-21 before Mark Registration day on 2022Tebbeth28 and his body from 2022Tebeth24 - 2022Shebat7 pretty much before Mark Enforcement day on 2022Shebat4. The s and s are not tested by the Mark because being a part of the 3rd , they have the gifts of the spirit. So they can remain down here without being under test. The s have the gifts of the spirit too from 2022Chislev21. So these gifts enable us to keep others out of the hour of the test too presumably.
The lava flood runs from 2023Tammuz14, 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after 2023Tammuz7, the end of ark rapture, for 40+40 days, to 2023Elul3/4. For the end (of non Adam) will be by the flood says Daniel.9:26
After that said to Noah [on 2371Heshvan10] []: Go, you and all your household [Noah cannot be or you would put all of Eden2 in the ark. Certainly all of ' household would be in the ark since he is the one getting married. This is all of the heavenly baptized saints, the sons of the , the birds of the heavens], into the ark [A collective of fireproof flying vessels?], because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me in this age/generation [it must be age - for ]
2 Of every clean beast you must take to yourself [not to the ark, to yourself] 7,7, the sire and its mate [14 days from 2022Tebbeth24 -
2022Shebat7]; and of every beast that is not clean,
2, the sire and its mate [2 months from 2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7]
3 also of the flying creatures of the heavens 7,7,
male and female [21 days:
2019Tishri17/Heshan22/Chislev20/Tebbeth18, 2020Tammuz19,
2020Ab17/Elul22/Tishri20/Heshvan18, 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21], to preserve offspring alive on the surface of the entire earth [So the 21 days of saintly entry for the flying creatures of the heavens does not apply to 2008Nisan22 and 2015Iyyar20, the 1st and 2nd marriages for birds of the heavens - resident in heaven].
4 For to days repeat/more 7 [on 2371Heshvan17] [7 days from 2023Tammuz7, the last day of entry], and [then on 2023Tammuz14] I am making it rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights [Rain is the word used in the Sodom and Gomorrah account in Genesis 19. And so it is the destruction which 'wipes every existing thing' as we read in the next sentence. 40 days and 40 nights, from 2023Tammuz14 to 2022Elul4] and I will wipe every existing thing that I have made off the surface of the ground [not said to be under the ground here] (Genesis 7).
1 After that said to Noah [on 2371Heshvan10]
[]: Go, you and all your household
[], into the ark
[], because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me in this generation.
2 From all the clean the beast [species] you must take to yourself 7, 7
the sire/man and its mate/woman [vyai
and hV'ai] and from the beast
which [is] not clean him 2
[], the sire/man and its mate/woman [vyai
and hV'ai]
3 likewise from the flying-creature of the heavens 7, 7 male and female [rk'z"
and hb'qen>], to preserve offspring alive on the surface of the entire earth.
1 And said to Noah, You and all your house come into the ark, for I have seen you righteous before Me in this generation.
2 You shall take to yourself from every clean animal 7,7,
man and woman [Presiding Overseer, Circuit Overseer, District Overseer etc. are the men and the elders on the congregation body and on bodies in general are the women. the head of a body of elders is the male priest], and from the animal that [is] not clean, 2, man and woman [2 months: clergy + leity? See also Genesis 7:9 and 7:15 - 2,2 they entered].
3 And take of the fowl of the heavens 7,7, male and female, to keep alive seed [the true seed was through , this is the sons of the but on earth - earthly saints]
on the face of the earth. (Genesis 7 )
The s are the seed of on the surface of the earth during the 1,000 year Kingdom of the Sabbath. The s and s are that seed on the surface of the ground for the 1st 1,000 day Kingdom of the Sabbath.
The 7.7 for the clean animals is the period of all entrance [vyai
and hV'ai] of Church administration (man) and Church congregation (woman)
The 2 for the unclean animals is the period of all entrance [vyai
and hV'ai] of Church administration (man) and Church congregation (woman)
The 7.7 for the birds of the heavens is the period MALE and FEMALE saintly entrance
and hb'qen>]
11 But I tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts will come and recline at the table with and and in the kingdom of the heavens; (Matthew 8 )
11 legw de umin oti polloi apo anatolwn kai dusmwn hxousin kai anakliqhsontai meta abraam kai isaak kai iakwb en th basileia twn ouranwn (Matthew 8 )
In the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan burnt the temple and the all the houses of Jerusalem on the 10th day of the 5th month.
Nebuzaradan (the reappointed Laodicean administration), arrives at Jerusalem (Watchtower Jerusalem) to burn the temple on 2019Ab7, when Laodicea, being separated from the Watchtower,
was reappointed as a true church.
On 2021Ab7, both Gordon and Alex Jones realised that Boris Johnson confirmed that vaccine passports would be the Mark of the beast, by disclosing that he would pass a law to make them mandatory for night clubs by the end of September.
Gordon started to burn the temple of the Watchtower on 2021Ab10 by email to all Watchtower Bethels explaining that vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 and coronavirus is the crown of thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19.
2001Nisan1 begins the 1st regnal year of Elijah4 over s from 2000Elul16 (when the congregation began (after the installation of over the s on 1999Heshvan21). So 2022Nisan1 begins the 19th over s (because 2013Nisan1. 2014Nisan1, 2015Nisan1 were all missed due to our dying to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and not being reappointed/reinstalled over the s until 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21)
2001Nisan1 begins the 1st regnal year of Elijah over s from 2000Elul16, the baptism of Tony, the 2nd . So 2019Nisan1 begins the 19th over s.
The burning of reappointed Laodicea and Sodom by .
12 And in the 5th month, on the 10th [day] of the month, which year of 19, year to the King Nebuchadrezzar
[Elijah4 over the s: NOT 2022Ab10, of the 19th Nisan1 sacred year BUT 2022Chislev10 of the Ab1 sacred year], king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan [Nabu's leader/chief]
the chief of the bodyguard [ or perhaps the administration of Hebron - AH?], who was standing to faces of the king of Babylon [the King of encoded confusing scriptural interpretations - or Gordon], came into Jerusalem [ entrance into Atonement somehow began on 2022Chislev10, presumably by going behind the curtain of '
13 And he proceeded to burn the house of [Telling all the s outside that they are not s] and the house of the king [ - telling them that the last died on 2020Heshvan14]
and all the houses of Jerusalem [ and when their entrance into is completed];
and every great house [Adam and Cain] he burned with fire [those who fail to be sealed are all condemned].
14 And ALL the walls of Jerusalem, all around,
all the military force of the Chaldeans that were with the chief of the bodyguard, pulled down [they showed that the law of the Watchtower was all from man for the purpose of controlling the flock and denying them the truth or salvation] (Jeremiah 52 )
Nebuzaradan means: Chief who Nebo (Mercury/Hermes or Nabu - the Babylonian God) favours, Chief of the Guard, Nebo has given seed, Chief of the slaughterers.
This has the same format as... 11 In year 600th, year to life of Noah (Genesis 7). So we must have some fun here with various different year starts just as we did with the sacred and new secular year starts in Genesis7.
The Burning of the Watchtower by reappointed Laodicea and Sodom
8 And in the 5th month on the 7th [day] to the month, which year of 19, year to the king Nebuchadnezzar [Elijah4 over the s: 2019Ab7, the 19th Nisan1 sacred year], king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan [Nabu's leader/chief]
the chief of the bodyguard [Reappointed Laodicean administration], the servant of the king of Babylon [King of encoded confusing scriptural interpretations - or Gordon],
came to Jerusalem [Watchtower Jerusalem on 2019Ab7 and as the installed servant over the s on 2019TIshri10, the 10th day of the 5th month of the Sivan1 sacred year].
9 And he proceeded to burn the house of [The s, last entry day into Sodom was 2021Elul15] and the house of the king [the reserves and s]
and all the houses of Jerusalem [congregations];
and every great house [Bethels] he burned with fire [after having received all the Watchtower saints].
10 And the walls of Jerusalem, all around, all the military force of Chaldeans that were with the chief of the bodyguard, pulled down [All the barriers that the Watchtower had erected to imprison their congregations] (2 Kings 25 )
Jeremiah52 is parallel to 2Kings25. The 2 parallel accounts each have a double designation, giving greater 4 temple destructions by fire. Solomon's temple was burnt by Nebuzaradan on 586Ab10
Solomon's temple was burnt by Nebuzaradan on 586Ab10.
Zerubbabel's temple was burnt by Titus on 70Ab10 (it became a false church on 33Nisan14)
Laodicea must have been fully separated from the Watchtower on 2005Tebbeth15,
when its congregation began, because the Watchtower was then in its 5250 solar day Sabbath payback period from 2005Sivan14, its fall, to 2019Tishri5. Laodicea was reappointed as a true church on 2019Ab7, 7 days after the end of its 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30. Then the Laodicean part of the Watchtower temple would have been burnt from 2019TIshri10 (temple burning day of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred calendar), the first Passover entry day after the end of the 2,000 pigs of Mark 5 from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul30. Nebuzaradan is the reappointed/reinstalled Laodicean Administration.
The 4 greater temple incinerations are...
2019Tishri10: The Watchtower temple begins to be burnt into reappointed Laodicea.
2022Chislev10: The temple outside . This is the last entry day for s into .
2023Ab10: The last day of salvation entrance for Laodiceans. The burning of the temple of Laodicea
2023Chislev10: Entrance into ends. The last day of salvation for everyone.
2022Shebat10: Last day of Laodicean sealing in
2022Adar10: Last day of sealing in
2023Nisan10: Last day of Christian sealing in
2023Iyyar10: Last day of Babylonian sealing in
2023Sivan10: Last day of non religious sealing in
2023Ab10: Last day of Laodicean sealing in
2023Elul10: Last day of sealing in
2023Tishri10: Last day of Christian sealing in
2023Heshvan10: Last day of Babylonian sealing in
2023TChislev10: Last day of non religious sealing in
The 3 comes to a rest upon the reappointed Laodicean mountain of Ararat (meaning curse reversed) on 2019Tishri17, the 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4, when ark entry from the planet begins for the 3rd marriage.
3 entrance begins on 2019Tishri15 for the dead in Christ (unsanctified sons of the true Christian churches) who rise first from to prepare the ark for the 3rd marriage. But the door to the earth (not to ) was in the side of the ark. The ark3 comes to a rest enabling those working under a Satanic Caesar ON PLANET EARTH to enter into it on 2019Tishri17, the 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4. The ark door is open for the engaged or married saints for 7 days (by 7s male and female) and priests by 7s and s just 2, as follows
2019Tishri15: Jewish call ark entrance from .
7+7+7 days of ark entry for the birds of the heavens (s and s and s) from the surface of the earth of Genesis 7:3 are
2019Tishri17: 3rd marriage
2019Heshvan22: 4th marriage (no earthly guests, the lintel marriage)
2019Chislev20: 5th marriage
2019Tebbeth18: 6th marriage (Laodicean administration late partakers marriage
2020Tammuz19: 7th marriage (Laodicean congregation late partakers marriage)
2020Ab17: 1st marriage (Laodicean administration s)
2020Elul22: 2nd marriage (Laodicean congregation s)
2020Tishri20: 3rd marriage (Laodicean administration late partakers)
2020Heshvan18: 4th marriage (Laodicean congregation late partakers) the start of their 50 cubits of earthly interaction to 2020Chislev9, the 4th marriage Pentecost which is also start of their ascension. - or do they stay down here?
2022Chislev15-19: Abrahamic s into 3. They are reraptured into 3 on 2022Chislev17-21.
2022Tebbeth15-21: Engaged s - during the cloud of the 3rd fire sign
14 days of ark entry for s are 2022Tebbeth24 - 2022Shebat7
2 months of ark entry for s are 2023Iyyar8 - 2023Tammuz7
92 day period of ark entry from the reappointed Laodicea from 2019Tishri17,
the 3rd marriage to 2019Tebbeth18, the 6th marriage
120 day period of and ark entry from Sodom from 2020Tammuz19, the 7th marriage, to 2020Heshvan18, the end of ark3 entrance, for the 4th marriage
5 day period of Laodicean/Hebron ark entry from 2022Chislev15-19 from Hebron
7 day period of ark entry from 2022Tebbeth15-21 from .
14 day period of ark entry from 2022Tebbeth24 - 2022Shebat7, from
2 month period of ark entry from 2023Iyyar8 - 2023Tammuz7 from run .
Total = 92+120+5+23 + 60 = 300 cubits of ark length
4 And in the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month,
the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8 )
The first s enter the ark from reappointed Laodicea on 2019Tishri17 of Genesis 8:4 (Nisan1 sacred year),
when the ark comes to a rest upon the Laodicean mountain of Ararat.
The first s enter the ark from Mount of Sodom on 2022Chislev17, the 17th day of the 7th month of the Sivan 1 Abrahamic sacred year of Genesis 8:4,
when the ark comes to a rest upon the fallen reverted Laodicean mountain of Ararat, on the secular part of the administration (actually it is secular after it has fallen - so it is mount not mount Moriah).
The s are raptured into 2 on 2019Tishri15 then transferred into 3 for the 3rd marriage on 2019Tishri17.
The s are raptured into 2 on 2022Chislev15 then transferred into 3 on 2022Chislev17.
1 The spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the reason that has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones [who will inherit the earth].
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those taken captive and the wide opening [of the eyes] even to the prisoners;
2 to proclaim the year of goodwill/delight/favour/acceptability of [2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10 AND 2022Tishri10 to 2023Tishri10] and the day of vengeance of our God [LITERAL:
2023Tebbeth14. METAPHORICAL: 2023Tammuz14, the start of the lava flood, to 2023Tebbeth14,
the extermination of adamic and cainian mankind and of unsealed failed s] to comfort all the mourning ones [the day of vengeance is partially coincident with the year of Goodwill (the two applying to the different judgements on mankind). So 3993Nisan14 (Adam's sin and execution) is fulfilled on 2023Tebbeth14, 6015 years 9 months later] (Isaiah61)
16 And he came to Nazareth where he was brought up.
And as was his custom, He went in on the day of the Sabbaths [the Pentecost] [2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks, and 2019Elul5, the late Pentecost and the 4th Pentecost. This should be a Pentecost OR Atonement day since Tishri10 is the only mandatory Sabbath day amongst all the festival Sabbaths. The first s went in to reappointed Laodicea by baptism on 2019Tishri10], into the synagogue, and [he] stood up [on 2019Elul10, by baptism starting the 3rd presence] to read.
17 And [the] scroll/book of Isaiah, the prophet was given upon [hand] to him. And unrolling the scroll/book [restarting the baptism into the on 2019Elul10 into reappointed Laodicea and on 2020Sivan10, for s into Sodom, writing into the scroll of the ],
he found the place where it was written:
18 "[The] of [the] Lord [is] upon me. Because of this he anointed me [fulfilled on 2019Tebbeth10 in reappointed Laodicea and entirely on 2020Tammuz10 for the s and 2020Tishri10 for the s in Sodom, the end of the baptism for the 3rd ]
to proclaim the gospel to [the] poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to proclaim remission to captives, and to [the] blind to see again, to send away [the ones] being crushed, in remission,
18 of Lord upon me [2x],
on account of which he anointed me to evangelise to poor (ones) [2x],
{to heal the broken-hearted ones - and Textus Receptus and Isaiah61 and Isaiah61 [2x]} he has sent off me to preach to captives release [2x]
and to blind (ones) looking up/again [anableyij]
to send off (ones) having been crushed in remission [2x],
19 to preach AN ACCEPTING/GOODWILL year of [the]
Lord." (Luke 4 )
Verse 18: 2x.(2x+0x/2x+4x+2x+2x+1x)=22x/26x. Months from 2020Tishri10, the end of the accepting year for the 3rd , to 2022Chislev10, the start of the accepting year for s. We are taking anableyij to mean seeing reconstructed, see again, seeing a second time, recovery of sight, the opposite of katableyij seeing broken down.
19 to preach AN ACCEPTING/GOODWILL year of [the]
Lord." [Isaiah 61:1, 2, from 2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10, from entrance into the in reappointed Laodicean for s, to the end of entrance into the for s AND and from 2022Chislev10, entrance into the early Laodicean Passover transformation, to 2023Chislev10, entrance into the 12th crop of the tree of life for s]
20 And rolling up the scroll [on 2022Sivan14, the end of the baptism in Sodom], returning [it] to the subordinate [, his faithful slave - who had their baptism stolen by Laodicea. returns it to us when we regain the Laodiceans who stole our baptism and are to be saved into the Kingdom], he sat down [1x: to separate the sheep from the goats on 2022Chislev5/6 as Caesar over /Adam and on 2022Tebbeth5/11 over /Cain]. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were looking-intently to him [2x.2x=4x] .
21 And He began to say to them, Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in ears of you [2x.2x=4x. 4 fulfilments. From 29Tishri10 to 30Tishri10 and 32Sivan9 - 33Sivan5, Pentecost to Pentecost?
And 2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10 for the s and s followed by 2022Chislev10 to 2023Chislev10 for the and crops of Revelation22]. (Luke 4 )
Verse20 after he sat down on 2022Chislev5 as Caesar over : 2x.2x=4x to 2023Nisan5, when he takes over (only non adamics can look directly at the face of a God).
6 And as for you, the priests of you will be called; the ministers of our God you will be said to be. The resources of the nations you people will eat, and in their glory you will speak elatedly about yourselves (Isaiah 61 ).
2019Elul10 - 2020Elul10: The Accepting/Goodwill year for s and s from the start of the 3rd presence to the end of the baptism for non late s
2022Chislev10 - 2023Chislev10: The Accepting/Goodwill year for and entrance into the 12 crops of the tree of life of Revelation22
2019Tishri10 - 2020Tishri10: The Accepting/Goodwill year for s from the start of entrance into reappointed Laodicea (from outside it) to the end of entrance for s into Sodom.
2022Tebbeth10 - 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting/Goodwill year for restoration, from entry day into the Laodicean Passover and its transformation to the end of entrance into Kingdom salvation in Hobah of Genesis14.
Those who enter into an early marriage or covenant Passover do not become engaged to the groom or join the covenant. The agree to do that at the regular Passover, which occurs 30 days later (which they should also attend - not sure if they have to). So they get a contract on a marriage or a salvation contract, rather than getting the final contract itself.
Scroll of Isaiah = scroll of Isaiah
Scroll = scroll of the .
does not exist because we were never appointed to rule over the s because we failed that test due to HyperOs..
Laodicean witness 1260 days in sackcloth from 2015Shebat21, the end of their 12 years of spying from 2003Shebat21, their installation to feed the s (by spying) to 2019Ab21, their reappointment to feed the s, or 2015Adar10/11 to 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence..
1260 days of double feeding of woman in a place prepared by God in the wilderness (a true church with no water baptism) from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence to 2017Elul10, when Laodicea falls as a true church and is no longer a place prepared by God. On 2017Elul10 Laodicea became a place abandoned by God. these 1260 days after the far bank of Laodicea of Daniel12.
Laodicea was appointed/installed to rule and feed s notwithstanding losing their installation to rule in 2010Tebbeth. This is 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 from 2007Elul11 when Laodicea was installed to rule over the s. But somehow they recovered from all of that and got all the s.
Laodicea fell as a true church on 2017Elul10, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, which is 5½ years of the absence, the gap between the banks, before 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence. So Laodicea tested God for 10x from 2007Elul11, its installation over the s to 2017Elul10, its fall as a true church.
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn (noon mocking) The revised sign of Jonah letter (more noon mocking) Last day of late 3rd Watchtower Cakes (ex escape into Laodicea is completed)
4910 Days
30 days of actual noon mocking
4910 Days
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn (noon mocking) The last day of 3rd Watchtower Cakes ( escape into Laodicea is completed)
4910 Days
4910 Days
Floodgates of the heavens opened s reach earth Secular Ministry payback begins
City starts asserting itself/Kingdom miracle power regained
2017Heshvan17 (s descend)
30 days of 's ladder
1254/1266 day payback ministry (42 months of being trampled having no kingdom powers and being denied access to 3)
2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11 )
is here for his 1254/1266 day secular payback ministry just as he was here for his 1254/1266 day sacred miracle ministry from 29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 excluding 33Nisan14-16 and excluding 33Iyyar25-33Sivan5
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 )
Demons evicted from heaven Demons reach earth Dragon's 42 month lease begins
Dragon's 42 month lease and all heavenly power for demons ends
2019Nisan22 ( first fruits)
30 days of 's ladder
Dragon's 42 month lease of Revelation13 (1252 days)
42 months of trampling the City underfoot of Revelation11 from 2019Nisan22, the eviction to the earth of the 3rd for their 42 months to 2022Tishri16 (1254/1266 days) of powerless arkless ministry payback.
There are 4 marriage Passovers in Sodom. The first is 2020Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14, the second is 2020Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14, the third on 2020Tishri14 is for the Laodicean administration late partakers, the 4th on 2020Heshvan14 is for the Laodicean congregation late partakers. 2020Tishri10, is the last day of baptism for s. The last died on 2020Heshvan14, and was resurrected on 2020Heshvan15 into 2 and married on 2020Heshvan18 in 3 and had a year of rejoicing from 2020Heshvan25 to 2021Heshvan25 (from veil lifting and marital supper day forwards). Then on 2022Tebbeth14-16, the 3rd , the woman of Genesis 3:15, gives birth to the first crop of the tree of life of Revelation22.
2020Tammuz14/Ab14 partaking Laodicean administration s are Passover executed on 2020Ab14, and 2 resurrected on 2020Ab15, then transferred into 3 for the 2020Ab17, 1st marriage.
2020Ab14/Elul14 partaking Laodicean congregation s are Passover executed on 2020Elul14, and 2 raptured on 2020Elul15, then transferred into 3 for the 2020Elul22, 2nd marriage.
2020Elul14 late partaking Laodicean administration s have to partake again on 2020Tishri14, when they are Passover executed and are raptured on 2020Tishri15 into 2 and transferred into 3 for the 2020Tishri20, 3rd marriage
2020Tishri14 late partaking Laodicean congregation s have to partake again on 2020Heshvan14, when they are Passover executed and are raptured on 2020Heshvan15 into 2 and transferred into 3 for the 2020Heshvan18, 4th marriage (2020Elul is a Sabbath month for earthly adamics not for ark based non adamics))
The 1st marriage on 2020Ab17 is the marriage of Cana (the place of reeds, not sceptres or iron rods, the place of Lords, not Kings).
The one group ( Sodom) did not come near the other ( ) all night long. NOT all Passover night long, but all the church of the night long. So Laodicea, reappointd Laodicea and reverted Laodicea all have to fall as churches BEFORE the one group comes near to the other. So there is no reconciliation until after 2022Ab14, the fall of reverted Laodicea, Sodom.
20 Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his [house] and take the evening meal with him [in reappointed Laodicea] and he with me. [in the Sodom] (Revelation 3 )
16 Because the Lord Himself shall come down from Heaven with a commanding shout of an archangel's voice, and with God's trumpet. And the dead in Christ will rise again first.
17 Then we who remain alive will be caught up together with them in [the] clouds to a meeting with the Lord in [the] air. And so we will always be with [the] Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
They are always with the Lord through their or marriage Not through remaining in the ark. Whereas the s are always with the Lord through being kept out of the hour of the test in the ark. All the s and died and were resurrected into the ark for their marriages. That being a term of their covenants.
In Joshua10, time stood still for a day. So the precedent is that one goes into the ark for precisely one whole day and then comes out again 1 nanosecond of earth time after one left. We do it for 50 days of earthly interaction presumably. So we live a double life for 50 days!! You only live twice Mr Bond.
11 And it came about that while they were fleeing from before Israel and were on the descent of Beth-horon [house of white linen/caverns], hurled great stones from the heavens [saints from the ark]
upon them as far as Azekah [a tilled field], so that they died. There were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Israel killed with the sword.
12 It was then that Joshua proceeded to speak to on the day of 's abandoning the Amorites [mountain people] to the sons of Israel, and he went on to say before the eyes of Israel: Sun, be motionless over Gibeon [pertaining to a hill], And, moon, over the low plain of Aijalon [of a stag] [Time stands still according to month and according to year]
13 Accordingly the sun kept motionless, and the moon did stand still, until the nation could take vengeance on its enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? [a 2nd witness - 2x?] And the sun kept standing still in the middle of the heavens and did not hasten to set for about a whole day [earth time stands still for people in the ark in mid heaven].
14 And no day has proved to be like that one, either before it or after it, in that listened to the voice of a man, for himself was fighting for Israel.
15 After that Joshua and all Israel with him returned to the camp at Gilgal [Wheel].
16 Meantime these 5 kings [3rd to 7th brides] ]fled and went hiding themselves in the cave at Makkedah [place of shepherds] [Laodicea].
17 Then the report was made to Joshua, saying: The 5 kings have been found hidden in the cave at Makkedah.
18 At that Joshua said: Roll great stones up to the mouth of the cave and assign men over it to guard them [reappointed Laodicea and Sodom?].
19 As for you men, do not stand still. Chase after your enemies, and you must strike them in the rear. Do not allow them to enter into their cities, for your God has given them into your hands.
20 And it came about that as soon as Joshua and the sons of Israel had finished slaying them with a very great slaughter, until these came to their end, and those who did survive of them escaped and went entering into the fortified cities,
21 all the people then began to return to the camp, to Joshua, at Makkedah in peace. Not a man moved his tongue eagerly against the sons of Israel.
22 Then Joshua said: Open the mouth of the cave and bring out these 5 kings from the cave to me.
23 At that they did so and brought out to him from the cave these 5 kings, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon.
24 And it came about that as soon as they had brought out these kings to Joshua, Joshua proceeded to call all the men of Israel and to say to the commanders of the men of war that had gone with him: Come forward. Place your feet on the back of the necks of these kings. So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks [So that Joshua's feet become their head upon baptism into and witness to 55x?].
25 And Joshua went on to say to them: Do not be afraid or be terrified. Be courageous and strong, for it is like this that will do to all your enemies against whom you are warring
[he will make these enemies a stool for Joshua's feet].
26 And after that Joshua proceeded to strike them and put them to death and hang them upon 5 stakes, and they continued hanging upon the stakes until the evening.
27 And it came about that at the time of the setting of the sun Joshua commanded, and they went taking them down off the stakes and throwing them into the cave where they had hid themselves [not said to be makkedah]. Then they placed big stones at the mouth of the cave -- until this very day. (Joshua 10 )
61 And whilst they were fleeing, the Lord sent upon them hailstones from heaven, and more of them died by the hailstones, than by the slaughter of the children of Israel.
62 And the children of Israel pursued them, and they still smote them in the road, going on and smiting them.
63 And when they were smiting, the day was declining toward evening, and Joshua said in the sight of all the people, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon,
until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies.
64 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens,
and it stood still six and thirty moments, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day.
And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel. (Jashar 88)
The 5 kings were hung on stakes and taken down and thrown in a cave, called the place of Shepherds, sealed with a large stone. They plainly represent , who suffered the same fate. And the sun stood still in the middle of the heavens, or in midheaven where the ark is. So this represents the 5 brides, the 3rd to the 7th bride, entering into the ark wherein earth time stands still. In fact the way that the Sun and moon were motionless is that the earth became the ark so that universe time stood still for earth dwellers. This is some kind of rather more high tech version of the twin paradox of special relativity.
The end of the 2nd presence was 2013Adar10 and the start of 3rd was 2019Elul10, separated by 5½x of Daniel12.
2000 pigs of Mark5 from 29Tishri10+ to 35Iyyar as regards demons possessing humans at the 1st presence
2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul30 as regards s
2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20 to 2023Tammuz10 as regards demons possessing humans at the 3rd presence
3x of 2,000 demonic/ pigs making 6,000 pigs which is 1 Roman Legion.
5250 days of Sabbath payback are from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5, after which God can release his people to the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14. Laodicea had to be separate from the Watchtower from 2005Sivan14,
due to this penalty Because a true church CAN exist inside a false church!?!? (Reverted Laodicea did that).
Laodicea was appointed/installed on 2003Chislev2/Shebat21, because one cannot have a Pentecost in a Sabbath month (2003Tebbeth). But one can have one in a Jubilee month, because these are not defined as Sabbaths in Leviticus25 (although they have many of the features of a Sabbath). So the 12 years of Laodicean spying run to 2015Shebat21 and the 40 days of spying test run from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1 and the 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty runs from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30.
was appointed/installed as a true church over on 2012Sivan16/Ab5, first fruits/Pentecost. One can be appointed and installed during a Jubilee. Because it is not defined as a Sabbath month in Leviticus25. got married at first fruits on 2008Nisan22 (an appointment as the 3rd ), during the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar1 BC, the first whole month after Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14. But the adamic monthly Jubilee system does not apply to non adamics in the ark.
Benjamin was the brother of Joseph and was the second and last son of . So he represents group of Kings because was not a slave girl and Joseph Ephraim and Manasseh are all Kings. is the mother of Kings and is the mother of kings (these two women mean two covenants as would say at Galatians 3).
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book.
2 And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence. (Daniel 12 )
14 Thus Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive. With that he mustered his trained men, 318 slaves born in his household, and pursued until Dan.
15 And [by] night he divided/was smooth upon them, he and his slaves, and defeated them and pursued them until Hobah, which is north of Damascus.
16 And he proceeded to recover all the goods, and he recovered also Lot his brother and his goods and also the women and the people.
(Genesis 14 )
14 And Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive [1x] [actually his Nephew, the son of his brother, which to a Hebrew is his brother] [Laodicea becoming a false church again on 2019Adar13]. And he emptied out/poured out/drew out his trained ones (masculine) [s from the true church into , by means of the 12 crops of Revelation22], 318 ones born of his house [318x] and pursued until Dan [2x] [the judge of the earth. God, becomes Caesar to on 2023Elul5 and to on 2023Tishri5].
Verse 14: 1x+318x+2x = 321x from 2022Chislev14-16 (the early Laodicean Passover crop, the start of the drawing out of the sons of the from Adam to be non Adamic ) to 2023Heshvan5, the installation of the under (the judge) over - Dan, meaning judge. So 2023Heshvan5 is when the judge of all the earth (of Genesis 18) actually becomes the judge of all the earth of and , having been appointed as Caesar to / on 2023Ab16/Elul16 before the end of the lava flood on 2023Tishri4. But the Kingdom is installed under as Caesar over / on 2023Tishri5/Heshvan5, after the end of the lava flood. For does NOT become Caesar to non s.
15 And [by] night he divided/was smooth upon them [3x for them OR 4x: 4 kings], he and his slaves [divided/were smooth upon them] [His forces are the sons of the divided between the who go into the ark in a hidden way (by night) and the and the Benjamite Kings who remain on the earth], and he defeated them [3x/4x: 4 kings] and he pursued them [3x/4x: 4 kings] until Hobah [hiding place/hidden place] [1x+1x = 2x: Pursuit + Hobah. Hobah is further than Damascus on the way back to Mesopotamia from Dan. Damascus, meaning well watered land, stands for , a church, not a secular kingdom, which ends on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22. Hobah is the last chance saloon, the descended church of and Yeshua, entrance into it occurring during the last week of Daniel 9:27], which from left/dark/north/wrapped up to Damascus [alertness or well watered land] [1x,1x=1x: i.e. beyond Damascus].
16 And he proceeded to recover all the property [1x], and he recovered also/additionally Lot his brother [1x+1x] and his property [1x] and also/additionally the women [3x+1x] and the people [1x] [the list totals 7x of recovery].
From 2022Chislev15, the start of the division of into the ark by rapture of the Abrahamic Laodicean s, to 2023Chislev14, the end of the recovery of all the covenant possessions of at the 12th crop of Revelation22, the end of .
Verse15: 1x+5x+319x+5x+5x+5x(1x+1x+1x) = 350x
Verse16: 1x+2x+1x+4x+1x = 9x.
Total: 350x+9x = 359x from 2022Chislev15 to 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation22, the end of , the end of the recovery of everything stolen from , the Jubilee restoration to .
The sealed 1st death Passover victims, the final last chance saloon group (with no faith at all but with sufficient love), Ye of less than little faith, are resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16.
17 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he [Abram] returned from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him [killed to Adam and to false worship], to the Low Plain of Shaveh [level, flat], that is, the king's Low Plain [preserving his kingship but losing his authority in , hence the kings low level plain. He came to the Watchtower Passover].
18 And [King of righteousness - in this case] king of Salem brought out bread and wine [of the or of the ?], and he was priest of the Most High God.
19 Then he blessed him [the King of Sodom, the reserves] and said: Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, Producer of heaven and earth (Genesis 14 )
Dan (meaning judge): 2023Heshvan5, the installation of the under over drawn out of Adam after 2023Tishri5, the installation over drawn out of Adam..
Damascus (meaning well watered land according to wikipedia) is , which ends on 2023Chislev14, the 12th crop of Revelation.
Hobah meaning hidden place, is the descended church of the , the last chance saloon from 2023Tebbeth3/4-14, entrance into it occurs during the last week of Daniel 9:27.
hands the kingdom over to his God and father on 2023Tebbeth16, when the last chance salooners are resurrected so that death has been brought to nothing for all sealed surviving s.
In Genesis 14: Lot is the Watchtower saints. The King of Sodom is (Angel of Laodicea). 4 kings against 5 is the Watchtower Governing Body Laodicean power struggle. The man who escaped to tell Abram about the enslavement of Lot, is Caleb, the spy of Joshua2.- see U307..
The late partakers at the Watchtower Passovers on 2019Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14, missed their respective marital Passovers. There are therefore actually 2 marital Passovers for them (not execution Passovers because the late partaking reserves are all sealed into the ) held on 2019Tebbeth14 in reappointed Laodicea and 2020Tammuz14 in Sodom for the late partakers from the Laodicean administration/congregation. They are prophesied in Genesis40 for the chief of the cupbearers and the chief of the bakers had a dream and Joseph gave the interpretation and then we have the fulfilment. Likewise the late partakers at the 2020Elul14/Tishri14 marital Passovers require two more non execution Passovers on 2020Tishri14 and 2020Heshvan14, the 3rd and 4th marriage Passovers. These are also prophesied by John in Revelation3...
20 Look! I have stood upon the door and I am knocking; if ever anyone should hear of the voice of me and he should open up the door, I shall come in toward him and I shall have supper with him [in Laodicea, in his place] and he with me [in Sodom, in my place]. (Revelation 3 )
Reappointed Laodicea
2019Nisan14/Iyyar14 is the Lord's evening meal and the Egyptian Passover for the Jews. This failed in Laodicea which was a false church.
2019Ab7: The reappointment of Laodicea as a true church (Nebuzaradan day).
2019Ab10: The temple of the Watchtower begins to be burnt into Laodicea
2019Ab14: Laodicea has its constant feature restored. This is the reverse Passover of Laodicea
2019Ab14: Laodicea re celebrate the Lord's evening meal
2019Ab21: Laodicea is re-appointed to feed the s.
Marriages in the ark
2019Tishri17 3rd marriage (Bethelite reserves). This is when the ark comes to a rest - which means people are raptured into God's rest on this day.
2019Heshvan22 4th marriage (Watchtower congregation reserves)
2019Chislev20 5th marriage (Watchtower prisons of disfellowshipping and disassociation
2019Tebbeth18: 6th marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean administration)
2020Tammuz19: 7th marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean congregation)
2020Ab17: 1st marriage (Laodicean administration s)
2020Elul22: 2nd marriage (Laodicean congregation s)
2020Tishri20: 3rd marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean administration)
2020Heshvan18: 4th marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean congregation)
2023Nisan2: 1st marriage.
2023Iyyar2: 2nd marriage.
There are 7x marriages, 4x marriages and 2x marriages! They must occur in the correct order then then .
So the 7x marriages run from 2008Nisan22 to 2020Tammuz19, first fruits to 3rd first fruits
So the 2x marriage occur on 2023Nisan2 and 2023Iyyar2, 4th and 5th first fruits of the Tebbeth1 secular year.
27 Celebrate to the full the week of this woman [ - the from 2008Nisan22-28, the 1st presence marriage]. After that there shall be given to you also this other woman [the 2nd presence s at the 2nd marriage on 2015Iyyar20-26] for the service that you can serve with me for 7 years more (Genesis 29 ).
27 Fulfill the week of this one and we will also give you this [other] one, for the service which you will serve with me, yet another seven years (Genesis 29 ).
The 9 Happinesses of Matthew 5, the Sermon on the mount are the ark based preaching campaign.
1 But having seen the crowds he went up into the mountain [in the ark];
and having sat down his disciples came to him [in ];
2 and having opened his mouth [Containing 32 teeth] he was teaching them, saying: (Matthew 5 )
3 Happy [happiness of Daniel12] are those conscious of their spiritual need,
since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.
4 Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted.
5 Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.
6 Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled.
7 Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.
8 Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.
9 Happy are the peaceable, since they will be called 'sons of God.'
10 Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.
11 Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake
12 Rejoice and leap greatly [aggaliaw]
[into the ark], since your reward is great in the heavens [a Methuselaian or Melchizedaic or Yeshuaian ageless body in the ark at the Pentecost]; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you (Matthew 5 ).
9 Happinesses are 9x PRECISELY
A Kingdom temple must be built out of ageless stones. After have all stopped ageing. Then we all start deageing together on the same day (in 2023).. We stop ageing and become Methuselaian at the Pentecost, for that is ripe fruits. Not sure which one though!
But having seen the crowds he went up into the mountain [from 2019Tishri17 to 2020Tishri20, by Passover execution and resurrection and ark2 to ark3 transfer for the and weddings] and having sat down
[upon his throne as Caesar over from 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 and over from 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 and Adam from 2022Tishri17/Chislev6 and Cain from 2022Heshvan22/Tebbeth11] his disciples came to him
[being raptured into the ark, where his mountain is from 2022Chislev15-19 and 2022Tebbeth15-21 and 2023Nisan22 - 2023Iyyar5. They were already standing before him as his priests];
and having opened his mouth
[aorist participle]
[32x teeth + 1x tongue. His mouth is his priesthood - a sentence count is triggered by the body part - mouth], he was teaching them
[Try doing that with a closed mouth (1x+33x).2x = 68x teaching them with an opened mouth from 2022Tebbeth21 to 2022Adar29= 2023Nisan5, when takes over ]
[he was] saying:
(Matthew 5)
[The following 9x of the 9 Happinesses of the Sermon on the Mount from 2023Nisan5, to 2023Tebbeth5]
3 Happy the poor ones [in] the spirit, since of them is the kingdom of the heavens [2x].
4 Happy the (ones) mourning, since they will be comforted [2x.2x=4x].
5 Happy the mild-tempered (ones), since they will inherit the earth [2x.2x=4x].
6 Happy the (ones) hungering for and thirsting for the righteousness, since they will be satisfied [4x.4x=16x].
7 Happy the merciful ones, since they will be shown mercy [2x.2x=4x].
8 Happy the pure ones (as) to the heart, since they the God will see [2x.2x=4x].
9 Happy the peacemakers, since they sons of God will be called [2x.2x.2x=8x].
10 Happy the (ones) having been persecuted on account of righteousness, since of them is the kingdom of the heavens [2x].
11 Happy are ye whenever they might reproach ye and might persecute and might say every wicked (thing) against ye lying on account of me [2x+2x.(2x+2x+2x.2x)=18x];
12 be ye rejoicing [2x] and leap ye greatly [2x], since the reward of ye much in the heavens [2x/3x];
for thus/in this manner [18x of verse 11] they persecuted [2x] the prophets [2x]
the (ones) before ye [2x].
(Matthew 5 )
Verses 3-12: Total: 2x+4x+4x+16x+4x+4x+8x+2x+18x+(2x+2x).(2x/3x).(2x.(2x+2x)+18x) = 62x+(8x/12x).26x = 62x +208x/312x = 270x/374x
This must be 270x which is 9x precisely, 9 months from 2023Nisan5 = 2022Adar29, 2 ' + 2 mouthfuls of teeth and tongues after 2022Tebbeth21, to 2023Tebbeth5, during the week of entrance into the last chance saloon from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10. This is a great counting check! A lesson from in counting! He is teaching us how to count the scriptures. also opens his mouth on 2023Nisan5, the day that he takes over. Prior to that Solomon is doing the teaching.
We saw that 2020Tebbeth14 was the end of Adam - on 2019Tebbeth14.
We saw that 2020Tebbeth14 was the late 3rd Abrahamic Passover on 2019Tebbeth22
We saw that 2021Nisan14 was the end of Adam on 2020Elul3
We saw that 2021Iyyar14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Elul19.
We saw that 2021Sivan14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Tishri9 (03:00 2020September30).
We saw that 2021Tammuz14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Tishri22 (Tuesday 2020October13)
We saw that 2021Ab14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Heshvan16 (Thursday 2020November5).
We saw that 2021Elul14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Chislev16 (after 2020Chislev14 failed for the inauguration of the Mark).
We saw that 2021Tishri14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Tebbeth15 (after 2020Tebbeth14 failed for the inauguration of the Mark).
We saw that 2021Tishri21 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Adar11 (after 2020Adar10 failed for the inauguration of the Mark).
We saw that 2021Tishri21 was the burning of the Beast and 2021Tishri27 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Adar17 (when 2020Adar16 failed for the inauguration of the Mark)
We saw that 2021Heshvan3 was the burning of the Beast and 2021Heshvan14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2020Adar23 (when 2020Adar20-22 failed for the fire signs)
We saw that 2022Sivan11 was the end of demon possession from the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 on 2021Nisan10.
We saw that 2022Iyyar4 was the burning of the Beast and 2022Sivan14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2021Nisan11
We saw that the burning of the beast was not the end of the beast but was the sentencing of all of its members to on 2021Iyyar19.
We saw that 2022Iyyar11 was the burning of the Beast and 2022Tammuz14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2021Sivan23
We saw that 2022Iyyar11 was the burning of the Beast and 2022Ab14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2021Sivan28
We saw that 2022Sivan6 was the burning of the Beast and 2022Ab14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2021Tammuz5
We saw that 2022Elul14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2021Heshvan24
We saw that 2022Tammuz10 was the burning of the Beast on 2021Heshvan25
We got 2022Tishri14, for the date of the absolute end of Adam, the end of entrance into the 1st death, on 2021Chislev23 (Nisan1 calendar)
We got 2022Heshvan14, for the date of the absolute end of Adam, the end of entrance into the 1st death, on 2021Tebbeth18
We got 2022Chislev14, for the date of the absolute end of Adam, the end of entrance into the 1st death, before 2021Shebat16
We got 2022Tebbeth14, for the date of the absolute end of Adam, the end of entrance into the 1st death at 16:30 BST on 2021VeAdar23
We saw that 2023Tammuz10 was the burning of the beast and 2023Elul14 was the absolute end of Adam on or before 2022Nisan25.
We saw that 2023Ab10 was the burning of the beast and 2023Tishri14 was the absolute end of Adam at 04:00 BST on 2022Tammuz30 (2022July31)
We saw that 2023Ab23 (now revised to 2023Ab21) was the burning of the beast and 2023Heshvan14 was the absolute end of Adam at 01:30 BST on 2022Elul17 (2022September16)
We saw that 2023Chislev14, was the absolute end of Adam, the end of entrance into the 1st death on 2022Tishri11 (after having Atoned)
We saw that 2023Elul21 was the burning of the beast and 2023Tebbeth14 was the absolute end of Adam on 2022Tishri19
20 And they pulled up [stakes] from Succoth [Booths] [they arrived there at the end of Cakes on 1513Nisan21/22], and they camped at Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.
21 And was going before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them in the way; and by night in a pillar of fire to give light to them, to go by day [by the cloud] and by night [by the fire].
22 The pillar of cloud [for the s who are in the day, also the 2nd fire sign] did not move away/cease by day, and the pillar of fire by night [for the Laodiceans who are in the night, the church of the night. Also the 3rd fire sign. Night is literal in Exodus 13 counting 3x and in Exodus14 counting 3x. There are no double designations in either account. But the Hebrew word means a twisting or turning around. So it can be a period of turning around or it can be a literal night],
BEFORE the people (Exodus 13 ).
The definition of a Pentecost, which is normally taken to apply to a calendar day and the weekly Sabbath is...
10 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'When you eventually come into the land that I am giving you,
and you have reaped its harvest, you must also bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.
11 And he must wave the sheaf to and fro before to gain approval for you. Directly the day after the Sabbath the priest should wave it to and fro. (Leviticus 23 )
6 days may work be done, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath of complete rest [!AtB'v;
a holy convention. All of prescribed work not ye shall work. It is a Sabbath to in all places where you dwell. (Leviticus 23 )
6 And on the 15th day of this month is the festival of unfermented cakes to . 7 days you should eat unfermented cakes.
7 On the first day you will have a holy convention occur.
All of prescribed work of labour not ye shall work. (Leviticus 23 )
6 But at the place that your God will choose to have his name reside there, you should sacrifice the Passover in the evening as soon as the sun sets, at the appointed time of your coming out of Egypt.
7 And you must do the boiling and the eating in the place that your God will choose, and in the morning you must turn around and go to your own tents.
8 6 days you should eat unfermented cakes; and on the 7th day there will be a solemn assembly to your God. Thou shalt not work prescribed work.
9 7 weeks you should count for yourself. From when the sickle is first put to the standing grain you will start to count 7 weeks. (Deuteronomy 16 )
Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them,
When you come in to the land which I [am] giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the sheaf of the beginning/first fruit of your harvest, to the priest,
then he shall wave the sheaf before for your acceptance; from the morrow of the Sabbath [tB'v;]
[as defined in verse3 by no work,
not the holy convention of verse 7 at the start of Cakes with no prescribed work of labour but perhaps the holy convention at the end of Cakes with no prescribed work] the priest shall wave it. (Leviticus 23 )
So in the literal Mosiac and meaning the Sabbath is not the first day of Weeks, but is the weekly Sabbath which is a prohibition on any prescribed work. It could be the last Sabbath of Cakes if that precedes the weekly Sabbath, but then the day after the last day of Cakes would itself be a weekly Sabbath and so first fruits would follow the weekly Sabbath. The festivals in Leviticus23 and in Dueteronomy16 are listed in temporal order through the year which is incredibly unusual for the bible. So Mosaic and first fruits is the day after the first full Sabbath (secular and sacred) after the Passover.
But the weekly Sabbath is described as a Sabbath of complete rest (a secular and sacred Sabbath). Whereas first fruits is offered after the Sabbath (tB;v;), NOT after the Sabbath of complete rest (!AtB'v; tB;v;). So it could be the day after the first day of Cakes which is a Sabbath of secular rest but not a Sabbath of sacred rest. Hence first fruits which occurs after the first day of Cakes. Whereas first fruits occurs after Rosh Hashana which is a full Sabbath.
A serious problem arises when the weekly Sabbath occurs on the Nisan20. Because Nisan21 is a full Sabbath too. So the day after the Sabbath (period) is actually Nisan22 not Nisan21. Whereas the day after the Sabbath (day) is Nisan21. But the Pentecost is counted to the day after the 7th Sabbath which would still be Sivan10. AND the count is 50 days inclusively. So first fruits is Nisan21 NOT Nisan20. So we MUST interpret Sabbath as Sabbath day not as Sabbath period.
15 'And you must count for yourselves
from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete (not truncated by an Adar Nisan overlap, they should each have 6 working days as well as the Sabbath).
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath [not the day after the 7th Sabbath day] you should count, 50 days {you should count}, and you must present a new grain offering to (Leviticus 23 ).
The bible code requires two fulfilments to this definition of a Pentecost, because we count from the day after the Sabbath AND from the day of bringing the sheaf to the day after the 7th Sabbath AND count 50 days, i.e. to the 50th day.
So count and from and to appear twice (the 2nd count and the 2nd to are implied).
So substituting verse 11 into verse 15 we get...
15 And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day directly after the Sabbath, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete).
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days (you should count), and you must present a new grain offering to .
(Leviticus 23 )
In this format it is very easy to see that the definition applies to two types of Sabbath. So there is to be one first fruits after the first festival Sabbath of Cakes, and another after the weekly Sabbath of Cakes. Furthermore, there are two counts, one to the day after 7 Sabbaths and another of 50 days. The former is the weekly Sabbath count and the latter is the 7th day Sabbath count.
Mosaic and Pentecost: 7 weekly Sabbaths after the 1st weekly Sabbath after the (Egyptian) Passover on Nisan14. Nisan16-22 to Sivan5-11 depending upon where the weekly Sabbath falls in Cakes
Pentecost: 7 7th days after the 1st festival Sabbath after the ()
Passover on Sivan14. Sivan16 to Ab5 always.
Pentecost: 7 7th days after the secular Rosh Hashana Sabbath, the first festival Sabbath of the secular year. Tishri2 to Heshvan21 for a Tishri1 secular year.
2 He will make us alive after 2 days. On the 3rd day he will make us get up, and we shall live before him. (Hosea 6 )
So the transformation is completed on the 3rd day start from adamic death at the Passover. So first fruits is Sivan16. All 12 monthly crops of the tree of life of Revelation22 will be completed on the 16th of the month, independent of when the weekly Sabbath occurs. So first fruits is always the 16th of the month. The Pentecost does not run from Sivan17 to Ab6 in the event that Sivan16 is a weekly Sabbath. first fruits is the morrow of the post Passover Sabbath (day) not the morrow of the post Passover Sabbath (period).
If a or or 50 count ends in a Sabbath month (a sacred Sabbath) then there can be no sacred installation at the Pentecost. So any installation is delayed until the late Pentecost.
If a or or 50 count starts in a Sabbath month (a sacred Sabbath) then there can be no sacred appointment at first fruits
If a or first fruits falls on a weekly Sabbath then there can be no appointment at that first fruits
If a or Pentecost falls on a weekly Sabbath then there can be no installation at that Pentecost
Laodicea was reappointed over the s on 2019Ab21 (5th first fruits) and reinstalled on 2019Tishri10 (5th Pentecost) which was Atonement day of the Nisan1 calendar but was NOT Atonement day of the Sivan1 calendar. But should a Pentecost fall on Atonement day then no installation can occur.
[[[if we take the 50th day as a valid Pentecost, it is a Pentecostal festival Sabbath (a secular Sabbath - Leviticus 23:21) and it is a sacred Sabbath (due to the Sabbath month). Therefore the 50th day is an extension to the 7th Sabbath and therefore it is not day after the 7th Sabbath and therefore it is not a valid Pentecost (proof by contradiction). So one cannot have a Pentecost in a Sabbath month.
If a or first fruits falls in a Sabbath month then it is still valid because the first fruits festival is not a festival Sabbath (a secular Sabbath).
A Sabbath month makes each day into a sacred Sabbath (not a secular Sabbath). So the Sabbath month does not extend the interposing festival (secular) Sabbath before first fruits. However one cannot be appointed in any priestly capacity on a sacred Sabbath. One can be appointed in a secular capacity (as Caesar) on a sacred Sabbath.
If a first fruits, the 2nd of the month, falls on a weekly Sabbath, it is bumped forward to the 3rd of the month.
If a first fruits (the 16th of the month) falls upon a weekly Sabbath, then it is bumped forward to the 17th of the month.
If a or or Pentecost falls upon a Sabbath day (Atonement day for the or a weekly Sabbath for the and ) then the Pentecost is the day after the 2 day 7th Sabbath. NOPE ]]]
2003Shebat21 is the 4th Pentecost (from 2003Heshvan21) and the late 3rd Pentecost. But 2003Tebbeth21 falls in the Sabbath month and so the installation of Laodicea is delayed until 2003Shebat21 (from the appointment on 2003Chislev2).
But instead of applying the Pentecost definition to a day and the weekly Sabbath we can apply it to a day and to a Pentecost festival Sabbath and get a Super Pentecost.
15 'And you must count for yourselves from the [BLCl day after the [Pentecost festival] Sabbath [the zeroth Sabbath], from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering [the relevant 1st fruits after the Pentecost festival Sabbath], 7 [annual Pentecost festival] Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete [i.e. count to the late version of the Sabbath, which completes that festival Sabbath].
16 To the [] day after the 7th [Pentecost festival] Sabbath you should count, 50 []
days (you should count) [of the 7th Pentecost - but exclusively from first fruits], and you must present a new grain/bloodless offering to [NOT specified between loaves and sheaves - so this is either first fruits, or the Pentecost, which is first ripe fruits. It can also be a raptured saint a harvest offering which does not involve death and resurrection!].
(Leviticus 23 )
So we count 7 Pentecost festival Sabbaths and then one more day. But the Pentecostal festival Sabbaths must be complete (i.e. the late version). This must also be the result of counting 50 days, which must end on the Super Pentecost, the day after the late version of the 7th Pentecost Festival Sabbath. These are an exclusive 50 count from first fruits for the late version of the 7th Pentecostal festival Sabbath.
Completing the particular Sabbath day of the Pentecost means going to the end of the late version of that Sabbath, 30 days after the end of the 50 count (or 60 days if a monthly Sabbath delay occurs).
Super Pentecost: Starts from a zeroth Pentecost and the count is to the morrow of 7 complete (regular and later) Pentecost festival days
Super Pentecost: Starts from a zeroth Pentecost and the count is to the morrow of 7 complete (regular and later) Pentecost festival days
Super Pentecost: Starts from a zeroth Pentecost and the count is to the morrow of 7 complete (regular and later) Pentecost festival days
In a Sabbath month one can have a first fruits and a Pentecost festival because they both are defined to occur on the day after the Sabbath (secular and sacred). And a monthly Sabbath is only a sacred Sabbath, not a secular Sabbath. But one cannot be appointed or installed as a priest or sacred king in a monthly Sabbath. One can be installed as Caesar in a sacred Sabbath month.
In a Jubilee month you can be appointed, because it is not defined as a Sabbath month in Leviticus25. So a first fruits festival is valid. And one can be Pentecostally installed because a Jubilee is not a Sabbath. It is a release not from law but from the penalties of law (no pruning of the vineyard during the Jubilee, but one does pay the price after the Jubilee). So a Pentecost, which is the installation of law (the law of Moses began at the Mosaic Pentecost on 1513Sivan7), can occur during a Jubilee but the penalties for disobeying will be delayed until after the Jubilee.
The 1st fire sign of 1Kings18:
Monthly Sabbaths 2004Elul,
2007Adar (2008Nisan was the 1440th monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar BC, the first whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC).
Monthly Sabbaths 2008Iyyar,
Zeroth Sabbath Installation (top of Carmel):
2003Shebat21: Laodicea installed to feed the s (appointment was 2003Chislev2 but 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month,
2003Shebat was a Jubilee month)
No Show: Laodicea's entire existence was a no show.
Go back 7x: 7 Pentecosts then the 30x/31x day sentence count
First fruits: 2004Tishri2
Complete Sabbath1: 2004Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath2: 2005Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath3: 2006Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath4: 2007Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath5: 2008Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath6: 2009Heshvan21, Chislev21
Complete Sabbath7: 2010Heshvan21, Chislev21 (1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23, the largest fire in Modern Israel's history)
Super Pentecost: 2010Chislev22 (the day after the 7th completed Pentecost festival Sabbath). On this day (the weekly Sabbath) the attendant (Ian, an ) saw the fire upon mount Carmel as the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18
NOT The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18:
Zeroth Sabbath Installation (start/top of Carmel):
2022Chislev5: is installed as Caesar over , the start of Kingdom installation for .
No Show: 2022Chislev4-6 was a no show.
Go back 7x: 7 days to 2022Chislev12. Then the 30x/31x sentence count to 2022Tebbeth12/13 - NOT A PENTECOST. But 2022Tebbeth13 is the 6th Sabbath of the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year..
Not a fire sign of 1Kings18:
first fruits: 2014Nisan20, 2015Nisan22, 2016Nisan17, 2017Nisan18, 2018Nisan21, 2019Nisan22, 2020Nisan18
was never installed over the s
The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings19:
Zeroth Sabbath Installation (top of Carmel):
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 is the Isaaic appointment/installation over the s:
(2nd after adamic . There was no such appointment for Abrahamic - left the 2 men to sacrifice )
No Show: 2013Shebat3 - 2015Sivan11 was a no show
Go back 7x: 7 years to date then the 30 day sentence count
First fruits: 2016Tishri2
Complete Sabbath1: 2016Heshvan21, 2016Chislev21
Complete Sabbath2: 2017Heshvan21, 2017Chislev21
Complete Sabbath3: 2018Heshvan21, 2018Chislev21
Complete Sabbath4: 2019Heshvan21, 2019Chislev21
Complete Sabbath5: 2020Heshvan21, 2020Chislev21
Complete Sabbath6: 2021Heshvan21, 2021Chislev21
Complete Sabbath7: 2022Heshvan21, 2022Chislev21, 2022Tebbeth21 (for the 2nd fire sign)
Super Pentecost: 2022Tebbeth22 (for the 2nd fire sign)
Elijah4 does not reach the absolute top of Mount Carmel until his last installation, which is 2015Chislev21
The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18:
Monthly Sabbaths 2013Adar,
2016Tammuz (2016Ab was the 2nd Jubilee month of the , the 1442nd Jubilee from 3993Iyyar1 BC)
Monthly Sabbaths 2016Adar,
2020Elul (2020Tishri is the 3rd Jubilee month of the , the 1443rd Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar1 BC)
Abrahamic was appointed/installed as a true church on 2012Sivan16/Ab5 first fruits/the Pentecost. However we became on 2012Sivan14-16 and we became on 2015Ab14-16. So Isaaic was appointed/installed over on 2015Elul16/Heshvan5 and over on 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5. So this would be our reaching the top of our administrative mountain.
Zeroth Sabbath Installation (top of Carmel):
2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 is when Isaaic is appointed/installed over
No Show: 2015Sivan13-2015Chislev25 was a no show.
Go back 7x: 7 years to date then the 30 day sentence count
First fruits: 2016Sivan16
Complete Sabbath1: 2016Ab5, 2016Elul5
Complete Sabbath2: 2017Ab5, 2017Elul5
Complete Sabbath3: 2018Ab5, 2018Elul5
Complete Sabbath4: 2019Ab5, 2019Elul5
Complete Sabbath5: 2020Ab5, 2020Elul5
Complete Sabbath6: 2021Ab5, 2021Elul5
Complete Sabbath7: 2022Ab5, 2022Elul5 to 2022Shebat5 (for the 3rd fire sign)
Super Pentecost: 2022Shebat6 (for the 3rd fire sign)
For a Super Pentecost do we just have to find 'A' completed Pentecost (a late Pentecost), NOT the last completed Pentecost that is valid? Or is it just the day after the late Pentecost?
2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10: FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the s (due to HyperOs)
2003Chislev2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the reserves.
7x Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel,.
Laodicea appointed/installed to feed s (after and ) 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14.
2007Iyyar17/Tammuz6: Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over the reserves (because There is no reserve appointment, there is only a appointment. So and took the first two such appointments to feed s.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the Sabbath) is when Laodicean is appointed/installed to rule over the s, because then 40 months take us to 2010Chislev inclusively AND nobody else was installed over the s on 2007Elul11. So the 40 month would be taken inclusively,
2010Chislev: Laodicea falls over the reserves after 40 months of Joash.
2012Sivan14-16: s and Laodicea become
2012Sivan16/Ab5: appointed/installed over - in order that these dates ARE first fruits and the Pentecost.
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin)
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over
2012: Abrahamic is not appointed/installed over s or to feed s because and left the 2 young men in Genesis 22:5 to perform the ram substitution sacrifice of - see U318.
2015Ab14-16: s become .
2015Elul16/Heshvan5: Isaaic appointed/installed over
2015Heshvan2/Chislev21: Isaaic is appointed/installed over the s. Then 7x of the to 2022Chislev21, the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18
2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: Isaaic appointed/installed over (2015Tishri16 was the weekly Sabbath).
2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Isaaic is appointed/installed to feed the reserves (4th after , and Laodicea - 2015Adar is an Isaaic Sabbath - the 2003Shebat21 installation to feed s was the late version of 2003Tebbeth21) but not to rule over them. None of them ever joined the church. But returned to the 2 (TWO) young men of Genesis 22:19 - see U318
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence)
2019Ab21/Tishri10: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the reserves
2019Tishri16/Chislev5: Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled to rule over
2019: Laodicea was NOT reappointed/reinstalled to rule over , because the does not make you Isaaic whilst on earth.
Laodicea was never appointed/installed to feed the s
was never appointed/installed to rule over the s
One cannot apply the definition of the Pentecost to other festival types (in creating a Super Pentecost) because it is supposed to be defining Pentecosts!! Also other festival types do not have 50 counts.
We must be released from the contest at the Super Pentecost of 1Kings18. For that is the ultimate Pentecostal release (so the 3rd fire sign must be a Super Pentecost).
A Pentecost OR Super Pentecost fire sign fulfilment is IMPLIED by the Pentecostal nature of 1Kings18 wherein every number of prophets is divisible by 50 and fire licks up the dust - tongues of fire of Acts2
The fire signs must occur at a Pentecost OR a Super Pentecost, which is a Pentecost as defined by Leviticus 23:15-16 where we take the days in that definition to be days (as usual) and the Sabbaths to be annual Pentecostal festival Sabbaths rather than weekly Sabbaths.
41 And Elijah said to Ahab: Go up [hl[], eat and drink; for there is the sound of the turmoil of a downpour
42 And Ahab
proceeded to go up
to eat and drink. As for Elijah, he went up to the top/head/start [varO]
of Carmel and
bent/crouched down to the earth/land [hcra]
and keeping his face put between his knees.
And he said to his attendant/boy: Go up now/please
Look way/road of sea/west. So he went up and looked and said: There is not anything/nothing at all. And he said: Go back, 7 times
[[b;v, ~ymi['P.]
44 And it came about in/during/at the 7th
[the feminine from of the adjective for 7th,
not 7th time]
that he got to say:
Look! There is a small cloud like a man's palm [@kk]
ascending from the sea/west (1Kings18)
The Hebrew word rosh [varO]
means head or start or top. It cannot mean temporal start (in the greater meanings) here because Elijah goes up to it and because he then asks his attendant to go up too, which would not be the case if rosh was temporal. So it means headship of the mountain, the administration of the true church.
The first fire sign was the largest fire in modern Israel's history (killing 44 people) upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23. it began on 2010Chislev20, the 7th Sabbath of the late Pentecost. But it continued burning over the late Pentecost AND the day after the late Pentecost (when Elijah's Attendant called it as a fire sign of 1Kings18). Ian called it on the Super Pentecost, the literal day after the 7th completed annual Pentecost festival Sabbath after 2003Chislev2/Shebat21, the appointment/installation of Laodicea to feed the s.
So here is the deal...
The 1st and 2nd signs all occur at a Pentecost prior to a Super Pentecost, or the Super Pentecost thereafter or the 7th Sabbath therebefore. The 3rd fire sign precipitates WW3 which begins on 2022Shebat4. It is a following chief of 50, a following Pentecost to the 1st fire sign. So it must occur on the same day of the year (Chislev20-23).
42 And Elijah went up to the top/head/chief/start of Carmel [on 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 over the s, that is THE top of the camrel of Isaaic , because this contest is about the from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21, whereas varO
means head or first/start AND on 2022Chislev5, the start of the Kingdom installations of as Caesar and Elijah4/ as his vassal], and bent to the earth and put faces of him in midst of/between knees of him [1x+0x/1x+3x=4x/5x]
43 And he said to his attendant [in this posture]: Go up [hl'[']
It means to come up or to go up because the Hebrews like the Greeks do not know if they are coming or going]
please/now [to the festival installation on 2022Chislev5 for the Kingdom over and 2015Chislev21 for Isaaic over and the s], look way of sea/West [1x:
for what I am describing to you with my body shape = a mushroom]
And he went up and looked and said: There is not anything [1x+1x+1x = 3x]
And [not THEN but AND] he said Go back 7 times
[of the from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21 - 7 years to date, then the 30x/31x sentence count of verse42-43 to 2022Tebbeth21/22, the Pentecost of the Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year ion honour of becoming Caesar of on 2022Chislev5 and rapturing the Abrahamic s on 2022Chislev15-19.
AND 2022Chislev5-12]
44 And it occurred in/at/against the 7th i.e. on 2022Chislev12 and 2022Tebbeth22, the Super Pentecosts, which are both against 2022Chislev5 and 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecosts.
2022Tebbeth21: The 7th day of late Booths (Sivan1 sacred)
2022Tebbeth21: The 7th day of Isaaic ark rapture
2022Tebbeth21: The 7th Sivan1 sacred year of over the s
2022Shebat5: The 7th Pentecost
2022Shebat5: The 4th monthly Sabbath of the 4th adamic/Abrahamic Kingdom Jubilee
And he said: Look a small/cut short cloud like a man's palm, rising/going up from the sea [The 2nd and 3rd fire sign] (1Kings18)
Elijah reached the top of Carmel on 2015Chislev21 his first installation over the s. Then he bows down to/upon the earth (without quite reaching it) and puts his head between his knees (not on the ground) counting to 2015Chislev25/26. Then he says NOW Go up, look in way of sea. And he went up and looked and said there is nothing taking us to 2015Chislev30/Tebbeth1. Then 7x to 2022Chislev30/Tebbeth1. Then it was in/at the 7th and he said Look a small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. That counts as 7x.(1x+1x+1x) = 21x taking us to 2022Tebbeth21/22, the 2nd fire sign, the day of/after the Pentecost of the new Chislev1 secular year, the Pentecost/Super Pentecost.
Elijah reached the start of Isaaic Carmel at his installation over on 2015Tebbeth5. He asked his boy, his attendant to go up rather than to come up because we did not have any Abrahamics in the s at that time, having all become Isaaic on 2015Ab14-16. So our rather theoretical authority over the Abrahamics in Laodicea was distal not proximal. 7x precisely after that is 2022Tebbeth5. then we add the 30x/31x sentence count and get to 2022Shebat5/6, the 3rd fire sign at the 7th Pentecost or Super Pentecost thereafter.
Elijah reached the top of Isaaic Carmel at his installation over the s on 2015Chislev21. He asked his boy, his attendant to go up/ascend rather than to come up because ?? Anyway we celebrated 2015Chislev21 as the late Pentecost when Gordon made Alan an apostle. So he went up into the administration on that day. And was installed over the s on that day along with Elijah4. 7x Pentecosts after that is 2022Heshvan21. then we add the 31x sentence count and get to 2022Chislev22. 7x precisely after that is 2022Chislev21. So we predict 2022Chislev21/22 for the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18. NOPE
2022Tebbeth12-13, 30x/31x after going back 7x from 2022Chislev5 the installation of as Caesar to or 2022Chislev12 - NOPE
The first marriage occurred on 2008Nisan22, during the 1440th Monthly Jubilee from 3993Iyyar1 BC. This is potentially because the Jubilee is not defined as a Sabbath in Leviticus 25 (although it has many of the features of a Sabbath). But actually because the adamic and Abrahamic monthly Jubilee system (see U103) does not apply to Isaaics or Methuselaians in the ark. Likewise the 2nd marriage Passover and marriage feast were held in the adamic/Abahamic Sabbath month on 2020Elul14 and 2020Elul22-28 down here. But the marriage occurred in the bridal chamber in the ark on 2020Elul22, which is not subject to the adamic and Abrahamic monthly Jubilee system.
s become upon resurrection.
s become on 2015Ab14 or upon baptism from 2022Ab15 onwards (the end of the )
One can hold a Passover in a Sabbath month. But one cannot have a marriage in a Sabbath month (since it is a commitment to the law of the husband and a Sabbath is a release from works of law). One can hold a marriage during a Jubilee month. But the adamic and Abrahamic monthly Jubilee system does not apply to Isaaics. Leviticus23 requires us to celebrate the Passover on the 14th day of the 1st month period (independent of whether or not the 14th is the weekly Sabbath).
5 In the first month, on the 14th of the month, between the evenings [dual] is the Passover to [the word 'day' is omitted because the Passover lasts for half a 24 hour day, it occurs exclusively during the night].
6 'And on the 15th DAY of this month is the festival of unfermented cakes to . 7 days you should eat unfermented cakes.
(Leviticus 23 )
So the 14th of the 1st month NOT SAID TO BE NISAN, is always going to be the Passover, whether or not that day is a weekly Sabbath. So one can hold the Passover on a sacred Sabbath. So a festival to is not regarded a working for God. Staying up all night (which is required in the strict celebration of the Passover) feels like work to the writer. But it is not a work for Caesar (no money is involved) and it is not a work for God - it does not save anybody. And the Passover festival itself is not a Sabbath.
