The Lords Witnesses... The Research Church... The Non Adamic Church... Zoar... The True Bible Code... End Time Morality & Chronology... The Departure Lounge for the Ark... The Edenic Restoration Church... Fundamental Truths affecting all humanity more and more each day which Satan has successfully hidden using 'credibility' 

  God will save everyone with faith in him under test (Genesis12, Hebrews11: 1st law salvation). Not just Christians. He will save Jews, Muslims, etc., even non religious people, everyone with tested faith in the God of Abraham.
  God will save everyone with humanity under test (Matthew25: 2nd law salvation), whether they have faith or not. For love is greater than faith (1Corinthians 13:13) 
  Christians only have a monopoly on the Kingdom priesthood, not on salvation. 
  A worshipper of God is a trainee God
  We are all human angelic hybrids (Deuteronomy 31:2, Luke 8:55)
  We will all eventually be saved, become angels, gain eternal life and then become Gods. Because like begets like and we are God's children and because love never fails not in God and not in us. We shall all follow Jesus Christ to divinity.
  Hell is for those 25% of us with neither humanity nor faith (Revelation6:8). It is a temporary sin bin not a permanent torture chamber and not a permanent death
  We deduced the above from 33 years of bible research starting from 1991Shebat21 when we 1st saw the 7x360 year malediction of the Exedenic Times between Eden and the Promised land from Genesis4. In 1823 the Presbyterian minister Rev John Aquila Brown realised that the 7x malediction on Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel4 stood for a 7x360=2520 year malediction on Jesus' secular rulership of his people. In 1991 Gordon realised that the 7x malediction on Cain in Genesis4 stood for a 7x360 = 2520 year malediction upon Mankind denying them access to a Promised land. He also realised that the phase '7 times' could be taken to mean 7x360 = 2520 years (or indeed nx360 years to mean nx360 years) in any scripture. Gordon realised that Brown's substitution was just a small specific part of a more general code. The final decoding of God's book, according to the true symbolic, grammatical, numeric and cryptic code of the bible had begun. This is NOT the fake equidistant Hebrew Letter Skip code of Michael Drosnin and Eli Rips that got all the publicity and all the satanic credibility from the media becoming a New York Times best seller. Because nobody makes a fake in the absence on an original. Indeed it is the purpose of a fake to hide the original. The decoding in this website is that original, dating back to 1823 in the Case of Brown and further back to Isaac Newton's observations on the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of John, and further back still to the Jewish decoder Philo of Alexandria who was a contemporary of Jesus. He saw many of the elements of the holy code in which the scriptures are written. Jesus explained parts of the symbolic code to his disciples and Joseph explained parts of the numerical code wherein an animal stands for a year and a basket stands for a day to Pharaoh. The disciples were fascinated by the explanation of 2 parables. Pharaoh was convinced by the explanation of 2 dreams that were but one. But how one gets modern man interested in the hundreds of such explanations adorning this website in the absence of satanic status we do not know. Suggestions: help at lordswits dot com.

The secular apocalypse of Revelation6 has begun. The 4 horses and horsemen represent the various methods that Satan uses to attempt to wipe mankind out quickly. The 1st secular horseman is the WHO, riding the white horse of our national medical administrations (the perfect cover for a genocide). The LWs predict from the 2nd horseman of Revelation 6:4 - see U151#6 and from Daniel 7:6 - see U156, that the (BRICS) Leopard of Daniel7 will start an unrighteous war in 2024Adar/VeAdar (2025Feburary4-2025April5) - from the 12 month sentence count of Daniel7:6. Presumably China attacks Taiwan for control of AI chips before Trump can get his feet properly under the desk. Mind you Trump47, upon inauguration, cut the 1st head off the globalist sea beast of Revelation13, which has no eagle components in its body, by removing the present world's reserve currency, the US Dollar, from globalist control - see U151#13

1911 And I saw upon the right [hand] of the [one] seated upon the throne a little-book having been written within and on the backside, sealed down by 7 seals (Revelation 5 LWT)

1 And I saw when opened up the Lamb 1 out of the 7 seals, and I heard of 1 out of the 4 living [creatures] saying as to voice of thunder Be thee coming and be thee seeing.
2 And I saw, and look! horse white, and the (one) sitting upon it having bow, and was given to him crown, and he went out conquering and in order that he might conquer.
3 And when he opened up the seal the 2nd, I heard of the 2nd living [creature] saying Be thee coming and be thee seeing [in Sinaiticus and Receptus and required by 1 out of 4 in verse 1].
4 And I saw, and look! went out another horse [a] fiery-red [one], and to the [one] sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth and in that place they will slaughter one another, and was given to him sword great.
5 And when he opened up the seal the 3rd, I heard of the 3rd living [creature] saying Be thee coming and be thee seeing. 
And I saw, and look! horse black, and the (one) sitting upon it having yoke in the hand of him.
6 And I heard [something] like [a] voice in midst of the four living [creatures] saying Choenix of wheat [out] of denarius, and 3 choenixes of barleys [out] of denarius; and the oil and the wine not thou should treat unrighteously.
7 And when he opened up the seal the 4th, I heard voice of the 4th living [creature] saying Be thee coming and be thee seeing .
8 And I saw, and look! horse greenish-yellow/pallid/bleached/fresh [cloroj], and the [one] sitting upon top of it name to him The Death, and the Hades was following with him, and was given to them authority upon the 4th [part] of the earth, to kill in long sword and in famine and in death/pestilence and by the beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6 LWT)

'I saw' is absent from verse 4 (in the Rescriptus, the Receptus and the Alexandrinus but not in the Sinaiticus) because the horse is not fiery red when it comes out. It is republican red only. It becomes fiery red when it gives to Trump47 authority to take peace out of the earth?
The apocalypse is the end of the lesson for mankind from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. It is therefore a revealing of all the bad of Satan AND all the good of Jehovah. Therefore each horse and each horseman has a good and a bad fulfilment, a sacred (salvational eternal morality) and a secular (extinction level anti-moral) fulfilment. Here they are...

Living [one] Inviting Group Invited to
Come and See
Secular HorsemanSecular HorseNumberSecular colour
Verse Symbolism Sentence count
and fulfilment
2020Ab15, 2020Elul22
2020Tishri20, 2020Heshvan18
World Health
Medical establishment 1st White = Medical Bow: Vax Syringe (poison darts are LNP cased mRNA)
Crown: Coronavirus
Conquest: Forcing Cainian Genetics by vaccine rape
20x: Months of US Federal Vaccine mandate
2021Elul29 (September9) to 2023May1 (Iyyar10).
HLCs Abrahamic 2NCs of the
1st and 2nd Seahs
D J Trump
(47th President)
119th Fiery-Red Congress 2nd Fiery red =
Warring Republican Red
Given to remove Peace: Congress OKs WW3
Slaughter one another: Mutually Assured Destruction
Sword Great: US military
12x: Months from Inauguration47 to WW3
From 2024Shebat15 (2025January20)
to 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14)
Abrahamic 2NCs Isaaic 2NCs of
the 3rd seah
Money: IMF, BIS, WB
Malevolent Financiers
Gates, Soros, Fink
The Shallow State
The Public Sectors
The Civil Services
3rd Black = Blocking the Sun
Hidden bribery
manufactured  famine
Yoke: Food distribution control
Wheat and Barley: Scarcity
Oil and Wine: Scarcity
13x and 30x ??: 
Isaaic 2NCs 4ECs
2025Tishri15-21 to
Satan2 (Cain) The Deep State
The Intel Services:
Demon possessed
until 2028Heshvan14
4th Chloros = Mustard gas
the first WMD and pallid
sick deathly complexion
Fake green agenda
Chloros: Mustard gas, the first WMD and Pallid health
4th of the earth: Loveless Faithless sons of Gehenna
Long Sword: WMDs
Beasts of the earth: Governments of the world
33¼x: 2025Shebat6/7 - 2028Heshvan14
From the Trigger for Great Tribulation
to the end of demon possession.

Living [one] Inviting Group invited by rapture
to Come and See
Sacred Horseman Sacred Horse NumberSacred colour
Verse Symbolism Sentence count
and fulfilment
3rd Holy Spirit Abrahamic 2NCs of the
1st and 2nd Seahs
Gordon Elijah4
Mediator of 2NC
ARC sealed 2NCs 1st White = ARC sealed
Righteous in spirit
Bow of Joseph, the dreamer: This website and
@lordswits on X and fax and email campaigns
Crown: Under Jesus over the 2NCs
Conquest: Of humans for the Kingdom of God
20x: Months of Ark based Elijah4
Abrahamic 2NCs Isaaic 2NCs of
the 3rd seah
2NCs mediating
the 4EC baptism
4EC baptised LWs 2nd Fiery Red = 
Judged under 4EC law
Baptised in ICC blood
Given to remove Peace: LWs are exclusive for Rapture
Slaughter one another: By non adamic restoration
Sword Great: Non adamic gene zap blessing:
Death - Hades - Non adamic Resurrection on 3rd day
12x: 12 month 4EC ark rapture
2025Tishri15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21
Isaaic 2NCs Sealed 4ECs (CRCs)
2025Tishri15-21 to
the 1AC blessing
1AC blessed LWs 3rd Black = Unrighteous to law
(Righteous by faith
if FRC sealed)
Yoke: 4EC and 1AC and OMC LW law
Wheat and Barley: LW and pre LW interpretations
Oil and Wine: Priesthood and Kings
13x and 30x ??
4ECs Sealed 1ACs (FRCs)
Elijah4 and 1ACs mediating
the OMC blessing
OMC blessed LWs 4th Chloros = Chlorine
Cleansed by 2nd law love
Chloros: Cleansed by 2nd law love, made Fresh
4th of the earth: OMC
Beasts of the earth: Regional LW administrations
33¼x:  ??191

82HorsemanHorseNumberRide startRide endRide purpose
The Word Health
The Medical
1st 2021Elul29
2023May1 (2023Iyyar10): End of the 20 month US Federal vaccine mandate from 2021Elul29 (September9). Genetic Abuse: The Bill and Melissa Gates foundation and Bill Gates' GAVI initiative, together are the largest funder of the WHO, larger than every single national funder: The hidden purpose of the genetic vaccines is to give the Demons the same kind of control over human hardware as Gates already has over PC hardware. The demons are authorised to rape genetically mankind for the 42 months of Revelation 13:5
D J Trump
(47th President)
119th Fiery-Red
War minded
Republican Congress
2nd 2024Shebat24
On 2025January29 (2024Shebat24) Trump signed the first act of the 119th congress. That was the horse coming out - fiery red. He was inaugurated as the 47th and given the great Sword of the US military as commander in chief on 2024Shebat15 (2025January20) by constitution. WW3 begins on 2025Shebat20/21 He rides until his rapture, when he may relinquish his presidency.   War: Donald J. Trump has the job of staving off WW3 as long as he can, and until the saints are all raptured. Then staving off nuclear war until all the FRCs are raptured on 2028Heshvan21. Congress gives him authority to take peace out of the earth for WW3. If he does not get raptured and is still president on 2028Chislev4 (2028November25/26) he will lead the US in nuclear war.
Wild Beast
of Revelation 13
UN 3rd 2025Iyyar21
13 months to 2026Sivan. Then 30 months of bad famine due to WW3 etc., to 2028Chislev4, the start of nuclear war. Famine: Caused by the horse of the public sectors (mainly of the G20 states) fronted by the World Economic Forum rationing perhaps through the United Nations. The speaking Image of the beast is the CBDCs, smart money linked to your social credit score, which causes you to be killed by financial exclusion if you resist.
Satan2 (Cain) Intelligence Services (demon possessed until 2028Heshvan14) 4th 2025Shebat6/7
2028Heshvan14: From the trigger for the Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7, to the end of demon possession. Death: The Genocide of some of the 25% of mankind who were going to be killed by the lava flood anyway, the faithless & loveless, by WMDs (long sword), Plague and Government Brutality (wild beasts)82

82HorsemanHorseNumberRide startRide endRide purpose
Gordon Elijah4
Mediator of 2NC
ARC sealed 2NCs 1st 2024VeAdar20
2026Heshvan5 (2026October20/21): End of conquering through Isaaic 4EC baptism. End of 20 month ride. Scriptural Truth: After Completing the End Times chronology of the 501st main prediction, baptise the Kingdom saints and priests and deliver the apocalypse: But having stolen 2½ tribes of 2NCs. The Laodiceans are bound by God's law to repay 5x, with 12½ tribes of 2NCs. So they collect the 2NCs into the ark. They do, in the ark, the evangelism that the LWs failed to do. The truth is delivered by earth based then ark based bible researchers and by ark based whistleblowers.
2NCs mediating
the 4EC baptism
4EC baptised LWs 2nd 2025Tishri15-21
to 2026Tishri15-21
12 months of CRC ark rapture. War: The LWs (Isaaic Zoar) have an exclusive on the ark rapture of the unsanctified CRC sealed 4EC Kingdom priests, the faithful FRC sealed 1ACs and the loving LRC sealed OMCs. That will cause a war with all other churches and religions none of which have been chosen by God for his final salvation vehicle.
the 1AC blessing
1AC blessed LWs 3rd 2026Heshvan15-21
Then 2028Chislev14-16 to 2029Iyyar14-16, 6 months of FRC salvation during the Accepting year of Isaiah61, making 30 months of the sentence count of verse6. Famine: The power, scope and loving brilliance of  LW interpretations (even the false ones) will eventually show up the food of all other churches and religions as past its expiry date. But who really joins a church due to the size of its pearl?
Elijah4 and
1ACs mediating
the OMC blessing
OMC blessed LWs 4th 2029Sivan14-16
Then 2029Heshvan21 to 2033Iyyar14. This is the final 3½ year ministry of Jesus to Abraham and constructive Abraham (1ACs and OMCs). Death: The OMC baptism and non adamic Yeshuaian conversion of the 25% of mankind who enter into the OMC for LRC testing.  They re killed by the long sword of non adamic restoration (dying to Adam or Cain and being resurrected out of Hades to non adamic Yeshua on the 3rd day). They are also killed by the regional congregations, the beasts of burden of Zoar82

The fiery red horse of the apocalypse of Revelation 6 'came out' on 2024Shebat24 (2025January29 Wednesday afternoon) when Trump47 signed the first act of his presidency into law. This was an external action by congress and the president. The horse therefore must now be fiery republican red. It is certainly  very passionately republican congress. But it will become fiery in the war like sense in 2024Adar/VeAdar from Daniel 7:6. Which means that The BRICS11 Leopard beast of Daniel 7:6 starts to make unjustified war in 2024Adar/VeAdar (2025February4-2025April5). This presumably means that China invades Taiwan before 2025April5.

The Greater Registration for Satan as Caesar of Luke2 (Digital IDs) began in Vietnam and in Kuwait on 2025January1

I have a national insurance number. I have a Passport number. I have a driving licence number. All 3 of those numbers uniquely identify me. There is therefore absolutely no need for me to have 4th uniquely identifying number in the form of a Digital ID. So what is the purpose of these impositions? What problem do they solve? The answer is that all 3 of my present unique ID numbers were assigned to me by the government in order that I could benefit from NHS healthcare, be permitted to drive and be able to travel abroad. Without a National Insurance number NHS healthcare could be denied (In theory). Without a Passport number international travel is denied and without a driving licence number, driving is denied.

I already have bank account numbers and credit card numbers for buying and selling. The purpose of a Digital ID will become a financial transaction licence number. It will govern whether or not I can make a financial transaction. It will give me or deny me the right to buy or sell. Ir will become a financial transaction licence. It is a direct fulfilment of Revelation13:16-17.

16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones], that they should give these a mark [Social credit score] in their right hand [works] or upon their forehead [thoughts],
17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark [Social credit score], the name of the wild beast [the authority of the financial sea beast] or the number of its name [your digital ID Registration number] (Revelation 13 NWT).

But there is more. We have all been banking for years without a Digital ID. But we shall now be compelled by governments and banks to choose to Register for one. This is in fact registering to keep Satan as our Caesar and rejecting Jesus as our Caesar. Of course hardly anybody realises that. And there is the deception. But this is the greater registration of all the earth of Luke2, that Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem to comply with.

The Greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus is made. The Mark Registration DECREE must occur in August (Julian, i.e. on or before 2025September13 Gregorian). Because Caesar Augustus (not Septemberus or Octoberus) decreed the entire Roman world should get registered in Luke2 and because Mike's dream had the pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession.

1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius [of the supreme master from kurioj] was governor of Syria
3 and all people went travelling to be registered, each one to his own city [Ark city OR Mark city at the same time] (Luke 2).

We all know the story. But how many see the greater fulfilment? We have all had to register for driving licences and a passports. But we have never had to register for being a part of the financial world before. This registration is only necessary for Satan because his 6000 year lease as Caesar over mankind has expired. So he cannot rule over us without our consent. Today, we have a choice of Caesars. Jesus or Satan? Now Satan will make it appear that there is no choice at all and Digital IDs are just the latest trendy high tech convenience. But that is the brilliance of his deception. And even for those who see through that deception he will make it appear that they will be unable to feed their children unless they register. But when the crowds were hungry Jesus fed them miraculously in their 4000s and in their 5000s. And when the Jews entered into the wilderness Jehovah sent them manna, and quails. They did not starve. So choose wisely my brothers and sisters.

Hear ye all men and women of faith in the God of Abraham: The Lords Witnesses now have an exclusive on being born again and on non adamic edenic restoration

Everything Satan does, all the killing, all the politics, the war, the disease, the famine, the immorality, the lies and the deception is for the purpose of preventing us from undoing the damage he did to Adam and Eve in Eden. Jesus died to give us the opportunity to escape adamic ageing and death. The LWs can now mediate that escape which is essentially a 3 day gene zap by the 3rd Holy Spirit (the 3rd heaven of 2Corinthians12:2). But you have to seize that opportunity. You must choose it out of faith in God (the 1st law) or out of love for mankind (the 2nd law) in order to defeat the damage he did and is still doing every day to our race. 

The Lords Witnesses are now the only church which can offer an edenic (i.e. non adamic) restoration to Christians, and to all those with faith in the God of Abraham (Jews, Christians, Muslims, non religious etc). The entire LW church became non adamic Abrahamic (part of the blessing of the 1AC, the first Abrahamic covenant of Genesis12) from 2012Sivan14-16 (from the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy) , after Jesus became Caesar at the end of Satan's 6,000 year red soup lease as Caesar to Adam from 3989Nisan16 BC to 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we became non adamic Isaaic from 2016Ab14-16 (part of the blessing of the Isaaic Church Covenant, the ICC of Genesis26) at the end of Jesus 50 month non adamic restoration lease - see U659#4. No Lords Witness is under the adamic death penalty. If we die, we do not fall asleep in adamic death (Hades). We instead are resurrected as humans into the greater ark of Noah of 1Peter3, which is New Jerusalem of Revelation21, after spending 5/10 hours with our spirit in God's hand/hands, this being the death of the non adamic Christ, the Hades free death that Jesus died on 33Nisan14 AD.

You cannot enter into the Kingdom of God without being born again in the spirit (angelically) or in the flesh (non adamically) - as Jesus told Nicodemus in John3. But spirit births have now ended. All the saints have now been chosen (except the 2NCs in the Lords Witnesses who have been sanctified but cannot be sealed until 2024Adar21, the end of the LW Alienation Times). The 312,000 1NCs (12 tribes of 12,000 of Revelation7 plus 12,000 reserves making 156,000, of both sexes), the first new covenant heavenly kings, and the 31,200,000 HLCs, the heavenly Lords, have already died and been resurrected angelically. The 31,200,000 ELCs, the earthly Lords, all died over 1000 years ago. Each of the 144,000 nations/kingdoms in the Kingdom of God has 1 Heavenly King (1NC), 100 Heavenly Lords (HLC administrators), 1 earthly King (2NC) and 100 Earthly Lords (ELC administrators) and up to 10,000 priests and up to 100,000 nationals/subjects/citizens. The 312,000 2NCs, the Second New Covenant earthly Kings, are still here but are raptured from 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20. 

