Basics: Please read these sections in the order listed.
1 Millions of years of human
fossils reconciled with Genesis
2 A Quick Introduction to the Bible
3 The Bible
and its Translations
4 The Biblical Lunar Calendar
5 How Ages & Reigns are counted
5a There
is a God
6 What is a
7 The of for Adam
8 The Kingdom of
God and the Great Crowd
9 The
1st, 2nd and 3rd Covenants, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Abrahamic Covenants and the
10 The Law
was a sub covenant of the and the New Covenant is a sub covenant of the 3AC
and the
11 The
, for half a kingdom, the covenant of and of
12 What exactly is baptism?
13 The 4 baptisms of
the Flesh and the
14 The real 'Trinity'
is just God's family
14a What is the
14b Who was ?
15 The
4 cups of the
the Last Supper
16 The Date of
Armageddon without using the Code
16a The Dates of
' birth and death
Logical Pathways and One Step Thinking
The First Level: Once you have grasped the basics, then please read these sections in the order listed.
The 7th Generation
31 The Date of
Armageddon from the Times Principle of the Code
32 The 7 Mediators and
Submediators of the , the and the
33 The 2 Presences
and the 6 related comings of the Christ
33a ,
Coming, Lawlessness, , Coming, Manifestation
34 The 4 Slaves of the Master in
the 2 Presences, 4 True Christian Religions appointed by
35 Matthew 25: The parable of the slaves given the talents
36 Luke 19: The 10 slaves the 10 minas and the 10 cities
37 The application of the 7 stars and the 7 lampstands to
the Lord's day
38 Ephesus, Smyrna,
Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia
39 The
Symbolic Meaning of
the Last Supper
40 1 Chronicles 21 & 2 Samuel 24: The 3 times of the
Temple Times, the 1.1 million days and the 7 temples
41 The Fundamental Pattern
42 Further incidences of the
43 25% Survive Armageddon and 75% do not
44 Joy
for the Born Agains and comfort for the Trinitarians
45 What
is Worship and How should we do it?
46 Did
the commit adultery with the virgin Mary?
The Next Level: Once you have grasped the First Level, then you can read the sections in any order, you should be OK !
Gospel Sections
60 John 10: The
Doorkeeper and the 2 Flocks
61 The Rich Man and Lazarus
62 4 Apostles leave or mend their nets
63 The Sower of Matthew 13, Mark 4 & Luke 8
64 Who is the antetypical Judas Iscariot?
65 The 10 Virgins of Matthew 25
66 Matthew 13: The Dragnet
67 The 4 feedings of the 5,000 and the 2 feedings of the 4,000
68 The 4 Gospels relate to
the 4 True Religions. There are only 4 Gospels and 5 books of Psalms making 70
69 The Leaven in 3 Seah's
of flour
70 The Wheat and the Weeds
71 The Phoenician Woman and
her demonised daughter
72 Give us a sign of the
73 The First Rock and the
Rock Mass
74 4 Drachmas Temple Tax
75 The young child stood
in the midst of the church
76 The parable of Star
Trek III
Chronological Sections
90 Ancient Calendars
91 The Chronology from
Solomon to Zedekiah
92 Saul David & Solomon
93 The 450 years of
Acts 13
94 The Chronology of Judges
95 The Chronology from to the
96 Chronology of early Genesis, from Adam to
97 Jehoiakim’s
accession and the 7800 day famine in Jerusalem of Ezekiel 4
98 The 20th year of
Artaxerxes I was 455 BC
99 Evidence for 604 being the
first regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar
100 The Midst Prophecy
101 The Master Chronology of God’s people from Adam to
102 Timetables for the Kingdom
of God
103 The Monthly Sabbath System of
120 John Brown's Gentile
Times and 1914
121 Leviticus 26: The
122 Leviticus 26: The
Two 70 year exiles of Judah and Israel
123 The Daniel 4 Determination of the
124 The Third Determination Of The
125 One giant leap for mankind - The historical path
taken to realise that the
has two parallels being the loss of only one
of the 3
rights/blessings of members of God’s family.