The Jews in Babylon did pay back missed land Jubilees as well as missed land Sabbaths, since one could not work the land on either. But one could eat what the land produces in a Jubilee, which one could not in a Sabbath. The Jubilee nonetheless is not defined as a Sabbath (of complete rest for the land).
4 But in the 7th year there should occur a Sabbath of complete rest for the land, a Sabbath to . Your field you must not sow with seed, and your vineyard you must not prune.
5 The growth from spilled kernels of your harvest you must not reap, and the grapes of your unpruned vine you must not gather. There should occur a year of complete rest for the land.
10 And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you,
and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family.
11 A Jubilee is what that 50th year will become for you.
You must not sow seed nor reap the land's growth from spilled kernels nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines.
12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat what the land produces (Leviticus 25 )
That is how much of a festival Geek one has to be to win the contest of 1Kings18 - we assert!
1026Tishri7-14 (the 7th-14th day of the 7th month of the 7th sacred year of sacred temple construction) was when the fire came down from the heavens to consume the bull at the start/end of the inauguration of the altar of Solomon's temple from 1026Tishri7-1026Tishri14 (excluding 1026Tishri10 which was the Atonement day Sabbath). Said inauguration directly preceded Booths.
2022Chislev7 (the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th Sivan1 sacred year of Isaaic from 2015Ab16, when we became Isaaic and retained our true church status but lost all our appointments) we saw and published the correct fire sign predictions from 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6.
2022Tebbeth15: We reaccepted 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and added 2022Shebat20-22 (if we were installed over the s on 2015Tebbeth21
9 But on the 8th day they held a solemn assembly, because the inauguration of the altar they held/kept for 7 days [from 1026Tishri7-14 excluding Tishri10] and the festival for 7 days [from 1026Tishri15-21].
10 And in the 23rd day to the month, the 7th [1026Tishri23], he sent the people away to their homes, joyful and feeling good at heart over the goodness that had performed toward David [] and toward Solomon [Gordon] and toward Israel his people [The saints] (2 Chronicles 7 ).
65 And Solomon [peaceable]
[] proceeded to work, at THE PROPER/APPOINTED time [t[e] for it, at the festival, and all Israel with him, a great congregation from the entering in of Hamath
[meaning defence/wall/citadel in Hebrew but called Epiphania by the Greeks],
down to the torrent valley of Egypt, before our God 7 days and another 7 days, 14 days [from 1026Tishri7-21, excluding Tishri10].
66 On the 8th day he sent the people away, and they began to bless the king and to go to their homes, rejoicing and feeling merry of heart over all the goodness that had performed for David his servant and for Israel his people (1 Kings 8 ).
The ark would not have been put into the sanctuary until the temple had finished being inaugurated. For one does not put into an unfinished residence. So the cloud filled the sanctuary on 1026Tishri21.
Whereas we now predict the 2nd fire sign, the pillar of fire (+cloud), for 2022Tebbeth20-22, and the 3rd fire sign, the pillar of cloud (+fire) for 2022Shebat4-6. The inauguration of Solomon's altar runs from 2022Tebbeth15-22, on earth which is late Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year of . The inauguration of Solomon's temple runs from 2022Shebat15-21 in the ark, which is Booths of the Ab1 sacred year of , rather than 1026Tishri15-21 BC, which was Booths of the Nisan1 sacred year of Adam.
Acceptance | Solomon's Temple | Solomon's Greater Temple |
Installation of the Altar | 1026Tishri7-14 less 1026Tishri10 (Atonement day) | ?? The installation of the altar into the ark, the rapture of the s, who must be the ones to whom the sacrifices of interpretation or evangelism are first presented to in the Kingdom? King David set up the altar on the threshing floor of Araunah - ark- Ornan the Jebusite in 2Samuel24 and 1Chronicles21 (in the ark), not Solomon. But Solomon installed it. |
Accepting the sacrifice | 1026Tishri7-14 BC the 7th-14th day of the 7th month of the 7th sacred year of its construction (fire from the heavens consuming the bull) |
2021Ab10: Laodicean temple burning day. Sending the snake bite email to all the Watchtower Bethels 2022Tishri30: Finished receiving/publishing the correct 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions on the last day of the 7th time of the 7th year of the Jericho campaign against Laodicea, from 2016Nisan1 2022Chislev15-21: All s celebrate Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year in 2/3. 2022Tebbeth15-21: Solomon's apostolic altar is installed on earth (Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year) 2022Tebbeth20-22: The 2nd fire sign 2022Tebbeth15-21: Isaaic s are raptured into the ark 2022Tebbeth 20-22: The 3rd fire sign 2022Tebbeth21: The gifts of the spirit are poured out onto the s by the 3rd 2022Shebat15-21: Solomon's temple is inaugurated in the ark (Booths of the Ab1 sacred year) |
Cloud filling the sanctuary | 1026Tishri21 BC | 2022Chislev17-21 and 2022Tebbeth15-21 into 3 : The Abrahamic and Isaaic ark raptures. |
Inauguration of the Temple | 1026Tishri15-21 BC | 2022Shebat15-21 in he ark: |
One fire and one cloud were the acceptance of Solomon's temple. So the two fire and cloud signs of 1Kings18 are the acceptance of the greater temple of Solomon.
So the first temple of Solomon was accepted on 1026Tishri7-14 and on 1026Tishri21. The fire perhaps consumed the bull on 1026Tishri7, the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of Temple construction?
We tweeted the correct 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions (for 2022Chislev20-22,
2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22, 20-22Shebat4-6) on 2022Chislev7, the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th Sivan1 sacred year of Isaaic . Elijah4's bull of 1Kings18 was first accepted on 2022Chislev7.
49 And, look! I am sending forth upon you that which is promised by my Father. You, though, abide in the city until you become clothed with power from on high [from the ark].
50 But he led them out as far as Bethany [house of dates], and he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
51 As he was blessing them he was parted from them and began to be borne up to heaven. (Luke 24 )
Pastor Zachariah was baptised on 2019Tammuz2, the first baptism into after the end of the from 2012Sivan15 to 2019Sivan15, Solomon's () temple is built for one time of Haggai1.
We appear to have the Abrahamic temple built on earth from 2019Tammuz2 of 2Chronicles 3:2 in the s and the Isaaic temple built from 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1 when we start building in the place of David (the congregation).
And the Methuselaian temple with a Melchizedaic outer courtyard is then rebuilt with ageless stones in the ark.
All of Israel celebrates Booths with Solomon of as required by 1Kings8 in the ark at the proper time for the Abrahamic Sivan1 sacred year from 2022Chislev15-21 and All of Israel celebrates late Booths in the ark with Solomon of as required by 2Chronicles7 at the proper time for the Isaaic Ab1 sacred year from 2022Shebat15-21. These festivals are held in the ark in mid heaven by becoming a one person church for 7 days and examining whether or not the doctrine and chronology of one's church - is any good. This is the disassembly of Booths which precedes the formal assembly on 2022Chislev22/Shebat22, the festival days, when any baptised s can get engaged for the marriages on 2023Nisan2/Iyyar2. Solomon's temple is inaugurated in the ark from 2022Shebat15-21, Booths of the Ab1 sacred year.
There must be 2 fulfilments, which are necessitated by the two parallel accounts of the same festival in 2Chronicles7 and 1Kings18.
8 And Solomon proceeded to hold the festival at that time for 7 days, and all Israel with him, a very great congregation from the entering in of Hamath down to the torrent valley of Egypt.
9 But on the 8th day they held a solemn assembly, because the inauguration of the altar they had held for 7 days [2022Tebbeth15-22 - for the altar of the 12 apostles m the 12 stones of 1Kings18] and the festival for 7 days [2022Shebat15-21 Booths of the Ab1 sacred year].
10 And on the 23rd day of the 7th month he sent the people away to their homes, joyful and feeling good at heart over the goodness that had performed toward David and toward Solomon and toward Israel his people. (2 Chronicles 7 )
8 And Solomon [peaceable] [] proceeded to work at the festival [of Booths on 2022Shebat15-21 of the Ab1 sacred year] at THE PROPER/APPOINTED time [t[e] for 7 days, and all Israel with him [in the 7th month of the Ab1 sacred year], a very great congregation from the entering in of Hamath [meaning defence/wall/citadel in Hebrew but called Epiphania by the Greeks] [After the wall of the heavens was scaled by ark rapture of all the s] down to the torrent valley of Egypt [The rapture of the s. In Egypt Cakes ended in Succoth (Booths) and it was in Booths that I made Israel dwell in my bringing them out of Egypt into the ark] (2Chronicles7).
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the Booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God.' (Leviticus 23 )
9 But on the 8th day they held a solemn assembly [2022Shebat22], because the inauguration of the altar they held/kept for 7 days [from 1026Tishri7-14 excluding Tishri10] [2022Tebbeth15-22 on earth] and the festival [Booths of the Ab1 year from 2022Shebat15-21 in 3] for 7 days [from 1026Tishri15-21].
Physical temples are built then inaugurated. As are Spiritual temples.
10 And in the 23rd day to the month, the 7th [2022Shebat23 of the Ab1 sacred year] he sent the people away to their homes [ or earth], joyful and feeling good at heart over the goodness that had performed to/for David [] and to/for Solomon [] and to/for Israel his people [The saints] (2 Chronicles 7 ).
10 And it came about that when the priests came out from the holy place,
the cloud itself filled the house of .
11 And the priests were unable to stand to do their ministering because of the cloud, for the glory of filled the house of . (1 Kings 8 ).
The glory of does not descend on to unfinished temples!
[We did hold the Assembly on 2016Tishri22, which is the celebration after the 7 day one man church disassembly of Booths - worked out on 2016Tishri20 our previous incorrect date for the celebration. And we held it on 2017Tishri22, in Germany and the UK and the US by conference call. We held in on 2018Tishri22 in Eastleigh in the UK - when we discovered two more Gods - see U190. Solomon did this on 2020Tishri23 after the festival in the s. But that cannot have been the fulfilment]
2 So all the men of Israel congregated themselves [so this is the earthly installation] to King Solomon [The president of Reappointed Laodicea (possessed by 1] in the lunar month of Ethanim [meaning perennial - perpetual - constant - sounds like the ] in the festival, that is, the 7th month [this is 2022Chislev of the Sivan1 sacred year] (1 Kings 8 )
65 And Solomon [peaceable] [the head of Hebron - Caleb - ] proceeded to work, at THE PROPER/APPOINTED time [t[e] for it, at the festival [Booths from 2022Chislev15-21 in the ark], and all Israel with him [all the Abrahamic s], a great congregation from the entering in of Hamath [meaning defence/wall/citadel in Hebrew but called Epiphania by the Greeks] [After the wall of the Watchtower fell down for ], down to the torrent valley of Egypt [when s flood into from 2022Tebbeth15, the start of the post apostolic Isaaic baptism of 1Kings 6:1], before our God 7 days and another 7 days, 14 days [from 1026Tishri7-21, excluding Tishri10] [2022Chislev15-21 as Abrahamics, then 2022Shebat15-21 as Isaaics both in the ark].
66 On the 8th day [2022Chislev22] he sent the people away [], and they began to bless the king [Not said to be Solomon, but who is installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5] and to go to their homes [in Hebron on earth and in the ark], rejoicing and feeling merry of heart over all the goodness that had performed to/ for David [] his servant and to/ for Israel his people [the saints]. (1 Kings 8 )
Cakes is the one festival that a false church could celebrate since one does not consider any church teachings during Cakes.
The 3x50s of 2Kings1 are 3 Pentecosts, Yes. BUT These are also 3 Jubilees. For 2Kings1 has 3x 50s and 3 chiefs of 50s. It does not have 3x 50 'men' or 3 chiefs of 50 'men'. So by the nounless number principle of the code, we must give them two fulfilments. We take them as both days and months. Fire comes down from heaven and eats up the first two. But the 3rd is seen as precious in the eyes of Elijah and God. It is not consumed by fire. These are the 3 first Kingdom Jubilees. The world ends physically after the 3rd one. There are 150 months from 2008Iyyar1 to 2020Tishri30. These end with 2020Tishri, the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee. The Jubilee release on 2020Tishri10 is for the s and s of the 3rd spirit, it being the late 4th marriage Passover entry day. Furthermore 3 chiefs of 50s are sent. These are 3 further Sabbath months (2021Iyyar, 2021Chislev, 2022Tammuz) after the 3 Jubilee months. Then before 2022Shebat, the 4th Abrahamic Sabbath of the 4th Kingdom Jubilee, all; the saints and all the s are raptured into the ark.
If you are or baptised into or or Laodicea you are immediately killed to Adam and resurrected to on the 3rd day, by gene zap Transformation. This is necessary because Adam can not serve God during his 1,000 year Sabbath from 2012Sivan14 onwards (after his 6,000 year working week from 3989Tammuz1 BC ( the 1st day after the first monthly Jubilee of 3989Sivan - the monthly Sabbath system started on 3993Iyyar1).
However the sons of become at the relevant Passover crop of the tree of life of Revelation22.
15 now said to him: Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus [well watered place]; and you must come in and anoint Hazael [one who sees God] [The administration of Reappointed Laodicea] as king over Syria [high region, highland] [].
16 And Jehu [ is he] [ Kings,
the administration of ] the son of Nimshi
[] you should anoint as king over Israel [after the Laodicean have ended]; and Elisha the son of Shaphat [judged]
from Abel-meholah [meadow of dancing - kingdom of God] you should anoint as prophet instead of/underneath you [ is John to Gordon's for Laodicea. prepares Laodicea for Gordon]
This anointing is a transfer of power held by to , reserves and Elijah4.
17 And it must occur that the one escaping from Hazael's sword [ baptism into Laodicea of s -
which kills to Adam], Jehu will put to death; and the one escaping from Jehu's sword [ baptism of s into Sodom -
which kills to Adam], Elisha [Gordon, ] will put to death [ baptism of s into ].
18 And I have let 7,000 remain in Israel, all the knees that have not bent down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him [is that 14,000 knees and 7,000 with non kissing mouths of 32 teeth counting as 32x7,000 = 224,000. So the total is 238,000. That might be the number of saints of the congregations of Laodicea and Sodom - since Baal the Governing Body of the Watchtower?].
The 12 yokes + Elisha are 24 sacred years from 1999Tishri2/Chislev21,
Gordon's installation to rule over the s to 2023Ab1 - 2024Tammuz30, the 24th sacred Nisan1 then Sivan1 then Ab1 year of land preparation. was never appointed over the s. The first appointment must go to the covenant mediator!
But then Elijah passes over TOWARDS Elisha. So the two meet at/after a Passover -
which must now be 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover.
19 And he went from there [1x] and found Elisha [] the son of Shaphat [judge] [1x] and he was ploughing 12 yokes/pairs to faces of/before him [12x.2x.1x=24x in ONE way (yoke is a noun counting 2x). Faces is a polite plural counting 1x] and he in/at the 12th [12x in TWO ways, no noun. In/at the 12th yoke yes, but also the 12th nothing. Since ambiguity adds, it is AT the 12th yoke and IN the 12th something else. These two fulfilments are required by the nounless number principle]. And Elijah passed over towards him [1x] and threw his garment/robe/glory/magnificence towards him [1x. has magnificence relating to Laodicea and the WTBTS. Gordon, Elisha, now becomes Elijah. This is Caleb () accepting that Gordon () is the head of ]. (1Kings 19)
You cannot plough land unless you own it. So this ploughing occurs after Elijah4 is appointed/installed to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2/Chislev21
Elisha installed to rule over the s Start of 1st sacred year 2nd joins
Start of 13th sacred year 12th pair of sacred Nisan1 then Sivan1 then Ab1 years starts 12th day of the 12th month Gregorian
24th year ends
1999Heshvan21 ( Pentecost)
2022Ab1 (start of 23rd whole sacred year of ploughing)
2022December12/Chislev14/15 (Elisha in the 12th) 2023Chislev14 2024Tammuz30 X__________________________________X______________________X_____________X_______________________X_______________________________________________________X_____________________________________________X_______________X
Nisan1/ Sivan1/Ab1 | 2022 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002 | 2000 |
Sacred years | 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2003 | 2001 |
We uploaded the bold version of condition8 (disfellowshipping s who take the snake bite) to the baptism at 20:06 on August22 (2021Elul12), sunset in London was 20:08. We uploaded a non bold version earlier in that day.
So logically Elijah finds Elisha on a single 24th and on a double 12th, by the nounless number principle of the code, which states that any nounless number has a double fulfilment.
The reader must understand that did not FORGET to put a noun in his word. This was not a Divine typo. This is an example of the Nounless Number Principle of the .
So Elijah finds Elisha after 12 pairs of years from 1999Tishri2/Chislev21. That gives us the pair of years from 2022Ab1 to 2024Tammuz30. Then we apply the nounless number principle and Elijah finds Elisha on 2022December12, 12-12-2022. But Elisha is in the 12th in the sense that? .2022Chislev14/15 is the 12th day of the 12th month Gregorian. That is 'in the 12th'. Normally we do not take a time as Gregorian (we take it as being a day month or year). But here 12th has no noun. So we can take it as being whatever we want.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha on 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover. The Isaaic s are raptured during Cales from 2022Tebbeth15-21, which is late Booths of the Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year.
Elijah () throwing the coat upon Elisha () makes Gordon () into Elijah and into 'him'. Elijah + Elisha = Jahsha = Jahshua = Yeshua = ..
crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan The one day Passover in Egypt
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1513Nisan14 BC
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for + seed in Egyptian controlled territory
480 years of 1Kings 6:1
Watchtower falls as a true church
1st Watchtower Passover
Last saint is accepted and/not baptised into Sodom Isaaic Temple building in the 4th day in the 2ndf month of 1Kings 6:1
2005Sivan14 (14 years 4 months before escape) 2019Tishri14 (3rd bride executed)
2021Elul15 (300 Denarii of oil of feet of John12 after 2020Heshvan15)
2022Tebbeth15: 4th day + 2nd month of Solomon's vassal Caesar installations
430 years in Watchtower Egypt a month for a day
480 years of 1Kings6 after leaving Watchtower of 1Kings6 a year for a day = 480 days
Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built upon the ground of David on 2022Tebbeth15
20 And he left/released the bulls [24x of the contest not in the yokes] and went running after/behind Elijah [1x-1x=0x/2x. Meaning following. Elijah is now Gordon by virtue of the transfer of the coat. is trying to catch up in understanding after giving up on the contest] and said: Let me [], please, kiss my father [1x] and my mother [1x], and [then] I will walk after/behind you [1x-1x=0x/2x: following]. At this he said to him:
Go [1x], return [1x]; for what have I done to you [1x]?
[I have told him that he is Caleb the half apostle with Laodicea as his inheritance]
21 And he returned from [walking] after/behind him [1x-1x=0x/2x]
and took a yoke of the bulls [2x] and sacrificed him [2x:
the yoke of the bulls, rather than the bulls], and in the implements of the bulls he cooked them, the flesh [he cooked in the implements]
and then gave [it] [3x] to the people [singular]
[1x], and they proceeded to eat [it] [3x.3x = 9x]. And he rose up [1x:
actually into the ark]
and walked after/behind Elijah [1x-1x=0x/2x: following] and began to minister to him [1x] (1Kings 19).
Verse 19: 1x+12x+2x+2x = 17x
Verse 20: 24x+2x+1x+1x+2x+(1x+1x).1x = 32x
Verse 21: 2x+2x+2x+6x+3x+3x+1x+9x+1x+2x+1x=32x
Total is 17x+32x+32x =81x from 2022Ab1 to 2022Tishri22?
The 3rd marriage is 2019Tishri17-23, because the ark must come to a rest on 2019Tishri17 due to Genesis 8:4. reserves who partake at the late Watchtower Passovers miss the relevant marriages but do remained engaged to , just as those who are seized after their entry date miss but nonetheless are saved into the Kingdom. The late partaking reserves then get married at the 6th and 7th marriages at 10th first fruits on 2019Tebbeth18 and 4th first fruits on 2020Tammuz19.
The end of the Dragon's 42 month lease is 2022Tishri14. The demons run the church of globalist wokeness, the church of the Anti Christ. They are the priesthood of political correctness, which is deceptive correctness, immoral correctness (since politicians are deceptive and immoral), which is moral incorrectness. It is a political deception. It is moral incorrectness presented as moral correctness. Two non late Passovers cannot coincide. So yes the demons are a false religion. There is no separate demonic earthly Passover. The demons are covered by the 4th Abrahamic Passover, the Babylonian Passover on 2023Nisan14, since they worship power rather than God and and since they court false worship from mankind (Revelation 13:4,8). So the demonic Passover execution is 2023Iyyar14, the late Babylonian Passover as regards their loss of status if they have it (which can be regained from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4, during the 195 day Mark testing baptism of Genesis18). The is appointed/installed under as Caesar over Adam on 2022Tishri17/Chislev6 and over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5. BUT leaves Pharaoh on the throne to show his power until 2023Tammuz10, when the remaining demons are all expelled, prior to 2022Tishri5, the installation of the (non demonic) under over .
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: For this very cause I have let you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power,
and that my name may be declared in all the earth. (Romans 9 )
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very thing I raised you up, so that I might demonstrate My power in you, and so that My name might be publicized in all the earth." [Ex. 9:16] (Romans 9 )
16 But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth. (Exodus 9 )
11 And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels in circle of the throne and [in circle of] the living creatures and [in circle of]
the elders, and the number of them [was] myriads of myriads [Lords 100x more than Kings] and thousands of thousands [Kings]
12 [they were] saying with a loud voice: The Lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing. (Revelation 5 )
11 And I saw [1x], and I heard voice [1x] of angels many in/to circle of the throne and of the living [creatures] and of the older persons [1x:
One circle of the 1x+4x+24x=29x],
and was the number of them myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands [a witness to 100x, the comparison between 100,000,000 and 1,000,000],
12 saying [1x for the circle that they make]
in/to voice great Worthy is the Lamb [1x]
the (one) having been slaughtered [1x]
to receive the power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing [7x.
Whereas is worthy of worship being a God]. (Revelation 5 )
I saw = 1x. The voice of many angels = 1x. One great circle of the throne the living creatures and the elders = 29x
Verse 11-12: (1x+29x).7x = 210x from 2022Chislev21 to 2023Tammuz21, the period of the giving of the gifts of the spirit.
The tuft of hair is those attached to the head of Ezekiel who is Elijah4, the mediator of the .
On 33Nisan14 the Christians were released from the sacred law of Moses and entered into the sacred law of the Christ and then the sacred law of the 1st true church on 33Sivan5 actually.
On 2008Nisan14/Iyyar14 the s thought quite reasonably that the same thing would happen to us from a secular standpoint.
On 2008Sivan11 (the Pentecost), we expected a visit from the 3rd .
We were 14 years 6 months too early. There were 6 more marriages and 4 marriages to come! The 4th marriage was 2020Heshvan18. Then the bride had to be made to rejoice for a year of Deuteronomy 24:5 before the war equipped force of Joshua6 could become so equipped and before the chief of the army of of Joshau5 with the sword in his hand could actually have a sword in his hand.
Saints have 50 days of earthly interaction followed by 30 days of ascension (300 x 50 x (30+1) being the dimensions of Noah's ark in cubits)
Priests have 50 days of earthly interaction but no ascension.
The citizens have no ark based earthly interaction and no ascension - because there is a deluge of waters not of sand (s). But s in the ark can choose to become priests if they wish and go back to the earth and help. That is the grateful leper parable one out of 10. .
So the saints are 3D (length + width + height), the priests are 2D (length +
width) and the citizens are 1D (length).
There will be 300 million priests who do this and act as whistleblowers/witnesses in the apocalypse (10x the number of earthly saints and 1/10th of the number of citizens). For Aaronic priests (saints) were 1% of Israel and Levitical priests (Kingdom priests) were 10%
For the scripture says...
31 Now judgment is of the world this, now the ruler of the world this will be ejected outside;
32 and I likely should be put high up out of the earth, all [men] I shall draw toward myself.
33 This but he was saying signifying to what sort of death he was about to be dying.
34 Answered therefore to him the crowd We heard out of the law that the Christ is remaining into the age, and how are saying you that it is necessary to be put high up the Son of the man? Who is this the Son of the man? (John 12 )
This Son of the man, is the non adamics - sons of pre fall Adam. We shall be put high out of the earth - the strangest way of describing a crucifixion.
We shall be passed over from the dragon to and then we shall Passover over all those on earth in the ark!
No saint can be harvested until the entire field is white. For one does not harvest wheat until the entire field is ready.
35 Do you not say that there are yet 4 months AND the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white TOWARDS harvesting. Already
36 the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together. (John 4 )
AND could mean 'until' or 'during which'. This gives the following harvest Tetramenes.
The Laodicean harvest Tetramenos of John4 for reserves runs from 2019Elul10 (entry into the early 1st Watchtower Passover) to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of Passover entrance, the end of the baptism.
The Laodicean harvest Tetramenos of John4 for reserves runs into the reappointed Laodicea runs from 2019Elul14 (the feet drying of the early 1st Watchtower Passover) to 2019Tebbeth14 (the feet drying of the late 3rd Watchtower Passover).
35 Do you not say that there are yet 4 months before the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting. Already
36 the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together. (John 4 )
2022Ab15 - 2022Chislev15 - 2023Nisan6: The Tetramenos from the end of the , to the start of the ark harvest of the saints (Abrahamic s). And the subsequent tetramenos to the end of the harvest of the saints (Benjamin)
Saintly ark harvest begins with Abrahamic s
Saintly ark harvest ends at the rapture of Benjamin
4 months, tetramenos before ark harvest 4 months, the harvest tetramenos of the saints
19 And I saw the wild beast [1x] and the kings of the earth [2x: the kings who committed fornication of Revelation17-18] and the armies of them [2x: masculine, the armies of the masculine kings not of the neuter beast] having been led together [add these up] to make the war with the (one) sitting upon the horse [2x] and with the army of him [1x]. (Revelation 19 )
19 kai idon to qhrion kai touj basileij thj ghj kata ta strateumata autwn sunhgmena poihsai ton polemon meta tou kaqhmenou epi tou ippou kai meta tou strateumatoj autou (Revelation 19 SinaiO)
Verse 19: 1x+2x+2x+2x+1x=8x from 2022Shebat4, the start of the 7 heads of the beast (to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast) AND the end of WW3.
20 And was caught the wild beast [1x] and with it [1x] the false prophet [1x: was also caught] the (one) having done the signs [2x] in-face-of/in sight of/before [enwpion] it [1x], in/by these/which [o]j] (signs) [the prophet was caught, he made to err] he made to err the (ones) having taken/received [lambanw] the engraving of the wild beast [2x+2x=4x. They err by agreeing to become a , Chimera genetically, use the vaccine passport and by doing so are complicit in discrimination and segregation on zero grounds - that is the real mistake, not taking the vaccine. If you use the passport you are a modern day Nazi collaborator and an apartheid facilitator] and the (ones) worshipping to the image of it [2x]; [whilst the 2 were] living [0x/2x], the two [2x: the beast and the prophet] were thrown into the lake of the fire of the [one] burning in sulphur [4x: whilst they were living the 2 were thrown OR 2x: The 2 were thrown living/alive in to the lake].
, the 2nd death follows the 1st death. One goes first to and then from to , where one wakes up in . But the beast and prophet are thrown living into . This is therefore a judgement on those administrating and pressurizing the mark. On beast burning day, all those in the beast and the false prophet are sentenced to (). You cannot put a beast in , A beast is a political organisation. So like the burning bush of Moses, this burning beast continues to test people until the absolute end of Adam.
Verse 20: 1x+1x.2x+2x.(4x+2x)+2x/4x = 15x/17x YES
Verse 20: 1x+1x.2x.(4x+2x)+2x/4x = 13x/15x
Verse 20: 1x+1x.2x.(2x+2x)+2x/4x = 11x/13x
from 2023Elul4 (the catching of the beast) to 2023Elul21, the burning of the beast. The beast although caught continues living politically until and after its burning (the judgement to of its members) on 2023Elul21, when it becomes a burning beast. No wicked person ever leaves the authority of the beast (until it is too late to be a kingdom citizen). The absolute end of unrepentant demons, their earthly expulsion/eviction, is 2023Tammuz10, the Watchtower Passover entry day, 2,000 flying pigs of Mark5 from 2017Chislev20, 30 days of 's ladder/snake after heavenly expulsion on 2017Heshvan20. The absolute end of Adam is 2023Tebbeth14.
4½x of being given into the hand of the little horn for a time times and half a time of Daniel7, runs from 2023Nisan19 to 2023Elul4,
the catching of the beast (which is the release of the Ones - and the end of the 7 heads of the sea beast from 2022Shebat4. This beast achieves headship THROUGH MARK ENFORCEMENT.
It is a financial beast.
8 And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And was closely following him [ being further behind. The 2nd death follows the 1st death]. And authority was given them over the 4th part of the earth, to kill in a long sword
[a WMD not the
long sword of the bible which is the WMD] and in famine and in deadly plague and under the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 )
Burning the beast and the false prophet is the judgement into for everybody administrating and pressurizing for the mark. Those who force jabs are part of the false prophet. The rest must be those not involved in administrating of pressurizing the mark.
False worship is ascribing divinity to a person or group other than God OR is choosing to obey the moral code, a morality, of a person or group which goes against your knowledge of the morality of God
False worship is having something against God's face, which is giving God's things to Caesar. So obeying a govt is only false worship if you know their commands are against those of God. Anyone with a valid vaccine Passport already has the Mark upon the hand. Defiling your conscience is not false worship if the rule of your conscience which you break is not in opposition to God. For example a vegetarian eating a steak is not false worship
21 And the leftover (ones) [2x] were killed off in the [dative] long sword [romfaia] [1x] of the (one) sitting upon the horse [in] the [dative] [one] having gone forth out of the mouth of him [33x - 32 human teeth + 1 tongue, the double edged sword of the word of God], and all the birds were satisfied out of the fleshes of them [2x.2x=4x - the 4 groups of saints?]. (Revelation 19 )
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow, and the (one) sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the was following with him, and was given to them authority upon the fourth [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword [romfaia] and in famine and in death and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 )
16 And he had in his right hand 7 stars, and out of his mouth a sharp, long two-edged sword was going out, and his countenance was as the sun when it shines in its power. (Revelation 1 - adapted)
16 and [he] having in the right hand of him stars seven,
and out of the mouth of him long sword two-mouthed sharp going out, and the countenance of him as the sun is shining in the power of it. (Revelation 1 )
12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart. (Hebrews 4 )
The left over ones after the catching or after the burning of the beast of Verse 21 are killed and their fleshes are eaten by the birds for: 2x.33x+4x = 70x These must run from the catching of the beast at the end of WW3 on 2023Ab4, (which actually is the end of the killing with the long sword of the 4th horseman of Revelation6:8, but the continuation of the Passover execution by the white horseman of Revelation19) to the end of all left over ones whose flesh is eaten up by the birds (by their being accepted into the ) on 2023Tishri14, the Passover execution of the 12th crop of Revelation22. Better to be killed with the sword of , the sword of life from his mouth, than with the long sword of death, the WMDs of the 4th horseman.
Mark Enforcement Day, WW3 begins Catching of the Beast. End of WW3 Burning of the beast End of the lava flood
12th crop Passover of Revelation22
2023Elul4 (End of Mark Enforcement) 2023Elul21 (members condemned to ) 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse) 2023Chislev14
7 months of Mark Enforcement
17x of Revelation19:20
70x of left over ones of Revelation19:21
As regards the leftover ones from the long sword of Revelation 6:8, they are killed with the long sword of Revelation19:21, the one coming out of ' mouth
12 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings,
who have not yet received a kingdom [this is 10x precisely of not yet receiving a kingdom from 2021Shebat2, the end of the 1000 day chain from the start of the 42 month lease on 2019Nisan22, to 2022Chislev2,
when the 10 horns end and the 10 kingship diadems start], but they do receive authority [giving authority is for a longer period] as kings 1 hour with the wild beast [3½
months from 2022Sivan29 to 2022Tishri14 the last hour of the Dragon's 42 month lease].
13 These have 1 thought [10x],
and they give their power [as horns] [10x] [military control]
and authority [as kings] [10x]
[globalist governments - Babel reversers]
to the wild beast. (Revelation 17 )
13 These 1 opinion are having [Globalism,
NWO], and the power and authority of them to the wild beast they are giving. (Revelation 17 )
16 And the 10 horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes [polite plural like faces or right sides] of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire [11x.(1x+1x+1x+1x+1x)=55x];
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them [10x a Greek plural. 10 kings have 10 hearts]
to do the opinion of him [1x],
and to do one opinion [1x] [a witness to some kind of precision] and to give the kingdom of them to the wild beast [1x],
until will be performed/fulfilled/finished/executed the words of the God [2x]
[10x.(1x+1x+1x+2x)=50x]. (Revelation 17 ).
Total count of verses16-17: 55x.(50x)=2750x, 7 years 7 months 20 days precisely from 2015Shebat28 (2016February11/12) to 2023Heshvan14, the late Babylonian Passover, the end of the 4x of the cutting down of the tree of the Watchtower of Dnaiel4, the end of the destruction of all false religion, when the words of God of verse17 about the harlot that is false religion are fulfilled/performed/executed.
In Pennsylvania, a Grand Jury was convened before March1, 2016 (New York Times) in 2016 to examine allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergymen. The hearing, which lasted for 2 years concluded that 301 priests were accused of molesting more than 1,000 children in 6 dioceses and were routinely shuffled around the parish to avoid scrutiny. The DOJ followed up the report with its own investigation in 2018.
Horn___________________________10 Horns_____________________________Horn
Diadem_________________________________________10 Diadems____________________________________________ 10th Diadem ends
10 kings = 10 horns not
Leopard_____________________4 heads________________________ Leopard/Sea Beast_____________________7 heads___________________ Sea Beast heads end
yet received a kingdom
10 kings get authority End of world judicially Transfer begins
4 Leopard heads start Transfer complete Mark Enforcement
7 Sea heads begin
Sea Beast caught Sea Beast is burnt
Kingdom prevails
1000 day chain ends 1 hour of 42 months 42 month lease ends 10 horns end
China attacks itself 10 diadems start
and WW3 begin
4 leopard heads end Domesticated Judged to Babylon destroyed
2022November29/30 2022Nov29 (with tanks)
2023September8/9 2023October31/Nov1
2023Elul4 (WW3 ends) 2023Elul21
4 months = 4 horns of power 4 months = 4 horns
30 day power and authority transfer WW3 runs for 7x = 7 months of Daniel3 17 days of Revelation19:20
1 And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. (Revelation 13 )
19 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar himself got filled with fury, and the very expression of his face was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times more than it was customary to heat it up. (Daniel 3 )
12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. (Revelation 17 )
Horn = month of power for 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom.
Diadem = month of post horn kingship for the 10 kings based upon their own power (diadems upon their horns) not upon God's authority.
Head = month of headship./rulership
6+1=7 months precisely (of all ones compared to the free, the slaves, the rich, the poor the great and the small ones of Revelation13:16) of Universal Mark enforcement by WW3 from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast
10 Kings receive authority as kings (from the beast) for one hour with the beast, 3½ months from 2022Sivan29 to 2022Tishri14, the end of the 42 month beastly licence, which is one twelfth of the 42 month day of authority of the dragon and the beast from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14, 3½ years.
10 horns which are 10 kings are yet to receive a kingdom for 10 months precisely from 2021Shebat2, the end of the 1000 day chain of Revelation20, from the start of the Dragon's 42 months lease on 2019Nisan22, to 2022Chislev2, when they do receive a kingdom at the start of the 10 diadems whose kingships are based upon the power of the horns upon which they sit and follows after those horns.
10 toes of Daniel2 run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power, from 2022Tebbeth21-30 to 2023Heshvan11, the final installation of the under over Cain, or possibly to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the lives of the rest of the beasts of Daniel7.12
Verse13: 10x+10x+10x = 30x from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth2. During this 30 days the 10 Kings give their power and authority to the sea beast of Revelation13, the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7
The 4th beast of Daniel7, the sea beast of Revelation13, has 7 heads from 2022Shebat4, the start of Mark Enforcement and the start of WW3, the means of Mark enforcement, to 2023Elul4, when it is caught and therefore cannot exercise its headship. It has 10 horns of power without a kingdom, which are the 10 Kings, from 2021Shebat2 to 2022Chislev2. So there must be some big politics going on from 2022Heshvan2 to 2022Chislev2, when power and authority is transferred from the 10 kings to the beast
Then during the period from 2022Shebat4 to 2022Adar4, the first month of WW3, the UK head is cut off the beast and the wings of the US Eagle are removed from the UK Lion. Actually Trump becomes president and congress is reformed and they two of them come out of the stables of the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse on 2022Tebbeth21, after the Midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan10 - because the fiery horse of Revelation 6:4 is a reformed congress and the rider (the president) is yet to be given the great sword (become the commander of the US military).
over turns the tables of the vote counters of Dominion and the democrats in the false temple of Democracy.
34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of moulded clay and crushed them.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. (Daniel 2 )
So the Global reset results from the 2nd and 3rd fire signs and occurs on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Shebat4-6. It is the end of the 7th world power economically. Also during this time the US head is cut off from from the sea beast of Revelation13 which is the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7. This will be the long overdue recognition that the people of the US voted not for Biden but for Trump. Because they do not like politicians. And Biden is the archetypical politician.
The fire signs hit the feet BEFORE the period of the 10 Toes of the feet from 2022Tebbeth21-30 to 2023Heshvan11. So the UK/US world power, the two feet, the 7th world power, ends when the toes begin. Mick Robinson said that the city and wall street will fall at the same time that the wall of the city of Jericho falls. Pretty accurate.
1 Nebuchadnezzar [may Nebo protect the crown], the king [/] [The UN] made an image of gold [fake saints on the WTBTS governing body who are to be worshipped in idolatry] [New gold based currency], the height of which was 60 cubits, the breadth of which was 6 cubits [This is a witness to 10x precisely, which must be the depth/length of the image since we are only given the width and the height. IS THIS another testing of God 10x? The length must run from 2022Tebbeth14 (when administrators start taking the Mark?) to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the headship of the beast, the end of its Beastcoin (the image). Nebuchadnezzar initially sets up the image on 2022Tishri27 when he assembles the administrators to the administrative inauguration - see the sentence count below.
This is a classic omission symbolism - where is the depth? Why is this image 2D? Symbolically it must represent a total facade. A facade is a mask. The facade here is COVID. It is a transparent deception, a facade with no depth]
2 And Nebuchadnezzar, the king sent to assemble/gather the satraps [Governing Body members], the prefects [Zone Overseers] and the governors [District Overseers], the counsellors [Writing committee and teaching committee members], the treasurers [Watchtower Accountants], the judges [Circuit Overseers], the police magistrates [absolute] [ministerial servants] and all the administrators [Construct] [Elders] of the jurisdictional districts to come to the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up.
3 At that time the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts assembled/gathered for the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar, the king had set up, and they were standing to [l] the front [lbeq.] [i.e. temporally before] of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
Verse2: Command to gather counts as 7x.3x+3x.3x=30x
Verse3: Execution of the command to gather counts as 7x.3x+3x.3x+30x+1x=91x. These stand in front of i.e. temporally before of the image for 91 days from 2022Tishri27 to 2022Tebbeth28 (Mark of the Beast Registration/Inauguration day).
And the herald was crying out in strength: to ye they are saying [But this is a periphrasis for the passive - it is being said - Gesenius - like a polite plural],
Oh peoples, nations and tongues [Everyone in the Watchtower] [Everyone in the world] [3x+3x+3x=9x],
that in/at the time which/when/that you hear the sound [singular]
of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe [Every Watchtower meeting begins with Kingdom melodies] and all sorts of musical instruments [6x+3x=9x] [every possible form of mass media communication - or will they write a UN anthem?],
you fall down and worship the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar,
the king has set up [2x] [worship the fake gold, the fake saints in the Watchtower, the images of gold] [get the mark of the beast so that you can buy or sell].
And who that does not fall down and worship [2x]
will in that moment be thrown into the midst of the burning fiery furnace [1x+1x=2x]
[Denied access to nuclear bunkers? Drafted into WW3?].
7 As/like to front of/over against this [following this],
in/at appointed time of him as/like which [1x]
all of the peoples [3x] were hearing the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument and all sorts of musical instruments [5x+3x=8x]
This is a media assault in the secular UN thread],
falling [ones] all of peoples, nations and tongues [3x+3x+3x=9x.
Except that all of the peoples falling down is all of the tribes falling down which is all of the tongues falling down. So really this is 3x] [were]
worshiping [ones they were] to the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar, the king
had set up [1x]
(Daniel 3).
The midst of the fiery furnace of WW3 from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4 is 2023Iyyar19. .
Verse 4-6: The count of the idolatry decree is 9x.9x.2x+9x.2x.2x = 162x+36x =
Verse 7: Count of the result is 1x.3x.8x+3x/9x+3x/9x = 30x/42x time of him compared to hearing command compared to executed command is 2x + hearing +
Total = 198x+30x/42x= 228x/240x. From 2022Tebbeth28, the start of Mark/Image/engraving Inauguration/Registration, to 2023Elul16/28.
Verse 4-6: The count of the idolatry decree is 9x.9x.2x+9x.2x.1x = 162x+18x =
Verse 7: Count of the result is 1x.3x.8x+3x/9x+3x/9x = 30x/42x time of him compared to hearing command compared to executed command is 2x + hearing +
Total = 180x+30x/42x= 210x/222x. From 2022Shebat4, the start of Mark enforcement, to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast.
WW3 begins on 2022Shebat4, the start of the fiery furnace for Mark Enforcement, and runs to 2023Elul4. Whereas 2023Heshvan23 is Dunghill Dismembering Decree day of Daniel3,
12 days after 2023Heshvan11, the final Kingdom installation under over Cain, and 51 days before 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam.
Mark Administrative Inauguration to Mark Inauguration is 91 days of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3
Mark Enforcement lasts for 210 days of the sentence count of Daniel3:4-7 from 2022Shebat4, Mark Enforcement day, to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast, the end of WW3, the end of the 10 diadems, the end of the 10 toes.
Mark Compulsion (universally) lasts for 216x days of Revelation13:16-17 from 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Registration/Inauguration day to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast.
The same counting pattern as the gathering of the administrators and the same listing patterns of ABCDE and all the rest of the letters. The burning fiery furnace must precede the mark! Bagpipe is only mentioned once and therefore is literal. The other musical instruments are all mentioned twice and therefore are symbolic and are mass communication methods, these are modern media technologies. The named instruments must be global. The all sorts of instruments will be national or local.
The Scottish bagpipe is omitted - to indicate non compliance by one main stream media outfit - Let us see which one it is - God bless them!
The 9x count of peoples, nations and languages does look like the 9 kingdoms of the 10 kings less the USA.
One is thrown into it the fiery furnace, by being cut off from the world for not having the mark, a vaccine Passport, during a World War. So that one cannot get any rations and one cannot get into any wartime shelters..
The 60 cubits height of the image are 60 days of Mark testing of saints from Mark Enforcement day on 2022Shebat4 to 2023Nisan4, the final execution of Benjamin. His ark resurrection occurring on 2023Nisan5-6 from 2023Nisan3-4, his human death to, 2023Nisan5/6, 2 days of ark resurrection entry for unclean birds. This is after 2022Shebat24, the end of the 30x of the Benjamin call from 2020Ab24, the 1st marriage veil lifting and martial supper day, the wedding of Cana, when the water of the is turned into the wine of the . Because the height of the image represents the heavens, the angelic secular administration of the and Benjamin is the last group of saints to be raptured into the ark - taken out of the test by . Benjamin is the Kings. He is raptured into under authority not under authority from 2023Nisan5 onwards.
X 2023Nisan4 (End of Mark testing of Saints - Benjamin, his pre rapture human death)
| 60 cubits height of image, a day for a cubit)
Image inauguration Mark Enforcement day - it is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark of the beast End of Mark Enforcement,
End of WW3
2022Shebat4 (start of WW3)
4 months
7 months
| 6 cubits width of image a day for a cubit
X 2022Tebbeth28 (Mark Compulsion/Registration/Inauguration)
8 And will worship him all the (ones) dwelling upon the earth, of whom not has been written the name of him in the little book of the life [the ] of the Lamb the (one) having been slaughtered from throwing down of world [the founded the world]. (Revelation 13 )
The Angel of Philadelphia, Elijah4, the mediator of the , is raptured into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15, before the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia of Revelation3, which hour begins on Mark inauguration day, Mark registration day, 2022Tebbeth28. His unengaged body is raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21. His body is raptured into the ark from 2022Tebbeth24 - 2022Shebat7.
The Hour of the test on the entire inhabited earth is 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Inauguration/Registration day to 2023Elul4, the end of Mark enforcement. Whereas 2023Elul21, is the burning of the beast and 2023Heshvan14 is the end of the headship authority and diadems of the beast. 7 months 23 days to 2023Elul21. The day of installed runs from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s, to 2023Elul21, the burning of the beast, 7 years and 9 months.
OR: The Hour of the test on the entire inhabited earth is 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Inauguration/Registration day to 2023Elul4, the end of Mark enforcement, the catching of the beast, the end of WW3, when the 1st law is enacted on mankind - 7 months 6 days.
2023Heshvan23 is Dunghill and Dismembering decree day of Daniel3.
When no more idolatry is permitted.
The day of installed runs from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s, to 2022Adar10, the end of earthly interaction of the s, 7 years and 79 days.
10 Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you out of the hour of test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth. (Revelation 3 )
So (the Angel of Philadelphia, Elijah4) and the s are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured prior to Mark Registration. .
The 6x of the specified musical instruments of Daniel 3:5 are the period between Mark Inauguration day on 2022Tebbeth28 (when it becomes possible to have the Mark) and Mark Enforcement day on 2022Shebat4, when it becomes illegal to buy or sell without the Mark. They are also the width of the 6 x 60 cubit image of Daniel3.
16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones] [counts 1x+6x = 7x of comparison], in order that that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead [metwpon] [meta wy literally - between the eyes. the mark upon the- hand is the vaccine passports governing your actions, the mark between the eyes is the social credit score governing your thoughts],
4 Today you are going out in the month of Abib [ear] [1513Nisan for Barley in Egypt and Israel and 2022Chislev-2023Chislev for humans in the world when they hear with their ear, the message of the s].
5 And it must occur that when will have brought thee into the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Hivite and the Jebusite [, , ,
, ], which he swore to thy forefathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, then thou must render this service in this month [1x.5x.3x.(1x+1x)+1x=31x ??]
6 7 days you are to eat unfermented cakes, and on the 7th day is a festival to
[The relevant Passover for each true church, when it became a promised land to the sons of Israel, when it was appointed to feed the saints]
Unfermented cakes are to be eaten for the 7 days; and nothing leavened is to be seen with you, and no sourdough is to be seen with you within all your boundaries.
8 And you must tell your son on that day, saying, 'It is because of that which has done to me when I came out of Egypt.'
9 And it must serve for you as a sign upon your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, in order that 's law may prove to be in your mouth; because by a strong hand brought you out of Egypt.
10 And you must keep this statute at its appointed time from year to year. (Exodus 13 )15 And it came about that Pharaoh showed obstinacy toward sending us away, and proceeded to kill every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of beast. That is why I am sacrificing to all the males that open the womb, and every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'
16 And it must serve as a sign upon your hand and as a frontlet band between your eyes, because by strength of hand brought us out of Egypt. (Exodus 13 )
17 and 's anger does blaze against you, and he does shut up the heavens so that no rain will occur and the ground will not give its produce and you have to perish speedily from off the good land that is giving you.
18 And you must apply these words of mine to your heart and your soul and bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they must serve as a frontlet band between your eyes.
19 you must also teach them to your sons, so as to speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
20 And you must write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates, (Deuteronomy 11 )
4 Hear, O Israel, our God [is] one .
5 And you shall love your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your might.
6 And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart.
7 And you shall teach them to your sons, and shall speak of them as you sit in your house, and as you walk in the way, and as you are lying down, and as you are rising up.
8 And [you] shall bind them for a sign on your hand;
and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house,
and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6 )
The sign upon right hand is celebrating Passover and Cakes, the mark between the eyes is remembering what God did for us and showing everlasting gratitude to him for it by celebrating Exodus Passover-Cakes - i.e. understanding the significance of the festival For by a strong hand we shall be brought out, therefore we have a mark o n the right hand, which mark is the Kingdom Passport out of the world into the ark. Whereas the Mark between the eyes is remembering to celebrate the Passover and Cakes due to gratitude to God, which is love for God, which is obeying his law, which is your divine credit score.
Position | Mark of the beast of Revelation13 | Mark of of Exodus13, Dueteronomy6 and Deuteronomy11 |
On the right hand | Vaccine Passport controlling your actions | Kingdom Passport into the ark |
Between the eyes | Social Credit Score controlling your thoughts | Divine Credit Score controlling your thoughts |
Karaite Judaism understands the sings between the eyes and upon the hand to be metaphorical but some orthodox Jews take them as physical and wear Tefillin (philactories) containing torah verses strapped to their heads during morning prayers and wrist bands. But then they go and get vaccinated and so wear also the mark of the beast !!!!
13 And it [the two horned beast] is doing [poiei]
signs great, in order that also fire it may make out of the heaven to be stepping down into the earth in sight of the men
14 And it is deceiving the (ones) dwelling upon the earth through the signs which it was given to it to do in sight of the wild beast,
saying to the (ones) dwelling upon the earth to make image TO the wild beast [not an image OF. This is a new currency, the beast-mark or beastcoin] who is having the blow of the sword and it lived.
15 And it was given to her to give spirit to the image to the wild beast, in order that also should speak the image to the wild beast and it might make in order that as many as if ever not might give worship to the image of the wild beast they should be killed.
16 And it [the two horned beast UK and US] is making [poiei]
all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 12x]
[receptive] in order that [ina]
they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive]
their right hand or upon [+dative]
their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x]
might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one]
[1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of]
the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation 13:1-9] (Revelation 13).
Verse 16-17:12x.2x.2x.((6x+2x)/2x)+12x.1x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 48x.4x+12x.2x=216x. from 2022Tebbeth28 - 2023Elul4, from Mark Compulsion/Registration/Inauguration Day, to the catching of the beast
One can be compelled to take the Mark by registering for a digital ID in the UK, the legislation for which comes into force on 2022April6 (2022Nisan5). It does not become the Mark of the Beast until it incorporates a vaccinate certificate. It will make that incorporation by 2022Tebbeth28, if this chronology is correct. When the international Vaccine Passport Digital ID is introduced then every country can blame every other country for its introduction.
Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate Executive Order for all federal agency employees and private sector organisations with more than 100 employees was made on 2021September9 during the day (2021Elul29).
Sec. 2. Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees. Each agency shall implement, to the extent consistent with applicable law, a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all of its Federal employees, with exceptions only as required by law. The Task Force shall issue guidance within 7 days of the date of this order on agency implementation of this requirement for all agencies covered by this order. - https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/09/executive-order-on-requiring-coronavirus-disease-2019-vaccination-for-federal-employees/
Also 2021Tishri6 (2021September16) was the last date for the 1st jab for care home workers according to the UK govt regulations - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/vaccination-of-people-working-or-deployed-in-care-homes-operational-guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-of-people-working-or-deployed-in-care-homes-operational-guidance
But neither Joe Biden's dastardly decree nor UK CARE's careless care home mandate were sufficiently universal to fulfil the compulsion of Revelation13
However, the Identity Document Validation Tehcnology IDVT digital identity is universal within the UK at least....
The Home Office and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) are working with DCMS (Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport) as it develops proposals for new legislation to establish a UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework. This framework will set out the rules and standards for organisations to follow in order to carry out secure, trustworthy, and consistent digital identity checks.
The relevant changes to legislation will take effect from 6 April 2022. Making these changes to the Schemes will:
1. Allow those in scope to verify their identity remotely, prove their eligibility to work or rent and apply for DBS checks. Using IDVT allows people to upload images of their personal documents, instead of presenting physical documents to a prospective employer – reducing time and mitigating risk.
2. Allow private sector IDVT (Identity Document Validation Technology) service providers to become independently certified by UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited assessors to ensure the technology meets the Government Standards and the applicant’s data is protected.
There are only two places to get the Mark, upon the hand and upon the head. Nowhere else. Being vaccinated does Mark your DNA/RNA. But is not itself having the mark. Registering is how you get the Mark. But you cannot register without being fully vaccinated. So being fully vaccinated is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for having the Mark. A fully vaccinated person does not have the mark unless he is also registered.
False worship is having something against God's face, which is giving God's things to Caesar. So obeying a govt is only false worship if you know their commands are against those of God. Anyone with a valid vaccine Passport already has the Mark upon the hand. Defiling your conscience is not false worship if the rule of your conscience which you break is not in opposition to God. For example a vegetarian eating a steak is not false worship
6 plural groups (great small rich poor free enslaved ones) compared to all ones (one plural group) is a witness to 6+1=7 months precisely of universally enforced testing of everybody (except the US?).
7x: From 2022Shebat4, to 2023Elul4, Mark Enforcement day to the catching of the beast, the start to the end of WW3, the means of Mark Enforcement.
16 And it [the UK/US deep state 2 horned beast] is making all [ones], [it is making] the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free and the slaves in order that they [the corporate globalist govt sea beast and the deep state] should give to them a mark/engraving upon their right hand [controlling their actions - the vaccine passport] or upon their forehead [literally space between their eyes - controlling their thoughts - social credit score]
17 and in order that not anyone might be able to buy or sell if not the [one] having the mark/engraving [in the form of] the name of the wild beast [globalist corporation or govt employee] or the number of its name [beast registration number].
Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast,
for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [] (Revelation 13).
Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 666.
(Revelation 13 )
18 wde h sofia estin o ecwn ouj yhfisatw ton ariqmo_
tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin exakosiai exhko?a ex (Revelation 13 SinaiO)
18 wde h sof@ia estin# o ecwn noun yhfisatw ton @ari#qmon tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin kai o ariqmoj autou exakosioi exhkonta ex (Revelation 13 AlexO)
18 wde h sofia estin o ecwn noun fisatw ton ariqmon tou qhriou ariqmoj gar anqrwpou estin kai o ariqmoj autou esti_
exakosiai deka ex
(Revelation 13 RescrO)
and have 666. and the Oxyrhynchus fragment have 616.
1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius (of the supreme master from kurioj)
was governor of Syria [Assad is a Christian supporter];
3 and all people went travelling to be registered, each one to his own city [ city OR Mark city at the same time].
4 Of course, Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David's city, which is called Bethlehem,
because of his being a member of the house and family of David,
5 to get registered with Mary, who had been given him in marriage as promised, at present heavy with child.
6 While they were there [space for time], the days came to the full for her to give birth [non adamically by water baptism until 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14 on earth and until 2023Nisan5 in the ark or through the Benjamin call for 30x from 2020Ab24 to 2022Shebat24. So the water baptism on earth ends on the day BEFORE during Mark registration from 2022Tebbeth28 (which makes things a little too obvious for faith). Also the Benjamin call ends during Mark registration]. (Luke 2 )
So whilst registers the saints, the priests and the citizens into the , 2 registers the sinners with the Mark.
2022Tebbeth25/29: PEACE AND SECURITY is declared, 5/9 days of the sentence count of 1Thessalonians 5:3 before 2022Shebat4, when the sudden destruction of the first day of WW3 comes to them. In fact it is standing upon those declaring it (the 10 kings - who are therefore responsible for WW3)
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Inauguration and Registration Day: It is now possible to take the Mark of the beast. The start of the 6 cubits of width of the image of Daniel3 to 2022Shebat4, Mark Enforcement day
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Inauguration and Registration day: The greater exactor of Luke 2 occurs.
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day. It is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark. The end of the 6 cubits of width of the image. The start of the 60 cubits of height of the Image of Daniel3 to 2023Nisan4, the end of the testing of Benjamin, the period of Mark testing of saints.
2023Nisan3/4-5/6: The human death to ark resurrection of the last saints, the leaping Benjamin rapture of Acts3,
which ends his Mark testing. The end of the 60 cubits of height of the image of Nebuchadnezzar from 2022Shebat4.
7 heads of the 4th beast of Daniel7 which is the 1st beast, the sea beast, of Revelation13 are 7 months, which must run from 2022Shebat4-2023Elul4, the catching of the beast (which prevents it from exercising any headship). This beast gets a death stroke to 1 of its 7 heads, the US head. But the beast gets healed for the scripture says...
3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. (Revelation 13 )
'One of its heads', is 1 out of 7 and so stands for a period of 7x precisely. These must be 7 months precisely from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4, the catching of the beast. The image of the beast (its new world currency) is to the beast which had the sword stroke and revived. So the death stroke precedes the image, the Beastmark - which is introduced after 2022Shebat4-2022Adar4, when the US head receives the death stroke. This is the US leaving the globalist beast under TRUMP and taking its eagle wings with it and the UK begin demilitarized, being made to stand up on two feet like a man. The death stroke gets healed.
4 And I saw and look! came out another horse fiery-coloured purroj]
[1x Not kokkinoj
eruqroj meaning red, but purroj
meaning fiery, from which the English word purify is derived. Yet fire is more red than it is blue. So this represents a republican congress - a very judgemental one], and to the (one) sitting upon it [NOT Vote Fraud Organisation Joe Biden as of 2021January20. But Donald J Trump after the midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan11) or 2023January3 (next session of congress - 2022Tebbeth6)] was given to him to take the peace out of the earth [by WW3]
and [it was given to him to take peace out of the earth] in order that mutually/reciprocally they will slaughter each other [slaughterers kill and slaughterees kill- THIS IS MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION!],
and was given to him sword great [US military].
(Revelation 6 )
4 kai idon kai idou exhlqen alloj ippoj purroj kai tw kaqhmenw ep auton edoqh autw labein thn eirhnhn ek thj ghj kai eina allhlouj sfaxwsin kai edoqh autw macaira megalh (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
4 And I saw [1x: John is speaking as the s] and look!
came out
another horse [1x+1x=2x: A horse separate from the white horse - red actually - not said to be 2nd but not the first] [that was]
fiery-coloured [purroj] [1x. It was not another fiery coloured horse], and to the (one) sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth [(1x+1x)+1x = 3x:
He was permitted to take peace out of the earth by WW3, Congress Authorises War. He sits on the fiery-coloured horse that is other to the white horse. but he only sits on one horse not two of them]
and in-that-place/there they will slaughter one another [But not in the ark. 1x.2x + 1x.2x = 4x A will kill B other than A and B will kill A other than B- THIS IS MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION where A kills B and B kills A!],
and was given to him sword great [2x+1x = 3x: The great sword is the US military].
(Revelation 6 )
4 kai idon kai idou exhlqen alloj ippoj purroj kai tw kaqhmenw ep auton edoqh autw labein thn eirhnhn ek thj ghj kai eina allhlouj sfaxwsin kai edoqh autw macaira megalh (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
Verse 4 from look!: 2x+1x+3x+4x+3x=13x the length of the ride from 2022Tebbeth21 to 2022Shebat4, the start of WW3, which runs to 2023Elul4. Whereas on 2023Elul21, 17x of Revelation19:20 later, the beast is burnt.
This horse coming out is the 118th congress which is scheduled to come into session on or before 2023January3 at noon (2022Tebbeth6). Because that horse comes out after the rapture (the 117th came out before our rapture).
The horse comes out fiery-red. Perhaps due to it being a republican house.
Perhaps it is initially judgemental in order to repay those responsible for the vote fraud. But then it becomes fiery-red due to WW3. It comes out after the ark rapture,
since we see it come out from the ark. It may also be red due to being Republican.
In what sense does it come out? Well the purpose of a horse is to carry somebody from A to B. It cannot do that in its stables. So coming out for a horse is performing its purpose. So the horse is a congress which is fiery before it starts operating. We are yet to see such a congress. It comes out by starting operations, by passing its first law on or after 2023January3. Also the rider of the horse is given the great sword after the horse comes out. Biden has already been given the great sword of the US military. So he is not the 2nd horseman. The new rider must be Trump (not Harris or Pelosi who are female - I am a biologist).
It is also possible that due to WW3, congress will begin its 118th session before Christmas or before the new year.
Also the rider of the horse is yet to be given the great sword of the US military. So it is not Biden who already has it.
So it must be Trump after the midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan10).
Trump will regain the presidency due to a recount or a fraud verdict in 2022Chislev/Tebbeth and Congress will authorize him to take the US into WW3, which is caused not by the US but by the 10 Kings.
12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight [the UK/US deep state controls the Big Tech sea beast]. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.
13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind [the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, false flags in the UK and US].
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast,
while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast [The new global digital currency - beastcoin - wokecoin, fearcoin] that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. (Revelation 13 )
34 You kept on looking [1x]
until a stone was cut out which not in hands [Dual:
and it struck to the image [1x]
upon feet of it which the iron and the clay [10x.2x=20x if each foot has both materials. But one foot could be iron and the other clay]
and crushed them [10x.10x.2x].
35 At/In that time the iron, the moulded clay, the copper,
the silver and the gold were crushed as one [5x+1x],
and [they] became like the chaff from the threshing floors of summer [5x.1x.3x = 15x],
and the wind carried them away [5x]
and all of trace to/for them was not found [5x].
And the stone that struck the image [10x], became a large WALL and filled the whole earth [1x+1x].
(Daniel 2 )
rWj m.—(1) a wall around about, a fence, an enclosure. Ezekiel 46:23. (طَوْرُ a boundary, طَوَاُر a fence). A garden is an enclosed area. This is the new garden of Eden, filling the earth. The wall is the law of the .
Verse 34 from striking the image: 10x.1x+5x.2x+10x.1x+5x.2x+10x.10x.2x=240x.
Verse 35: 1x+5x+15x+5x+5x+10x.(1x+1x) = 51x
Total = 240x+51x = 291x. From 2022Tebbeth21, the 3rd fire sign and the end of the ark rapture, the end of the cutting out of the stone, to 2023Heshvan12 perhaps to 2023Heshvan11,
the installation of the Kingdom under over Cain, the last Kingdom installation, if the 3rd fire sign begins on 2022Tebbeth20? So 2023Heshvan11/12 is the completion of the wall, the law of for all of mankind, the filling of the entire earth with the wall between the Kingdom and .
The dream of Daniel2 applies to the . The interpretation applies to the Kingdom of the demons.
The s are cut out from the mountain of by rapture. The members of the sea beast of Revelation13 are cut out of the mountain of global tech by demon possession.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile.
43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they [the descended demons] will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one,
just as iron is not mixing with moulded clay.
44 And in the days of those kings [the 10 toes, the 10 Kings of Revelation17, from 2022Tebbeth21-30 to 2023Heshvan11] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin [appointed/installed on 2023Ab16/Tishri5, under as Caesar over ]. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy. (Daniel 2 ).
44 And in the days of those kings [3x] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
45 Because you saw vision that from the mountain she was cut out rock that not in/by hands [Dual:
10x] and she broke/smashed/crushed the iron, the copper, the moulded clay, the silver and the gold [5x] God great he showed to the king what that he will take place after this [1x+1x=2x] and true the dream and being trustworthy the interpretation of him [2x] (Daniel2 )
Verse 45 The activities of the rock cut from the mountain: (2x.10x+2x.10x.5x).2x+1x+1x = 242x From 2022Chislev15, the start of the rapture of the s (from Hebron of ) to 2023Ab17, the appointment of the under over Adam.
These 10 kings are all demonically possessed and adamic (if they are individuals). They do NOT survive the lava flood which kills non Adam and non Cain.
Mike's dream: He was hovering over a bay area and focussing on a bridge - Knowing that it would be blown up. He was in the ark for a fire sign which will now be the 3rd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth21. So Mike's dream is going to be fulfilled upon Mike himself (who is part of the tuft of hair) by Elijah's attendant/boy (the s) who is instructed to look in the direction of the sea - not to look at his PC or his TV - to see at both fire signs and the start of WW3, from the ark.
Laodicea may have celebrated the Lord's evening meal on 2019Ab14. This was NOT a Watchtower Passover. It was merely the regular Lord's evening meal for Laodicean reserves. The best they could do given that they missed 2019Nisan14 and 2019Iyyar14 due to being a false church. Mind you such a celebration would have been invalid due to a lack of water baptism.
The Watchtower Passovers could not begin until the 5215 (weekly) + 82 (Atonement) - 47 (Watchtower governing body incarcerated) missed sacred Sabbaths = 5250, were paid off from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5. So God could not stage the first Watchtower Passover and provide escape for his people into a true church until 2019Tishri14. the 1st Watchtower Passover.
The first of the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 jump off the overhang of the false church of the Watchtower into the sea of the world on 2019Elul30, 2,000 days after the end of the 2nd presence on 2013Adar10, when they became pigs (unclean in the flesh). They then drown in the waters of the at Laodicea on 2019Tishri10 for the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14, 430 years a month for a day after 2005Sivan14. The early 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Elul14, which was only celebrated by old timer Laodiceans. For more on flying pigs please see U112#16.
The non late 3rd is operationally completed at the 5th marriage on 2019Chislev20 (the last non late partakers Pentecost) and fully completed at the 7th on 2020Tammuz19 (the final late partakers marriage) and then operational on 2020Elul8, the 7th marriage Pentecost. But then the s are not all married until 2020Heshvan18, the 4th marriage, and they become operational on 2020Tebbeth7, the 4th Pentecost. So that really is the start of operation of the completed 3rd (Kings and Lords). But then must make is bride rejoice for one year of Deuteronomy 24:5 from 2020Heshvan25 to 2021Heshvan25.
We start our secular Sabbath (each one of us) when we enter into the ark wherein Caesar is rather than the dragon.
3 Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death? (Romans 6 )
3x sentence count of cloud like man's palm ascending from the sea is the first 3 fire signs of 1Kings18?
himself (not the 3rd ) becomes physically Caesar to the non adamics before they enter into the ark.
Come and see for the red horse coming out must mean that ALL of the s are in the ark for the start of the ride of the fiery horse.
The groom must build the house on his father's land before the marriage. He must complete the house. So the marriage must come after the building of the temple by baptism on earth until 2022Tebbeth27 and in the ark until 2023Nisan5. We have the 1st marriage on 2023Nisan2 (for Hebron) and the 2nd on 2023Iyyar2. All the s must also baptise their fathers from 2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5. The ark is not the groom's house it is the house of the father of the groom. The bride is not supposed to see the groom between her engagement supper and her marriage. But that would be 1900 years in the case of the first presence s! Gordon has been engaged to the s in the s for some time. We have not been avoiding each other!
In Revelation6, the living creature says: Come and See. John responds saying: And I saw and look! He does not say and I went and then saw and look! So the called group can see the relevant horse before they go into the ark. Yet they can also go into the ark and then see the horse.
1 kai. ei=don o[te h;noixe to. avrni,on mi,an evk tw/n sfragi,dwn( kai. h;kousa e`no.j evk tw/n tessa,rwn zw,wn le,gontoj( w`j fwnh.j bronth/j( ercou kai. ble,pe (Revelation 6 Scrivener - Textus Receptus)
1 kai idon ote hnuxen to arnion mian ek twn epta kai hkousa enoj twn tessarw_zwwn legontwn wj fwnh bronthj ercou kai ide (Revelation 6 )
1 kai idon ote hnoixen to arnion mia_ek twn epta sfragidwn kai hkousa enoj ek twn tessarwn zwwn legontoj wj fwnh bronthj lego?oj ercou (Revelation 6 )
1 kai eidon ote hnoixen to arnion mian ek tw_epta sfragidwn kai hkousa enoj ek twn tessesarw_zwwn legontoj wj fwnh bronthj ercou kai idon (Revelation 6 Rescriptus)
The s invited the non (Laodicean) s:
Come and See
The Laodicean s, the 2nd living [one], invite the s: Come and See (seen on 2022Iyyar14)
The s invite the s: Come and See
The s invite the s: Come and See
1 And I saw [1x] when opened up the Lamb one out of the 7 seals [1x+7x = 8x. This may have happened on 2021Nisan10, when we understood Genesis41 and the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 and saw the end of the demons as 2022Sivan11, the Pentecost (not quite its now 2023Tammuz10). If the lamb opens one out of 7, then the lamb opens 7x which means the lamb opens all 7 seals, having the scroll in his hand. He does not hand the scroll to any other seal opening person. Gordon saw that Joseph was the 1st horseman in 1999Elul?], and I heard of one out of the 4 living [creatures] [4x] saying [1x] as voice/sound of thunder [1x] Be you coming and be you seeing [1x+1x] (Revelation 6 )
The scripture does NOT say when he opened the 1st seal...Come and See. This is because the phrase
and I heard of one out of the 4 living [creatures] saying as voice/sound of thunder. Be you coming and be you seeing
applies to the all the first 4 seals. There are 7 seals which means they are opened sequentially from 1 to 7.