Everyone else must be born again in the flesh in order to enter into the Kingdom of God which begins in the greater ark of Noah, New Jerusalem of Revelation21. The only church which can mediate that blessing is the Lords Witnesses. Because we are the only church which claims to be non adamic. And being born again in the flesh is becoming non adamic, which is being edenically restored, which is being released from Adam's or Cain's death penalty, which is dying to Adam or Cain and being resurrected to Abraham (this is done invisibly from heaven by a 3 day gene zap). It is a non adamic blessing and no man can mediate what he does not himself have. 

1 After these words, the word of Jehovah came to Abram in the vision, saying: Thou shalt not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be multiplied greatly (Genesis 15 LWT).

God is a shield for Abram (and therefore for Isaac his son) not for Adam and not for Cain. One needs to become Abrahamic in order to be covered by the shield of Abram and be protected from WW3 and the Great Tribulation of Matthew24 to come.

One is not born again in the spirit or in the flesh when one accepts Jesus as one's personal saviour. Acceptance of Jesus as one's saviour enters us into the 1AC, which is a faith testing covenant. We then receive persecution from Satan to try and shake our faith. If we hold up under test, if we carry our torture stake without dropping it, if we keep our faith for long enough, we are sealed, declared righteous by God, which is entry into the FRC, the Faith Ransom Covenant - see Intro28. We are saved when God accepts us NOT when we accept God. Here is the 3 stage salvation process. It is not a one stage process.

1. We accept God and enter into a testing covenant.
2. Satan tests our faith until God is satisfied. Some are choked by weeds, some dry up being shallow and without root etc. 
3. God accepts us if we keep our faith under satanic test, long enough for him. Then we are entered by him into a sealing covenant which saves us to be citizen of the kingdom.

If I walk into the American Embassy and say I have accepted America as my personal nationality, that does not make me an American citizen. I become a US citizen when they accept me, not when I accept them. First, I must express an interest and apply. Then they will test me. And then they will accept or reject me. It is the same with the Kingdom of God for which Abraham is an Ambassador and Jesus is the vassal King of God.

We are presently in the transition period between the end of Satan's rulership of the world and the start of God's rulership of the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus is actually Caesar to mankind during this transition from 2019Tebbeth10 to 2033Nisan14 (April13/14) - 1 Corinthians 15:25.

The KINGDOM OF THE DRAGON (Satan's administration presently possessing powerful humans) lost divine authority on 2019Tebbeth10 (2020January10/11)
The Quad Gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC ended on 2020Tishri15 (2020October5-6).
The KINGDOM OF SATAN (his ministry payback lease following after his 6,000 year Red Soup lease) ended on 2019Chislev14 (2019December15/16) for Adam and 2019Tebbeth10 (2020January10/11) for Cain
The KINGDOM OF JESUS was appointed/installed over Adam on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 (2020October10-11/November28/29
and appointed/installed over Cain on 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 (2020November5-6/December24-25). Which was a very nice Christmas present!

The absolute end of Adam, the 1st death Passover is 2033Nisan14 (April13/14), 2x 1000 year recreative days after Jesus was sacrificed on 33Nisan14. ending the 4th recreative day.
The absolute end of Cain, the physical end of the world, the late 1st death Passover, is 2033Iyyar14 (May13/14).
The KINGDOM OF GOD is appointed/installed under Jehovah as Caesar over non adamic Abraham on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5
All the Governments of the World have been illegitimate and directly against God (but permitted to remain in order that their demonic character is exposed for educational and sorting purposes and for God to demonstrate his love and power) since 2020January10/11, the end of Satan's final lease over Cain.

  etc: Google Translate Site into any language  Jewish LWs   French Pages   Kisii Pages. 

The LWs Correctly Predicted the 2024 Trump Trifecta from the Red Horse of Revelation6 and no other church did

We predicted a 2024 Trump Trifecta from the Red Horse of Revelation 6:4 - See U151#6. Physics is based upon the premise that a theory is proven by what it correctly predicts. So this is good evidence that we now have the true bible code. Here is a copy of the congregation email we sent on 2024November4

The LWs also correctly predicted that the US deep state will try and start WW3 before Trump gets his feet under the desk

The LWs predict that the Dems (Obama46 - CIA46) will try and start WW3 during the transition period, which has now been partially fulfilled by Biden authorising long range missiles whilst Putin has said that such authorisation would mean WW3. However their WW3 antics will not stop there. They will conspire with China to invade Taiwan we suspect, because the Leopard beast of Daniel 7:6 must make unjustified war for 13 Hebrew months (14 Gregorian months due to a 2nd Adar) before the Mark of the Beast Digital ID Registration is enforced by banking and credit card exclusion on the Ides of March 2026 (2025Adar20./21: 2026March15-17).

Writing on X, the social media platform he owns, Musk asked: "Did you know that 30 tech founders were secretly debanked?"
Then, in an ominous message, the Reform UK leader warned: "The debanking issue is about far more than what happened to me last year."

We now predict from Daniel 7:6 that the BRICS nations (the Leopard of Daniel7) will start an unjustified war in 2024Shebat (2025January5-2025February4). 

Presumably by China attacking Taiwan. China realises that Trump will fix the US military as a matter of urgency. So their window of opportunity to invade is now very limited. The BRICS must start a new war before 2025January20. We therefore suggest the following fix for Trump...

China is not that interested in the physical land of Taiwan. They want its GDP added to theirs. In particular they want its chip manufacturing capability. So do not make the mistake that the British made with Hong Kong where we gave their entire public sector British citizenship but none of their dynamic private sector - DUH! Give every Taiwanese, needed to make chips, US citizenship and facilitate the moving of their entire chip making economy over to the US. Then the Chinese can conquer a rock in the Pacific and you will have won the war without the military.

Use the invasion as an excuse to take Taiwan's GDP away from China and into the USA - physically.

The BRICS, headed by China, is the greater Alexander the Great of Daniel7. They will conquer the lands he conquered very quickly. The 4 wings upon the back of the Leopard may well be the rotors of their quadcopter drone swarms. Elon Musk estimates that the US can make 20,000 drones per year and the Chinese can make 20,000 per day.

The Rapture into the greater Ark of Noah which is New Jerusalem of Revelation21

The Rapture of the 2NC saints begins on 2024Tebbeth16 (2024December21/22) and finishes on 2024VeAdar20 for 2NC Kings and on 2025Iyyar21 for 2NC reserves. Then the Mark of the Beast (Digital ID) testing begins on 2024VeAdar21/22 (2026March25-27)

Our present understanding is that non Laodicean non LW 2NCs are raptured directly into the ark (due to their having an angelic body in addition to their human one). They may become non adamic Abrahamic without a Zoar baptism at the Abrahamic rapture Passover on 2024Tebbeth14-16. But non adamic Abrahamic Laodicean 2NCs must join Zoar by genetically inert intransitive 4EC baptism on or before 2024Shebat10. They are raptured from 2024Shebat15-20. Thereafter anybody raptured into the ark must enter through this church (Zoar). So we are in effect the departure lounge for the greater Ark of the greater Noah (Jesus). Because God's plan was not merely to save animals. His son died to save all humans who reject animal behaviour. So the first ark saved 8 souls and all the animal species from a flood of water. But the last ark saves Jesus and his wife, the 1NCs, and the other 3 cornerstones of the Most Holy, the other 3 mediators of saintly covenants (Paul, Apollos and Gordon) and their wives, who are the saints of the 3 other saintly covenants (2NCs, HLCs, ELCs) together with the clean unsealed birds (angelic humans and repentant demons who are not in a saintly covenant but do have a water baptism) and clean animals (all those with a valid water baptism) and unclean animals (all those with faith or with love for humanity) from a flood of lava. Indeed the first ark saved the animals. But the 2nd saves those of us who are not animals.

18 For even Christ died once for all [ones] concerning sins, a righteous [one] over/for unrighteous [ones] in order that he might lead yeu to the God, having been killed indeed [in] flesh but having been made alive [in] spirit
19 In which [spirit body] also he preached, having gone to the spirits in prison
20 To [ones] having disobeyed at a time when longness of spirit [longevity and patience] was being received from the God, in days of ark of Noah being constructed, in which a few, that is 8 souls were saved through water
21 This [neuter for baptism] antitypical baptism is now saving you, not putting away filth of the flesh, but a request/decision [for] a good conscience to God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1Peter 3 LWT)

The spirit baptism (rather than the water baptism which is the putting away filth/sins of the flesh - a bath, the forgiving of past sins) is a forgiving of future sins until time indefinite which is the gift of the clean conscience to God who regards you as sin free during the spirit baptism test. We are not regarded as sin free through the resurrection of the Christ, because men were baptised into the JAC before his sacrifice. But Michael's resurrection actually as a God then enable him to continue choosing his 1NC angelic wife from heaven and to resurrect them angelically so that they could choose their HLC helpers from heaven and their 2NC sons, and the future ELC helpers of TCC2. Being born again angelically into a royal Kingdom covenant (1NC, 2NC, HLC, ELC) is a request by a 1NC angel to God for a son or daughter. Said request could not occur until Michael had ransomed Adam in order that his 1NC wife could become angelic upon human death. One cannot procreate angelically until one becomes an angel is what Peter is saying.

1 Peter 3:21 is really really difficult to understand and very contorted. Everybody mistranslates antitupoj to be the noun 'antitype'. But it is the adjective ' antitypical'. Peter is saying that the antitype of ark salvation through water is NOT the water baptism, but is the spirit baptism (which needs to be through the water baptism in order that the angelic soul gained by spirit baptism is not lost - for Jacob must be a son of Isaac). 

Cleansing meansSaving means
Flood waterNoah's Ark (Genesis 7/8)
ICC baptismJAC baptism - being born again angelically - (1Peter3)
Zoar Non adamic 4EC baptismJesus' Ark

So Peter is comparing salvation from a wooden ark through water to salvation into an angel from the JAC/ARC through the water of the ICC. But there is another more obvious antitype which the Holy Spirit is concealing with Peter's comparison. And that is the salvation by rapture into the ark of Jesus through the non adamic water baptism of Isaaic Zoar. For one has to be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God in the ark or on earth. This 2nd antitype is referred to in 2Peter3, which reveals that the flood account in Genesis7/8 has a greater fulfilment involving a flood of fire, rather than of water.

5 For this is unnoticed to those willing: That a heavens from of old, and an earth out of the water and through water were existing, having stood together by the word of the God:
6 through which [plural] the world then, having been deluged in water was destroyed [for the floodgates of the heavens and the springs of the vast deep were opened in Genesis 7:11]
But the heavens and the earth of now, have been endowed with the very-same word. For fire they are being kept into day of judgement and of destruction of irreverent men [2 days] (2 Peter 3 LWT).

1Peter3 is typical of how scripture is written. You want to know about X. So the scripture does not tell you about X. But it looks like it is telling about X. Whereas in precise detail it is actually telling you about Y which is symbolically related to X. In other words it tells you symbolically about something which is symbolically related to X. This is a double symbolism. It is also God telling you about what he wants you to hear, rather than about what you yourself want to hear.

Noah was saved by the ark he built, not by the water which was sent to destroy mankind. The angelic request for you to have a good conscience before God, is being born again angelically into an individual angelic ark. Whereas the greater ark itself is a collective angelic ark in the dark universe. In a weird way, the Ark is an upgraded Gehenna bendybus which takes not 6,000 2nd dead spirits but 6 billion living angelic humans. Both vehicles keep our spirits going. But one is rather more alive and rather more enjoyable that the other. So the spirit baptism is an antitype of the Ark of Noah, whereas the water baptism is an antitype of the water of Noah. And you get into the one through the other.

The 8 souls which are saved both angelically into spirit baptism covenants and by rapture into the greater ark of Jesus are...

Noah = Jesus
Noah's wife = 1NCs
Shem, Japheth, Ham  = Apollos, Gordon, Paul (spirit covenant mediators)
Shem's wife, Japheth's wife, Ham's wife = HLCs, 2NCs, ELCs (spirit covenant beneficiares)

Genesis 7:13 has a double designation which gives the flood account 2 greater word symbolic meanings/threads...

13 In this selfsame day Noah entered, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, Noah's sons, and Noah's wife, and 3 wives of his sons with them, towards the ark; (Genesis 7 LWT)

Furthermore the complete set of saints are in the ark for 8 years from 2025Iyyar21 to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, a saved soul for a year.


Trump: Won the popular vote by 4% and flipped the senate. In those circumstances it is not possible for the GOP House majority to fall. But it did fall, which strongly indicates electoral fraud. The longer it takes to count a race the more opportunity for stuffing the ballot box (knowing the current total) there is. Apparently every vote count that took longer than 3 days was won by the democrats and they only won states which did not have voted IDs. The level of fraud is in the millions of votes I suspect. in 2020 there were more than 10 million too many votes.

2025January1: Both Kuwait and Vietnam will debank people who refuse to give their biometric data for a Digital ID. We have Mark Registration day fro the G20 as 2024VeAdar21/22 (2025March26-28) and Mark Enforcement day on the Ides of March 2026March15-17. We are obviously either correct or not far out.

Wokeism is anti Christianity, the religion of the antichrist, who is Cain, the seed of Satan, the serpent of Genesis 3:15, his son with Eve.
The purpose genetic vaccines is to force your genes to become Cainian, and turn you by GENETIC RAPE from the seed of Adam and Eve, into the seed of the Serpent and Eve, a child of the demons genetically.
The purpose of WW3 is to justify vaccine passports and social credit score linked CBDCs as the perfectly normal and expected and necessary rationing card response to a world war.
Mark of the Beast Registration begins on 2024AdarVe21/22 (2025March26-28)
Mark of the Beast Enforcement by law and by war begins on 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17) BEWARE THE IDES (division) OF MARCH. Mankind will be divided on the Ides of March into digital concentration camp guards and inmates.
WW3 starts on 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14) and ends 2402 days later on 2032Tishri22/23 (September29-October1), lasting 7 months of Daniel3 more than what was previously seen in WW2 which lasted 6 years and 32 days from 1939Elul15 (1939September3) when Britain and France declared war on Germany, to 1945Tishri17 (1945September28) when Chinese General Lu Han accepted the surrender of Japanese 38th Army at Hanoi, French Indochina (Vietnam), completing the Potsdam surrender agreement above the 16th parallel.
If you refuse genetic rape or reject woke ideology (refuse to worship the demons) you will be drafted into the war or digitally excluded from any economic activity (except in the US which defeats the Mark of the Beast).
Social credit scores are a terminal immorality index. Their purpose is to force you to embrace species annihilating immorality in order to save yourself personally for a few more months. 
If you kill or digitally imprison your brother, then you will be accepted by the demons and rejected by God. If you do neither, you will be saved by God into the Greater Ark of Noah and watch the end of the movie from there

10 If anyone [takes] into captivity, he goes away into captivity [in Hell]. If anyone will kill with the sword [of offensive warfare], he must be killed with the sword [of judgement to Hell, the 2nd death] (Revelation 13 LWT

The reason God permits all of this is to teach species preserving morality (by a full demonstration of the results of abandoning it) to those of mankind who refuse to learn it from his text book. 
Keep faith in God (the 1st law) and you will be raptured into the Ark. Keep love for your brother (the 2nd law) and you will be Passover executed and resurrected into the ark. Keep neither and you will be sent to the sin bin of Hell for 1000 years max.

The 1044 day Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7 runs from 2025Shebat8-2028Tebbeth2, from the day after the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of Revelation6:8 to the end of nuclear war. It is the period of worry about and experience of nuclear war.

2028Chislev4-2028Tebbeth2: The 28 days of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:17-20. Bilateral nuclear war from 2028November25/26 to 2028December23/24, after the end of the ride of the 4th horseman on 2028Heshvan14 (November5/6). Nuclear war occurs during Hebrew winter of verse 18 and lasts for the 28 day sentence count of verses17-20 in days - see U659#13.

Our Master Chronology is now fully updated to 2033Iyyar14 for the absolute end of the world. Please see U659 for the details.

Ryan Cole MD and RFK Junior

Yanis Varoufakis before Europe and all Mankind

20 Days in Mariupol

War itself is now the crime

All that is wrong with healthcare

Lutnick Story: Love pays: from 1:10

IDF Quadcopters shooting bomb victims

The Entire UK Cabinet is a fake Puppet like Biden. So Sage is a fake Puppet too

The Lords Witnesses are a Non Adamic End Times Christian Church. We focus more on bible research than we do on evangelism. Our aims are to provide a departure lounge to save 75% of mankind into the greater Ark of the greater Noah of Jesus (which is the start of the Kingdom of God for mankind) and to prove to all mankind that they can decode the scriptures themselves if they have faith in God - for that decoding is how you serve God with your whole mind. We have so far deduced that:

1. The bible has the minimum set of moral laws needed to prevent a society of free willed beings from destroying itself - WITHOUT compromising their free will. We must understand the importance of these laws
2. The bible was written for YOU to interpret. And we wish to show you what we know about how YOU can do that.
3. God loves Jesus no more and no less than he loves you or Satan for that matter. Jesus refused nobody an audience during his ministry, He spoke to Satan himself.
4. Whoever you are and however great your sin, Jesus will eventually save you, even if you have to take a few thousand year time outs in the sin bin of Hell. Because love never fails and God is love. 
5. Hell is neither a place of eternal torture nor of eternal non existence. It is a temporary sin bin of rehabilitation with a minimum sentence of 33½ years and a max sentence of 1,000 years.

6. Jesus was possessed by the angel Michael. He is the first angel to become a God like Jehovah. He crucifixion was his divinity test. We shall all within 50,000 years from Adam's sin, benefit from his angelic ransom. Yes all of mankind will be angelic in the Jubilee Millennium from Adam's sin, by 46,012 AD. Then all mankind will be given everlasting life by 1,112,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 2nd death, the end of Hell, the end of Gehenna. For death shall be no more (both the 1st death and the 2nd death). Then all mankind will achieve divinity by 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, we shall all have become Gods like Jesus and like Jehovah. For we Christians follow the Christ wherever he goes. And he has gone to divinity.
7. Both true churches in 2012 (the Lords Witnesses and Laodicea) became non adamic from 2012Sivan14-16. This is because Adam's 6,000 year working week under a Satanic Caesar from 3989Sivan5-11 BC ended then and because the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy ended then.
8. All true churches must have an Elijah figure who is 'water' baptised from heaven. He begins the water baptism of the church. The LWs have Gordon Ritchie, the writer, the 4th Antitypical Elijah, Elijah4. He must win the contest of 1Kings18
9. There have been 4 true churches, the 4 walls of the temple: True Church Congregation1 (TCC1) founded by John the baptist (Elijah1) and Jesus, which became the Roman Catholic Church. TCC2 founded by St Paul (Elijah2) and Apollos (The mediator of the Heavenly Lord Covenant), which became the Gnostic Church. TCC3, the Jehovah's Witness founded by Charles Taze Russell (Elijah3) and TCC4, the Lords Witnesses, founded by Gordon Ritchie (Elijah4). For at the mouth of 2 witnesses or 3 is every matter established. There is also Laodicea, a hidden church of Jehovah's Witnesses who accept the baptism and doctrine of the Lords Witnesses but refuse to admit their existence for political reasons.  
10. The 2nd Holy Spirit is God's 2nd wife. The 3rd Holy spirit is Jesus wife, the 1NC saints.