126 The 3 blessings for God’s children and the 3 rights of
the firstborn
127 The Family under Law
128 The
129 The Festival of weeks and the 7 times of the Alienation
130 The Sabbath and the Jubilee debt release and the 7 times
of the Alienation times
131 The
Ground is cursed due to Adam and baptised in the
132 The
133 Genesis 4: The length of the
134 The 3 Annual Festivals and the 3 Maledictions
135 The 3 Maledictions of Balaam
Sections on Daniel, Revelation and Armageddon
150 The 70 'sevens' of Daniel 9
151 Revelation 1,4,5,6,7: The
one sitting upon the throne, the lamb, the 7 Seals & the 4 Horsemen of the
152 Daniel 12: The 10 resurrections of the remnant
153 The first and last century fulfilments of the 1290 and
1335 days
154 Genesis 18: The 150 days of Armageddon
155 The Society’s 1290 days does not work & their 1335
days do not fit: For ’s
156 Daniel 7: The lion the bear the leopard and
terrible beast
157 Daniel 8: The ram the goat and the 2300 evenings and
158 Revelation 13 & 17: Earth born & Sea born
wild beasts & an image: The meanings of 666
159 Revelation 17: 2 Harlots, 2 wild beasts
160 The New
Covenant Saints ransom the Great Crowd: The 1365 days & the ransom of numbers 3
161 The first century fulfilment of the 1365 days
162 The second modern day fulfilment of the 1365 days
163 The Structure of Armageddon
164 Daniel 5: Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin
165 Revelation 12: 2 Women, 2 Flights to the Wilderness, 2 Sons
166 Revelation 14: 7
Angels in all
167 Daniel 2: The
Christian congregation
168 2 Peter 3: The Lord's
day and the Day of the God
Sections on Baptisms and Covenants
190 How one is born again and How one is
191 John 5: Bethzatha, The 5 Colonnades, The Intermission
Times, The Nethinim
192 Matthew 20: 5 Calls to work in the householder’s
193 Acts 10,11: the 96 times of the four baptisms of the 4
194 2 Chronicles 29: 60 times of sanctification under
et al
195 Jeremiah 52, 1 Kings 7, 2 Kings 25, 2 Chronicles 3,4: 96 Pomegranates to
196 Disfellowshipping from God’s Family
197 Faith perfected works
and Works perfected faith
198 The baptism of Cornelius, into the name of the father
and the son
199 & , Two other new covenants
200 The 4 tablets of the covenant
201 Malachi 4: The 4 ’s
202 The Sanctification of the Great Crowd
203 The
into Moses
204 The method of baptising
205 Mesopotamia
206 The two groups of
144,000 standing on mount
207 John 4: Living Water
208 John 21: The 2nd New
209 The 3 Christian
210 The Symbolic Drama of
Genesis 16
General Interest Sections
220 Historical
Evidence for the Flood of Noah
221 Evolution & Creation: Darwin's
Finches may all be in the same species
223 What is a Cult ?
224 How the Nations Descended from
Noah and the 120 year max human lifespan from Josephus
225 The Role of John the Baptist in God's
227 The Politics of Reversing Babel
228 Isaiah 1,2,3:
Nations will stream to the
mountain of the house of
not the
mountain of the house of David
229 John the Baptist was
C12.1 Sir Newton's arguments against
the Trinity
C12.2 The History of the English Bible
231 The way the truth and the life
232 Relative submission and the sacred secret police
233 The 7 FDS presidents of the first
234 The Munrose
Hypothesis: A Brief History of Light - The date of the Big Bang from Genesis 1
235 960 year, 480 year, 240 year and 120 year old humans
236 Genesis 3: The heavenly and earthly rebellions
237 Matthew 24, Mark
13: Concerning that day and hour, nobody knows
238 Were
there any extra pre adamic humans in the ark ?
239 3
Days of
worship for the sons of Israel
240 The 6
appearances of the Christ to his disciples after his resurrection
241 The True
Meaning of Christmas
242 has
already been abyssed for several periods of 1,000 years
243 Decoding John
1:1 and
244 How Adam and Eve
were created
245 17 attempts to
prophesy the date of the expansion of the permanent membership of the .
246 The Watchtower
joined the UN for 10 years in secret, the Harlot rode the Beast
247 The UN accepted
the Watchtower as an associated NGO on January 28th 1992 - This was the
transgression that causes desolation to them of Daniel 8, it was the placing of
the disgusting thing that causes desolation of Daniel 12, Matthew 24 and Mark
248 The Revealing,
the and the month of
249 The sons of
Israel crossed the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba and Mount Sinai is in Arabia
The Prophets
270 Isaiah 30: The Twin
Towers and the last 7 years
271 's Bull
Technical Sections
300 Ezra 7&8: The Return From Babylon the Great to
Heavenly Jerusalem
501 The two registrations of Israel in
302 Genesis 37: Joseph is sold into slavery
303 Genesis 29: Jacobs' marriage to and
304 Genesis 41: 7 fat cows beside 7 thin cows
505 The 12 Comings of the Christ
506 The 5/6 earthly identities of , and
507 The 390 year error of
Israel and the 40 year error of Judah
508 Manna from Heaven
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