Come AND see is in the , and Textus Receptus but not in the . Then with the 2nd to 4th horsemen, Rescriptus missed out and see in verse 3 and puts it in in verse 5.
7x, for the 7 brides, who are raptured and married on 2008Nisan22, 2015Iyyar20 and from 2019Tishri17 to 2020Tammuz19, who invite the 4x brides into the ark, who are raptured and married from 2020Ab17 to 2020Heshvan18.
Because the lamb opens one of the 7 seals (counting as 7x) he must open 6 more.
Because one of the 4 living creatures says: Come and See (counting as 4x),
rather than merely the first living creature saying it, there are 3 further instances of a living creature saying: Come and See, in addition to the first living creature saying it. In other words, they all say it.. And all are blind until the come and see THAT IS THE APOCALYPSE. So the codices which have come and see are correct.
Verse1: 1x+7x=8x Video AND 4x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x) = 16x.Audio. From 2020Chislev3, the completion of the rapture, the start of their being able to make an invitation, to 2022Chislev19, the end of Laodicean ark entrance from 2022Chislev15-19.
2 And I saw [1x], and look (thee)! [1x] horse white [1x], and the (one) sitting upon it [2x] having bow [1x], and was given to him crown [1x], and he went out conquering [to build the temple from the ark] and in order that he might conquer [1x+1x: after having gone in for residence and the 1st marriage]. (Revelation 6 ) [Arrow and crown = coronavirus. Bow but no arrow and crown means deconstructed or cured coronavirus, a crown without thorns - this is gift of the spirit cure? When he gets the crown - he no longer needs to fire any arrows. Laodicea stole s crown. They have to give it back. The 3 bad horses are the reaction to the one good horse]
The count of the vision of John from look! of verse2: 1x+2x+1x+1x+4x.(1x+1x)=13x. (This has the form of: I saw 2 Kings and they ate the potatoes - which counts as 2x+2x.2x=6x). This horseman goes out twice: Conquering and that he might conquer
He cannot ride the entire horse until it is all in the ark on 2022Tebbeth21. Then he can ride the entire horse for 13x from 2022Tebbeth21 until 2022Shebat4, the end of the earthly interaction of the Laodicean s raptured on 2022Chislev15. law is the reins of the horse. The Laodiceans in Hebron are under that law but judged by themselves until they are baptised.
He cannot start his ride until his horse is raptured.. So the ride begins when the ark rapture is completed and ends when the first members of his horse end their 50 day of earthly interaction. .
The s conquer by rapture and by baptism and by preaching teaching and evangelism. The s conquer by rapture, by baptism and by preaching teaching and evangelism. The sealing of the apostles was completed by 33Sivan5, the Pentecost at the end of the 2520 years of the from 2488Sivan BC. Likewise the s in the s cannot be sealed into the until the end of the . They can however be raptured during the malediction on the basis of their sealing and baptism. This does not short circuit their testing if said testing is completed but the sealing is delayed by the malediction. An is a denial of sealing and gifts of the spirit, both of which come directly from a God. sealing is not affected. The horse being white must be sealed. But the s will be constructively white when raptured. A is a denial of a secular king representing God to a group.
5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Ghost not many days hence. (Acts 1 )
5 because John, indeed, baptized with water, but you will be baptized in not many days after this. (Acts 1 )
3 And when he []
opened the second seal [2x],
I heard the second living creature [2x]
saying, Come and see [1x+1x=2x].
(Revelation 6 )
3 kai ote hnuxen thn sfragida thn deuteran hkousa tou deuterou zwou legontoj ercou kai ide (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
The 2nd living creature (the Abrahamic s) invites the 3rd (the s, the Isaaic s) to Come [to reside in the ark] and See [what is described in the next verse] for: 2x+2x.2x=6x .From 2022Tebbeth15-21, the rapture of the s, when they do come and see from the ark. Gordon saw on Friday 2021Tammuz6 that the fiery colour of the horse was due to vote fraud judgement? (having previously seen it to be red for republican - it could be both)
4 And I saw and look! came out another horse fiery-coloured purroj]
[1x Not kokkinoj
eruqroj meaning red, but purroj
meaning fiery, from which the English word purify is derived. Yet fire is more red than it is blue. So this represents a republican congress - a very judgemental one], and to the (one) sitting upon it [NOT Vote Fraud Organisation Joe Biden as of 2021January20. But Donald J Trump after the midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan11) or 2023January3 (next session of congress - 2022Tebbeth6)] was given to him to take the peace out of the earth [by WW3]
and [it was given to him to take peace out of the earth] in order that mutually/reciprocally they will slaughter each other [slaughterers kill and slaughterees kill- THIS IS MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION! Trump is authorised by Congress to do this],
and was given to him sword great [US military is given to Trump at his 2nd presidential inauguration].
(Revelation 6 )
4 kai idon kai idou exhlqen alloj ippoj purroj kai tw kaqhmenw ep auton edoqh autw labein thn eirhnhn ek thj ghj kai eina allhlouj sfaxwsin kai edoqh autw macaira megalh (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
4 And I saw [1x: John is speaking as the s] and look!
came out
another horse [1x+1x=2x: A horse separate from the white horse - red actually - not said to be 2nd but not the first] [that was]
fiery-coloured [purroj] [1x. It was not another fiery coloured horse], and to the (one) sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth [(1x+1x)+1x = 3x:
He was permitted to take peace out of the earth by WW3, Congress Authorises War. He sits on the fiery-coloured horse that is other to the white horse. but he only sits on one horse not two of them]
and in-that-place/there they will slaughter one another [But not in the ark. 1x.2x + 1x.2x = 4x A will kill B other than A and B will kill A other than B- THIS IS MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION where A kills B and B kills A!],
and was given to him sword great [2x+1x = 3x: The great sword is the US military].
(Revelation 6 )
4 kai idon kai idou exhlqen alloj ippoj purroj kai tw kaqhmenw ep auton edoqh autw labein thn eirhnhn ek thj ghj kai eina allhlouj sfaxwsin kai edoqh autw macaira megalh (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
Verse 4 from look!: 2x+1x+3x+4x+3x=13x the length of the ride from 2022Tebbeth21 to 2022Shebat4, the start of WW3, which runs to 2023Elul4. Whereas on 2023Elul21, 17x of Revelation19:20 later, the beast is burnt.
This horse coming out is the 118th congress which is scheduled to come into session on or before 2023January3 at noon (2022Tebbeth6). Because that horse comes out after the rapture (the 117th came out before our rapture).
The horse comes out fiery-red. Perhaps due to it being a republican house.
Perhaps it is initially judgemental in order to repay those responsible for the vote fraud. But then it becomes fiery-red due to WW3. It comes out after the ark rapture,
since we see it come out from the ark. It may also be red due to being Republican.
In what sense does it come out? Well the purpose of a horse is to carry somebody from A to B. It cannot do that in its stables. So coming out for a horse is performing its purpose. So the horse is a congress which is fiery before it starts operating. We are yet to see such a congress. It comes out by starting operations, by passing its first law on or after 2023January3. Also the rider of the horse is given the great sword after the horse comes out. Biden has already been given the great sword of the US military. So he is not the 2nd horseman. The new rider must be Trump (not Harris or Pelosi who are female - I am a biologist).
It is also possible that due to WW3, congress will begin its 118th session before Christmas or before the new year.
Also the rider of the horse is yet to be given the great sword of the US military. So it is not Biden who already has it.
So it must be Trump after the midterms on 2022November8 (2022Heshvan10)
Trump will regain the presidency due to a fraud verdict or the likes on 2022Tebbeth and Congress will authorize him to take the US into WW3, which is caused not by the US but by the 10 Kings of Revelation17.
The giving of the great sword (US military) is for the NON NUCLEAR parts of WW3, before the deployment of the long sword of Revelation 6:8, the nuclear weapons and other WMDs of the of Matthew 24:20. Whereas WW3 runs for 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 from 2022Shebat4 to 2023Elul4. For until the end there will be war (Daniel 9:26).
The post under is appointed/installed over on 2023Ab16/Tishri5 (Isaaic first fruits/Pentecost) and over on 2023Elul16/Heshvan5 (2nd Isaaic first fruits/Pentecost). The last enemy, death is brought to nothing on 2023Tebbeth16, the resurrection of the last chance salooners. 2023Chislev16 is the resurrection of the 12th crop of Revelation22.
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.
25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet.
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.
27 For [God] subjected all things under his feet. But when he says that 'all things have been subjected,' it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him.
28 But when all things will have been subjected to him,
then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. (1 Corinthians 15 )
5 And when he opened the third seal [3x],
I heard the third living creature saying, Come and see [3x.2x=6x].
And I saw [1x: John speaking as the first rapture ], and behold/look [1x], a black horse [1x], and the [one]
sitting on it [2x] having a balance/yoke in his hand [2x.5x=10x].
5 And when he opened up the seal the third, I heard of the third living [creature] saying Be you coming and seeing. And I saw, and look!
horse black, and the (one) sitting upon it having yoke in the hand of him. ()
5 kai ote hnuxe thn sfragida thn trithn hkousa tou tritou zwou legontoj ercou kai ide kai eidon kai idou ippoj melaj kai o kaqhmenoj ep auton ecwn zugon en th ciri autou (SinaiO)
The 3rd living creature (s) says 'come and see' to the priests, who enter into the ark for 14 days from 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5.
The 3rd living creature is in a position to say come and see rather than go and see on 2022Tebbeth21. So the 3rd seal is opened after then. But he cannot say come and see to the s until the start of their ark rapture on 2023Nisan22.
1x.1x+2x+10x=13x from 2023Nisan22 to 2023Iyyar5. This is the start of very expensive wheat and barley, which causes a downstream biblical famine
6 And I heard a voice in [the] midst of the four living creatures saying [1x+4x=5x], A choenix of wheat [out] of a denarius [1x],
and three choenixes of barley [out] of a denarius [3x];
and do not thou harm the oil and the wine [2x].
(Revelation 6 )
6 And I heard as voice in midst of the four living [creatures] (it) saying Choenix of wheat of denarius, and three choenixes of barleys of denarius; and the oil and the wine not you should treat unrighteously [the rich do not get touched by this famine.
Also wine = saints and olive oil = priests].
(Revelation 6 )
6 kai hkousa wj fwnhn en mesw tw& tessarwn zwwn legousan coinix sitou dhnariou kai trij coinikej kriqw&
dhnariou kai to elaion kai ton oinon mh adikhshj (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
5x.(1x+3x+2x)=30x from 2023Iyyar5 to 2023Sivan5. This must be the period of seriously expensive staples. The lava flood, which begins on 2023Tammuz14, reduces the population by 1/3 (from Revelation 9:13-15) of the 50% who do not make it into the ark.
2 cycles +7+7 cows of the recital of the dream of Genesis41 run from 2022Elul10 to 2022Heshvan10 to 2023Sivan10 to 2023Tebbeth10, So the first month of famine runs from 2023Sivan10 to 2023Tammuz10. So the high price of staples from 2023Iyyar5 to 2023Sivan5, leads to a biblical famine from 2023Sivan10
7 And when he opened the fourth seal [4x],
I heard a voice of the fourth living creature [1x OR 4x. This is not the voice of and so could be a voice out of the 4th living creature: The priests]
saying, Come and see [2x. To the s] ()
7 And when he opened up the seal the fourth, I heard voice/sound of the fourth living [creature] saying: Be you coming and be you looking ( adapted).
7 kai ote hnuxen th&
sfragida thn tetarthn hkousa fwnhn tou tetartou zwou legontoj ercou kai ide
Verse 7: 4x+2x=6x.
8 And I saw [John is speaking as the s], and behold, a pale green horse, and the name to the [one] sitting upon it [was] Death; and followed after him [adamic death can only apply to Adam]. And authority was given to them to kill over the fourth of the earth with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 )
8 And I saw [1x],
and look! [1x] horse greenish-yellow [1x],
and the (one) sitting upon top of it name [given] to him [dative] [The] Death [2x.1x=2x],
and the was following with [meta] him [1x+1x=2:
Him being death],
and was given to them [1x+1x+1x=3x, the horse and the rider upon it AND . has authority to receive non Abrahamic Adam into the 1st death. It has no authority to despatch from the planet. Whereas the 4th horse and rider have authority ONLY over non Adam and non Cain only, who is a 4th part of the earth, the congregation of humans]
authority [1x] [jointly but NOT severally therefore multiplying] upon the fourth [part] of the earth [1 choice out of 4 = 4x+1x=5x],
to kill in long sword and in famine and in death/deadly plague and under/by the wild beasts of the earth [1x+1x+1x+2x=5x].
(Revelation 6 )
8 kai ido& kai idou ippoj clwroj kai o kaqhmenoj epanw autou onoma autw qanatoj kai o adhj hkolouqi autw kai edoqh autoij exousia epi to tetarton thj ghj apokteinai en romfaia kai limw kai qanatw kai upo twn qhriwn thj ghj (Revelation 6 SinaiO)
does have authority over a quarter of the earth, the quarter who are Adamic or . does to kill in the 1st death all those who are given her by receiving their spirits out of their rented angels and into its shared angelic server. It can only receive those spirits who are directed to by God through . But jointly, the horse, the rider and kill non s and they all end up in the 1st death, in , that being the point of the verse..
Verse 8: 6x+1x+1x.1x+2x+2x+3x.1x.5x.5x = 6x+6x+75x = 81x.
Total = 6x+81x = 87x It must be 40x+40x+7x = 87x, the length of the flood and the 7 days of Genesis 7:4, after 2023Tammuz7, the end of ark rapture to come and see the ark to the end of the 40+40 day lava flood from 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Elul4. 2022Tammuz10 is the end of demon possession.
So non Adam and Cain are killed by 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood, the end of the ride of the 4th horseman. So 2, the 4th horseman, achieves nothing that God was not going to achieve himself by virtue of the lava flood (starting on 2023Tammuz14, 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after 2023Tammuz7, the end of ark rapture) and in precisely the same time frame.
So WW3 does NOT become nuclear until on or after 2022Tammuz7 (2023June26/27: when the last enters into the ark).
Death himself (Cain, the seed of the serpent) goes to on 2022Tammuz10 (unless he repents). But obviously his deadly plague keeps killing after his demise. So Cain only rides this horse for 3 days. then it is riderless for 84 days (12 weeks). So it looks very much like the demons set mankind up to nuke each other and wipe themselves out. But are not themselves permitted to nuke us. Their plan is to get us to nuke ourselves and disappear without us every knowing they were behind it all. Then they can prove that mankind is intrinsically and irretrievably genocidal.
2022Tishri16/Chislev5: under as Caesar appointed/installed over
2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: under as Caesar appointed/installed over (on weekly Sabbaths, but the Kingdom is a Sabbath itself so that is OK)
2023Ab16/Tishri5: under as Caesar appointed/installed over
2023Elul16/Heshvan5: under as Caesar appointed/installed over
The 4th horseman does NOT get to ride into the installed !
The Dragon, through his horseman, only has authority to kill non Adam, who is wiped out by the lava flood. So this authority to kill a 4th part of the earth, the non part, end then.
The runs for 220 days of Revelation 7:13-14 from 2022Tebbeth24, the 3rd fire sign, to 2023Elul4, the end of WW3. None of the saints (s), but all of the priests (s) and the faithful citizens (s) are raptured during the (says Revelation7).
The white horse of Revelation6 is the sealed, ark raptured, baptised s.
The 1st door to non s was opened on 2019Tammuz2, with the first successful baptism of a into of Pastor Zachariah. Eli, who was baptised on 2017 was too young to be a .
Horseman | Horse | Number | Ride start | Ride end | Ride purpose |
Gordon ( of ) |
s | 1st | 2022Tebbeth21 (2023January17/18) | 2023Iyyar2 (2023April22/23): 2nd marriage. End of earthly interaction of all s | The Apocalypse: The truth delivered by Bible researchers and by returning ark raptured whistleblowers |
D J Trump (47th President) |
New Red Fiery Congress | 2nd | 2022Tebbeth21 (2023January17/18) |
2023Elul4: End of WW3 (2023August22/23) | War: WW3 starts on 2022Shebat4 (2023January30/31) and runs for 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 to 2023Elul4 (2023August22/23). The 10 Kings of the WEF cause the war not Trump. |
Wild Beast of Revelation 13 (WEF) | UN | 3rd | 2023Iyyar5 (2023April25/26) |
2023Tebbeth10 (2023December26/27): The end of the 7th thin cow. | Famine: Caused by the World Economic Forum rationing through the United Nations. |
2 (Cain) | Intelligence Services (demon possessed until 2023Tammuz10) | 4th | 2023Tammuz7 (2023June26/27) | 2023Tishri4 (2023September21/22). End of the 40+40 day lava flood from 2023Tammuz14 (2023July3/4) | Death: The Genocide of some of the 25% of mankind who were going to be killed by the lava flood anyway, the faithless & loveless, by WMDs (long sword), Plague and Government Brutality (wild beasts) |
36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering [the evening grain offering between the two evenings, between sunset and darkness, between the end of the 24 hour calendar day and the end of the 12 hour daylight day] [1x.
Any first fruits], and Elijah, the prophet
drew near [1x+1x=2x. He draws near to the correct predictions for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18],
and said ', Gods of ,
of , and of Israel [1x for OR 3x for God of AND God of AND God of Israel. It is a double designation],
this day [12 hour daylight day. The noun 'day'
appears 3x in the account - which has 3 threads due to the double designations Elijah, the prophet and , God of etc., so it is not literal. We no longer make a distinction in the noun count between 12 hour day and 24 hour day] let it be known that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) in Israel [1x/3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x -
Qere] [the Kethib, the written form, is plural. The Qere, the spoken form, is singular. Prayers are spoken not written. But scriptures are written not spoken] I have done all/the whole of [singular]
these words/things [3x];
37 answer me [1x referring to NOT referring to the God of and of and of ]
Oh answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x];
and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].'
God of , of and of Israel is short for God of and of and of Israel, which is short for God of ( and and Israel). So counts 1x. Alternatively it could also be short for God of AND God of AND God of Israel which counts 3x.
Kethib/written (plural) Qere/Spoken (Singular)
word + in/at + and
word + in/at + and
The QERE sentence count of Elijah's prayer (prayers are spoken not read) is 1x/3x.(1x/3x+1x+1x.3x) = 5x/21x
The sentence count of Verse 37 is 1x+1x+1x+1x = 4x
Total QERE count is 2x.(9x/25x) = 18x/50x.
50x of the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 from 2022Chislev2 - 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecost of the new Chislev1 Abrahamic secular year in honour of being installed as Caesar over on 2022CHislev5. We got an answer on 2022Chislev7, the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th Sivan1 sacred year of Isaaic - predicting 2022Chislev20-22 and 2022Tebbeth4-6,20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6. So the fire signs should occur and all the raptured saints should have their hearts turned back by 2022Tebbeth21.
The prayer seems to be saying, answer me, answer me Pentecostally.
Also Elijah4 himself drew near to God and the 3rd on 2020Iyyar2 (7th first fruits), when he received/saw the temple symbolism understanding of intro46 (when he saw which double cornerstone he was in the temple of all Christianity).
Are the s a bloodless offering in that our salvation covenant does not require us to die?
The KETHIB sentence count of Verse 36 (prayers are spoken not written) is 1x+1x/3x.(1x/3x+1x+3x.3x) = 12x/40x?
Total KETHIB count of verses36-37 is 2x.(1x+11x/39x+4x)=32x/88x??
The word 'day' appears 3x in 1Kings18, which has two double designations in verse 36. So it is not literal (although it is used to mean 24 hour day and 12 hour daylight day in the account).
We the living, who survive to the presence of the lord, are caught away in the clouds (of fire signs or WW3 or volcanoes) according to 1Thessalonians4. The s are raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3, from 2022Chislev17-21 in the cloud of the 2nd fire sign, and from 2022Tebbeth15-21 to the cloud of the 3rd fire sign. There should be a fire sign cloud at each rapture for says...
14 For if our faith is that died and rose again,
so, too, those who have fallen asleep [in death] through God will bring with him.
15 For this is what we tell you by 's word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death];
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call [to the sons of the who listen to his commands and obey them], with an archangel's voice [to the angels, the saints] and with God's trumpet [to the priests, the sons of the , who blow the festival trumpets to gather the congregation together] and those who are dead in Christ will rise first [the Christian sons of the from the 4 true Christian churches, in ].
17 Afterward we the living [angelically or non adamically]
who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds [So the dead in Christ rise before the s who rise during the fire signs. The dead in Christ do not rise before the s who do not meet the Lord in the air during fire sign clouds. The clouds were NOT of the Beirut Ammonium Nitrate explosions on 2020Ab12 (2020August4 at 18:00 local time). They are volcanic clouds and the explosive clouds of fire signs and WW3]; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.
18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
Rosh Hashana is the festival of Trumpets, Shouting and Alarm.
A commanding call, (Alarm) an archangel's voice (Shouting), God's trumpet (Trumpets) = 2022Chislev1, new Kingdom Rosh Hashana.
Then on 2022Chislev2/3, the are resurrected from into the ark (including PAUL himself).
The first first fruits in the new Chislev1 secular system MUST have a fulfilment. That fulfilment is the start of the rapture of the s on 2022Chislev2
The first Pentecost in the new Chislev1 secular system MUST also have a fulfilment. That fulfilment is the end of the rapture of the s and the 3rd fire sign
WW3: 2022Shebat4-2023Elul4
Tuft of hair rapture: 2022Tebbeth15
Laodicea ark rapture: 2022Chislev15-19
2nd fire sign: 2022TebbethTebbeth12-13
3rd fire sign 2022Tebbeth20-22
ark rapture: 2023Nisan22-2023Iyyar5
ark rapture: 2023Iyyar8 - 2023Tammuz7
14 If for we are believing that died and he stood up, thus also the God the (ones) having slept through the he will lead together with him.
15 This for to you we are saying in word of Lord, that we the living the (ones) being left around into the presence of the Lord not not we should come ahead of the (ones) having slept;
16 because very (one) the Lord in command, in voice of archangel and in trumpet of God, he will come down from heaven, and the dead (ones) in Christ will stand up first,
17 Thereupon we the living [angelically or non adamically]
the (ones) being left around at the same time together with them, will be snatched in clouds into meeting of the Lord into air; and thus always together with Lord we shall be.
18 As-and be you comforting one another in the words these. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
The Beirut explosion satisfied a lot of the criteria of 1Kings18...
1. It formed an amazing shock wave dome like a man's palm!
2. It was by the sea.
3. It was caused by 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate - Fertilizer - GARDEN LAND ('Carmel' means garden land)
But it was not a fulfilment of 1Kings18 or of 1Thessalonians 4:14-18. However it may have been a fulfilment of Luke 12:54-56.
was not a or an . He was an , who are the Lords for the Kings. So 'we, the living' might apply only to the s, the s and the s and s who reside on the earth during the Kingdom and not to the s and s who reside in the heavens.
Clouds are literal here in all fulfilments (the noun appears only once in the account). went up in a cloud in Acts2 but without a cloud and during a blessing with his hands lifted up to the heavens from Bethany of Judea in Luke24. The mechanism of rapture appears to involve literal clouds??
44 And it came about in/during/at the 7th [the feminine from of the adjective for 7th, not 7th time] [Any 7th] And he said: Look! There is a small/cut short cloud [1x] like a man's palm [vyai-@k;K.] [5x] ascending/going up from the sea/west [1x] [A upon B is A+B. So A going up from B would presumably also be A + B] (1Kings18).
Well the Hebrew word for Palm is @K;, which is curved, hollow, the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot ( Lexicon).
So it must count as 1x for the palm, not as 5x for the entire hand. For even though the hand forms a much more convincing curve than the palm does. Indeed the entire purpose of the hand is to form a curve to grasp something. Fingers can be straight whereas the Palm is always curved. So the Hebrew palm excludes the fingers just as the English palm does. So the cloud is like 1x and is ascending from the sea, and the attendant said this upon a Sabbath.
Verse 44: 1x+1x+1x=3x. Perhaps the first 3 fire signs - which determine the contest.
10 But he was teaching in one of the synagogues [partitive genitive] in the Sabbaths.
And, look! a woman having a spirit of weakness [for] 10-8 years [she was weak in her spirit due to her physical disability], and she was bent-double/bent-together and was unable to raise herself up at all.
But having seen her, addressed her and said to her:
Woman, you are released from the weakness of you.
And he laid the hands upon her; and instantly she straightened up, and began to glorify God.
But answering, the synagogue-ruler,
being indignant because cured [her] on the Sabbath, began to say to the crowd that [there] are 6 days
in which it is necessary to be working; on them, therefore, come and be cured [a misapplication of the law of man to the . So this MUST be comparative speech], and not on the day of the Sabbath [a false conclusion].
However, the Lord answered him and said:
Hypocrites, does not each one of you on the Sabbath untie his bull or his ass from the stall
[prepositional genitive]
and leading it away, water it? [comparative speech - Sabbath baptism]
16 But this [one], being a daughter of
[so not woman but Laodicean woman], whom
held-bound, look! 10 {years}
and 8 years, not it was necessary/proper be loosed from this bond on the day of the Sabbath
[Literally No. could cure whenever he wanted. Symbolically yes therefore actually on 2022Chislev15, the start of the Abrahamic rapture on the 1st Sabbath of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year,
which is Abrahamic world Exodus Cakes]?
17 Well, when he said these [things], all the [ones] opposing him
[including the synagogue ruler] were put-to-shame; and all the crowd was rejoicing at all the glorious [things], the [ones] done by him (Luke 13).
22 And Moses proceeded to do just as had commanded him. Accordingly he took Joshua and stood him before Eleazar the priest and before all the assembly
23 and laid his hands upon him and commissioned him, just as had spoken by means of Moses. (Numbers 27 )
= 2+3+3+2+6+1+4+1 = 22 (2 threads)
Synagogue, Sabbath, Woman, of Weakness, Years, , Weakness, Hand, God, Synagogue-ruler, Crowd,
Day, (Day of Sabbath), Lord, Hypocrite,
Daughter, = 16 (2 threads)
Sabbath (2), Woman (2), Year (3), Day (2), Crowd (1), (2)
The s do not baptise into a test on the Sabbath since a Sabbath is a release and a baptism into a test is a commitment to works! However one can baptise on the Sabbath so long as the candidate agrees to enter into the law of the church from the next day forwards - then the commitment to obey the law does not breach the Sabbath. This is in fact a delayed baptism.
The bull is the prophets. The ass is the water baptised congregation. The two groups might refer to reappointed Laodicea and Sodom. The Jews did water their bulls and asses upon the Sabbath. We do not (due to the binary question) unless they are stuck down a well, in which case they must agree to obey the law of the from the day after the Sabbath. We give them a delayed baptism on the Sabbath that puts them under law on the next day. was baptised by John on the greatest Sabbath of them all, 29Tishri10.
Non adamic gestation period is 18 months not 9 months. Women bend to give birth. This woman was bent double, 2x 9 months = 18 months. Laodicea gave birth non adamically to all the reserves and all the s. But that appears to be an irrelevant because year is literal in the account appearing 3x in a two thread account.
18 Nisan1 or Tishri1 years (18 years is repeated but not immediately) from 2004Tishri2 (the end of the 60 month Manasseh Proselyte call into the from 1999Tishri2) to 2022Chislev15, the 1st festival Sabbath of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year, when she is released into the ark Or 2022Tebbeth10, the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release, on 10-10-10, Atonement day for ark based Abrahamic Laodicea. Laodicea tested God for 16½ years of the sentence count of Numbers 14:22-23 (testing God 10x in Egypt and in the wilderness) from 2005Sivan14 to 2022Chislev15-19. But they were not atoned until 2022Tebbeth10.
Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the s on 2003Chislev2/Shebat21. But it had no congregation (and was not therefore a woman) until 2005Tebbeth15. The s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21, 17 years later.
The proselyte call into the , the Manasseh call, is the spirit baptism into the for anyone in a true church (with or without a water baptism).
The Gentile call into the , the Ephraim call, is the spirit baptism into the for anyone not in a true church.
So most people in the Proselyte call are s.
does not ask: Did this thing happen on the day of the Sabbath?
He asks: Was it proper/necessary for this thing to happen on the day of the Sabbath? And Day is not literal. So this must be the Sabbath month which is 2022Tammuz for the Abrahamic Sabbath system and 2022Ab for the Isaaic system see U103.
It was necessary/proper for the cure to be done on the Sabbath day by because his bond loosing activities all pointed forward to the capabilities that mankind will have during the Kingdom Sabbath and the Sabbath is a release from the bond to work for secularly. So in the greater meaning, today, the bond loosing does not have to occur on a Sabbath month. And indeed it does not.
The law of Sodom ceased being from God and became from man 2022Elul14 at the fall of Sodom (the fall of the wall of its law). But this did not release the woman. You have to leave the church to escape church law.
She comes for the Jericho Jubilee release on 10-10-10 of Abrahamic Laodicea, and is cured by Isaaic baptism on that day, the 7th Sabbath of Kingdom Weeks from 2022Heshvan22 to 2022Tebbeth11. The Laodicean woman is cured up to 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. She is not cured during the Abrahamic monthly Sabbath of 2022Shebat. The non Laodicean woman is cured up to 2022Shebat16. She is not cured during the Isaaic Sabbath month of 2023Nisan? as instructed by the synagogue ruler in verse 14.
She is bonded by not to contact the s or declare her existence in the absence of a sign. The Sabbath is a release from bonds! She is both loosed and cured on a Sabbath, the Isaaic Sabbath year from 2022Tishri1 to 2023Elul30 (from 2016Tishri1). She is not cured during a Sabbath month.
Now verse 10 states...
10 But he was teaching in one of the synagogues [2x: the Isaaic synagogue not the Abrahamic one] in the Sabbaths [That is Isaaic Kingdom Weeks from 2022Heshvan16 to 2022Tebbeth5 NOT Abrahamic Kingdom Weeks from 2022Tishri16 to 2022Chislev5]. (Luke 13 )
This counts as 2x.2x=4x of Sabbaths of Weeks of the Chislev1 secular year, which are 2022Heshvan22 and 2022Heshvan29, 2022Chislev6 and 2022Chislev13. So the scene is set at or after 2022Chislev13 and before 2022Chislev20 - during which time the woman is cured - in fact by rapture from 2022Chislev15-19 for the Abrahamic s.
Also she is cured on 2022Chislev26, the 4th weekly Sabbath of the month.
She is raised erect fulfilling Luke 21:28.
28 But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up [into the ark], because your deliverance is getting near (Luke 21 ).
11 And, look! a woman having a spirit of weakness for 10-8 years [2004Tishri2 to 2022Chislev7/Tebbeth3, when the correct fire sign predictions were seen] and she was bent together [at a festival - when the body should come together in a huddle. Also Laodicea and Sodom are inward looking rather than outward looking. Research oriented rather than evangelical], and was unable to raise herself up at all [no leaven, no public teaching? or into the ark? 3 specific anatomical body problems. 1 of weakness. 2 Bent together. 3 Unable to raise herself up].
11 And look! woman spirit having of weakness years ten eight and she was bending together and not being able to bend up into the all-completeness. (Luke 13 ).
12 Having seen her [1x but count not triggered: When she appears to . Perhaps he sees her in her entirety from the ark on 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's 42 month lease during which and the 3rd are denied access to the ark and so have no global viewing platform? Not really - she was completed on 2011Ab14, when had heavenly vision], addressed/sounded towards her [1x] and said to her [1x]: Woman [1x], you are released from your weakness [by the correct fire sign predictions on 2022Chislev7, 7-7-7 Sivan1 sacred or on 2022Tebbeth3].
13 And he laid-on [epeqhken] her the hands [11x: Isaaic Baptising her into ] and instantly she was straightened up/restored/rebuilt [aorist passive] [1x], and was glorifying God [imperfect active] [1x]
verse 13: 11x+1x+1x=13x from 2022Tebbeth3-2022Tebbeth16, the start of the Isaaic baptism of the 4 apostles of Revelation9:13-15.
The weakness of this woman is instantly cured by the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions or perhaps when Elijah and Elisha of 1Kings19 meet - proving the existence of Laodicea?
14 But answering, the synagogue-ruler, being indignant because cured [her] on the Sabbath [of 2022Chislev15, the start of the rapture of the Abrahamic s, the 1st Sabbath of Booths of the Chilsev1 Abrahamic secular year], began to say to the crowd that [there] are 6 days in which it is necessary to be working; on them, therefore, come and be cured [a misapplication of the law of man to the . So this MUST be comparative speech], and not on the day of the Sabbath [a command which must be fulfilled in the greater meaning because it was not fulfilled in the literal meaning. So they do not come in the Abrahamic Sabbath month of 2022Tammuz or in the Isaaic Sabbath month of 2022Elul. They come on week-months from an Abrahamic/Isaaic Sabbath system point of view. They do not come on the Abrahamic/Isaaic Sabbaths of 2022Tammuz/Elul or 2022Shebat/2023Nisan. The Jordan dries up for everyone except the ark of the 3rd from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5].
The Watchtower woman is bent together in on herself (hides her wisdom in the ground)
She is released from her bond to the Watchtower judicially on 2022Elul14, by the fall of Sodom during the Abrahamic Sabbath month
She is released from her spirit weakness by getting the correct fire sign predictions on 2022Tebbeth3
She is cured on the week-months of and 2022Tebbeth and 2022Shebat, starting on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the 4th day over Cain in the 2nd month of vassal Caesar installations of Solomon under
She is not cured during the Sabbath month (either Abrahamic for Laodicea or Isaaic for non Laodicea). The 5th row s are baptised by 2022Shebat16.
The bond is physically broken by a trip to the s. In the s she will be taught the meaning of the first law. Do not make Watchtower truth your own. Make bible truth your own. You cannot subcontract out the 1st law to a priest. If you do you are an idolater of that priest.
There is a fire sign upon a Pentecost. For the scripture says...
1 Now in the day of the Pentecost being fully-completed
[on 2022Tebbeth21/22, the Pentecost (of the Chislev1 secular year), the completion of that festival/the Super Pentecost thereafter]
[literally the 12 apostles of the ] [the s]
were all together upon the same
[all in the ark thinking about the same thing
in expectation of the 3rd fire sign - US sunrise/sunset?],
2 and suddenly there occurred being borne out of heaven/the atmosphere a sound/noise/report just like that of a rushing stiff breeze/violent blowing
[the 3rd fire sign],
and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting (Acts 2).
The 3x 50s of 2Kings1: These are 3x 50 day Pentecosts
1. The 2nd Pentecost from 2010Heshvan2-2010Chislev21 and the inclusive chief on 2010Chislev21 - for the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1 - which consumed 2010Chislev20 and 2010Chislev21.
2. The 2nd 50 is the same Pentecost from 2022Chislev2-2022Tebbeth21 and the inclusive chief on 2022Tebbeth21, a chief of 50 following and his 50, is worded to mean that the 2nd chief and his 50 are a following version of the 1st chief of 50 and his 50. Actually they follow the first 50 precisely DAY FOR DAY.
(12 years precisely of Elijah taking 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of ). The fire of God
comes down from the heavens on the day of this chief. The fire of God is volcanic here presumably, rather than the fire of man (although the 2nd and 3rd fire signs are called 'the fire of ' in 1Kings18:38). So the 50 and the chief of 50 are consumed by volcanic fires. But the 3rd chief of 50 recounts that the 2nd chief of 50 and his 50 were consumed by fire not said to be of God.
So BOTH of them are consumed both by the volcanic fire of God and the explosive fire of man. Elijah speaks to 'them' (the 2nd chief of 50 and another chief of 50) when speaking ONLY to a chief of 50, with the words: thee and thy 50. So the chief must himself be a part of the 50, an inclusive chief The 50 is consumed by the 2nd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and by the volcanic fire sign on 2022Tebbeth15-22 and the chief by the 2nd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and the volcanic fire sign during 2022Tebbeth20-22..
3. The 3rd 50 are the 8th Pentecost, from 2021Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, the inclusive 3rd chief of 50 is 2023Nisan5. The 50 souls are precious NOT because they do not house a fire sign BUT because they are the period of baptism of the angels of the 3rd . AND because they are a Pentecost (which is counted in days), and is the church of the escape from Adam into a very precious soul. The 3rd chief says that fire ate up the previous two chiefs. So he comes after the 2nd chief and so after 2023Nisan5. Gordon goes down to the king on 2023Nisan5, in the middle of the 1st marriage feast and rises up, starting his ascension on 2023Iyyar15.
Solomon2 must preside over the inauguration of the temple named after him, from 2022Shebat15-21 in the ark. So the 3rd is not baptised into until 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5, after the end of the . Moses (reappointed Laodicea and Sodom) who struck the rock but failed to give glory (baptism appropriators) cannot lead God's people into the promised land. So reappointed Laodicea and Sodom both fall before the Kingdom is appointed/installed under over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5.
feeds the 5,000 reserves (who are married to but still sitting on the substitute bench?) face to face in the church for 50 days of Mark6, from 2022shebat16 (they reclined on chlorine coloured grass, not necessarily lush green, not necessarily water baptised - see U67) to 2023Nisan5 (the end of the ark based baptism), the hand over of to the 3rd . Elijah4 starts ascending up 's ladder on 2023Iyyar15. This follows the pattern of when possessed by on 29Tishri10. rose into he ark on 29Tishri10 before ascending presumably. Benjamin completes his leaping ark rapture/resurrection of Acts3 on 2023Nisan5/6, leaving the planet on 2023Nisan3/4, 60 cubits of the height of the image of Daniel3 after 2022Shebat4, the start of the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast and WW3, the means of that enforcement.
Laodicean Elijah is commanded to come down by the 1st chief and does only in the greater meaning. He lost his appointment over the s on 2010Tebbeth24, a tablet shattering day, 40+40 days after 2010Heshvan5 and 40 months of the reign of Joash after 2007Sivan22/Elul11, the 3rd first fruits/Pentecost (being appointed 3rd over the s after and ). and 33 days after 2010Chislev21, the 1st fire sign. He does not come down until 2012Sivan14, when he dies to Adam and is then resurrected/transformed to from 2012Sivan14-16.
Elijah4 is commanded to come down quickly by the 2nd chief (2022Tebbeth21) and so he comes down quickly only in the greater meaning, from the mountain, on 2023Nisan5, 74 days later, when he becomes inferior coregent over the s.
Elijah4 is commanded to go down by the angel and does go down from the mountain on 2023Nisan5.
9 And he proceeded to send to him a chief of 50 and his 50. When he went up to him, there he was sitting upon the top of the mountain.
He now spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, the king himself has spoken, 'Do come down.'
10 But Elijah answered and spoke to the chief of the 50:
Well, if I am a man of God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up you and your 50. And fire came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50.
11 So he turned about/returned and sent to him a chief of 50 following and 50 of him. And he answered and spoke to him: Man of the [true]
God, this is what the king has said, 'Do come down quickly.'
12 But Elijah answered and spoke to them: If I am a man of the [true] God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up you and your 50.
And fire of God came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50.
13 And he went sending again a 3rd chief of 50 and his 50.
But the 3rd chief of 50 went up and came and bent down upon his knees in front of Elijah and began to implore favour of him and speak to him: Man of the [true]
God, please let my soul and the soul of these 50 servants of yours be precious in your eyes.
14 Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious in your eyes.
15 At that the angel of spoke to Elijah: Go down with him. Do not be afraid because of him. So he rose and went down with him to the king. (2 Kings 1 )
9 And he proceeded to send to him a chief of 50 [50 is nounless - appointed directly over the 50 men, their leader not in authority but in time. He is 2010Chislev21, the chief of the late Pentecost from 2010Heshvan2-2010Chislev21. For God is not a hypocrite like man is. God will not appoint a ballet dancer to manage a football team. So the chief of a Pentecost must himself be a part of the Pentecost over which he is chief.
The first fire sign of 1Kings18 occurred upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23. Elijah predicted fire from the heavens on 2010Chislev21 and on 2010Chislev22. This was correct but he chose the wrong location - Manhattan. So the fire ate up the 50 by falling on 2010Chislev20 and 2010Chislev21]
and his 50
[2010Heshvan2-2010Chislev21]. When he went up to him, there he was sitting upon the top of the mountain
[of the administration of . He was sitting at this point]. He now spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, the king []
himself has spoken, 'Do come down' [unfulfilled command literally. So in the greater meaning Elijah4 comes down on 2012Sivan14 from the mountain. But he goes back up from 2015Heshvan2 to 2015Chislev21,
Isaaic 's appointment/installation over the s. We accept your prophetic status but not your authority. In other words: Have as many interpretations as you like but we keep the power. They think takes the same view - he does not]
10 But Elijah [Elijah4]
answered and spoke to the chief of the 50 [not the 50, just the chief,
2010Chislev21]: And/Well, if I am a man of God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up thee and thy 50 [The first fire sign of 1Kings18, the fire upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23. By falling upon the date of the late Pentecost, the chief of that 50 count and on 2010Chislev20. It confirms both the chief and the 50 count]. And fire [not said to be 'of God' so not nuclear, since God's heavenly fire that powers stars is nuclear] came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50 [The 1st fire sign of 2Kings1 is the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18. The crowds of Luke 12, however, do not see this sign until they see the 2nd/3rd fire signs].
11 And he turned about/returned [] and sent to him [a] chief of 50 following and 50 of him [literally 'following' rather than 'another'. Following because 50 and the chief of 50 are a DAY FOR DAY sequel to the first fire sign but 12 years of Elijah taking 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of and building them into an altar for the s who join at the 3rd fire sign]. And he answered and spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, this is what the king has said, 'Do come down quickly.' [Unfulfilled literal command. So in the greater meaning Elijah4 does come down from this mountain quickly, actually on 2023Nisan5, the 3rd chief of 50. We still do not accept your authority. We still say that wants you to come down to us - our king is not coming down to you]
12 But Elijah answered and spoke to them [By speaking only to the chief. So the chief must be a part of the 50. So he is an INCLUSIVE CHIEF. OR He spoke them, meaning two chiefs of 50. AND the two types of fire sign. One is fire from the heavens (man made) and other is the fire of God (volcanic fire). So we should expect a volcanic fire sign AND a man made one on 2022Tebbeth21 (2023January17/18] If I am a man of the [true] God, let fire come down from the heavens [] and eat up thee and thy 50 []. And fire of God [volcanic. The mount Etna eruption from 2020February16 at 4pm, 2020Shebat28, was too early. But 1Kings18 has the fire signs, the work of the two horned beast of Revelation13, as being the fire of , presumably in the sense that he predicts it rather than causes it. Perhaps in the sense that he permits it? So the 2nd chief of 50 must be consumed by a man made predicted 1Kings18 fire sign as well. Verse14 has the 3rd chief saying that fire from the heavens, not necessarily the fire of God, consumed the 2nd chief and his 50. The fire of God, the volcanic fire, MUST consume 2022Tebbeth21, the chief, the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 and a day at least in the 50 from 2022Chislev2 to 2022Tebbeth21 (which day is within 2022Tebbeth15-21 for the volcanic fire of God and within 2022Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18). The fire of man from the heavens is the 2nd and 3rd fire signs] came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50 [] (2Kings1).
The plural 'them' may refer to both the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 AND the volcanic fire of God which must consume the chief and his 50 and so must occur on or before 2022Tebbeth20 and must consume at least 2 days of the 50.
The volcanic fire of God consumes 2022Tebbeth21.
The fire of , in the sense that he predicts or permits it, the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 consumes 2022Tebbeth20-22.
13 And he went sending again a 3rd chief of 50 [Not said to be following! 2023Nisan5] and his 50 [2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5].
But the 3rd chief of 50 [2023Nisan5] went up and came and bent down upon his knees to front of Elijah and begged for favour to him [he asks to be baptised into the . He fell upon his knees to be baptised into the actually, just as John performed his absurd baptism of into the ]
and said to him: Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul [singular]
of these 50 servants of yours be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes
[2 eyes, 2x. Highly valued souls are those which are baptised. Elijah is Lord of these servants of his (days not members of the 3rd ). These servants are literal in the greater meaning as the noun only appears once.
Elijah does come down from the top of the mountain on 2023Nisan5. That day is his servant partially. He rises into the ark with the Isaaic s from 2022Tebbeth15-21 and ascends up 's ladder from 2023Iyyar15, to 2023Sivan15, with the rest of the s, 144 cubits of the wall of the city of Revelation21 later. We enter into heaven on 2023Sivan16, first fruits. The 2nd way in which these souls are highly valued is that they become ageless Methuselaian]
14 Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 and their fifties [not fire of God from the heavens - this is the fire of man - the 1st and 2nd fire signs], but now let my soul be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes [give me a baptism].
15 And the angel of [Peter]
said to Elijah []: Go down with him [Resign as overall ruler over on the day represented by the 3rd chief -
2023Nisan5. Go down to the king on 2023Nisan5 and rise up 's ladder from 2023Iyyar15.. Do not be afraid from faces of him. And he rose [ascending up 's ladder from 2023Iyyar15-2023Sivan15, 30 days + 1 day through the Tsohar on 2023Sivan16, having spent 50 cubits of ark width in post rapture ark based earthly interaction from 2022Tebbeth15-21 to 2022Adar4-10] and went down with him to the king [The 3rd takes over on 2023Nisan5. But actually Elijah comes down to the King not below the king. So the two are coregent during his and the s earthly interaction, their ark reentry period, after the installation of the over the Isaaics under on 2022Tebbeth5. This is David being coregent with Solomon]
13 And he turned about/returned [1x] and sent a 3rd chief of 50 [3x] and his 50 [50x]. But the 3rd chief of 50 [3x] went up [1x on 2023Nisan5, when takes over the place] and came [1x] and bent down upon his knees [1x+2x] to front of Elijah [1x] and inclined (himself) towards him [1x] and said to him: Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul of [each of] these 50 servants of yours be precious in your eyes [51x.2x=102x].
14 Here fire came down from the heavens [3x] and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 [50x+50x=100x] and their fifties [50x+50x], but now let my soul be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes [2x] (2 Kings 1 ).
A Centurion (chief of 100) counts as 100x.
Count of the entreaty of Verse 13:
Verse 14: 3x.4x.(3x+50x+50x+50x+50x+2x)=12x.205x=2460x
Total = 3744x = 10 years 144 days. From 2010Chislev20, the start of the 1st fire sign to 2021Iyyar14??
Midst of the sea of Sodom on dry land
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and divide it, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
A true church administration is a mountain with oversight over the land, the congregation
A false church administration is a boat floating upon the sea, the congregation which supports it.
Dry land is a church without a water baptism ( on earth after 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14, when the for earth dwellers ends and the 3rd before 2022Shebat16)
8 And the second angel blew his trumpet. And something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea. And a 3rd of the sea became blood; (Revelation 8 )
Moses is the administration of
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and split it apart, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land. (Exodus 14 )
Elijah4's hand ends during the 2nd marriage feast? We MUST be coregent with the 3rd from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Sivan15. David and Solomon. Elijah4 of 2Kings1 comes down to the King not below the king.
Rulership of is elevated ( rapture begins)
End of Benjamin's ark rapture
End of ascension. End of elevated stretched hand of .
2022Adar30 = 2023Nisan6
2½ months
22 And the sons of Israel came into the midst of the sea on dry land, while the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
The fall of Sodom The late Laodicean Passover
The start of the lava flood, the killing of the sea begins
2022Shebat14 (dry land of Hebron is completed)
5 months
5 months
29 And the sons of Israel walked on dry ground in the middle of the sea the waters [being] a wall for them, from their right and from their left (Exodus 14 ).
The fall of Sodom The 2nd last day of earthly interaction of the s The absolute end of war.
The warring sea ends.
6 months less 5 days
6 months less 5 days
The post reappointed Laodicean sea began on 2019Adar13, the fall of reappointed Laodicea.
The post Sodom sea began on 2022Elul14, the fall of Sodom.
The post Dragon's lease begins on 2022Tishri14, the end of his 42 month lease
The end of the non sea is 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood
The end of the sea of unsealed s in 2023Chislev14, the Passover execution for the 12th crop of Revelation22
The end of the sea of last chance saloon failed Adam is 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover.
1 now spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the sons of Israel, that they should turn back and encamp before Pihahiroth between Migdol and the sea in view of Baal-zephon.
In front of it you are to encamp by the sea.
13 And Moses said to the people: Do not be afraid.
Stand firm and see the salvation of , which he will perform for you today. For the Egyptians whom you do see today you will not see again, no,
never again.
14 will himself fight for you, and you yourselves will be silent.
15 And said to Moses: Why do you keep crying out to me? Speak to the sons of Israel that they should break camp.
16 As for you, lift up your rod [on 2022Tebbeth15 into the ark. The saints are Gordon's Rod but Gordon and the saints are ' Rod] and stretch your hand out over the sea [of Sodom, from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15, the end of the Isaaic baptism/administrative authority of Moses () over - coregent with the 3rd from 2023Nisan5] and split it apart, that the sons of Israel may go in the midst of the sea
[that your hand is stretched out over the sea: from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15. The midst of those 150 days is 2022Asar30=2023Nisan6, the end of the ark rapture of Benjamin] on dry land [].
17 As for me, here I am letting the hearts of the Egyptians become obstinate, that they may go in after them and that I may get glory for myself by means of Pharaoh and all his military forces, his war chariots and his cavalrymen.
18 And the Egyptians will certainly know that I am when I get glory for myself by means of Pharaoh, his war chariots and his cavalrymen.
19 And the angel of the [true] God who was going ahead of the camp of Israel departed and went to their rear, and the pillar of cloud departed from their van and stood in the rear of them.
20 And it came in between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel.
And it proved to be a cloud together with darkness. And it kept lighting up the night. And this group did not come near that group all night long.
21 And Moses stretched his hand out over the sea [Either Moses of from 2022Chislev5 to 2023Iyyar5, his administrative hand rather than his baptising hand OR Moses of the 3rd running from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Elul5];
and began making the sea go back by a strong east wind all night long and converting the sea basin into dry ground [non non adamics], and the waters were being split apart.
22 And the sons of Israel came into the midst of the sea on dry land, while the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left [from 2022Elul14 to 2023Tammuz14, the start of the lava flood, the start of the killing of the sea.
The mid point is 2022Shebat14, the late Laodicean Passover, the completion of Hebron]
23 And the Egyptians took up the pursuit, and all the horses of Pharaoh, his war chariots and his cavalrymen began going in after them, into the midst of the sea.
24 And it came about during the morning watch that began to look out upon the camp of the Egyptians from within the pillar of fire and cloud, and he went throwing the camp of the Egyptians into confusion.
25 And he kept taking wheels off their chariots so that they were driving them with difficulty; and the Egyptians began to say: Let us flee from any contact with Israel, because certainly fights for them against the Egyptians.
26 Andy said to Moses: Stretch your hand out upon the sea, and the waters may come back upon Egypts, upon war chariot of him and upon cavalrymen of him [2022Tebbeth15,
the start of the ark based earthly interaction by WATERS to 2023Sivan15 the end of the Isaaic baptism. This is coincident with the stretched out hand of verse 16]. Because we go up and immediately come back down in earth time
27 And Moses stretched his hand out over the sea [from 2023Nisan5, the new Moses of the 3rd over Hebron, to 2023Elul5, the day after the end of WW3],
and the sea turned to turn away [from war]
at the approaching of morning. All the while the Egyptians were fleeing from encountering it, but shook the Egyptians off into the midst of the sea [by ark resurrection of the s].
28 And the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, together with all the army of Pharaoh, those going after them,
into the sea. And not even one was left among them.
29 And the sons of Israel walked on dry ground in the middle of the sea [The post Sodom warring sea from 2022Elul14, the end of Sodom to 2023Elul4 (the end of WW3). the mid point being 2022Adar9. The s stop walking on dry land on 2022Adar10, the end of their earthly interaction]
the waters [being] a wall for them, from their right and from their left.
30 And saved Israel in that day from the hand of Egypt. And Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the lip of the sea.
31 And Israel saw the great hand with which worked against Egypt. And the people feared , and they believed in and in- Moses, servant of him [not double designation due to inseparable preposition]. (Exodus 14 /)
The saints have the wall separating the 3rd to their right and the wall separating to their left?
The account repeats everything.
Mainland = true church
Boat = false church
Island = ex true church, conquered and surrounded by sea.
Laodicea is a dry land in the midst of the sea, a dry island, an ex true church
16 And [as regards instructions for] you [1x], lift up your rod [of Authority as the only true church into the ark on 2022Tebbeth15 in your chariot having been raptured yourself] and stretch your hand out upon/over the sea [your administrative hand over the sea of Sodom from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15, the length of the Isaaic baptism] and divide it [dividing the opinion of the mass of mankind by the signs and the doctrine and chronology. Split the mass of mankind by their response to the fire signs of 1Kings18 on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6 AND divide the sea between the earth and the ark] that the sons of Israel may go/come/enter in the midst of the sea [from 2022Tebbeth15 to 2023Sivan15, the end of the Isaaic hand of over . The midst is 2022Adar30=2023Nisan6, the end of the rapture of Benjamin] in dry land [The for earth dwellers ends on 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14]
16 And [as for] you [], lift up your rod [1x. The rod has no authority over the sea. It has power over the land] and stretch your hand out upon/over/above the sea [5x+1x=6x. Also 5x precisely of hand stretching?] and divide it [1x: For 1 dividing action] that the sons of Israel [12x] may go through in the midst of the sea [1x] in dry land [1x. this multiplies] [of the yet to be baptised 3rd ]
Verse 16: (1x+5x+1x+1x).(12x+1x).1x = 8x.13x=104x. This command count must be added to the execution count in verse 21-22.
17 And look! I [am] making strong the heart of the Egypts [1x]. And they [Dual:
Upper and Lower Egypt or plural - Egyptians] will go behind them [12x,
for the sons of Israel + 2x/3x for Egypts/Egyptians = 14x/15x]. And I will be honoured in Pharaoh [1x] and in all of his army [1x], in his chariot [1x], and in his horsemen [3x].
18 And the Egypts [2x/3x]
[Plural for the Egyptians OR Dual for Upper and Lower Egypt]
shall know [plural] that I [am] , in my being honoured in Pharaoh [1x],
in his chariot [1x], and in his horsemen [3x. But not in his army].
Verse 17: 1x+14x/15+1x+1x+1x+3x = 21x/22x
Verse 18: 2x.(1x+1x+3x) = 10x/15x
Total = 31x/37x
19 And the Angel of God [] withdrew/pulled up, the one going to faces [polite plural OR actual faces?] of/before camp of Israel [3x: The faces of the camp or all the faces of the men women children of Israel plus the vast mixed company with them?]. And he went behind them [1x+3x=4x, taking them as those in the camp]. And the pillar of cloud withdrew from faces [very funny! Could be polite plural. Could be real plural] of them [3x], and it stood behind them [3x+1x=4x]. (Exodus 14 )
20 And it came in between the camp of the Egypts and the camp of Israel [1x+1x+1x]. And it proved to be a cloud together with darkness [2x] [Fire sign clouds and Day of darkness]. And it kept lighting up the night [1x] [for the s, proving them to be in spiritual light. So it has now become a pillar of fire which is leading them. But this is one literal night, the night of the 2nd fire sign - before the 3rd fire sign?]. And this did not come near towards that all night [1x+1x] [The night of Laodicean and reappointed Laodicea and Sodom? 'Night' noun counts as 3x in the account of Exodus 13 and in Exodus14 and so is literal here since there are no double designations. The Hebrew word for night means a twisting, a turning around. So it is the period of turning around]
Verse 19 Angel: 3x+4x = 7x
Verse 19 pillar of cloud: 3x+4x = 7x (going behind adds but being behind subtracts?}
Verse 20: 1x+1x+1x+2x+1x+1x = 8x.
Total = 7x+7x+8x = 22x
Cloud moving 7x+8x = 15x from 2022Tebbeth20-22 - 2022Shebat4-6., from the 2nd fire sign to the 3rd, when both fire signs are behind Israel.
21 And Moses stretched out his hand upon/over/above the sea [5x+1x = 6x. But 5x Precisely of administrative hand stretching over the sea from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Elul5, from the hand over of to the 3rd to the day after the end of WW3], and caused the sea to go in/by a strong east wind all night [1x]. And he made the sea dry land [1x], and the waters were divided [3x into the waters above the expanse (in the ark) and the waters below the expanse (on the earth). The Isaaic ends on 2023Sivan15, the end of Bethzatha, the end of ascensions].
22 And the sons of Israel came/entered in the midst of the sea [12x+1x] in dry ground, the waters [3x] [formed] a wall to them [12x] from their right and from their left [2x. Sodom and ]. (Exodus 14 )
Verse 16: 104x
Verse17: 21x/22x
Verse18: 10x/15x
Verse 19-20: 22x
Verse 21: 6x+1x+1x+3x+3x = 14x
Total: 104x+21x/22x+10x/15x+22x+14x = 171x/177x from 2022Chislev5, the lifting up of the rod of over , to 2023Iyyar2 - The end of the earthly interaction of the s through the Tsohar, the end of the dividing of them from the earth.
22 And the sons of Israel [the saints] came in the midst of the sea [] in waterless-land
[yabbashah] [of dry Sodom/Laodicea/Watchtower or perhaps of s] and the waters [of the of the 3rd and of the of ] were a wall to them from their right side and from their left []
(Exodus 14 ).
Verse 22: 13x+3x.1x.12x.2x = 85x from 2022Chislev15, the start of ark based earthly interaction to 2022Adar10, the end of earthly interaction.
At the end of the 430 years all the armies went forth out of Egypt. So no one leaves before the end of the 430 years a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell as a true church and therefore became Egypt, a prison for God's people. So 2019Tishri14 is when the s start to leave. But the 2000 pigs with 3 demons per pig (the 6,000 reserve swine - unclean in the flesh) hit the sea on 2019Elul30 after 2,000 days from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence. So the first reserves leave the Watchtower for Laodicea on 2019Elul30 and get baptised on 2019Tishri10 and sealed on 2019Tishri14. So the first reserve was baptised into Laodicea on 2019Tishri10. 2019Tishri5 is the end of the 5215 (weekly) + 82 (atonement non weekly) - 47 (Governing Body in prison) = 5250 missed Sabbaths by the Watchtower which are paid back from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5. That is why God delayed the 1st Watchtower Passover until 2019Tishri14. They had to pay back the missed Sabbaths before he would bust them out of their prison. So 2019Elul14 was internal to Laodicea as regards s, because the 1st flying pig jumped on 2019Elul30 The ark comes to a rest on 2019Tishri17. So no marriage can occur before then. So the 3rd marriage is 2019Tishri17 not 2019Elul19.
The sea is split into sheep and goats by the signs. But the waters are the split within into the two congregations. The autonomous church is dry and those who join after the water baptism has ended are dry.
The sea is everybody outside of the Watchtower
The dry land is Laodicea and all the sons of the who respond immediately to the fire signs, making this land bridge.
The wall of waters on the right is the law of the descended 3rd , the congregation of the
The wall of waters on the left is the sacred law and the congregation of the -
The night is the period of the 3 churches of the night, Laodicea, Reappointed Laodicea, and Non adamic Sodom, which ends on 2022Ab14.
For the Laodicean Exodus into reappointed Laodicea, they camp at Succoth and then they reach Etham, meaning boundary of the sea according to Gesenius, at the edge of the wilderness according to Exodus14, the fall of Laodicea as a true church, before they actually arrive at Sodom which is Pihahiroth overlooking Baal-Zephon (hidden Baal). They started to leave the Watchtower congregations for the 2019Tishri14 1st Watchtower Passover, 430 years a month for a day in Egypt of Exodus 12:40-41 from 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell as a true church becoming Egypt. And s must chase after them as regards his war chariot and his horsemen (this seems to be a cryptic reference to WW3).
This land bridge between Sinai (Laodicea) and Arabia () is created by the fire signs, which occur when the pillar of fire and cloud moves from leading Israel to following Israel. looks out from within the pillar of fire and cloud in the sense that he views the response to the fire signs and uses it. The dry land is created not from Sinai or Egypt (the Watchtower) but from the sea of the world. It is congregation of believing sign responders from all the churches of the world and those who love not but are not in any church. The walls of water of the left and the right and those trapped by the water baptism of their false church and the law of their false church and unable to respond at that time. The land bridge is those who escape the baptism and law of their false church and form a congregation of fire sign responders heading to for a baptism. The saints walk across (being sanctified) with the group. They are carried into by this group of worldly (or false church) fire sign responders. The signians recognise the fire signs as a fulfilment of Isaiah2:
2 And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. (Isaiah 2 )
Laodicea were re accepted as a true church on 2019Ab7 and had their constant feature restored (their worship re-accepted) on 2019Ab14, 2x1290 days of Daniel12 after their loss of constant feature on 2012Sivan14, the Passover.
3 witnesses are needed to condemn to death and you need the opportunity to deny 3x in that night.
You cannot be baptised into a false church. But a true church does not need to be appointed over any saint. The Watchtower was a true church from the first baptism on 1875Iyyar21 but was not appointed to feed the s until 1901Tishri2. And a separated Laodicea became a true church again on 2019Ab7. It regained its constant feature at the reverse Passover on 2019Ab14 and was reappointed over the s on 2019Ab21.
The Watchtower s do not join the until 2019Tishri10, entry day into the main 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14, at the end of the 430 years in Egypt a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, their fall as a true church (when they became an Egypt). So the 3rd presence is begun by Laodiceans who are not in Watchtower Egypt but are in a true church on 2019Elul10. Laodicea was reappointed/reinstalled over the s on 2019Ab21/Tishri10.
2019Tishri10 is the start of the / baptism of the 2,000 flying pigs (from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul30) who jumped off the overhang of the false church of the Watchtower into the sea of the world, in order to drown in the waters of the at reappointed Laodicea.
We kill Cain by baptizing him into the which literally kills him to Cain and makes him adamic or Abrahamic or Isaaic. This killing is a good thing. The vengeance is the 7x wait to enter into the new promised land
For 7 times, anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance. But after the 7x, he will not. These were the 7 of the from 3993Nisan15 to 1473Nisan15 BC
For the 7x of Abrahamic Laodicea from 2012Sivan15 to 2019Sivan15, the Laodicean , nobody entered into that church (whilst it was still a true church - we suspect).
For the 7x of Isaaic from 2015Ab15 to 2022Ab15, the , the baptism produced an Abrahamic restoration rather than an Isaaic one. So that the Isaaic promised land was not entered into any further until 2022Ab15. the s baptised nobody between 2022Ab14 and 2022Heshvan2..
If anyone had entered into Laodicea between 2012Sivan15 and 2013Adar10, they would have received a baptism which would have made then , which would have broken the malediction. From 2013Adar10 to 2017Elul10, the Laodicean baptism did not exist (because they had lost the baptism and there was no baptism during that period). If a joined Laodicea, then they would become , receiving the blessing of that covenant. But that would break the malediction. So it did not happen. After 2017Elul10, Laodicea was a false church. So actually people could have joined it between 2017Elul10 and 2019Sivan15, without breaking the malediction because they would not have become by joining. For more see U133.
27 The end will be by/in the flood (Daniel9)
All the saints are raptured pre trib.
The starts on 2022Tebbeth24
All the s are raptured by 2023Tammuz7, the start of the ride of the 4th horseman who kills with the long sword of WMDs. So they are raptured before nuclear war begins.
There is no post trib rapture. there are post trib ark resurrections on 2023Elul15/16 and 2023Tishri15/16 and 2023Heshvan15/16 and 2023Chislev15/16.
' 2nd marriage occurred on 2015Iyyar20 (2nd first fruits - but in the Sabbath month - which does not apply to those in the ark)
A bride must be given gifts of the spirit at a Pentecost relevant to the covenant of the church and before the (completed) marriage. So the s must now get them FROM THE GROOM WHO IS ELIJAH4! So these gifts presumably are the correct Pentecostal 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions published on 2022Tishri12 and 2022Tishri30 or maybe the gifts of the spirit given on 2022Chislev21, but through the groom? Are they the correct Mark of the Beast predictions and 10 King appearance predictions and rapture timetable predictions? Perhaps also the temple diagram of intro46
(given on 2020Iyyar2).
Two regular (non late) real Passovers (involving a Passover execution on the late version) cannot be coincident. Late Passovers can coincide with regular Passovers of a different group. The demons of the dragon are now regarded by God as PLAIN OLD HUMANS IN A FALSE CHURCH! The very people they abused for 6,000 years and continue so to do. For the dragon is worshipped according to Revelation13:4,8
4 And they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who [is] like the beast; who is able to make war with it?
8 And all those dwelling in the earth will worship it, those of whom the names had not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb having been slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13 )
So the genetic/angelic firstborn of the Dragon should be Passover executed on 2023Heshvan14, the late Babylonian Passover, the demons being the beast rather than the men they possess. In fact they are expelled on 2023Tammuz10, Passover entry day.
The stone of Daniel2 becomes the WALL which fills the whole earth and becomes the kingdom that shall never be brought to ruin - that is . So the kingdom should be appointed at a first fruits and installed at a Pentecost.
The Comprehensive adamic Passover executions are...
3993Nisan14 BC of Adam
2023Tammuz14-2023Tishri4 of non Adam by the lava flood
2023Tebbeth14 of failed Adam
The flood of Noah from 2371Heshvan17-2370Heshvan27 was not a Passover execution. The ark was not a Passover house. It was a genetic preservation vehicle for the immediate family of Noah. There was no way to escape the flood unless you were in that family genetically. There was no covenant salvation.
100 years of the Watchtower authorised feeding of 5000 leek green bedded water baptised saints of Mark6 from 1901Heshvan21, the installation of to feed the s to 2001Chislev14, the loss of the water baptism. Then 3½ years of the dry far bank of the vision of Daniel12 to 2005Sivan14.
sealing can be instant (since the loving/empathetic robber was sealed instantly by ). God's people were supposed to be released by the Dragon during the 7th secular year of their secular slavery to him from 2016Tishri1. So they should be released by 2023Chislev30 (since the secular year changes to a Chislev1 start (in honour of becoming Caesar to and rapturing the Abrahamic s) , then to a Tebbeth1 start in 2022 (in honour of becoming Caesar to and rapturing the Isaaic s). Indeed their final release into the 12th crop of Revelation22 is 2023Chislev10-14 (for one works 6 days and has the 7th day off). But the Dragon releases nobody, despite Moses and Aaron asking Pharaoh to let us go. So God visits the 10 plagues upon the Egyptians starting on 2022Chislev5, when is installed as Pharaoh to ..
A weekly Sabbath is no work for God or man, a festival Sabbath is no work for man (work for the wages of Caesar, for money). One can work for oneself in the sense of fixing up ones house for ones own benefit or doing bible research for ones own benefit or for the benefit of people in the church who are already saved. But one cannot work for the wages of God (salvation of people) or for the wages of Caesar (money) on a weekly Sabbath. So one can do bible research with members of the church. And one cant put that research up on the web on a sacred Sabbath, because the show bread was renewed every Sabbath. One cannot work for others in the sense of running one's own business for the benefit of paying customers.
We did not realise until 2020Sivan26 that a Jubilee month is NOT defined as being a Sabbath month. A Jubilee is a release not from law but from the penalties of the law (no pruning of the vineyard). It is a stay of execution on law judging. So one can be both appointed and installed on a Jubilee month. and Pentecost can occur on weekly Sabbaths (being defined as counting from the day after a festival Sabbath). But one cannot be appointed or installed on a weekly or a monthly Sabbath to a sacred position.
The Laodicean Passover (Watchtower Deep state) is just that saints must stick with Rahab (the Laodicean reserves) in the Passover house of Laodicea. So any saint who leaves Laodicea and does not return to celebrate a valid Passover in the reappointed Laodicea loses his angel (just like a ).
Russell appears to the 2 spies and baptises Jonah into the on 2019Tishri7 - see U367, in order that Jonah can baptise the first reserves on 2019Tishri10, for the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14.The Watchtower Passover entry days are 2019Elul10 (for those already in Laodicea only),
2019Tishri10, 2019Heshvan10, 2019Chislev10 and 2019Tebbeth10. The Sodom Passover entry days are 2020Sivan10 and 2020Tammuz10 for the 7th marriage.