11. Satan was the firstborn angel. But Michael purchased those rights from him and became the firstborn God. Michael surplanted Satan just as Jacob surplanted Esau. Jacob means heel catcher/surplanter in Hebrew.
12. Michael was given a 6,000 year lease over Adam when he agreed to ransom him at his sin, running from 3993Nisan14 to 2008Nisan14. Satan was given a 6,000 year lease by Michael to be Caesar to Adam from 3989Nisan16-22 to 2012Nisan14 in return for Satan's firstborn angelic rights which Michael needed to fix the 1st Holy Spirit which Satan destroyed when he committed adultery with Eve (being married to God as head of the 1st Holy Spirit). This was the greater bowl of soup deal between Jacob and Esau of Genesis25.
13. Cain was the son of Satan and Eve. In the world today there are actually 4 types of genetic seed. Adamic, Cainian, non adamic Abrahamic and non adamic Isaaic. One is not saved on one's genetics. One is saved on one's actions.
14. The first new covenant (1NC) is to be a king in heaven over one of the 144,000 Kingdom in the kingdom of God. There is a 2nd new covenant (2NC) to be the earthly king of one of those kingdoms. There is a heavenly Lord covenant to be a Heavenly lord over one of the kingdoms and an Earthly Lord Covenant, to be a Lord on earth over one of those Kingdoms. Each of the 144,000 Kingdoms of the Kingdom of God has 1 heavenly 1NC King, 100 heavenly HLC Lords, 1 earthly 2NC King, 100 earthly ELC Lords and the same numbers of Queens and Ladies. For God runs everything on the family model. 
15. The saints are spiritual Israel, the sons of the Jacobean Angelic Covenant (JAC). The priests are spiritual Isaac, the sons of the Isaaic Church Covenant (ICC). The citizens are spiritual Abraham, the sons of the 1AC, the 1st Abrahamic Covenant  The 3 great genetic patriarchs of physical Israel are the salvation covenant mediators for the Kingdom of God which is spiritual Israel, Isaac and Abraham

16. Baptism is a cleansing for entrance into a salvation covenant. Water baptism is a cleansing for entrance into the 1EC, 2EC, 3EC or 4EC of the 4 Elijahs, which are all subcovenants of the ICC.
17. If you have faith or love, the angels themselves baptise you into the 1AC (so humans cannot mess this up). You are then tested by this satanic world. If you obey conscience and keep your faith under test then you are sealed into the Faith Ransom Covenant (FRC) if you keep your conscience and keep your love you are sealed into the Love Ransom Covenant (LRC). The LRC is the last covenant of Jesus, who is the Alpha (ARC) and the Omega Covenant (OMC) = (LRC). There are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. So there are 24 salvation covenants. The saints (sons of the JAC) are tested and sealed into the ARC gaining everlasting angelic life. The priests (sons of the ICC by water baptism) are tested and sealed into the CRC (Church Ransom Covenant) gaining indefinitely lasting human life by means of a non adamic, non ageing Methuselaian upgrade to their present human body (preceded by a non adamic Abrahamic upgrade and then a non adamic Isaaic upgrade).
18. Just as you can be tested for salvation in the 1AC so you can be tested for Hell in the CSC, the Cainian Seed Covenant for people with the genes of Cain who have not entered into the 1AC or for people who have murdered their brother unjustly as Cain did (war mongers like Putin, Blair and Bush), the sons of Cain by action rather than by genes. If you are really good at deception and murder and the other satanic characteristics, the fruits of the darkness, then you can be chosen for the DAC, the Demonic Angelic Covenant, which puts you in line to be possessed by a demon. Demon possession lasts for 2,000 days of Mark5 a pig for a day over all mankind from 29Heshvan20 to 35Sivan10 in the first presence of the Christ covering his Jewish ministry and 66Sivan10 to 71Chislev30 covering Paul's Gentile ministry.

139The demons leave heaven on 29Tishri20 and
descend the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder to
29Heshvan20 when they are evicted from their ark on
the 7th Sabbath of 2NC Weeks. Satan tests Jesus after
40 days in the wilderness from 29Tishri10-29Heshvan19
The demons return to the ark
to re-ascend up Jacob's ladder
1st century Jewish
demon possession ends
The demons leave heaven on 66Iyyar10
and descend the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder to
66Sivan10 when they are evicted from their ark
Satan tests Paul. See 112#26
The 7th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks
The demons return to the ark
to re-ascend up Jacob's ladder
1st century Gentile
demon possession ends
2000 pigs of Jewish demon possession 2000 pigs of Gentile demon possession

15 But in answer the wicked spirit said to them: I know Jesus and I am acquainted with Paul; but who are you? (Acts 19 NWT)139

And from 2018Chislev24 to 2024Tammuz14 (2024June22/23), in his last presence. So the demons have been here possessing people in large numbers since 2018Chislev24 (2018December6/7).
19. The purpose of Jesus' healing miracles was not to advertise what miracles he would again do in the Kingdom of God. His miracles were symbolic, prophetic of something greater. They were not symbolic of themselves. Their purpose was to advertise what WE will do in the Kingdom of God when we stop trying to conquer, dominate, deceive, exploit and enslave our brothers and sisters, and instead start trying to save them from every sicknesses that they suffer. When we stop abusing healthcare for the economic and political benefit of big Pharma and public sector parasites, and return to caring for the health of patients by harnessing the expertise of individual doctors and nurses and medical researchers to do what they want to do for mankind, rather than what big Pharma or big government or self serving billionaires pay them to do for their profits, their prestige and their political power. In that regard the Lords Witnesses have discovered the cause and a metabolic cure for Type 2 diabetes - see  There is no disease that mankind cannot cure if that is his focus. And it will be the great pleasure of Kingdom citizens to cure every malaise that afflicts us and God's great pleasure to watch us do it.

[0] Biblical Intelligence Matches Secular News & Predicts the Next 9 Years to the End of Satan's Administration of the Planet

[19a] ISRAEL: DO NOT FLATTEN GAZA - too late!
[19b] Mankind's Attempts at predicting the return of the Christ and the absolute end of the World: Hall of fame...
[19c] The Demonic War on Humanity
[19d] The Woke Reversal of the 10 Commandments
[19e] WEF Digital IDs are the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13
[19f] The ethnic cleansing under the threat of genocide in Gaza looks like the abomination causing the devastation of WW3 of Mark 13:14 but not of Matthew 24:15 (which occurs in the Holy Place of the temple mount, David's threshing floor)
[19g] Several Key Elements of the Holocaust are being repeated. It took 8 years for Hitler to set up the original holocaust. That process is now being repeated.     ( 
[19h]: Illegal Immigrant men of fighting age are highly paid by governments because they will be used as an army of foreign mercenaries to suppress resistance by legal nationals to globalist enslavement through Digital ID Vaccine Passports and globalist wealth theft through mandatory CBDCs.
l[20] Monkeypox looks like the 6th Plague of Exodus9 (seen on 2022Iyyar23)?? It appears to be dying out presently?? Presumably it makes a resurgence??
[20a] The Cleveland Clinic Conclusively Proves that (anti) Vaccines Progressively Destroy the Immune System in a Dose Dependent Manner
[20b] Government data show that the triply vaxxed are 35x more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than the unvaxxed in NSW Australia
[21] Digital ID Vaccine Passports will become the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13. The Coronavirus of Spike Proteins is the Crown of Thorns, and the constricting serpent of Genesis 3:15 which strangles/suffocates its victims. The Vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 a fang for a jab
[22] Wokeness is Inverted Biblical Christianity
[23] Casey Hodgkinson - The Most Eloquent Condemnation of mRNA Vaccines We Have Ever Seen
[24] Useful home treatments for COVID for the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated (consult your doctor and do your own research)
[25] Options to Mitigate the Damaging Effects of COVID Vaccination - discuss with doctor
[26] Vaccines are not Waning. Vaxxed immune systems are waning
[27] The genetic vaccines were 3 years out of date
[28] The wrong vaccine and the right vaccine
[29] Natural Immunity lasts indefinitely and is 8x more broad based than vaccine immunity
[30] Why are the Government so desperate to vaccinate us all?
[31] The 1NC, HLC and 2NC Marriages
[32] Minimum LW Beliefs for Baptism
[33] Basic LW beliefs post baptism
[34] The 98 year Maccabean and 4 year Jewish Ministry and 4 year Gentile Ministry and 4 year non adamic lease gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC to 144Tishri15 and 46Tishri15 to 29Tishri15 and 33Tishri15 to 66Tishri15 and 70Tishri15 to 2012Tishri15 and 2016Tishri15 to 2020Tishri15. The Maccabean gap idea of Dr. Stephen E. Jones from what was the worldwide church of God was conceptually correct. We added the 2 Ministry gaps and the non adamic lease gap to his concept. For more see U120 and U123
[35] 2020Tishri10: When adamic monthly Jubilee release day met Atonement day
[36] We now predict the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 to occur on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 (2026January6-2024March27), producing a mushroom cloud above the Thames, East of London around Dartford. We predict the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 to occur on 2025Nisan21 (2025April19/20) producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson in Manhattan (or the other way around) See also U271-11
[37] MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN for the Watchtower and the reappointed Laodicea
[37a] The inobservability of the first 11 years of the Kingdom of God
[38] The Greater Battles of Jericho
[39] The Nuclear and Volcanic Shelter of the Greater Ark of Noah
[40] Mike's Dream of the night of 2014August2/3 (2014Ab5, about the fire signs of 1Kings18 and WW3)
[41] Fire Sign Chronology
[41a] Peace and Security of 1Thesalonians 5:3 is declared on 2025Iyyar21/22 9 months of gestation before the start of WW3 on 2025Shebat20/21
[42] After 2012Sivan14 you have to be non adamic to be a member of a true church (or be baptised to be such at the next Passover entry day, the next 10th day of the month)
[43] Warning! The coming nuclear attacks would be terminal for mankind (not all [chosen] flesh would be saved) but Jesus comes and stops them just in time
[44] The fertilizer explosion at sunset upon the town of West in Texas fulfilled Luke 12:54-56 for the church and calibrates the Compass for the lava flood and the first nuclear bomb upon the West.
[45] Satan, his dragon and his angels, lost their heavenly war, described in Revelation 12:7, to Michael and his angels and were passed over in heaven on 2018Tammuz14
[46] Peter stands up in the midst of the extracted brothers with the 11 at Pentecost 33 CE and by 4EC baptism on 2026Ab5
[47] End Times Chronology
[48] The Chronology of the Beasts of Daniel7 and Daniel8 and Revelation13
[49] LW 1Kings18 Fire Sign Attempts
[50] The Mount Carmel Fire in Israel on 2010Chislev20-23 was the First Fire Sign of 1Kings18
[51] The Japanese nuclear disaster from 2011March11-15 (2010Adar30-VeAdar3) and onwards was not the second fire sign of 1Kings18
[52] The 2nd and 3rd Fire Signs of 1Kings18 are two attacks producing mushroom clouds above rivers around Manhattan and around London on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeADar21 (2025January6-2025March27) and 2025Nisan21 (2025April19-20)
[53] The UK (2nd or 3rd) Fire Sign of 1Kings18 produces a mushroom cloud above the Thames in Kent
[54] God's Love for his Children
[55] Why Does God Save all of us when our Behaviour is so Contemptible?
[56] Union & Division
[57] The Signs of the Times point to ... NOW!
[58] There were no verified male SuperCentenarians of the WW1 fighting generation (by which we mean 18 years old on 1918November11, armistice day) left alive on 2013December7 when Joseph Kowalski died. Kowalski was old enough to fight in  WW1 but did not rise up to volunteer for that War.
[59] There were NO verified SuperCentenarians of the WW1 fighting generation (who either rose up or did not rise up to volunteer for military service) left as of 2018April21...
[60] UK WW1 Veterans
[61] The End of the World, Clive James and Sustainable Morality
[62] In this world everything is not going to be OK!
[63] The Timeline of the Time of the End: The Sacred Kingdom of God began in heaven on 2008Nisan22
[64] The Image to the Beast of Revelation 13 is a new smart currency and new AI digital currency, Beastcoin
[65] Defusing Stumbling Blocks
[66] Signs of the Times for the 2nd presence were all but fulfilled with the death of the last of the WW1 generation member
[67] Westminster Abbey Service marks the "Passing of a Generation" of WWI Veterans
[68] Now (2024Iyyar - 2024May) would be the time to buy 5 years supply of candles, solar power, wind power, canned, dried and long life food, nuts, seeds, pasta, rice, water, swimming pool chlorine or chlorine dioxide for sterilisation, UHT milk, gas bottles, toilet paper, medicine, diesel, petrol, LPG etc. for yourself your loved ones and some guests - to lessen the impact of the Mark of the Beast digital concentration camp (from 2025Adar21/22) and WW3 (from 2025Shebat20/21) which is the pretext and the camouflage for said camp (as was WW2) and of the love test of Matthew 25, The concentration and indoctrination camp of end times government, runs to 2033Iyyar14 (2033May13/14), when those without love and without faith on Jesus' left and actually presently mainly on the authoritarian political left are Passover executed at the 1st death Passover, the end of dying adamic death, and go to Gehenna and when those on Jesus' right, with love or with faith (either is sufficient for salvation) and actually presently mainly on the libertarian political right finish being raptured from the earth or resurrected from Hades. But a far better idea is to love God and love your brother and get saved! Mind you having some provisions may help in that regard.
[69] LW Pearls of Wisdom
[70] Why do the LWs keep predicting a terrorist attack from the bible when they have got it wrong so many times before?
[71] At an hour you do not think to be it the son of man is coming!
[72] The Egyptian Passover, Cakes, Exodus of 1513Nisan10-22 and 1513Iyyar10-22 is fulfilled again from 2024Tebbeth14-20 and from 2024Shebat14-20 for Abrahamic 2NCs and from 2024VeAdar14-20 for Isaaic 2NCs
[74] Prepare for a nuclear EMP attack NOW!
[75] Introduction to the Church
[76] The Evening Meal of the Lamb's Marriage - No one invited came - see Matthew22!
[77] The 3rd and 4th Horsemen of the Apocalypse
[78] The city of Jerusalem will be desolated during the year of the Great Tribulation
[79] The Kingdom of God did not begin in 2008. The Quad gapped Gentile Times did not end until 2020Tishri15. 1AC entrance ended on 2008Nisan14 and Michael's original ARC lease ended then too. But it was extended to 2012Nisan14 in order to give Satan himself 6,000 years. The Kingdom of Jesus began secularly on earth over Adam/Cain/non adamic Abraham on 2012Nisan16/Iyyar16/Sivan16 after Satan's Red Soup lease ended on 2012Nisan14
[80] God will save us from self extermination but only after we have started a nuclear war. Regrettably it is a lesson we need. WE SHOULD NOT NEED IT BUT WE DO.
[81] We calculate that there will be 17 fire signs of 1Kings18 in all and 12 of these may well be nuclear bombs, which occur before the end of the Great Tribulation - which is the end of all war amongst mankind as John Lennon foresaw
[82] The UNPBC
[83] 911 and Global Muslim Outrage against a Cartoon and ISIS
[84] The Future of Terrorism from Isaiah
[85] The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7 begins on 2025Shebat8, in Hebrew and Greek winter during the 2nd adamic Sabbath month of the 5th post unextended ARC lease Jubilee. It runs for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation7:13-14 and of Matthew 24:20-22 to 2028Tebbeth2, the end of the 28 day Unprecdented Tribulation of Mark 13:17-20
[86] The final demise of the Watchtower
[87] A brief history of the Laodicean sect inside the Watchtower
[88] The appearance of the 10 kings of Revelation 17
[89] 616 vs 666
[89a] Revelation13: Latest attempt ! WARNING - This May Actually Be Correct !
[90] Here is the history of our early prophetic interpretations relating to the 10 horned 7 headed beast of the UN
[91] The Biblical Grain Famine
[92] The False ELS Bible Code
[93] The Understandings of the Lords Witnesses
[94] For JWs and ex JWs: Wake up you sleeping Witnesses!
[95] Terrorism
[96] Kidnapping: Satan was the original kidnapper of all mankind, when he deceived Eve into enticing Adam into death - their kidnap hideaway. God paid the ransom with his own son Michael who was Jesus. Any kidnapper is therefore a son of Satan unless he repents.
[97] 50% of mankind is killed at Armageddon and 50% is saved
[98] The true identities of the wild beasts of Revelation 12,13,17
[99] The 4 true Christian religions since Jesus
[100] The resurrection timetable for all righteous humans baptised or born into the first Abrahamic covenant. All 'sons of Abraham' (When in the 1,000 year Kingdom of God, King David or Abraham etc. will be resurrected)
[101] The exact day on which Adam first slept with Eve!
[102] The resurrection timetable for all unrighteous humans born in the world since Adam's sin, into the Kingdom of God
[103] What exactly is baptism?
[104] Daniel 9 decoded, the 70 'sevens' interpreted correctly at last!
[105] How does one get born again?
[106] The 4 Faithful & Discreet Slaves and Faithful Stewards of Matthew 24 and Luke 12
[107] Daniel 4 decoded, the first true 7 times period
[108] The speed of light is a constant set by God. It was reset by God at the command: Let there be light. It was considerably faster before!
[110] A second New Covenant, the New Earthly Covenant, symbolised by Rachel, Jacob's 2nd free wife, has now been made, for all Christians baptised into the LWs in the near future.
[111] What is a Cult?
[112] Which one is the true Religion? Who are God's true people today?
[113] The Flood was real (Flood Myths, Josephus' account of Nations and their descent, Sumerian King List)
[114] Contact Details:
[115] The First Sacrifice, God's Love as you've never seen it before!
[116] How to think like God!
[117] Why Nuclear?
[118] What do Lords Witnesses Believe?
[119] The Disaster of the July 15th 2013 Watchtower New Understanding of the Parable of the Faithful and Discreet Slave
[120] A comparison of the Doctrines of Major Churches
[121] Jehovah's Witnesses are released from blood transfusion suicide
[122] 2 Noun counting checks that work on every bible account
[123] 14 Scriptural proofs that Satan's 6000 year lease ended in 2008.
[125] Diabetes
[126] The Cause of and a Full Metabolic Cure for Type2 Diabetes
[127] The Symptoms of Untreated or Badly Managed Type 2 Diabetes
[128] The Cause of Type 2 Diabetes
[129] The Metabolic Cure for Type 2 Diabetes
[130] Cardio Vascular Protection for Strokes and Heart Attacks
[131] Immune System protection from Flu and Covid and Vaccine Spike Proteins
[132] Shakespeare Inside
[133] The Fourth Light
[134] How to manage/cure an Inguinal Hernia with muscle strengthening exercises

[19a] ISRAEL: DO NOT FLATTEN GAZA - They did not listen.

2 If a thief be found breaking in, and be smitten so that he dieth, there shall be no bloodguiltiness for him. (Exodus 22 Jewish Publication Society Bible 1917)

7 If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and he deal with him as a slave, and sell him; then that thief shall die; so shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of thee. (Deuteronomy 24 JPS 1917)

That is the law of God through Moses, the Torah. So Israel has the right to kill any Palestinian in the act of attacking it and any Palestinian hostage taker after the event. Just as Ukraine has those same rights. 

Further one can argue that Israel has the right to kill any member of Hamas (who has not resigned in disgust) because they conspired to carry out the terror attack and claim credit for it.

No military operation is 100% precise. So one has to accept there will be some collateral damage as well.

But Israel does not have the right to kill any other Palestinians resident in the Gaza strip merely by reason of their choice of residence. If they do kill non Hamas party members other than through reasonable collateral damage resulting from their attempts to get Hamas people, they become bloodguilty themselves. The Palestinians have had no elections since Hamas won in 2006. They are NOT all Hamas.

In particular if Israel turn the Gaza strip into a death camp for 2.2 million people (which cutting off water and food and electricity and gas for more than 8 days will pretty much guarantee) and if they flatten the whole place with a modern day white phosphorous holocaust, then they...

1. Lose the moral authority upon which the state of Israel was founded

2. Insult the memory of every Jew killed in the Holocaust (including my relatives)

3. Need to go and visit the holocaust museum that the Palestinians not killed in Gaza will set up funded with Arab money (I understand they have quite a lot of it).

4. Push mankind into WW3 in circumstances where the US military is completely controlled by globalists who want WW3 and want the US to lose it (as the Afghan withdrawal and lack of punishment for any military personnel involved clearly demonstrated). That will almost certainly result in the destruction of the state of Israel, which being a nuclear armed state might result in the destruction of mankind.

Winning war is about thinking more than one step ahead with a cool head and identifying who your real enemy is. 

My advice therefore is to be hyper surgical in Gaza, obey our prophets and investigate immediately who blinded Israel to the Al Aqsa Flood. They are your real enemy. Just as the real enemy of the US is its corrupted deep state who run the country through Obama46. If you throw away the moral high ground of the holocaust, the demons have won and Israel is finished.

The scalpel of righteousness will lead to a solution. The meat cleaver of injustice will lead to WW3

We are not sleep walking into WW3. The demons are driving us into it through the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine.

For more on this please see U663: Operation Al Aqsa Flood and Matthew24

The Judgement on Israel

7 agelasting/everlasting life to the [ones] seeking glory and honor and incorruptibleness by endurance in work that is good;
8 however, for those who are contentious and who disobey the truth but obey unrighteousness: wrath and anger,
9 tribulation and distress, upon the soul of every man working what is bad, both of the Jew first and of the Greek;
10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who works what is good, for both the Jew first and for the Greek.
11 For there is no partiality with God. (Romans 2 LWT)

So just as the Jew gained everlasting life first, so he will suffer tribulation and distress first. What that may mean is that WW3 begins through Israel. This is why I for once agree with Peirs Morgan that Netanyahu must go. For he and his cabinet are certainly guilty of Genocide having applied the genocidal old testament precedent of Amalek to their 'war' in Gaza. Whereas the IDF are guilty of total infrastucture destruction which is a war crime. But hopefully will stop one step short of genocide.

9 tribulation and distress, upon the soul of every man who works what is injurious, of the Jew first and also of the Greek;
10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who works what is good, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 2 NWT)

[19b] Mankind's Attempts at predicting the return of the Christ and the absolute end of the World: Hall of fame...

115We kept on seeking and we found as promised. The 1000 year Kingdom of God, the Sabbath over which Jesus is Lord, Caesar to all, is the 3rd millennium to date after Jesus' death from 2033Nisan14 to 3033Nisan14. Because Jesus was raised up on the 3rd day after he died inclusively literally. So he is raised up in secular authority over mankind for the entirety of the 3rd millennium to date after he died because Peter has told us that...

8 But Let not this one be concealed from you, beloved ones, that one day beside Lord [is] as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 LWT).

Well the one day when we are beside Lord, is the Sabbath day over which he is Lord, the millennial Kingdom of God.

1843/1844: Millerites - who became the 7th Day Adventists: The Great Disappointment. The 2nd coming of the Christ failed to occur 2300 years of Daniel8 after 457 BC an incorrect date (following Sir Isaac Newton's calculations) for the command of Artaxerxes I to Nehemiah in Nehemiah 2:1-6 made in Nisan in the 20th year of Artaxerxes I which was 455Nisan BC (see U98), 69 weeks of years, 483 years before John the baptist started baptising. So he had the wrong start date and the wrong application of the 2300 evenings and mornings. But at least he tried. Keep on seeking!
1873/1874: Nelson Barbour who studied with the Millerites in New York and wrote a book called: Evidences for the Coming of the Lord in 1873, or The Midnight Cry. Charles Russell who founded the Watchtower, temporarily became a disciple of his.
1891: Joseph Smith, who founded the Mormon church and falsely claimed direct speech with God (which is impossible for a genetic Gentile in this system - Romans3) predicted in February 1835, that the Christ would return within 56 years. He was correct actually. The 2nd presence began on 1890Sivan14 and lasted 120 years of the max lifespan of post mosaic adamic man, to 2020Heshvan14 with a 4½ year gap from 2001Chislev14 to 2006Sivan14 and no 2 day gap from 2012Sivan14-16 (because Cainian 1NCs did not die to become Abrahamic until 2012Tammuz14-16) and a 5½ year gap from 2013Adar10 - 2019Elul10 and a 5 month gap from 2019Shebat10-2020Tammuz10 - see intro45.
1914Tishri:  Charles Russell, the correct end of the continuous Gentile Times, the start of the Signs of the Times of Matthew24 - WWI. 2520 years after 607Tishri BC, thought incorrectly to have been the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar. It was not. It was the first secular year after the fall of King Josiah to Pharaoh Nechoh, and the start of Judah paying taxes to the Gentile Pharaoh Nechoh. 607Tishri15 was the true start of the Quad Gapped Gentile Times.
1917:  Rev John Aquila Brown a Presbyterian minister, proposed in 1823, that the 7x of Daniel4 were to be interpreted as 7 years for Nebuchadnezzar AND 7 years of years or 2520 years for Jesus. He calculated the 2nd coming of the Christ to be 2520 years of the Gentile Times after the 1st year of Nebuchadnezzar, correctly taken to be, 604 BC. He is the true FATHER of the Gentile Times, not Charles Russell, who was his son (in prophetic chronology).
1935/1943/1972/1975: Herbert W. Armstrong's date for the 2nd coming of the Christ. Armstrong missed the 2nd coming of the Christ to inspect his temple, on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21, when he appointed/installed FDS3 (the Watchtower administration) to feed the 1NCs until 1905Nisan17/Sivan6, when he appointed/installed FDS3 to rule over the 1NCs. Armstrong claimed to be an Elijah. He was not an Elijah but he had the concept right. Charles Russell was the Elijah but never claimed it. 
1975Elul29: Watchtower: Ray and Freddie Franz: 6000 years from Adam's birth incorrectly calculated to be in 4026Tishri BC. A Very good attempt at the physical end of the world. Half a million JWs left the church, when the prophecy failed. But more than half a million new JWs joined it soon afterwards. Archbishop Ussher of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, calculated the birth of Adam to be the Autumnal Equinox of 4004 BC. He completed and published a chronology from Adam to Jesus in 1650 BC. Newton put the birth of Adam at circa 4,000 BC which was essentially correct. Adam was born at 2NC first fruits on 4027Tishri2 BC - see U16.
1977: William Branham - Pentecostal prediction for the return of the Christ)
1988December31: Hal Lindsay. Sold 63 million books, best seller in the 1970s (commercial).
1994/1995/2011: Harold Camping: Made 120 million dollars from Radio stations (commercial).
2008Nisan14: Gordon Ritchie: Predicted that the end of the world would be 6000 years after Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC from the Exedenic Times - see U132. Adam was 33½ years old at his sin, the precise age that Jesus was when he paid for that sin with the corresponding ransom of 1Timothy2:6 - seen by Sharon Thomas a Jehovah's Witness, whose father was a serial Armageddon date speculator like Gordon. This was the end of Michael's 6000 year lease over Adam. The start of the sacred Kingdom of God in heaven. But not the start of the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus married his 1st presence wife in heaven on 2008Nisan22. 2008Nisan14 was the handing of Adam back to God's family by Michael. So it was the restart of Adam's first Jubilee clock, with 16½ years left to run before his edenic restoration.
2012Sivan15/16: Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez was given: The 2:1 temple ratio prophecy, which correctly gives us the end of Adam's 6000 year working week from 3989Sivan5 BC. The LWs and Laodiceans became non adamic Abrahamic from 2012Sivan14-16 (if adamic) and 2012Tammuz14-16 (if Cainian) . This was the start of the escape by non adamic restoration from Adam into Abraham for sons of the 1AC. But the end is not yet.
2012December22: End of the 13th Baktun of the Mayan Calendar taking a year as 365.242199 days.
1260 days of Daniel7:25 taken a year for a day in a time, times and half a time of Daniel 7:25, after 756 AD. Isaac Newton, Jonathan Edwards, Robert Fleming, Moses Lowman, Phillip Doddridge, and Bishop Thomas Newton, the main protestant theologians between 1704 (the approximate date of Newton's 2060 prediction) and 1727, when Newton Died. They all knew that the 6,000 year world should end around 2,000 Ad from the epistle of Barnabas chapter 15 verse 4 and from the calculation of Archbishop Ussher in 1650 putting Adam's birth at 4004 BC. Barnabas holds that the 6 days of creation refer to 6,000 years of history, because a “day is like a thousand years”. He was absolutely right. We call them the 6 recreative days - see U234. That proved to be the answer. The last 2 creative days run from Jesus' sacrifice on 33Nisan14 to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover and absolute end of Adam.

3 He speaks of the Sabbath at the beginning of the Creation, "And God made in 6x days the works of his hands and on the 7th day he made an end, and rested in it and sanctified it."
4 Notice, children, what is the meaning of "He made an end in 6 days"? He means this: that the Lord will make an end of everything in 6,000 years, for a day with him means a thousand years. And he himself is my witness when he says, "Lo, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years." So then, children, in 6 days, that is in 6 thousand years, everything will be completed (Letter of Barnabas Chapter15) - see U800.

Gordon Ritchie: Incorrect date for the end of the Discontinuous Gentile Times. But correct date for the start of the Passover executions and Hades free Ark3 resurrections of the 1NCs and HLCs.
2020Tishri10: Gordon Ritchie: The nexus of the adamic monthly Jubilee release day (from 3993Iyyar1) and Atonement day. This was actually the completion of the 4EC baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit (Jesus' wife - Leah and Zilpah, the 1NCs and the HLCs, his Kings and his Lords)
Gordon Ritchie: Correct date for the end of the Quad Gapped Gentile Times using the Maccabean Gap of Dr. Stephen E. Jones of the then Worldwide Church of God (proposed on 2014May1) - see U120
2023Elul8/9: (2023August26-28): End of the 13th Baktun of the Mayan calendar taking 360 days to the original biblical year (whence the 360 degrees of the ecliptic - Isaac Newton) prior to the flood of Noah from 2371Heshvan10 to 2370Heshvan27 BC and 365.242199 days to the solar year after the flood
Gordon Ritchie: 12 years of Genesis 15:18-21 after 2012Sivan14-15 when the LWs and the Laodiceans became non adamic at the end of the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy of Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez. A really good attempt. 2024Sivan14 is the 6th crop Passover execution of Revelation22, the end of FRC salvation (salvation by faith). But the end is not yet.
2024Elul14: Gordon Ritchie (2023August10/11 - 2023Ab22 UK time): 12 years of Genesis 15:18-21 after 2012Ab16 (when we thought that Zoar was appointed over Abraham), plus one more month for the last chance saloon (one month too early for Zoar and for the end of the World). This was Gordon's last attempt before God revealed 2024Tishri10 to Frank Conger (a Lords Witness cornerstone apostle, the 2NC angelic son of the 1NC cornerstone Apostle John).
2024Tishri10: Frank Conger (2023August29 - 2023Elul10 US time): Said to Gordon. I think 6050 years is important, the 121st Jubilee from Adam's birth. Gordon agreed. The Jubilee release day for the 1st Jubilee of Adam under Jehovah (excluding the 120 Jubilees he had under Michael's ARC lease), is 6050 years after 4027Tishri2 BC, which is 2024Tishri10 AD, the Jubilee release day. This is also a 6000 year working week plus a 50 year non working Jubilee for Adam. 2024Tishri10 is the Jubilee release day and Atonement day for Adam. The Jubilee system in the promised land began on 1473Tishri1, the start of the first whole Tishri1 adamic secular year in that land. Likewise the Jubilee system for Adam began on 4026Tishri1, the start of the first whole Tishri1 adamic secular year of his life in his Mark2 human body designed not by the angels, but by God. For a physical land depicts a congregation, a church in bible symbolism.

26 And God went on to say [to his wife, the 1st Holy Spirit, the chosen angels of his heavenly administration]: Let us make [pre-adamic non ageing, protoangelic] man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.
27 And God [himself alone] proceeded to create the man [Adam, MarkII humans] in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1 NWT)

Adam was as high above pre adamics as God himself is above the angels. Adam's human body was ageless. That was his birthright. Therefore he must be returned to it at the Jubilee release day during his first Jubilee. His first Jubilee was interrupted for 6,000 years by his death and by Michael's 6,000 year lease over him. Preadamic man did not age (not being under the adamic death penalty) and lived to 50 years (a Jubilee) before being raptured to become angelic. Because preadamic man was made in the image of the angels. He was the children of the angels. So his birthright was an angelic body. So he was restored to that body in his 50th year.

"No prehistoric remains have been found of people older than 50 years." (See 'Anti-aging is an oxymoron' L. Hayflick, Journal of Gerontology 2004 June 59 (6): B573-8).

2024Tebbeth14: Gordon Ritchie (2023Chislev13 - 2023November29/30). Gordon realises that the extraction of Abraham by rapture causes a new secular year, as was the case with the Exodus in 1513Nisan, when the secular year was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start to coincide with the sacred year since God was both secular and sacred king to Israel and he is not divided against himself. He can be both mother and father because he is divine. The Abrahamic 2NC rapture from 2023Chislev16-21 causes a new Chislev1 Abrahamic secular year replacing the Tishri1 adamic secular year. Year changes occurs on extractions/exodi not on installations as Caesar. When on is air lifted from Kabul (if one is) one does not care when the general who evacuates one was appointed. One is much more interested in when he successfully removes one from a war zone. So that meant the 50th year of Adam in God's family starts not on 2024Tishri1 but on 2024Chislev1. That means the Jubilee release from Zoar is 2024Chislev10 not 2024Tishri10. That means the late Jubilee release (the end of last chance saloon entry) occurs on 2024Tebbeth10 not 2024Heshvan10. And that means the 1st death Passover is 2024Tebbeth14, the absolute end of Adam and Cain the physical end of the world. Then Jehovah is appointed over Abraham on 2024Tebbeth16 and over Isaac on 2024Shebat16. So the Kingdom of God is appointed/installed on 2024Tebbeth16/Adar5 
Gordon Ritchie (2023Chislev14 - 2023November30): Abraham is completed on 2008Nisan14, the end of the 1AC baptism (excepting the 195 days of the last minute negotiation of Abraham with God of Genesis18). He must work for 6000 days and no more before having a Sabbath, which Sabbath is the Kingdom of God. 6000 days after 2008Nisan14 is 2024Chislev14, the end of Zoar, the Passover execution of the last 1AC baptised under the ARC lease. So here is the deal. Michael's lease lasts for 6000 years after Adam sinned, taking us from 3993Nisan14 BC to 2008Nisan14 AD, Then completed 1AC Abraham works for 6000 days until the end of Zoar which is the end of his dwelling upon this earth on 2024Chislev14. Then the last Chance saloon runs from 2024Chislev10 to 2024Tebbeth14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam and Cain. These 6000 days are 200 months which are the 200 Denarii of loaves which were not enough so that each one could get a little (Zoar means little). They are the months of Zoar feeding for completed Abraham from 2008Nisan14 to 2024Chislev14.
Gordon Ritchie (2023Chislev14 - 2023November30): The Quad Gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC ended on 2020Tishri15. There was no 2 year Jehoiachin gap in Babylon as we once thought because although Evil Merodach raised up the throne of Jehoiachin to be higher than all the other thrones in Babylon. He did not raise it up to be higher than his own throne. So Israel still had a Gentile Caesar. So Jesus' post Gentile Times lease on Adam began at Mosaic first fruits on 2020Tishri20 and on Cain began at 5th Isaaic Zoar first fruits on 2020Heshvan16. Jesus must release Adam on the 10th day of his first Jubilee month, which is 2024Chislev10, the end of Zoar entrance. And likewise he must release Cain on the 10th day of his 1st Jubilee month which is 2024Tebbeth10, the end of last chance saloon entrance. So again this puts the 1st death Passover at 2024Tebbeth14. 

2024Chislev10 is the 50th year Jubilee release day for Adam being in God's family (rather than Michael's) due to the adamic Tishri1 to Abrahamic Chislev1 secular year change
AND it is the Jubilee release day for Adam being under Jesus' post Quad gapped Gentile Times lease from 2020Tishri20.

2024Tebbeth14: Gordon Ritchie (2023Tebbeth8 - 2023December24): Gordon saw a second and a third 2:1 temple ratio prophecy giving the end of end times escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham.

Births: 4027Tishri2 to 2Heshvan21 BC (4025 years 49 days: Adam's birth to Jesus' birth) to 2012Sivan15/16 (2012½ years 24½ days: Jesus' birth to non adamic Abraham's birth, the start of the escape of Adam into non adamic Abraham). Taking the curtain of Jesus' non adamic flesh as defining the start of the Christian era and extending 33½ years into that era
God's family: 4027Tishri9 (Adam 'circumcised'/registered) to 3993Nisan14 BC (33½ years 5 days: Adam's registration entrance to his sin exit from God's family) then 6000 year curtain of Adam being owned/possessed by Jesus and therefore being Jesus' flesh, to 2008Nisan14, the end of Michael's ARC lease. Then 2008Nisan14 to 2024Tebbeth16 (16¾ years 2½ days - Passover is at midnight on 2024Tebbeth14, the end of the escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham).
Priesthood: 3989Sivan5 (Adam installed as priest) to 2Heshvan29 BC (Jesus circumcised: 3987 years 174 days) and 33Nisan14 (Jesus sacrificed) to 2026Tebbeth11 (Kingdom Samaritan call to ex true church people: 1993½ years 87 days)
So the 2:1 temple ratio gives the first day of escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham (2012Sivan14-16) and the last (2024Tebbeth14-16). For the first shall be last and the last first - see U108.

Gordon saw that the 50th month of the completed 3rd Holy Spirit from the 4th HLC marriage on 2020Heshvan18 is 2024Tebbeth and the Jubilee release is 2024Tebbeth10, the last day of Kingdom salvation entrance. This puts the 1st death Passover at 2024Tebbeth14.
2024Tebbeth14: Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez saw from Daniel12:11-13 that the ratio of the world to the flood to the world to the final installation of the Kingdom of God is 360/1355. Gordon fitted this to runs from 3993Nisan21 (the start of Michael's ARC lease, the start of the world) 2371Heshvan17 (the start of the lava flood) is 1622 years 206 days = 584126 days and to 2025Iyyar5 (the installation of the Kingdom of God over Melchizedek) is 584126 x 360/1355 = 2166133.916 days = 6017 years 14 days. So the Kingdom of God is appointed over Melchizedek on 2024Adar16 over Isaac on 2024Shebat16 and over Abraham on 2024Tebbeth16, putting the 1st death Passover at 2024Tebbeth14.