Gordon was appointed/installed to feed s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7 after being disfellowshipped on 1995Adar11. The pattern is fixed here
Gordon was appointed/installed to feed s on 1998Heshvan2Chislev21 (2nd after ) after 3 accountable Passover denials in that night by on 1996/1997/1998
Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the s on 2003Chislev2/Shebat21 (3rd after and , delayed from 2003Tebbeth21, by the Sabbath month to the Jubilee month). A Jubilee month is not a Sabbath month (although it has many of the features of one). But it is a release from the penalties of the law (do not prune your vineyard). So one can be appointed/married and installed in a Jubilee month. Laodicea was installed over the s in the Jubilee month on 2003Shebat21 (the 3rd Pentecost).
12x of Laodicean Betrayal (Judas was one of the 12, and the 12 spies) runs from 2003Shebat21 to 2015Shebat21. Then the spying test runs from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1. Then the 40 whole calendar month wilderness penalty upon Laodicea runs from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30. Then they were reappointed over the s on 2019Ab21 and reinstalled on 2019Tishri10 (Tishri10 is not Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year).
For the Chronology of Laodicea please - see U42.
44 'The Lord said to my Lord: Sit out of my right hand/side [parts] [polite plural: 1x+1x=2x] until I put your enemies beneath your feet'? [10x-2x=8x] (Matthew 22 )
This is telling Solomon to sit on his sacred throne outside of direct control for 10 years from 2012Ab5 to 2022Shebat16 (when the ark based baptism stops for the 3rd ) and so all his enemies are beneath his feet.
Gordon submits himself to on 2023Nisan5, but only as far as coming down to the king. And submits himself to on 2023Tishri5/Heshvan5, the installation of the under as Caesar over /.
The Laodicean s go up each one straight before him EITHER into the city of OR in to the administration in the ark - the city of Revelation21, the mountain of Isaiah2.
20 Under/After that the people went up into the city, each one straight before him, and captured/occupied the city [the city/administration in the ark] (Joshua 6)
We neither of us return to our camps in the 7th day of Jericho. The s go straight up before each one of us into the ark. The Laodiceans go straight up before each one of them into the ark to be built into Solomon's temple, or into .
There must also be a volcanic eruption of some sort in order that the sky becomes dark AT the face of the coming of the great and fear inspiring and epiphanaic day of from 2022Tebbeth16, 8th first fruits, the start of ark based - see also U272.
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.
25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet.
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.
27 For [God] subjected all things under his feet. But when he says that 'all things have been subjected,' it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him.
28 But when all things will have been subjected to him,
then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.
29 Otherwise, what will they do who are being baptized for the purpose of [being] dead ones? If the dead are not to be raised up at all,
why are they also being baptized for the purpose of [being] such? (1 Corinthians 15 ).
The beast from the sea of Revelation13 receives a death stroke to one of its 7 heads (a witness to 7x precisely from 2023Nisan14, to 2023Heshvan14, the end of the 10 diadems and 7 heads of the beast. The UK gets this death stroke from the US who removes its Eagle's wings between 2023Nisan14 and 2023Iyyar14. Then 2023Elul4 is the end of the 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 of WW3, the end of nation states, from 2022Shebat4. The break up of the UK/US dual world power (when the US refuse to participate in the international socialist Nazi global government) must precede the introduction of the image of the beast, since that image is to the beast that was slaughtered yet revived. So the image, the new world currency, the digital smart beastcoin linked to your antisocial credit score, must appear after 2023Nisan14-2023Iyyar14, when the UK/US head is cut in two (since it is an image of the beast with the death stroke). The US eagle does not appear in the sea beast of Revelation 13 or the 4th beast of Daniel7. That is why they hate Trump so much and now will hate Texas and Florida so much. They all have the guts to stand up to the globalist demons. The death stroke occurs when the globalist totalitarian left wing international Nazis give up on the idea of including the US in the worldwide government. This is why the US does not enforce the Mark of the Beast - God bless them! Texas passed a law on 2021Nisan23 banning Vaccination Passports! Senator Rand is trying to get a federal law preventing a vaccine database.
Elijah's attendant/boy will see the 2nd and 3rd fire signs from the ark because Elijah asks him to go up and look in the direction of the sea for a man made mushroom cloud (directions to a cameraman not a TV viewer!)
37 And the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from Rameses for Succoth, to the number of 600,000 able-bodied men on foot, besides little ones. (Exodus 12 )
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the Booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God (Leviticus 23).
So the s should escape from the Watchtower during Booths and then also from Laodicea during a later Booths and from the planet into the ark during a later Booths!
Saints etc. | Entry | Start of Ascension 50 cubits of ark width later/Or hand over. | End of Ascension/descent 30 cubits of ark height later |
3rd | 2017Heshvan17 | 2019Adar9, the late 5th marriage Pentecost the descended s are installed into Sodom, which becomes a true church on 2019Shebat10, 4 months of the near bank of Daniel12 before entry for saints begins on 2020Sivan10. And on 2023Nisan5, is handed over to Peter. He gets 10 minas/cities from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Chislev14 (the end of ) | 2017Chislev17 |
The dead in Christ in | 2019Tishri15-16 | All Christians who died in a true church or with a baptism | n/a |
3rd marriage reserves | 2019Tishri17 | 3rd Bride - door post marriage - guests on earth | n/a |
4th marriage reserves | 2019Heshvan22 | 4th Bride - lintel marriage - no guests on earth only celebrated in the ark? | n/a |
5th marriage reserves | 2019Chislev20 | 5th Bride - door post marriage - guests on earth | n/a |
6th marriage reserves | 2019Tebbeth18 | 6th Bride (Reappointed Laodicean Administration late partakers) | n/a |
7th marriage reserves | 2020Tammuz19 | 7th Bride (Reappointed Laodicean Congregation late partakers) | n/a |
1st marriage s | 2020Ab17 | 1st bride | n/a |
2nd marriage s | 2020Elul22 | 2nd bride | n/a |
3rd marriage s | 2020Tishri20 | 3rd = Late 1st bride | n/a |
4th marriage s | 2020Heshvan18 | 4th = Late 2nd bride | n/a |
proselytes from | 2022Tishri16 onwards | n/a (the dead in Christ rise first) | n/a |
s | 2022Chislev2/3 | n/a | n/a |
Laodicean s | 2022Chislev15-19 | 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
Elijah4 + tuft of hair of Ezekiel8 | 2022Tebbeth15 | apostles - 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
s | 2022Tebbeth15-21 | 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
Benjamin ( s) | 2023Nisan5/6 (60 cubits of Daniel3 after 2022Shebat4 plus resurrection) | Earthly interaction from 2023Nisan5/6 to 2023Iyyar24/25 (Does Benjamin ascend into heaven?) | n/a |
Priests | 2023Nisan22 - 2023Iyyar5 | n/a | n/a |
Citizens | 2023Iyyar8 - 2023Tammuz7 | n/a | n/a |
The harvest festival of Booths (of the Sivan1 sacred year), 2022Chislev15-21,
celebrated by the Abrahamic s of reverted Laodicea in the ark.
The harvest festival of Booths (of the Ab1 sacred year), 2022Shebat15-21 is the inauguration of Solomon's temple in the ark
All physical temples are inaugurated in Nisan or Tishri. But now the sacred year is changed to a Sivan1 start for and an Ab1 start for ..
The Time of Distress and escape for Daniel's people of Daniel12 (from 2022Tebbeth16, the escape of the 1st crop of Revelation22, to 2023Tebbeth16, the escape of the last chance salooners from by resurrection, is a period of unprecedented distress through war, government abuse, famine, plague etc. The reactions to the pandemic of the sensationalising parts of the media and the incompetent parts of the governments and the politically, economically, scientifically and medically corrupted parts of national health services have been causing unprecedented distress to mankind since 2020Nisan1. But that distress was not the biblical distress of Daniel12:1. 2022Tishri14 is the last day of the Dragon's 42 month lease and the exit of the Dragon from 1 for the last time.
Gargling twice a day with a mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride such as Aquafresh which worked for me, killed COVID in 30 seconds - https://www.miragenews.com/mouthwashes-containing-cetylpyridinium-chloride-show-promising-signs-of-reducing-spread-of-covid-19/ and taking 5,000 IU of Vitamin D every day has been shown to be 60-80% efficient at preventing COVID deaths and has been shown to be an effective therapy. It is now used in both UK and US hospitals as a therapy: https://www.foxnews.com/health/vitamin-d-other-everyday-vitamins-could-counter-coronavirus-effects-report) and Compulsory temperature sensing before entry into shops, pubs, clubs, trains planes buses, meetings, cinemas, theatres etc., would be more effective than lockdowns and masks, and would not destroy peoples social lives or the economy and therefore future health service funding. But the government is not interested in our health. They are interested in having power over every aspect of our lives. They wish to enslave us and to imprison us, to destroy our love for each other and the brand us as their slaves with the Mark of the Beast which LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE being the social credit score encoded in your vaccine passport.
COVID regulations are the final masterclass in deception from the demons, their piece de resistance, their 9th symphony in D minor, their 40th in G minor, their Act 2 scene 2. They made COVID, because the crown of thorns (coronavirus of spike proteins) was braided/platted by the soldiers (double helix gene spliced by the demons). Then the soldiers spat on (release COVID deliberately - for saliva droplets are how COVID is transferred). Then the made the gene therapy/genetic therapy vaccines (the snake venom of Genesis 3:15), the plant gall (slow burning poison) mixed with wine (temporary COVID immunity) and gave it to (Christians and all those who will be saved by him into the Kingdom). tasted it but then rejected it. People did not give an informed consent because they were told the vaccines were safe and not gene therapy. Whereas Astra Zeneca, Johnson and Johhson add COVID-19 spike protein DNA to your cell nuclei and Pfizer and Moderna insert persistent mRNA into your cells. Both vaccine reprogram your cells to make spike proteins certainly for 45 weeks in the case of AZ and most likely indefinitely (since your DNA has been added to and certainly for 12 weeks for Pfizer (deduced from the linear increases in antibodies resulting form a delayed 2nd jab up to 45 weeks with AZ and 12 weeks with Pfizer). 's plan was to sleep with Eve, kill Adam and thereby convert all humans into his children rather than God's. Nothing has changed. His new plan is to appropriate the entire human race (Adam's sons - which are Adam to God) and change their cells from Adamic to . Cain means Spear or spike or needle in Hebrew. Once vaccinated your body cells become spike factories, Cain factories. the UK figures produced in PHE technical briefings 15-18 show that doubly vaccinated people are now dying at around the same rate per capita as unvaccinated people. This we deduce is due to the medium term toxicity of AZ, because Israeli death rates are much better and they exclusively vaccinated with Pfizer. So we are not sure what the deadly plague of the 4th horseman is. But is may just be the toxicity of the vaccines, especially when under test from a new variant. There is no question now (2021Ab7 - when Boris announced that it will be law to have to produce a vaccine passport to get into a night club) that the vaccine passports and their credit scores will become the mark of the beast of Revelation13. So the bible counsels NOT to take these vaccines but to rely upon the promises of God in Psalm 91 (which actually only applies to those in the ark, the secret place on high of verse1) and Genesis 15:1 (which applies generally to 's seed, all those with faith in God).
Mark of the beast upon the hand: Vaccine Passport QR Code
Mark of the beast upon the forehead: Social Credit Score
Image of the beast: Vaccine Passport and Social Credit Score linked s.
The Time of Distress and Escape is also caused by an ash filled atmosphere from increased volcanic activity leading up to the lava flood for 40+40 days from 2023Tammuz14 - 2023Tishri4. This is a smart flood which kills only the loveless and the faithless. It kills Adam. It does not touch or constructive (the sons of the ).
22 Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow,
Or do you see even the storehouses of the hail,
23 Which I have kept back for the time of distress, For the day of fight and war? (Job 38 )
But the big volcanic eruption that fills the atmosphere with dust so that the moon becomes as blood and the sun becomes darkened must occur at the start of the day of of Joel2, Zephaniah1, Amos5, Malachi4 and Isaiah13, and BEFORE 2022Shebat16 or perhaps 2023Nisan5, the start of the day of the Lord (as opposed to the Day of from 2022Tebbeth16), before which we must have the sun darkened and the moon turned into blood (due to atmospheric dust) and the stars not giving their light - see U272
10 To face of/in the presence of/before it [this people] [the] land has become agitated [by the Time of Distress of Daniel12 or by WW3], [the] heavens have rocked [from the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18]. Sun and moon themselves have become dark, and the very stars have withdrawn their brightness [due to atmospheric volcanic dust].
11 And himself will certainly give forth his voice before his military force, for his camp is very numerous. For he who is carrying out his word is mighty; for the day of is great and very fear-
inspiring, and who can hold up under it? (Joel 2 )
30 And I [God himself] will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke [Volcanic eruptions NOT the 2nd and 3rd fire signs which come from the Dragon].
31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, TO FACE OF/AT coming of day of , the great and the fear-inspiring.
32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of will get away safe; for in Mount and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as has said, and in among the survivors, whom is calling. (Joel 2 )
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist,
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood BEFORE the great and epiphanaic day of the Lord arrives (Acts 2 )
So we get a darkened atmosphere full of volcanic ash (not from total solar or lunar eclipses) AT the Great and Fearful day of , which in code terms is two days. But BEFORE the great and epiphanaic Day of the Lord, which begins on 2022Shebat16, when the 3rd begins entering into OR on 2023Nisan5, when the 3rd finishes entering into and takes over . However the Day of of Joel2, the full strength Abrahamic Shield of , runs from 2022Shebat16 (when starts to be baptised into - see U272). This is as opposed to the weaker shield of which prevents death from Coronavirus but not infection - see U368.
The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18, expected to be a large explosive attack on Manhattan (producing a mushroom cloud rising from the Hudson) will occur on 2022Tebbeth20-22 (2023January16-19), the Pentecost (of the Chislev1 secular year) or Super Pentecost thereafter.
The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18, expected to be a large explosive attack East of London (producing a mushroom cloud rising from the Thames around Dartford)
will occur on 2022Shebat4-6 (2023January30-2023February2), 30x/31x of the sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 after 2022Tebbeth5, 7x after the installation of Isaaic over on 2015Tebbeth5, and the 7th Pentecost or 7th Sabbath therefore or Super Pentecost thereafter.We may have these two fire signs the wrong way around.
Laodicea once again became a false church on 2019Adar13, 200+ Denarii of loaves (true church food) of Mark6 from their reappointment to feed the s on 2019Ab21. For Laodicea means 'people of judgement'. So on 2019Adar13, the wall of Laodicea, the law of that church, fell down to the earth and became man made.
Judas bursts in his midst from 2019Tishri10 (the appointment of reappointed Laodicea over the s and the entrance day for s into reappointed Laodicea) to 2020Tammuz10 (the restart of the 3rd presence in reverted Laodicea), which midst is 2019Shebat25. Reappointed Laodicea is run by 1 possessing . was possessing the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry , was dipped/baptised into the by the descended Charles Russell (on the same day that was baptised - 29Tishri10). He presides over the Watchtower Passovers honourably as the King of the locusts, the angel of the abyss of Revelation8. THIS WAS HIS REPENTANCE! - See U853 and see U151
baptism of s not s into reappointed Laodicea begins enters mirroring on 29Tishri10
leaves in Judas'
7th bride enter Sodom
2019Elul10 (2nd presence begins)
2019Tishri10 (reappointed Laodicea installed over s) 2019Shebat25 (not in the midst of the field)
2020Tammuz10 (Passover entry day)
1 month
4½ months of serpent feeding of woman
4½ months of wilderness feeding of woman
A transition for all of Laodicean Adam is a Jubilee restoration since it is a return for the previous estate which Adam lost. So it must occur during a Jubilee. And it is an atonement with God, a return to his garden conditions. So it must occur for Adam on an Atonement day. Well in 2020 the Jubilee release day is 2020Tishri10 which is also Atonement day. This is when the last member of the 3rd , the last , is baptised into the in Sodom, Reverted Laodicea. It is the end of the Jubilee restoration of the Kings and the Lords of the 3rd and saints from the Watchtower. The next opportunity for that is in 25 years time. So we must have this right!
The Monthly Jubilee release day and Atonement day only coincide once every 25 years. The next such coincidence after 2020Tishri10 is 2045Tishri10.
3 Jubilees of the Kingdom from 2008Iyyar1 to 2012Sivan30. From 2012Tammuz1 to 2016Ab30 and from 2016Elul1 to 2020Tishri30. The Jubilee release of the 3rd Jubilee is 2020Tishri10, Atonement day, the entrance day into the 3rd marriage.
The final release from Adam. Adam lost his birthright of a body on 3993Nisan14. His sons are will be restored back to Adam's original state at a Jubilee restoration...
8 'And you must count for yourself 7 Sabbaths of years,
7 times 7 years, and the days of the 7 Sabbaths of years must amount to 49 years for you.
9 And you must cause the horn of loud tone to sound in the 7th month on the 10th of the month; on the day of atonement you people should cause the horn to sound in all your land.
10 And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family.
(Leviticus 25 )
39 'And in case your brother grows poor alongside you and he has to sell himself to you, you must not use him as a worker in slavish service.
40 He should prove to be with you like a hired labourer,
like a settler. He should serve with you till the Jubilee year.
41 And he must go out from you, he and his sons with him, and he must return to his family, and he should return to the possession of his forefathers. (Leviticus 25 )
The possession of our forefather Adam before his fall, was a non ageing human body. Adam himself, meaning ALL of his sons who are not dead, must be returned to that edenic state on a Jubilee release day, a Jubilee restoration day. That day is the 10th of the Jubilee month in the case of monthly Jubilees and the 10th of Tishri in the case of annual Jubilees. Atonement day is the annual Jubilee release day. But in the 3rd monthly Jubilee of the Kingdom, which is the 1443rd monthly Jubilee after Adam's sin, the Jubilee month is actually Tishri. So the monthly Jubilee day is the annual Jubilee day, which is atonement day. So Adam was only ever going to be Jubilee restored on the 10th of a Jubilee month. And Adam is restored to being when he enters into an Passover, which is a standing gene zap resurrection, an edenic restoration without falling asleep in , a technical death by gene zap. But a Jubilee restoration is an Atonement since is God of the living not of the dead. And Adam is dead but is living. Therefore the edenic restoration was only ever going to happen on Atonement day. So the big edenic Jubilee restoration by standing resurrection actually was completed on 2020Tishri10 for the last s by baptism and then 2020Heshvan10 was entry day into the 4th marriage Passover on 2020Heshvan14.
The new Eve, the new woman of Genesis 3:15 was completed on 2020Tishri10 and married on 2020Heshvan18 and installed on 2020Tebbeth7. Her seed will ambush the serpent in the head.
Then we have the accepting year of Isaiah 61 for s from 2022Chislev10/Tebbeth10 (early Passover entry into the 1st crop of the tree of life of Revelation22/Laodicean Passover entrance day) to 2023Chislev10/Tebbeth10 (entry into the 12th crop of Revelation22/the end of entry into the last chance saloon/Hobah of Genesis14, the last week of Daniel9:27, the descended church).
The 12 crops of the tree of life of Revelation22 run from 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023Chislev14-16. Entrance into those crops runs from 2022Chislev10 to 2023Tebbeth10, the Accepting year of Isaiah61 for the 12 crops. But after that year there is the final week of Daniel 9:27 of keeping the covenant in force for the many from 2023Tebbeth3/4-10.
Then we have the last chance saloon Passover on 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover, the final execution of failed s, the absolute end of Adam. And those who are passed over are resurrected back onto the earth on 2023Tebbeth16, the end of the Time of Distress and Escape of Daniel12.
So death is brought to nothing by God himself on 2023Tebbeth14-16, when entry into the 1st death ends and exit out of it for the last chance salooners occurs.
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.
25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet.
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.
(1 Corinthians 15 )
Passovers where humans are executed can only be of Adam. Non adamics cannot be killed by Passovers since they are not under any death sentence (unless they are contracted to die sacrificially by their salvation covenant as is the case with s).
The / : / Mirror
Crudely speaking, what happens to the s and s from 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2020Heshvan15 (the 2 resurrection of the 4th bride) happens to the s (s and s) from 2022Chislev14, the early 1st Crop Passover of Revelation22, to 2023Tebbeth16, the 3 resurrection of the last chance saloon s.
HOWEVER. (1C Adam) is being tested for or for sealing. The final sealing test takes 50 days of Ezekiel's temple inner gates. Whereas sealing can be instant (as it was in the case of the faithful robber crucified at the side of ). If ( Adam) fails to be sealed, then if he is a firstborn (a pre kingdom ) he is killed (by losing his status - which is not good during the lava flood and the ride of the 4th horseman - by one of the 5 late Passover executions on 2023Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14. God gives everyone a 2nd chance for non capital matters (2 witnesses are required) and a 3rd chance for capital offences (3 witnesses are required). So nobody is killed for at the regular Passover date. Triply absent firstborns are killed at the late Passover, having missed the early regular and late Passover. They must be given the opportunity to deny the Christ 3x in this night as Peter did. Exodus14:3-9 shows us that all the late partakers are restored at the late non religious Passover for s and s - see U358.
Salvation Event | Laodiceans | s | Christian | Babylonian | Non religious |
Symbolised by | Pharaoh on throne | Maidservant behind millstones | Captive in prison hole | Captive in prison hole | All |
Day of early Passover entry to get a standing gene zap resurrection | 2022Chislev10 | 2022Tebbeth10 | 2022Shebat10 | 2022Adar10 | 2023Nisan10 |
Day of regular Passover entry to get a standing gene zap resurrection | 2022Tebbeth10 | 2022Shebat10 | 2022Adar10 | 2023Nisan10 | 2023Iyyar10 |
Day of late Passover entry to get a standing gene zap resurrection | 2022Shebat10 | 2022Adar10 | 2023Nisan10 | 2023Iyyar10 | 2023Sivan10 |
Regular edenic restoration by standing gene zap resurrection | 2022Tebbeth14-16 | 2022Shebat14-16 | 2022Adar14-16 | 2023Nisan14-16 | 2023Iyyar14-16 |
Late edenic restoration by standing gene zap resurrection | 2023Sivan14-16 | 2023Sivan14-16 | 2023Sivan14-16 | 2023Sivan14-16 | 2023Sivan14-16 |
Passover execution of firstborn (pre kingdom baptised) non s (loss of status) | 2022Shebat14 | 2022Adar14 | 2023Nisan14 | 2023Sivan14 | 2023Tammuz14 |
Day of regular Passover entry to get a ark resurrection | 2023Tammuz10 | 2023Ab10 | 2023Elul10 | 2023Tishri10 | 2023Heshvan10 |
Day of late Passover entry to get a ark resurrection | 2023Ab10 | 2023Elul10 | 2023Tishri10 | 2023Heshvan10 | 2023Chislev10 |
Passover execution of firstborn (pre-kingdom baptised) sealing failures (death) | 2023Ab14 | 2023Elul14 | 2023Tishri14 | 2023Heshvna14 | 2023Chislev14 |
Passover execution of regular partaking s to their resurrection | 2023Tammuz14-16 | 2023Ab14-16 | 2023Elul14-16 | 2023Tishri14-16 | 2023Heshvan14-16 |
Passover execution of late partaking s to resurrection of late partaking s | 2023Chislev14-16 | 2023Chislev14-16 | 2023Chislev14-16 | 2023Chislev14-16 | 2023Chislev14-16 |
Whereas the 2019 reserve archetype for the above in Laodicea is...
Salvation Event | Bethelites | Congregations | Disfellowshipped or Disassociated |
Symbolised by | Pharaoh on throne | Maidservant behind millstones | Captive in prison hole |
Passover entry day for 3rd, 4th, 5th marriages in the ark | 2019Tishri10 | 2019Heshvan10 | 2019Chislev10 |
Passover entry day for to remain engaged to be married and in the | 2019Heshvan10 | 2019Chislev10 | 2019Tebbeth10 |
Passover execution of Passover victims | Partaking night | Partaking night | Partaking night |
Passover execution of firstborn (all reserve angels) non victims | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Chislev14 | 2019Tebbeth14 |
Passover execution of firstborn of beasts (oldest by baptism per congregation) | 2019Heshvan14 | 2019Chislev14 | 2019Tebbeth14 |
And the 2020 reserve archetype for the above in Sodom is...
Salvation Event | Late Partaking Reappointed Laodicean Administration | Late Partaking Reappointed Laodicean Congregation |
Symbolised by | n/a | n/a |
Passover entry day for 6th and 7th marriages in the ark | 2019Tebbeth10 | 2020Tammuz10 |
Passover execution of Passover victims | 2019Tebbeth14 | 2020Tammuz14 |
Passover execution of firstborn (all reserve angels) non victims | n/a | n/a |
Passover execution of firstborn of beasts (oldest by baptism per congregation) | n/a | n/a |
The maidservant is the congregation. In Exodus she is NOT grinding at the mill as in Matthew 24:41. She is behind the millstone, i.e. not making her own spiritual food.
5 And every first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh, the one sitting on his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl who [is] behind the mill; and every first born of animals. (Exodus 11 )
12 And I must pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast; and on all the Gods of Egypt I shall execute judgments. I am . (Exodus 12 )
29 And it came about that at midnight struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 12 )
41 two grinding at the mill; one is taken away, and one is left. (Matthew 24 )
The first saints are raptured into the ark on 2019Tishri17, when it comes to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat (the and administrations of Laodicea). This means that those in said mountains can enter into God's rest in the ark wherein is Caesar rather than the Dragon. 2019Tishri17 is the 3rd marriage. For the ark to come to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat, people from those administrations (mountains) must enter into God's rest in the ark. So the 3rd marriage must occur on 2019Tishri17, for saints go into the ark initially for marriages.
16 The priests now came inside the house of to do the cleansing and brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of to the courtyard of the house of [identified false s and informed them they were neither in the nor in the . The courtyard is the ]. In turn the Levites received it to take it out to the torrent valley of Kidron outside [to baptise them into the ?].
17 Thus they [] got started on the first [] to the month, the first [] at sanctifying [], and on the 8th day to the month [] they came to the porch of []. And they sanctified the house of in 8 days [], and on the 16th day to the first month they finished [] (2 Chronicles 29 ) THIS APPLIES TO LAODICEA OR Sodom NOT TO THE s.
15 However, the Lord answered him and said: Hypocrites, does not each one of you on the Sabbath [day or month or year] untie his bull or his ass from the stall [prepositional genitive] [the stall is an animal prison. The Bull is the Priests (sons of the ), the Ass is the congregation of kingdom citizens (sons of the )] and leading it away, water it? [comparative speech. Led away into the ark and baptised there! This is a binary question. They all water their herd upon a Sabbath. And we shall not baptise or rapture people upon the sacred Sabbath (day of month)] (Luke 13)
All reappointed Laodiceans are which means they cannot go into the 1st death. But they can go into the 2nd.
1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life,
bright as crystal, coming forth out of the throne of God and of the Lamb [2 rivers, the from the throne and the from the lamb - 1 river each side of the dry land of the broadway - Mesopotamia].
2 In the midst of its broadway [platuj]
[from 2022Chislev5 the 5th Pentecost,
the installation of the Kingdom under over , to 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14, the end of baptism for earth dwellers of the Jerusalem below and 2023Nisan5, the end of baptism for ark dwellers of the Jerusalem above. Whereas the tree of life (from Eden) runs from 2022Chislev10, the early Laodicean Passover entry day to 2023Chislev10 the late non religious Passover entry day, the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release day,
Atonement day Sivan1 sacred and the end of Kingdom salvation other than through the last chance saloon]
and of the river, from here and from there [the arm of the river on each side of the street], [was] a tree of life producing 12 fruits: according to month each yielding its fruit [12 months precisely from 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023Chislev14-16, with ALL crops during the installed throne of over from 2022Tebbeth5 and 3 crops during the installed throne of over from 2023Tishri5. These must start after the Dragon's 42 month lease ends on 2022Tishri14 and after becomes Caesar,
because the water of life comes from his installed throne (over the waters of ) and because God does not put people under a satanic Caesar unless they are in a true church. And these crops are not in a true church. Because if they were they would already be ]. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations. (Revelation 22 )
2 e mesw
thj platiaj authj kai tou potamou enqen kai poioun karpouj ib kata mhna ekaston apodidouj touj karpouj autou kai ta fulla twn xulwn eij qerapeian eqnwn (Revelation 22 Sinai)
When anyone is baptised into a true church after 2012Sivan14, then must die to Adam that day because one cannot be in a true church as a son of Adam and one is in a true church at baptism. So there is no need for the 12 crops of Revelation22 within a true church. So they occur outside the true church and therefore cannot begin until becomes Caesar and so gain authority to act on people not in a true church. These 12 crops are the secular edenic restoration of Adam and Cain.
The 12 crops are 2022Tebbeth14-16 to 2023Chislev14-16, the Laodicean, ,
Christian, Babylonian, Non religious s and s (early regular and late Passovers)
The last day of entrance into Kingdom salvation before the last chance saloon is 2023Chislev10, the end of entrance, temple burning day of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year..
Then the unbelievers must enter into the last chance saloon by 2023Tebbeth10,
and be sealed into the = due to love by 2023Tebbeth14,
the end of Kingdom salvation and sealing for last chance salooners. They are Passover executed on 2023Tebbeth14 and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16 (8th first fruits)
(Faith covenant) Passovers are held by the angels on the dragnet beach (the sand of the ).
() = (Love covenant) Passovers are held by the angels on the dragnet beach (the sand of the ).
Laodiceans who fail to be sealed by 2022Shebat14, the late Laodicean Passover, can be sealed instead by 2023Ab14, the late Laodicean Passover, and resurrected into the ark by 2023Ab16, the appointment of the under over .
Pre Kingdom baptised s get two shots at being sealed at their Passover and then at their Passover. They do not get a 3rd shot in the last chance saloon
Kingdom baptised s get two shots at being sealed at their Passover and then at the last chance saloon.
35 Heaven and earth [of the world and of the Watchtower] will pass away/come beside/arrive, but my words will by no means pass away/come beside/arrive.
36 Concerning that day [] AND hour nobody has seen [], neither the angels in heavens nor the Son, but only the Father, alone [monoV] [true when said it, not true after died - Nobody knows the date of their marriage until after they have proposed. But in fact proposed the on 3993Nisan14, so he knew 2008Nisan14 then - unless he was given a lease of indeterminate length? Certainly after the last supper, after his proposal to his wife, he should then know the date of his marriage to that maiden]
(Matthew 24)
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
32 Concerning the day that OR THE hour nobody has seen, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. (Mark 13 )
The Day OR the Hour is a witness to 12x precisely, which run from 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover, to 2023Chislev14, the end of .
Saintly Heaven passes away from the earth (not via ) into 3 during 300 days from which are 300 cubits of entry from 2019Tishri17-2019Tebbeth18 (Reappointed Laodicea) + 2020Tammuz19-2020Heshvan18 (Reverted Laodicea) + 2022Chislev15-19 (Hebron of ) + 2022Tebbeth15-21 ( under ) + 2023Nisan22-2023Tammuz7 ( under the 3rd ). And the s pass away from into the ark from 2022Chislev2/3 and Benjamin Passes away from the earth via into the ark from 2023Nisan5/6.
2019Tishri17/Heshvan22/Chislev20/Tebbeth18 +
2020Tammuz19/Ab17/Elul22/Tishri20/Heshvan18 + 2022Chislev2/3 + 2022Chislev17-21 + 2023Nisan5/6 = 25 days of saintly entrance into 3 from the earth and from
2019Tishri17-2019Tebbeth18 (Reappointed Laodicea) +
2020Tammuz19-2020Heshvan18 (Reverted Laodicea) + 2022Chislev15-19 (Hebron) +
2022Tebbeth15-21 ( under } + 2023Nisan22-2023Tammuz7 ( under 3rd ) = 300 days of 3 entrance from the earth no via .
But 25 is 1/12 of 300. So heavenly ark entrance for saints from all sources takes 25 days, which is one hour of the 300 cubit day of earthly ark entrance not via .
The hour during which and Abrahamic Heaven passes away from the earth (by Passover execution) to be resurrected into the ark runs from 2019Tishri14 to 2019Tebbeth14 and 2020Tammuz14 to 2020Heshvan14, 7 months out of the 7 years of installed earthly Isaaic over the s from 2015Chislev21 to 2022Chislev21, the end of the 2 then 3 rapture of the Abrahamic s..
The hour during which and earth passes away from (by rapture and Passover execution) runs from 2022Tebbeth14 to 2023Chislev14, the 12 crops of Revelation11, 11 months precisely.
The day of leaving Adam by Jubilee restorations, by standing resurrection, by dying to Adam and being resurrected of or Isaaic without gong to ,
run sfrom 2012Sivan14, the Passover, 2023Sivan14, the final Passover into the 6th crop of Revelation22 - 11 years precisely.
The heaven of non reserve Isaaic s is raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-19, 5 days. citizens are raptured from 2023Iyyar8 to 2023Tammuz7, the Pentecost, 60 days.
The day OR the hour is a direct comparison between a day and an hour yielding 12x precisely for there are precisely 12 hours in a day.
So this scripture, rather than prohibiting advanced knowledge of the day and the hour, actually gives you the length of the hour as being a twelfth of the particular day.
Also the hour of the passing away of the heavens and the earth is one twelfth of the length of the day of the second presence which is 120 years. And on 911, 2016, the s first saw this (2016Tishri5 at 15:40).
The day of the second presence runs for 120 years from 1889Elul9 to 2001Chislev14 and then from 2006Sivan14-2012Sivan14 and then from 2012Sivan15 to 2013Adar10.
The hour of the passing away of the heavens and the earth is therefore 10 years long. It is the period when we have no presence from 2001Chislev14 to 2006Sivan14 and from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul10. That is 4½ + 5½ years
The definition of the Passover:
4 'These are the seasonal festivals of , holy conventions, which you should proclaim at their appointed times:
5 In the first month, on the 14th day of the month,
between the 2 evenings is the Passover to . (Leviticus 23 )
That definition could equally well apply to Sivan14, the first month of the scared year, or to Tishri14, the 14th day of the first month of the secular year, as it does to Nisan14, the 14th day of the first month of the sacred year. So Adam was first passed over on 3993Nisan14 BC and is last passed over on 2023Tebbeth14 AD, the 1st death Passover. He is actually Passover executed by losing his status on 2023Chislev14, the end of , the Passover for the 12th crop of Revelation22 and not before in order that he can be protected until then for entry in to the last chance saloon. So even at the end, the sons of have 3 chances, faith, love and the last chance saloon, the descended church of the of and of Yeshua.
So if you fail an Passover you can still be sealed at the Passover. If you fail the Passover you lose your status but you can still enter into the last chance saloon and become a again on 2023Tebbeth3/4-10 and be sealed on 2023Tebbeth14.
The definition of the first fruits and the Pentecost: The Pentecost Pattern is defined as running from Nisan16-22 to Sivan5-11 which is a 50 day pattern keying off the first weekly Sabbath of Cakes. Sivan5-11 was the first ripe fruits day for wheat and Nisan16-22 was the first fruits day for barley.
15 And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete.
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days (you should count), and you must present a new grain offering to .
(Leviticus 23 )
There is a double description of the day to start counting from and of the day to count to. The Pentecost also had a wave offering but not of a sheaf, it was of 2 wheat loaves. So there is one greater Pentecost with a count that starts from 'the day after the Sabbath' and another greater Pentecost count which starts from the day of bringing of the sheaf of the wave offering. The expression the day after the Sabbath it itself ambiguous, since it could refer to the festival Sabbath of Nisan15, the first day of cakes, or it could refer to the weekly Sabbath in cakes. Indeed the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering is defined as follows...
10 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'When you eventually come into the land that I am giving you, and you have reaped its harvest, you must also bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.
11 And he must wave the sheaf to and fro before to gain approval for you.
Directly the day after the Sabbath the priest should wave it to and fro [this could equally well be the festival Sabbath of the first day of Cakes or the weekly Sabbath]. (Leviticus 23 )
So substituting verse 11 into verse 15 we get...
15 And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day directly after the Sabbath, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete).
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days (you should count), and you must present a new grain offering to .
(Leviticus 23 )
In this format it is very easy to see that the definition applies to two types of Sabbath. So there is to be one first fruits after the first festival Sabbath of Cakes, and another after the weekly Sabbath of Cakes. Furthermore, there are two counts, one to the day after 7 Sabbaths and another of 50 days. The former is the weekly Sabbath count and the latter is the 7th day Sabbath count.
Mosaic and Pentecost: 7 weekly Sabbaths after the 1st weekly Sabbath after the (Egyptian) Passover on Nisan14. Nisan16-22 to Sivan5-11 depending upon where the weekly Sabbath falls in Cakes
Pentecost: 7 7th days after the 1st festival Sabbath after the ()
Passover on Sivan14. Sivan16 to Ab5 always.
Pentecost: 7 7th days after the secular Rosh Hashana Sabbath, the first festival Sabbath of the secular year. Tishri2 to Heshvan21 for a Tishri1 secular year.
1988, 1992, 1995, 2008, 2015, 2019, 2022, 2036 are years in which the Passover on Nisan14 is the weekly Sabbath. In these year first fruits is Nisan22, outside of Cakes, and Tishri2 is the weekly Sabbath. So Tishri3 is first fruits and Tishri17 is a first fruits. The 1st marriage was in 2008, the 2nd is in 2015, the 3rd 4th 5th are in 2019. So all the marriages occur in these Passover Sabbath years. So all three years in which gets married are isomorphic from a festival calendar standpoint. Furthermore the comes to a rest on Tishri17, when becomes Caesar to those in it. That day must be a first fruits because Caesar's are appointed on first fruits and because raptures a bride and marries her on that day. So the reserve marriages must occur in a Passover Sabbath year, because ark entry from the earth begins for a marriage and it begins when the ark comes to a rest and a marriage must occurs on a first fruits day.
The time honoured manner in which God releases his people from slavery to an Egypt is the Passover. But he could not do this until the Watchtower Sabbath error of 5215 missed weekly and 82 Atonement day Sabbaths was paid off.
The period of installation of over the saints ran from 1095Sivan6 ( Pentecost) to 2005Sivan14 (the fall of the church). God does not hold them responsible for breaking Sabbaths in Israel until they have that responsibility from him. fell over the s on 1998Tishri27 and was appointed/installed to feed them on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after ). But we were never appointed to rule over them having failed the test. So God held them accountable until the Watchtower fell. That is a period of 100 years and 8 days or 36008 days and 36507 solar days, with 5215 weekly Sabbaths from 1905Sivan12 to 2005Sivan11.
Now: 1907, 1911, 1914, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1985, 2002: 18 years when Atonement day fell upon a weekly Sabbath. So the Total Watchtower Sabbath error including Atonement days was 5215+100-18 = 5297 solar days from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan22.
BUT: The Watchtower Governing Body was sent to prison at the end of WW1 from their arrest on 1918May7 to their release on bail on 1919March26. During this period they did not enforce any work upon the land, the congregation. Their incarceration covered 46 weekly Sabbaths from 1918Iyyar28 to 1918VeAdar13 and one Atonement day Sabbath on 1918Tishri10 which was not a weekly Sabbath. So that totals to 47 Sabbaths which were not missed and must be removed from the figure of 5297 leaving 5250 missed Sabbaths.
These run in Gregorian Hebrew days, solar days, from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5. Whereas 2019Elul30 is the end of the 2,000 swine ( days) of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the reserves in Laodicea lost their water baptism and became unclean in the flesh but nonetheless containing angels (swine). The calculation above may be one or two days out because the may not get Nisan1 right for every year so the Atonement day-weekly Sabbath match might be incorrect occasionally. It is normally fairly accurate especially in recent history. So Watchtower s started leaving for reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul30, were permitted to join them on 2019Tishri5 and did get baptised on 2019Tishri10, entrance day into the 3rd marriage Passover..
The unclean reserves started leaving the Watchtower on 2019Elul30, at the end of the 2,000 pigs from 2013Adar10, and jumped off the overhang of that false church into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the on 2019Tishri10, the entrance day for the 1st Watchtower Passover at Laodicea on 2019Tishri14. AND THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO DO THAT ANY EARLIER DUE TO THE MISSED SABBATH RESTRICTION TO 2019Tishri5!!
So God could not carry out a Watchtower Passover before all those missed Sabbaths have been paid back to him on 2019Tishri5. Hence the 1st Watchtower Passover was 2019Tishri14.
God is just as impatient as we all are to save his people. But he has been constrained by his own justice and by their power mad unrighteousness of the leaders of the Watchtower until 2019Tishri5. Then we have the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14. The first of the 2,000 flying pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence to 2019Elul30, jumped off the overhang of the Watchtower into the sea of the world on 2019Elul30 in order to drown in the waters of the after 2019Tishri5m in fact on 2019Tishri10. So the first opportunity God had to hold a Passover was 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, the end of the 430 years in Egypt a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, their fall as a true church, their becoming an Egypt.
During the payback period the Watchtower and those in her cannot work for God at all. The 5215 + 82 - 47 = 5250 Sabbaths count as solar days added to 2005Sivan14. The weekly Sabbath is a solar calendar concept not lunar.
This means that Laodicea COULD NOT become a true church on 2019Ab7 unless they absolutely left the Watchtower and formed their own dry land, the great Sinai peninsular to the Watchtower's Egypt. You can have a true church in a false church (reverted Laodicea proves that)
There was a Laodicean Passover of the saints. But only in the sense that any Laodicean who left Rahab (the reserves) and failed to return to her before the church falls on 2019Adar13, loses his angel and cannot keep on living (Joshua 6:17)
If you need help then contact us. We love you.
The angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Bethels occurred on 2019Heshvan14 - Hebrew (true) midnight Saturday morning 2019November16.
The angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Congregations occurred on
2019Chislev14 - Hebrew (true) midnight on Monday morning 2019December16.
The angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Congregation Prisons of disassociated and disfellowshipped s who have not moved to another church occurred on 2019Tebbeth14 - Hebrew (true) midnight on Wednesday morning 2020January15.
For the scripture says:
30 Then Pharaoh got up at night, he and all his servants and all [other] Egyptians; and there began arising a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where there was not one dead. (Exodus 12 )
So one must die in every house. The firstborn by water baptism. Also all of the reserves who fail to celebrate the relevant Watchtower Passover in Laodicea will suffer angelic death resulting in their having a 2nd dead associated angelic body, which makes them into subjects for demon possession. This is a very serious matter.
Russell (David, ) builds the altar to Solomon's temple (2Samuel24) and he prepared gold and silver and copper and wood and stones for it (1Chronicles22). and the 3rd , baptise all the s in . But they do not build them into temple. The temple is the marital house of the . Just as the temple of David is the marital house of the . The groom, the covenant mediator, is the foundation of the marital house. , the mediator of the . is the foundation of the temple of the . Gordon, Elijah4, the mediator of the , is the foundation of the temple of the . (the mediator of the ) is the chief cornerstone of the Most , the congregation of the Christian saints. The other 3 cornerstones of the Most are (the mediator of the ), , the of the (), and Gordon (the mediator of the ). John the baptist was the chief cornerstone of the , the congregation of the True Christian Churches. The other 3 cornerstones of that temple are (Elijah2 for ), Russell (Elijah3 for ) and Gordon (Elijah4 for ). The resurrected and descended Charles Taze baptised Jonah on 2019Tishri7 - see U367 - 32 days of doubting after he appeared to the 2 spies on 2019Elul5 (after/with 8 days of John20 after the 1st of the Sabbaths of reappointed Laodicean Weeks on 2019Ab27 - rather than the first day of Weeks (the first day of the 49 count of Weeks) when he appeared to Mary - this being the deliberate ambiguity of John20:1 and John 20:19).
1 But on the first of the Sabbaths, Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, darkness yet being [on it]. And [she] saw the stone had been removed from the tomb. (John 20 )
22 The stone that the builders rejected Has become the head of the corner. (Psalms 118 )
This applies to John the baptist as well as . For John was beheaded by Herod Antipas, whose Father, Herod the Great, restored Zerubbabel's temple. For more see Intro46.
17 And the city must become a thing devoted to destruction; it with everything that is in it belongs to . Only Rahab the prostitute may keep on living, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers whom we sent out. (Joshua 6 )
So if they leave the church of Laodicea, then they must return before 2019Adar13 (when the reappointed church fell), or they lose their angelic soul.
20 He said to them: Because of your little faith. For truly I say to you, If you have faith as a mustard grain [that you will become the largest of all the vegetables and a tree, even though you are the smallest of all the seeds], you will say to this mountain, 'Transfer from here to there,' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17 )
31 Another illustration he set before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain [doctrine, grain is eaten], which a man took and planted in his field [the true church, the sons of the ];
32 which is, in fact, the tinier/tiniest of all the seeds [the smallest number of saints in the church during the time that the church doctrine, the grain, is being developed], but when it has grown it is the larger/greater [comparative not superlative]
of the vegetables [the largest church of its time] and becomes a tree [the ], so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches [the 13 tribes] (Matthew 13 ).
Faith moves pre-existing mountains - not signs! So the faith of and of Laodicea moves the mountain of Laodicea from the Watchtower through the Sinai, through the red sea, into . And the sea will be red when the 2nd and 3rd and 4th and subsequent fire signs occur. The smallest seed (the s and Laodicea) produce the largest tree ().
26 Then Joshua had an oath pronounced at that particular time, saying: Cursed may the man [Roger Knight]
be before who gets up [taking the waters baptism] and does build this city, namely Jericho [Laodicea].
In his firstborn [the 12 Laodicean apostles]
let him lay the foundation of it,
and in his youngest [The Laodiceans baptised after 2013Adar10, when they lost their water baptism, when the wall of the law of the fell down]
let him put up its doors [?]
27 So proved to be with Joshua, and his fame came to be in all the earth (Joshua 6).
So the 12 firstborn apostles of Roger Knight, the tribal heads of Laodicea, will all leave that church.
Laodicea DID become a false church on 2017Elul10. 3½ of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence - For more see U67..
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who/which dwelt/resided in Egypt, was 30 year and 4 of hundreds year [a month for a day, 14 years and 4 months, from the fall of the Watchtower as a true church on 2005Sivan14, to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover. The 1st flying pig jumps on 2019Elul30, 2000 swine after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the reserves became unclean in the flesh]
41 And it came about at the end of 30 year and 4 of hundreds year, it even came about on/in/at this very day
[Literally they started to leave on the Passover day.
But completed their exit during the whole 'day'/festival of Passover/Cakes from 1513Nisan14-21]
that all the armies of [the saints]
went forth from of the land of Egypt [in fact they collected at Rameses on 1513Nisan14 and then left Rameses on 1513Nisan15] [This very day, is the 'Passover day', where day is not literal since it appears twice in the account also in verse 51. So the 'day' would be the entire festival day, from 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover to 2019Tebbeth14, the late 3rd Watchtower Passover AND 2020Tammuz14 to 2020Heshvan14 in reverted Laodicea AND 2022Chislev15-19 the Abrahamic 2 rapture of all the s, all of whom are in reverted Laodicea]
42 It is a night for observance [i.e. something that should be observed, i.e. a festival. The Laodicean and the 3 Watchtower Passover nights MUST ALL BE OBSERVED]
with regard to for bringing them out of the land of Egypt. With regard to this night is one for observance on the part of all the sons of Israel throughout their generations (Exodus 12).
The 430 years a month for a day gives the date of the 1st Watchtower Passover of the Watchtower Bethels. 2019Tishri14 should be observed from generation to generation of escaped s thereafter. 2019Tishri14-2020Heshvan14-2022Chislev15-19, should now be to the 3rd what 1513Nisan14 was to the Jews!
8 Accordingly the sons of Israel did so, just as Joshua had commanded, and they took up 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan, just as had stated to Joshua, to correspond with the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel; and they went taking them over with them to the lodging place and depositing them there [The 12 Laodicean apostles, are removed from the Jordan, the lose their water baptism. Then they are set up in the reserve autonomous congregation of . They become the sign that they sought.
They were waters of the Jordan who chose to be cut off from the mediator of their water baptism and then God cut them off].
9 There were also 12 stones that Joshua set up in the middle of the Jordan on the standing place of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, and they continue there until this day [the 12 apostles] (Joshua 4).
Laodicea became a false church on 2017Elul10, notwithstanding their status. Then they suffered their 40 month wilderness penalty in whole calendar months from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 (following directly after the 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 to 2016Nisan1). Then they were reappointed as a true church on 2019Ab7, and had their constant feature restored on 2019Ab14, 2x1290 days of the sentence count of Daniel12:11 after 2012Sivan14, when the constant feature of Laodicea and of was lost due to our transition. They spied upon the s for 12x precisely from 2003Shebat21, their installation to feed the reserves (delayed by the Sabbath month of 2003Tebbeth to 2015Shebat21 in the Jubilee month). Then from 2015Shebat21-2016Nisan1, they were put to the test for 40 days to see if they could make their own type food. The Passover is the time honoured manner in which God deals with rulers who enslave his people.
Wilderness penalties are on the people not the church - for the sons born in the wilderness did enter into the promised land. The church of Judaism entered into the land of Israel. But it is not true that every baptised prior to 1976Nisan1 and in that church when their 40 year wilderness penalty began (as a result of their spying and giving up on Chronology in the event the 1975 failed - as it did), will not become an . For says in Hebrews 3 that the disobedient ones who lack faith will not enter into his rest. Most s were and still are in the dark about all of this.
17 Moreover, with whom did [God] become disgusted for 40 years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
18 But to whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest except to those who acted disobediently?
19 So we see that they could not enter in because of lack of faith. (Hebrews 3 ).
But the disobedient ones do not make it into the reappointed Laodicea. So 2nd Laodiceans in general are not denied entry into God's rest (access to the ark) - because the ark came to a rest upon the reappointed Laodicea!!!
2 And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills;
and to it all the nations must stream. ()
2 and will be in/at latter part of the days (one) being erected will be Mountain of house of in/at Head of the Mountains and (one) being lifted up from hills and will flow towards him people of the peoples (WLC)
3 And many peoples will certainly go and say: Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of , to the house of the God of ; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.
For out of law will go forth, and the word of out of Jerusalem.
(Isaiah 2 )
3 and will walk peoples many and will say (they) must walk and will go up towards Mountain of towards house of Elohim of and will cause to cast us from journeys of him and will walk in/at ways of him that/because from dry land will go out instruction and word of from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2 WLCi)
These people do not go up the mountain of . They go up TO the mountain of . The mountain of is lifted up above the hills. Not the top of the mountain of , the whole mountain!
41 Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. (2 Chronicles 6 )
41 And now do rise up, Oh God, into your rest, you and the of your strength. Let your priests themselves, Oh God, be clothed with salvation, and let your loyal ones themselves rejoice in goodness.
(2 Chronicles 6 )
41 and now, O God, rise to Your rest; You, and the ark of Your strength; O God, Your priests are clothed with salvation,
and Your saints rejoice in goodness; (2 Chronicles 6 )
So the ark was yet to rise up and enter into its resting place in the sanctuary when this prayer was made. Then we read...
1 And as Solomon finished praying, then the fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of filled the house; (2 Chronicles 7 )
One or both of fire coming down and glory filling the house must coincide with the end of Solomon's prayer. It cannot be the glory (cloud) filling the house because the ark was not yet in it. So fire came down from the heavens at the moment Solomon finished his prayer from 2Chronicles 6:14-42 and from 1Kings 8:23-53 asking God to accept his temple. The order of events was....
1. Sacrifices made before the ark (i.e. in front of the ark before it went into the house) - 1Kings 8:5
2. Solomon's prayer of 2Chronicles 6:14-42 and from 1Kings 8:23-53
3. Fire came down from the heavens and consumed the burnt offering (Bull) and the sacrifices.2Chronicles 7:1
4. The priests took the ark into the house 1Kings 8:6
5. The priests came out of the house and the singers and trumpeters made a great noise 2Chronicles 5:12-13
6. The cloud came down and filled the house 1Kings 8:10-11 2Chronicles 7:1-3 .
5 And king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel,
that were assembled unto him, [were] with him before [to faces of] the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude. (1 Kings 8 )
6 Then the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of to its place, to the innermost room of the house, the Most , to underneath the wings of the cherubs. (1 Kings 8 )
12 and the Levites that were singers belonging to all of them, namely, to Asaph, to Heman, to Jeduthun and to their sons and to their brothers clothed in fine fabric with cymbals and with stringed instruments and harps, were standing to the east of the altar and along with them priests to [the number of] 120 sounding the trumpets
13 and it came about that as soon as the trumpeters and the singers were as one in causing one sound to be heard in praising and thanking , and as soon as they lifted up the sound with the trumpets and with the cymbals and with the instruments of song and with praising , for he is good, for to time indefinite is his loving-kindness, the house itself was filled with a cloud, the very house of , (2 Chronicles 5 )
1 Now as soon as Solomon finished praying, the fire itself came down from the heavens and proceeded to consume the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and 's glory itself filled the house.
2 And the priests were unable to enter into the house of because 's glory had filled the house of .
3 And all the sons of Israel were spectators when the fire came down and the glory of was upon the house, and they immediately bowed low with their faces to the earth upon the pavement and prostrated themselves and thanked , for he is good, for his loving-kindness is to time indefinite. (2 Chronicles 7 )
A dual acceptance by God of Solomon's temple by fire and cloud. The fire preceded the cloud. Also comes with the cloud not with the fire. So the 3rd fire sign occurs in the day (being a pillar of cloud). Whereas the 2nd fire sign (the fire consuming the Bull) occurs during the night (being a pillar of fire). For more see U654
Temple curtain rent in two from top to bottom on 33Nisan14, permitting entry to the Most and the ark. flesh has been rent into two between the ark and the earth from 2019Tishri15/17 to 2019Tebbeth15/18 to 2020Tammuz15/19. From 2020Tammuz19, the 7th marriage, it has all been 3 based. Sodom caused a split of ' flesh between Laodicea and itself from 2020Tammuz10 (entry day into the 7th marriage Passover) to 2020Heshvan14, the 4th marriage Passover.
A bride must be given gifts of the spirit before the marriage. So the s must get them actually from Gordon, the groom! These might be correct fulfilled predictions in advance of the 1st marriage on 2022Shebat2 (seems a bit lame).
17 In this manner God, when he purposed to demonstrate more abundantly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of his counsel,
stepped in with an oath [salvation covenant],
18 in order that, through 2 unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge []
may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us.
19 This [hope] we have as an anchor [for a boat, an ark even] for the soul, both sure and firm, and it enters in within the curtain [the soul enters the ark through the curtain], (Hebrews 6 )
19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of ,
20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, (Hebrews 10 )
19 Therefore, brothers, having confidence for the entering of the [ of] Holies by the blood of ,
20 which He consecrated for us, a new and living way through the veil; that is, His flesh; (Hebrews 10 )
So we must again rent the flesh of the 3rd , the reserves, in two between the s and Laodicea, in order to get through that curtain into the ark.
And Adam himself is rent in two, half going into the ark and the other half remaining behind. For was the last Adam and so Adam was the first .
Is Russell the half apostle to the 2nd presence Reserves just as John was the half apostle to the 1st presence reserves? Or does he baptise Thomas not as Charles Russell, but as a part of the 3rd , so that Thomas, who is Jonah, who is the spy, is that half apostle?
34 Amen I am saying to you that not not should arrive/pass away the generation this until likely all these (things) should occur. ()
35 Heaven and earth will arrive/pass away, but my words will by no means arrive/pass away. (Matthew 24 )
The primary literal meaning of the Greek word that the mistakenly fixes as 'pass away' is actually 'arrive' (this appears to the writer to be because the Greek language does not know whether it is coming or going). So really what verse 34 is saying is that no saints arrive at until after they see the relevant signs. We know this for they are all a wicked generation and an adulterer, which seeks a sign.
Half of those who do not make the ark still get saved. So God saves 75% of us not 50%. For two women grinding at the same mill one is taken the other abandoned is the ark split of the sheep (women picture subjection and grinding at the mill is just a normal secular activity). Two men in one bed one taken the other abandoned pictures the unrighteous goats (the s) who are also split 50:50 on 2023Sivan10/Tammuz10/Ab10 for Laodiceans, 2023Tammuz10/Ab10/Elul10 for s, 20232023Ab10/Elul10/Tishri10 for Christians, 2023Elul10/Tishri10/Heshvan10 for Babylonians and 2023Tishri10/Heshvan10/Chislev10 for Non religious s. So 50% of mankind, the sons of the , go into the ark and a further 25% of mankind, the sons of the are saved into the kingdom through . 25% of us go to hell for a minimum penalty of 33½ years (there is where his weeping and gnashing of 32 teeth shall be) if repentant and for a maximum penalty of 1,000 years if not - see U43.
2019July29 (2019Tammuz24) Iran and Russia signed a historic naval agreement on Monday 2019July29 (2019Tammuz24). https://www.newsweek.com/iran-says-it-will-expand-military-ties-russia-hold-joint-drills-us-tries-build-rival-coalition-1451630 In this agreement the Russian will build a naval coalition with Iran to patrol the 'Indian Ocean', in particular the straight of Hormuz, the very waters where the British ship was seized. This is to rival any european or US coalition patrolling those waters. This is part of the coalition of the goat nations of Daniel8 which defeat the ram (UK US coalition). And in 2022Tishri they started using Iranian drones in Ukraine..
11x 450 prophets of Baal from 1992Elul11 (when Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn) to 2006Sivan11/12, our first/revised first prediction mistake.
We finally realise that the 2nd fire sign occurs on the very day that the pillar of cloud by day departed from being in front of Israel and moved behind Israel and between the camps of Egypt and Israel.
Furthermore, the pillar of cloud moved from front to back before they crossed the Red Sea. So the fire signs precede the baptism of the s.
20 And they pulled up [stakes] from Succoth, and they camped at Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.
21 And was going before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them in the way; and by night in a pillar of fire to give light to them, to go by day [by the cloud] and by night [by the fire].
22 The pillar of cloud [2nd fire sign] did not move away/cease by day, and the pillar of fire by night [3rd fire sign. Night is literal in the account of Exodus 13 counting 3x and in Exodus14 counting 3x. There are no double designations in either account. But the Hebrew word means a twisting or turning around. So it can be a period of turning around or it can be a literal night], before the people. (Exodus 13 )
There is a day time fire sign (pillar of cloud - seen as a mushroom cloud) and a night time fire sign (pillar of fire - seen as such during the night).
2 Speak to the sons of Israel, that they should turn back and encamp before Pihahiroth [mouth of the channels] between Migdol [high tower] and the sea in view of Baal-zephon [hidden Baal]. In front of it you are to encamp by the sea (Exodus 14).
19 And the angel of the [true] God who was going ahead of the camp of Israel departed and went to their rear [the angel of Laodicea stops leading and starts following], and the pillar of cloud departed from their faces and stood in the rear of them [the sign of the rising mushroom cloud or pillar of cloud occurs, so that we stop being lead by the 2nd fire sign and it becomes instead a protection for us. The Watchtower and all other churches have to get through the fact that we prophesied the cloud and they did not. So the 2nd fire sign on 2022Tebbeth20-22 occurs during the day?].
20 And it came in between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. And it proved to be a cloud together with darkness [Fire sign clouds and Day of darkness]. And it kept lighting up the night [for the s, proving them to be in spiritual light. So it has now become a pillar of fire which is leading them]. And this did not come near towards that all night [The night of the Watchtower Passovers or the Passovers? Night is literal. Hebrew word for night means a twisting, a turning around. So it is the period of turning around] (Exodus 14).
For a further exposition of the reasoning behind our 474th prediction, for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 - see 112
For a further (not fully updated) exposition of the reasoning behind our 474th prediction, for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 - see U271aq
More Notes for the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 occurring on 2022Tebbeth20-22 (2022January16-19), the Pentecost of the Chislev1 secular year or Super Pentecost thereafter or 7th Sabbath therebefore. And the 3rd fire sign occurring on 2022Shebat4-6 (2023January30-2023February2), the 7th Pentecost or the Super Pentecost thereafter. We saw/published these fire sign predictions on 2022Chislev7
The Jehoiachin and Maccabean gapped from 607Tishri15 BC to 560Tishri15 BC and from 550Tishri15 BC to 144Tishri15 BC and from 46Tishri15 BC to 2022Tishri15 AD. Then is appointed/installed as Caesar to on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 and to on 2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5. Hence he can rapture dry Abrahamic s on 2022Chislev15-19 and Isaaic s on 2022Tebbeth15-21. The s and s are Passover executed and resurrected. does not have to be their Caesar for that to occur. But he does become their Caesar upon resurrection. 3 comes to a rest from 2019Tishri17 onwards upon the mountains of Ararat ( churches of reappointed Laodicea, Sodom and ). No one can enter the 3 for salvation purposes until it comes to rest. This does not mean that we can go up the gang plank. It comes to rest in the sense that those in it enter into God's rest by having a Caesar representing God, rather than one in opposition to God creating a conflict. But for those who do not get executed rapture is only possible after becomes our Caesar. And the minute he can rapture us, he does!
2019Tishri17: Genesis 8:4: The ark comes to rest upon the mountains plural of Ararat meaning curse reversed (reappointed Laodicea and Sodom and Hebron and ). The 3rd bride enters into 3
2022Chislev17: Genesis 8:4: The ark comes to a rest upon the mountain of fallen reverted Laodicea. The Abrahamic s are raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 into 2 and then transferred to 3 on 2022Chislev17-21.
The main prediction and subpredictions to 2017Adar11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs came on 2017Shebat5/6.
The fire sign predictions for 2017Shebat23 and 2017Adar3 and 2017Adar5 came on 2017Shebat21, the end of the contest day of 1Kings18.
The 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Shebat25 came on 2017Chislev25 (around midnight on Friday night).
The predictions for 2017Shebat27 and 2017Adar4/5 and 2017Adar13 came on 2017Shebat26 just after sunset.
The predictions for 2017Shebat29 and 2017Adar4/5 and 2017Adar13 came on 2017Shebat27 just after sunrise.
The predictions for 2017Adar2/3 and 2017Adar4/5 and 2017Adar13 came on 2017Shebat29 just before sunset (17:00 GMT Wednesday February 21).
The predictions for 2017Adar4 and 2017Adar4/5 and 2017Adar13 came on 2017Adar3 around 16:00 GMT on Sunday 2018February25.
The predictions for 2017Adar5 and 2017Adar5 and 2017Adar13 came on 2017Adar5 around 19:00 GMT on Monday 2018February26 (in prayer).
The predictions for 2017Adar9/10 and 2017Adar9/10 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar6 around 05:30 GMT on Monday 2018February28.
The predictions for 2017Adar9/10 and 2017Adar10/11 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar10 around 19:30 GMT on Saturday 2018March3.
The predictions for 2017Adar16 and 2017Adar16/17 and 2018Nisan10 came on 2017Adar13 around 18:30 GMT on Tuesday 2018March6.
The predictions for 2017Adar16 and 2017Adar16/17 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar14
The predictions for 2017Adar17 and 2017Adar16/17 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar17 around 18:30 GMT on Saturday 2018March10.
The predictions for 2017Adar24 and 2017Adar24 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar18 around 21:00 GMT on Sunday 2018March11
The predictions for 2017Adar18-22 and 2017Adar23 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar18 around 05:30 GMT on Monday 2018March12
The predictions for 2017Adar23 and 2017Adar23 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar22 around 00:15 on Friday 2018March16.
The predictions for 2017Adar24 and 2017Adar24 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2017Adar24 around 02:25 on Sunday 2018March18
The predictions for 2018Nisan1/2 and 2018Nisan13/14 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 208Nisan1=2017Adar25 around 01:30 on Monday 2018March19
The predictions for 2018Nisan6/7 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2018Nisan3=2017Adar27 around 19:30 on Tuesday 2018March20
The predictions for 2018Nisan7-12/13 and 2018Nisan13/14 came on 2018Nisan8 around 03:30 on Monday 2018March26
The predictions for 2018Nisan13/14 and 2018Iyyar4/5 came on 2018Nisan10 around 23:30 on Tuesday 2018March27 (The Jericho Jubilee day)
The sub and main predictions for 2016Chislev25-2018Iyyar11 and 2016Iyyar6-2018Iyar11 came on 2018Nisan10 around 23:30 on Tuesday 2018March27 (The Jericho Jubilee day)
The predictions for 2018Iyyar4/5 and 2018Iyyar4/5 came on 2018Nisan15 around 01:30 on Monday 2018April2.
The predictions for 2018Iyyar11/12 and 2018Iyyar11/12 came on 2018Iyyar5 around 19:30 on Sunday 2018April22.
The predictions for 2018Iyyar25/26 and 2018Iyyar25/26 came on 2018Iyyar10, were accepted on 2018Iyyar12 and published on 2018Iyyar13.
The predictions for 2018Sivan3/4 and 2018Sivan3/4 came on 2018Iyyar26 and were published on 2018Iyyar26.
The predictions for 2018Sivan9/10 and 2018Sivan9/10 came on 2018Sivan5 and were published on 2018Sivan5.
The predictions for 2018Sivan9/10 and 2018Sivan12 came on 2018Sivan9 and were published on 2018Sivan9.
The predictions for 2018Sivan11/12 and 2018Sivan11/12 came on 2018Sivan11 and were published on 2018Sivan11.
The predictions for 2018Sivan16/17 and 2018Sivan16/17 came on 2018Sivan13 and were published on 2018Sivan13.
The predictions for 2018Sivan25/26 and 2018Sivan25/26 came on 2018Sivan17 and were published on 2018Sivan18.
The predictions for 2018Sivan29 and 2018Tammuz7/8 came on 2018Sivan26 and were published on 2018Sivan26.
The predictions for 2018Tammuz7/8 and 2018Tammuz10 came on 2018Sivan30 and were published on 2018Tammuz2.
The predictions for 2018Tammuz10 and 2018Tammuz10 came on 2018Tammuz9 and were published on 2018Tammuz9.
The predictions for 2018Tammuz21 and 2018Tammuz24 came on 2018Tammuz10 (for 2018Tammuz24) and 2018Tammuz11 (for 2018Tammuz21) and were published on 2018Tammuz12
The predictions for 2018Tammuz24 and 2018Tammuz24 came on 2018Tammuz10-22 and were published on 2018Tammuz22
The predictions for 2018Tammuz30 and 2018Ab4/5 came on 2018Tammuz25 and were published on 2018Tammuz25
The predictions for 2018Ab4/5 and 2018Ab4/5/6 came on 2018Ab1 and were published on 2018Ab1
The predictions for 2018Ab8 and 2018Ab8 came on 2018Ab6 and were published on 2018Ab7
The predictions for 2018Ab19 and 2018Ab19/2018Elul5 came on 2018Ab9 (2018July24) and were published on 2018Ab9 (2018July25)
The predictions for 2018Ab29 and 2018Ab29/2018Elul5 came on 2018Ab20 (2018August5) and were published on 2018Ab20 (2018August5)
The predictions for 2018Elul1/2 and 2018Elul5 came on 2018Ab30 (2018August15) and were published on 2018Ab30 (2018August15)
The predictions for 2018Elul4 and 2018Elul4/5 came on 2018Elul3 (2018August18) and were published on 2018Elul3 (2018August18)
The predictions for 2018Elul5 and 2018Elul5 came on 2018Elul5 (2018August20) and were published on 2018Elul5 (2018August20)
The predictions for 2018Elul10 and 2018Elul11 came on 2018Elul6 (2018August21) and were published on 2018Elul7 (2018August22)
The predictions for 2018Elul14 and 2018Elul14 came on 2018Elul12 (2018August27) and were published on 2018Elul12 (2018August27)
The predictions for 2018Elul14 and 2018Elul24/25 came on 2018Elul13 (2018August28) and were published on 2018Elul13 (2018August28)
The predictions for 2018Elul24 and 2018Elul24/25 came on 2018Elul15 (2018August29) and were published on 2018Elul15 (2018August30)
The predictions for 2018Tishri5 and 2018Tishri5 came on 2018Elul25 (2018September9) and were published on 2018Elul25 (2018September9)
The predictions for 2019Elul5 and 2019Elul5 came on 2018Tishri9 (2018September23) and were published on 2018Tishri9 (2018September23)
The predictions for 2019Elul7/11 and 2019Tishri5 came on 2019Elul6 (2019September8/9) and were published on 2019Elul6 (2018September8 for Elul7 and Tishri5 and 2019Septmber9 for 2019Elul7/11 and 2019Tishri5)
The predictions for 2019Tishri5/7/9 and 2019Tishri5/7/9 came on 2019Elul12 (around 23:55 on 2019September14) and were published on 2019Elul12 (2018September15 at 17:46)
The predictions for 2019Tishri9/10/16 and 2019Tishri9/10/16 (2019October11-19) came on 2019Tishri7 (in the afternoon of 2019October10) and were published on 2019Tishri7 (2019October10 at 18:07)
The predictions for 2019Tishri9/10/11/16 and 2019Tishri9/10/11/16 (2019October11-19) came on 2019Tishri8 (around midnight on 2019October10) and were published on 2019Tishri8 (2019October11 at 01:04)
The predictions for 2019Tishri21/22/23 (2019October23-26) came on 2019Tishri17 (around 7 pm on 2019October19) and were published on 2019Tishri17 (2019October19 at 21:00)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan7 (2019November8/9) and 2019Heshvan7 (2019November8/9) came on 2019Tishri24 (around 18:30 BST on 2019October26) and were published on 2019Tishri24 (2019October26 at 21:00)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan7/8 (2019November8/9) and 2019Heshvan7/8 (2019November8/9/10) came on 2019Tishri24 (around 11:59 pm on 2019October26) and were published on 2019Tishri24 (2019October27 at 14:00)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan9 (2019November10/11) and 2019Heshvan9 (2019November10/11) came on 2019Heshvan8 (at 15:40 pm on 2019November10) and were published on 2019Heshvan9 (2019November10 at 21:41 GMT)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan14 (2019November15/16) and 2019Heshvan15 (2019November16/17) came on 2019Heshvan10 (at 19:00 and 23:55 on 2019November11) and were published on 2019Heshvan10 (2019November12 at 15:38 GMT)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan16 (2019November17/18) and 2019Heshvan20 (2019November21/22) came on 2019Heshvan15 (at 12:45 on 2019November17) and were published on 2019Heshvan15 (2019November17 at 15:39 GMT)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan20 (2019November21/22) and 2019Heshvan20 (2019November21/22) came on 2019Heshvan17 (around 19:45 on 2019November18) and were published on 2019Heshvan17 (2019November17 at 23:20 GMT)
The predictions for 2019Heshvan21/22 (2019November22-24) and 2019Heshvan21/22 (2019November22-24) came on 2019Heshvan21 (around 19:30 on Friday 2019November22) and were published on 2019Heshvan21 (2019November22 at 20:30 GMT on youtube)
The predictions for 2019Chislev21/22 (2019December22-24) and 2019Chislev21/22 (2019December22-24) came on 2019Heshvan23 (Monday 2019November25 at 00:20) and were published at 15:55 that day.
The predictions for 2019Chislev26 (2019December27-28) and 2019Tebbeth6 (2020January6/7) came on 2019Chislev23 (3:59 on Christmas Eve and around 19:00) and were published at 22:14 that day.
The predictions for 2019Chislev29 (2019December30-31) and 2019Tebbeth6 (2020January6/7) came on 2019Chislev23 (3:59 on Christmas Eve and around 19:00) and were published at 22:14 that day and 20:01 on 2019December28 (2019Chislev27).
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth3 (2020January3/4) and 2019Tebbeth6 (2020January6/7) came on 2019Chislev23 (3:59 on Christmas Eve and around 19:00) and published at 22:14 that day and 3:55 on 2019December31 (2019Chislev29), published at 20:08 GMT on New Year's Eve.
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth6 (2020January6/7) and 2019Tebbeth10/11 (2020January10-12) came on 2019Chislev23 (3:59 on Christmas Eve and around 19:00) and published at 22:14 that day and 17:00 on 2020January4 (2019Tebbeth4), published at 23:40 that day.
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth10 (2020January10/11) and 2019Tebbeth10/11 (2020January10-12) came on 2019Chislev23 (3:59 on Christmas Eve and around 19:00) and published at 22:14 that day and 21:55 on 2020January7 (2019Tebbeth7), published at 23:59 that day.
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth11 (2020January11/12) and 2019Tebbeth13 (2020January13-14) came on 2019Tebbeth11 (around 22:00 GMT on 2019January11) and were published at 21:31 GMT on 2019January12 (2019Tebbeth12).
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth13 (2020January13/14) and 2019Tebbeth13 (2020January13-14) came on 2019Tebbeth12 (when 2019Tebbeth11 failed in US time) and were published at 20:49 GMT on 2019January13 (2019Tebbeth13).
The predictions for 2019Tebbeth17/20 (2020January17/18 and 2019Tebbeth20/21) and 2019Tebbeth21 (2020January21-22) came on 2019Tebbeth14 around 21:00 GMT on 2019January14 and were published at 23:59 GMT on 2020January14 (2019Tebbeth14).
The predictions for 2019Shebat6 (2020February5/6) and 2019Shebat9 (2020February8/9) came on 2019Tebbeth22 around 22:00 GMT on 2020January22 and were published at 02:50 GMT on 2020January23 (2019Tebbeth22).
The predictions for 2019Shebat1 (2020January31/February1) and 2019Shebat9 (2020February8/9) came on 2019Tebbeth25 around 23:00 GMT on 2020January25 and were published at 03:18 GMT on 2020January26 (2019Tebbeth25).
The predictions for 2019Shebat6 (2020February5/6) and 2019Shebat9 (2020February8/9) were republished at 01:57 GMT on 2019February2 (2019Shebat2).
The predictions for 2019Shebat8 (2020February7/8) and 2019Shebat9 (2020February8/9) were published at 21:44 GMT on 2019February6 (2019Shebat7).
The predictions for 2019Shebat15 (2020February14/15) and 2019Shebat21 (2020February20/21) came around 00:30 on 2019February10 (2019Shebat10) and were published at 02:48 GMT on 2019February11 (2019Shebat11).
The predictions for 2019Shebat16 (2020February15/16) and 2019Shebat21 (2020February20/21) came around 23:00 on 2019February15 (2019Shebat16) and were published at 03:50 GMT on 2019February16 (2019Shebat16).
The predictions for 2019Shebat20/21 (2020February19-21) and 2019Shebat21 (2020February20/21) came around 23:30 on 2019February16 (2019Shebat17) and were published at 03:22 GMT on 2019February18 (2019Shebat18).
The predictions for 2019Shebat29 (2020February15/16) and 2019Adar7 (2020March7/8) came around 01:00 and 20:00 GMT on 2019February22 (2019Shebat22/23) and were published at 05:44 GMT on 2019February23 (2019Shebat23).
The predictions for 2019Adar6/7 (2020March6/7/8) and 2019Adar7 (2020March7/8) came around 01:00 (prediction extensions) and 20:00 GMT (3rd fire sign) on 2019February22 (2019Shebat22/23) and 06:00 GMT (2nd fire sign) on 2020March1 (2019Shebat30) and were published at 06:21 GMT on 2019March1 (2019Shebat30).
The predictions for 2019Adar9 (2020March9/10) and 2019Adar9 (2020March9/10) came around 01:00 (prediction extensions) on 2019February22 (2019Shebat22/23) and 21:30 GMT on 2020March8 (2019Adar8) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 05:05 GMT on 2019March9 (2019Adar8).
The predictions for 2019Adar11 (2020March11/12) and 2019Adar11 (2020March11/12) came around 01:00 (prediction extensions) on 2019February22 (2019Shebat22/23) and 05:30 GMT on 2020March11 (2019Adar10) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 21:03 GMT on 2019March11 (2019Adar11).
The predictions for 2019Adar13 (2020March13/14) and 2019Adar21 (2020March21/22) came around 23:00 GMT on 2020March12 (2019Adar12) and 22:30 GMT on 2020March13 (2019Adar13) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 07:35 GMT on 2019March15 (2019Adar14).
The predictions for 2019Adar14 (2020March14/15) and 2019Adar21 (2020March21/22) came around 23:50 GMT on 2020March14 (2019Adar14) and 22:30 GMT on 2020March13 (2019Adar13) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 09:18 GMT on 2019March15 (2019Adar14).
The predictions for 2019Adar20 (2020March20/21) came around 03:00 GMT on 2020March16 (2019Adar15) and for 2019Adar21 (2020March21/22) came around 22:30 GMT on 2020March13 (2019Adar13) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 11:11 GMT on 2019March16 (2019Adar15).
The prediction for 2020Nisan7 (2020March31-April1) came around 10:00 GMT on Tuesday 2020March24 (2019Adar23) and for 2020Nisan20/21 (2020April13-15) came around 09:00 GMT on Monday 2020March23 (2019Adar22) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 13:23 GMT on 2019March24 (2019Adar23).
The predictions for 2020Nisan24 (202April17-18) and 2020Iyyar21 (2020May14/15) came around 08:00 BST on Thursday 2020April16 (2020Nisan22) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 19:58 BST on 2020April16 (2020Nisan22).
The predictions for 2020Iyyar20 (2020May13/14) and 2020Iyyar21 (2020May14/15) came around 03:00 BST on Sunday 2020April19 (2020Nisan25) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 09:22 BST on 2020April19 (2020Nisan25).
The predictions for 2020Sivan6/7 (2020May29-31) and 2020Sivan20/21 (2020June12-14) came around 08:00 BST on Saturday 2020May16 (2020Iyyar22) for the 2nd/3rd fire signs and were published at 19:20 BST on 2020May16 (2020Iyyar22).
The predictions for 2020Sivan20/21 (2020June12-14) and 2020Sivan20/21 (2020June12-14) came around 08:00 BST on Saturday 2020May16 (2020Iyyar22) for the 3rd fire sign and were published at 21:09 BST on 2020June1 (2020Sivan8).
The prediction for 2020Tammuz7/8 (2020June29-July1) came around 04:00 BST and 2020Tammuz20/21 (2020July12-14) came around 00:04 BST on Monday 2020June15 (2020Sivan22) for the 3rd fire sign and were published at 07:40 BST on 2020June15 (2020Sivan22).
The prediction for 2020Tammuz20/21 and 2020Tammuz20/21 (2020July12-14) came around 00:04 BST on Monday 2020June15 (2020Sivan22) for the 3rd fire sign, and was published for both fire signs at 21:18 BST on 2020July1 (2020Tammuz8).
The prediction for 2020Ab2 (July24-25) came around 14:00 BST on Tuesday July14 (2020Tammuz21) and 2020Ab5/6 (July27-29) came around 16:00 BST on Tuesday 2020July14 (2020Tammuz21) for the 3rd fire sign. We published these around 01:00 BST on 2020July15 (2020Tammuz22).
We realised the 10th first fruits must be 2020Ab3 not 2020Ab2 (the weekly Sabbath) around 02:00 on 2020July25 (2020Ab2 - doh!) So we then updated the prediction to be for 2020Ab3 and 2020Ab5/6.
The prediction for 2020Ab21 (August12/13) came around 14:00 BST on Tuesday July14 (2020Tammuz21) but was rejected in favour of 2020Ab2/3, and 2020Ab5/6 (July27-29) came around 16:00 BST on Tuesday 2020July14 (2020Tammuz21) for the 3rd fire sign. We chose 2020Ab5/6 and 2020Ab21 around 18:00 BST on 2020July27 and published them at 20:31 BST on 2020July27 (2020Ab4).
The prediction for 2020Ab10/11 came at 6:50 pm on Tuesday 2020July28 (2020Ab5).
The prediction for 2020Ab21 (August12/13) came around 14:00 BST on Tuesday July14 (2020Tammuz21) but was rejected in favour of 2020Ab2/3 until around 18:00 BST on 2020July27 (2020Ab4). We published 2020Ab10/11 and 2020Ab21 at 07:00 BST on Wednesday 2020July29 (2020Ab6).
The prediction for 2020Ab20/21 (August11-13) came came around 14:00 BST on Tuesday July14 (2020Tammuz21) but was rejected in favour of 2020Ab2/3 until around 18:00 BST on 2020July27 (2020Ab4). We published 2020Ab20/21 and 2020Ab21/22 at 07:00 BST on Tuesday 2020August4 (2020Ab12).
The predictions for 2020Elul5/6 (2020August26-28) and 2020Elul10/11 (2020August31-2020September2) came came around 06:09 BST on Sunday 2020August16 (2020Ab24). We published these predictions at 17:09 on Monday 2020August17 (2020Ab25)
The predictions for 2020Elul10/11 (2020August31-2020September2) and 2020Elul10/11 (2020August31-2020September2) came came around 02:30 BST on Saturday 2020August29 (2020Elul7). We published these predictions at 06:36 on Saturday 2020August29 (2020Elul7)
The predictions for 2020Elul21/22 (2020September11-13) and 2020Elul21/22 (2020September11-13) came came around 12:59 BST on Wednesday 2020September2 (2020Elul11). We published these predictions at 03:45 BST on Thursday 2020September3 (2020Elul12)
The predictions for 2020Tishri6/7 (2020September26-28) and 2020Tishri21/22 (2020October11-13) came came around 02:00 BST on Friday 2020September11 (2020Elul20). We published these predictions at 19:35 on Friday 2020September11 (2020Elul21)
We saw 2020Tishri11/12 and 2020Tishri21/22 at 06:00 BST on Tuesday 2020Septrember29 (2020Tishri8). We published them at 07:57 BST on Wednesday 2020September30 (2020Tishri9).
We saw 2020Tishri21/22 and 2020Tishri21/22 at 17:30 BST on Saturday 2020October3 (2020Tishri12). We published them at 19:36 BST on Saturday 2020October3 (2020Tishri13).
We saw 2020Heshvan6/7 and 2020Heshvan6/7 at 07:00 BST on Wednesday 2020October14 (2020Tishri23). We published them at 18:07 BST on Wednesday 2020October14 (2020Tishri23).
We saw 2020Heshvan6/7 and 2020Heshvan8/9 at 03:00 BST on Friday 2020October16 (2020Tishri25). We published them at 09:00 BST on Friday 2020October16 (2020Tishri25).
We saw 2020Heshvan5-7 and 2020Heshvan6-9 at 01:00 BST on Sunday 2020October18 (2020Tishri27). We published them at 08:30 BST on Sunday 2020October18 (2020Tishri27).
The predictions for 2020Heshvan5-9 (2020October26-30) and 2020Heshvan21/22 (2020November10-12) came came around 04:00 GMT on Tuesday October27 (2020Heshvan6). We published these predictions at 22:07 GMT on Tuesday 2020October27 (2020Heshvan7)
The predictions for 2020Heshvan21/22 (2020November10-12) and 2020Heshvan21/22 (2020November10-12) came came around 18:00 GMT on Friday October30 (2020Heshvan10). We published these predictions at 08:02 GMT on Saturday 2020October31 (2020Heshvan10)
The predictions for 2020Chislev8-10 (2020November27-30) and 2020Chislev21/22 (2020December10-12) came came around 10:00 GMT on Sunday November8 (2020Heshvan18). We published these predictions at 11:10 GMT on Sunday 2020November8 (2020Heshvan18)
The predictions for 2020Chislev20-22 (2020December9-12) and 2020Chislev21/22 (2020December10-12) came came around 10:00 GMT on Sunday November8 (2020Heshvan18). We published these predictions at 03:55 GMT GMT on Friday 2020December3 (2020Chislev13)
16:30 GMT on 2020December13 (2020Chislev24) we saw 2020Tebbeth4-6 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:11 GMT on Sunday 2020December13 (2020Chislev24).
15:47 GMT on 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7) we accepted 2020Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:55 GMT on Sunday 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7).
19:00 GMT on 2021January12 (2020Tebbeth24) we saw 2020Shebat4/5/6 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 05:37 GMT on Wednesday 2021January13 (2020Tebbeth24).
08:40 GMT on 2021January26 (2020Shebat7) we saw 2020Shebat7/8 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 09:11 GMT on Tuesday 2021January26 (2020Shebat7).
01:00 GMT on 2021January28 (2020Shebat9) we accepted 2020Shebat20-22 and 2020Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 01:20 GMT on Thursday 2021January28 (2020Shebat9).
20:39 GMT on 2021February10 (2020Shebat23) we saw 2020adar4/5/6 and 2020Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:30 GMT on Wednesday 2021February10 (2020Shebat23).
06:00 GMT on 2021February25 (2020Adar7) we accepted 2020adar20-22 and 2020Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published the 3rd fire sign prediction at 23:30 GMT on Wednesday 2021February10 (2020Shebat23).and the 2nd at 07:23 GMT on Thursday 2021February25 (2020Adar7).
03:43 GMT on 2021March14 (2020Adar24) we saw 2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:55 GMT on Sunday 2021March14 (2020Adar24).
11:45 GMT on 2021March16 (2020Adar26) we saw 2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 OR 2021Nisan10/11/12 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 11:49 GMT on Tuesday 2021March16 (2020Adar26).
10:15 GMT on 2021March23 (2021Nisan9) we saw 2021Nisan10/11/12 and 2021Nisan26/27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 12:33 on Tuesday 2021March23 (2021Nisan9).
12:19 BST on 2021March31 (2021Nisan17) we saw 2021Nisan26/27 and 2021Iyyar10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 13:46 BST on Wednesday 2021March31 (2021Nisan17).
13:55 BST on 2021April11 (2021Nisan28) we saw 2021Iyyar10/11/12 and 2021Iyyar20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 14:01 BST on Sunday 2021April11 (2021Nisan28).
01:47 BST on 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13) we saw 2021Iyyar14/15 and 2021Iyyar20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 05:16 BST on Monday 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13).
07:14 BST on 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16) we saw 2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Sivan9/10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:22 BST on Thursday 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16).
03:58 BST on 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20) we saw 2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Iyyar27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:33 BST on Monday 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20).
02:05 BST on 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22) we saw 2021Iyyar27/28 and 2021Iyyar27/28 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 02:45 BST on Wednesday 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22).
08:47 BST on 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29) we saw 2021Sivan9/10 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 10:19 BST on Wednesday 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29).
06:22 BST on 2021May25 (2021Sivan12) we saw 2021Sivan20/21/22 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:30 BST on Tuesday 2021May25 (2021Sivan12).
05:25 BST on 2021June5 (2021Sivan23) we saw 2021Tammuz9-11 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:00 BST on Saturday 2021June5 (2021Sivan23).
02:31 BST on 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these in the morning of Thursday 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12).
07:04 BST on 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19) we saw 2021Tammuz21-23 OR 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:27 BST on Thursday 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19).
19:46 BST on 2021July5 (2021Tammuz23) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:18 BST on Tuesday 2021July6 (2021Tammuz24).
14:19 BST on 2021July21 (2021Ab9) we saw 2021Ab20-22 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:16 BST on Wednesday 2021July21 (2021Ab9).
10:57 BST on 2021August3 (2021Ab22) we saw 2021Elul4-7 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:42 BST on Tuesday 2021August3 (2021Ab22).
05:00 BST on 2021August17 (2021Elul6) we saw 2021Elul20-22 and 2021Elul20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:02 BST on Tuesday 2021August17 (2021Elul6).
14:30 GMT on 2021March17 (2021VeAdar8) we saw 2021VeAdar20-22 and 2021VeAdar28-30 = 2022Nisan4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:30 GMT on Friday 2021March18 (2021VeAdar9).
See top of page for the latest prediction attempts..
sealing for Kingdom baptised s can be instant as was the case with the faithful robber crucified next to who was sealed on 33Nisan14. It runs for 195 days of God's merciful responses to 's negotiation of Genesis18,
from 2023Iyyar29 to 2023Chislev14. Whereas the 195 days of extra Kingdom entrance run from 2022Adar19 to 2022Tishri4. The midst of the city of Genesis18 is the midst of being the one and only city from 2022Elul14 to 2023Heshvan14, the absolute end of the Watchtower, is 2023Nisan14. So the 50 potentially righteous men in the mist of the city run from 2022Adar19 to 2023Iyyar9 - see U154
Noah () lifts the cover off the ark on 2022Chislev1/2 of Genesis 8:13 for the s.
19 And was opened up the temple [sanctuary] of God, the [one] in the heaven, and the ark of his covenant [the ark for the s, the greater ark of Noah] was seen in his temple [sanctuary] [This is the renting in two of the curtain between the heavens and the earth, and the revealing of the greater ]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail (Revelation 11). [The wording of the 7th plague of Egypt therefore it goes with verse 18. But the noun count of 'temple' means it should go with the account from verse 14 too] (Revelation11)
23 So Moses stretched out his rod toward the heavens; and gave thunders and hail, and fire would run down to the earth, and kept making it rain down hail upon the land of Egypt.
24 Thus there came hail, and fire quivering in among the hail. It was very heavy, so that there had not occurred any like it in all the land of Egypt from the time it became a nation.
FEEDING THE 5,000 OF LUKE9 (s by the s) - YEP
s at Laodicea start eating Food s die to Adam s installed to feed s die to s installed to feed Last s (7th bride) die.
2006Nisan12 (2006Nisan8 letter to Don Adams)
51 day installation gap
1089 days
81 day installation gap
1689 days
There were no saintly appointments for Abrahamic (the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 - see U318 were left alone when went to sacrifice ). But true church s are Abrahamic after 2012Sivan14.
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MARK8 ( by s)
Abrahamic s installed to feed/rule s die to s installed to feed/rule
Hand over of to Methuselah??
2015Ab14 2015Heshvan5
1089 days
81 day installation gap
2911 Days inclusively/exclusively
The feeding of the 4,000 reserves in a wilderness (Laodicea) instructed by to recline upon the ground, must end on 2017Elul10, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, which is 5½ years of the absence, the gap between the banks, before 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence..
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MATTHEW15 (s by Laodicea)
reserves start being fed at Laodicea
Laodicean installation gap begins Installation over s
Installation over Laodicea falls as a true church
2006Iyyar8 (6 days of John 12 before the late Passover)
2196 days
82 day Abrahamic Laodicean installation gap
29 days of installation
1775 days
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism for earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
14 years and 4 months is 430 years a month for a day in the Egypts of Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea (lower then upper Egypt, upper due to the raptures from reappointed Laodicea)
Laodicea appointed to feed the s
Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea reappointed over the s Reappointed Laodicea falls as a true church
13 years 9 months 8 days
6 months 22 days
Total = 14 years 4 months = 430/30 years = 430 years a month for a day.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 )
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 OF JOHN6 (parallel to Luke9) - Reappointed Laodicea
FEEDING THE RECLINED 5,000 OF JOHN6 IN A TRUE CHURCH (Nisan1 sacred sync. Sivan1 sacred start) - YEP
Laodicea installed to feed s Died to Adam
Installed over s 3½x after 2013Adar10 Laodicea Reappointed Constant feature restored reappointment 3rd presence begins in Laodicea Reinstalled over the s
Laodicea falls
2017Elul10 (falls)
2019Ab7 (not Sabbath) 2019Ab14
2019Ab21 2019Elul10 (5½x after 2013Adar10) 2019Tishri10
2993 days 82 day gap 1804 days 696 day gap
7 days
7 days
19 days 31 days 153 days (and big fish of John21)
Laodicea installed to feed s Died to Adam
Installed over s 3½x after 2013Adar10 Laodicea Reappointed Constant feature restored re appointment
3rd presence begins in Laodicea
Reinstalled over the s Laodicea falls
2017Elul10 (falls)
2019Ab6 (not Sabbath) 2019Ab14
2019Ab22 2019Elul10 (5½x after 2013Adar10)
2993 days 81`
day gap 1805 days 696 day gap
8 day gap
8 day gap
18 days 31 days 153 days (and big fish of John21)
2993+1804+19+31+153 = 5000 days.
2019Ab7 of Nebuzaradan and 2019Adar13 of Esther9.
33 day starting bank of reappointed Laodicea
5 months of the 1st part of the 3rd presence 33 day finishing bank of reappointed Laodicea
Reappointment as true church to start of 3rd presence
from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10
End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church
2019Shebat10 to 2019Adar13
Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea fed the s at/within the church from 2006Iyyar8/Sivan14 for 7 years (7 Loaves) and 7 whole calendar months of filled baskets of fragments months to 2013Adar10, excluding the Laodicean installation gap from 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6, when Laodicea was installed to feed and rule over the s - For more see U67.
THE FEEDING OF THE 5,000 SAINTS OF MATTHEW14 - Parallel to Mark6 (by Laodicea)
5 Loaves are 5 Presidents of Laodicea?
2 Fishes are reappointed Laodicea and Sodom, living in the sea of fallen Laodicea.
12 baskets full of fragments left over by the s is the entire feeding program of Laodicea from 2003Shebat21 (their installation to feed the s) to 2015Shebat21, the start of the 40 day spying test, after which they gave up on food..
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 IN ALL 4 TRUE CHURCHES OF MARK6 (the Watchtower fulilment)
The 12 baskets of fragments are 12 years of a fragment of the Watchtower remaining a true church (Laodicea).
12 filled baskets of fragments: 12 secular years from 2005Sivan14 to 2017Elul10,
the fall of the Laodicean fragment of the Watchtower as a true church. The 12th secular year (2016Tishri1 to 2017Elul30) has all 12 monthly fragments in it (the 12th fragment 2017Elul is not complete but still a fragment).
8x of taking up fragments from the 2 fishes: 8 years from 2005Sivan14 to 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, the end of the water baptism for the Laodicean fragment of the Watchtower (fishes live in water).
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 OF LUKE9 - Parallel to John6 - (The s were appointed/installed to feed the s but never appointed/installed to rule over the s)
s were appointed/installed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after ). But the feeding of future Laodicean s by s began remotely on 2006Nisan12 due to the letter to Don Adams of 2006Nisan8.
Then the Laodiceans themselves started feeding future Laodicean s on 2006Iyyar8 (6 days of John12 before the Passover). Then on 2006Sivan14, the first ones were baptised into Laodicea for the late Passover.
5 loaves were the food of: Adamic through Laodicea, through Laodicea, through Laodicea, then through reappointed LAodicea, then through reverted Laodicea
2 fishes were Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea, whom we taught how to fish for bible food.
12 small baskets of fragments (months) from 2019Heshvan14, the 4th marriage Passover execution, when there were less than 5,000 s left in reappointed Laodicea, to 2020Heshvan14, the Passover execution of the last . The leftovers from feeding are given to s still in true and in fallen reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 OF JOHN6 - Parallel to Luke9 - (s by Reappointed Laodicea)
5 months of reappointed Laodicean loaf feeding from 2019Tishri10, their installation to feed the s, to 2019Adar13 .
2 small fishes of Sodom and Hebron, whom they taught how to fish for bible food
12 small-baskets fragments from 5 barley loves counts as 12x.2x.5x = 120x, which are 4 months from 2020Tammuz14, the fill of saints, to 2020Heshvan14, the fill of the s, the end of s and s being in Sodom, the 4th marriage Passover execution.
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MATTHEW15 - Parallel to Mark8 - (s by Laodicea)
4000 days from 2006Iyyar8, when the reserves started to be fed in Laodicea,
to 2017Elul10, the fall of that church. But with a 82 day installation gap from 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6
7 loaves and 7 baskets full of fragments are 7 years and 7 months of Laodicea feeding s with at/in reappointed Laodicea from 2006Iyyar8/Sivan14 to 2013Adar10 excluding the 82 day installation gap from 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6.
A few little fishes are some small groups doing type bible research?
Fishes: Eaten at the Passover meal.
FEEDING THE 4,000 OF MARK8 - Parallel to Matthew15 - ( by s)
4000 days from 2012Ab5, the Abrahamic installation to feed and to rule over , with 81 day installation gap, to 2023Chislev5/6, the hand over of to Methuselah? The s were not installed to freed anybody from 2015Ab14-2015Heshvan5.
7 loaves are 7 years of feeding of Isaaic from 2015Chislev21, our installation to fed and rule over the s to 2022Chislev21, the rapture of the last .
7 baskets full of fragments full are 7 WHOLE months to date plus change after we hand over to the 3rd from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Chislev14 (the end of )
A few little fishes are some small groups doing type bible research?
For more on the feedings of the 4,000 and the 5,000 see U67.
Passovers: The left door post is the 3rd marriage Passover and resurrection into 2 on 2019Tishri14-15. The right doorpost is the 7th marriage Passover and resurrection into 2 on 2020Tammuz14-15. The lintel is 2 and 3. The entire Passover series is the door into the Arks.
Passovers: The left door post is the 1st marriage Passover and resurrection into 2 on 2020Ab14-15. The right doorpost is the 4th marriage Passover and resurrection into 2 on 2020Heshvan14-15. The lintel is 2 and 3. The entire Passover series is the door into the Arks.
The marriage feasts are held down here not in the Bridal chamber (3). The marriage of Cana is the 1st marriage. 6 water jars with 2 or 3 liquid measures in each is 15 liquid measures in 6 jars which is 30 measures in 12 jars which are 30 months from 2020Shebat24 to 2022Shebat24, the 30x Benjamin call from marital supper day. For more see U85. The right doorpost is the non religious Passover and the blood on the doorposts and the lintel is the virgin blood of the marriages.
Abrahamic Passovers: The left door post is the Laodicean Passover and transformation on 2022Tebbeth14-16. The right door post is the non religious Passover and transformation on 2023Sivan14-16. The lintel is the 2nd to 5th crop Passovers of Revelation22. The door is into (in ). The blood is that of Adam who dies at the Passovers.
Abrahamic () Passovers: The left door post is the Laodicean Passover and resurrection on 2023Tammuz14-16. The right door post is the non religious Passover and resurrection on 2023Chislev14-16. The lintel is the 8th to 11th crop Passovers of Revelation22. The door is into (in or in Hobah). The blood is that of Adam who dies at the Passovers.
39 But one of the hung evildoers began to say abusively to him: You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us.
40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment?
41 And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this [man] did nothing out of the way.
42 And he went on to say: , remember me when you get into your kingdom.
43 And he said to him: Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. (Luke 23 )
The late partakers Passover resurrection of late partaking Laodicean//Christian/Babylonian/non religious Zoarites on 2021Nisan21 are when death is brought to nothing for them...
23 Each (one) but in the own order; firstfruits Christ,
thereupon the (ones) of the Christ in the presence of him
24 then the end [1x],
whenever [otan] he may be giving beside/handing over the kingdom to the God and Father [1x+1x = 2x],
whenever he should make ineffective each government and each authority and power [2x+2x+2x=6x]
25 it is necessary for [1st word placed 2nd by Greeks] him to be reigning until which he should put all the enemies under the feet of him [1x + 10x - 2x = 9x].
26 Last enemy is being made ineffective the death [1x], (1 Corinthians 15 )
Total for the verses describing the end: 24-26: (1x+2x+6x).(9x+1x) = 90 days from 2022Tebbeth5, the start of ' reign as Caesar (over and therefore the s) to 2023Nisan5, when Gordon hands over the . For there are TWO hand overs referred to in verse 24. One to God and one to the Father. Gordon hands over to 3 months after becomes Caesar over him on 2022Tebbeth5 and hands over / to on 2023Tishri5/Heshvan5, 10 months of verses 25-26 after he is installed as Caesar to / on 2022Chislev5/Tebbeth5.
All enemies are under the feet of Gordon on 2022Tebbeth21 and his feet on 2023Iyyar5, 30 days into the reign of over from 2023Nisan5. All enemies are under the feet of on 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood execution of non Adam, because or constructive (s) is God's friend
8 But you, Oh Israel, are my servant, you, Oh ,
whom I have chosen, the seed of my friend; (Isaiah 41 )
23 and the scripture was fulfilled which says: put faith in , and it was counted to him as righteousness, and he came to be called 's friend. (James 2 ).
23 Each (one) but in the own order; firstfruits Christ,
thereupon the (ones) of the Christ in the presence of him; (1 Corinthians 15 )
23 ekastoj en tw i?diw tagmati aparch Cristoj epeita oi tou Cristou en th parousia autou (1 Corinthians 15 SinaiO)
24 then the end, whenever he may be giving beside the kingdom to the God and Father, whenever he should make ineffective each government and each authority and power, ()
24 eita to teloj otan paradidw thn basilian tou qeou kai patri otan katarghsh pasan archn kai pasan exousian kai dunamin (SinaiO)
25 it is necessary for/because him to be reigning until which he should put all the enemies under the feet of him. ()
25 dei gar auton basileuein acri ou qh pantaj touj ecqrouj upo touj podaj autou (SinaiO)
26 Last enemy is being made ineffective the death, (1 Corinthians 15 )
26 escatoj ecqroj katargeitai o qanatoj (1 Corinthians 15 SinaiO)
21 Then Elijah approached/drew near towards all the people [1x. Elijah drawing near to people is not a comparison of Elijah with people it is a measure of the distance between the two which is one measure] and said [from that position]: How long will ye [3x] be limping/passing over upon 2 different opinions [1x+2x=3x] [The Question Answering Principle of the code means that this question will be answered by this account] [literally passing over upon 2 branches]? If is the [true] God [1x], [in your opinion then] walk [ye] after/behind him [1x+3x=-4x]; AND if Baal is [1x], [in your opinion then] walk [ye] after/behind him [1x+3x=4x. Some chose Baal others choose . So these two choices add]. And the people [singular] they-answered [3x] [plural] him not a word (1Kings18).
Verse 21:3x.3x+1x+4x OR 1x+4x+3x = 14x+1x/3x = 15x/17x.
OR Verse 21:3x.2x+1x+4x AND 1x+4x+1x/3x = 16x+1x/3x = 17x/19x.
The question itself about passing over upon 2 different opinions counts as 17x from 2006Nisan14/Iyyar14, the start of the contest to 2023Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last indecisive Passover. Prophets of Baal are chronologically interested people in a false church.
22 And Elijah said to the people [singular]: I myself have been left [in the position of] prophet to/for [1x], to/for myself alone [I have been left] [1x: by myself I have been left], and the prophets of Baal are 450 men [450x]. (1Kings 18)
There are 11x 450 days from 1992Elul11 when the first letter to the Society arrived arrived in Brooklyn (and Elijah4 began to be ignored and left alone as a prophet of ) and the first prediction date of 2006Sivan11.
23 And let them [450x]
give us [2x: Elijah + Attendant] 2 young bulls [2x:
they gain 2 bulls added by 450 people], and let them choose for themselves one young bull [2x: 1 out of 2] and cut it up/divide it [1x: into pieces. Actually the Bull stands for prophetic endurance. This is a prophetic tenacity contest] [This verse kind of has the form of a time, times and a divided time as in Daniel12] and put [the resulting pieces][3x: The bull in a Hebrew plural of pieces] upon the woods [3x], but they should not put fire [1x:
not said to be to the woods or to the bull pieces, so to the whole sacrifice]. And I myself shall dress the other young bull [1x], and I must place it upon the woods [1x+3x = 4x], but I shall not put fire [to it] [1x: to the other young bull].
24 And ye [This must be the prophets of Baal not the people who are spectators not contestants] must call in the name of your [plural] God [450x], and I [0x/1x], I shall call in the name of [1x]; and it must occur that the God that answers in fire is the [true]
God [1x]
And all the people [singular] [1x. The whole people] answered and [they - as a group?] said [1x/3x]: The word is good [1x] (1Kings18).
Count the contest predicaments and actions from verses 21-24.
Verse21: 17x
Verse22: 1x+1x (Elijah)+450x = 450x+2x
Verse23: 450x.2x+2x+450x.(2x+1x+3x+3x+1x)+1x+4x+1x (Elijah) = 450x.12x+8x
Verse24: 450x +
1x/2x (Elijah) +1x (God) + 1x (all of the people) + 1x.1x (people) = 450x +
4x/5x or 6x/7x
Total = 17x+450x.14x +14x/15x = 6300x +31x/32x = 17 years 7 months and 1/2 days =
6331-6332 days.
OR 17x+450x.14x +16x/17x = 6300x +34x/35x = 17 years 7 months and 3/4 days = 6333-6334 days.
14x450 = 6300 days take us from 2005Sivan14 to 2022Chislev14, the greater Egyptian Passover, the Abrahamic Exodus Passover (before the s leave the world for the ark).
Watchtower falls as a true church
World Exodus Passover
s are raptured from 2022Tebbeth15-21
Unilateral contest day begins
Laodicean s raptured from 2022Chislev15-19 Elijah4 enters into God's rest in the ark
2022May6/7 2022January11/12
6300 days = 14x.450x
31 days of Elijah's work
God does NOT answer by the fire of the fire signs. He answers by the correct prediction dates for the fire signs and by the fire of the lava flood. All Israel MUST go up into the ark during Booths
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God.' (Leviticus 23 )
We cannot meet during the . Neither can we meet the 3rd , which is united with him and therefore Alienated from us. But we can be raptured to reside in Booths in the ark?
The late Watchtower Passover is 2022Tebbeth14. So faith testing of s ends on 2022Tebbeth14. That is the last day to get off the fence and stop limping upon two different opinions.
The lava flood starts after the installation of the Kingdom, because cannot start killing non Adam until he is his Caesar and therefore has secular authority over him.
If the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14, then it lost its water baptism on 2001Chislev14 (3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 earlier) and the 2nd presence restarted on 2006Sivan14 - which would not alter the end of the 2nd presence on 2013Adar10 but would mean that the Passover on 2006Iyyar14 was not celebrated which seems very unlikely given 1Kings18...
41 And Elijah said to Ahab: Go up, eat and drink; for there is the voice/rumour/call of the turmoil of a downpour. (1 Kings 18 )
Laodicea have always celebrated the Passover on Iyyar14, not Sivan14 (we think).
NOPE. The downpour is of the angels of the 3rd on 2017Chislev17 and of the demons on 2017Chislev20. The Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14, 7x of an before 2005Tebbeth15, the start of the congregation of Laodicea and 7x of Naaman's bathing before 2012Sivan14, the start of the restoration of mankind. So this exhortation to celebrate the Passover refers to the 1st/2nd/3rd Watchtower Passovers in reappointed Laodicea not the original Laodicea.
22 But all the men [3x]
who have been seeing my glory [1x] and my signs that I have performed in Egypt [3x] and in the wilderness
[3x] and kept testing me this/these 10 times,
and have not listened to my voice [1x].
(Numbers 14 )
22 for all the men who are seeing My glory, and My miracles which I have done in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tried Me these ten times, and have not listened to My voice, (Numbers 14 )
22 for all the men who are seeing My honour, and My signs, which I have done in Egypt, and in the wilderness, and try Me these ten times, and have not hearkened to My voice -- (Numbers 14 YLT)
23 Behold! They WILL see the land which I swore to their fathers [3x. They see it because they are interested in it but incredulous. They will most certainly see it. But will they enter into it?],
and, all of derider of me, they will not see her [3x.3x=9x] (Numbers 14 ).
When 's 6,000 year lease ended on 2012Nisan14, then Adam reverted to who owns him outright. But the Jehoiachin and Maccabean gapped prohibited God from appointing a vassal representing him until 2022Tishri15.
22 But all the men [3x]
who have been seeing my glory [1x] and my signs [3x] that I have performed in Egypts [2x] and in the wilderness
[1x] and kept testing me this/these 10 times,
and have not listened to my voice [1x].
(Numbers 14 )
23 Behold! They WILL see the land which I swore to their fathers [3x. They see it because they are interested in it but incredulous or too idolatrous of their priesthood. They will most certainly see it. But will they enter into it? Not initially, they must go into Hebron],
and, all of derider of me, they will not see her [3x.3x=9x] (Numbers 14).
3x.(1x+3x.2x+3x.1x+10x+1x).3x+3x.3x = 9x.21x+9x = 198x = 16½ years from 2006Sivan1 (the Revised Sign of Jonah letter) to 2022Chislev15-19, the 2 rapture of Abrahamic s, when they do see the .. Tebbeth is the augur month, the month of great increase for the s, the month of speedy succession in Mike's dream (August the 8th Gregorian month standing for Tebbeth, the 8th month of the Sivan1 sacred year of the s at the time of Mike's dream on 2014Ab5. So really the month of speedy succession should be 2022Tebbeth, when the 3rd fire sign occurs which Mike sees from the ark)
There are 200 months, 200 denarii of loaves from the start of Laodicea on 2005Tebbeth15, to the fall of reverted Laodicea on 2022Elul14. In fact it is 6,000 days of Ezekiel47 inclusively.
10x of testing God with UN idolatry from 1991Chislev14 (1991November25/26) the date of the Watchtower applied to the UN to become an NGO affiliated to the UN DPI, to 2001Chislev14 when they lost their water baptism. They were accepted by the UN on 1992January28 (1991Shebat18).
10x of testing in the Watchtower from 1992Elul11, the hand delivery of 12 copies of Letter to the Society along with 12 chronological charts proving 2008Nisan14 for the end of "the world" - in fact the world - to 2002Elul11 when Roger Knight was sent to be baptised into the s on 2002Elul16?
10x of testing of God in Laodicea from 2007Sivan22/Elul11 (3rd after and adamic , 2007Ab was a Sabbath month) their installation to rule over the s to 2017Elul10 their fall as a true church - see U360
2016October10 (Heshvan4/5), which is 10-10 2016, the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of the contest (Gregorian) was our 547th prediction itself. It had the Jubilee to divinity understanding and the Omega Kingdom/Covenant.
2022October10 (2022Tishri12) which is 10-10-2022, the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of /being (Gregorian) we got the incorrect 2nd fire sign prediction and correct 3rd fire sign prediction for 2022Chislev5 and
2022Tebbeth10 (2023January6/7, the weekly Sabbath) is the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th Nisan1 sacred year of . It is the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release and the start of the temple building time of Haggai1 and the start of the Accepting year of Isaiah61.
Gordon realised between 2-6 pm on December15, at the end of 2016Tebbeth10 or the start of 2016Tebbeth11, that an appointment of a second church over a group of saints must occur at the second/late first fruits (told Dave at 18:30 on 2016Tebbeth11). This did not end the contest but it was another key understanding for our final chronology. 2016Tebbeth10, was the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of the contest.
2006Nisan21 (the day after Dan Sydlik died), was the day Gordon decided to write to Don Adams again telling him precisely how to celebrate the Passover so that no more s would die without having properly celebrated it. Ahab (the Laodicean members of the governing body) did then go up and eat and drink on 2006Iyyar14 (without getting baptised into the - which began on 2006Sivan14). This letter was sent on 2006Nisan21/22.
The first letter after 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, was the 2006Nisan8 letter to Don Adams, then the Red Lobster letter of 2006Nisan18/19. Then Dan Sydlik died on 2006Nisan20. Then Gordon decided on 2006Nisan21 to instruct Don Adams on how to correctly celebrate the Passover so that no more s died without having celebrated properly. He sent an email to the church telling them this on 2006Nisan21. Then he sent the 2nd letter to Don Adams on 2006Nisan21-22. So some people (firstborn s who miss the 2nd and late 2nd Watchtower Passovers and are executed) who test God for 10 years in the Kingdom and do not listen to his voice during that time will not see . They may yet enter into the Kingdom however.
16 And rising up, and having moved downward [with -
dative] the hand, said, Men, Israelites, and the ones fearing God, listen.
17 The God of this people Israel chose out our fathers,
and exalted the people in [their] stay in [the] land [of] Egypt. And with a high arm, He led them out of it.
18 And as 40-years time [tesserakontaethj cronoj], He tenderly bore them in the wilderness. [Deut. 1:31]
19 And [He] pulled down/took down 7 nations [eqnoj]
in Canaan land, [and] gave their land to them as an inheritance. [Deut. 7:1]
20 And after these things, as 450 years [passed], He gave judges until Samuel [heard of God]
the prophet.
21 And from there they asked [for] a king. And God gave Saul [asked for because the Jews asked God for a King and the Laodiceans did not want Gordon so asked for their own King]
the son of Kish [snaring, trapping - s]
to them, a man of [the] tribe of Benjamin, [for] 40 years [tesserakonta ethj].
22 And removing him, He raised up to them [into the ark] David [beloved]
for a king, to whom He also said, witnessing, "I found David" the [son] of Jesse [existent/wealthy]
"[to be] a man according to My [own] heart, who will do all My will."
[1 Samuel 13:14; Psa. 89:20; -Isa. 44:28] (Acts 13 )
40-years time in the wilderness is 40 months in the wilderness for Laodicea from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30..
450 years are 450 months, 37½ years from 1975Iyyar18/19 (May1), when the Watchtower became a democracy (according to Ray Franz), So there was no more Watchtower king, to 2012Heshvan when became their prophet, their Samuel??.
40 years of God given Saul, is 40 months of reappointed Laodicea (true and false church) from 2019Ab7 to 2022Chislev15-19, when saints in Laodicea (Hebron) are raptured into the ark.
7 nations are the 7 congregations of Revelation2/3 . Laodicea took people from the congregations of the first 5 presidencies and pulled down the 6th from our throne and then pulled down themselves when they fell as a true church.
Saul is Laodicean and Sodom and Hebron admin
David is
For more see U93
5 As it was, there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews,
reverent/devout men [of the 3rd ], from every nation of those
under heaven [i.e. not on the earth but in the ark].
6 So, when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. (Acts 2 )
There is no way the people from every nation under heaven could come together on this planet. This must be fulfilled in the ark.
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist; (Acts 2 )
The earth is below, the heavens are above. So they are in mid heaven, in the ark.
12. Laodiceans are orphans ( reserves etc) having no tribe. The concubine of Judges19 was cut up and sent to all the tribes of Israel
Four months, a Tetramenos of John4. John4 is set in 30Sivan, just after Pentecost and 4 months later was the festival of Booths in 30Tishri. Adjectives do not carry symbolism and the word for 4-month is the adjective [tetramhnoV] meaning 'of 4 months duration', i.e. a third of a year. So the word symbolic meaning must be 4 literal months or 120 days.
5 Accordingly he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar near the field that gave to Joseph his son [the congregation of the s, given to the antitypical Joseph, the dream interpreter - see U304]. (John 4 )
30 They went out of the city [out of the Watchtower administration] and began coming to him.
31 In the meantime the disciples were urging him,
saying: Rabbi, eat [eat Watchtower food?].
32 But he said to them: I have food to eat of which you do not know [the food of ]
33 Therefore the disciples began saying to one another: No one has brought him anything to eat, has he? [Literally no. Symbolically yes. The s have given him a banquet]
34 said to them: My food [not physical dishes but spiritual learning experiences] is for me to do the will of him that sent me [] and to finish the work of him [Help at last! Decode the bible,
save 75% of mankind].
35 Do you not say that yet 4 months it is and the harvest comes? [4 months during which the harvest comes OR 4 months until the harvest comes - BOTH] Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting [wheat goes white when its head is full. White normally pictures sealed saints. All saints in a field are sealed BEFORE the harvest - unless maledicted].
36 the reaper [The angels of 3rd ]
is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower [s]
and the reaper [3rd ] may rejoice together [at the 3 New Passovers and the 3 Marriages of the Lamb].
37 In this respect, indeed, the saying is true, One is the sower [s evangelically]
[s interpretationally, 3rd harvesting]
and another the reaper [of that evangelism -
the s]
[of those interpretations - the s] [of the ark passengers - the 3rd ].
38 I dispatched you to reap what you have spent no labour on. Others have laboured [producing new church doctrine and understandings], and you have entered into the benefit of their labour.
39 Now many of the Samaritans [ex true churchers] out of that city [the Laodicean administration - not said to be Sychar] put faith in him on account of the word of the woman who said in witness:
He told me all the things I did.
40 Therefore when the Samaritans came to him,
they began asking him to stay with them; and he stayed there 2 days [Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea].
41 Consequently many more believed on account of what he said,
42 and they began to say to the woman: We do not believe any longer on account of your talk; for we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man is for a certainty the saviour of the world.
34 said to them: My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work.
35 Do you not say that there are yet 4 months AND the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white TOWARDS harvesting. Already
36 the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together. (John 4 )
The classic ambiguity is this: There are 4 months and then the harvest comes OR the harvest comes in the next 4 months. Both are true.
The Laodicean harvest Tetramenos of John4 for reserves runs from 2019Elul10 (entry into the early 1st Watchtower Passover) to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of Passover entrance, the end of the baptism.
The Laodicean harvest Tetramenos of John4 for reserves runs into the reappointed Laodicea runs from 2019Elul14 (the feet drying of the early 1st Watchtower Passover) to 2019Tebbeth14 (the feet drying of the late 3rd Watchtower Passover).
35 Do you not say that there are yet 4 months before the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting. Already
36 the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together. (John 4 )
2022Ab15 - 2022Chislev15 - 2023Nisan6: The Tetramenos from the end of the , to the start of the ark harvest of the saints (Abrahamic s). And the subsequent tetramenos to the end of the harvest of the saints (Benjamin)
Saintly ark harvest begins with Abrahamic s
Saintly ark harvest ends at the rapture of Benjamin
4 months, tetramenos before ark harvest 4 months, the harvest tetramenos of the saints
All the s were sealed into the before 2019Elul10/14. Because one does not harvest wheat until the whole field is white. And the minute the whole field is white, the harvest starts. So all the reserves are sealed by 2019Elul14, the start of the Tetramenos. Whereas the pre Isaaic s finish being sealed after 2022Chislev21, the end of the from 2015Chislev21. Our sealing is delayed by the . So actually we are harvested into before we all are sealed. but we are harvested into the ark after we are sealed.
35 Not ye are saying that yet four months it is and the harvest is coming? Look! I am saying to ye [2x],
lift ye up the eyes of ye [2x] and view ye the fields [2x]
that white they are toward harvest [2x];
36 the (one) harvesting reward is receiving [1x]
and is leading together fruit into life aeon-lasting [1x+1x:
Fruit is singular but is being led together so two singular fruits are being joined],
in order that the (one) sowing together may rejoice also the (one) harvesting [2x+1x]
37 In for this (thing) the word is true that another is the (one) sowing and another the (one) harvesting; (John 4 )
Appointment of the over End of pre 3rd Isaaic
Late Partakers restoration
2023Sivan14-16 (Final Passover)
4 months
4 months
Verse35 2x.(2x.2x+2x)=12x from 2022Chislev21 (the sealing of Isaaic s - 4 months before the end of the ark harvest of the saints on 2023Nisan5/6, the rapture of Benjamin) to 2023Chislev14, the end of and the 12 crops of Revelation22.
Verse36-37: 2x.(1x+2x).(2x+1x).(1x+1x) = 36x from 2022Chislev21-2022Tebbeth27,
the Isaaic baptism on earth, starting from the reward of the gifts of the spirit being poured out..
said to them dance [ye], counts as 2x.2x not 2x.
So the s are harvested for 4 months from 2019Elul10 to 2019Tebbeth10 and the s, the sons of , are harvested for 4 months from 2022Chislev21 to 2022Shebat16 and from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Sivan1
Peter stood up by baptism in the midst of the brothers who are standing up by Isaaic baptism in the pool called Bethzatha
Start of Isaaic Isaaic baptism for 3rd starts Isaaic for 3rd ends
End of Isaaic baptism of Bethzatha
2022Shebat16 (6-16 Ab1 sacred)
2023Nisan5 = 2022Adar29 (Peter's baptism)
31 days
9th Pentecost (3rd 50 of 2Kings1)
70/76 days compared to 74/80 days
Concubine meets master 2022December12
Temple building by baptism begins
Temple building time of Haggai1 begins
1st joins reverted Laodicea Last leaves the Watchtower
Non adamic Sodom falls 1Kings19 Elijah finds Elisha Isaaic Torrent of Ezekiel47 of s begins
Post apostolic Isaaic begins
2021Elul15 for reverted Laodicea 2022Elul14
2022Tebbeth15 (480 days of 1Kings 6:1 after 2021Elul15)
300 Denarii of John12 feet oil 480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from s leaving Watchtower Egypt to building Solomon's temple
No was baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no was baptised into reverted Laodicea until the last was Passover executed on 2022Heshvan14.
174 days of Bethzatha start
Caleb is Isaaic baptised
22:Joshua5 bolt off foot for 18x
12x after 2010Chislev21
Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release , the Laodicean ½ apostle
16:3x of 4 jar pouring begin
7x after 2015Chislev21
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 1Kings 6:1 temple building starts 16: 1st 4 tribes start filling Palm Monday
3rd Holy Spiritt baptism ends 3x of 4 Jar pouring end
174 days of Bethzatha end
ends based Laodicea is Atoned 7 day Altar installation starts 16: 4 apostles untied
3rd baptism starts
for saints ends Isaaic ends
55 of 1Kings18:30-33
49x: 9th Pentecost 70 palm trees of Elim after arrives on Palm Monday
So the Laodicean temple is built on earth for 18x from 2022Tebbeth22 - 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction for Laodiceans raptured into 2 from 2022Chislev15-19 and transferred into 3 from 2022Chislev17-21. And the Non Laodicean temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2023Nisan16
2022Tebbeth15: 12
2022Tebbeth22: 144
2022Tebbeth29: 1440
2022Shebat6: 14400
2022Shebat13: 144000
2023Nisan6-9: 1440000
2023Nisan13-16: 14400000
7 Jericho Rosh Hashana Trumpets from 2022Chislev1 (new Abrahamic Rosh Hashana) then on 2022Chislev7 we got the correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions. 7 Laodicean monthly or festival trumpet days would be 2022Chislev1,2,5,6,10,14,15 (the start of Abrahamic ark rapture). Abrahamic Rosh Hashana, first fruits of the Chislev1 year, the 5th Pentecost when is installed as Caesar to , the 9th Pentecost, when he is installed as Caesar to Adam, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover, the start of Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year.
2020Tammuz17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Sivan1 sacred year. All the springs of the for s are broken open 7 days of installation after 2020Tammuz10.
2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14. The suspension of the for earth dwellers (the saints are ark based from 2022Tebbeth21).
For those in Judea ( saints) Pray that your flight does not occur in winter an not of the Sabbath. In other words before 2022Shebat, the adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month during Greek winter. PRAY because you do not determine when your flight occurs. You are raptured between 2022Tebbeth15-21 according to the will and choosing of God. Hence PRAY.
Elijah passes over towards Elisha of 1Kings19. So we meet on 2022Tebbeth14, the pass over. But the baptism, the descent of the angel into the pool of Bethzatha occurs on 2022Tebbeth15.
2022Tishri30 is the end of the 46x of the 2 descended men/angels of Genesis19 taking Lot +
wife + daughters out of Sodom from 2022Elul14.
Waters start 1 year circuit around, the post apostolic temple building time of Haggai2, but not on, the apostolic 12 stone altar of 1Kings18, to 2022Shebat16, the end pre 3rd Isaaic entry
2022Tebbeth10 to 2023Tebbeth10: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from the atonement of ark based Laodicean, to the end of entry into the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, during the last week of Daniel9:27 from 2022Tebbeth3/4 - 10.
The end of the 19x of the concubine of Judges19 being fallen with her hands upon the threshold (3) from 2022Chislev21 (2022December18/19 of 1Kings19), when the Abrahamic 2 rapture and 3 transfer ends. She stands by atonement.
2022Tebbeth15-21: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 8 doors of the house of
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the s, the s and the s. The s are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark.
2022Tebbeth14 (2023January10/11):
The start of the 32x of the binding up of the breakdown of Isaiah30,
the start of the reconciliation between Laodicea and the s to 2022Shebat16,
the start of the baptism of the Isaaic 3rd , before 2022Shebat28, the start of the 216x day of the Big Slaughter of Isaiah30 to 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of death, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse
We thought that the 160x of Bethzatha might run from 2022Chislev15 (on 2022Tishri18 we realised that there was a 7 day installation after the Isaaic baptism), to 2023Iyyar25. For we are all disabled, even those in the 3rd , waiting for the pool at Bethzatha - The Queuing Pool - Very British. The 3rd is dipped from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Nisan5. They are disabled too individually but NOT collectively. We all are individually until we become Gods. When the soles of the feet of those carrying the ark enter in to the waters of the Jordan it stops. This could mean it stop for those outside the 3rd on 2022Shebat16 or 8x.3x=24x later on 2022Adar10 - which could be when the earthly is suspended but is also when earthly interaction ends. It does not seem right to baptise others along with the 3rd . So we take this as meaning that earthly interaction ends on 2022Adar10 and the is suspend fro 49 days on 2022Shebat16.
The of Bezalel is the entrance of the 3rd into by Isaaic baptism (which is yet to begin).
the 2 guys carrying the ark behind the box are 50 days. The 2 guys carrying the ark in front of the box are 50 days. The ark is the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1.
2022Chislev17-21: Unengaged 3 transfer, 5 layers of stones. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 NOT Elijah himself.
2022Chislev17-21 to 2022Shebat8-10: The earthly interaction of the first raptured s from 2022Chislev15-19 into 2 and transferred into 3 on 2022Tebbeth15-21.
2022Chislev21: The end of the from 2015Chislev21.
2022Chislev21: 12x precisely after 2010Chislev21, when Elijah4 said to all the people approach ye me, through the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23. And they all did. Then he mended the altar that was broken down by taking 12 stones according to the number (12) of the tribes of the sons of Israel, 12 apostles, which by the Immediate Number Repetition Principle of the stands for 12x precisely which are 12 years to 2022Chislev21. Then the 55x sentence count of 1Kings18:30-33, takes us to 2022Shebat16, when the church is ready to receive s having failed the test to rule over them from 1998Chislev21 (the 2nd Pentecost) to 2002Tammuz10 (the 2nd Pentecost).
2022Chislev21-2022Shebat16: The 55x sentence count of 1Kingsd18:30-33 after the end of the 12x of building the altar of 1Kings18 from the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev21. The temple of Solomon is inaugurated in the ark from 2022Shebat15-21. So that all Israel celebrates Booths together following 1Kings8 and 2Chronicles7.
The scripture is worded in such a way that it could mean there are 4 months until the harvest or it could mean the harvest lasts for 4 months. So by the Ambiguity Principle both possible meanings are true.. And there is the precision of the deliberate ambiguity of the bible. For more on John4 see U904.
was appointed/installed to feed the saints on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21, because it fed them in leek green beds (with a water baptism) for the 100 years of the feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6, up until 2001Chislev14. That would be 100 sacred year starts from 1902Nisan1 to 2001Nisan1 inclusively - see U67 and see U42. So they were appointed/installed over all of ' belongings (the saints) on 1905Nisan17/1905Sivan6
They did not understand that they should have implemented a Land Sabbath system, so were not held accountable for failing to do that?
They did not understand that they were supposed to celebrate the Atonement day fast. They were not held accountable for these for if they had been they would have all been disfellowshipped on 1906Heshvan10 (late Atonement day), for God said:
27 However, on the 10th of this 7th month is the day of atonement. A holy convention should take place for you, and you must afflict your souls and present an offering made by fire to .
28 And you must do no sort of work on this very day,
because it is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before your God;
29 because every soul that will not be afflicted on this very day must be cut off from his people.
30 As for any soul that will do any sort of work on this very day, I must destroy that soul from among his people. (Leviticus 23 )
Actually perhaps not? They would have to be disfellowshipped at some point. But not necessarily immediately disfellowshipped.
Everybody should understand that God made the Sabbath for man (Adam, all of Adam - including Christian Adam) not (Israel), and that died not to end the Sabbath but to end the law. He died to establish the Sabbath which preceded the law.
So the Watchtower is held accountable certainly for missed sacred Sabbaths (Weekly Sabbaths) AND missed Atonement day Sabbaths - when s should not have worked for the priesthood or at all.
34 Then the land shall enjoy its Sabbaths, all the days of the desolation. And you shall be in the land of your enemies; then the land shall enjoy rest, and shall enjoy its Sabbaths.
35 It shall rest all the days of the desolation, that which it has not rested in your Sabbaths while you lived on it. (Leviticus 26 )
On a weekly Sabbath one should not work for God or for man (unless one is a priest in the temple).
On a festival Sabbath (a secular Sabbath) one should not work for man.
On an Atonement day Sabbath one should not work for God or man and one should fast.
Actually a Sabbath appears to be a rest from working for a human 3rd party ruler (be he secular or sacred). It is not a rest from working directly for God. So one can work for oneself secularly or sacredly during a Sabbath and one can work directly for God as a priest does. But one cannot work for a secular or sacred king (Caesar or Aaron).
The period of installation of over the saints ran from 1095Sivan6 ( Pentecost) to 2005Sivan14 (the fall of the church). God does not hold them responsible for breaking Sabbaths in Israel until they have that responsibility from him. fell over the s on 1998Tishri27 and was appointed/installed to feed them on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after ). But we were never appointed to rule over them having failed the test. So God held them accountable until the Watchtower fell. That is a period of 100 years and 8 days of 36008 days and 36507 solar days, with 5215 weekly Sabbaths from 1905Sivan12 to 2005Sivan11.
Now: 1907, 1911, 1914, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1985, 2002: 18 years when Atonement day fell upon a weekly Sabbath. So the Total Watchtower Sabbath error including Atonement days was 5215+100-18 = 5297 solar days from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan22.
BUT: The Watchtower Governing Body was sent to prison at the end of WW1 from their arrest on 1918May7 to their release on bail on 1919March26. During this period they did not enforce any work upon the land, the congregation. Their incarceration covered 46 weekly Sabbaths from 1918Iyyar28 to 1918VeAdar13 and one Atonement day Sabbath on 1918Tishri10 which was not a weekly Sabbath. So that totals to 47 Sabbaths which were not missed and must be removed from the figure of 5297 leaving 5250 missed Sabbaths.
These run in Gregorian Hebrew days, solar days, from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5. Whereas 2019Elul30 is the end of the 2,000 swine ( days) of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the reserves in Laodicea lost their water baptism and became unclean in the flesh but nonetheless containing angels (swine). The calculation above may be one or two days out because the may not get Nisan1 right for every year so the Atonement day-weekly Sabbath match might be incorrect occasionally. It is normally fairly accurate especially in recent history. So Watchtower s started leaving for reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul30, were permitted to join them on 2019Tishri5 and did get baptised on 2019Tishri10, entrance day into the 3rd marriage Passover..
The unclean reserves started leaving the Watchtower on 2019Elul30, at the end of the 2,000 pigs from 2013Adar10, and jumped off the overhang of that false church into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the on 2019Tishri10, the entrance day for the 1st Watchtower Passover at Laodicea on 2019Tishri14. AND THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO DO THAT ANY EARLIER DUE TO THE MISSED SABBATH RESTRICTION TO 2019Tishri5!!
installed over the s Watchtower directors released on Bail Fall of the Watchtower as a true church
End of the 5250 Solar day Sabbath payback from 2005Sivan14
1st Watchtower Passover in Reappointed Laodicea
1918Adar18 =
Unenforced working week
31,500 solar day enforced working week
5297-47 prison Sabbaths =
5250 missed weekly Sabbaths + Atonement days from 1905Sivan6 to 2005Sivan14 (installation over s to fall)
Laodicea has to be independent of the Watchtower in order to avoid the Sabbath penalty and therefore be a true church. The false Watchtower church had a 5250 day missed enforced Sabbath penalty to pay off before God could rescue the saints starting with the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14. So each enforced weekday is also 5250 solar days long. So the Watchtower enforced working week was 6 x 5250 = 31,500 solar days long running from 1918Adar18. But the directors of the Watchtower Society were released on bail on 1918VeAdar17.18 - 1918Adar17/18 !!! So this is saying the the enforced work began after their incarceration.
22 And God went on to say: Behold! The man [1x] has become like one [1x] from us [2x - and his wife, the 1st ] towards knowing of to be good and [knowing of to be] evil [2x], and now in order that he may not put his hand out [5x] and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life [1x] and eat [1x] and live to time indefinite [1x], -- (Genesis 3 )
23 And God put him out of the garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken [1x]. (Genesis 3 )
(1x+1x.2x ).2x.(5x+1x+1x+1x)+1x = 49x. 49 months. Then he gets a priesthood which gives him access to the tree of life (by putting his hand out to God) on the Jubilee, the 50th month, the release to for Adam 3989Sivan, the first Jubilee under 's 6,000 year lease from 3993Nisan14 to 2008Nisan14. The Jubilee could also be looked at as a Pentecostal installation period in months.
So the sacred working week of Adam ran for 6,000 years from 3989Sivan5-11 to 2012Sivan14, when we died to Adam and became - ending that week.
On 2012Sivan14 both true church, the s and Laodicea, became . So there was no true church of Adam working for God. So the sacred working week of Adam ended. We deduce this from the temple ratio prophecy - see U108
All this occurred because 6,000 year lease ran from 3989Nisan16-22 to 2012Nisan14. Adam did not need a priesthood whilst was Caesar, because there was no division between the sacred and the secular under . He did need a priesthood when was appointed Caesar. So Adam was appointed high priest to his family on 3989Nisan16-22 and installed on 3989Sivan5-11 - see U317.
"I had this very clear, vivid dream:
I was hovering over a 'bay' area of a city, seeing a city and focusing on a bridge, with some red lights flashing of the pillars on top. I saw a bus driving over it and then I saw the bridge exploding, collapsing from the centre towards the ends. It's like the bus explode in the middle taking the bridge down.
Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August."
Here is the interpretation...
1540s, from Latin augur, a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens, perhaps originally meaning "an increase in crops enacted in ritual," in which case it probably is from Old Latin *augos (genitive *augeris) "increase," and is related to augere "increase," from Proto Indo European root AUG "to increase." - www.etymonline.com To inaugurate is literally to get the Augurs, to obtain a blessing from God. Hence the expression: This augurs well. And hence the word augment.
1. I was hovering over a 'bay' area of a city, seeing a city and focusing on a bridge, with some red lights flashing of the pillars on top. I saw a bus driving over it and then I saw the bridge exploding, collapsing from the centre towards the ends. It's like the bus explode in the middle taking the bridge down.
2. Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast.
3. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August."
August, the month of increase, the month of speedy succession is the 8th month of the Gregorian calendar. It stands for Heshvan or Tebbeth, the 8th months of the Nisan1 or Sivan1 sacred calendars, months of speedy succession of entries in the pages of the book of salvation.
Vision1 is the 3rd fire seen from the ark by Mike on 2022Tebbeth21
VIsion2 is a meeting of s which Mike and s from Berlin attend in 2922Heshvan or in 2022Tebbeth, the month of RAPID increase of the s, the 8th month of the Nisan1/Sivan1 Hebrew calendar rather than August, the 8th month of the Gregorian calendar, which is rapidly flipped through rapidly, picturing the rapid increase of the Augmenting month.
Vision3 is for the timing of Visions 1 and 2 (Hebrew - if we flip through the pages of the 8th month of the Nisan1/Sivan1 year,
Heshvan/Tebbeth, in speedy succession, then we arrive at Chislev/Shebat, which might also be relevant).
God does speak to his people in dreams and visions in the last days as we know from Acts2. Here is Gordon's interpretation. For the one has the dream and the other has the interpretation. Mike is in the . The bridge is either the Dartford bridge, to the garden of England, which has great big pillars with red lights on the top of them, or it is the George Washington Bridge between Manhattan and New Jersey, the garden state, which also has red lights at night. For these are the two areas where we expect the 2nd and 3rd fire signs to strike.
It looks like the 2nd or 3rd fire sign involves a bomb detonating in a bus.
Whereas Mike had his dream on the night of 2014August2/3 (2014Ab5 - the Pentecost - a fulfilment of Joel2 and Acts2)
and Gordon received an email about the dream at 17:10 on 2014August3 (2014Ab5).
The tuft of hair of Ezekiel8 ark rapture (including Mike) to build the temple occurs 2022Tebbeth15 between the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
WW3 is essentially an East West war, which runs for the 7x of the heating up of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 from 2022Shebat4 (2023January30/31) to 2023Elul4 (2023August22/23). Then 17 days of the sentence count of Revelation19:20 later is 2023Elul21, the burning of the beast - the sentencing of its members to .
So Mike saw that he would be raptured into the ark to see the 3rd fire sign and that the s would have a meeting attended by German speaking s from Berlin in November 2022, the month of rapid increase for the s.
That was the import of Mike's dream. It seems that the Berlin accent conversation symbolises an East/West split.
The 2nd and 3rd fire signs will result in an East West split - which is WW3 (China + India + Russia - the BRICS. versus the West). Germany's position is very ambiguous in WW3 (they are the makers of the Leopard tank related to Daniel7 and their present administration are deep state Globalists through the EU). Perhaps Germany is divided in opinion over WW3, just as Berlin was divided by WW2?
Whilst we are prophesying doom, we might as well include the deadly plague of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse who does not ride until War and Famine have started. This plague is not AIDS, which is plainly already riding having killed 35 million and infected another 35 million and resulted in 20 million AIDS orphans, 15 million of which are in Africa. The original form of Coronavirus, which has become a worldwide pandemic of biblical proportions as of January 2021 (HIV already is of biblical proportions having killed tens of millions). is NOT the deadly plague of the 4th horseman, because it occurred before the ride of the 2nd horseman (WW3). So we have a worse plague to look forward too which we suspect maybe the result of the COVID mRNA and DNA Gene corrupting and immune system damaging vaccinations and some new virus?