2024Shebat14: Gordon Ritchie (2023Tebbeth26 - 2024January11/12). Gordon realises that the extraction of Abraham by rapture causes a new secular year, as was the case with the Exodus in 1513Nisan, when the secular year was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start to coincide with the sacred year since God was both secular and sacred king to Israel and he is not divided against himself. He can be both mother and father because he is divine. The Abrahamic 2NC rapture from 2023Tebbeth16-21 causes a new Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year replacing the Tishri1 adamic secular year. Year changes occur on extractions/exodi not on installations as Caesar. When one is air lifted from Kabul (if one is) one does not care when the general who evacuates one was appointed. One is much more interested in when he successfully removes one from a war zone. So that meant the 50th year of Adam in God's family starts not on 2024Tishri1 but on 2024Tebbeth1. That means the Jubilee release from Zoar is 2024Tebbeth10 not 2024Tishri10. That means the late Jubilee release (the end of last chance saloon entry) occurs on 2024Shebat10 not 2024Heshvan10. And that means the 1st death Passover is 2024Shebat14, the absolute end of Adam and Cain the physical end of the world. Then Jehovah is appointed over Abraham on 2024Shebat16 and over Isaac on 2024Adar16. So the Kingdom of God is appointed/installed on 2024Shebat16/2025Nisan5 
Gordon Ritchie (2023Tebbeth26 - 2024January11/12): Abraham is completed on 2008Nisan14, the end of the 1AC baptism (excepting the 195 days of the last minute negotiation of Abraham with God of Genesis18). He must work for 6000 days and no more before having a Sabbath, his release from false religion, from Babylon on 2024Chislev10, the 4th post ARC Kingdom Jubilee release day, the 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee release day, entry into the 11th crop of Revelation22. This puts the end of Zoar at 2024Tebbeth14 and the end of the last chance saloon at 2024Shebat14, So here is the deal. Michael's lease lasts for 6000 years after Adam sinned, taking us from 3993Nisan14 BC to 2008Nisan14 AD, Then completed 1AC Abraham works for 6000 days until his release from Babylon opn the 4th post ARC Kingdom Jubilee release day, 2024Chislev10,, this puts the end of Zoar at 2024Tebbeth14 and the end of the last chance saloon and the physical world and Adam and Cain, the 1st death Passover at 2024Shebat14. These 6000 days are 200 months which are the 200 Denarii of loaves which were not enough so that each one could get a little (Zoar means little). They are the months of Zoar feeding for completed Abraham from 2008Nisan14 to 2024Chislev14, not enough because Zoar last for one more month.
Gordon Ritchie (2023Tebbeth26 - 2024January11/12): The Quad Gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC ended on 2020Tishri15. There was no 2 year Jehoiachin gap in Babylon as we once thought because although Evil Merodach raised up the throne of Jehoiachin to be higher than all the other thrones in Babylon. He did not raise it up to be higher than his own throne. So Israel still had a Gentile Caesar. So Jesus' post Gentile Times lease on Adam began at Mosaic first fruits on 2020Tishri20 and on Cain began at 5th Isaaic Zoar first fruits on 2020Heshvan16. Jesus must release Adam on the 10th day of his first Jubilee month, which is 2024Chislev10, the end of Zoar entrance from Babylon. And likewise he must release Cain on the 10th day of his 1st Jubilee month which is 2024Tebbeth10, the end Zoar entrance. So again this puts the end of Zoar at 2024Tebbeth14 and the 1st death Passover at 2024Shebat14. 

2024Tebbeth10 is the 50th year Jubilee release day for Adam being in God's family (rather than Michael's) due to the adamic Tishri1 to Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year change
AND it is the Jubilee release day for Cain being under Jesus' post Quad gapped Gentile Times lease from 2020Heshvan16.

2024Shebat14: Gordon Ritchie (2023Tebbeth8 - 2023December24): Gordon saw a second and a third 2:1 temple ratio prophecy giving the end of end times escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham.

Births: 4027Tishri2 to 2Heshvan21 BC (4025 years 49 days: Adam's birth to Jesus' birth) to 2012Sivan15/16 (2012½ years 24½ days: Jesus' birth to non adamic Abraham's birth, the start of the escape of Adam into non adamic Abraham). Taking the curtain of Jesus' non adamic flesh as defining the start of the Christian era and extending 33½ years into that era
God's family: 4027Tishri9 (Adam 'circumcised'/registered) to 3993Nisan14 BC (33½ years 5 days: Adam's registration entrance to his sin exit from God's family) then 6000 year curtain of Adam being owned/possessed by Jesus and therefore being Jesus' flesh, to 2008Nisan14, the end of Michael lease. Then 2008Nisan14 to 2024Tebbeth16 (16¾ years 2½ days) The Passover is at midnight on 2024Tebbeth14, the end of Zoar, the end of the escape of existing saved mankind.
Priesthood: 3989Sivan5 (Adam installed as priest) to 2Heshvan29 BC (Jesus circumcised: 3987 years 174 days) and 33Nisan14 (Jesus sacrificed) to 2026Tebbeth11 (Kingdom Samaritan call to ex true church people: 1993½ years 87 days) - see point54

So the 2:1 temple ratio gives the first day of escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham (2012Sivan14-16) and the last (2024Tebbeth16 - the 12th crop resurrection of Revelation22). For the first shall be last and the last first - see U108.

Gordon saw that the 50th month of the completed 3rd Holy Spirit from the 4th HLC marriage on 2020Heshvan18 is 2024Tebbeth and the Jubilee release is 2024Tebbeth10, the last day of Zoar entrance. This puts the end of Zoar at 2024Tebbeth14 and the 1st death Passover at 2024Shebat14.
2024Shebat14: Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez saw from Daniel12:11-13 that the ratio of the world to the flood to the world to the final installation of the Kingdom of God is 360/1355. Gordon fitted this to runs from 3993Nisan21 (the start of Michael's ARC lease, the start of the world) 2371Heshvan17 (the start of the lava flood) is 1622 years 206 days = 584126 days and to 2025Iyyar5 (the installation of the Kingdom of God over ISsac) is 584126 x 360/1355 = 2166133.916 days = 6017 years 14 days. So the Kingdom of God is appointed over Isaac on 2024Adar16 and over Abraham on 2024Shebat16, putting the 1st death Passover at 2024Shebat16.

2028Tishri14: Gordon Ritchie adjusted Frank's 6050 years to be 6,004 years and a 50 year Jubilee after realising that Michael had to extend his lease by 4 years in order to be able to give Satan his 6000 year Red Soup year lease as Caesar to Adam. Because Jehovah cannot make a covenant directly with an unrepentant (constructively dead) Satan. That got him to 2028Tishri1 and then the Jubilee release is 2028Tishri10, which we thought would be the day upon which Adam was released into Abraham or Gehenna. But actually the late version of it is the beginning of that 'day'. It is the start of the Accepting year of Isaiah61 from 2028Heshvan10, entry day into the early Laodicean FRC Passover, to 2029Heshvan10, the end of Zoar entrance.

2033: On 2020August27, a continuation of the church of Harold Camping uploaded a youtube video which does not claim 2033 as the end of the world but says that their evidence for it being such is the strongest yet as it is 2,000 years after Jesus' death which they correctly put at 33 AD. The video was a record of a presentation by Chris McCann on 2019April21.

2033Nisan14: Just before 2024February12 (2023Shebat27) Gordon finally saw clearly what Barnabus had written in his epistle, that there are 6 recreative days of Genesis1 at 1,000 years each. 

4. Notice, children, what the meaning of "He made an end in six days" is! It means this: that the Lord will make an end of everything in six thousand years, for a day with him means a thousand years. And he himself is my witness when he says, "Look, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years." So then, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything will be completed.
5 And he rested on the seventh day. This means, when his Son comes he will destroy the time of the lawless one, and will judge the godless, and will change the sun and the moon and the stars, and then he will truly rest on the seventh day (Barnabus 15:4,5).

He saw that the 4th recreative day ended with the sacrifice of Jesus on 33Nisan14 AD because the sun and the moon had to appear in that day and Jesus appeared in the flesh on 2Heshvan21 BC and as the angel Michael possessing Immanuel on 29Tishri10 at his baptism by John depicted by the dove landing upon Immanuel's head - a beautiful symbolism. But Satan did not appear to mankind until he entered into Judas on 33Nisan12, 2 days before the Passover of Mark14:1 and Luke 22:2-3. So the Sun and the moon were visible by 33Nisan12. But we end the 4th creative day on 33Nisan14, when the light of the world was extinguished and darkness covered the land from the 6th hour to the 9th, when he died. So the 6th creative day ends on 2033Nisan14 which is the 7th Jubilee month inclusively from the end of the original 6,000 year ARC lease (2008Nisan14, 2012Sivan14, 2016Ab14, 2020Tishri14, 2024Chislev14, 2028Shebat14 and 2033Nisan14 are the 6 Jubilees between the 7 Jubilee months). So 2033Nisan14 is the release of Adam from this world and his release from his death penalty, since the last son of Adam dies adamic death on that day, the 1st death Passover - see U271-12#124.

2033Nisan14: Gordon saw that the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy applied to the 6 millennia recreative working week fixing the end of the 4th recreative day (Jesus' sacrifice, the ripping of the temple curtain) at 33Nisan14. So the recreative working week must end on 2033Nisan14. He emailed this to the church on 2024February7 (2023Shebat23)

2033Nisan14: 2024August25 or thereabouts Hawkeye rang Gordon and declared that the end of the world was 2033Nisan14 because this was 2 millennia after Christ's sacrifice and Jesus must be raised up on the 3rd day. Gordon saw the brilliance and simplicity of that understanding and realised that Jesus completed the process of being raised up to be Caesar to all mankind on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14. He realised that the Kingdom of God was the 3rd millennium to date after Jesus' sacrifice. He further realised that really the Christian calendar should count not from Jesus' birth, but from his death. So that the Kingdom begins on 2000Nisan16 AD and runs to 3000Nisan14 AD rather than from 2033Nisan16 AD to 3033Nisan14 AD.

2033Nisan14: On 2024September13-15, Gordon saw that the 4 days of Lazarus in the memorial tomb before the stone was taken away were the first 4 recreative days from the making of the Abelian Faith Covenant on 3968Nisan14 BC, which was the creation of the memorial tomb for saved mankind, to the rolling away of the stone over that tomb, the sacrifice of the stone of stumbling of Jesus Christ on 33Nisan14 AD after which the scripture says: 

52 And the memorial tombs were opened and many bodies of the holy ones that had fallen asleep were raised up,
53 and persons, coming out from among the memorial tombs after his being raised up, entered into the holy city, and they became visible to many people. (Matthew 27 NWT)

So this puts the end of the 6th recreative day on 2033Nisan14.

2033Nisan14: On 2024September13-15, Gordon saw that the 2 days before the Passover of Mark14 and Matthew26, were the 5th and 6th recreative days before the 1st death Passover on 2033Nisan14.

1 Now the Passover and the [festival of] unfermented cakes was 2 days later. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to seize him by crafty device and kill him; (Mark 14 NWT)
1 Was but the Passover and the unfermented [cakes] after 2 days. And were seeking the chief priests and the scribes how him in crafty device having seized they may kill, (Mark 14 KIT)
you know that 2 days from now the Passover occurs, and the Son of man is to be delivered up to be impaled. (Matthew 26 NWT)
2 you have known that after 2 days the Passover is occurring, and the Son of the man is being given over into the to be put upon the stake. (Matthew 26 KIT)

Indeed. 2 millennia after 33Nisan14, when Jesus was seized by the chief priests in Gethsemane and killed and put upon a stake, is 2033Nisan14, the completion of the Passover of Adam, the 1st death Passover, the end of Adam entering into the 1st death. The priests condemned him to death and handed him over to Pilate to be killed on 33Nisan14.

2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2033Nisan17: 1st death Passover executed sealed Adam is resurrected
2033Iyyar14: The late 1st death Passover, the Passover execution of Cain, the absolute end of Cain.
2033Iyyar16/Tammuz5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Isaac.
2033Iyar22: Late Passover executed sealed Cain is resurrected. The 2357 days of separating the sheep and the goats and sending the unrighteous to Gehenna but the righteous in indefinitely lasting non ageing human life from 2026Heshvan5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Abraham in Isaaic Zoar, end

2033/2034: Mike Schwingenschloegl deduces this date for the end of the world being 120 years of Genesis 6:3 after the start of WW1 on 1914Ab10 from Genesis 6 and Matthew24 (inclusively or exclusively). He deduced this aged 13. He informed Gordon about it on 2024July3 after Gordon sent the church an email about 2033Nisan14 being the end of the 6 millennial recreative days being deduced from the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy. Gordon adjusted Mike's understanding to take the 120 years inclusively and arrived at 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 - see U271-12#123.

2060: Sir Isaac Newton in his book observations on the prophecies of Daniel and the apocalypse of John: "So then the time times & half a time are 42 months or 1260 days or three years & an half, recconing twelve months to a yeare & 30 days to a month as was done in the Calendar of the primitive year. And the days of short lived Beasts being put for the years of lived kingdoms, the period of 1260 days, if dated from the complete conquest of the three kings A.C. 800, will end A.C. 2060. It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner." Newton made this prophecy around 1704. But later revised it in letters to fellow theologians above to be 2016, counting from 756 AD.

It is interest that Newton uses AC (after Christ). Because Christ did not appear until 29Tishri10, when the dove of the descending angel Michael landed on the head of the human Immanuel at his baptism by John. But he continued with us in that body until 33Nisan14. So really 2033Nisan14 is 2000 years AC.

Newton Ussher Brown Miller Barbour Russell Franz Schwingenschoegl Ritchie  Sharon Thomas   Sanchez Jones Ritchie Conger Ritchie   Sanchez Ritchie Hawkeye. 

The Answer: 2033Nisan14: 2x 1000 year recreative days after Jesus' sacrifice on 33Nisan14, which is 6x 1000 year recreative days of Genesis1 after 3968Nisan14 BC when Adam made the AFC with Abel aged 21, the first salvation covenant for human salvation (rather than angelic). This fixes the Kingdom of God as the 3rd millennial day after Jesus died running from 2033Nisan14 to 3033Nisan14 after a non existent 0 AD, Jesus having been born on 2Heshvan21 BC. But really this is 2000Nisan14 AC to 3000Nisan14 AC taking AC to mean after Christ's death..115

[19c] The Demonic War on Humanity

Mankind is presently suffering a coordinated attack on healthcare, on food production and distribution, on education, on history, on art, on transport, on ancestry, on fuel and power, on law enforcement, on military preparedness, on economies, on on the family (as articulated beautifully by Giorgia Meloni), on gender, on critical thinking and on free speech. Children are being attacked by genital mutilation. These things were unthinkable to the morality of 20th century mankind. It is an all out war which has not yet become kinetic other than in Ukraine and Gaza, where it is genocidally kinetic. This all out attack is disguised as being justified and being good for us by the WOKE anti Christian cult, the priesthood of the globalists. So to all those who still have 2 unvaccinated brain cells that have not been destroyed by spike proteins we ask: Who is now here and behind this attack? 

God sent Moses to liberate the Jews from Egypt by an Exodus across a Red Sea only after they had become slaves to the Egyptians. He will likewise send Jesus to liberate us from this world by an Exodus wherein we walk on the land of a true church through a sea of blood guided and protected by the waters of a heavenly priesthood to our right and an earthly priesthood to our left, only AFTER we have been enslaved by the modern day Egyptians through the Mark of the Beast on the hand, the vaccine passport QR code, the Marks out of 10 of the Beast upon the forehead, your social credit score, and the Image of the beast, the social credit score linked digital smart currency which denies you access to your hard earned money. Slaves do not have any money. They labour for their master, not for themselves.

Here we are racing to condemn our ancestors for having slaves, whilst passively presenting our shoulders to the genetic yoke of our new slave masters. But why are they doing this right now? Why have they made this agreement to enslave us by dastardly skullduggery at this particular time?

Well, it is because they know they are about to lose us. They are about to lose us to the next administration of mankind on earth. To the next political system for this planet. The next Whitehall. The next Whitehouse. The Kingdom of God in heaven AND on earth, the place for which we pray for God's will to be done. And the more tightly they control us, the closer they are to losing us, and the closer we are to that Kingdom. Many people, Muslims and Christians and Jews, want to know when Jesus or at least the Messiah, will come to release us. He has already finishes extracting the 1NC and HLC saints by death and resurrection. He starts extracting the 2NC saints by rapture from 2024Tebeth16 (December21/22). He comes to release those in the true church (Zoar, the LWs) from Slavery 2025 just as Moses was sent by God to release the Jews from Slavery1513Nisan14 BC in Egypt. So plainly we must be enslaved in the Egypt of this world before he can come to release us into the new promised land of the Kingdom of God - which our enslavers would deny us! For our latest attempt at the chronology of this new Exodus please see U271-11 or U101..

On 2023June27 in the UK parliament, the labour party essentially voted to continue sex education of minors in schools, grooming them for transgender genital mutilation with its associated climax disability, infertility and incontinence, increased suicide rates and all the health disasters resulting from forcing the sex hormones into cells of the opposite gender to the hormones . Make no mistake. Slave owners had and have the right to sexually abuse both their slaves and the children of their slaves. The UK government has codified that right. The UK people are slaves to their government. They no longer have authority over their children either in hospitals or in schools or in the family courts. The clearest and most perverted manifestation of that is government control over children's sexual expression. 

[19d] The Woke Reversal of the 10 Commandments

185The 10 commandments:

1 Thou shalt not have any other Gods against my face.
2 Thou shalt not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them
3 Thou shalt not take up the name of Jehovah thy God in a worthless way
4 Remembering the Sabbath day to hold it sacred. 6 days thou shalt serve [God] and do all thy [secular] work [paying God's things to God and Caesar's to Caesar]. But the 7th day is a Sabbath to Jehovah your God. Thou shalt not do any [sacred or secular] work
5 Honour thy father and thy mother in order that thy days may prove long upon the land that Jehovah thy God is giving thee.
6 Thou shalt not murder.
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8 Thou shalt not steal.
9 Thou shalt not testify falsely as a witness against thy neighbour.
10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to thy neighbour. (Exodus 20 NWT)

Their Woke Reversal:

Thou shalt worship thy career, thy belly, thy sex drive and the trending morality of the day pushed by the main stream media
2. Thou shalt bow down to and serve thy celebrities, thy internet influencers, thy political party, thy chosen religion, the opposite sex, thy spouse, thy cult, thy career and thy mobile phone. But thou shalt not bow down to or serve God
3. Jesus Christ that is hard to obey!
4. Thou shalt move the Sabbath from starting sunset Friday to starting midnight Saturday and then work all through it for money. 6 days thou shalt work thy fingers to the bone just to survive and pay thy taxes. Thou shalt have no time at all to work for God in trying to understand his book containing the 10 commandments - without which understanding thou hast no future.
5. Thou shalt dishonour thy parents and obey thy school teacher, thy care worker, thy local council, thy social benefits office, thy 'family' courts, thy university lecturer, thy police officer and thy politician instead. Thou shalt condemn thy non African ancestors as slave owning supremacists who failed to obey a morality which was not invented until 200 years after they died. And the shorter thy days are on the land that Jehovah is giving you the better it will be for the environment.
6. Thou shalt murder with impunity with post mid term abortions, with vaccines, with unavoidable pharmaceutical side effects. Thou shalt murder people who threaten the power of dictators, and people in countries thy politicians instruct thee to invade and thy brother without investigation in democrat policed US cities.
7. Thou shalt commit adultery with whomsoever thou likest
8. Thou shalt steal goods up to a value of 00 without penalty and any shop assistant or security guard who attempts to stop thee shalt themselves be arrested and criminally charged.
9. Thou shalt rarely tell the truth at all to thy neighbour if thou art a politician, a government scientist, an intel operative, a person with public sector authority, a main stream media employee, a university administrator or a hospital administrator. Thou shalt weaponise thy justice system against thy opponents.
10. Thou shalt covet thy neighbour's wife, they neighbour's ass and thy neighbour's wife's ass, especially if thou art bisexual.