Mike's dream is truly amazing. It defines the camps of WW3. It is a true East versus West war.
Daniel 8 describes it as the he goat and she goats verses the ram. The goats are countries without Christian constitutions and the ram is countries with Christian constitutions.
China is the he goat (the dominant partner in Russia China relations). Russia and India and Turkey and Iran are she goats and leopards (having either the animal or the German tank). Germany itself is divided over WW3 as we see in 2022June by its refusal to send serious weapons to Ukraine. The Germans cannot decide whether to collaborate with the new Hypersonic Hitler who has threatened to nuke everybody if he does not get what he wants, which is military conquest of his brother, like Cain. Dimitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and present deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council (which is doing a great job for Russian security) said on 2022June3
“One can have different attitudes to it, one can believe that the horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on their way and all hope is in Almighty God. However, one can still try to tone down this international situation”
I would absolutely have to agree with every word of that. But with politicians words are an inverse reflection of actions.
If you try to prevent me piercing Ukraine I will pierce you - is the Russian position. Or putting it another way: Brother of mine, come into the (battle) field. Lets see who is the stronger in a fight to the death. You might be better at serving God but I prefer this yardstick for the measure of brotherly achievement.
31 December 2019: (2019Chislev29/30): The World Health Organization (WHO) is alerted by the Chinese authorities of a string of pneumonia-like cases in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. Patients are quarantined and work begins on identifying the origin of the pneumonia.
1 January 2020: (2019Chislev30/Tebbeth1): The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies a seafood market suspected to be at the centre of the outbreak and it is closed down.
5 January 2020: (2019Tebbeth4/5): WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan - https://www.who.int/news/item/27-04-2020-who-timeline---covid-19
12 January 2020 (2019Tebbeth11/12): China publishes genetic sequence of COVID19
30 January: WHO declares the Corona Virus outbreak to be an international emergency.
11 March 2020: (2019Adar10/11): WHO declares COVID to be a Pandemic.
For the full timeline of Bio Terror please see expose#14
Jeremiah25 and Daniel9: 70 years of exile for land Sabbath repayment, 70 years for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem. This is 70 months precisely in the greater meaning of Daniel9, from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of Passover entry for the late 3rd Watchtower Passover (when the last reserve is cleansed).. Solomon's temple, then 70 years in Babylon, then Zerubbabel's temple. This becomes the 2nd presence, then 70 months from 2013Adar10 to 2019Tebbeth10, when the last reserve is baptised into the reappointed Laodicea, for the late 3rd Watchtower Passover. 70 months to the day. The temple is build in the sense that all the stones are laid by baptism by 2019Tebbeth10.
8 Therefore this is what of armies has said,
'For the reason that you did not obey my words,
9 here I am sending and I will take all the families of the north, is the utterance of , even [sending] to Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and I will bring them against this land and against its inhabitants and against all these nations round about; and I will devote them to destruction and make them an object of astonishment and something to whistle at and places devastated to time indefinite.
10 And I will destroy out of them the sound of exultation and the sound of rejoicing, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the hand mill and the light of the lamp.
11 And all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon 70 years.'
12 'And it must occur that when 70 years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation,' is the utterance of , 'their error, even against the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite.
13 And I will bring in upon that land all my words that I have spoken against it, even all that is written in this book that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations.
14 For even they themselves, many nations and great kings,
have exploited them as servants; and I will repay them according to their activity and according to the work of their hands.' (Jeremiah 25 )
1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans;
2 in the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books
[of the bible] the number of the years
concerning which the word of had occurred to Jeremiah,
the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, [namely,]
70 years. (Daniel 9 )
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most . (Daniel 9 )
24 Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. (Daniel 9 )
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies. (Daniel 9 )
24 Seventy weeks are decreed as to your people, and as to your holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make atonement for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most . (Daniel 9 )
24 'Seventy weeks are determined for thy people, and for thy holy city, to shut up the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to cover iniquity, and to bring in righteousness age-during, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies. (Daniel 9 YLT)
24 Seventy weeks are decreed upon your people and upon your holy city, to finish transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. (Daniel 9 MLV)
24 Weeks (of days) 70 was cut upon + people of + you (s)
and + upon + city of holiness of + you (s) = 490x.2x
to/for + to be of completed the + defection and + =
to/for + to cause to complete of (misses) [miss] and + = 3x/1x
to/for + to cover over/overspread of perversity and + = 2x/1x
to/for + to cause to enter of straightness of hidden times and + = 3x
to/for + to seal of divine vision and + prophet and + = 2x
to/for + to stroke/anoint of holiness of holinesses = 1x (Daniel 9 WLCi)
Total = 490x.2x.9x/10x/11x/12x = 8820x/9800x/10780x.11760x
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sins/sin [Qere/Kethib, written/spoken], and to cover iniquity, and to bring in righteousness of hidden times [several fulfilments], and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies (Daniel 9 literal).
Qere (spoken): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.18x = 8820x. SOLAR Days from 1998Chislev21, the installation of to feed the s, to 2022Shebat10/11, the end of the earthly interaction of the Hebronite s. That must be upon the city. This is the period of division of the s due to our failing to be appointed/installed to rule of the s on 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Qere (spoken): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.20x = 9800x. SOLAR Days from 1996Nisan18, the appointment of to feed the s, to 2022Shebat9/10, the end of the earthly interaction of the Hebronite s. That must be upon the city. This is the period of division of the s due to our failing to be appointed/installed to rule of the s on 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.22x = 10780x. SOLAR Days from 1994Tammuz15, 6 days after my letter of 1994Tammuz9 revealing that Milton Henschel, the President of the Watchtower, the angel of Sardis of Revelation3, was not a saint, to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam.
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+1x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.22x = 10780x. SOLAR Days from 1994Iyyar14, the Memorial that the Watchtower defiled after my letter of 1994Nisan3, the start of exposing their sin, to 2023Heshvan14, the absolute end of the Watchtower
Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.24x = 11760x. SOLAR Days to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover,. the absolute end of Adam, from 1991Heshvan7 (1991October19/20), 10 years of testing in Egypt of Numbers14 and 3/4 days before the 2001Heshvan10/11 letter to the Bethels showing no repentance for riding the beast as a harlot church and putting the throne of in the temple of . Perhaps the Governing Body made the decision to join the UN by becoming affiliated to the UN DPI on 1991Heshvan7 (1991October19/20) but did not apply until 1991Chislev14, 10x precisely before 2001Chislev14, when God took away their water baptism of repentance, after being test by them for 10x. The 1991September8, Awake magazine (page 10) did a publicity piece for the UN in accordance with the UN publicity obligations for NGOs wishing to become associated with the UN DPI. The Awake magazines (now discontinued) were distributed after their publication date. The UN archive cannot find the record of the date of application only the year of acceptance. The Watchtower had authority over the saints for 100 years and 8 days from 1905Sivan6 to 2005Sivan14. They committed UN idolatry testing God for 10x of Numbers14 and 10% of their period of authority - see U651
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in the straits of the times.
26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood. And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate. (Daniel 9 )
Word goes forth after year of rejoicing of Deuteronomy 24:5 Ezekiel tuft of hair ark rapture. Start of Isaaic ark rapture
2021Heshvan25 (Word goes forth into that church)
2022Tebbeth15 (Isaaic s meet in the ark)
62 solar weeks of Daniel9
Kingdom first fruits after the Dragon's 42 months lease ends installed as Caesar over handed over to Methuselah??
2022Tishri16 ( appointed Caesar to )
7 solar weeks
62-7=55 solar weeks
1 After these things the Lord designated 70 others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come
Verse 1: 2x+70x+35x.(2x+2x) = 72x+140x = 212x ??
2 Then he began to say to them: The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few. Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.
3 Go forth. Look! I am sending you forth as lambs in among wolves.
4 Do not carry a purse, nor a food pouch, nor sandals, and do not embrace anybody in greeting along the road.
5 Wherever you enter into a house say first, 'May this house have peace.'
6 And if a friend of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if there is not, it will turn back to you.
7 So stay in that house, eating and drinking the things they provide, for the worker is worthy of his wages. Do not be transferring from house to house.
8 Also, wherever you enter into a city and they receive you, eat the things set before you,
9 and cure the sick ones in it, and go on telling them,
'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'
10 But wherever you enter into a city and they do not receive you, go out into its broad ways and say,
11 'Even the dust that got stuck to our feet from your city we wipe off against you. Nevertheless, keep this in mind, that the kingdom of God has come near.'
12 I tell you that it will be more endurable for Sodom in that day than for that city.
13 Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! because if the powerful works that have taken place in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
14 Consequently it will be more endurable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
15 And you, Capernaum, will you perhaps be exalted to heaven? Down to you will come!
16 He that listens to you listens to me [too]. And he that disregards you disregards me [too]. Moreover, he that disregards me disregards [also] him that sent me forth.
17 Then the 70 returned with joy, saying: Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name.
18 At that he said to them: I began to behold already fallen like lightning from heaven.
19 Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will by any means do you hurt.
20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice over this, that the spirits are made subject to you, but rejoice because your names have been inscribed in the heavens.
21 In that very hour he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones,
and have revealed them to babes. Yes, Oh Father, because to do thus came to be the way approved by you.
22 All things have been delivered to me by my Father, and who the Son is no one knows but the Father; and who the Father is, no one [knows] but the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal him.
23 With that he turned to the disciples by themselves and said: Happy are the eyes that behold the things you are beholding.
24 For I say to you, Many prophets and kings desired to see the things you are beholding but did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing but did not hear them. (Luke 10 )
5 And the sons of Israel pulled up [stakes] from Rameses [Son of the Sun] and camped in Succoth [Booths].
6 And they pulled up [stakes] from Succoth and camped at Etham [Egyptian for boundary of the sea i.e.
shoreline - Gesenius], which is in the edge of the wilderness.
7 And they pulled up [stakes] from Etham and turned back to Pihahiroth [mouth of the channels], which [is] before Baal-zephon [hidden Baal]; and they camped before Migdol [Watchtower].
8 And they pulled up [stakes] from Pihahiroth and passed over through the midst of the Sea [on 1513Iyyar10], into the wilderness, and went a journey of 3 days in the wilderness of Etham, and camped at Marah [to rebel, to lash, to be bitter] [on night of 1513Iyyar13].
9 And they pulled up [stakes] from Marah and came to Elim [trees,
palm grove - Gesenius]. And in Elim [were] 12 springs of water [12 apostles] and 70 palm trees [Date palms were they? 12 apostles and 70 older men who got some of the spirit upon Moses of Numbers11. These are 70 anointed ones helping Moses, the , and 12 apostles?]. And they camped there [on night of 1513Iyyar14].
46 And they journeyed from Marah and came to Elim, and in Elim were 12 springs of water and 70 date trees, and the children encamped there by the waters.
47 And they journeyed from Elim and came to the wilderness of Sin, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from Egypt (Book of Jashar)
1 Later they departed from Elim, and the entire assembly of the sons of Israel finally came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the 15th day of the second month after their coming out of the land of Egypt [2022Chislev15: They came out of Egypt on 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's lease]. (Exodus 16 )
70 palm trees and 12 springs from 2023Nisan5 (palm Monday) - 2022Sivan15 (the end of ascension, the end of the Isaaic ). 12 springs are the 12 apostles but also perhaps 12 days from 2022Tebbeth15-27, from the baptism of the last 8+½+½ apostles to the suspension of the earthly Isaaic on 2022Tebbeth27 of Genesis 8:14.
27 After that they came to Elim [Palm trees], where there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they went camping there by the water []. (Exodus 15 )
9 Then they pulled away from Marah and came to Elim. Now in Elim there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they camped there. (Numbers 33 )
2 parallel accounts. Spring (2), Palm tree (2). 12 springs are 12 apostles, 70 Palm Trees are the of Moses in Numbers20, who had some of the spirit of Moses. AND they are both days.
Palm trees are a preparation period before the arrival of (palm Monday). Palm trees stand for peace and is the prince of peace.
5 And all the souls who issued out of 's upper thigh came to be 70 souls, but Joseph was already in Egypt. (Exodus 1 ).
Not sure what the greater meaning of that is.
The fire sign that kick starts and sees the appearance of the 3rd , we think should occur at a or a Pentecost since we are and a church. The 2nd appeared at the Pentecost because was a church NOT because the 2nd were s. The 2nd were angels and God's wife. They were not s. So the gifts are poured out at the Pentecost, 7 years after 2015Chislev21, when we were installed over the s in Isaaic , the late Pentecost on 2022Chislev21, the end of the . The gifts of the spirit are poured out for 7 months until 2023Tammuz21.
1 And it came about [] in the 6th year [of the exile in Babylon] [counting from the start of the exile into the wilderness of Laodicea on 2016Nisan1], in the 6th [month] [2022Heshvan5, the 6th month of the Sivan1 sacred year], in the 5th [day/festival day/Sabbath day/non late festival day] to the month [2022Heshvan5, the installation of the under as Caesar over ]. I was sitting in my house [1x, IN the temple of Solomon in the ark, when the hand falls in the greater meaning] and the older men of Judah were sitting [] to faces of/before me [3x+1x=4x - counts are logical as well as grammatical. 'Faces' is a polite plural. This can happen in the ark physically or on earth via Zoom or Skype], and the hand of the Sovereign Lord [which hand is the 3rd ] fell upon me there/then [~v] [5x+1x=6x: in that predicament of 1x+1x+3x=5x him sitting and the older men sitting before him in the house? The older men are/are not the tuft of hair. The older men are the 13 apostles in the ark on 2022Chislev21. The tuft of hair is the s who are raptured with Elijah4 (Ezekiel) on 2022Tebbeth15]
Verse1: 1x+3x+1x+(1x+5x).(1x+3x+1x)=5x+6x.5x=35x From 2022Heshvan5 to 2022Chislev10, Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year, when Abrahamic s meet the 3rd , the curtain of ' flesh.. Isaaic s cannot be brought together with during our - DOH!
2 And I looked [1x], and behold [1x], an image [feminine] as/like the appearance of fire [1x+1x=2x], from the appearance of his loins and to downward, [was/as the appearance of] fire [1x+1x=2x], and from his loins [2x] and to upward [2x], as the appearance of brightness [1x], like the colour of polished bronze [1x]
Verse2: 1x+1x.(2x+2x+2x+2x+1x+1x)=1x+10x = 11x
Verse 1: 35x
Verse 2: 11x
Total is 46x from 2022Heshvan5 to 2022Chislev21. When the hand of the falls on The s. When we get the gifts of the spirit.
Now we get some further detail of the hand falling upon Ezekiel...
3 And he [the spirit, masculine, not the image, feminine] put forth the form of a hand [what?
1x/5x. The form has 5 fingers on it presumably. But form of hand should count as 1x?]
and took me in/by a tuft of hair of my head [1x. The tuft of hair is a small group of adherents to the headship of the s].
And the lifted me up between the earth and the heavens [1x+1x+2x/3x = 4x/5x into the ark] and caused me to enter Jerusalem [1x],
in the visions of God [3x. In the literal original meaning these are visions as in streamed images from God. In the greater meaning they are heavenly perspectives into the activities of mankind available from the ark], [entering] towards the opening/entrance of the inner gate facing north [1x] [ sealing on the last day of the , 2022Chislev21], where [at that place] there [was] a seat of the image of jealousy, which causes jealousy [1x.1x=1x: a seat in the gate like the hand falling there].
Verse 3: 10x.(1x+1x)+4x/5x+(1x.1x+1x),3x = 20x+4x/5x+6x = 30x/31x from 2022Chislev21 to 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the ark rapture.
Ezekiel sitting in house elders before his Hand of God falls upon him Giant image of man completed
rapture completed
2022Heshvan5 of Ezekiel8:1
2022Chisev21 ( temple completed)
35x sentence count of verse1
11x sentence count of verse2
30x sentence count of verse3
RAPTURES OF ENGAGED SAINTS ONLY OCCUR ON THE MARRIAGE DAY IF THEY ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF GETTING MARRIED. If they are for salvation or temple building etc., then they can occur any time? (Or must it always be the end of the Sabbath or the 1st of the week or a festival Sabbath, a Sabbath day's journey?)
The rapture of the s confirms their previous sealing, the function of the North Inner Gate of Ezekiel's Kingdom temple. The jealousy is towards an earthly king with everlasting angelic life - that is some prospect. But a divine king is the slave of his subjects more than their master. Jeff Benner thinks 'heavens' is dual. This count appears to refute that idea..
The hand that falls is the 3rd . The people are sitting as in Acts2 at the equivalent of 33Sivan5. The tuft of hair of the head are the s baptised prior to the fire signs and promised in marriage through the to Elijah4.
Elijah is raptured towards the OPENING/ENTRANCE of the North inner gate and he goes into the temple through that gate. sealing ends for s on 2022Chislev21, the end of the (a malediction).
So if you look downwards, physically, earthbound, it is fire. If you look upwards, heavenwards, spiritually, it is enlightening and strongly priestly (bronze) - we saw this and put it in a youtube video in early 2016Heshvan.
4 And, look! [1x]
the glory of the God of Israel was there, like the appearance that I had seen in the valley plain [1x+1x=2x].
5 And he proceeded to say to me: Son of man,
please, raise your eyes in the direction of the north [2x].
And I raised my eyes in the direction of the north [2x], and, look! to the north of the gate of the altar [the east inner gate leading towards the steps of the altar] there was this symbol of jealousy in the entranceway [2x] [So Ezekiel is in the temple perhaps on the temple steps before the altar opposite the East inner gate.
He looks North which is left] (Ezekiel 8 )
6 And he went on to say to me: Son of man,
are you seeing what great detestable things they are doing [3x.3x=9x], the things that the house of Israel [they are] doing here [for me] to become far off from upon my sanctuary [3x.2x=6x]? And yet you will see again/repeatedly great detestable things [3x+0x/3x=3x/6x].
7 And he brought me to the entrance of the courtyard [1x] [the outer courtyard - start counting from here], and I began to see [1x], and, look! a certain hole in the wall [1x].
8 and he said to me: Son of man, bore,
please, through the wall [1x]. And I gradually bored through the wall [1x] [by scriptural interpretation], and, look! there was a certain entrance [1x.
to the inner courtyard].
9 And he said to me: Go in [through the hole] [1x] and see the bad detestable things that they are doing here [3x.3x=9x].
10 And I went in [1x]
and began to see [1x], and, look!
there was whole of structure/image of creeping thing [1x]
and loathsome beast [1x],
and all the dungy idols of the house of Israel [3x],
upon the wall [1x] around/circuit [1x],
around/circuit [1x] [(1x+1x+3+1x).2x=12x].
11 And 70 men of the elderly ones of the house of Israel [s], and Jaazaniah
[God has given ear, which once did to Malchus, the slave of a high priest]
the son of Shaphan
[Rock badger]
standing in among them [70x counted among them too?] were standing to faces of/before them [3x not before it, the structure of the previous verse], and each man [having] censer of him in his hand, and the perfume of the cloud of the incense was ascending [1x].
[making 70x.(1x+5x)+1x = 421x - taking Jaazaniah as included in the 70]
Verse 4: 2x
Verse 5: 2x+2x.2x = 6x
Verse 6: 9x+18x+3x/6x = 30x/33x
Verse 7: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Verse 8: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Verse 9: 1x+3x.3x = 10x
Verse 10 1x+1x+12x = 14x
Verse 11: 421x
Total: 2x+6x+30x/33x+3x+3x+10x+14x+421x = 487x/490x
It seems that the dwelling of all the sons of Israel in Sodom then Hebron was 487/490 days from 2021Elul15, when the last enters reverted Laodicea, to 2022Tebbeth22/25, when the hole is bored from 3? Is 2021Ab10 to 2022Chislev20, 70 weeks determined upon Abrahamic s? They are all in 2 by 2022Chislev19.
Word of Vaccine Passport Mark of Beast email went forth 3rd visits Laodicea? Abrahamic rapture ends
69 weeks of Daniel9
1 Week
12 And he proceeded to say to me: Have you seen, Oh son of man, what the elderly ones of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness,
each one in the inner rooms of his showpiece? For they are saying, ' is not seeing us. has left the land.'
13 And he continued on to say to me: You will yet see again great detestable things that they are doing.
14 So he brought me to the entrance of the gate of the house of , which is toward the north [ outer inner], and, look! there the women were sitting, weeping [for] the [god] Tammuz [sadness or joy in the greater meaning?].
15 And he further said to me: Have you seen [this], Oh son of man? You will yet see again great detestable things worse than these.
16 So he brought me to the inner courtyard of the house of , and, look! at the entrance of the temple of , between the porch and the altar, there were about 25 men with their backs to the temple of and their faces to the east, and they were bowing down to the east, to the sun.
17 And he went on to say to me: Have you seen [this], Oh son of man? Is it such a light thing to the house of Judah to do the detestable things that they have done here, that they have to fill the land with violence and that they should offend me again, and here they are thrusting out the shoot to my nose?
18 And I myself also shall act in rage. My eye will not feel sorry, neither shall I feel compassion. And they will certainly call out in my ears with a loud voice, but I shall not hear them. (Ezekiel 8 )
For more on weeping for Tammuz see U163.
1 In the second year/instance/cycle to Darius, the king [Darius Hystapes, 520 BC. Perhaps meaning holding firm the good and perhaps being a generic term applied to Persian Kings] [?] in the month, the 6th, in day one to the month [2022Heshvan1 of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year], the word of occurred [perfect] in hand of Haggai [Meaning Festive] [ or Elijah4. So the word occurs personally!] the prophet [5x] to Zerubbabel [Meaning Sown in Babylon] [ kings], the son of Shealtiel [Meaning I have asked of God] [Elijah4], the governor of Judah [1x. The true church, appointed over the saints], and to Joshua [ reserves], the son of Jehozadak [meaning is righteous], the high priest [1x. /the kings], [5x.2x=10x] saying:
2 Like this/(the speech hereafter quoted) has spoken of armies [1x+1x=2x], saying/he said [1x]: This people [Abrahamic people, not s who are Isaaic people], they have said [3x]: Not, time of coming of time of house of for [it] to be built [10x(2x.1x.3x.1x)=60x. From 2022Heshvan1, before the s and s start rejoicing together, to 2022Tebbeth1. 60 days during which nobody gets an Isaaic baptism. Then after 2022Tebbeth1 someone does]
Caleb is baptised into the Isaaic on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, he being an angel who descends into the pool of Bethzatha, the angel of Laodicea.
Solomon's temple appears to be built for a time from 2022Tebbeth16, to 2022Shebat16 after the 60 days of verse3-4 of the house being desolate.
Yet the temple is built from 2022Tebbeth16, 3x of waters jars upon 2 measures of saintly seed of 1Kings19 before 2023Nisan16.
3 And the word of was occurring [imperfect] in hand of
Haggai, the prophet [5x from 2022Heshvan1 of verse1], saying:
4 [Is this] the time [] for you yourselves to dwell in your panelled houses, and this house is dry/desolate? [3x.3x+1x=10x. Laodicea is a dry house! A singular house compared to Hebrew plural houses - for 3 Passovers. Literally no. Greater meaning - yes]
(Haggai 1)
Verse3-4: 5x.10x=50x. From 2022Heshvan1 to 2022Chislev21, the end of the Abrahamic rapture and transfer into 3, the end of the . Abrahamic s in the ark are baptised by Caleb from 2022Tebbeth22
5 And now this is what of armies has said, 'Set your heart upon your ways [This is not set your heart upon your way. One true church. It is set your heart upon your ways: 2 true churches!! For is the way, the truth, the light and the life].
6 you have sown much seed, but there is a bringing of little in. There is an eating,
but it is not to satisfaction. There is a drinking, but not to the point of getting intoxicated [does that mean that God is advocating getting intoxicated at festivals?] [you have a false baptism. So it does not have any holy spirit behind it]. There is a putting on of clothes, but it is not with anyone's getting warm; and he that is hiring himself out is hiring himself out for a bag having holes [field service to put people in the front door who then leave by the back door].'
7 This is what of armies has said, 'Set your heart upon your ways [plural - Come into the s - part 2 of the journey or their 2nd way, i.e. Go up the mountain of the administration].'
8 'Go up to the mountain, and you must bring in lumber [interpretations,
church members are stones, living or dead stones]. And build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and I may be glorified,' has said.
9 'There was a looking for much, but here there was just a little; and you have brought [it] into the house, and I blew upon it -- for what reason?' is the utterance of of armies. 'By reason of my house that is dry/desolate, and you are running, man to house of him.
10 Therefore over you [the] heavens kept back [their] dew, and the earth itself kept back its yield.
11 And I kept calling for dryness [1x] upon the earth [1x], and upon the mountains [3x], and upon the grain [1x], and upon the new wine [1x], and upon the oil [1x], and upon [that] which the ground brings forth [1x], and upon earthling man [1x], and upon domestic animal [1x], and upon all the toil of [the] palms [Palms is obviously dual. Is this all the toil of each palm? One can toil with one palm if one wants? Perhaps this is 2x or perhaps 1x ?] [A Classic list count of dryness upon something 12x/13x, from 2001Chislev14 to 2013Adar10, the end of the Watchtower water baptism to the end of the Laodicean water baptism?].' (Haggai 1).
12 And Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel [ saints], and Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest [ reserves], and all the remnant of the people [s in general] were listening/listened [vuv consecutive] to the voice of their God, and to the words of Haggai the prophet, as their God had sent him; and the people were fearing/feared [vuv consecutive] face of . [s paragraph end sign]
13 And Haggai the messenger of was saying/said [vuv consecutive]
to the people in the messenger's commission from , saying: 'I am with ye,' is the utterance of [4x: From 2022Shebat16,
the entrance into of the 3rd , to 2023Sivan16, the entrance into heaven of the s]
14 And proceeded to rouse up/awaken [Hiphil imperfect vuv consecutive] the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah [ Kings], and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest
[s], and the spirit of all/the whole of the remnant of the people [Zoarites] [] [List of 3 spirits so definitely a sentence count. And it counts as 3x precisely, since the word spirit is repeated 3x. These might be 3 wake up calls or 3 months precisely of rousing up or 3 years precisely of rousing up] and they entered in [1x+1x+1x = 3x But count not triggered. Joshua Zerubabbel and the whole of the remnant of the people- actually in to ]
[Qal imperfect waw consecutive. Mounce explains this perfectly - http://hebrew.billmounce.com/BasicsBiblicalHebrew-17.pdf.
Qal imperfect gives future. Qal imperfect + waw consecutive gives perfect]
and they did the work in the house of of armies, [the] God of them p [Account end sign. The administration of the house of is in the ark. It is not under a Satanic Caesar down here].
15 in/at/around/concerning the 24th to the month in the 6th [ambiguity ADDS. This is 2022Tebbeth24, the 6th month of the Isaaic Ab1 sacred year] in the second year/instance/cycle to Darius, the king [the 2nd part of the 3rd presence?] (Haggai1).
3 months precisely from 2022Tebbeth24 to 2023Nisan24. Whereas 2023Nisan22 is the start of ark rapture, when the priests start entering in (to the ark) to do the work of the house of (the temple of Solomon). Perhaps they enter in on 2023Nisan22 and start working on 2023Nisan24??
And they entered in and did the work in the house of of armies counts as 6x which appear to be months from 2022Tebbeth24-2023Tammuz7, the end of ark entry.
Spirits are roused by to build temples...
1 And in the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia, that 's word from the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished,
roused the spirit of Cyrus the king of Persia so that he caused a cry to pass through all his realm, and also in writing, saying:
2 This is what Cyrus the king of Persia has said, 'All the kingdoms of the earth the God of the heavens has given me, and he himself has commissioned me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
3 Whoever there is among you of all his people, may his God prove to be with him. So let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of the God of Israel -- he is the [true] God -- which was in Jerusalem.
4 As for anyone that is left from all the places where he is residing as an alien, let the men of his place assist him with silver and with gold and with goods and with domestic animals along with the voluntary offering for the house of the [true] God, which was in Jerusalem.'
5 Then the heads of the fathers of Judah and of Benjamin and the priests and the Levites rose up, even everyone whose spirit the [true]
God had roused, to go up and rebuild the house of , which was in Jerusalem. (Ezra 1 )
There are 3 rousings by at the 3 Watchtower Passovers as well.
The 7th sacred year of Isaaic begins on 2022Sivan1
We read...
1 In the 7th [month and Sivan1 sacred year], on the 21st [day] to the month, the word of [2022Chislev21] occurred in the hand of Haggai, the prophet [5x], saying:
2 Say, please, to Zerubbabel [sown in Babel] [1x. , the governor of Judah] the son of Shealtiel [whom I asked for from God] [1x Elijah4], the governor of Judah [1x], and to Joshua [ saves/helps or is salvation] [1x. reserves] the son of Jehozadak [whom justified/made-just/righted] [] the high priest [1x], and to the remnant of the people [1x], saying...
The hand of Haggai, the prophet, counts as 5x. It must then be multiplied by the 3x (1x.1x.1x+1x.1x.1x+1x=3x) the sentence count of verse2, giving 15x.
But we must multiply by the sentence count of verse3 which counts as 11x. So we end up with 15x.11x = 165x = 5½ months from 2022Chislev21 (150 days after 2022Tammuz21, when Gordon got U296, the wisdom of Solomon to judge between the living and dead children of the and women) to 2023Sivan6? Our ascension ends on 2023Sivan15.
3 'Who is there in/among ye the remaining who saw this house in its former glory [The temple of Solomon compared with the unbuilt temple of Zerubbabel] [Not the s in Chicago for the 2006Iyyar14 Passover before any fire sign prediction mistakes. No this is the glory of Laodicea. No has ever seen that glory except for Roger Knight, the one who stole it. However when we meet the 2 spies we shall all see this glory]? And how are ye seeing it now? Is it not, comparatively as nothing in your [plural but these eyes are symbolic, the eyes of the mind] eyes [Literally Yes. But this is a binary question. In the greater meaning the 2nd temple is way greater than the first. The temple Solomon3 is way greater than the temple of the Watchtower or Laodicea. We have more interpretational glory than ever and a temple built in the ark is more glory than any of us thought possible. So in the present meaning the answer is No. The 2nd temple is not as nothing when compared to the 1st. The 1st temple is as nothing when compared to the 2nd]?'
3 'Who is there in/among ye, the remaining [group/one] [(3x+1x)/2=2x]
who saw this house in its former glory [The temple of Solomon compared with the unbuilt temple of Zerubbabel] []? And how are ye seeing it now [3x: All the remaining ones among ye who saw the house in its former glory]? Is it not,
comparatively as nothing in your eyes [(1x+0x).2x.3x=6x]?'
Verse3: (3x+1x)/2+3x+6x=11x. In ye, the remaining group counts as in 3x or in 1x which counts as in (3x+1x)/2.
4 'And now/at this time [slight temporal disconnector] be strong, Oh Zerubbabel ' is the utterance of [Zerubbabel means sown in Babel. Elijah4 who was sown in Babel, he was water baptized from heaven in 1986Heshvan21, when he was 30 years old by Hebrew counting (having been born on 1957Elul16) whilst in the church of England (having been confirmed aged around 16/17) and sanctified on 1989Tishri22 when he was still theoretically in the church of England, although by that time he was studying with the 's Witnesses],
'and be strong, Oh Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest [ reserves].'
'And be strong, all/whole of people of the land [ and Laodicean congregation members]],' is the utterance of [NOT SAID TO BE IN THE HAND OF HAGGAI],
'and work-ye [God cannot instruct people outside the true church to work. Nor can he instruct them to work upon the festival Sabbath of the last day of late 3rd Watchtower Cakes].' 'For I am with ye,' is the utterance of of armies (Haggai 2 )
This appears to be a witness to being strong for NOT for 3x precisely (like the 9 happinesses of Matthew5 from 2022Adar10 to 2023Chislev10) but for 1x precisely for 3 different groups - because the 3 recitals are divided between 2 utterances of . So this counts as precisely 1x from 2022Chislev21 to 2022Tebbeth21, the end of the ark rapture - after which one no longer has to be strong, because one is strong..
Also work ye for I am with ye counts as 3x.(1x+3x) = 3x.4x = 12x which must run from 2022Chislev14 to 2023Chislev14, from the meeting before the 2022Chislev15 ark rapture begins, to the end of (due to no being left in it).
5 '[Bear in mind/Remember] the word that I concluded/cut [the 10 commandments and the law were concluded on 1513Sivan6, the day before Pentecost and validated by sacrifice at the Pentecost on 1513Sivan7. The Passover was agreed by Israel bowing low and prostrating themselves in Exodus12. So there are two possible meanings to this namely Passover and Pentecost] with ye in your coming out from Egypt [This could be Egypt or greater Egypt. Egypt counts once. It is a literal Egypt. There is no point in remembering what happened with the new year start, and the new festivals, Passover/Cakes/Pentecost in literal Egypt unless a new real Passover/Cakes/Pentecost is about to occur and indeed a new year], and [in] my spirit standing in midst of ye [in the form of a pillar of fire and cloud - an archetypical nuclear mushroom. It lead the Israelites out of Egypt in battle formation. So it appeared after they reached Succoth and then continued throughout the entire 40 year wilderness period]. Fear ye not '
We are instructed to remember what God agreed with the sons of the (which we are) when they came forth from literal Egypt. Because it is all happening again. We are now going to see the BIG fulfilment.
1. 1513Nisan14/Iyyar14 becomes 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover/2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover.
2. The Nisan1 sacred year becoming dominant over the Tishri1 year due to God becoming Caesar to Israel and arranging their Exodus becomes the new Chislev1 secular year when becomes Caesar to and arranges his Exodus. Then it becomes the new Tebbeth1 secular year when becomes Caesar to Isaaic and arranged his Exodus.
3. The escape of the sons of Israel during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21 becomes the escape of Abrahamic s into 2/3 from 2022Chislev15-21, Cakes Booths of the Siva1 Abrahamic sacred year, and then the escape of Isaaic s into 3 from 2022Tebbeth15-21, late Cakes Booths
The Passover and Cakes were decreed before the pillar of fire and cloud appeared. So Haggai is not referring to them. The people bowed low accepting the decree.
The Sabbath was not agreed with Israel it was decreed to Israel. So Haggai does not refer to that.
So we are left with the law covenant that was agreed in Arabia at the Pentecost, 23 days after they had come out from the land of/controlled by Egypt.
The pillar of cloud was ahead of moving Israel and in the midst of encamped Israel.
27 then you must say, 'It is the sacrifice of the Passover to , who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when he plagued the Egyptians, but he delivered our houses.' Then the people bowed low and prostrated themselves. (Exodus 12 )
Obviously when God was passing over Israel he was not standing in the midst of them. But at mount Sinai he was standing in their midst. The only thing concluded by Israel with during the geographical or judicial Exodus was the law covenant at Pentecost - when the journey out of the law of Pharaoh and into the law of was completed. Haggai must be referring to the Pentecost. this must be either 2022Chislev21, the late Pentecost of the adamic Tishri1 secular year. OR 2022Tebbeth21, the Pentecost of the Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year.
6 For this is what of armies has said, 'Return/Repeat one [dx'a,
achath] --
small she [ means small] -- and I am rocking the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground.' (Haggai 2 - adapted)
6 For thus said of Hosts: Yet once more -- it {is}
a little, And I am shaking the heavens and the earth, And the sea, and the dry land, (Haggai 2 YLT)
6 For so says of Hosts: Yet once, it [is] a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. (Haggai 2 )
So we repeat one Pentecost which is small. That must take us to the Late Pentecost on 2022Elul5, because means smallness. NOPE.
This must refer to the 2022Heshvan21 Pentecost which starts counting from 2022Tishri2, first fruits of the Tishri1 secular year and then 2022Chislev21, the late Pentecost, when the gifts of the spirit are poured out at the end of the from 2015Chislev21. So the rocking begins on 2022Chislev21.
Now there is a sentence count on verse 6 because it has the number 1 in it.
6 For this is what of armies has said,
'Repeat/again one [repeat a festival OR a further Pentecost to the one at mount Sinai] -- small she [A festival - meaning small] -- and I am rocking the heavens [dual not plural according to Jeff Benner - http://www.ancient-hebrew.org.
But he is wrong there is the atmosphere the firmament and God's home. It is plural]
and the earth and the sea and the dry-ground [counts as 6x].'
and I will rock all the nations [3x] and the desire of all the nations [all the sons of the ],
they shall go in [3x] and I will fill this house with glory [1x], [3x+3x+1x=7x] (Haggai 2).
Verse 6: 3x+1x+!x+1x = 6x of rocking from 2022Chislev21, the repeated Pentecost to 2023Sivan10,when the last enters into (to be raptured on or before 2022Tannuz7). This is the harvest.
Verse 7: 3x+3x+1x = 7x from 2023Sivan14 to 2023Tebbeth14 for the harvest.
This 3 item list of verse4 applies both literally and distributively.
Haggai means 'festive' in Hebrew and Haggai2 is all about repetitions and festivals, i.e. repeated festivals, i.e. late festivals or further 50 counts or further Passovers. So we remember the word agreed at the Exodus (the 10 commandments agreed on the 7th Sabbath verbally on 1513Sivan6 and validated on 1513Sivan7, the Pentecost, and we remember the Passover which was agreed by Israel bowing low and prostrating themselves, and we remember Cakes, that was enacted between 1513Nisan15-21 and we remember the new year agreed and repeat these festivals and years.
God rocks respectively the heavens then the earth, then the sea and all the nations. kills indiscriminately with fire-signs. God kills discriminately with Passover executions and turns the fire of into a Sign from God..
So remember the Passover for 'in your coming forth from Egypt' and remember the Pentecost for 'my spirit standing in the midst of ye'. The Passover relates to verse 6 and God's rocking by Passover execution. The Pentecost relates to verse 4 and 's rocking by fire signs. Actually remember also the new year and the Sabbath which was also instituted in the coming forth from Egypt as described in Exodus16.
23 At that he said to them: It is what has spoken. Tomorrow [1513Iyyar22]
there will be a Sabbath observance of a holy Sabbath to . What you can bake, bake, and what you can boil, boil, and all the surplus that there is save it up for you as something to be kept until the morning.
24 Accordingly they saved it up until the morning, just as Moses had commanded; and it did not stink nor did maggots develop in it.
25 Then Moses said: Eat it today, because today is a Sabbath to . Today you will not find it in the field.
26 6 days you will pick it up, but on the 7th day is a Sabbath. On it none will form.
27 However, it came about on the 7th day [1513Iyyar22]
that some of the people did go out to pick [it] up, but they found none.
28 Consequently said to Moses: How long must you people refuse to keep my commandments and my laws? [until the Sabbath of the ]
29 Mark the fact that has given you the Sabbath. That is why he is giving you on the 6th day the bread of 2 days.
Keep sitting each one in his own place. Let nobody go out from his locality on the 7th day.
30 And the people proceeded to observe the Sabbath on the 7th day [1513Iyyar22] (Exodus16).
The pillar of fire and cloud appeared after they reached Succoth, after Cakes...
18 Hence God made the people go round about by the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea.
But it was in battle formation that the sons of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt.
19 And Moses was taking Joseph's bones with him, because he had made the sons of Israel solemnly swear, saying: God will without fail turn his attention to you, and you must take my bones up out of here with you.
20 And they proceeded to depart from Succoth and to encamp at Etham at the edge of the wilderness.
21 And was going ahead of them in the daytime in a pillar of cloud to lead them by the way, and in the nighttime in a pillar of fire to give them light to go in the daytime and nighttime.
22 The pillar of cloud would not move away from before the people in the daytime nor the pillar of fire in the nighttime. (Exodus 13 )
So actually one bears in the mind the new year/Sabbath/Passover/Cakes/Weeks/Pentecost/Law from 1513Nisan1 to 1513Nisan14 to 1513Nisan15-21 all the way to 1513Sivan7, the Pentecost at mount Sinai.
Now it is the dragon who arranges the terror attacks not God. cannot exercise any secular authority over Adam until the Kingdom is appointed/installed over on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5 over . The wild beast has a final 42 months of authority of Revelation13 over Adam from 2019Nisan22, to 2022Tishri14, the end of the world judicially. God is not blind. He is permitting the dragon to do these things. For without as Caesar no one can be sealed. God already knows who will be sealed but we have to understand our own strengths and weaknesses under test in order to learn how to love God and man and fight sin. He is permitting Pharaoh to continue in existence in order that he can show his power...
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: For this very cause I have let you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power, and that my name may be declared in all the earth. (Romans 9 )
So the dragon rocks the planet on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6, the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, with his mushroom cloud exterminations from/by the sea and with WW3 and with the nuclear war of the . But God rocks it by giving his last true church the gifts of the spirit on 2022Chislev21, He also rocks it by his ark raptures and his predictions for all of the genocidal works of . Finally people see that God has given his people a victory over time itself.
heavens [dual/plural]
[Secular Governments] [Governments or Watchtower Bethels rocked at the first new Watchtower Passover]
earth [all mankind who are subject to a government - since the heavens rule the earth, or the Watchtower congregations rocked at the second new Watchtower Passover]
sea [all non religious mankind or those in the Watchtower prisons, the disassociated and the disfellowshipped, rocked at the 3rd new Watchtower Passover]
dry-land [The dry-land all false religious mankind, who have no water baptism - the Babylonian Passovers] [This verse uses the elements of the literal rocking that occurred in Egypt metaphorically to symbolise the rocking that occurred when Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated and the re-instigated in Israel]
[This verse splits the whole world into rulers and subjects secularly and then into religious and non religious people. The only group not rocked are the s, the true church, the wet land].'
The Hebrew phrase shub hashana, means the turn/return/restoration of the year. In other words a new year.
The Hebrew phrase ud ehad (used in Haggai2:6) means return/repeat one. In other words repeat one whole month/year.
8 'The silver is mine [ saints], and the gold is mine [ saints],' is the utterance of of armies.
9 'Greater will the glory of this later house [/] become than [that of] the former [the house of ],' of armies has said. 'And in this place I shall give peace [the church that leads into the kingdom of God, God's peaceful rest],' is the utterance of of armies [that would be nice] (Haggai 2).
The 24th TO the 9th of Haggai2, the day from which and forward we must set our hearts...
10 In the 24th [day] to the 9th [month], in the second year of Darius, the word of occurred to Haggai,
the prophet, saying:
11 This is what of armies has said, 'Ask, please,
the priests as to [the] law, saying:
12 If a man carries holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he actually touches with his skirt bread or stew or wine or oil or any sort of food, will it become holy?' And the priests proceeded to answer and say: No!
13 And Haggai went on to say: If someone unclean by a deceased soul touches any of these things, will it become unclean? In turn the priests answered and said: It will become unclean.
14 Accordingly Haggai answered and said: 'That is how this people is, and that is how this nation is before me,' is the utterance of , 'and that is how all the work of their hands is, and whatever they present there. It is unclean.'
15 'But now, please, set your heart [on this] from this day and from-upon/from-above/forward, before there was the placing of a stone upon a stone in the temple of ,
16 from when those things happened to be -- 1 came to a heap of 20 [measures], and it proved to be 10; one came to the press vat to draw off 50 [measures] of the wine trough, and it proved to be 20;
17 I struck you people with scorching and with mildew and with hail, even all the work of your hands, and there was no one with you [turning] to me,' is the utterance of --
18 'Set your heart, please, [on this] from this day and forward, from the 24th [day] to the 9th [month], from the day that was founded/established, the PALACE/SPACIOUS PLACE/ARK [lk'yhe]
of ; set your heart
[on this]:
19 Is there as yet the seed in the grain pit? And as yet,
the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate tree and the olive tree -- it has not borne, has it? From this day I shall bestow blessing.'
By Chislev24, wheat is in the grain pit and all the trees and vines have bourne. This 24th to the 9th must be from 2022Chislev24 to 2022Tebbeth9, which is the 9th day of residence to the 24th day of residence for Abrahamic s after 2022Chislev15..
So the Palace of , the secular rulership of is established by Caleb appearing and the Isaaic baptism beginning.
Day (4).
2022Tishri is the 24th month of the 9th adamic/abrahamic Jubilee of the s being a true church from the heavenly baptism of Elijah4 on 1989Sivan7 (the Pentecost),
1987Sivan1, 1991Ab1, 1995Tishri1, 1999Chislev1, 2003Shebat1, 2008Nisan1,
2012Sivan1, 2016Ab1, 2020Tishri1, being the starts of the 9 Jubilees.
2022Tishri9 is the 24th day of the 4th Pentecost counting to the 9th of the month.
2022Tishri9 is 25 stadia of John6 after the fall of Sodom on 2022Elul14. That is when gets into the Sodom boat?
2022Heshvan9 is the 24th day of the Abrahamic Kingdom Pentecost from 2022Tishri16, counting to the 9th of the month.
2022Chislev9 is the 24th day of the Abrahamic Kingdom Pentecost from 2022Heshvan16, counting to the 9th of the month. YES because it is the 9th day of the 9th month and the 24th day of the 24th Pentecost after the completion of the 3rd spirit at the 4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18. And the nounless number principle requires two fulfilments for each nounless number.
2022Chislev24 is the 24th day of the 9th month of the Nisan1 year. AND the winter solstice, the 1st day of Greek winter. Pray that your flight does not occur in winter on the Sabbath, i.e. that it occurs before 2022Shebat, the Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month in Greek winter. 2022Chislev24 is the 9th day of Abrahamic ark residence. So the 24th hour of that day may be when the palace/spacious/heaven is established.
2022Chislev24 - 2022Tebbeth9: There is a fulfilment of the 24th to the 9th of Haggai2, on the 24th of the month see para84..This is obviously a candidate.
2022Tebbeth9 is the 24th day of the 7th Pentecost from 2022Chislev16, and so is the 24th day counting to the 9th of the month. So both 2022Chislev24 and 2022Tebbeth9 are 24ths and 9ths.
The stones start being placed upon the stones on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1 (the 4th day of installation over Cain and over all mankind in the 2nd month of installations of Solomon as vassal Caesar to over mankind.
2022Chislev24 is the 9th day of ark dwelling for Abrahamic s. Whereas 2022Tebbeth9 is their 24th day. The palace/spacious/heaven is established between 2022Chislev24 and 2022Tebbeth9 (no idea how).
Then on 2022Chislev10, the 10th day of the 5th month of the Ab1 Isaaic sacred year, in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar over the s (excluding 2013, 2014, 2015), the Watchtower temple begins to be burnt to the ground - Because goes behind the curtain?
Whereas on 2015Adar24, Tuesday evening 2016March8 (a total solar eclipse) was when Dave realised that Gordon had asked the very questions of verses12-13 of the Watchtower as regards how they celebrate the memorial. We finally understood the greater meaning of these verses on this! AND 2022Chislev9], the word of occurred to Haggai the prophet, saying:
11 This is what of armies has said, 'Ask, please, the priests as to [the] law, saying:
12 If a man carries holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he actually touches with his skirt bread or stew or wine or oil or any sort of food, will it become holy?' [the remotest/lowest priests cannot bless the emblems at a memorial/Passover so as to make them the flesh and blood of - because they are not saints and do not have the cleanliness which they seek to confer. Also we should bless the lamb and the entire meal] And the priests proceeded to answer and say: No! [If a local elder attempts to bless the bread or the wine at a festival but does not have the holiness himself that he is attempting to confer upon the emblems then his blessing will fail. This is what Gordon wrote to the Watchtower about the Passover on 1994Nisan3 and 1995Nisan10.
Both letters were completely ignored, although Dan Sydlik did admit that he thought the would make up for any oversight]
13 And Haggai went on to say: If someone unclean by a deceased soul touches any of these things, will it become unclean? In turn the priests answered and said: It will become unclean [if an unsanctified person touches the cup of the Christ, he will defile it]
[The bread and wine are passed around a whole congregation of dead souls at the Passover. Therefore the emblems are unclean and the Passover fails. Gordon explained this to the Watchtower Governing Body in his letter of 1994Nisan3].
14 Accordingly Haggai answered and said: 'That is how this people is, and that is how this nation is before me,' is the utterance of , 'and that is how all the work of their hands is, and whatever they present there. It is unclean.'
[So all Watchtower festivals - they only have the one - fail. Furthermore the whole nation is now unclean having lost its water baptism due to being unrepentant for putting the throne of in the temple of and for riding the UN beast as a harlot church]
Actually since the s did not officially accept that skirts cannot bless emblems or that dead flesh should not be touching living bread and wine, they are NOT priests as to law and they are unclean.
15 'But at this time/the time/now [rather than 1996/1997/1998, when God through Gordon condemned the Watchtower for their unclean memorial/Passover], please, set your heart [on this] from this day [not the 24th hmm to the 9th hmm but DAY!] and forward [2022Chislev9, the 24th day of the Isaaic Kingdom Pentecost, counting to the 9th day of the 9th month] before there was the placing of a stone upon a stone in the temple of [2x] [In the 8 tribes of s yet to be started? Or upon the threshing floor of Araunah in the ark?]
There is no stone upon a stone in 8 of the 12 tribes as of 2022Chislev24
16 from when these things happened to be -- One came to a heap of 20 [measures], and it proved to be 10; one came to the press vat to draw off 50 [measures] of the wine trough, and it proved to be 20 [People make the claim to be saints, wine, and are not and people claim to be priests, a heap of dead stones, a heap of witnesses, and are not because they were baptized after 2001Chislev14. So this is s at the s falsely believing themselves to be s and saints];
Verse 15: 2x: from 2022Tebbeth14-16.
Verse 16: 20x+10x+50x+20x = 100x from 2022Tebbeth16 to 2022Shebat16 (30) AND from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Sivan15 (70), the period of Isaaic baptism to those outside the 3rd .
17 I struck namely ye in scorching and in mildew and in hail [3x.3x = 9x],
[striking] namely all the work of hands of ye [6x.5x=30x], and there was no one [from]
namely ye [turning] to me [3x],' is the utterance of
Verse 17: 9x.30x.3x = 810x, which is 27 months from 2020Sivan14 to 2022Elul14, the period of reverted Laodicea - when they all turned back to the Watchtower but not one of them turned back to .
18 'Set your heart, please, [on this] from this day and forward, from the 24th [day] to the 9th [day/month/year/Pentecost/time with more than 24 times in it] [NOT said to be in the 2nd year of Darius], from the day that the temple/palace of was founded/established [by the last 8 apostles being baptised into ]; set your heart [on this] .
We saw the wisdom of Solomon for the two women in U296 correctly on 2022Tammuz21.
19 Is there as yet the seed in the storehouse/barn/grain-pit? And as yet, the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate tree and the olive tree -- it has not borne, has it? [Literally Yes for grain and Yes for the trees finishing bearing, since the day is 2022Chislev24 in the greater meaning (2022December21/22) which is still literal since all the trees and the barn occur once in the account] From this day I shall bestow blessing [after the Alienation times ends on 2022Chislev21]' (Haggai 2 )
2022Chislev24, is the 24th day of the 9th month and is the winter solstice 2022December21 @ 21:35 GMT. We set our heart on this date because pray that your flight does NOT occur in winter and NOT on the Sabbath and therefore it occurs before the one and only Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month in Greek winter, before 2022Shebat. The nounless number principle of the bible code requires 2 fulfilments for each number. These maybe that it is the 9th day of Abrahamic ark residence,. and perhaps on the 24th hour of 2022Chislev24, the palace/spacious/heaven is established.
Haggai2: Day (4/5 if verse 20 starts/does not start a new account which it might/might not do), Month (0), Silver (1), Gold (1)
Day is literal. BUT nowhere in this account does it say the 24th day to the 9th month (which would mean of the sacred or secular year. It is a month, but NOT of any calendar). Whereas verse 20 says: on the 24th to the month and verse 15 says: from this day.
Wheat Harvest - July (US)
Grape Harvest - End of August-to early October (France)
End August: Corsica, Languedoc, Roussillon, Provence
Early September: Beaujolais, Southern Rhône Valley
Mid-September: Northern Rhône Valley, Bordelais, Burgundy, Bugey et Savoie, Jura, Centre, South-West, Val-de-Loire
End September: Alsace, Champagne
Early October: Charentes, Cognac, Lorraine
Fig Harvest - Elul/Tishri (August-October)
Pomegranate Harvest - Elul/Tishri (August - October)
Olive Harvest - Tishri/Heshvan (September-November)
New Account (Any Calendar in the word symbolic meaning)
20 And the word of proceeded to occur a second time [2x] to Haggai on the 24th [day] to the month [Not the 2nd time to Haggai because it had already occurred on the 1st of the 6th month and the 21st of the 7th month. So this is the second time on the 24th of the month. Also the word month is specified here - but which month in the greater meaning?], saying:
21 Say to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah [to only], 'I am causing to rock [literal translation of the Hiphil Participle] the heavens and the earth [2x/3x+1x = 3x/4x]
Verse 21: 4x of rocking from 2022Tebbeth24, the start of the , to 2023Iyyar
This means that the 24th to the 9th of at least one of verses 10 and 18 DOES refer to the 24th of the month because the word of occurred to Haggai the 24th to the 6th month of Haggai 1:15, which is 2022Tebbeth24, of the Ab1 sacred calendar, the start of ark rapture for priests to enter in and do the work of the house of And the 24th of the month of verse 20 must be the 2nd instance. But verse 20 is 2022Tebbeth24, the start of the rocking of the .
22 And I shall certainly overthrow the throne of [various] kingdoms [1x/3x: 's throne over all kingdoms or the throe of each of the kingdoms] and annihilate the strength of [each of] the kingdoms [each of] of the nations [1x/3x]; and I will overthrow [the] chariot and its riders [1x+3x], and [the] horses and their riders [3x+3x] will certainly come down, each one [of the riders will come down] in the sword of his brother [1x].'
23 'In that day,' [the day of physically overthrowing all the thrones] is the utterance of of armies, 'I shall take you, Oh Zerubbabel [scattered to/born from Babylon] the son of Shealtiel [I asked for from God], my servant,' is the utterance of [by marriage]; 'and I shall certainly set you as/like a seal ring [at the 1st marriage on 2023Nisan2, and the 2nd marriage at 2023Iyyar2] because you are the one whom I have chosen,' is the utterance of of armies [] (Haggai 2).
Verse 21: 3x/4x
Verse 22: 1x/3x+1x/3x+1x+3x+(3x+3x).1x =12x/16x
Verse 23: 1x+1x+1x =3x
Total - 4x+16x+16x.3x = 68x from 2022Tebbeth24, of verse 20, the start of the , to 2023Nisan2, the 1st marriage.
17 And it came about as/like/when saw Ahab namely Elijah [1x+1x=2x.
This gives the date of the first meeting between the two?], and Ahab said to him: Is this you, the [one] ostracising/afflicting Israel [1x]?
18 And he answered: I have not ostracised/afflicted Israel [1x], although/which/whereas thee and the house of thy father [have] [2x. Laodicea was sent into the wilderness on 2016Nisan1 and became ostracised from God on 2017Elul10, when they lost their true church status - God no longer paid any attention to their worship - they became constructively a false church. They became actually a false church on 2017Elul10 - see U42. And the house of Russell became a false church on 2005Sivan14], in [that] ye [plural not dual - but must refer to Ahab and his house. So we take this as dual?] left the commandments of [2x.3x=6x or 3x.3x=9x], and thou walked after the Baals [3x-1x=2x].
(1x+1x).(1x+1x+2x.(6x/9x+2x))=36x/48x But this count is not triggered (unless questions and answers trigger them)?.
19 And now send [to]! [imperative] [in order to/and] gather [from]! [1x imperative] namely all Israel [12x - All in 12 parts - Ephraim and Manasseh are two different ½ tribes but whole sons] [Gather all the 12 tribes of the water baptism, to me - so Elijah remains as head of at least until the end of his water baptism] to me [Elijah] [Elijah is called a prophet of in the account] unto Mount Carmel [meaning Garden Land - This is ] and [include] namely [the 2nd direct object of send to gather or of send and gather] [i.e. specifically] the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of the sacred pole, [ones] eating of the table of Jezebel [12x+450x+400x - this is a word symbolism - but it is also a count. Does it not matter that he in fact may have unwittingly collected 50 or all of the 100 prophets of as well?].
20 And Ahab proceeded to send in/among all the sons of Israel [So Ahab was asked to send to Israel and to gather the prophets] [12x, 12 sons (including Levi) and 12 tribes - since Ephraim and Manasseh were ½ tribes and Levi was omitted] and gather the prophets together unto Mount Carmel [450x of Baal + 50 prophets of not hidden in the cave + 400 prophets of Asherah who also showed up because Elijah killed all the prophets with the sword. Gordon does not like giving prophets of Baal and prophets of Baal and prophets of the same temporal value. But Ahab gathered 'the prophets'. And gathering always stands for an addition chronologically] (1Kings 18).
1 Then Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and all about how he had killed all the prophets [The prophets of Asherah were Jezebel's boys] with the sword. (1 Kings 19 )
Israel = 12x
All Israel = 12x
Sons of Israel =12x
All the sons of Israel = 12x
Verses 17-18: 36x/48x
Verse 19: 12x+12x+450x+400x = 874x
Verse 20: 12x+450x + 400x + 50x = 912x
Total = 48x+874x + 912x = 1834x.
From 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea as a true church, the start of the ostracism of Laodicea, to 2022Tishri14, the fall of reverted Laodicea.
These 1834 days are the post ostracism period during which Ahab, the Laodicean governing body members,
gather Israel and the prophets to fallen Laodicea, reappointed Laodicea and to Sodom (to mount Carmel)
rather than to (to Elijah4, at moved mount Carmel).
Laodicea installed over Fall and Ostracism of Laodicea
Gathering of prophets to Sodom ends and treading them down ends
2012Tishri5 (3rd Pentecost)
48x+12x+12x+450x+400x+12x+450x+400x+50x = 1834x of 1Kings18:17-20
So it appears that entrance of prophets into Sodom ended on 2022Tishri14, when it fell. And then they got into the boat of John6 and they rowed 25 or 30 stadia (sentence count of John 6:19 is 65x) to 2022Chislev19, the end of the rapture of the Abrahamic s -see U112#6a.
This period was first seen as 1325x days, running between 2011Chislev30 and 2015Tishri5 (should have been 2015Elul5) on 2015Nisan29 at 01:00 on Sunday morning.
29 And it came about, as/when noon/double light had passed over [2x] [Start the count from 2015Ab14, the end of contest noon, the end shining Abrahamic light] and they continued-prophesying [450x] until the going up of the grain offering [A until B = A then B = A + B] [1x], and there was no voice, and there was no one answering, and there was no paying of attention [3x] (1 Kings 18 ).
2x.(450x+1x).(1x+1x+1x) = 6x.451x=2706x from 2015Ab14 to 2022Shebat20. The prophets of Baal stop prophesying.
The day of the small slaughter when the towers fall (Isaiah30:26) was 911, 2001 (Elul19). The literal day of 'the big slaughter when the towers fall' starts with the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6 - the greater 911?
Then, when Laodicea leaves the darkness of the Watchtower, the light of Laodicea, the dead reflection of , becomes as the light of the sun (s), due to the arrival of the Kingdom at the church and the unification of Laodicea with its head.
25 And there shall be upon every mountain [3x. BIG], and upon every high hill [3x. SMALL], raised up rivers/streams [gl,P,] [3x], streams/rivers [lb'y"] of waters [i.e. raised up rivers of waters. No a different Hebrew word is used. These are raised up rivers and steams of waters, s] in the day of the great slaughter, in the falling of the towers [911, 2001 was small and then the 2nd/3rd fire signs are big in comparison].
DAY OF THE BIG SLAUGHTER: This counts as (3x.(3x+3x.3x) + 3x.(3x+3x.3x).1x.3x = 72x.3x=216x from 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Registration day, to 2023Elul4, the end of WW3.
26 And the light of the moon [1x] shall be like the light of the glower/sun [1x]. And the glower's/sun's light shall be sevenfold [7x greater than normal= counts as 1x compared to 7x or 8x], as/like the light of seven days [7x], in the day [not literal] of binding up [binding] the break of his people, and healing the wound of his blow [That divided from Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 ).
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become [for] 7 [times], as/like the light of 7 of days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him ().
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun.
And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea]. ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glower/sun.
And the glower/sun's light shall be 7 glowers/suns, [it shall be] as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] ()
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, [it shall be] like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [the division of in 2, into the s and Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 )
Verse 26: 1x+1x+7x+7x in a day of 2x = 16x.2x = 32x from 2022Tebbeth14-2022Shebat16, from the start of the Isaaic , to the start of the baptism of the 3rd .
The light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun at the equinox. The autumnal equinox in 2022 is September23 at 00:59 (2022Elul24).
If the light of the moon becomes like the light of the glower and the light of the glower becomes 7x as bright. Then we have a total of 7+1=8 glowers. But that makes a Hanukkah! Which must be of some use.
A light is shining in the darkness. But the darkness has not overpowered it.
It is also possible that the nuclear flash, the light and the heat of the US bomb (or some later bomb), is 7x larger than the light of the UK bomb or vice versa. Oh dear.
The Jews encircled during Hanukkah and asked: For how long will you keep our souls in suspense? in John10:22 Scriptures which ask questions always answer them - see the question answering principle of the code.
22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia]
from en and kainoj,
mean in-new] took place in Jerusalem [Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] and it was winter
23 and was walking in the temple in the colonnade of Solomon [walking,
without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood.
This is s in Sodom walking amongst s in the colonnade waiting to enter into the temple of Solomon]
The Jews therefore [oun] [because it was Hanukkah so the Jews were there and because was there so 2x from the setup] encircled him [2x. One encirclement by the plural Jews who made one circle. Count triggered]
and said to him: Until when,
the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing?
[until Hanukkah AND the festival (Passover + Cakes-Booths) of the rededication of the temple in the form of the temple of Solomon in the ark - which festival is an innovation in temple building!] If you are the Christ, tell us outspokenly (John 10 ).
Verse 22: 1x+1x =2x
Verse 23: 1x
Verse 24: encirclement + 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Total: (2x+1x).4x = 12x. From 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 - 2022Tebbeth14. ALSO 32Tebbeth2 to 2022Tebbeth2 is an even number of encirclements/years.
(4) counts 4x in the account from John 10:22-39. So the noun takes a greater meaning (the s). The encirclement means that the fulfilment is also until Hanukkah AND until the rededication of the earthly temple of Solomon back into the . The fact that it is a rededication shows that this is a second baptism for some of the s
Well he started lifting souls up from Reappointed Laodicea into the ark on 2019Tishri17 and continued until the Abrahamic rapture from 2022Chislev15-19, whereupon ALL Laodicean (reappointed and reverted) saints had been lifted up and continued to be lifted up until they come down to the pool at Bethzatha (angels coming down into the pool) on 2022Tebbeth15 of 1Kings 6:1, the start of the Isaaic baptism for temple building, the 4th day of Solomon's installed reign over mankind as vassal Caesar to . So drops the ark based s down into the pool of Bethzatha, for an earth mediated Isaaic baptism during Hanukkah during Greek winter from 2022Chislev25-Tebbeth2 + 12x sentence count so 2022Tebbeth14. The original account was set in winter time which means it must have been in 32 AD (29 is too early and the 30,31,33 did not have Hanukkah in Greek winter).
was walking in the temple in the colonnade/porch of Solomon. So he was IN THE TEMPLE and the Jews surrounded during Hanukkah of John 10:22-24 asking until when the soul singular of us are you lifting up?
Hanukkah is always in Hebrew winter. It is not always in Greek winter.
The s (Judea) pray that their flight (into ) shall not occur in winter, in Greek winter of 2022 from 2022December21 at 21:35 (2022Chislev24) to 2023March20 at 21:13 (2022Adar23). So they all come into BEFORE 2022Shebat, the Sabbath month during winter.
42 You shall live in booths seven days; all who are native in Israel shall live in booths,
43 so that your generations shall know that I caused the sons of Israel to live in booths, in/at/when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I [am] your God. (Leviticus 23 )
Well the Hebron s are resurrected into the ark from 2022Chislev15-19, during Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar and the Isaaic s are raptured for residence from 2022Tebbeth15- 21, during late Booths of the Sivan1 sacred calendar.
Saints have 50 days of earthly interaction and 30 days of ascension
Priests have 50 days of earthly interaction but no ascension.
The citizens have no ark based earthly interaction and no ascension.
So the saints are 3D (length + width + height), the priests are 2D (length +
width) and the citizens are 1D (length).
The Judeans (sons of the , keepers of the 1st law) ascend into the ark and into heaven as follows...
Saints etc. | Entry | Start of Ascension 50 cubits of ark width later/Or hand over. | End of Ascension/descent 30 cubits of ark height later |
3rd | 2017Heshvan17 | 2019Adar9, the late 5th marriage Pentecost the descended s are installed into Sodom, which becomes a true church on 2019Shebat10, 4 months of the near bank of Daniel12 before entry for saints begins on 2020Sivan10. And on 2023Nisan5, is handed over to Peter. He gets 10 minas/cities from 2022Shebat16 to 2023Chislev14 (the end of the ) | 2017Chislev17 |
The dead in Christ in | 2019Tishri15-16 | All Christians who died in a true church or with a baptism | n/a |
3rd marriage reserves | 2019Tishri17 | 3rd Bride - door post marriage - guests on earth | n/a |
4th marriage reserves | 2019Heshvan22 | 4th Bride - lintel marriage - no guests on earth only celebrated in the ark? | n/a |
5th marriage reserves | 2019Chislev20 | 5th Bride - door post marriage - guests on earth | n/a |
6th marriage reserves | 2019Tebbeth18 | 6th Bride (Reappointed Laodicean Administration late partakers) | n/a |
7th marriage reserves | 2020Tammuz19 | 7th Bride (Reappointed Laodicean Congregation late partakers) | n/a |
1st marriage s | 2020Ab17 | 1st bride | n/a |
2nd marriage s | 2020Elul22 | 2nd bride | n/a |
3rd marriage s | 2020Tishri20 | 3rd = Late 1st bride | n/a |
4th marriage s | 2020Heshvan18 | 4th = Late 2nd bride | n/a |
proselytes from | 2022Tishri16 onwards | n/a (the dead in Christ rise first) | n/a |
s | 2022Chislev2/3 | n/a | n/a |
Laodicean s | 2022Chislev15-19 | 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
Elijah4 + tuft of hair of Ezekiel8 | 2022Tebbeth15 | apostles - 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
s | 2022Tebbeth15-21 | 2023Iyyar15 | 2023Sivan15 |
Benjamin ( s) | 2023Nisan5/6 (60 cubits of Daniel3 after 2022Shebat4 plus resurrection) | Earthly interaction from 2023Nisan5/6 to 2023Iyyar24/25 (Does Benjamin ascend into heaven?) | n/a |
Priests | 2023Nisan22 - 2023Iyyar5 | n/a | n/a |
Citizens | 2023Iyyar8 - 2023Tammuz7 | n/a | n/a |
The Jews encircle at his marriages. The Jews do those ring dances around people at marriages!
The festival of Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the temple on 165Chislev25. We are about to rededicate the temple with a second baptism. It is also the miracle whereby one day's oil lasted for 8 days and the new oil was ready by the 8th day. But if the light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun and the light of the sun becomes 7 times as much, then we have 8 suns or 8 heats (in Hebrew). Now that is precisely what one gets during Hanukkah.
This Hanukkah symbolism relates also perhaps to the 8 days of Passover-Cakes-Booths it appears.
The 551st Pentecostal contest day (2017Tishri2) must be significant in a contest attended by 551 prophets. Elimelec contacted us on 2017Tishri2. He was first fruits from the website. Lot arrived at after the sun had gone forth over the land. So Laodicea finish all their Passover baptisms of reserves and actually the s who are also a part of the 3rd , before the two spies arrive at . His baptism was valid but was only Abrahamic due to the preventing it from being Isaaic. He was too young to be a .
These are also...
The stone hitting the feet of the image of Daniel2 (not the 10 toes)
The 2nd fire sign of 2Kings1
The clouds of Matthew24, Luke21 and Mark13, upon which comes
The sign of the son of the man, which appears in the heavens.
12 The woe, the one [Mia] [woe] is past [1x]. Look! is coming yet/further [eti] 2 woes after/next to/with [meta] these [things - neuter] [2x - the thing count of verses 13-15. WE MUST add this to the sentence count of verses 13-15 because, these things is a further description of those verses].