Truly the Anti Christ is here.185

[19e] WEF Digital IDs are the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13

You will not be able to buy or sell or do banking or get healthcare or use the internet etc. without them. The image below is from the WEF website... .

16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones], that they should give these a mark [Social credit score] in their right hand [works] or upon their forehead [thoughts],
17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark [Social credit score], the name of the wild beast [the authority of the financial sea beast] or the number of its name [your digital ID Registration number] (Revelation 13 NWT).

[19f] The ethnic cleansing under the threat of genocide in Gaza looks like the abomination causing the devastation of WW3 of Mark 13:14 but not of Matthew 24:15 (which occurs in the Holy Place of the temple mount, David's threshing floor)

Before the Israeli Hamas civilian massacre fest I thought that Genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced relocation were the worst things that mankind could do to each other. Since this war started I have been sickened more by those who attempt to justify Genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced relocation in the media. 

I am a free speech absolutist like Elon Musk. I am not saying these posts should be banned. I am just saying that the degree of moral bankruptcy necessary for a Jew in particular to attempt to justify a genocide is too depressing for words. 

Anyone who attempts to justify genocide has a heart which registers at absolute zero. Any Jew who attempts to justify it is referring the abuse that was meted out to us. This of course is how abuse propagates. The holocaust of WW2 should have been the last one. 

The solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem is to recognise that Abraham and all his seed are the promised land, not soil and rock between the Nile and the Euphrates.

Also the present operation by Israel is billed as a war against Hamas. But Hamas is not a state and neither is Gaza. It is therefore not a war. It is an abomination. It may well be the abomination that causes desolation standing where it ought not of Mark 13:14.

14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Mark 13 NWT)

Because for Jews to carry out ethnic cleansing under the threat of genocide is an abomination which is standing in Israel right now. It ought not to be standing there because Israel should be the last place on earth where anything approaching genocide is countenanced. The desolation it causes may be the future holocaust of WW3. So I do think we are looking at the fulfilment of Mark 13:14 here but not Matthew 24:15 which occurs at the holy place of the temple mount, the Al Aqsa site. 

[19g] Several Key Elements of the Holocaust are being repeated.

It took 8 years from 1933 to 1941 for Hitler to set up the original holocaust. That process is now being repeated.

This is a 5 part documentary series created by a Holocaust survivor. She explains that the way to prevent is to refuse to comply. Infowars interviews Vera Sherav 

[19h] Illegal Immigrant men of fighting age are highly paid by governments because they will be used as an army of foreign mercenaries to suppress resistance by legal nationals to globalist enslavement through Digital ID Vaccine Passports and globalist wealth theft through mandatory CBDCs

The vast majority of illegal immigrants are young men of fighting age. If they were genuine refugees the demographics would not be so pronounced. They are mercenaries hand picked by government sponsored recruitment agents and hired to police legal nationals when the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13 (Vaccine Passport Digital IDs) are enforced and when all our wealth is stolen by the banks and the governments through CBDCs (the image of gold of Daniel3). Labour has completely sold out to the globalists as has Sunak. That is why he called the election way too early politically.

[20] Monkeypox looks like the 6th Plague of Exodus9 (seen on 2022Iyyar23)?? It appears to be dying out presently?? Presumably it makes a resurgence??

Well we got that right in 2022Iyyar23. The WHO declared Monkey pox (Mpox) a public health emergency of International concern on 2024August14.


8 And Jehovah said to Moses and to Aaron, Take for yourselves the fullness of fists/hands [dual] of you dust [x;yPi] of furnace [condemned adamic dust] and let Moses [deliberate omission of Aaron who must also himself have thrown the dust towards the heavens. So Moses here means Drawn out one rather than Moses himself. Drawn out of the world into the true church. Drawn out of Adam to be non adamic] scatter it toward the heavens to eyes of Pharaoh.
9 And let it become to light-volatile-dust/powder [qb'a'] [risen non adamic dust] on all of land of Egypts, and let it [the adamic dust] become to inflammation erupting/causing boils on man and {erupting/causing boils} on livestock in all of land of Egypts [Boils are ON man and beast. Inflammation is IN man and beast].
10 And they took dust of the furnace and stood to faces of Pharaoh. And Moses scattered it toward the heavens, and it became/existed [an] inflammation in the man and {[an] inflammation} in the livestock boils erupting/producing [an inflammation IN man and beast producing boils not in them but on them] [not said to become powder in the literal account - so it does in the noun symbolic account].
11 And the magical-scribal-priests [false religious leaders] were not able to stand to faces of Moses, from faces/appearance of the inflammation. For the inflammation [not said to be erupting boils] was/existed in magical-scribal-priests and {the inflammation existed] in all of Egypts/Egyptians.
12 And Jehovah made heavy heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, as/like Jehovah had said to Moses. (Exodus 9 GLT)

Literal Countable Noun Count LCNC: 6+6+6+4 = 22x (2 threads)
Literal Distinct Noun Count LDNC:  Moses (3), Aaron (1), Fullness of Hands (1), Dust of Furnace (2), Heavens (2), Land of Egypts (2), Inflammation (4), Boils/Blisters (3), Man (1), Livestock (1), Priests (1) Egyptians (1) = 12 (2 threads) 

So Moses (3), Aaron (1), Fullness of Hands (1), Boils/Blisters (3), Man (1), Livestock (1), Priests (1) Egyptians (1) are literal (invariant) in the noun symbolic meaning
Whereas Dust of Furnace (2), Heavens (2), Land of Egypts (2), Inflammation (4) take greater meanings in the noun symbolic meaning

One needs a perfect interlinear translation to see those counts. The symbolism is carried in the nouns of a bible account.
Nouns prefixed with inseparable prepositions such as b or l are not counted. 
Nouns prefixed with an inseparable definite article are counted
Nouns with hyphenated prepositions such as l[ are counted

Jehovah is invariant in symbolism and therefore does not affect any noun count
Symbolic/Comparative nouns are in green do not count in literal noun count
Literal nouns acting as nouns are in black and do count
Possessive nouns acting as adjectives are in brown and do not count
Inseparable prepositions and nouns prefixed with them are in wine red and do not count
Symbolic Interpretations are in blue
Literal Explanations are in olive
{noun} denotes an implied noun omitted by abbreviation (such as the daughter of Fred and Susie which is an abbreviation for the daughter of Fred and the daughter of Susie)

The account is an exercise in distribution of countable nouns such as...

Inflammation causing boils on man and {boils} on beast
Inflammation in man and {inflammation} in beast causing boils

Boils are on man and inflammation [viral infection] is in man hence verse 10 distributes boils but not inflammation and verse 11 distributes inflammation but not boils.

Inflammation counts 4x and so takes a second meaning which is viral infection ion the greater meaning, the noun symbolic meaning
Boils counts 3x and so are literal in the the greater meaning, the noun symbolic meaning

So the adamic dust spreads the Monkeypox virus not the non adamic powder. There is no asymptomatic spread.  

Inflammation = viral infection = Monkeypox
Heavens = home of God not the atmosphere.
Dust of the furnace = condemned adamic dust, non 1AC adamics
Powder/list dust = uncondemned non adamic dust, non adamic Abraham
Land of Egypts = People of the world
Egyptians = Egyptians (when a noun has 2 meanings in the literal account - such as Egypt and Egyptians - it takes two meanings in the noun symbolic thread)

So any congregation which gets a case of Monkeypox is not a part of God's people and is therefore in false church. People should leave that church and join the church that gave them this interpretation.
The instructions for the dust of the furnace apply to secular people in the Egypt of this world
The execution of the instructions for the dust of the furnace applies to religious people in the religions of this world.

If you get Monkeypox you are adamic and therefore not in a true church and you are not one of God's water baptised people because the pox is a demarcation of Exodus 8. You can still be one of God's people by faith (or by love actually).

23 And I shall indeed set a demarcation between my people and your people. Tomorrow this sign will take place.' (Exodus 8 NWT)

"While anyone can get monkeypox, the current outbreak is overwhelmingly affecting sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. In fact, our recent study which looked at 528 monkeypox infections since the start of the outbreak found that 98% of these infections had occurred in this group." 

[20a] The Cleveland Clinic Conclusively Proves that (anti) Vaccines Progressively Destroy the Immune System in a Dose Dependent Manner

Here is the 2022-2023 Best US Hospitals Honour Roll

1. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
2. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.
3. NYU Langone Hospitals, New York.
4. Cleveland Clinic.
5. (tie) Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.
6. (tie) UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles.
7. New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia and Cornell, New York.
8. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
9. Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago.
10. Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, Stanford, California.

Established in 1821, the Cleveland Clinic is an international healthcare system with over 200 hospitals and clinics. Its network of practices provides routine healthcare, emergency healthcare and specialist treatment. It consistently ranks as one of the top American and global healthcare providers, employing 65,000 healthcare professionals and treating nearly 6 million patients annually. They have very proactive Departments of Infectious Diseases, Infection Prevention, and Quantitative Health Sciences, who have consistently been first to produce solid data about the effectiveness of Covid vaccines versus natural immunity using their own 65,000 staff as their clinical trial subjects! They wisely did NOT insist that all their staff took the vaccine, because they believe in bodily autonomy and are scientists who need a control group of unvaxxed people against which to measure the efficacy of the multi jab vaccine intervention. 

Here are the Covid infection rates for the 1st 98 days from 2022September12, when the bivalent vaccine was first offered to their employees. It was not mandated. It was offered.

So on 2022September12, 6199 employees were unvaxxed, 2359 were single jabbed, 13804 were double jabbed, 20798 were triple jabbed and 3538 were quad jabbed or penta jabbed with the original vaccine, which was designed against the Wuhan Hu1 reference virus, which was NOT isolated from a Human but was generated on a computer. The results of their study, shown graphically above, demonstrate that the more doses of the original vaccine you took, the more likely you were to catch covid. In other words the original covid vaccine is not merely ineffective against Omicron. It is actually anti effective. It is therefore not a vaccine against the present strain of Covid. It is an antivaccine. It damages your immune system in a dose dependent manner. The more shots you took, the more damage you will have done to your immune system. The writer first saw this from PHE Vaccine Surveillance reports and published his findings to PHE themselves AND on my website and in The Expose, on 2021October10

Ironically all those who are vaccinated against Covid are antivaxxed
And all the antivaxxers are NOT antivaxxed

Work that one out!.

How fitting it is that at the time of publication by the Cleveland Clinic of these scientifically terminal results for Covid vaccination (2022December19), the UK NHS has suspended their emergency ambulance service and is leaving people to die in pain without healthcare nationwide as I write. Just as they left them to die in pain without comfort from their relatives who were forbidden to say goodbye to them. The writer was banned from contacting PHE after showing them that their figures proved VAIDS, Vaccine induced AIDS in July of 2021.

'The Science' has now been established by the Cleveland Clinic. Genetic vaccines damage your immune system and make you not less likely but more likely to be infected with Covid. Not only that but they have horrendous side effects on the cardiovascular, neurological and reproductive systems as well. They are nothing short of mandatory progressive euthanasia. Dr Evil would be proud of these results.

Simply put. If you have had 3 or more jabs, you are 3x more likely to get Covid. And these jabs are still mandated in some countries. Furthermore even the bivalent jab, which has some efficacy (30% - initially) against Omicron, is 50% old vax and 50% updated vax. So it is a further half dose of the original poison.

One can no longer say, that the government do not care about your health. They do care about it. They want to use it as a tool to control you. They are legislating the destruction of your health in order make you medically dependent upon them.

[20b] Government data show that the triply vaxxed are 35x more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than the unvaxxed in NSW Australia

The population of New South Wales in Australia was 6,505,883 in 2022. the vaccination status is as follows...

NSW Vax status 2023Jan7 

2023Jan7 status  0 Doses 1 Dose 2 Doses 3 Doses  4+ Doses Total Pop
Number in NSW with at least 6,505,883 6,317,213 6,233,463 4,591,260 1,719,654
Number in NSW with precisely 188,670 83,750 1,642,203 2,871,606 1,719,654 6,505,883
% in NSW with at least 100 97.1 95.8 70.5 45.7
% in NSW with precisely 2.9 1.3 25.3 24.8 45.7 100

NSW Australia data for Hospital and ICU Admissions during the last 6 weeks of 2022 show dose dependent immune system destruction 

NSW Covid ICU admissions 2022Nov19-Dec31

Doses Dosed
NSW % Nov13-19 Nov20-26 Nov27-
Dec4-10 Dec11-17 Dec18-24
- Dec31
ICU Admissions
per % of pop
ICU Admissions
per 100k
4+ 1,719,654 45.7 23 12 18 31 24 58 166 3.63 5.58
3 2,871,606 24.8 18 9 15 12 14 29 97 3.91 6.01
2 1,642,203 25.3 4 10 7 11 8 17 57 2.25 3.49
1 83,750 1.3 0 0 3 1 0 1 5 3.85 5.92
0 188,670 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U     14 11 11 8 12 35 91    
1/2 1,725,953 26.5 4 10 10 12 8 18 62 2.34 3.59
3/4+ 4,591,260 70.6 41 21 33 43 38 87 263 3.73 5.73

NSW Covid Hospital admissions 2022Nov19-Dec31

Doses Dosed
NSW % Nov13-19 Nov20-26 Nov27-
Dec4-10 Dec11-17 Dec18-24
per % of pop
per 100k
4+ 1,719,654 45.7 214 249 296 345 362 810 2276 49.80 76.55
3 2,871,606 24.8 114 142 170 163 187 377 1153 46.49 71.46
2 1,642,203 25.3 59 80 85 95 109 218 646 25.53 39.24
1 83,750 1.3 4 6 8 3 6 10 37 28.46 43.74
0 188,670 2.9 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 1.37 2.11
U     120 129 138 186 170 364 1107    

There is the proof of immune system destruction by vaccination mediated spike proteins. We see the same pattern for Hospital admissions in Australia as we see for infection rates in Cleveland. The more shots you take the weaker your immune system becomes. And that is for the target of the therapy! The above graphs do NOT address any of the side effects.


The population of NSW in Australia is 6½ million people. They are a highly vaccinated group. Looking at the Australian Government data for the last 6 weeks of 2022 we see that.

1. Those with 1 or 2 doses are 20x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses.
2. Those with 3 or 4 or more doses are 35x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid that those with no doses.
3. Being unvaxxed provides 100% protection from having to go to the ICU. Being vaxxed gives you a 6 in 100,000 chance of being hospitalised in the ICU.
4. Vaccines are unsafe and extremely antieffective.
5. Covid Vaccination is putting unsustainable pressure on hospitals and ICUs in NSW and by implication all over the world. 
6. The NHS in the UK will be destroyed unless vaccinations are banned immediately. It may already be too late.
7. The vaccines prevent herd immunity. Herd immunity will never be reached in the vaxxed. It has already been reached in the unvaxxed
8. The continuation of the pandemic is entirely caused by the anti vaccines.

The last time I looked at the data in NSW, for the last 6 weeks of 2021, the double vaxxed were 2.18x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.

Here were are today, 12 months later in the last 6 weeks of 2022, and the double vaxxed are not 2.18x, but actually 20x more likely to catch the latest variant. And the triple jabbed are 35x more likely!

So there is the immune system destruction that I predicted in October 2021. There is the progressive vaccine mediated AIDS. These are farcical Monty Python kinds of numbers. As I understand it the Australian government is now going to stop classifying hospital data by vax status. Talk about bury your head in the sand. In any event. It is too late. The cat is out of the bag. These figures are an accelerating immunological catastrophe.

The data we have analysed are for the disease that the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from (Covid-19). They do not address the plethora of cardiovascular, neurological, immunological, reproductive and systemic side effects of the genetic anti vaccinations which cause further hospital admissions. We have given control of our Health Services big pharma and they have destroyed those services. The day will come, if it has not already, when 50% of the patients in our hospitals are suffering from vaccine mediated pathology. The question then becomes how many others in addition to the vaccine damaged are suffering from Big Pharma mediated pathologies resulting from other Big Pharma 'medications'? The credibility and the viability of all health care worldwide is therefore entirely dependent upon the immediate cessation of genetic vaccination.

[21] Digital ID Vaccine Passports will become the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13. The Coronavirus of Spike Proteins is the Crown of Thorns, and the constricting serpent of Genesis 3:15 which strangles/suffocates its victims. The Vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 a fang for a jab

The Mark of the Beast and the Image of the Beast

The Vaccine Passports are the Mark of the Beast upon the hand (governing your actions). The French are presently denied non emergency hospital admission without them
The Social Credit scores that will be associated with them are the Mark of the Beast upon your forehead (governing your thoughts - how can I increase my score so that I can buy a cheeseburger?)
The image to the beast of Revelation13 is a new smart AI digital currency (beastcoin) which is living and which speaks - telling you what you can and cannot buy on the basis of your social credit score.
The vaccines are the snake venom of Genesis 3:15. Vaccination is the snake bite, a fang for a jab. They genetically reprogram your cells to be Cainian, the seed of the Serpent (Cain means spike/needle in Hebrew). Jesus died to ransom Adam not Cain.
The Coronavirus of Spike proteins is the Crown of Thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19, the last Satanic abuse meted out to Jesus before he died. For more see U917.
Snakes kill either by injection of venom (Cobra, Viper, Asp) or by strangulation/suffocation/constriction of the airway and the vascular system (Python, Anaconda, Boa Constrictor): COVID-19 is the constriction of the serpent (causing death by hypoxia, lack of Oxygen and/or vascular problems and/or cardiac arrest), Gene therapy vaccines are the snake venom (causing death by slow poisoning of the immune system). The vaccines are the Cobras, the Vipers, the Asps.
COVID variants are the Pythons, the Anacondas, the Boa Constrictors. Constrictors should not be lethal to man if handled correctly as Margot Robbie revealed in the case of her mum to Chris Pratt whilst hosting Jimmy Kimmel live. Likewise COVID-19 if treated properly with the correct therapeutics, should not be lethal to man. But venomous snakes can be lethal to mankind.

C O V I D 1 9

100 + 0 + 5 + 1+500 + 1 + 9 = 616, the sacred number of the Beast in the oldest extant biblical manuscript (P115)
The Latin Numeral System is I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. We take O as 0. Each character in COVID19 is interpreted individually.

The first Century beast was the Roman state, the 7 heads which are 7 mountains of Revelation17, being the 7 hills of Rome. The Harlot riding the beast was the early Roman Catholic Church back then (she is still up to her old tricks). Hence the Roman numerology.

616 is the sacred variant rather than 666, which is the secular variant of the number of the beast. It is 616 according to the Ephraemi Rescriptus Codex, Tyconius a 4th century Christian writer, and P115 - the Oxyrhynchus fragment from 225-275 AD, the oldest extant copy of Revelation13:17. Irenaeus, the 2nd century Christian writer, acknowledged the existence of 616 but rejected it in favour of 666. Irenaeus was in the Catholic Church, which fell as a true church on 84Nisan14 AD. 666 is a triangular number, the sum of all the numbers from 1-36 = 666. It is more spooky and interesting mathematically.

Rome became a multiheaded beast when the Monarchy of the 7 kings from Romulus to Tarquinius Superbus, was overthrown and the Senatus Populus-Que Romanus (SPQR) was established. This is when Rome became a Republic ruled by a representative democracy of Senators, a multi headed Senate, rather than a single headed King. SPQR was founded in 509 BC. 616 years after that, the number of the beast in years from its founding, was 107 AD (there was no 0 BC/AD). So the first century Mark of the Beast came into force then - through the Roman Catholic church?

It therefore behoves us to count 616/666 days of stolen authority over and above the 42 month licence given to the dragon by God and to the sea beast of Revelation13 by the Dragon as follows.

7 months precisely (of all ones compared to the free, the slaves, the rich, the poor the great and the small ones of Revelation13:16) of Universal Mark enforcement from 2023Tebbeth28 to 2024Ab28, 7 days after the catching/domestication of the beast at the end of WW3. 

[22] Wokeness vs Biblical Christianity

Doctrine Biblical Christianity Woke Morality
OFFENCE: Turn the other cheek Take Offence and do not accept apologies
FAMILY: Model for all morality Obsolete Paradigm to be dismantled
LOVE: Love thine enemies Hate cancel and deplatform your enemies
NATIONALISM: Nation states were designed at Babel to prevent a global political monopoly What we need is a global political monopoly
SEXUALITY: Be Heterosexual Be Alphabet with no H. Destroy Heteronormalcy - move ever closer to Paedophilia.
GENDER: Binary: 2 Biological genders Non Binary. Deny Biology.
FORGIVENESS: Forgive trespassers who repent Do not forgive trespassers, cancel them, even when they publicly repent
JUSTICE: Eye for eye tooth for tooth. Do not be partial in judgment. Hear the little one the same as the great one. Tweet for Job. Persecute the non woke exonerate the woke.
MEN & WOMEN: The Man is designed to be the head. The woman is designed to help the man exercise power more justly & lovingly Masculinity is toxic. Women therefore make better heads.
CROSS DRESSING: A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. Drag Queens for kids. Pride parades for Drag Queens
CHILDREN AND SEX: Parents determine age of sexualisation & age of consent. No procreative sex outside of a marriage agreement State forces sexualisation & non binary grooming onto minors. It preaches & facilitates gender mutilation of pre-pubescents under the risibly false pretext that they know what sex their body should be before their body is capable of having sex
IDENTITY: Personal, Family, Gender, Tribal, Ancestral, Community, National, Religious identities are really important. Every Old Testament Jew knew precisely where he came from. You can identify as whatever you like. You do not need a family. You do not need a country. You do not need a faith based religion. You just need to do like you are told by your Woke Meisters (Demon possession is the ultimate identity fraud). 
THEFT: Thou shalt not steal. Theft is not to be policed because everyone will soon own nothing and be happy. We do not wish to empower people with ownership of anything.
PHARMACEUTICALS: No kingdom inheritance for those who indulge in Pharmacology (farmakeia) No job or holiday for those who fail to take government recommended pharmaceuticals
CHARITY: True worship is looking after widows and orphans personally. Create 20 million widows and orphans by failing to manage HIV, manufacturing unjust wars and mandating genetic poisons disguised as vaccines. Leave charity to the state.
VEGETARIANISM: After the flood God gave mankind neat to eat.  Save the planet - eat bugs and veggies only. Whereas in truth pastures regenerate and store more CO2 when fertilised by herd animal dung
HISTORY: Do not deny it. Do not revise it. Accurately record it (as did the bible) and learn from it. Treasure mankind's history. It is all a lesson from God. It is our eating from the tree of good and bad. Mankind's history is a catalogue of abuse by people who were not woke enough. All your heroes were villains. Any statue to any human is to be defiled and torn down. You will revere and worship nobody and nothing except wokeness.
ABORTION: No abortion after the foetus becomes a human soul (around 19 weeks when the central nervous system is completed and the two halves of the brain are connected) Women should have the right to kill their children at any time up to birth (NY, CA, VT, RI NM). Even though it is known that after 22 weeks they are viable if born. Albert Einstein was 2 months premature = 29½ weeks. Sir Isaac Newton was born weighing 3 lbs = 29 weeks. Sir Winston Churchill was 2 months premature = 29½ weeks
RACISM: God is not partial. But in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him CRT is just racial communism where all success or failure is falsely ascribed to privilege or prejudice in others rather than effort or indolence, natural talent or aptitude on the part of oneself. It falsely classifies 'whites' as a race and 'blacks' (by which is generally meant Afro-Carribeans) as a race. Blames 'whites' for the excessive criminality of 'blacks' which is not seen in Asians.
SLAVERY: Abraham owned 318 slaves in Genesis 14:14. The early Christians described themselves as slaves of God. God is not against slavery. He advocated it in the law of Moses, Slavery was used as a form of privatised prison with a maximum sentence of 6 years of Deuteronomy 15 and as the original form of privatised social services. Men and women should not be slaves to each other. They should be slaves to the state.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM: 25 And Judah and Israel continued to dwell in security, everyone under his own vine and under his own fig tree, from Dan to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon. (1 Kings 4 NWT)
21 And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat [their] fruitage. (Isaiah 65 NWT)
In woke globalist ideology we will all own absolutely nothing and then supposedly be happy. But that is quite obviously a lie. If we own nothing we will be miserable and unhappy until justice and fairness are restored and the Bishops of wokeness return to the people what they have stolen from every one of us. If we work and receive no fruits of our labour then we are slaves with no release. That is an injustice and injustice always leads to pain suffering and misery.

The table above show that Wokeness is reverse Christianity. It is the precise opposite of everything that Jesus died for. It is therefore a religion just as Christianity is. It is the religion of the Antichrist, because it is 100% inverted Christianity. It is the religion of the demons who are right now down here seeking worshippers for their church of damnation. But they do not admit they are here. They do not admit they are running the woke church and they do not admit that their congregation is going to Hell unless its members repent (which many of course will when they realise they have been conned).

The demons are down here possessing people. The Woke cult is their church. For more see expose#19

For a Great Example of how the demons operate listen to Obama's perfect speech at Stanford University in which he accuses other people of doing precisely what he himself is doing on behalf of the demonic intel services who wish to destroy human society. He is making the case for government oversight of social media companies in order to prevent dismismalinformation. But the twitter files have shown us all that the government and the intel agencies are the main source of 'raw sewage' on the net. He is posing as the saviour from a problem that he himself is creating. That is accusatory hypocrisy. It is classic demonic behaviour. Every word that comes out of Hillary Clinton's mouth that I have heard recently falls into that Category (except for her graciously accepting one of Donald Trump's better Jokes at the Al Smith Dinner before Trump won). Mind you that was before she could have been possessed (demon possession restarted on 2018Chislev21 in our present understanding). This is the game Obama46 is an expert in. He said...

  "You just have to flood the country public square with enough raw sewage
 You just have to
  Raise enough questions
  Spread enough dirt
  Plant enough conspiracy theorizing
  that citizens no longer know what to believe.
  Once they lose trust
  in their leaders
  in main stream media
  in political institutions
  in each other
  in the possibility of truth - the game's won."

[23] Casey Hodgkinson - The Most Eloquent Condemnation of mRNA Vaccines We Have Ever Seen

Here is what the governments of the world are forcing upon our daughters...


God bless her courage. And God save her and us from the snake bite. She should be on the front page of every newspaper in the world. 
Find another way to treat Covid you death dealing vaccinators and you demonic governments.

[24] Useful home treatments for COVID for the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated (consult your doctor and do your own research)

1, Vitamin D 4,000 IU per day prior to infection and more during infection
2. Aquafresh or any Cetylpyridinium Chloride mouth wash ASAP after possible exposure and continue as long as cough persists -
3. Glutathione reduces the cytokine storm. You can take it as a supplement. Young people have more Glutathione than old people. That may be partly why they are less susceptible to COVID.
4. Budesonide inhalers
5. High dose intravenous Vitamin C or 500 mg 4x per day
6. High dose Zinc (30 mg per day Gluconate or Sulphate or Citrate) with Quercetin (500 mg per day)
7. N-Acetylcysteine, NAC (an immune helper) - 
8. Nigella Sativa: 

For a great presentation on monoclonal antibody and drug treatment and herd immunity and natural immunity and the failure of US COVID policy to prevent hospitalisation and death by Dr Peter McCulloch please see this video - 

9. Z-Stack pills from Dr Vladimir Zelenko. His results show that these pills prevent 84% of COVID deaths. That means they are more effective than the vaccines were initially. The vaccines are when this was written (2021August) ineffective at preventing infection according to PHE figures. 

Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 Zinc and Quercetin are all commonly available supplements. So Dr Zelenko recommends the above quantities once per day as a prophalactic (before catching COVID-19). If you catch COVID, then perhaps double the dosage.
This daily regime will also help avoiding the cytokine storm caused when a person vaccinated over 5 months ago is challenged with any virus attack. So it is a good insurance policy against vaccine damage.

10. Get an Ivermectin prescription if you can...The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association has urged doctors and Covid-19 patients to begin a regimen of ivermectin, which he says is effective at treating and preventing the virus.

During an August 12 press conference, Dr. Haruo Ozaki called for the drug, which is proving effective in numerous studies, to be used due to the drastic rise in COVID cases.

“In Africa, if we compare countries distributing ivermectin once a year with countries which do not give ivermectin…I mean, they don’t give ivermectin to prevent COVID, but to prevent parasitic diseases…but anyway, if we look at"
COVID numbers in countries which do not distribute ivermectin:      950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000 
COVID numbers in countries which do distribute ivermectin:            134.4 cases per 100,000 and 2.2 deaths per 100,000.

“I believe the difference is clear.” - 

Ivermectin source (consult doctor): 

[25] Options to Mitigate the Damaging Effects of COVID Vaccination - discuss with doctor

1, Vitamin D 4,000 IU per day
2. Aquafresh or any Cetylpyridinium Chloride mouth wash ASAP after possible exposure and continue as long as cough persists -
3. High dose Vitamin C or 250 mg 4x per day (NOT 1000mg once per day - one needs to keep C levels high all day)
4. High dose Zinc (30 mg of elemental Zinc per day from Zinc Suphate, Citrate or Gluconate) together with Quercetin (500 mg per day)  For 14 days, then once per week
5. N-Acetylcysteine, NAC (an immune helper) - (Helps body to fight spike proteins) 
6. A small low dose course of Ivermectin
7. A lot of LOW INTENSITY cardio vascular exercise (long walks) or spin biking or swimming
8. Echinacea once per week

The above protocol is designed to boost the immune system and strengthen the cardio vascular system.

The Spike Protein Detox Guide from the WHC (World Health Council) is very comprehensive - 

Dr Peter McCullough's Spike Detox protocol can be found at 

For more see U917

[26] Vaccines are not Waning. Vaxxed immune systems are waning

Vaccines cannot wane. They are digital. They show your immune system the spike protein antigen and they simulate a systemic attack to convince your immune system to take that spike protein seriously. Then there is NOTHING more for a true vaccine to do. They operate for 2-3 weeks, the normal length of a viral infection. Then they are supposed to leave your body. So they do not, they cannot, wane in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th month in efficiency because they have nothing to do in those months. 

But genetic vaccines continue to produce spike proteins incessantly. They damage your immune system. It is your immune system therefore that wanes. In the UK they have damaged our immune systems so much that vaccines now have enormous negative efficiencies up to -60% in the latest UKHSA data for the end of 2021 (Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 52). The trouble with the genetic vaccines that NOBODY talks about is that they do not stop producing spike proteins. They continue producing more and more of them. I asked Astra Zeneca for how long after vaccination would my cells produce spikes? They said we do not know we are still researching that. I do know because I did cell biology at Cambridge. Every vaccinated cell will continue producing spike proteins until it dies or is killed by your killer T cells. 

Vaccination informs your immune system that spike proteins are very dangerous antigens (by simulating a systemic infection coincident with the presentation of the spike protein antigen. So it kills the spike proteins and kills every cell in your body that has been vaccinated because all of those cells are genetically reprogrammed by the vaccine to make spike proteins.

So your body goes into a perpetual civil war in which more and more of your immune resources are spent killing vaccinated cells. Pfizer contains 14.4 trillion 1273 Amino Acid spike protein mRNA copies and Moderna contains 48 trillion - see here. Your only have between 6 and 36 trillion cells in your body (depending upon how you count them). Some of these cells such as heart muscle cells and brain cells do not get placed. If they become vaccinated, you will lose them indefinitely.  Myocarditis is caused by Killer T cells removing vaccinated heart cells.

This gets worse at the 2nd jab and worse still at the 3rd. You may think that vaccines are safe but your immune system would beg to differ since it kills every vaccinated cell. In deed it is the vaccine which trains it to do that. It is this civil war which causes the vaccine efficiency to look like it is decreasing. It is not, your immune system response is decreasing. You are developing VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

[27] The genetic vaccines were 3 years out of date

This years flu shot is a combination of last year's flu virus and as many as possible of the viruses from the years before that. They are inactivated and shown to your immune system by the vaccination. The reason flu shots are not very effective is that 
influenza is programmed to produce variants faster than mankind can produce and get approval for new flu shots. So every flu shot is out of date before it is administered. The situation is worse with Covid-19 shots. When we were in 2022, what use was a shot against a spike protein from a virus identified in 2019? It was 3 years out of date. That is why it has almost zero initial effectiveness against Omicron and absolutely zero effectiveness after a few weeks and progressively increasing negative effectiveness after that.

The idea that you should lose your job because you fail to take an immuno destructive, 3 year out of date vaccine for a variant of Covid that no longer exists is beyond absurd.

[28] The wrong vaccine and the right vaccine

The Covid spike protein has 1/8th of the proteins in the entire virus. The Immune system cuts up viruses and makes antibodies for each resulting protein segment. The most pathogenic part of the Covid-19 virus is the spike protein. It is therefore absolutely the wrong part of the virus to use in a vaccination. Dr Richard Flemming has revealed that researchers have already shown that the nucleocapsid part of the virus (the case for the nucleus) produces a more effective vaccination which is not pathogenic. The correct vaccine would actually use segments of all the known variants of Covid and deliberately exclude their spike proteins which are known pathogens. The type of vaccination should be standard (like Sputnik) not genetic. 

So in summary the Pfizer and Moderna shots use the wrong part of the wrong variant in the wrong type of vaccination method. They should be using the non spike parts of all the variants in a non genetic vaccine. That would be safe and that would be effective BECAUSE all a vaccination is, is a way of convincing the body that it has had the infection. Then you get, through the vaccine, a poor copy of what you would have got through natural infection. A vaccination can never be as effective as the thing it is trying to simulate or mimic. I mean is an Elvis impersonator ever as good as the king? 

[29] Natural Immunity lasts indefinitely and is 8x more broad based than vaccine immunity

In a natural infection the immune system indeed chops up the entire virus into segments and makes different antibodies for each segment. Natural immunity therefore results in 8x more types of antibody than vaccination which only presents 1/8th of the viral proteins to your immune system. Furthermore the immune system does not have Alzheimer's. It does not forget what it has learned from a real infection. If it did we would all be dropping dead of measles. Vaccine Passport schemes are a denial of Natural Immunity. They are no different from Ayatollah Knomeini's abolition of Newton's laws during the Iranian Revolution and no less futile. Vaccinated people have damaged immune systems and therefore have higher viral loads for Omicron than unvaxxed people and higher infection rates and are more likely to spread Covid than the unvaxxed, many of whom have natural immunity which has not been compromised by VAIDS.

[30] Why are the Government so desperate to vaccinate us all?

1. The economic answer is that the Health Service has now been 100% corrupted by the Pharmaceutical Industry with a lot of help from Fauci Gates Collins etc. A doctor with 10 years of training and 20 years of full on clinical experience is no longer permitted to decide how to treat their patients based upon that training and experience. No. Instead they must follow the treatment protocol prescribed by the relevant regulatory agency, which agency is funded by assorted Billionaires acting as agents for Big Pharma. This becomes the perfect business model for the drugs companies. The perfect customer for Big Pharma has absolutely no immune system at all. I mean what does the human immune system do? Really what does it do? IT REDUCES THE PROFITS  OF BIG PHARMA.

So the more successful drugs companies, having won the battle against the less successful ones, realised that their true enemy was now your immune system. If they could destroy that then you would have absolutely no choice but to be a very regular and very lucrative customer of theirs. Hence the vaccines destroy your immune system with a new form of VAIDS. They are a man made disease sold as a cure for a man made disease. 

2. Politicians are not interested in your health. The Lords Witnesses run an orphanage in Africa and one of the kids their was left at our gates suffering from AIDS (his mother having died of HIV). We have to pay for HIV drugs for him. They are not free. If we fail to give Moses the AIDS medication he dies. But nobody has made AIDS medication compulsory. There is no HIV medication mandate. There are no HIV Passports and HIV has killed way more people the Covid will ever kill. The government does not care if you live or die from AIDS which kills so many young people but we are to believe that they do care if you live of die from a far less lethal souped up flu that mainly takes out people at the end of their life who are obese or suffer from comorbidities? And if they really cared about your health or about the NHS would they be sacking highly qualified medical specialists who know more about immunology and virology than any politician ever will and are perhaps the only people in the entire country in a position to give or to refuse an informed consent for a 3 year out of date vaccine with a negative effectiveness? Would they be sacking them in circumstances where the NHS has a huge backlog of cancer and cardiovascular cases?

Rather than sacking Doctors who have made an informed decision to refuse vaccination knowing the risk to their employment future, we should be interviewing them and learning from their expertise and following their example until a full public debate has been heard.

Politicians do not beg you to fix your health. They beg you for your vote. Your vote is what they are interested and it is all that they are interested in. Every vaccination is a vote for the global 4th Reich.

3.  Every castle has several walls for defence and the castle of the demons is no different. Every wall is a deception which people cannot get their minds over. So here is the inner wall of the castle of the demons and may God give your mind the power to scale it. Come on Neo take the Red pill. Escape from the final prison for your mind and body.

Here is the Key question: Why did every single one of the vaccine companies make a vaccine from the spike protein (1/8th of the virus)? Why did nobody make one from the other 87.5% of the pathogen? What are the chances of half a dozen companies choosing the same 12.5% of the virus from which to make a vaccine? If the process was random the chances would be 1 in 8x8x8x8x8x8 = 1 in 262,144. But it was not random. The WHO provided the 1273 Amino acid spike protein and they all used that. But WHY? Well the largest funder of the WHO is a certain Software Billionaire. Here is the WHO funding for 2018-2019

1 USA 15.9%
2 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 9.4%
3 UK 7.7%
4 GAVI Alliance 6.6%
5 Germany 5.2%
6 UNOCHA 3.4%
7 Japan 3.2%
8 Rotary International 2.5%
9 World Bank 2.4%
10 European Commission 2.3%

D. J. Trump pulled out in 2020 leaving Bill Gates controlling  9.4% and 6.6% of their funding.

“Second only to the USA, the BMGF is one of the largest donors to the World Health Organization (WHO) and paid it more than $200 million in 2018 – more than Germany, France and Sweden combined in the same period. But this is not the only way in which the WHO is financed by Gates. GAVI, formerly known as the “Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization”, provided the WHO with an additional $150 million in 2018. One of GAVI’s main donors is again the BMGF, with $1.5 billion in 2016, for example.”

“It can therefore be said that the BMGF and thus the Gates family and Warren Buffett are the main source of income for the WHO through direct and indirect channels, which raises questions about its independence from these sources of finance. In addition, the BMGF also provided funding for the establishment of the “Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation” (CEPI), which is concerned with the research and development of vaccines, amounting to around $100 million in 2017.”

“In addition, the Foundation regularly supports non-governmental organizations such as PATH, which are involved in the development of vaccination technologies, with millions of dollars in funding. The list of BMGF’s beneficiaries also includes the largest global pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Aventis. The comprehensive influence of the BMGF in the vaccination sector is therefore obvious.”