12 The one woe is past. Look! is coming yet/further/more 2 woes after these [things]. (Revelation 9 )
Killing 1/3 of the men is not a woe. It is a baptism. The 3 plagues of fire sulphur and smoke is the woe.
13 And the 6th angel trumpeted [6x];
and I heard voice one out of the horns [implied epi] of the altar, the golden,
the (one) [enwpion] in the face of/before God [4x.
There were 4 horns UPON the altar of Moses of Exodus 38:2 and of Ezekiel 43:15. Liddell has 'face to face' under enwpioj
Horns which have voices. This is one voice out of the horns upon the golden altar before God. So 4x+2x = 6x]
14 say to the 6th angel [6x],
the [one] having the trumpet [1x+1x=2x]:
Untie the 4 angels,
the [ones] bound upon/over [epi
+ dative] the river, the great Euphrates [4x,(1x+1x)=8x: The Euphrates being the ]
15 And the 4 angels were untied [4x],
[This substitutes to: The 4 angels, having been prepared... were untied] the [ones] having been prepared into the hour and day and month and year [4 Times:
4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours], in order that they might kill a 3rd of the men [4x/3. All 4 of them kill 1/3 of the men of the 12 tribes of Israel and of Israel, since the 3rd is baptised into ] (Revelation9)
1/3 of the men must count as 1/3 not 2/3.
Thing count: 6th angel (6x), Voice, 4 horns, altar, God, 6th angel, Trumpet, 4 angels, river, Euphrates. 4 angels, 4 prepared ones, hours, day, month, year, men = 39x.
face to face, Theocr.
II. neut. evnw,pion,
Preposition with genitive, like the Latin coram,
So 4y+4m+4d+4h from the start of the preparation on 2012Sivan16 to 2016Tishri20 when we got the correct understanding of the Solemn Assembly held on Tishri22 and completed the Christianising of all the Mosaic festivals?
Verse 13-14: 6x Then from the voice: 4x.2x.7x.(4x.2x) = 6x+8x.7x.8x = 6x+448x = 454x
Verse 15 counts as 4x.(1y+1m+1d+1h).4x/3 = 4x.(391.041666/083333 days).4x/3 =
Voice Total = 2539.555/777 from 2015Chislev21, when Alan was appointed as the 4th apostle, until 2022Tebbeth10/11 The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release, their Atonement with God.
2007Tishri15 was when the 4th apostle was baptised
Alan, the 4th apostle, missed a festival by a few minutes because he arrived after sunset which Gordon remembers was at 16:24 GMT (but he does not remember which festival he made Alan an apostle at other than it was a late festival and Gordon was somewhat tipsy and it was after the meal around midnight). However the sunset time nails the missed festival to 2015Heshvan21, the Pentecost. Gordon remembers that Alan said no problem I will come back in one month's time. That dedication and other things persuaded him to make Alan into an apostle after the meal and around midnight on 2015Chislev21, the late Pentecost. He was initially the 6th apostle, but became the 4th apostle when Bill and Steve resigned in 2017. So are Bill and Steve Isaaic?
In Revelation 9:13-15 we take 1/3 of the men as 1/3 of the 12 tribes of Israel (not just the saints), 4 tribes out of 12 tribes of them. So they make up 1/3 of the baptisms. These 4 apostles (through their tribes) baptise the 4 corresponding tribes in the 3rd into as well.
Alan appointed as an apostle The Laodicean Jubilee release, their Atonement on 10-10-10
2015Chislev21 (around midnight to 2 am)
7 years + 19.555/19.777 days
Alan installed as an apostle The start of the Isaaic baptism by the 4 apostles
7 years + 19.555/19.777 days
It appears that al least with the Isaaic baptism there is a 7 day installation before it becomes transitive. 2022Tebbeth10 is entry day into the 2022Tebbeth14 Exodus Passover - the Isaaic rapture being 2022Tebbeth15-21.
The 4 angels being prepared for the hour, the day, the month and the year, are a witness to 4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours which run from 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence, the entrance by baptism of the first reserves into Passover execution into , to 2023Tebbeth14 at midnight, the last Passover execution into (of the last s). Then a 3rd of the men killed are a 3rd of the men in the Watchtower, killed by the sword of man. following the haircut of Ezekiel5.
The 4 angels are of Revelation7 standing on the 4 corners, being the 4 cornerstones of reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea, under and under the 3rd (Peter). all 3 churches baptise people into a Passover execution - that is how we kill them.
1st reserves baptised into the and the non funeral death of the Christ The last sons of Adam enter into .
3rd presence starts
1st death Passover
2019Elul10 (for Passover execution on 2019Tishri14)
2023Tebbeth14 (Midnight)
4 years + 4 months + 4 days + 4 hours
2 A 3rd you will burn/consume in the fire/light [rWa]
in the midst of the city as soon as the days of the siege have come to the full. And you must take another 3rd. You will strike [it] with the sword all around her, and the [last] 3rd you will scatter to the wind, and I shall draw out a sword itself after them.
3 And you must take therefrom a few in number and wrap them up in your skirts.
4 And others of them you will take and you must pitch them into the midst of the fire [vae]
and incinerate them in the fire [vae].
From one a fire [vae]
will go forth to all the house of Israel. (Ezekiel 5 )
12 A 3rd of you -- by the pestilence they will die, and by famine they will come to their end in the midst of you. And another 3rd -- by the sword they will fall all around you. And the [last] 3rd I shall scatter even to every wind, and a sword is what I shall draw out after them. (Ezekiel 5 )
Watchtower Governing Body changes to 2/3 majority vote of Cardinals like the Vatican Watchtower falls Laodicea stole the baptism and started their congregation Laodiceans and s die to Adam (error wiped out)
1976January1: Idolatry error begins
Abrahamic Passover
353 months of Watchtower idolatry error
77 months of Laodicean idolatry error (353+77 = 430 = 390 + 40 of Ezekiel4)
The two idolatry errors of the Watchtower and Laodicea are added because the idolatry of Laodicea was of the governing body of the Watchtower. The two churches were related. Perhaps until 2008Shebat, 37 months into Laodicea?
Idolatry error is paid off 7x - see U121. So 7x430 = 3010 days (a day for a month), which is 8 years and 130 days. But Laodicea was a false church between 2017Elul10 and 2019Ab7, which introduces a gap of 2 years less 33 days. which produces a payback period (day of a true church post 2012Sivan14) of 10 years 97 days from 2012Sivan16 to 2022Elul14 + 9 more days which run from 2022Chislev17 (the start of Abrahamic 3 entry into the true church in the ark, to 2022Chislev26, the start of the Isaaic for Laodicea and everyone else, the 4th Sabbath of the 2nd month of the unopposed reign of Solomon of 1Kings 6:1. Evidently although we died on 2012Sivan14, we lost neither our true church status nor our baptism. The church just lost its appointments.
Non Abrahamic rebuilding complete Laodicea falls as a true church Laodicea Reappointed as true church
Reverted Laodicea falls Laodicean s enter 2 church Blessing of Haggai2 can now be given
2022Chislev24 (of Haggai2)
1884 days
false church gap
1117 days
false church gap
9 days (1884 + 1117 + 9 = 3010 days)
So the s enter into the 3rd after having paid off their 5250 day Sabbath error from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5 and into by Isaaic baptism after having paid off their idolatry error from 2012Sivan14 to 2022Chislev24.
The siege of chapter4 by Ezekiel (the Watchtower Governing Body) against Israel lasts 40 days against Judah from 2019Elul30 (when the first flying pig of Mark5 jumps off the cliff of the Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the in reappointed ) to 2019Heshvan10, the end of entrance for Bethelite s, the Jericho Jubilee release for the Watchtower Bethelite s and 390 days for Israel from 2022Chislev14 (the Abrahamic world Exodus Passover) to 2023Tebbeth14 (the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam). This being the judgement starting with the house of God. During this siege, One 3rd of s go to hell because they remain in that bundle of weeds to the end. One 3rd leave because they see through the master deception of the church and God guides these s into the sword of a blessing in . One 3rd are killed by baptism into a salvation through the 1st death, that is an baptism (or baptism for s or s). Babylon is burnt on 2023Heshvan14, the late Babylonian Passover. But the people in it are not finally burnt until 2023Tebbeth16, when they are resurrected into , after the days of the siege are completed.
But there are other meanings to these verses of Revelation9. In one, the 4 angels are the first 4 apostles of , Peter, Andrew, James and John - we think - who were perhaps released to baptise transitively as apostles of , 4 months after being baptised by John.
Now the 2nd part of the first presence began in 89Tishri14 AD, after a 10 year gap of Daniel12 and John21 from 79Tishri14 AD.
7 Oh sword, awake against my shepherd, even against the able-bodied man who is my associate, is the utterance of of armies. Strike the shepherd, and let those of the flock be scattered; and I shall certainly turn my hand [5x] back upon those who are insignificant (Zechariah 13 ).
Zechariah13 refers 5 such scatterings and recollections. These may be into the promised land, , , , ?
We now have the 3rd completing its baptism into the church on MONDAY 2023Nisan5, the 9th Pentecost. This is a Palm Monday scenario (of 33Nisan10), when the sacred saving King should ride into Jerusalem as the high priest of seated upon the garments, the priesthood, over the colt of the ass, upon which no one had sat before (Mark11 Luke19). The colt is the re-appointed Laodicea, the autonomous congregation. The ass is found with her colt. The ass is bound and must be loosed. The colt is never said to be bound. This is because Laodicea has already broken free, whereas the saints in the Watchtower are trapped by the lies of . We do not sit upon that colt. It rules itself. We give them law. We do not preside over the application of that law - neither did the Watchtower police law - they must have managed themselves. The colt of the ass, the offspring of the ass, is the autonomous church.
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of ! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you! He is righteous and being victorious, humble, and riding on an ass, even on a colt, the son of an ass. (Zechariah 9 )
9 Rejoice exceedingly, O daughter of , Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, Lo, thy King doth come to thee, Righteous -- and saved is He, Afflicted -- and riding on an ass, And on a colt -- a son of she-asses. (Zechariah 9 YLT)
2 saying to them, 'Go on to the village over-against you, and immediately ye shall find an ass bound/tied, and a colt with her -- having loosed/untied, bring ye to me;
3 and if any one may say anything to you, ye shall say, that the lord hath need of them, and immediately he will send them.'
4 And all this came to pass, that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through the prophet, saying,
5 'Tell ye the daughter of , Lo, thy king doth come to thee, meek, and mounted on an ass, and a colt, a foal of a beast of burden.'
6 And the disciples having gone and having done as commanded them,
7 brought the ass and the colt, and did put on them their garments, and set {him} upon them; (Matthew 21 YLT)
9 Look! I will give those from the synagogue of [Laodicea, possessed its president ] who say they are Judaean [ones] [sons of the ], and yet they are not but are lying [Claim to be saints but are not or Laodicean s who all lose their angels except Caleb], look! I will make them in order that they will come and they will do obeisance before/in the face of your feet [10x] and they will understand that I have loved you [rather than them, in the time period before they join up. Whereas they hate Elijah4 as they hate anyone who they perceive to be a threat to their satanic status] [Look! God does not make them come through fire signs arranged by and predicted by Elijah. He makes them come by appearing to them. They will come and do obeisance before feet and know has loved (the Angel of Philadelphia). So they do arrive due to the works of , not due to the fire signs. The ex Laodiceans are those whom makes come. They end up becoming Gordon's feet].
9 Look! I am giving out of the synagogue of the [ Laodicea run by possessing ], [out] of the (ones) saying themselves Jews to be [2x: individually/collectively - saying I am a Jew or we are Jews?], and not they are but they are lying [2x/4x+2x/4x = 4x/8x] - look! I will make them [the 6x/12x of the previous part of the verse] in order that they will come [1x] and they will do obeisance [1x] in-the face-of/in sight of/before [enwpion] the feet of you [10x: feet do not have eyes in the literal meaning so it means before not in sight of], and they should know [subjunctive aorist not future] that I loved you [1x]. (Revelation 3 )
Verse9 1st look! 6x/12x (12 tribes of Laodicea, fakes tribes, fake Jews with a stolen baptism. But they would say I am a Jew individually. It is a personal thing).
Verse9 2nd look! 6x.(1x+1x+10x+1x) = 6x.13x = 78x
6x+78x=84x Days of coming and doing obeisance before feet from 2022Tishri27 to 2022Tebbeth21, when the body no longer has any feet, being ark based.
18 This very man, therefore, purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness, and pitching head foremost he noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out.
19 It also became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that that field was called in their language Akeldama, that is,
Field of Blood. (Acts 1 )
Judas bursts in his midst from 2019Tishri10 (the appointment of reappointed Laodicea over the s and the entrance day for s into reappointed Laodicea) to 2020Tammuz10 (the restart of the 3rd presence in reverted Laodicea), which midst is 2019Shebat25. Reappointed Laodicea is run by 1 possessing . was possessing the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry , was dipped/baptised into the by the descended Charles Russell (on the same day that was baptised - 29Tishri10). He presides over the Watchtower Passovers honourably as the King of the locusts, the angel of the abyss of Revelation8. THIS WAS HIS REPENTANCE! - See U853 and see U151
baptism of s not s into reappointed Laodicea begins enters mirroring on 29Tishri10
leaves in Judas'
7th bride enter Sodom
2019Elul10 (2nd presence begins)
2019Tishri10 (reappointed Laodicea installed over s) 2019Shebat25 (not in the midst of the field)
2020Tammuz10 (Passover entry day)
1 month
4½ months of serpent feeding of woman
4½ months of wilderness feeding of woman
Reappointed Judas, reappointed Laodicea, fed for more than 200 Denarii of loaves (true church food) of Mark6 from 2019Ab21, the reappointment of Laodicea to feed the s, to 2019Adar13, the fall of that church. Judas burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out - Acts 1:18. entered on 2019Tishri10-12. presided honourably over the 2019Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14. Watchtower Passovers, before revealing himself. This was his prophesied repentance.
27 And after the morsel then entered into the latter. , therefore, said to him: What you are doing get done more quickly.
28 However, none of those reclining at the table knew for what purpose he said this to him.
29 Some, in fact, were imagining, since Judas was holding the money box, that was telling him: Buy what things we need for the festival, or that he should give something to the poor.
30 Therefore, after he received the morsel, he went out immediately. And it was night. (John 13 )
10 Because you kept the word of my endurance [for 470 main attempts at and 148 subpredictions and 52 extensions to the (470th+148th) subprediction for the day of the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men of faith - Love your brothers!], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - counts 1x].
This test is upon the entire inhabited earth. It is not limited to Christians. The test is upon everyone. But it becomes also a test on those dwelling upon the earth of the congregation of the true church. There must be two fulfilments of this test, since it is mentioned twice.
The testing covenant test on those dwelling on the planet is can they show love and be baptised into the
The sealing covenant test on those dwelling on the earth of the congregation of the true church, is can they show faith and avoid the Mark until they are sealed and raptured into the .
The Hour of the test on the entire inhabited earth is 2022Tebbeth28, Mark Inauguration/Registration day to 2023Elul4, the end of Mark enforcement, the catching of the beast, the end of WW3, when the 1st law is enacted on mankind - 7 months 6 days.
2023Heshvan23 is Dunghill and Dismembering decree day of Daniel3.
When no more idolatry is permitted.
The day of installed runs from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s, to 2022Adar10, the end of earthly interaction of the s, 7 years and 79 days. For more on Revelation -
see U151.
Render/Give-back to her even as she herself rendered/Gave-back, and do to her twice the double according to the works of her; in the cup in which she mixed, mix double for her
To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. Because in her heart she keeps saying, 'I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning (Revelation 18).'
6 avpo,dote auvth/| w`j kai. auvth. avpe,dwken kai. diplw,sate ta.
dipla/ kata. ta. e;rga auvth/j evn tw/| pothri,w| w-| evke,rasen kera,sate auvth/|
diplou/n (WHO)
6 Give you back to her as also she gave back, and double you the double (things) according to the works of her; in the cup to which she mingled mingle you to her double (thing); ()
7 o[sa evdo,xasen auvth.n kai. evstrhni,asen tosou/ton do,te auvth/| basanismo.n kai. pe,nqoj o[ti evn th/|
kardi,a| auvth/j le,gei o[ti Ka,qhmai basi,lissa kai. ch,ra ouvk eivmi, kai.
pe,nqoj ouv mh. i;dw (Revelation 18 WHO)
7 as much/many (things) as she glorified herself and lived unreined in luxury, so much give you to her torment and mourning. Because in the heart of her she is saying that I am sitting queen, and widow not I am, and mourning not not I should see; (Revelation 18 )
Verse6: 1x+1x+2x.2x.2x+2x=12x. The 12x of / cup judgment from 2019Heshvan14, the late 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2020Heshvan14, the 4th marriage Passover..
Verse7: 2x.2x.(1x+1x+1x) = 2x.2x.3x = 12x. This is her last 12 months from 2022Heshvan14, the Isaaic Passover, to 2023Heshvan14, the absolute end of the Watchtower (the final installation of as Caesar over Cain being 2023Heshvan11). An hour is 1 or 2 months depending upon whether this is a 24 hour or a 12 hour day
So Babylon is not tormented until the end of the Dragon's lease. It is tormented during the Time of the End of Daniel12. In fact its torment is a mirror of the hidden torment of the Watchtower but 3 years later rather than the normal 38 months. .
1 And gradually he brought me back to the entrance of the House [The theft of the water baptism of Laodicea on 2005Tebbeth15, the 2nd Laodicean baptism, after the baptism of Roger Knight on 2002Elul16], and, look! there were waters going forth from under the threshold [before the foundation of is laid,
before the 3rd presence begins]
of the House eastward, for the front of the House was east. And the water was going down from under, from the right-hand side of the House, south of the altar [This is the Laodicean leak of waters from the temple].
2 And he gradually brought me forth by the way of the north gate [The North outer gate of the ] and took me around by the way outside to the outer gate that is facing toward the east [The East outer gate of the ], and, look! waters were trickling/dripping/running/dropping down from the right-hand side [ side rather than the side. This is water baptised people leaking out of the temple into Laodicea. So it begins on 2005Tebbeth15, with the baptism of the 2nd Laodicea, the start of that church. NOT 2000Elul16 (Tony) and 2000Tishri16 (Jamie)
then Lee Spinelli (on 2001Nisan14 or on 2001Iyyar14 - it was the late one - he was invited to come to the regular one with the girlfriend but came instead to meetings first and then we celebrated late like with Jamie and he was baptised at Free Trade Wharf for the festival as Jamie was)].
3 [It was] In the going of the man eastward [1x - water baptism direction]
and a measuring line in his hand [5x],
and he proceeded to measure 1,000 in/by the cubit [6x.1000x=6000x]
and he was making me pass-over in the waters [from bank to bank, fording the stream], waters of ankles [waters of ankle level - the Laodicean Passovers].
4 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 and was making me pass-over in the waters, waters [to] knees [not a construct, the reappointed Laodicean Passovers] .
And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 and was making me pass-over waters of hips/loins [waters of hip level,
the Sodom Passovers].
5 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 []. [and then behold] a torrent that/which I was not able to pass-over [This is a torrent of people too late to be passed over by Ezekiel who is Elijah4] for the waters had risen [The previously Passed over waters of the had risen into the ark along with Elijah. Is going come along with the descended s?], waters of swimming [This is because Elijah's body is fully submerged, fully baptised as saints, the end of the Harvest. So that his saintly body is swimming in waters by then (which waters themselves are his priestly body)], [and then behold again] a torrent that/which could not be passed-over [these are the waters of ark based s, of the grateful leper of Luke17]
He started measuring from when the waters were running down out of the temple, through the East outer gate of the , to the right side (the side) i.e. from the 2nd Laodicean baptism, when the Laodicean leak began.
3 And he proceeded to bring me there, and, look! there was a man [1x]. His appearance was like the appearance of copper [1x+1x], and there was a flax cord in his hand [5x], and a measuring reed [5x], and he was standing in the gate (Ezekiel 40 )
Total count for this man: 1x+2x+5x+5x=13x
6 And I began to hear someone speaking to me out of the House, and [the] man had come to be standing beside me. (Ezekiel 43 )
Perhaps that resets the count of the man to 1x?
But verse 3 defines the count of the man as 6x since he has a measuring line in his hand..
1 And gradually he brought me back to the entrance of the House [1x+1x =2x, returning there a 2nd time]
[from where we start the count, 2005Tebbeth15], and, look!
waters going out from under the threshold [3x+1x = 4x having gone out, they are not longer under the threshold]
of the House eastward, for/because the front of the House was east [1x]. And waters [were] going down from underneath [3x], from the right-hand side of the House [3x], from south to the altar [3x].
2 And he gradually brought me forth by the way of the north gate [1x+1x=2x] and took me around by the way outside [1x.2x=2x: for way outside as opposed to inside the temple]
to the outer gate that is facing toward the east [1x], and, look! waters were trickling/dripping/running/dropping down from the right-hand side [3x].
3 [It was] In to go out the man eastward [reset of the man to 1x: water baptism direction]
and a measuring line in his hand [5x],
and he proceeded to measure 1,000 in/by the cubit [6x.1000x=6000x]
and he was making me pass-over/cross-over in the waters [6x.6x=36x]
[pass over the river in the waters, fording the stream], waters [were] of ankles [the Laodicean Passovers].
4 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 [1x because we have already counted the 6,000] and was making me pass-over/cross-over in the waters [6x.6x=36x], waters [were at/to] knees [not a construct,
waters at the level of the knees? the reappointed Laodicean Passovers].
And he continued measuring [the] 1,000 [1x]
and was making me pass-over/cross-over waters of hips/loins [6x.(1x+6x)=42x.
Not in the waters but cross over the waters. These are waters of/at hip level not possessed by hips. the Sodom Passovers Ezekiel over the waters is an addition here, it is not in the waters].
5 And he continued measuring [the] 1,000.[1x] [until] a torrent that/which I was not able to pass-over/cross-over [1x+1x = 2x: end of measuring], waters [were] of swimming [3x],
[it was] a torrent that/which could not be passed-over [1x+1x=2x] [Laodiceans baptised into the are the torrent. The man did not measure the torrent of swimming, Ezekiel could not pass over it]
6 And he said to me: Have you seen [this], Oh son of man? [6x - without measuring - not an action - but counted]
And he had me walk [representing a saint, with a spirit baptism, sins forgiven until time indefinite] and had me return [to] the bank of the torrent [6x.2x=12x]
[6,000 cubits measured above + the sentence count to reach the near bank, the start of the torrent baptism for Kings. These start from the Laodicean leak, the 2nd Laodicean baptism on 2005Tebbeth15, from the 6000 day gapped working week of the s to fix the Laodicean divide]
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism of earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
Start of Laodicean leak. Theft of
End of the 6,000 cubits of Ezekiel47
Start of the torrent of the baptism after Ezekiel goes swimming
2nd Laodicean baptised without reference to s
The fall of Reverted Laodicea Not yet the end of the working week to fix the Laodicean divide due to 51+81 day installation gaps to 2022Tebbeth27
6000 days of Ezekiel47
96-132 days (see U267)
Total Verses 1-5 from look!: 2x+(3x+1x).(1x+3x+3x+3x)+2x+2x+3x+1x+5x+6x.1000x+36x+1x+36x+1x+42x+1x+2x+3x+2x+6x+12x = 55x+6000x+142x = 6197x from 2005Tebbeth15 to 2023Nisan2 - NOPE.
So the whole journey from leak to bank is 6,000 cubits from 2004Sivan30 to 2020Shebat30 + the sentence count. We know from the feeding of the 5,000 that the Laodicean leak began on 2004Sivan30. But the decision to steal the baptism was taken on 2003Tebbeth5/11, and that was the Transgression Causing Desolation to Laodicea, 4600 Solar days of Daniel8 before they lost their constant feature on 2016Ab30/2016Elul6 - see U42. This was first seen on 2019Tebbeth27 or thereabouts and corrected to run from 2003Ab10 to 2020Nisan10 on 2019Shebat30 and from 2003Ab14 to 2020Nisan14 on 2019Adar1 and from 2003Ab16 to 2020Nisan16 on 2019Adar6 and from 2003Ab18 to 2020Nisan18 on 2019Adar8 and from 2003Ab20 to 2020Nisan20 on 2019Adar10 and from 2003Ab21 to 2020Nisan21 on 2019Adar12 and from 2003Ab22 to 2020Nisan22 on 2019Adar14 and from 2003Ab25 to 2020Nisan25 on 2020Nisan4 and from 2003Tishri4 to 2020Sivan4 on 2020Nisan16 and from 2003Tishri30 - 2020Sivan30 on 2020Nisan20 and 2003Heshvan2 to 2020Tammuz2 for saints (excluding Benjamin) on 2020Iyyar30 and 2003Heshvan1/2 to 2020Tammuz1/2 for saints (excluding Benjamin) on 2020Sivan15/18 and 2003Heshvan30 to 2020Ab2 for saints including Benjamin on 2020Sivan25 and 2003Chislev10 to 2020Ab10 on 2020Tammuz5, and 2003Chislev16 to 2020Ab16 on 2020Ab1 and 2003Chislev21 to 2020Ab21 on 2020Ab13 and 2004Nisan20-2020Chislev20 around 2020Heshvan21 (plus or minus a few days). then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Chislev21 on 2020Chislev13. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Chislev24 on 2020Chislev22. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Chislev25 on 2020Chislev24. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth20 on 2020Chislev26. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth21 on 2020Tebbeth10. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth23 on 2020Tebbeth11. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth16 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth12. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth17 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth16. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth18 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth17. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth21 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth18. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Tebbeth22 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth22. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Shebat2 (the near bank) on 2020Tebbeth24. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Shebat5 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat3. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Shebat10 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat7. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Shebat16 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat12. Then 2004Nisan21 to 2020Shebat22 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat17. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Shebat21 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat20. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Adar5 (the near bank) on 2020Shebat23. Then 2004Nisan20/21 to 2020Adar5/6 on 2020Adar6. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Adar16 on 2020Adar8. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Adar21 on 2020Adar17. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Adar26 on 2020Adar21. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2020Adar30 on 2020Adar27. Then 2004Nisan20 to 2021Iyyar2 on 2021Nisan13. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Iyyar11 on 2021Iyyar3. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Iyyar14 on 2021Iyyar13. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Iyyar21 on 2021Iyyar17. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Iyyar27 on 2021Iyyar22. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Sivan10 on 2021Iyyar30. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Sivan16 on 2021Sivan12. Then 2004Iyyar14 to 2021Sivan26 on 2021Sivan25. Then 2004Sivan10 to 2021Tammuz30 on 2021Tammuz26. Then 2004Sivan10 to 2021Ab8 on 2021Ab6. Then 2004Sivan10 to 2021Ab10 on 2021Ab9. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Ab26 on 2021Ab13. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Ab30 on 2021Ab16. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Elul1 on 2021Ab25. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Elul6 on 2021Elul2. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Elul14 on 2021Elul13. Then 2004Sivan30 to 2021Elul17 on 2021Elul15. Then 2005Tebbeth15 to 2022Elul15. Then 2005Tebbeth18 to 2022Elul18. Then 2005Shebat2 to 2022Tishri2. Then 2005Shebat10 to 2022Tishri10. Then 2005Tebbeth15 to 2022Elul14.
7 When I returned, why, look! on the bank of the torrent there were very many trees, on this side and on that side.
8 And he went on to say to me: This water is going forth to the eastern region and must go down through the Arabah/desert/wilderness. And it must come to the sea. It being brought forth into the sea itself. And the waters have been healed [s have been healed/sanctified].
9 And it must occur that every living soul that swarms, unto every [place] which the torrents enter, will get life. And it must occur that there will be very many fish [sons of the and living in the water but not on the land. The living waters are the saints in the church], because there is where this water will certainly come, and the [seawater] will be healed, and every [thing/one/soul] has life where the torrent comes.
10 And it must occur that fishers will actually stand alongside it from En-gedi [fountain of the kid of the goats, a town on the dead sea] [The fountain of the ] even up to En-eglaim [fountain of the two calves, a town on the dead sea] [The fountain of the ]. There will come to be a drying yard for dragnets. In their kinds their fish will prove to be, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.
11 There are its swampy places and its marshy places, and they will not be healed. To salt they will certainly be given [a fleshly salvation/preservation but not an angelic one. The judicially dead sea!].
12 And alongside the torrent there will come up, along its bank on this side and on that side, all sorts of trees for food. Their leafage will not wither, nor will their fruitage be consumed. In their months they will bear new fruit, because the water for them -- it is coming forth from the very sanctuary. And their fruitage must prove to be for food and their leafage for healing.
(Ezekiel 47).
50 The master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect [but does know] and in an hour that he does not know [having no chronology - but does expect] (Matthew 24 )
The 11 of 's Times (11x360=3960 years) run from 1943Nisan14, when he crossed the Euphrates, inaugurating the first Abrahamic Covenant (), to 2018Nisan14, which appears to be meaningless since Laodicea fell as a true church on 2017Elul10. These 11x are represented by his sacrifice of 3x 3 year old divided animals and the undivided dove and young pigeon...
5 He now brought him outside and said: Look up, please,
to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them. And he went on to say to him: So your seed will become [by becoming angels and by entering into the ark].
6 And he put faith in ; and he proceeded to count it to him as righteousness [ - the righteous declaration in the flesh by works perfected faith].
7 Then he added to him: I am , who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take it in possession.
8 And he said: Sovereign Lord , in/by what shall I know that I shall take it in possession? [1x - count not triggered yet]
9 And he said to him: Take for me a heifer 3rd [3x - Abrahamic sons of the , the 3rd system under the : PCC, then , then ]
and a she-goat 3rd [3x - sons of the , the 3rd system under the : , then , then ] and a ram 3rd [3x - sons of the , the 3rd system under the : then then , then ] and a turtledove [1x - sealed saints who are resurrected as angels]
and a young pigeon [1x - unsealed saints who are resurrected or raptured as angels].
10 And he took all these [generic farm animals, not said specifically to be the heifer, the she goat and the ram] to/for him [11x], and he cut/cut off/divided them in the middle [3x+3x+3x+2x=11x:
the birds wee divided one each side of the centre line of the sacrifice. He could have put them both on the same side of it]; and he laid each piece against its companion [6x+2x = 8x: 8 pieces from 3 animals and 2 birds], but he did not cut/cut off/divide the bird [1x: The bird category was not divided] (Genesis 15 /)
Q: How long do I have to go into the Kingdom before I am given it? OR how long from the start of my covenant until I am given the Kingdom.
A: 3x+3x+3x+1x+1x = 11 times of the sacrifice of verse 9. These are 11 years. OR 11 , 11x360 years, 3960 years, from 1943Nisan14 BC to 2018Nisan14 AD.
There is a witness to a division in two in the sacrifice (3 animals divided in two and two further animals stated not to be divided, but called 'the bird'
singular. So the bird singular is divided into 2 birds
There is an obvious witness to 3 years (it being mentioned 3x successively -
meaning the 3x is accurate to the day AND the 30 month sentence count is too).
The sentence count of the execution in Verse 10: 11x+11x+8x+1x = 31x
Covenant fulfilment: 11 from 1943Nisan14 BC when crosses the Euphrates inaugurating the , starting entrance, the 11x of his sacrifice of Genesis15, to 2018Nisan14 AD. Then 30 months to 2023Tishri14, the absolute end of Adam. We take animal species in the sacrifice (cow, sheep, goat, dove, pigeon) as and animal types (farm, bird) as months.
Inaugurated by crossing the Euphrates Completion of the 3rd , the stars of the heavens who inherit the Kingdom
2018Nisan14 2020Heshvan14 (4th marriage)
11 , 11x360=3960 years 31 months
There is also a witness to 3x in this sacrifice. Perhaps for the 3 midst prophecies for the , the and the ?
Midst fulfilments:
The 5 animals that took represent his seed, his children, the covenant house of . The cutting in two of the 3 singular land animals represents 3 midst prophecies!
was sacrificed (on 33Nisan14 by Caiaphas) in the middle of the entry period under 's lease - see U100
/ was sacrificed (on 33Sivan5 by God) in the middle of the years of water baptism into the
was sacrificed in the middle of the years of sanctification into the .
For all 3 salvation plans rest upon his shoulders.
492nd monthly Jubilee from Adam's sin 966th Jubilee from Adam's sin
1440th Jubilee from Adam's sin
Covenant inaugurated
End of 's 6,0000 year headlease on Adam
1943Nisan14 BC
33Nisan14 AD
2008Nisan14 AD
1975 Years (474 monthly Jubilees)
1975 Years
was God's friend, not his enemy...
8 But you Israel [are] My servant, whom I have elected; the seed of My friend ; (Isaiah 41 )
23 And the Scripture was fulfilled, saying: And believed God, and it was counted for righteousness to him; and he was called, Friend of God.
[Genesis 15:6; Isaiah 41:8] (James 2 )
7 Are You not our God? You have driven out the inhabitants of this land from before Your people Israel, and have given it to the seed of , Your friend, forever; (2 Chronicles 20 )
7 Did not you yourself, Oh God of ours, drive away the inhabitants of this land from before your people Israel and then give it to the seed of , your lover, to time indefinite? (2 Chronicles 20 )
Here is the famous scripture:
1 said unto my Lord, Sit thou to my right [side] [!ymiy"], until I make thine enemies a stool to thy feet [dual]. (Psalms 110 )
2 The rod of your strength will send out of , [saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
1 The utterance of to my Lord is: Sit to my right side [1x+1x=2x] until I place/put/set/appoint your enemies [3x]
a stool to/for your feet [10x]
2 The rod of your strength will send out of ,
[saying:] Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. (Psalms 110 )
A until B = A then A+B = A + continuing A+B = A + B
There are lots of recitals and so there are lots of fulfilments.
Verse1: 2x+3x.10x = 32x from 2022Chislev17 (the start of Abrahamic entry into 3) to 2022Tebbeth19, the end of non reserve entry into 3?
appointed over 3rd finishes descending End of faith based salvation.
6½ years
2012Nisan14: The end of 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam from 3989Nisan17
2012Nisan16 - 2017Heshvan6: 2000 pigs 1st century possession payback period.
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam starts End of 's lease
End of 's lease
3993Nisan17 (knowledge of Good)
3989Nisan17 (knowledge of Good and Bad)
2008Nisan14 (Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 begins) 2012Nisan14
4 years
6000 less 4 years
4 years
1252/1254 day ministry payback (29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5) runs from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14/16 - during which time the angels of the 3rd are denied access to 3.
The demons are thrown down here after the 14 day war of Revelation 12 for 2,000 pigs of Mark 5 as follows..
Start of demon possession payback
End of possession payback Demonic Passover Eviction from heaven Possession starts Babylonian Passover entry
End of the lava flood
12th crop of Revelation22
2012Nisan16 ( first fruits)
2017Heshvan20 2017Chislev20
2023Tammuz10 Possession ends 2023Tishri4 (end of ride of 4th horse)
2000 day 1st century eviction payback 8x war of Revelation 12:7 6x eviction of Rev 12:8 30 step 's ladder 2000 day 21st century possession
84 days
70x of the leftover ones of Revelation 19:21
So went subduing for the 8 days of the war of Revelation12 followed by the 6 day of the heavenly eviction of the demons, in the midst of the 4014 day period from the start of the 1st century demon possession payback to the end of demon possession in the 21st century.
The Rod of Gordon's strength is the administration is sent out of (the ark) on 2022Tebbeth15-21, the start of the ride of the 1st Horseman.
Kingdom first fruits Atonement day (between Laodicea and God)
3rd takes over
2022Tishri16 2022Tebbeth10 (Laodicean Jubilee release)
2023Nisan5 (9th Pentecost)
84 days
85 days
43 He said to them: How, then, is it that David by inspiration calls him 'Lord,' saying,
44 The Lord said to my Lord: Sit out of my right [parts -
polite plural] [1x]
until I put your enemies beneath your feet [10x-2x=8x]'?
45 If, therefore, David calls him 'Lord,' how is he his son? (Matthew 22 )
35 However, when making a reply, began to say as he taught in the temple: How is it that the scribes say that the Christ is David's son?
36 By the holy spirit David himself said: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit out of my right [parts] [1x]
until I put your enemies beneath your feet [10x-2x=8x]'
37 David himself calls him 'Lord,' but how does it come that he is his son? And the great crowd was listening to him with pleasure. (Mark 12 )
Count 1x+ 10x-2x = 9x.
ek means out of, away from, separated from. It does not mean 'at'. 'At' would be epi or para. So be sitting outside my right parts is the correct translation.
1. sits out of 's 2nd wife for 9x from 2008Nisan22/Sivan11 to 2017Heshvan20 when expels and his demons from heaven down the 30 steps of 's ladder.
2. Gordon sits out of ' wife (the 3rd ) for 9x from 2012Sivan16/Ab5 to 2022Shebat16 (less 2015 when he died to and was resurrected to ) when he start building the temple of Solomon on the land prepared by David (ex s) because makes them come and do obeisance before his feet. His true enemies are put under his feet by 2023Iyyar5, the end of the ark rapture of his feet.
explains it all...
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.
23 But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence.
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he [Jah OR ] has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.
25 For he must rule as king until [Jah OR ] has put all enemies under his feet.
26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. (1 Corinthians 15 )
27 For [Jah OR ] subjected all things under his feet. But when he says that 'all things have been subjected,' it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him.
28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. (1 Corinthians 15 )
Also this is telling Gordon to sit on his throne outside of all authority for 8 years from 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 our appointment/installation over the s to 2022Adar29 = 2023Nisan5, the 9th Pentecost when the 3rd completes its baptised into and takes over . Then Gordon submits himself to and submits himself to following 1Corinthians15.
42 That (one) for David is saying in Book of Psalms Said Lord to the lord of me: Be sitting outside of [ek] right [parts] [right hand parts or right side parts] of me [1x]
until likely I should put/make the enemies of you [2x] a footstool OF the feet of you [1x] (Luke 20 )
Verse42-43: 1x+2x.1x = 3x From 2019Tishri17, the marriage of the 3rd bride, to 2022Tishri14, the end of the 42 month lease of the Dragon when he loses access to his ark and is confined to the planet.
These 11 are represented by God's promise to give to his seed namely the land from the Nile until the Euphrates and namely the land of the 10 ethnic groups from the Kenites to the Jebusites. A promise which counts as 11x from 2012Sivan16, the beginning of , to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam
18 In day the that cut covenant namely to say: To seed of you [1x] I have given namely the land the this from river of Egypt [The Kingdom 195 day baptism from 2022Adar19 to 2023Tishri4] until the river the great, river Euphrates [1x] [The pre kingdom baptism from 1943Nisan14 BC to 2008Nisan14 AD. So God is looking at this backwards! crossed the Euphrates instigating the on 1943Nisan14 BC].
19 namely the Kenite and namely
the Kenizzite and namely the Kadmonite
20 and namely the Hittite and namely the Perizzite and namely
the Rephaim
21 and namely the Amorite and namely the Canaanite and namely
the Girgashite and namely the Jebusite [10x families]. (Genesis 15 )
The Hebrew direct object marker ta is translated 'namely'.
Count 1x namely land from A to B + 10x namely various peoples = 11x from 2012Sivan15, when the first earthlings became to 2023Tishri4, the end of the lava flood, the end of non Adam and non Cain, when constructive inherits the Kingdom physically and then to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam .
NOT 11x precisely, since NOT all 11x have the same written format.
The youngest age for baptism is 5 years old. So this means in particular that any child who is 4 years old on 2008Nisan14 and who dies before 2022Adar19 (the start of the 195 days of Kingdom baptism) will go to hell, having no baptism. But any such child deserving of such a baptism will not die. He will be kept alive by direct divine intervention if necessary. He will not die of malnutrition or by being run over by a bus or catch a fatal disease. The angels will protect him with the shield of of Genesis 15:1 until he can bathe in the Nile. I say this out of belief in the perfect justice of God.
1 After these things [the events of Genesis14] the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
This shield must work for children after 2008Nisan14, the end of the first period of entrance. Plainly the shield of did not work too well during WW2 for the Jews. That is because these were constructive from a covenant standpoint even though actual adamic from a genetic standpoint. The shield appears to work on (from 2012Sivan14) rather than genetic adamic . It works for the 11x above from 2012Sivan14 to 2023Tebbeth14. Also WW2 fell just before the end of the 10 year Jehoiachin gapped Israeli - see U121. So God could not act as Caesar to them during that period from 586Tishri15 BC to 1945Tishri15 AD.
Zedekiah captured and blinded
Jehoiachin, the King of Judah,
10 years of elevated throne end WW2 ends in Europe State of Israel declared/proclaimed (by Ben Gurion) and accepted
Zedekiah taken captive to Babylon His throne is raised up above the thrones of the other kings in Babylon Jehoiachin,
last King of Judah, dies VE Day
British Mandate to Govern Palestine ends
Tishri1 1948Sivan3 (1948May14)
10 year gap for Jehoiachin's reign in Babylon
550Tishri15 1945Tishri15
X___________________________X 10 year gap for Jehoiachin's reign in Babylon
26+1994 = 2520 Israeli (the curse of the law of Moses on genetic Israel) + 10 year gap for the reign of Jehoiachin In Babylon
was betrayed into the hands of men at each Passover after the Governing Body of the Watchtower failed to inform the saints that they were celebrating their one and only obligation incorrectly. This was a betrayal of the Christ. The betrayal began after lost its ability to hold a Passover due to 3 accountable denials of the Christ 'in this night' on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14, after Elijah4s uncompromising letters about the memorial - assuring the Watchtower that it would fail - of 1995January17, 1995Nisan10, 1995Nisan25. (God then giving them 3 attempts to fix this in 1996/1997/1998, since Peter denied the Christ 3x on that night and since 3 witnesses are needed for a capital offence)
So fell over the saints on 1998Tishri27.becoming the evil slave (). And was appointed/installed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after ) 8820 days or 18x70 weeks of Daniel 9:24 before 2022Shebat10, the end of earthly interaction of Laodiceans. The fulfilment upon the city. So the official betrayal lasts for 20 failed Watchtower Passovers (the hands of sinners, which is one hour of the 240 year 1st and 2nd presence) from 1999Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2018Nisan14/Iyyar14. All of those Watchtower Passovers fail entirely. But the 2019Nisan14-2019Tebbeth14 Watchtower Passover held in the Passover house of reappointed Laodicea is not a betrayal, that Passover succeeds again. So the first failed Watchtower Passover was 1999Nisan14.
Passovers fail
Passovers succeed on 2019Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 in reappointed Laodicea.
20 years of betrayal into the hands of men
During the 3 accountable denials from 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14. , in the form of the bread and the wine of the , is given into the hands of men/sinners (unsanctified men), when he should be exclusively in the hands of angels (angelically born again saints) (who are regarded by God as sin free) at the Passover.
44 Give ye lodgement to these words into your ears [2x.2x.2x=8x], for the Son of the man is destined to be delivered/betrayed into the hands of men [2x.2x.5x=20x].[8x.20x=160x.
Months from 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence in Laodicea, to 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover, when he is delivered only into the hands of baptised saints who pass the cup from one to another amongst themselves as they should. The Son of man being true reserves - who were unknown to the Watchtower]
45 But they continued without understanding of this saying. In fact, it was concealed from them that they might not see through it, and they were afraid to question him about this saying. (Luke 9 )
22 Being turned together but of them in the Galilee said to them the : Is about the Son of the man to be given over into hands of men
23 and they will kill him, and to the third day he will be raised up. And they were grieved very much (Matthew 17 ).
Total 2x+2x.(2x.2x.5x+2x+3x) = 2x+2x.25x = 52x. (Betrayal in , )
30 And from there having gone out they were going their way through the Galilee, and not he was willing in order that anyone/someone should know
31 he was teaching for the disciples of him and was saying to them that: The Son of the man is being given over into hands of men, and they will kill him, and having been killed after [meta + accusative] 3 days he will stand up (Mark 9 )
Total: 4x.(2x.2x.5x+2x+1x+3x+1x) = 4x.27x = 108x. Betrayal for 9 years in - the Watchtower - from 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last failed Passover in the Watchtower as a true church.
6 [[Not he is here, but he was raised.]] Remember you as he spoke to you yet being in the Galilee,
7 saying the Son of the man that it is necessary to be given beside into hands of men sinners and to be impaled and to the third day to stand up.
8 And they remembered of the sayings of him, (Luke 24 )
Total: 4x.(2x.2x.5x+1x+3x)+2x.2x = 4x.24x+4x = 100x (Betrayal in , )..
41 And he is coming the third [time] and is saying to them you are sleeping the leftover (thing) and you are resting up; it is having off;
came the hour, look! is being given over the Son of the man into the hands of the sinners
42 Be ye getting up let us be going. Look!
the (one) giving over me has drawn near. (Mark 14 )
45 Then he is coming toward the disciples and is saying to them you are sleeping leftover (thing) and you are resting; look! has drawn near the hour and the Son of the man is being given over into hands of sinners (Matthew 26 ).
The 20x of betrayal is defined as an hour. So the day would be 12x20=240 years of the first and second presences combined - see intro45.
16 For dogs have surrounded me; The assembly of evildoers themselves have enclosed me. Like a lion [yrIa]K']
[they are at] [incorrect translation lions do not go after hands and feet] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones. They themselves look, they gaze upon me. (Psalms 22 )
16 and you appoint me to the dust of death [1x], for dogs [3x] have encircled me [3 years]; a company of evildoers has surrounded me [1x], piercing [yrIa]K'] [from rWK to dig, to bore through] my hands [dual 5x = 10x] and my feet [dual 5x = 10x] [entering into his body without being a saint for 1x.(3x+1x.(10x+10x)) = 23x. 23 years of false saints piercing his flesh (partaking at Passovers, thereby invading his flesh).
17 I count all my bones [humans have 206 of them]; they look, they stare at me [The enemies or the bones!].
18 They divide my garments among them, and they made fall a lot for my clothing (Psalm 22).
This would indicate the 206 of the 240 Passovers during the 2 presences of the Christ were successful and so the participants were actually staring at the body of during the Passover meal. So 34 of them failed.
The 6,000 day working week of the s began not on 2000Elul16, the baptism of Tony, nor on 2000Tishri16, the baptism of Jamie, nor on 1999Heshvan21, the Pentecost there before, when was installed as sacred king over the proselyte s. Working weeks start with a punishment for a sin which ones works to fix. was cut in two NOT on 2003Chislev2/Shebat21, when Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the s. But on 2005Tebbeth15, when the 2nd Laodicean was baptised into the , which began the theft of that baptism and began the apostate Laodicean congregation.
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism of earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
The Watchtower lost its water baptism on 2001Chislev14 as a result of the awful letter to the Bethels of 2001Heshvan10 following the Guardian expose on 2001October8 (2001Tishri16) of the Watchtower joining the UN as as NGO associated with the UN DPI on 1992January28 (1991Shebat18) which was riding the wild beast of Revelation13 as a harlot church and putting the throne of in the temple of . The Watchtower resigned from the UN on 2001October9 (2001Tishri17).
runs the Kingdom on earth for the first year from 2022Tishri16/Chislev5, when the Kingdom is appointed/installed under as Caesar over , to 2023Ab16/Tishri5, when God is installed over his Kingdom as Caesar over
The ark leaves and we rule alone (physically) from 2025Shebat21. David (s) and Solomon (s) are coregent for 1,000 days from 2022Adar11 to 2025Chislev20/21, the 1,000 day Sabbath.
Passovers where humans are executed can only be of Adam. Non adamics cannot be killed by Passovers since they are not under any death sentence. These appear to be able to occur on any 14th of the month whatsoever! The Passover houses for the Abrahamic Passovers and the Watchtower Passovers are . Since these Passovers occur after 2012Sivan14, when all true churches must become because the 6,000 year working week of Adam from 3989Sivan5-11 ends..
17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it [from 3993Nisan14 to 2023Tebbeth14] [as regards] dying you will die (Genesis 2).
rules with the s and with the s observing in training for 1,000 days of the Sabbath from 2022Adar11 (after 2022Adar10, the end earthly interaction) to 2025Chislev20/21 inclusively. We enter into God's rest in the ark on 2022Tebbeth15-21. Then on 2025Tebbeth2/Shebat21, the s are appointed/installed as Caesar over the Kingdom. Perhaps these 1,000 days are our quick coregency course on how to run a ?
6,000 day Working Week to fix Laodicean divide
Laodiceans start reclining
--- 51 day gap ---
--------- 81 day gap ---------
Laodicean divide ends
The 2nd Laodicean is baptised Death of Adam
Installation of Abrahamic over Gene zap of
Installation of Isaaic over baptism of earth dwelling Laodiceans ends
6,000 day double gapped working week to fix Laodicean divide 6,132 days with 51+81 day installation gaps
Festival Sabbaths are secular Sabbaths not sacred Sabbaths. Weekly Sabbaths are both sacred and secular Sabbaths. The heavenly is a 1,000 year sacred Sabbath from 2008-3008, which we are already under. Or maybe actually from 2017Heshvan14, the heavenly Passover of the Dragon, to 3017. 2008-3008 is perhaps a sacred Sabbath for the 2nd who worked for the 6,000 years of the lease. It is NOT a sacred Sabbath for any humans or for the 3rd . Then there is a 1,000 year secular Sabbath for mankind starting presumably on 2023Heshvan11, when the Kingdom is fully installed under .
taught in the synagogues on the Sabbath. So priests can teach and the congregation can go to meetings and be trained and taught on a sacred Sabbath. But no field service or church administration should be done on a Sabbath. No working for God in the sense of Martha. But one can work for God in the sense of Mary on the Sabbath. Mary's portion is not removed from her upon the Sabbath.
So it does not break the weekly Sabbath to hold a festival upon it. But God really does not like his people breaking his Sabbaths. The Watchtower have had to pay back every single one of them that they broke.
A secular Sabbath is a break from working for the wages of (money,
fame, status, financial savings)
A sacred Sabbath is a break from working for the wages of God (saved people,
covenant savings)
The 1,000 year Kingdom and sacred Sabbath begins 14 years before the Kingdom secular Sabbath is implemented from 2022Chislev15-19 in the ark for Laodiceans and from 2022Tebbeth15-21 for s and from 2023Nisan22 -
2023Iyyar5 for s and from 2023Iyyar8-2023Tammuz7 for s and on 2023Tammuz15/Ab15/Elul15/Tishri15/Heshvan15/Chislev15/Tebbeth16 for s. So we lots of different types of Sabbaths.
1. The Sabbath is a rest for the 2nd from 2008Nisan14 to 3008Nisan14.
2, The Sabbath for the heavens at the eviction of the demons runs from 2017Heshvan14 to 3017Heshvan14
3. The ark Sabbath for s (including saints and priests who are also s)
runs from 2023Tammuz7 to 3023Tammuz?
4. The secular Sabbath for s runs from 2023Tebbeth16, when the last one is resurrected from .
5. The Sabbath on earth runs from 2023Heshvan11, the last Kingdom installation under over Cain.
8 Remembering the Sabbath day to hold it sacred,
9 you are to render service and you must do all your work 6 days.
10 But the 7th day is a Sabbath to your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.
11 For in 6 days made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day. That is why blessed the Sabbath day and proceeded to make it sacred (Exodus 20).
A weekly Sabbath is a sacred Sabbath, where one takes a rest from working for the wages of God, and it is a secular Sabbath, where one takes a rest from working for the wages of man. It is not a rest from working for oneself however.
Also one can do spiritual research (bible study) on a sacred Sabbath. So likewise one could do physical secular research on a secular Sabbath so long as one was not being paid directly for it. One can certainly redecorate one's house on a secular Sabbath because one has no immediate wages associated with such an activity unless one is a property developer and one's house is an asset of a business, which is going to be sold.
On a sacred Sabbath there should be no proactive evangelism, no collation of bible research from 3rd parties (manna from heaven that has fallen on the land of the church), no church administration, no research administration.
However you can learn on a weekly Sabbath, which is working not for man or for God, but for yourself. And priests can teach on a Sabbath (which is working for God - but there are exempt - Matthew 12:5). You can do personal research on a Sabbath - see U103.
5 Or, have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the Sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless? (Matthew 12 )
So here is how the whole process applies to Laodicea and ...
Laodicea fell as a true church on 2017Elul10. So they did not last long enough to have a 6,000 day working week. They buried their talent in the ground neither working for God for giving it to the bankers to earn some interest for God..
Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights up the mountain before he was given the tablets of the law (twice) and then a further 40 days to pray for forgiveness. This could indicate a 40 day installation period for some group of priests? God wrote upon the tablets the first time and the 3rd time in the mountain. So there well picture the law of a church which is written by God and not interpreted or enforced or even seen by man.
The 40 month wilderness penalty on Laodicea does not prove they are still a true church. The Watchtower became a false church during their wilderness penalty
Event | Laodicea | |
Start of working week | n/a | 2003Chislev2 |
Death to Adam | 2012Sivan14 | 2012Sivan14 |
Passover | 2012Sivan14 (Laodicean ) | 2012Sivan14 ( ) |
Jubilee restoration of lost / salvation status | 2012Sivan15 | 2012Sivan15 |
to | 2012Sivan14-16 | 2012Sivan14-16 |
Gap in Abrahamic working week from 2012Sivan14-Tishri5 and 2012Sivan14-Ab5 | 111 days | 51 days |
Gap in Abrahamic working week from 2015Ab14-Heshvan5 | n/a | 81 days |
Gap in Isaaic working week from 2015Ab14-Tebbeth5 | n/a | 141 days |
Gap in working week for Laodicea from 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6 | 82 days | n/a |
Gap in working week from 2015Ab14 to 2015Chislev21 | n/a | 127 days |
Upgrade from Adamic to | 2012Sivan14-16 | 2012Sivan14-16 |
Appointment/installation of priesthood over non adamic Abrahamics | 2012Ab16/Tishri5 | 2012Sivan16/Ab5 |
Appointment/installation of priesthood over the saints | 2012Tammuz17/Elul6 | n/a |
Upgrade from non Adamic to | n/a | 2015Ab14-16 |
Appointment/installation of priesthood over non adamic Abrahamics | n/a | 2015Elul16/Heshvan5 |
Appointment/installation of priesthood over the saints | n/a | 2015Heshvan2/Chislev21 |
Appointment/installation of priesthood over non adamic Isaaics | n/a | 2015Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 |
loss of water baptism | 2013Adar10 | n/a |
End of true church status | 2017Elul10 | n/a |
Reappointment as a true church | 2019Ab7 | n/a |
5215 weekly + 82 Atonement - 47 incarcerated Sabbath day payback period from 2005Sivan14 | 2019Tishri5 | n/a |
2nd End of true church status | 2019Adar13 | n/a |
End of 6,000 day working week to fix the Laodicean divide from 2005Tebbeth15 | n/a | 2022Tebbeth27 (omitting 2012Sivan14-Ab5, 2015Ab14-Heshvan5) |
1,000 day coregent training Sabbath | n/a | 2022Adar11 - 2025Chislev20/21 |
comes as Aaron to the church | 2019Ab27 and 2019Elul5 | 2022Tebbeth15 Joshua meets Peter, 2022Shebat16-2023Nisan5 by baptism |
8 For the Son of the Man is Lord of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12)
28 So that Lord is the Son of the Man, and of the Sabbath.
(Mark 2)
5 And he said to them the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.
(Luke 6)
3 parallel accounts mean there are 3 of these guys and therefore 3 Kingdom Sabbaths! - in Heaven, Methuselah over and over in the Kingdom?
This was because they denied 3x in that night. Elijah4 baptised Roger Knight the apostle to Laodicea on 2002Elul16. The baptism was stolen in the sense the Laodicea was started without reference to the s by baptising a second person on 2005Tebbeth15 - see U42 and see U267. He then celebrated the 2006Nisan14 Passover with the Watchtower as he has to. However, Ahab (the believing Governing Body members), who sent him, should have used his baptism and celebrated the 2003 Passover properly and told the s about it. Gordon suspects that he would have not denied them the baptism if they had asked and explained their predicament. (He did not deny them the baptism in 2008 when he realised them had stolen it). So the Watchtower was guilty of a Passover omission in 2003 and 2004 and 2005. Hence they fell as a true church NOT on 2005Iyyar14, having denied the Christ 3x in that night, but on 2005Sivan14 having been given 30 days grace in which they could have repented but chose not to. The cock crowing twice might be Laodicea and the reappointed Laodicea! The 2nd part of the 2nd presence began on 2006Sivan14.
8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night,
roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened [bread] and bitter herbs. ()
12 And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man and until beast. And I will execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I [am]
! (Exodus 12 )
30 And said to him, Truly I say to you that today, in this night, before a cock crows twice, you will deny Me 3 times. (Mark 14 )
The first 3 accountable denials in that night are 1996Nisan14, 1997Nisan14, 1998Nisan14 (as a result of Elijah4s uncompromising letters about the memorial - assuring the Watchtower that it would fail - of 1995January17, 1995Nisan10, 1995Nisan25. (God then giving them 3 attempts to fix this in 1996/1997/1998). Then the Watchtower lost its capability to hold a valid Passover and Elijah4 was appointed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after - there is no distinction between reserves and s as regards appointment/installation) and the cock crowed the first time announcing that day. He could not be appointed before they had proven with 3 denials to be unworthy priests to the s. But did not fall over the saints until 1998Tishri27 after which Elijah4 was appointed/installed to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 and to rule over ALL the s on 1999Tishri2/Chislev21, when the cock with the seed crowed a 2nd time announcing that day - this was pursuant to Gordon's appointment/installation to feed ALL the future s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7, after he had been thrown out of the Watchtower on 1995Adar11. One cannot be appointed over s whilst a member of a church.
The second 3 denials in that night are by the Watchtower, who failed to celebrate the Passover correctly themselves and/or ignored the correct Passover celebrations of Laodicea which celebrations were authorised by a fully hypocritical governing body. Laodicea became a true church on 2002Tammuz15, 3½ years of its near bank of Daniel12 before 2005Tebbeth15, when they stole the baptism. So they did hold Passovers on 2003Iyyar14, 2004Iyyar14 and 2005Iyyar14 (for unbaptised brothers). Then the Watchtower fell as a true church on 2005Sivan14. Then the dawn of the 2nd presence began on 2006Sivan14, when the Laodicean cock with the seed crowed a first time.
25 Elijah now said to the prophets of Baal: Choose for yourselves one young bull and dress it first, because you [are] the many/the majority; and call upon the name of your god, but you must not put fire to it. (1 Kings 18 )
Well the bilateral contest began on NOT on 2006Iyyar1 with the faxing of the sign of Jonah letter of that date, which predicted a fire sign on 2006Sivan11. But on 2006Sivan1, the date of the revised sign of Jonah letter, which revised that prediction to be 2006Sivan12, before it was tested. So Elijah got going then. What was the size of the majority that the prophets of Baal had over than team in this Olympic divine competition - not held upon mount Olympus but held upon mount Carmel? Well there were 450 prophets of Baal and there was Elijah, his attendant, 100 prophets of and Obadiah, their attendant, who met Elijah and presumably told them to attend the games. So team numbers 103. So the majority was 347. So the prophets of Baal starts 347 days before 2006Sivan1. That was 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower became a false church.
Furthermore the Watchtower lost its water baptism on or soon after sending the awful letter to the Bethels on 2001November1 (2001Heshvan10/11) which declared in writing that they had zero repentance for joining the United Nations as a UN NGO associated to their Department of Public Information. This made the Watchtower subject to the rules of the United Nations. That put the throne of into the temple of . God's church should plainly only be subject to God, not to . Furthermore this agreement with the UN was the Watchtower riding the UN Beast as the harlot church of Revelation 17. So it could not have been a worse sin and was gross hypocrisy given their resolution at the 1963 Everlasting Good News District Convention
5 THAT, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact,
the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God , will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;
For more detail on the church sin please see U246. Now the Watchtower preside over a water baptism of repentance. And whilst they have proven themselves to be total inveterate hypocrites, God is no hypocrite. He cannot have a church preside over a baptism of repentance when they declare Worldwide that they have no repentance for putting the throne of in the temple of and for riding the UN beast as a harlot church of Revelation17. So that letter finished their water baptism on or just after 2001Heshvan10/11. Actually it ended on 2001Chislev14, perhaps 30 day of grace and potential repentence after 2001Heshvan14, when the letter had been fully digested?
5 And I saw, I Daniel, and, look! there were 2 others standing, one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the stream.
6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: How long will it be to the end of the strange/wonderful things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand]
and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish. (Daniel 12 ).
The river is the water baptism of the Watchtower, the for saints. The man clothed in linen floating above the river is , the saints, those who are supposed to have authority over the waters of the Watchtower congregation. The bank of the river in the sand of the sea, the beach, the sons of , those who are not in the river, but are nonetheless attached to it. So the bank represent the period after the Watchtower water baptism ends whist the whole Watchtower congregation are still sons of , i.e. whilst the Watchtower is still a true church. It is the period of dry true churchness. It is the period when the church still does wonderful things under the power of the but no longer has a water baptism. That period lasted for 3½ times which are years from 2001Chislev14 to 2005Sivan14. And now we have nailed the fall of the Watchtower as a true church from both ends. It fell 1260 days of Daniel12 after it lost its water baptism on 2001Chislev14. And it fell 347 days of the majority of Team Baal over Team at the Olympic prophecy competition of 1Kings18 before Elijah began his challenge on 2006Sivan1 with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter.
Daniel 3 shows that the Watchtower set up an idolatrous image last lasted for...
6x60 months = 360 months = 30 years.
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 )
The plain of dura has no hills and so stand for a false church, no true administration. Whereas the jurisdictional district of Babylon stands for the administration of the Watchtower. So the image straddles the true and false church periods of the Watchtower. The 360 months run from 1976January1 (1975Tebbeth23/24) to 2005Tebbeth15, the start of the stolen baptism into Laodicea, at which point Laodiceans could escape bowing down to the image of the democratic Governing Body, which operated in precisely the same way as the 120 cardinals that run the Roman Catholic church by a 2/3 majority vote. Whereas God man no animal with 2 heads.
"In 1996 a new set of rules issued by John provided that, under certain circumstances, the long-required majority of two-thirds for election of a pope could be superseded by a simple majority. John ’s successor, Benedict XVI, however, restored the traditional requirement of a two-thirds majority in 2007." - https://www.britannica.com/topic/cardinal-Roman-Catholicism
Watchtower Governing Body changes to 2/3 majority vote of Cardinals like the Vatican Laodicea stole the baptism and started their congregation
6x60 = 360 months of the image
They do not run from 1975Iyyar18/19 (1975May1) to 2005Sivan14 (one month too many) when the Watchtower became a false religion. So the divine approval for the jurisdictional district of the Babylon of the Watchtower ended - see U171
before adamic and Laodicea
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodicea steals the baptism
7 months
Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14
Laodiceans and s become .
7 years
The false prophets are enumerated in 50s as well and the true prophets in 1Kings18. So the prophetic solution, the date of the fire signs should be both Baalian and Asheraian and divine in some sense.
We should probably not add false prophets to true prophets and get 550 or 551. They are not equivalent at all!
The concept that prophets of become prophets of Baal when a true church becomes false is fundamental to the correct interpretation of 1Kings18. Elijah4 succeeded conceptually in that regard 77 contest Pentecosts,
3850 days, after his first prediction failure on 2006Sivan11/12. All of this is a metaphor to our path to divinity. Because was the 77th in line from Adam (including whom he possessed). So 77x is a failure to success period. For succeeded where Adam failed. So actually 77 Pentecosts are even more fundamental to the correct interpretation of 1Kings18.
The 400 invited Asheraian false prophets did actually show up (contrary to our first interpretation about 400 no shows) because they were slaughtered by Elijah in 1Kings19:1. We had had way more than 400 no show predictions.
2001Chislev14: End of the water baptism
2005Sivan14: Fall of the Watchtower as a true church
2006Sivan14: Start of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence
2013Adar10 end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence
2019Elul10: Start of the 3rd presence.
There appears to be a 3 year delay between the salvation of the s and s into Laodicea and Sodom and then the salvation of s and s into and the last chance saloon.
2019Elul10 to 2020Elul10 for s and s into Reappointed Laodicea and Sodom vs 2022Elul10 to 2023Elul10 for s into the 12 crops of Revelation22
2021Adar14: The bear annexes the Donbas and gets 3 ribs in its mouth (Crimea,
Donetsk and Lugansk)
2021Elul25: The Bear mobilises 300,000 troops its gets up as instructed after 189 days of Daniel 7:5
2022Chislev21: 12x of the 12 stones of the altar of 1Kings18 after the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18. Solomon';s temple on earth finishes its inauguration
2022Tebbeth21: Firey red US congress passes its first law with Donald J. Trump as president, the 2nd horseman starts to ride.
THAT IS CORRECT (due to the 70 months of exile for Jerusalem, the s, from 2013Adar10 to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of baptism into the reappointed Laodicea, entry day for the late 3rd Watchtower Passover). But the 3rd presence is started by Russell and the , which ends for all on 2019Shebat10 in Laodicea, a stretched out hand of somewhere in Exodus after 2019Elul10..
We kill Cain by baptizing him into the which literally kills him to Adam and makes him . This killing is a good thing. So no vengeance is wrought upon the killers. But we do not do this during the Isaaic from 2015Ab15 to 2022Ab15. Then, presumably, on 2022Ab15, we certainly can kill Cain. But we do not baptise ex Sodomites into the until 2022Chislev10 of 1Kings 6:1, when we start building Solomon's temple in the place of David.
For 7 times, anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance. But after the 7x, he will not. These were the 7 of the from 3993Nisan15 to 1473Nisan15 BC
And 7x of Abrahamic Laodicea from 2012Sivan15 to 2019Sivan15, the Laodicean when the baptism did not provide true church entrance OR not produce restoration (the ran out for Laodiceans on 2013Adar10)
And 7x of Isaaic from 2015Ab15 to 2022Ab15, the when the baptism produces an Abrahamic restoration rather than an Isaaic one.
So Cainians became adamic during the Laodicean (being killed to Cain). Laodiceans could not enter further into their congregation for the 7x of the malediction.
And Cainians became during the (being killed to Cain). s could not enter further into their congregation for the 7x of the malediction
could be defining the distance between the two banks, the length of time during which the angel floats above the river (without a water baptism - even though at least the water baptism is available), the gap in the presence. Or he could be defining the length of the bank which is the period after the end of the river, the water baptism and before the end of the church, the finishing of the dashing of the power of the people to pieces. That would be one Time of the End of the church.
raises his hands to the heavens and swears by the one living to time indefinite, which directs us to an angelic fulfilment for the hands. So the gap in the 2nd presence and the gap between the 2nd and 3rd presences are 4½x or 5x or the two of them add up to 10x or in fact both.
Whereas the earthly fulfilment is simply a time, times and half a time, where times can be dual or Hebrew plural. So the earthly fulfilment is 3½x or 4½x for the length of the banks. Russell was baptised as Elijah3 from heaven on 1871Heshvan21, the Pentecost, then 3½ / 4½ years later is 1875/1876Iyyar21 when we think began and the first water baptism occurred (Russell used to just accept people who had already been immersed). So likewise the far bank after 2001Chislev14 runs for 3½/4½ years as well since the vision is symmetric with one man on each bank yet only one man asks essentially: How long is my bank? So both banks are the same length - because either of the two men could have asked that question. So from this, the Watchtower fell as a true church either on 2005/2006Sivan14. The reclining in green leek beds of Mark6 by 50s and 100s gives us 100 years of feeding of 5,000 water baptised s in the Watchtower from 1901Heshvan21, the installation to feed to 2001Chislev14, the end of the water baptism - see U67. So this means Charles Russell must have been baptised from heaven as Elijah3 (born at year 0 of the pattern of the Watchtower church of U42) on 1871Heshvan21. Also Russell was born physically on 1851Shebat21, so his first Pentecost after becoming 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning (Tishri1 year starts) was indeed 1871Heshvan21. So he CANNOT have been baptised from heaven in the year before since he would not have been of age to be a priest.
Numbers 4 has 30-50 for Levites rendering service in the tent of the meeting.
Numbers 8:24-26 reduced it to 25-50
Then 1Chronicles 23:24-32 reduced it to 20, once the ark became permanently stationed in Jerusalem.
We can get the precise date for the fall of the Watchtower as a true church from the contest of 1Kings18 because the 450 prophets of Baal go first they being in the majority over the 100 prophets of plus Elijah plus his attendant plus Obadiah (team ). that is a majority of 347 and Elijah began contesting with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter of 2006Sivan1. So 347 days before then is 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell and its prophets became prophets of Baal.
8 And I began to hear the voice of saying: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And I proceeded to say: Here I am! Send me.
9 And he went on to say: Go, and you must say to this people, 'Hear again and again, Oh men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.'
[count not triggered]
10 Make the heart of this people unreceptive [1x], and make his ears unresponsive [2x], and paste his eyes together [2x], lest/ that not he may see [imperfect] in his eyes [2x] and in his ears [2x] he may hear [imperfect], and heart [1x] of him understand [imperfect] and [afterwards] he will turn back [1x] [perfect vuv consecutive] and he will heal himself [1x] [perfect vuv consecutive] AMBIGUOUS
(1x+2x+2x).(2x+2x+1x) = 5x.5x=25x. These are years of blindness, deafness and heartlessness from 1992Elul11, when letter to the Society arrived in Brooklyn, to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea. 9, the year when they wake up see and hear and understand and enter into the reappointed Laodicea. But afterwards there are 2x of turning back and healing himself from 2017Elul10 to 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd presence in reappointed Laodicea.
11 At this I said: How long, Oh ? Then he said: Until the [the last 9/10 months when] cities crash, from [having] no inhabitant [3x],
and the houses [too] from [having] no earthling man/Adam [3x],
and the ground [hm'd'a]]
itself is ruined into a desolation [1x];
12 and actually removes earthling man/Adam far away [1x: into the ark], and the desertion/desolation/abandonment/release does become very much/great/extensive in the midst/middle of the land [1x/2x. Not the dead centre of the land but all through the land] (Isaiah 6)
Any question asked in scripture is answered in that scripture by the Question Answering Principle. So we count verse 11 and 12 and discover how long the cities will be deserted for. The count is 3x+3x+1x+1x+1x/2x = 9x/10x. The last 9/10 months of Adam from 2022Adar/2023Nisan to 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. So the cities start to crash in ruins around the start of WW3 on 2022Shebat4.
13 And there will still be in it a 10th [the priests who continue to interact with the earth for 50 days after their rapture. The saints have all left by 2022Tebbeth21, the last day of ark entrance for saints. The 10 year Jehoiachin and 98 year Maccabean gapped ends on 2022Tishri15, hence the reference to the stump of the tree which is cut down], and it must again become something for burning down, like a big tree and like a massive tree in which, when there is a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it. (Isaiah 6 ).
So the cities crash and are deserted after the end of the 10 years Jehoicahin and 98 year Maccabean gapped .
17 Are you not aware that everything entering into the mouth passes along into the intestines and is discharged into the sewer?
18 However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man.
19 Out of for the heart come out reasonings wicked,
murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x=14x].
(Matthew 15 )
20 These are the things defiling a man; but to take a [Passover]
meal with unwashed hands [unclean works, a false church] does not defile a man. (Matthew 15 )
This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts 14x precisely from 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last Watchtower Passover as a true church, to 2019Nisan14/Iyyar14 the last defiled Passover celebrated by true s in the Watchtower before the undefiled Passovers in reappointed Laodicea and Sodom, from which they are raptured into 2 on 2019Tishri15, 2019Heshvan15, 2019Chislev15, 2019Tebbeth15, 2020Tammuz15.
20 Further, he said: That which issues forth out of a man is what defiles a man [2x]
21 from inside for out of the heart of the men the reasonings, the bad are going out: fornications, thieveries, murders,
22 adulteries, covetings, acts of wickedness, deceit,
loose conduct, eye wicked, blasphemy, haughtiness, unreasonableness [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 18x of further specification]; (Mark 7 )
23 All these wicked things issue forth from within and defile a man [2x+2x = 4x]. (Mark 7 )
This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts as 18x precisely by the List Specification Principle of the Code. .
The Watchtower was defiled by the abomination causing desolation which was the awful Letter to Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11 showing no repentance at being exposed for putting the throne of into the temple of and for riding the wild beast of the UN as a Harlot church (in the words of Charles Russell their founder). As a result they lost their water baptism on 2001Chislev14 and became defiled. Whereas the late 2nd Watchtower Passover of the reserves from the Watchtower congregations was 2019Chislev14. That is when the defilement of all true Bethlite reserves ended (by baptism). So they were defiled as a reserve composite man, for 18 years precisely. So these 18x are the 18 Times of the Watchtower Reserve Unclean Times!
All Watchtower s reserves were defiled on 2001Chislev14 and no true reserve was defiled on 2019Chislev14. All Watchtower reserves left the on 2001Chislev14. And all Watchtower reserves finished re-entering the on 2019Chislev14.
Watchtower loses its water baptism All true Watchtower reserves are back in the in reappointed Laodicea
All Watchtower reserves are defiled Late 2nd Watchtower Passover
18x of the reserve Unclean Times
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, held a press conference at the National Press Club on 2014January15 at 13:30 EDT (2013Shebat8), which she strangely started off with numerology. Her words we think were inspired (presumably by God - No one was demon possessed yet at that time). She said...
"Now, let me first of all, of course, begin by wishing you all a happy new year. I guess it’s still time to do that, given that we are just exactly halfway through between our western new year and the lunar new year, which will loom in a few weeks’ time." Christine Lagarde to the National Press Club in Washington on 2014January15 (2013Shebat8) - http://press.org/events/christine-lagarde-managing-director-international-monetary-fund she starts speaking around 7 minutes into the video.
She was of course referring to the Chinese Lunar New Year which began on 2014January31.
She also said: "Drop the zero" in compressing 2014 (which is unnecessary to state since compressing 2014 gives 2+0+1+4=7, and zero has no effect upon a sum of integers). We think she may have been referring to an airburst bomb which would have a ground zero if you drop straight below the point of explosion. She put great emphasis on the number 7, in fact on two of them (she pointed out that 14=7+7).
We now predict the 2nd/3rd fire signs for 2022Tebbeth20-22 and 2022Shebat4-6 - which are.2023January16-19 and 2023January30-2023February2. WW3 begins on 2022Shebat4 (2022January30/31). Happy New Year indeed!
The press conference was held on 2014January15 (2013Shebat8). The Chinese new year began on 2014January31 (2013Shebat24/25).
The Chinese new lunar year (Tiger) starts on 2022February1 (2021Shebat24/25).
The Chinese new lunar year (Rabbit) starts on 2023January22 (2022Tebbeth25/26).
The Gregorian year in 2023 starts on 2023January1 which is 2022Tebbeth4/5 - the day before a fire sign - HAPPY NEW YEAR INDEED !
The new year starts on 2023Nisan1 which is 2021March22/23
Now the new Kingdom secular year begins on 2022Chislev1 (due to being installed as Caesar over on 2022Chislev5)
Then the new Gregorian year on 2022Tebbeth4/5.
Just exactly halfway through between the first day of the Western new year (2022Tebbeth4/5) and the first day of the Chinese new year (2022Tebbeth24/25) is 2022Tebbeth14/15, the start of the rapture of the s, the fulfilment of the Happiness of Daniel12.
We use the as the lunar calendar, the original calendar of mankind, as identified by Sir Newton - not the modern Hebrew calendar - see U4.
27 And it came about in/at/against noon/lights [literally double light dual] [1x:
emphatic/polite plural - there is only one noon]
from 2012Tishri5, the installation of Laodicea over to 2015Ab14, the death of the s due and start of their transformation to . So both they and Laodicea were shining as light producers during the period from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14. Or actually 2006Iyyar1 and 2006Sivan1, when Elijah did mock the prophets of Baal mercilessly in the Sign of Jonah letter and the Revised Sign of Jonah letter]
and Elijah mocked in them
and said: Call ye in voice loud
[450x], because a God he [is] [1x], because meditation [to him][1x], and because retirement [to him][1x] and because road [to him] [1x].
If not/alternatively/perhaps/maybe/peradventure [yl;Wa
+ Aa
= if not, where if is a particle of choice HALOT. So the sleeping and ought to wake up is an alternative status of Baal] [this is not 'If not because' he is asleep, for the word 'because' is omitted yet it is implied because these are alternatives] he is asleep and [ought to] wake up!
[2x. If A then B is not (A and not B) which counts as A+B]
28 And they began calling in voice great [450x]
and they self-cut [hithpolel reflexive verb]
as/like/according to their custom in/with daggers [2x.450x one dagger each according to their custom singular] and in/with lances [2x 450x one lance each according to their custom singular],
until blood flowed/was poured out upon them
(1 Kings 18 ).
Noon is the middle of the day and stands for the middle of the contest day, or the middle of the day of the contest. But it means double light in Hebrew and stands for the period of true light from both the s and Laodicea.
UNILATERAL CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 () NOON MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - JESUS LEAVES IN THE MIDST OF CONTEST NOON - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest
There was no because we failed the test to rule over the s from 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 to 2002Iyyar21/Tammuz10.
Fall of the Watchtower s not true church Laodicea installed over Midday (End of 2nd presence)
s die to
s now Isaaic Last failed fire sign prediction
Not prophets of Baal
2014February14-16 (midst prophecy) 2015July2/3
2015August3/4 2023January2/3
2012Tishri5 (noon begins)
2013Adar9/10 ( ends for Laodicea) 2015Ab14 (noon ends) 2015Elul16
Morning: 2629 days
Contest Noon: 514½ + 514½ days
Afternoon: 2629 days
Adamic/Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic illumination
Abrahamic/Isaaic illumination
The contest is between prophets of Baal (in a false church) and prophets of (in a true church). Hence 2012Sivan14-16 and 2015Ab14-Elul16 are excluded. Laodicea was never appointed to feed s. The contest is over s not s and not s. So double light (noon) is the period when Laodice and the s were installed to feed from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14.
We take noon as running from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Ab14, the middle period of double light. And we take midday to be the mid point of that period and pivot the day on that point (3145½ days either side of it) or just make it symmetric about noon.
(2629 days either side of it). We first saw this symmetry in solar days at 17:00 on 2022February4 (2021Shebat28, the weekly Sabbath). We saw the symmetry incorrectly at 20:32 on 2022April6 (2022Nisan5). We saw the correct chronology on 2022Tishri14, when we realised that the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 not 2005Iyyar14. And finally on 2022Tebbeth4 (06:46 on January1)
when we excluded 2012Sivan14-15 and 2015Ab14-Elul16, when the s were not a true church. died in the midst of entrance into the .
Here leaves in the midst of the contest.
6000 days of predictions from 2006Iyyar21 our first prediction for a warning bomb (7x after 2006Iyyar14 our Passover in Manhattan) to 2022Tebbeth21.
1st warning bomb prediction date 3rd fire Sign. End of ark rapture.
6000 prediction working week
The first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23 was a voice but not an answer. There was no voice and no answer prior to that sign.
Verse27: Noon mocking list counts as 2x.(450x+450x.(1x+1x+1x+1x OR 1x+1x)) =
2x.(450x+3x.450x) = 8x.450x = 3600x = 10 years
Verse28: 450x+2x450x +2x 450x+1x+450x = 6x.450x+1x=2701x = 7 years 6 months and 1 day.
Total: 17 years 6 months and 1 day, 6301 days, from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, when all s became prophets of Baal, to 2022Chislev15, the start of the rapture of Laodicean s. Does that involve a sacrifice of some sort? Is that the application of the blood of the in some way - in order that they can be raptured?
Watchtower falls Laodicean rapture from Hebron begins.
2005Sivan14 2022Chislev15
17 years 6 months and 1 day (6301 days)
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn (noon mocking) The revised sign of Jonah letter (more noon mocking) Last day of late 3rd Watchtower Cakes (ex escape into Laodicea completed?)
4910 Days
30 days of actual noon mocking
4910 Days
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn (noon mocking) The last day of 3rd Watchtower Cakes ( escape into Laodicea is completed?)
4910 Days
4910 Days
The Prophetic Contest day/ burying day is the battle between the s and the s for the salvation of the s and the s
The Hebrew word for noon means double light, not middle. So we can also define noon as the period of double light to Laodiceans from 2012Tishri5, their installation over , to 2015Ab14, the death of the s to , the start of their transformation (which did not occur to the Laodiceans). So the contest looks like...
Morning length
Noon - Double Light
Afternoon length
End of 24 hour calendar day (sunset)
2005Sivan14 (Unilateral)
7 years+111 days 2012Tishri5-2015Ab14
7 years+111 days 2022Chislev5 ( installed as Caesar over )
16 However, the 11 disciples [11 apostles or 11 remaining s? Or a delegation of 11 from Laodicea or 11x]
went into Galilee [meaning "circuit". A circuit is a cycle which is a time. Discerning prophetic times and going round in prophetic circles has been the trademark for since their congregation started]
to the mountain [the mountain of the 3rd , in the ark] where appointed them [to be apostles] [to be saints],
17 and when they saw him [in the ark] they did obeisance/worshipped, but some doubted [prior to seeing him].
Galilee is the final circuit from 2022Tebbeth14, the Isaaic world Exodus Passover, to 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam. 11 disciples are the 11 whole apostles who go into the ark on 2022Tebebth15. And they are 11 months of ark entry via rapture (death where is your sting) and via resurrection (death where is your victory) to 2023Chislev14, the end of .
18 And approached and spoke to them, saying: All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth [Yes given him in 33CE but he was unable to exercise it until 's lease ran out on 2012Nisan14, and after the 42 extra months (1254 days) of the miracle ministry payback period of the Dragon's lease from 2019Nisan22 to 2022Tishri14. Then his secular authority was delayed by the Jehoiachin and Maccabean gapped from 607Tishri15 to 2022Tishri15, then his secular authority is delayed until the 4th first fruits/Pentecost on 2022Tishri16/Chislev5, when he is appointed/installed as Caesar over .
There are quite a few terms and conditions here!]
19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , [this is 3 baptisms into a father and son, which are + , or + and into the , which is being sealed as a King or a king (two Holy Spirits actually). By we mean the , by we mean the and by we mean the ]
20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things [] (Matthew 28).
So Matthew 29:19-20 cannot be fulfilled until 2022Chislev5/6 and 2022Tebbeth5/11, when gets all authority in heaven AND on the earth.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place (Acts 2 )
1 Now while the day of the [festival of] Pentecost was in progress they were all together at the same place, (Acts 2 )
1 And in the fulfilling of the day of Pentecost, they were all with one mind in the same place. (Acts 2 )
1 And in the to be being completed the day of the Pentecost they were all together upon the very (thing/place - neuter), (Acts 2 )
1 kai en tw sumplhrousqai thn hmeran thj penthkosthj hsan omou epi to auto (Acts 2 Sinai)
1 kai en tw sumplhrousqai thn hmeran thj penthkosthj hsan pantej omou epi to auto (Acts 2 VatB)
If we are all together in the same place - we are all in the ark.
14 But Peter stood up with the 11 and raised his voice and made this utterance to them: Men of Judea and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give ear to my sayings. (Acts 2 )
1. 11x of s becoming in from 2012Sivan14 to 2023Sivan13,
the 6th crop of Revelation22, the late partakers Passover.
2. 11 whole apostles from 2022Tebbeth15-22, the installation of the apostolic altar.
Peter does not become a priest in until 2023Nisan5. One cannot be a King and a priest to the same group of people at the same time.
11 nuclear bombs of WW3?
15 These [people] are, in fact, not drunk, as you suppose, for it is the 3rd hour of the day [the day of upper and lower from 2022Chislev15 to 2023Chislev14, the end of . So from 2022Shebat14/15 to 2022Adar14 - in fact on 2022Shebat21].
16 On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel,
14 But Peter stood up with the 11 and raised his voice and made this utterance to them: Men of Judea and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem,
let this be known to you and give ear to my sayings. (Acts 2 )
14 Having stood but the Peter together with the 11 lifted up the voice of him and uttered to them Male persons Jews and the (ones)
inhabiting Jerusalem all, this to you known let be and give ear to the sayings of me. (Acts 2 )
14 But later he appeared to the 11 themselves as they were reclining at the table, and he reproached their lack of faith and hardheartedness, because they did not believe those who had beheld him now raised up from the dead. (Mark 16 )
9 and they returned from the memorial tomb and reported all these things to the 11 and to all the rest.
10 They were the Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary the [mother] of James. Also, the rest of the women with them were telling the apostles these things (Luke 24 ).
32 And they said to each other: Were not our hearts burning as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?
33 And in that very hour they rose and returned to Jerusalem, and they found the 11 and those with them assembled together (Luke 24 ).
We can in an emergency baptize someone upon a weekly Sabbath following the procedure for emergency baptisms on weekly Sabbaths in U204.
25 Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation,
26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near (Luke 21).
Elijah also can raise himself erect after the mushroom is actually seen!
It is not proper to baptise upon a weekly Sabbath because one does not normally enter into a commitment to obey the law of a church upon a Sabbath, which is a release from commitments. A weekly Sabbath is a release from both secular and sacred work. A festival Sabbath is only a release from secular work - see U103. So one can be baptized upon a festival Sabbath. In fact one can also be baptized upon a weekly Sabbath, so long as the priest has the candidate agree to enter into the law of the church upon the next day. Furthermore in the case of it takes 2 days to become Isaaic . So the law might not apply until the 3rd day anyway? No! the law applies from the moment of baptism! Because a fiance is bound just as a spouse is bound. But the law of the church cannot be entered into upon a weekly Sabbath. So if the baptism occurs upon a weekly Sabbath then the agreement would be to enter into the law of the on the next day. Whereas if a baptism occurs on a festival Sabbath one can enter into the law of the church on that day.
Hanukkah was the festival of re-dedication for the 2nd physical temple. If Hanukkah had been an official festival of Moses then late Hanukkah should be the festival of re-dedication of the 2nd spiritual temple of the 2nd presence. But it was not such a festival. The Hanukkah oil miracle only appears in the Talmud 600 years after 165Chislev25. But Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews XII) and Maccabees 1:4 show that the 8 day festival of lights was instigated by Judas Maccabeus - see U157.
1 And the Philistines went collecting their camps together for war. When they were collected together at Socoh, which belongs to Judah, then they took up camping between Socoh and Azekah, in Ephes-dammim [the edge of blood].
2 As for Saul and the men of Israel, they collected themselves together and took up camping in the low plain of Elah, and they went drawing up in battle formation to meet the Philistines.
3 And the Philistines were standing on the mountain on this side [administration of the Watchtower], and the Israelites were standing on the mountain on that side [administration of Laodicea], with the valley between them.
4 And went out the man of midsts (dual) [man of midsts is a mediator in the midst of 2 camps. Construct means he counts as 2x not 3x?]
from camps of Philistines [3x], Goliath [1x.
Splendour] [was the] name of him, from Gath [1x.
Winepress] [he was], height of him 6 cubits and a span/spread [6x+1x/5x=7x/11x. 6 watches, plus a span (Not a hand containing 5 fingers but the distance spanned by said hand when extended). From Russell to Henschel and then the genetic abnormality, the sixth finger of the hand, the 6th watch of the multi headed beast that began when Henschel resigned. These 6 are in this system. Then we get a span perhaps Robert Ciranko, after the resignation of Don Adams depending upon whether we use a normal human hand or Goliath's which probably had 6 fingers, he being related to the 4 Rephaim from Gath of 2Samuel21 one of whom was said to have 6 fingers on each hand and foot. The 6th watch of the Watchtower was an unnatural abnormality. But this anatomical features does not involve copper and so is discounted from the priesthood calculation].
5 And there was a helmet of copper on his head [2x]
[an unsanctified president, who is a priest but not a king], and armour-coat of scales he clothed himself [1x]
[like a snake and cryptically referring to Daniel5 you have been weighed in the scales -
this only works in English!], and the weight of the armour-coat [was [equal to] 5,000 shekels of copper [5,000x describing the coat not the man] [starting from 1998Tishri27 when he fell in heavenly authority and therefore his priestly ephod became copper].
6 And there were greaves [protection pads] of copper upon his feet [Articulated copper sandals 2x+2x+10x, Assuming 2 greaves upon each foot]
and a javelin of copper between/in midst of his shoulders [1x between 2 shoulders = 3x] (1 Samuel 17).
God of , and , counts as God of , God of , God of which is 3x.
Whereas God of the patriarchs, seems also to count as 1x, as does coat of scales?
One out of the 7 seals counts as 7x.
2x.3x.(1x.1x+6x+1x+2x+1x+1x+10x+3x)=6x.25x=150x of anatomical copper related features and equipment. Then the weight of his coat of scales was 5000 shekels. So we get 5150 days of priesthood for Laodicea.
1998Tishri27 to 2001Chislev14, the loss of the water baptism
Then 2002Elul16, the baptism of Roger knight to 2013Adar10, the end of the baptism for Laodicea (less 2012Sivan14 to 2012Tishri5 = 111 days, the Abrahamic installation gap for Laodicea)
1127+4134-111 = 5150 days .
falls over the saints s lose the baptism Gordon baptises Roger Knight Laodiceans die to Adam Laodicea installed over Laodicea loses baptism
1127 days
3508 days ( 111 day gap)
515 days = 5150 days in total
And the wooden shaft of his spear was like the beam of loom workers, and the blade of his spear was 600 shekels of iron [Is this a further 20 months from 1998Tishri27 to 2000Sivan27, when the last true non reserve died?]; and the bearer of the large shield was marching ahead of him (1Samuel17).
3 Whenever [otan] it is that they are saying: Peace and security! [2022Tebbeth25/29 is 5/9 days of the sentence count of this verse before 2022Shebat4, the sudden destruction of the 1st day of WW3, which stands upon those announcing Peace and Security (spokespeople for the 10 kings)] then [tote] sudden/unexpected/unforeseen destruction is to be instantly standing-upon them just as the birth pang to the [one - feminine] in belly having [this woman is Mary who gives birth during a registration (by Caesar Augustus or by Caesar Dragon) into and into the ark and back onto the earth. She is the . She has birth pangs and births actually every month thereafter all the way to the 12th crop of Revelation22, the last restoration through from 2022Chislev14-16]; and they will by no means escape [the or indeed the final destruction of Adam on 2023Tebbeth14, 11½ months after the declaration]. (1 Thessalonians 5 )
3 Whenever they may be saying Peace and security [2x], then sudden/unexpected/unforeseen [aifnidioj] destruction is minded-upon/assured/understood/standing-upon [epistatai might be from epistamai to know or understand although this is more of an overstanding than an understanding - or might be episthmi to stand upon. It will be the latter because the former takes the infinitive or the accusative and 'them' is in the dative. And overstand or understand is the same thing anyway] them [1x: Dative] as-even the birth pang to the [woman] in belly having [1x: House with a man inside counts as 1x], and not not they should flee out [of the destruction 1x]. (1 Thessalonians 5 )
Verse 3: 2x+1x+1x+1x=5x. Taking the count as befalling the plural proclaimers of Peace and Security as a singular group.
Verse 3: 2x.2x+2x+1x+2x=9x. Taking the count as befalling the plural proclaimers of Peace and Security as a plural.
From 2022Tebbeth25/29, when Peace and Security is declared, to the sudden destruction of 2022Shebat4, the 1st day of WW3, which stands upon them, in other words which occurs due to them. In other words, they cause WW3. Whoever says Peace and Security - the 10 Kings, the 10 horns of Revelation17 - they are the FOUNDATION of WW3. That is the import of 1Thessalonians 5:3. Therefore WW3 will be just as phoney as the WHO and FDA and CDC and NIAID and NIH and UKHSA and MHRA advice on COVID19. Furthermore they are saying Peace and they are saying Security. Since the bible is maximally distributive, that implies two fulfilments one for Peace and the other for Security. These bastards will declare peace and security whilst putting us straight into WW3!
30 And I will give signs in the heavens and in the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke. (Joel 2 )
We got our first attempt at the 12 fire sign dates before sunset on June14 which was 2017Sivan17 (email sent to Dave at 02:54 on morning of June15 with dates after shooting the video around 01:00, after waking up around 22:30 and deciding to write out Pentecosts idea which I had before going to sleep i.e. before 12:30 pm on Wednesday June14).
upon/due to 3 revolts of somewhere, and upon/due to 4, I shall not turn it back counts as 7x and is recited 8x (for Damascus,
Gaza. Tyre, Edom, Teman, Moab, Judah , Israel)
I will send a fire ...... it will devour her dwelling towers is recited 7x for (Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Teman, Rabbah, Moab, Judah)
7x precisely of burning false churches Judicially from 2022Elul14 (2022September12/13) to 2023Nisan14, the late Christian Passover, the end of end of salvation of Christians, at the 4th crop of Revelation22
8x precisely of not turning it back, due to 7x of revolts from 2015Chislev21, the installation of Isaaic over the s to 2022ChIslev21, the end of the Alineation Times, to 2023Chislev21, the end of the destruction of false religion
is installed over the s
The end of the destruction of false religion
2015Chislev21 2022Chislev21
7 years precisely of revolts of Amos 1-2 1 year precisely of not turning it back
The start of the judgement, the early Laodicean Passover
The lava flood starts
7 months of promising to send a fire precisely of Amos 1-2
7 annual revolts. Then the judgement is set in stone. But there are 12 months precisely during which the judgement occurs from 2022ChIslev21 to 2023ChIslev21. The 7 months of promising to send a fire. The revolts appear to be against God's church of . These must run from 2015Heshvan5, its installation of OR from 2015Chislev21, its installation over the s..
The 8 verbatim repetitions in Amos1-2, have same form as the 9 happinesses of Matthew5. They are a witness to 8x precisely of months (not turn it back being a reference to the turn of the month), and a baptism (repentance is turning back to God).
will send 7 fires into 7 churches. This is the greater conquest of the promised land by the greater Joshua. the promised land is people of faith the sons of - the citizens of the Kingdom. Judah, Syria, Philistinia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and Moab are 7 churches or 7 months of burning churches from 2022Chislev14 to 2023Tammuz14, the start of the lava flood. The 7 nations are all close neighbours of Israel, So they picture other Christian religions. One must leave these or be devoured by the fire which completely burns the harlot of Revelation17.
The point is that even though many from these churches come into , they still all revolted for 7 years whilst in those churches. So God cannot hold back from destroying not them, but their corrupt and worthless churches - their dwelling towers. The towers of Christendom in the 8th year - see U111.
32 Now as Peter was going through all [parts] he came down also to the holy ones that dwelt in Lydda.
33 There he found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been lying flat on his cot for 8 years, as he was paralyzed.
34 And Peter said to him: Aeneas, Christ heals you.
Rise and make up your bed. And he rose immediately [at the end of 8 years. But made up his bed later].
35 And all those who inhabited Lydda and the [plain of]
Sharon saw him, and these turned to the Lord. (Acts 9 )
18 Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous [person] for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God,
he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
19 In this [state] also he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison,
20 who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, 8 souls, were carried safely through the water.
21 That which corresponds to this is also now saving you,
namely, baptism, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request made to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Christ.
22 He is at God's right hand, for he went his way to heaven; and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him. (1 Peter 3 )
18 Because even Christ once for all about sins died,
righteous (one) over unrighteous (ones), in order that you he might lead toward to the God, [he] having been put to death indeed to flesh having been made alive but to spirit;
19 in which also to the in prison spirits having gone he preached,
20 to (ones) having disobeyed sometime when was receiving out from the of the God longness of spirit in days of Noah of (one) being constructed of ark into which few, this is 8 souls [a further specification. Therefore it stands for 8x precisely], were saved through through water.
21 Which also you antitype now is saving baptism, not of flesh putting away of filth but of conscience good questioning upon into God,
through resurrection of Christ,
22 who is in right [hand] of God having gone into heaven (ones) having been subjected to him of angels and of authorities and of powers.
(1 Peter 3 )
There were 7 steps to the outer gates of Ezekiel's temple into the outer courtyard and 8 steps to the inner gates into the inner courtyard. These could be 7 years from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church, the end of that temple, to 2012Sivan14-21 the Passover-Cakes into the outer courtyard of . Then 8 steps to 2020Heshvan15, the 2 rapture of the last s for the 4th marriage on 2020Heshvan18/?
1 Send out your bread on the face of the waters, for you shall find it in many days.
2 Give a share to 7, or even to 8; for you do not know what evil may be on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 11 )
1 Send out your bread upon the surface of the waters,
for in a multitude of days you will find it again.
2 Give a portion to 7, or even/and furthermore to 8, for you do not know what calamity will occur on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 11 )
Send out food to the world through the members of a true church (the waters of Laodicea) for 7/8 portions i.e. 7/8 times. Then after 7/8 times you will find it again (those who have stored it will appear). We died to on 2015Ab14. So we stopped sending out food then until 2015Heshvan5/Chislev21/Tebbeth5 (our reinstallations over the non adamic Abrahamics/s/Isaaics). 7 years later is 2022Ab1 onwards, when the food actually brings results and we find it again. falls on 2023Chislev14 after 8 years..
3 Therefore he will give them up until the time that she who is giving birth actually gives birth. And the rest of his brothers will return to the sons of Israel.
4 And he will certainly stand and do shepherding in the strength of , in the superiority of the name of his God. And they will certainly keep dwelling, for now he will be great as far as the ends of the earth.
5 And this one must become peace. As for the Assyrian,
when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our dwelling towers, we shall also have to raise up against him 7 shepherds, yes, 8 anointed ones/princes of mankind.
6 And they will actually shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in its entrances. And he will certainly bring about deliverance from the Assyrian, when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our territory
7 And the remaining ones of must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from , like copious showers upon vegetation,
that does not hope for man or wait for the sons of earthling man.
8 And the remaining ones of must become among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of a forest,
like a maned young lion among droves of sheep, which, when it actually passes through, certainly both tramples down and tears in pieces; and there is no deliverer.
9 Your hand will be high above your adversaries [in the ark], and all enemies of yours will be cut off.
10 And it must occur in that day, is the utterance of , that I will cut off your horses from the midst of you and destroy your chariots.
11 And I will cut off the cities of your land and tear down all your fortified places.
12 And I will cut off sorceries out of your hand, and no practicers of magic will you continue to have.
13 And I will cut off your graven images and your pillars from the midst of you, and you will no more bow down to the work of your hands.
14 And I will uproot your sacred poles from the midst of you and annihilate your cities.
15 And in anger and in rage I will execute vengeance upon the nations that have not obeyed. (Micah 5 )
1 For I want you to realize how great a struggle I am having in behalf of you and of those at Laodicea and of all those who have not seen my face in the flesh,
2 that their hearts may be comforted, that they may be harmoniously joined together in love and with a view to all the riches of the full assurance of [their] understanding, with a view to an accurate knowledge of the sacred secret of God, namely, Christ.
3 Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.
8 Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;
9 because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily.
10 And so you are possessed of a fullness by means of him,
who is the head of all government and authority [after 2022Tishri15, the end of the Jehoiachin and Maccabean gapped ].
11 By relationship with him you were also circumcised with a circumcision performed without hands by the stripping off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision that belongs to the Christ [a rapture into the ark - which is an angelic gift],
12 for you were buried with him in [his] baptism, and by relationship with him you were also raised up together through [your] faith in the operation of God, who raised him up from the dead. (Colossians 2 )
So the rapture of the saints occurs on the 8th day after birth,
which is the 8th year from 2012Sivan16. So from 2019Tishri1 onwards.
2019Tishri14 was the Passover execution of the 3rd bride.
And the rapture of the saints occurs of the 8th day after birth, which is the 8th year from 2015Ab16. So from 2022Tishri1 onwards.
2022Chislev15-21 is the rapture of the Abrahamic s.
Gordon was born on 1957Elul16. Tony, the 2nd was baptised on 2000Elul16, starting the church. Jamie was baptised on 2000Tishri16, making an congregation of 3. "Roger Knight" was baptised on 2002Elul16, who started Laodicea. The starts, is appointed, on 2022Tishri16 under as Caesar over and is appointed on 2023Elul16 under as Caesar over .
Then 2022Tebbeth16 and 2023Tebbeth16, the resurrections of the 1st crop of Revelation22 and the last chance salooners, are both 6-16 Ab1 sacred.
1 And in the 12th month, that is, the month of Adar [2 designations for the same month. Not really, Adar is used as an adjective], on the 13th day of it [2019Adar13 for the Watchtower], when the king's word and his law came due to be performed, on the day for which the enemies of the Jews had waited to domineer over them, there was even a turning to the contrary, in that the Jews themselves domineered over those hating them.
2 The Jews [3x.
congregated themselves in their cities [1x.
One in each jurisdictional district] in all the jurisdictional districts of King Ahasuerus [127x of them. The Watchtower had 127 Bethels and Branch offices] to lay/stretch out a hand [5x precisely and ignore the plural seeking ones] in/at seeking [ones] of their injury, and not a man stood up to faces of them [3x], because the dread of them had fallen upon all the peoples [3x. Dread cannot be physically upon].
2 They were gathered the Jews in their cities in all the jurisdictional districts of King Ahasuerus to lay hand on those seeking their injury, and not a man stood his ground before them, for the dread of them had fallen upon all the peoples. (Esther 9 )
2 was called the + Jew in/at + cities of + them in/at +
judgment of + judgments of the + king Ahasuerus Xerxes to/for + to send of away Hand in/at + searching evil of + them and + Man NOT + stood to/for + faces of +
them that/because + fell fear of + them upon + all of + the + peoples (Esther 9 WLCi)
3x.1x.127x.5x.3x + 3x.3x = 5715+9 = 5724 from 2003Shebat21 (when Laodicea was installed to feed the reserves, delayed from 2003Tebbeth21 by the Sabbath month but not by the Jubilee month) to 2019Tebbeth14, the late 3rd Watchtower Passover. This is when the last reserve saint is baptised in reappointed Laodicea - see U610.
All the armies of come out of the Egypt of the fallen Watchtower after 430 years a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, when the fell and became Egypt. That is 430x12 = 5160 days or 14 years and 4 months to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, when the saints leave the Watchtower and its prisons for Laodicea.
1 And his own house Solomon built in 13 years, so that he finished all his own house.
2 And he proceeded to build the House of the Forest of Lebanon 100 cubits in its length, and 50 cubits in its width, and 30 cubits in its height, upon 4 rows of pillars of cedarwood; and there were beams of cedarwood upon the pillars.
3 And it was panelled in with cedarwood above upon the girders that were upon the 45 pillars. There were 15 to a row.
4 As for framed windows, there were 3 rows, and there was an illumination opening opposite an illumination opening in 3 tiers.
5 And all the entrances and the doorposts were squared [with the] frame, and also the forefront of the illumination opening opposite an illumination opening in 3 tiers.
6 And the Porch of Pillars he made 50 cubits in its length, and 30 cubits in its width; and another porch was in front of them with pillars and a canopy in front of them.
7 As for the Porch of the Throne where he would do judging, he made the porch of judgment; and they covered it in with cedarwood from the floor to the rafters.
8 As regards the house of his where he was to dwell, at the other courtyard, it was away from the house belonging to the Porch.
It proved to be like this in workmanship. And there was a house like this Porch that he proceeded to build for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had taken. (1 Kings 7 )
The house of the Forest of Lebanon is all those who enter into the ark who are not saints. Solomon did not dwell in that house - see verse 8.
100 cubits length from ??
50 cubits width of the ark and 30 cubits height of the ark.
50 cubits length of the porch from ??
The porch before that is reappointed Laodicea or Sodom..
4 rows of pillars 15 to a row makes 60 pillars not 45. Do only 45 have cedar beams upon them??
7 And there was granted it [the first beast, the beast from the sea] to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation (Revelation 13)
I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself.
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate.
25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Daniel 7 )
10 If anyone [takes people] into captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones (Revelation13).
The bible is a long knife in that it is a large book and it effects lots of people. It is a short sword in that is can be used for close combat. WMDs are not short swords but are impossibly long meat knives.
So anyone who imprisons a holy one (without righteous cause) will be imprisoned in
Anyone who kills a holy one (without righteous cause) will himself be killed either by close combat (short sword) or by a WMD (long meat knife).
And anyone who captures his brother as a slave of will be taken captive in the ark
Whereas anyone who kills his brother to the unsustainable immorality of this world, will himself be killed to Adam and resurrected to .
So we shall be killed and we shall be imprisoned. But...
1 After these things the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
4 Then he said to him: Run, speak to the young man over there, saying, 'As open rural country Jerusalem will be inhabited, because of the multitude of men and domestic animals in the midst of her.
5 And I myself shall become to her, is the utterance of , a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.' (Zechariah 2 )
Those who are separated will unite [...] and will be filled. Every one who will enter the bridal chamber will kindle the light, for [...] just as in the marriages which are [...] happen at night. That fire [...] only at night, and is put out. But the mysteries of that marriage are perfected rather in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets [because the marriage does not end]. If anyone becomes a son/attendant of the bridal chamber [a saint who has entered the chamber in the ark and been married], he will receive the light. If anyone does not receive it while he is here, he will not be able to receive it in the other place [the ark]. He who will receive that light will not be seen [like the visions of and Daniel, given only to chosen recipients], nor can he be detained [he can just leave in his fiery chariot]. And none shall be able to torment a person like this, even while he dwells in the world. And again when he leaves the world, he has already received the truth in the image [videos]. The world has become the Aeon (eternal realm), for the Aeon is fullness/completed for him [he has become post terrestrial, he has seen through all the deception of the world, he has finished his lessons from that school]. This is the way it is: it is revealed to him alone, not hidden [from others] in the darkness and the night, but hidden [from others] in a perfect day [the Lord's Day from 2022Shebat16 or 2023Nisan5] and a holy light (The Gospel of Philip).
All the saints must get married at night i.e. before the Lord's day from 2023Nisan5?? The 1st marriage occurs on 2023Nisan2. The second occurs on 2023Iyyar2.
And to certain able-bodied men of vital energy [martial law]
who were in his military force he said to bind Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, in order to throw [them] into the burning fiery furnace [Bind them with an oath of secrecy and evict them from the Watchtower]
[radiation burns and/or lava flood burns].
At/in that time these able-bodied men were bound in their mantles [ bodies] [ bodies]
and their garments [completed baptisms ,
, , ] and their caps [royal crown or priestly turban? Lift up your cap!] and their other clothing [testing baptisms, , , ] and were thrown into the burning fiery furnace.
Just because the king's word was harsh and the furnace was heated to excess,
these able-bodied men that took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were the ones that the fiery flame killed [the faithless persecutors of true worshippers are killed by the fiery flame of the real . They are not disfellowshipped by the Watchtower. They never get out of that bundle of weeds and so are burnt up] [the able bodied men are killed by the fire signs or by extinction level volcanic event which is the final lava flood on Adam].
But these [other] able-bodied men, the 3 of them, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
fell down bound in the inside/midst of the burning fiery furnace [of WW3]
[At] that time Nebuchadnezzar, the king
himself became frightened and he rose up in a hurry. He was answering and saying to his high royal officials: Was it not 3 able-bodied men that we threw bound into the midst of the fire? They were answering and saying to the king: Yes, Oh king.
He was answering and saying: Look! I am beholding 4 able-bodied men going through in the midst of the fire [not the burning fiery furnace, not the furnace, but the fire], and there is no hurt to them, and the appearance of the 4th one is resembling a son of the Gods [The descended Kings]
[The repentant demons who are Babylonian].
3 or 4 able bodied men is a witness to 3½ which is in the midst of the fiery furnace. So the fiery furnace lasts for 7x.
26 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar approached the door of the burning fiery furnace []. He was answering and saying: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, you servants of the Most High God, step out and come here! At that time Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were stepping out [but not said to be coming here] from the midst/inside of the fire [The 40+40 day lava flood from 2023Tammuz14 to 2023Tishri4- On 2023Tammuz16/Ab16/Elul16/Tishri16/Heshvan16/Chislev16 we have, the ark resurrections of the s]
We take the furnace is the lockdown measures to supposedly combat the vaccine
We take the burning fiery furnace is WW3, the punishment for not having a vaccine Passport is no access to air raid shelter. People who do not have a Passport are Garbage, meant for secular , excluded from everything.
We take the fire to be the lava flood (the walk through the midst of the fire and come out of the midst of the fire)
We take the fiery flame to be
Fire Walker | Covenant Fulfilment | Saintly Fulfilment |
Shadrach | Benjamin | s |
Meshach | Sons of the under testing | s |
Abednego | Sons of the under testing | s |
4th one resembling a son of the Gods | Descended s and s of the 3rd | Demons |
And the satraps, the prefects and the governors and the high officials of the king that were assembled were beholding these able-bodied men, that the fire had had no power over their bodies, and not a hair of their head had been singed,
and even their mantles had not been changed [their priesthood was intact] [Still Human]
and the smell of fire itself had not come onto them.
Nebuchadnezzar [the UN]
was answering and saying: Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who sent his angel and rescued his servants that trusted in him and that changed the very word of the king and gave over their bodies, because they would not serve and would not worship any God at all except their own God.
And from me an order is being put through, that any of people, national group or language that says anything wrong against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego should be dismembered [in ], and its house [its false religious house, the state religion of that people or national group or tongue] should be turned into a public privy/dunghill; forasmuch as there does not exist another God that is able to deliver like this one [2023Ab6, the catching of the beast of Revelation 19:20-21].
In the same time the king []
himself caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to prosper in the jurisdictional district of Babylon [you bet!]
(Daniel 3).
So the faithful and the loving shall not be touched by fire signs or WW3 or the lava flood. and WW3 must end on or before the Dunghill Decree of verse 29.
But the rest of mankind (who will be touched by these things) needs this final lesson in the futility of war as a conflict resolution mechanism, in order to stop making war ever again. Without this lesson war would not stop.
On 33Nisan14, said: truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise, to the evil doer in the same judgement as him (a death sentence from either the Romans or Adam). Today [shheron] counts once and so is literal in the greater meaning. Now all the sons of Adam who enter for either of the 3 adamic Passovers will be with in paradise - yes - but they do not have to die for my soul shall live on said Lot about entering into .
But there is a further group. The ultimate expression of God's love and mercy upon naive and deceived mankind. Those who are seized and saved and enter into - they do escape for their soul - but they have to die the first death and be resurrected. These are the ones sealed not into the but into the the . They are depicted by the two robbers crucified one either side of . And they benefit from ' human sacrifice made on that day. They are sealed into the human body of , which they wear (as his covenant sons) in the kingdom. The two represent those sealed into the who make it into and those sealed into the who do not, in one meaning.
29 And a decree is set out by me, that any/every people,
nation, and language [3x] which speaks [singular] deception [1x]
upon/concerning the God of them,
that [is of/the God of] Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego [1x:
the God of them, who is actually the God of the Shadrach and the God of Mechack and the God of Abednego], he will be made into [mere]
members [3x] and his house shall be made/be made an outhouse/dunghill [1x].
Because [yDi lbeq.-lK']
not there is God another who is able to deliver like this [God] [1x+1x=2x a comparison between another God and this God i.e. between 2 Gods].
(Daniel 3 )
In the same time the king []
himself caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to prosper in the jurisdictional district of Babylon [3x]
[you bet!]
(Daniel 3).
29 and + from + me was put taste that all of tribe, people and + tongue who + will speak deception upon/concerning God of + them who + "rejoicing in the way" Meshach servant + "Servant of Nego" fragments will make (self) and + house of + him a dunghill will be placed/made because not there is of God another who + will be able to/for + ? as/like + "a low place" (Daniel 3 WLCi)
Verse29: 3x.(1x+1x).(3x+1x).2x+3x = 51x from 2023Heshvan23 - 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. Compare with Daniel 2:5 Your houses will be made a dunghill (Genesius).
OR 3x.(1x+1x).(3x+1x).3x+3x = 75x from 2023TIshri29 - 2023Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam. NOPE - The Kingdom is not fully installed under until 2023Heshvan11 (over Cain).
Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan at 10:43 pm on August2 (2022Ab3). It is hard to see that there will be much distress of nations on 2023Tishri4, after the end of WW3 and the lava flood and the ride of the 4th horseman and the great tribulation.
Nebuchadnezzar (15), King (18), Shadrach (12), Meshach (12), Abednego (12), Mantles (2) Peoples (1), Nations (1), Languages (1).
God finishes saving his people from the fiery furnace on 2023Elul4, the end of WW3, the catching/domestication of the beast of Revelation13/17/19, but not the end of the lava flood which is 2023Tishri4, the end of the ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. after which point the decree can be made. But Daniel's people (the sons of the , do not finish their escape from , the church of said escape, until 2023Chislev16, the resurrection of the 12th crop of Revelation22.
Whereas 2023Tebbeth16, the resurrection of the last chance salooners, is their escape from , not through . That is when all of is saved or has lost his status. So the Time of Distress and escape for Daniel's people written in the book of the must run from 2022Chislev16/Tebbeth16 to 2023Chislev16/Tebbeth16.
True worship is about worshipping the heavenly king rather than the earthly king. God's people must make that distinction if they are not to be idolaters of men.
22 Turn to me and be saved, all you [at the] ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no one else.
23 By my own self I have sworn -- out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth, so that it will not return -- that to me every knee will bend down, every tongue will swear,
24 saying, 'Surely in there are full righteousness and strength. All those getting heated up against him will come straight to him and be ashamed.
25 In all the seed of Israel will prove to be right and will boast about themselves (Isaiah 45).
10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;
11 for it is written: 'As I live,' says , 'to me every knee will bend down, and every tongue will make open acknowledgment to God.'
12 So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God.
13 Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block or a cause for tripping.
14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord that nothing [no substance - not no activity]
is defiled in itself; only where a man considers something to be defiled, to him it is defiled.
15 For if because of food your brother is being grieved, you are no longer walking in accord with love. Do not by your
food ruin that one for whom Christ died (Romans 14).
One cannot bend the knee or swear with the tongue in , because nobody there has a knee or a tongue, in fact they are all no-bodies! As opposed to those saved into the kingdom who are some-bodies!
So every knee must bend in this system, before the end of Adam (the end of Adamic man). The flood of lava starts with the Yellowstone Caldera (Tarshish) going up?
On 1532May15 the Convocation of Canterbury agreed the Submission of the Clergy, whereby the Roman Catholic church in England would not make church law without Royal assent. Sir Thomas Moore resigned the next day on May16. This was the effective start of the Reformation but not the legislative start. The Submission of the Clergy was then included in the 1934 Submission of the Clergy and Restraint of Appeals Act.
But the word of the Reformation in England went forth to restore and rebuild the English church in accordance with Daniel 9:25 legislatively with the Ecclesiastical appeals Act 1532: 24th of Henry VIII 12th Act out of 13 in the year, so around November/December (Julian). If you count 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 from then, taking a day for a year, making 483 years, you get to 2015Chislev21 (2015December6/7), when the church administration was reinstalled over the saints after having been restored into bodies. Then if you count a further week of years making 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24, you get to 2022Chislev21, when the earthly temple of Solomon is completed and the gifts of the spirit are poured out.
Ecclesiastical Appeals Act
Start of the End of the
Legal basis of the Reformation in England
Isaaic installed over the s
Solomon's temple inaugurated on earth, gifts of the spirit poured out
1532November/December (Julian)
69 week of years = 483 years
1 week of years = 7 years
The Reformation is of course the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the of Holies.
And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square [for the public, for sons of the ] and moat [a water baptism for the priests and the kings], but in the straits/distress of the times [The Time of Distress of Daniel9].
Use as computerized Lexicon for BHS. Match every Hebrew rod to both. Use the Hebrew understanding of the translators.
Do Ben Davidson perhaps online pages for crowd typing.
One of the 7, one of the 4, one of the 12, one of the 24, are all times.
Do all incidences of look!
Do all accounts in the old testament which are referenced in the new testament
1 After these things the King, Ahasuerus magnified Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and proceeded to exalt him and to put his throne above all the other princes that were with him.
2 And all the king's servants that were in the king's gate were bowing low and prostrating themselves to Haman, for so the king had commanded respecting him. But as for Mordecai, he would neither bow low nor prostrate himself.
3 And the king's servants who were in the king's gate began to say to Mordecai: Why are you sidestepping the king's commandment?
4 And it came about that, as they talked to him day by day, and he did not listen to them, then they told Haman to see whether Mordecai's affairs would stand; for he had told them that he was a Jew.
5 Now Haman kept seeing that Mordecai was not bowing low and prostrating himself to him, and Haman became filled with rage.
6 But it was despicable in his eyes to lay hand upon Mordecai alone, for they had told him about Mordecai's people; and Haman began seeking to annihilate all the Jews who were in all the realm of Ahasuerus,
Mordecai's people.
7 In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the 12th year to the King Ahasuerus,
someone cast Pur, that is, the Lot, before Haman from day to day and from month to month, [to] the 12th, that is, the month Adar.
8 And Haman proceeded to say to the King Ahasuerus. There is one certain people scattered and separated among the peoples in all the jurisdictional districts of your realm; and their laws are different from all other people's, and the king's own laws they are not performing, and for the king it is not appropriate to let them alone.
9 If to the king it does seem good, let there be a writing that they be destroyed; and 10,000 silver talents I shall pay into the hands of those doing the work by bringing [it] into the king's treasury [10,000 Kings to join Laodicea].
10 At that the king removed his signet ring from upon the hand of him and gave it to Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, harassing the Jews.
11 And the king went on to say to Haman: The silver is given to you, also the people, to do with them according to what is good in your own eyes.
12 The king's secretaries were then called in the first month on the 13th day of it, and writing went on according to all that Haman commanded the king's satraps and the governors who were over the different jurisdictional districts, and the princes of the different peoples, of each jurisdictional district, in its own style of writing, and each people in its own tongue; in the name of the King, Ahasuerus
it was written and it was sealed with the king's signet ring.
13 And there was a sending of the letters by means of couriers to all the king's jurisdictional districts, to annihilate, to kill and to destroy all the Jews, young man as well as old man, little ones and women, on one day, on the 13th [day] of the 12th month, that is, the month Adar, and to plunder the spoil of them.
14 A copy of the writing to be given as law in all the different jurisdictional districts was being published to all the peoples, [for them] to become ready for this day.
15 The couriers themselves went out, being moved to speed because of the king's word, and the law itself was given in Shushan the castle.
As for the king and Haman, they sat down to drink; but as for the city of Shushan, it was in confusion. (Esther 3 )
TAIPEI, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Taiwan's military on Tuesday fired warning shots at a Chinese drone which buzzed an islet controlled by Taiwan near the Chinese coast, a military spokesperson said.
The drone headed back to China after the shots were fired, the spokesperson said. It was the first time warning shots have been fired in such an incident.
- https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-fires-warning-shots-chinese-drone-near-offshore-island-2022-08-30/
600 chariots from 2021Sivan10 to 2022Shebat10 the end of earthly interaction chariots for s.
Rev 16 7 vials 7 plagues redo.
1600 stadia
56x of fallen concubine early Laodicean Passover entry
2022Elul10 teach.
timetable cute fit.
2022Shebat5/8/14 perhaps just 2022Shebat - done
2022Elul4 - done
2022Elul25/26 - 2022Heshvan26 - done
2021Heshvan14 - 2021Chislev30. - done
2022Chislev29 - done
2023Tammuz29 - done
2023Ab10 - done (via dunghill)
2022Chislev23 - done
2022Shebat28/29/30 another case for 2022Shebat. - done
2022Chislev20/24 - done
2022Adar 14 (little horn) - done
10 diadems (for 2022Tishri14) - done
2020Tammuz19 - 2020Tammuz26 - OK
2022Tammuz29 - done
2022Ab6 - done
2023Sivan3 - done
Hoover bag, bin liners fairy.
30 pieces of silver from 1992Elul11 to 2022Elul11?? A 30 year betrayal organised by Dan Sydlik. He said he would deal with me, and nobody else could for 30 years in return for not being thrown off the body and he /his wife getting 30 years salary/expenses whatever.
begins 2022Chislev24, because these are the ones coming out of the . So lasts 222x NOPE.
Non adamic bodies are not under a death sentence. So they themselves cannot kill us. Our immune system has to win against every pathogen.
47 While he was yet speaking, look! a crowd, and the [man] called Judas, one of the 12, was going before them; and he approached to kiss him.
48 But said to him: Judas, do you betray the Son of man with a kiss? (Luke 22 )
Yes in the case of Judas, identifying . No in the case of Gordon, whose procreative power they abused with no kiss, just as did with Eve, whereas Adam did kiss her.
They took my baptism but not one of my words ever reached the ears of any regular or Laodicean. They were all offered to Baal (the governing body first) food offered to idols. Then some of that edited food was fed to Laodicea..
Satanism is control with no love, it is sex without a kiss. It is a betrayal of love. So the betrayal is no kiss. The extent of the betrayal is 30 pieces of silver, 30 years from 1992Elul11 to 2022Elul11. Kissing refusal began on 1992Elul11 (the weekly Sabbath) or thereabouts. The governing body meets on a Wednesday.1992Elul15/16. So the kissing starts on 2022Elul15/16, the appointment of as Caesar.
My mouth did kiss their ears. But they took our understandings and reworded them to suit their power game with God..
12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed And you may not perish [from] the way, For his anger flares up easily. Happy are all those taking refuge in him. son. (Psalms 2 )
https://www.reddit.com/r/JehovahsWitnesses/comments/7qnuck/daniel_sydlik_caused_a_suicide_because_of/ 1995June he committed suicide.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Franz Purge of 75ers with Ray dfd in 1982. GB from 1971-1980.
1 When it had become morning, all the chief priests and the older men of the people held a consultation against so as to put him to death.
2 And, after binding him, they led him off and handed him over to Pilate the governor.
3 Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing he [Gordon] had been condemned, felt remorse and turned the 30 silver pieces back to the chief priests and older men [giving control over the kissing etc back to the GB],
4 saying: I sinned when I betrayed righteous blood. They said: What is that to us? You must see to that!
5 And having thrown the silver pieces into the temple [Laodicea began on 2005Tebbeth18] he withdrew, and having gone off, he hanged himself [dying on 2006Nisan20. 3x sentence count from 2005Tebbeth18].
6 But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said:
It is not lawful to drop them into the sacred treasury, because they are the price of blood [the 30 year price one has to pay before becoming Isaaic].
7 After consulting together, they bought with them the potter's field to bury strangers. (Matthew 27 ) The potter is God. The remoulding is man who is a stranger to Adam a foreigner to Adam and to Cain. A hidden buried church. Dan died in 2006, so the GB took over Laodicea from then onwards.
So the treasury was adamic Laodicea, the potter's field is Laodicea. the entire process is 30 silver pieces a piece for a year.
2020Elul10 - 2020Tishri10
2020Tishri - 2020Heshvan
2020Tammuz26 - 2020Ab24
2022Tebbeth26 - 2022Shebat24
1997Nisan - done
1997Sivan - done
2005Tishri2 - done
2012Ab14 - done
2004Nisan14 - done
2000Tishri2 - done
2000Heshvan21 - done
Mouth has teeth + tongue so it 33 for humans.
Moved end of Adam and 12 crop forward so 1st crop does have water from installed throne.
Jubilee stuff. BRILLO.
Payment reference :6888417678 Speeding fine paid on September17. £215 Sept1 email from court.
Pay tax Monday.
Good news not yet preached Mark14 300 Denarii U112.
1600 stadia
Non adamic Sodom U154.
7 as Sodom and Gomorrah and the about them cities, the like manner to these (ones) [cities] having committed uber-fornication and having gone off after/behind flesh different [of the 2 angels - flesh], they are lying before [us as] an example of fire age-lasting justice having undergone. (Jude 1 )
2023Chislev14 for the end of Adam the Jubilee month from 2014Ab13-15, when we became Isaaic seen from the 6 days of the working week on each of which people come to be cured, baptised on 2022Elul28 (September27 02:20) 150 days of overwhelming baptism of Genesis 8 from 2022Tishri5 to 2022Adar5 all in the working week between the Sabbaths on 2022Elul and 2023Nisan. But 450 prophets of Baal means we have to move the end of Sodom to 2022Elul14. NOPE. You do not have to come on each working day. You just have to come on them rather than Sabbaths. So you must not come on a Sabbath to be cured. The 3rd is not cured [qerapeuw] by the . And they do not have to come in 2022Elul. They have to come on more than one weekday, more than one weekmonth.
70 palm trees, Revelation 5 and 7.
18 years of woman bent double are accurate to the year.
24 cows of Elijah's ploughing.
Tishri7/10 600 chariots
1990Iyyar14 (1st Watchtower Passover that Gordon attended) - 2001Iyyar14 (1st Passover) - 2023Heshvan14 (the end of )
New 70 weeks !!
Matthew 28:19-20 is yet to be fulfilled.
circumcision on 8th year after becoming
Tishri18, Tishri27, Heshvan4, Heshvan10
U367 12 weeks
Tax Luke 23:2
leaves in the midst of contest noon - proves 2015Ab14 is correct.
2019Tishri15 - done
1999Tishri2/Heshvan21 - done
2015Tammuz16/Elul5 - done
2015Tishri16/Chislev5 - done
2022Iyyar14 - 2022Sivan14. - done
2018Adar20 - done
5211 - done
5246 - done
Kingdom - done
11780 just that para - done
2015Tammuz14 - done
2015Tammuz15 - done
2022Tammuz15 - done
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21 - done
2005Iyyar14 - done
2006Iyyar14 - done
2001Heshvan14 - done
2005Shebat10 = 2005Tebbeth15 - done
Queen of Sheba came from the ends of the earth, the end of reverted Laodicea?
2022Elul16 - done
2022Shebat16 - done
2022Heshvan - done
2022Chislev27 - done
2022Adar5 - done
2022Adar2 - done
2023Iyyar10 - done
2022Shebat14 - done
2022Shebat21 - done
2023Nisan9 - done
2021Tammuz and 2021Sivan - 2021Ab4 - done
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2012Sivan14 is 2020Heshvan14,
the 4th marriage Passover execution
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2015Ab14 is 2023Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover execution
For a perfect mirror everything should be 38 months behind.
Perhaps move the end of Adam and the 12 crops one month forward. We do not move 2015Ab14 or the activities of the saints. but maybe needs to be full installed as Caesar over everybody before the 1st crop??
2019Tishri17, the ark comes to a rest upon reappointed Laodicea. 2022Chislev17,
the ark comes to a rest upon the secular administration of fallen reverted Laodicea on the 17th day of the 7th month of the Nisan1/Sivan1 sacred year. 38 month mirror.
Put the 7 days in the baptism method.
Sheep and Goats
163 count of the great crowd of Revelation7.
4x of cutting Watchtower down from 2019Heshvan14.
4th horseman 3 days.
' hour of John2. U85 and U112#23
Trump fixes it in time as does winter.
Both emails are cool.
28 days from 12 to 144 to 144k
Dave baptism Card and step graphic
Naaman 652
Johan 251
Look at 10 virgins - there is more.
30 pieces of silver from 2003Chislev2 to 2006Sivan14 when the gold started entering into Laodicea
These are a 3x of the 4 jars of 1Kings18. From 2022Chislev4 to 2022Adar4.
Citizens, Priests, Kings
, ,
= : Serpent Angelic Covenant = Demonic Angelic Covenant are those who are born again demonically, the serpents, the offspring of the vipers.
VCC: Viper Church Covenant are satanic priests, they are the corruptors of mankind, they advocate and entice people into conscience defiling and hating/attacking/damaging/killing their brother
CSC: Seed Covenant are the corrupted of mankind, those who have defiled their consciences, or killed their brother unjustly as Cain did, or abused love to the point of losing it.
Who gives the s their angel? Do the demons take it in turns to go to hell for them?
51 days of the outer gate of Ezekiel's temple of love testing from 2022Tebbeth28 to 2022Ab19. Are the 195 days of 's negotiation into the or the or Both? So it takes 50 days of love testing to enter into the in the outer courtyard of the temple. Maybe the OLC, the Omega Love Covenant?
Large stone letter was 1992Chislev1, the end of 40+40 days up the mountain from 1992Elul11. It declared that I was empowered under a covenant. 30 pieces of silver later precisely is 2022Chislev1.
9 Then what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying: And they took the 30 silver pieces, the price upon the man that was priced, the one on whom some of the sons of Israel set a price,
(Matthew 27 )
30 silver pieces, the price upon the man that was priced, is the same as 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel. Both are immediate repetitions of a number. So both are exact to the day.
Seek and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7)
If you seek her as silver and search for her as hidden treasure then you will understand the fear of and you will find the very knowledge of God (Proverbs 2:4-5)
1. Inner courtyard is 100x100 ours is not wide enough.
2. Porch side walls/pillars are 5 cubits wide of outside width is 21 cubits.
3. has a 10 cubit cut out entrance with 5 cubits of wall each side which is 6 cubits thick and does not add to the length of the building but joins the porch to the
4. Door to the , to the sanctuary as described in 41:23 is at the end of the porch and is 7 cubits wide and 6 cubits high. It has two 2 cubit square posts either side making the 11 cubit internal width of the porch.
5. Gates to the Porch is 3+3 cubits and 1 cubit thick at the start of the 5 cubits thick front porch wall with the 6 cubit cut out which does not extend the external length beyond 20 cubits
6. 15 dinning rooms on each side 4 cubits internal with say 1 cubit walls.
47 And he went measuring the [inner] courtyard. The length was 100 cubits, and the width 100 cubits, foursquare. And the altar was before the house.
48 And he proceeded to bring me into the porch of the house, and he went measuring the side pillar of the porch, 5 cubits on this side and 5 cubits on that side. And the width of the gate was 3 cubits on this side and 3 cubits on that side.
49 The length of the porch was 20 cubits, and the width 11 cubits. And by steps was how they would go up to it. And there were pillars by the side posts, one over here and one over there. (Ezekiel 40 )
Why did not become Caesar to after 2019Tishri15, the end of the Laodicean ?
cannot become Caesar to until he can become Caesar to all of . there is no appointment over half of . So the malediction on prevented him becoming Caesar over Laodicean until the end of the on 2022Tishri15, notwithstanding the end of the Laodicean on 2019Tishri15. could rapture the 3rd bride on 2019Tishri15, because he was already installed as Caesar in the ark prior to the end of the malediction over on earth.
The ark came to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat, meaning curse reversed. So one can ONLY enter into God's rest in the ark from the mountains of Ararat, which are church administrations of , Reappointed Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea. That is it. (Original Laodicea was too early).
Post on twitter 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22, 2022Shebat4-6 at 15:39 on 2022December5 (2022Chislev7). And uploaded this at 15:52.
2022Chislev5 to do
Kingdom Carmel
7-7-7 got latest.
There is only one Carmel for each fulfilment.
15 and 16 on 659.
7x of Isaiah30
1 And Moses answered and said, And, behold, they will not believe me and will not listen to my voice. For they will say, has not appeared to you.
2 And said to him, What [is] this in your hand?
And he said, A staff.
3 And He said, Throw it to the ground. And he threw it to the ground, and it became a snake. And Moses fled before it.
4 And said to Moses, Send out your hand and take it by the tail. And he sent out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand;
5 so that they may believe that the God of their fathers has appeared to you, the God of , the God of , and the God of .
6 And said to him again, Now put your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom, and he brought it out, and,
behold, his hand [was] leprous like snow.
7 And He said, Put your hand back into your bosom. And he put his hand back into his bosom, and he brought it out from his bosom; and,
behold, it had turned like his flesh!
8 And it shall be, if they will not believe you and will not listen to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the latter sign.
9 And it shall be, if they will not believe these two signs also, and will not listen to your voice, you shall take of the water of the Nile and pour [it on] the dry land. And the water which you take from the Nile shall become blood on the dry land.
10 And Moses said to , O Lord, I [am] not a man of words, either from yesterday or the third day, nor since You have been speaking to Your bondslave. For I [am] heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue.
11 And said to him, Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the dumb, or the deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? [Is] it not I,
? (Exodus 4 )
Rod is the administration of Laodicea. Snake is the administration of fallen Laodicea after 2017Elul10. Reformed rod is the administration of reappointed Laodicea.
Clean hand is baptism for s in reappointed Laodicea from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10
Leprous hand is 2019Shebat10 to 2020Tammuz10, 5 months of uncleanness for s.
Fixed hand is 2020Sivan10 to 2020Heshvan14, 5 months of clean s in reverted Laodicea
Then water into blood is the 1st plague of Egypt AFTER 2022Chislev5/6, when is installed as Caesar over /Adam.
Literally God made man's mouth and dumb deaf, seeing blind. BUT in the greater meaning, today man does this through gene therapy such as RPE65 gene replacement for Leber Congenital Amaurosis, fixing congenital blindness and with vaccines.
This is a prophecy that vaccines will cause deafness, dumbness and blindness.
Because we are remaking ourselves genetically. The vaccines also cause mental blindness, spiritual blindness, academic blindness, logical blindness and deafness.
Pray that your flight does not occurs in winter and not on the Sabbath. For then there will be a .
begins on 2022Tebbeth24, the weekly Sabbath, the start of ark rapture. Then 2022Shebat is an Abrahamic Sabbath and 2023Nisan is an Isaaic Sabbath and winter ends at the vernal equinox on 2023March20 @ 21:13 (2022Adar23). All saints and priests (those in Judea) must flee into by 2022Tebbeth27, the end of the for earth dwellers. So is saying pray that your flight does not occur on 2022Tebbeth24 or 2022Shebat1 to 2022Shebat30 WW3 begins on 2022Shebat4. Mark of the Beast enforcement begins on 2022Shebat4. So really its pray that your flight occurs before 2022Tebbeth24/Shebat1. ..
Tribulation of those days was Covid.
From [83]
163-160 or bethzatha - done
2020Tishri16 - done
2023Sivan2 - 2023Sivan1 - done
24x - 18x - done
2022Adar4 - done
gifts of the spirit
Heshvan1 secular year
Heshvan1 year.
absolute end of Adam
1st death passover.
2022Chislev20 - done
2022Chislev5 - done
2022Chislev24 - done
2022December9/10 - done
2022December17-20 - done
2022Iyyar14 - 2022Sivan14.
2022Chislev24 - done
2022Chislev26- done
2022Chislev29- done
2020Tishri26 - done
2020Tishri29 - done
2021Ab26 - done
2021Ab29 - done
2022Tebbeth24 - 2023Nisan22 except
2022Shebat7 - 2023Nisan20 - 2023Iyyar5 - done
2022Heshvan24 - done
2023Iyyar9 - done
2023Iyyar25 - done
2023Sivan9 - 2023Sivan15 - done
2015Adar21 - 2015Shebat21 - done
2015Tebbeth2/Adar21 - 2015Tebbeth2/Shebat21 - done
2023Nisan8 - done
2023Sivan7 - done
2021Elul4 - done
2021Elul14 - done
2019Shebat10/Adar10 - done
2022Tebbeth done to [7]
2022Tebbeth4 - done
2022Tebbeth5 - done for this page
2022Tebbeth9 - done
2022Tebbeth10 - done for this page
2022Tebbeth11 - done for this page
2022Tebbeth12 - done for this pate
2022Tebbeth17 - done for this page
2020Heshvan11 - done for this page
2021Elul11 - done for this page
.777 - done for this page
Elijah passes over - done for this page
Bible Linguistics
Matthew 24:22 no flesh would saved - not all [chosen] flesh would be saved (because they would not be able to finish their testing and be sealed)
Haggai 2:18 PALACE of not temple.
2022Chislev29 to 2022Adar29=2023Nisan5, 3x of Isaaic baptism of the trench with the 2 measures of seed (4 jars poured 3x).
2022Chislev29 - 2023Sivan9: 160 days of Bethzatha from the start to the end of the at the end of the ascension of the s (who chose their priests).
4 water jars of the Tetramenos of John4, is 2022Chislev29-2022Adar29 AND 2023Iyyar9 to 2023Sivan9 (one of the 10 lepers). No baptism from 2023Nisan5 to 2023Iyyar9 due to marriages.
Verse 30: 7x
Verse 31: 12x+12x = 24x
Verse 32: 12x+4x = 16x.
Total 7x+24x+16x = 47x from 2022Chislev29, when all people approach Elijah4 at the start of the Isaaic baptism, to 2022Shebat16, the start of the baptism of the 3rd .
Verse 33: 1x+3x+1x+3x = 8x of preparation from 2022Chislev21-29.
Mid point of Bethzatha is 2022Adar19, the start of the 195 days of /// entry to 2023Tishri4 of 's negotiation of Genesis18..
2022Chislev29 is the 4th Sabbath of Weeks of the Chislev1 secular year in the 2nd secularly unopposed month of Solomon's reign from 2022Tishri14, the end of the Dragon's divine secular authority as Caesar over Adam and Cain.
2022Chislev24, 12 springs of Elim to 2022Tebbeth6, 40 palm trees to 2022Shebat16, 30 palm trees from 2023Iyyar9-2023Sivan9 making 70 palm trees after the 12th apostle is installed on 2022Tebbeth6.