“In the Corona crisis, it is striking that institutions that currently play an important role are likewise supported by the BMGF. For example, Johns Hopkins University which maintains the worldwide corona statistics that are disseminated in all media, regularly receives large donations. In the last ten years only, more than $200 million have been transferred to the university by the Gates Foundation. The purpose of the donations was family planning programs.” - 

So a decision was made through the WHO to make a vaccine from the most pathogenic part of the virus, the protein spike. This decision was not made on health grounds quite obviously. One reason for this decision was immune destruction as we have discussed above.

But there is another reason which is far more lethal and far more insidious than immune system destruction. You may have noticed that governments are acting as if they OWN your body. They are denying you the right to decide what to do with it. They wish to prescribe for you whom you can socialise with. They wish to be the ones who determine whether you visit your parents or your grand parents when they are sick and in need. They wish to decide who can see your face and whose face you are permitted to see. They wish decide what medical treatments you should have and what pharmaceutical products should be put into your body. Your body - their body is the position they are taking worldwide. 

Now if they take that position in legislation, do you think they are not trying to take it in genetics as well? These vaccines change your genetic code to make you something God never intended you to be. They make you into something that is owned by the demons who have taken over most national governments today. They make you into the property of the government, the property of the demons. They change your genes from being a son of Adam and a son of God, to being a son of the demons. These people want to own you. They are serious about that desire. You can see it in government legislation and in main stream media propaganda. They want to own your children and they want to own you as a slave. Slaves do not own their children. The smart way to achieve that is to own your genes and your children's genes, In order to do that they have to change your genes. THAT is what these vaccines are all about. 

The demons are genetically appropriating you and your children under the pretext of a flu shot. 

57The gene therapy vaccination program WILL last for the 42 months of Revelation 13:5 not from 2020December8 (2020Chislev18), the 1st Covid19 vaccination of Margaret Keenan, to 2024Sivan. But from 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20, to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession, the eviction of the Dragon from this planet. 

True church members have had their genes zapped by God to become non adamic Abrahamic since 2012Sivan14 the end of the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy of U108, the end of the 6,000 year working week of Adam from 3989Sivan5 BC (see U317) and the 1st Kingdom Jubilee. We have had our genes zapped to be non adamic Isaaic from 2016Ab14, 50 months of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham later. Indeed Isaaic Zoar was appointed over Isaac on 2016Ab16 in the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee

We do know that Satan demands a level playing field. So he must have the authority to convert Adam not to non adamic Abraham but to non adamic Cain (who was born non adamic being a son of Satan and Eve, not of Adam).

So true church Adam and Cain become non adamic Abraham
And Satanic church (sons of the CSC) Adam becomes non adamic Cain - Cain without a death sentence!

We deduced from Genesis 3:15 that the Covid19 vaccines were the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 a fang for a jab for the 1st 2 doses. And since this was the battle of the seeds, we deduced that the vaccines must be gene raping their recipients to become Cainian.

That is why on 2021Elul12 (2021August22) we made it church policy to disfellowship anyone who got vaccinated with a gene therapy Covid19 vaccine.

At that time we were told...

1. The vaccines were not gene therapy
2. The vaccines would remain in the deltoid shoulder muscle cells and would not go anywhere else.
3. The vaccines being RNA would be destroyed within hours of injection by the normal RNA breakdown process (ribonuclease).
4. The vaccines could not be reverse transcribed into our own cellular DNA
5.  The mRNA vaccine contained no DNA

So we had very little scientific support to our bible interpretation back then. But The Exposé nonetheless agreed to publish the article on 2021November28 - God bless them.

We now know that everything we were told was a lie and that the vaccine mRNA (modified messenger RNA, not merely messenger RNA - so really it's mmRNA) is in fact modified by replacing one of the 4 bases (Uracil) with fake Uracil in the form of N1 Methyl Pseudouridine, which makes RNA relatively permanent. And that the lipid nanoparticle case provides access to every organ in the body from the brain to the testes and ovaries. The latest revelation is that the manufacturing process for the vaccines transcribes the RNA from plasmid DNA rings and then they have to filter off the plasmid DNA (non chromosomal DNA) it was transcribed from. That process is expensive and has not been properly implemented. So the vaccines are typically full of DNA fragments. So it would be easy to slip in some Cainian plasmid DNA into the vaccines. So all the components necessary for gene rape were initially denied. But now they have all been discovered. So our interpretation now has the scientific validation it needs.

I must point out that the bible published this as scripture and the Exposé published an interpretation which required all these things to be lies BEFORE they were found scientifically to be lies. Both publications were ahead of the known science. The Exposé by 1½ years (DNA fragments being discovered in 2023May) and the bible by 3500 years (Genesis 3:15) and by 1950 years (Revelation13:5).

But Revelation13:5 completely nails the entire chronology of cainian gene therapy vaccination, when translated properly. Here is what the normal bible translations have

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months. (Revelation 13 KJV)
5 and there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and there was given to him authority to continue 42 months. (Revelation 13 ASV)
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 NWT)
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given to it. And authority to act 42 two months was given to it. (Revelation 13 GLT)
5 And there was given to it a mouth speaking great things, and evil-speakings, and there was given to it authority to make war 42 months, (Revelation 13 YLT)
5 And was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and was given to him authority to act months 42. (Revelation 13 ED)
5 And was given to it mouth speaking great (things) and blasphemies, and was given to it authority to do months 42. (Revelation 13 KIT)
5 And to it was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. And power was given it to make war 42 months. (Revelation 13 THOMPSON)
5 And ther was a mouth geve vnto him that spake great thinges and blasphemies and power was geve vnto him to do XLII monethes (Revelation 13 TYNDALE)

Here is a more accurate translation from the Uncial manuscripts...

5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to compose/create/make [from poiew: hence poetry] what it wants 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 LWT)
5 kai edoqh autw stoma laloun megala kai blasfhmiaj kai edoqh autw poihsai o qelei mhnaj tesserakonta duo (Revelation 13 Sinaiticus Original)
5 kai edoqh autw stoma lalou megala kai blasfhma kai edoqh autw exousia poihsai mhnaj tesserakonta kai duo (Revelation 13 Alexandrinus Original)
5 kai edoqh autw stoma laloun megala kai blasfhmiaj kai edoqh autw exousia poihsai mhnaj tesserakonta duo (Revelation 13 Ephraemi Rescriptus Original)

Middle Liddell:  poie,w : A. to make, produce, create, in Homer, often of building, pÅ dw/ma( tei/coj, etc.; of smith's work, pÅ da,koj Il.; of works of art, Ib., etc.; poiei/n ti avpo. xu,lou to make something of wood, Herodotus; pÅ ploi/a evx avka,nqhj Idem.; so, with genitive., pÅ nho.n li,qou Idem.; foi,nikoj ai` qu,rai pepoihme,nai Xenophon.:-Middle voice., oivki,a poih,sasqai to build them houses, Il.; also, to have a thing made, get it made, Herodotus, Demosthenes.
2. to make, create, e[teron fi,lippon poih,sete Demosthenes.
3. of Poets, to compose, write, (old English to make), Lat. carmina facere, Herodotus., Attic Greek.:-also, to make or represent in poetry, {Omhroj VAcille,a pepoi,hke avmei,nw VOdusse,wj Plato: to describe in verse, Idem: to put into verse, Idem.
[Attic Greek: Poets often use the penultimate letter omitting short, as poi²w/( poi²ei/n, etc., which are often written pow/( poei/n, etc., as in Lat. poeta, poesis]

The word poiew 'poieo' which is generally translated 'to do' literally means 'to compose/create' (hence poetry in English and poesis in Latin). Indeed the New World Translation of the bible translates it as such in Acts 1:1

1 The first account, Oh Theophilus, I composed about all the things Jesus started both to do and to teach, (Acts 1 NWT)
1 ton men prwton logon epoihsamhn peri pantwn w qeofile wn hrxato ihsouj poiein te kai didaskein (Acts 1 VatB)

We explained in the Exposé in 2021 that Satan slept with Eve in order to make mankind his progeny rather than God's. The result was Cain, a son of Satan. Whereas Abel (meaning breath - for Adam actually kissed Eve because he loved her) was a son of Adam. Nothing has changed. The first will be last.

So now rather than raping Eve with his spear (Cain means spear/needle/spike) to get himself some human seed, Satan is raping you with his vaccination needle to the same end. And he will do it again under the threat of total financial exclusion through the Mark of the Beast.

But Satan's needle can only be used for 42 months to 2028Heshvan14 (2028November5/6 - Guy Fawkes day. Only God's removal of the administration of the demons actually succeeds), the end of demon possession.

I say rape because although Eve most likely consented (being thoroughly deceived according to Paul), Satan was an angel who was over a 150,000 years old (from Daniel12 taking a day for a thousand years - see U234) possessing a human behaving like a snake. So she certainly did not give an informed consent! The gnostic Gospel of Philip describes it as 'adultery'.

What nobility is this? First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he [Cain] was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent [Satan came down in human form to seduce Eve, and Cain was carried and delivered by Eve]. So he became a murderer/manslayer, just like his father, and he killed his brother [Abel]. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which has occurred between those unlike one another is 'adultery' (Gospel of Philip)

The first person in the world to be vaccinated for Covid19 outside of clinical trials, was Margaret Keenan at 6:31 am on 2020December8 (2020Chislev18). and we now know that plasmid DNA fragments were added to the mRNA in the vaccine rollout, which fragments were not present in the vials used for the clinical trials. The Covid19 vaccines ARE a gene therapy, the lipid nanoparticles and N1 Methyl Pseudouridine fake uracil provide entrance into every organ in the body and stealth cover therein. The manufacturing process for mRNA is to transcribe it from DNA, and then purify the DNA out. But a proper vaccine purification process takes years to perfect, not months. So there is a lot of plasmid (non chromosomal) DNA is all shots. So all shots will be genetically transformative. But the beast only has authority to compose/create/genetically reform mankind for 42 months. So vaccination has not yet become Cainian gene rape.

In the meantime Covid vaccinees will have humanized mouse DNA, bat DNA (from RaTG13 bat coronavirus), HIV component DNA and bat coronavirus DNA fragments left over from the mRNA manufacturing process inserted into their cells. So they will become chimeric like the mice whose DNA they now share. It is truly disgusting. It is genetic bestiality. 

God will protect those in salvation covenants from having their genes altered to make them sons of Cain. So 1ACs and OMCs will be immune to genetic vaccine rape!

The 42 months must end on 2028Heshvan14, the eviction of the Dragon from this planet. So they start in 2025Iyyar, in fact on 2025Iyyar21/22, when the Beast gets power for 10 months, 10 horns to 2025Adar21/22, Mark Registration day, when the beast gets authority over those who agree to take the Mark.57

14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: (KJV)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise/ambush thy head, and thou shalt bruise/ambush his heel. (Genesis 3 KJV)

Do not be scared of this symbolism. Genesis 3:15 describes the final battle between good and evil in this world which determines whose seed you become spiritually. The Kingdom of God is the next administration of the world. It is the next government of the next group of nations of man. But that man will no longer be ageing Adam in that system. We  will be actually be half speed ageing Abraham at first (he had 240 year max lifespan body and lived for 180 years). So God is trying to take us out of Adam into Abraham in order to begin the process of ending age and adamic death. But Satan is not prepared to let God have a clear run at that. So he is trying to beat him to the punch and take us out of Adam and into Cain in order to keep his control over us and deny us our non ageing salvation that Jesus died for.

Cain means spear or spike in Hebrew. Strong's has: !yIq;  qayin, kah´-yin; from 6969 !Wq in the orig. sense of fixity; a lance (as striking fast):—spear.

So vaccinated people are spikian, spearian, lancian, Cainian, the seed of the Serpent. The vaccines are the snake bite. And the vaccines had to take out parts of your immune system in order to prevent your genes from fixing themselves when they are forcibly changed out of Adam.

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro -
by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden and Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines. 

The problem with this study is not merely that mRNA vaccines prevent your DNA from repairing itself which will cause immunological disorders, cancer and premature ageing. The problem is that the mRNA is going into your cell nuclei. That is straight gene therapy not vaccination. mRNA should go directly to the protein assembly plants in your cells called ribosomes, which it should instruct to manufacture the spike protein. It should not be going anywhere near the cell nucleus. Entering the cell nucleus means it is performing or effectively performing reverse transcription and making itself a part of, or an addition to, your genetic code. 

The faithful and the loving among mankind are the heal of the seed of the woman, the end times born agains (angelically and non adamically). The woman is the means by which we are born again. She is Jesus' wife, the 3rd Holy Spirit - not Eve. For God is trying to change our genes out of Adam and into non adamic Abraham, this being the start of our edenic restoration. 

But if you are vaxxed then your genes are being raped by genetic vaccines. You are losing your genetic integrity. Your immune system is fighting to maintain it.  But you are dishonouring your own body and more importantly you are dishonouring God who gave you it. For more see U917

The Pope on 2022January10 calls vaccination a moral obligation during his annual speech to ambassadors at the Vatican: The Pope has given his strongest backing yet to the Covid vaccine, siding with the Vatican’s coronavirus advisory board and calling it a “moral obligation,” urging people to show “respect for the health” of others. -  

Pope Francis has therefore made himself into a worthy successor to Pope Urban VI who ordered the exhumation and burning of Wycliffe's body.

[31] The 1NC, HLC and 2NC Marriages

Marriages in the ark
2019Tishri17 3rd 1NC marriage (Bethelite 1NC reserves). This is when the ark comes to a rest - which means people are raptured into God's rest on this day.
2019Heshvan22 4th 1NC marriage (Watchtower congregation 1NC reserves)
2019Chislev20 5th 1NC marriage (Watchtower prisons of disfellowshipping and disassociation
2019Tebbeth18: 6th 1NC marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean administration) 
2020Tammuz19: 7th 1NC marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean congregation)
2020Ab17: 1st HLC marriage (Laodicean administration HLCs)
2020Elul22: 2nd HLC marriage (Laodicean congregation HLCs)
2020Tishri20: 3rd HLC marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean administration) 
2020Heshvan18: 4th HLC marriage (late partakers from the reappointed Laodicean congregation)

2028Shebat2: 1st 2NC marriage
2028Adar2:  2nd 2NC marriage
2029Nisan2: ELC marriage.

There are 7x 1NC marriages, 4x HLC marriages, 2x 2NC marriages and 1 ELC marriage. They must occur in the correct order 1NC then HLC then 2NC then ELC

Marriages can occur during monthly Sabbaths since the 1NC and HLC brides are no longer in an earthly church after their Hades free ark resurrection. So are no longer subject to its Sabbath system. Whereas the 2NC brides stay in Zoar upon marriage and so cannot be married in a Sabbath month. Spirit covenant marriages are angelic marriages not fleshly marriages. The 3EC DOES NOT provide for an Isaaic body upon baptism or upon resurrection. The 4EC provides for an Isaaic body upon baptism after 2024Tishri15, the end of the LW Exedenic Times.
2008Nisan22 was the 1st 1NC marriage of the first presence 1NCs and 2015Iyyar20 was used for the 2nd 1NC marriage of the second presence 1NCs. So 2020Nisan18 and 2020Iyyar16 cannot be used for the 7th 1NC marriage. 2020Sivan21 could have been used but was not for some reason. Instead it was held in the ark on 2020Tammuz19,

So the 7x 1NC marriages run from 2008Nisan22 to 2020Tammuz19, 1NC first fruits to 4th 1NC first fruits

27 Celebrate to the full the week of this woman [Leah - the 1NC from 2008Nisan22-28, the 1st presence 1NC marriage]. After that there shall be given to you also this other woman [the 2nd presence 1NCs at the 2nd 1NC marriage on 2015Iyyar20] for the service that you can serve with me for 7 years more [from 2015Iyyar20 to 2017Elul10 and from 2019Ab1 to 2023Tishri21, the end of Reverted Laodicea] (Genesis 29 NWT).
27 Fulfill the week of this one and we will also give you this [other] one, for the service which you will serve with me, yet another seven years (Genesis 29 GLT).

How can Jesus be both Caesar and Aaron? Well the father is Jesus who is Caesar and the mother is the 3rd Holy Spirit who is Aaron. 

The Passover is celebrated in the land which one is escaping from. It is not celebrated in the land which one is escaping to. So after having celebrated the Watchtower 4 Passovers in Laodicea, all must escape into non adamic Sodom. And after having celebrated the 7th 1NC marriage Passover and the 4 HLC Passovers in non adamic Sodom, all die and are resurrected into the ark.

[32] Minimum LW Beliefs for Baptism

[Step 1] Jehovah and Jesus and the Bible: Jesus, called the Word by John, was sent by God and performed the works portents and signs catalogued in the 4 canonical gospels. He was the messiah prophesied by the old testament prophets. God whose name is Jehovah or Yahweh (or something like it) is the Father of Michael. Michael is an angelic son of Jehovah. The two are not part of the Catholic Trinity. The original manuscripts of the of the bible, in their original languages, (which manuscripts we no longer have today) were written by prophets but inspired by God. The oldest copies that we do have today, although not perfect, are good enough for God's purposes for us at present. The Dead Sea scrolls find confirms this in the case of the entire book of Isaiah. Then one argues that if Isaiah has not changed significantly in 2,000 years, neither has any other book of the bible. For more see intro1

[Step 2] Ransom: Jesus was possessed by the angel Michael at his baptism. Jesus died as a human when he was sacrificed by the high priest of Israel Caiaphas, thereby ending the law of Moses. God then resurrected him initially as an angel. He then delivered his angelic body to God as a ransom for Adam's angelic body. He was then resurrected as a human and appeared to his disciples, in a different human body, for 40 days before ascending into a cloud as described in Acts 1. His original human body was taken by God from the tomb as a ransom for Adam's human body. The resurrected Jesus is the heavenly head of all true Christian churches. For more see intro47. 

[Step 3] Father Abraham: Abraham was the Patriarch of the sons of the circumcision. He is also the father of us all according to Paul in Romans 4:16.  He was given a covenant in Genesis 12 that all the families of the ground should bless themselves by means of him. The blessing of that covenant is a citizenship in the Kingdom of God for which Abraham is the ambassador. This covenant is called the First Abrahamic Covenant (1AC). It is a different covenant from the Land and Circumcision Covenant (LCC) which expired with the Conversion of Cornelius as described in Acts 10. Paul explains that Abraham received the 1AC before he was circumcised. So it is a covenant for those with the faith in God that Abraham had, before they get into an official true religion. For God so loved the world (not his church) that he gave his only begotten son. So we must confess Abraham as the father of all those who enter into the kingdom of God through faith (the 1st law), whether they are Christians. Muslims, Hindus, or any other faith in God. Even those not in any religion but with a personal faith in God (one person churches, one person Mosques, one person temples) are saved through the 1AC. But God's mercy does not stop there. How can it? For Saint Paul has told us that...

13 Now, however, there remain faith, hope love, these 3; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13 NWT)

Not faith but love. So if faith saves you then love more so will LOVE save you. Yes. The faithful are saved by the 1AC, the covenant of the 1st law (to worship God with you whole heart, soul, mind and strength), the hopeful are saved by the Isaaic Church covenant for those who are water baptised into the ICC and the loving are saved by the Brotherly love Covenant, the Covenant of the 2nd law, the Philadelphia Covenant, the Omega Covenant of Jesus Christ who is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last of the 24 salvation covenants represented by the first and the last of the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. 

So even those without faith in God, those who do not obey the first law to love God, but who do obey the 2nd law to love their brother - even these will be saved not through the 1AC, but through the Omega Covenant, the OMC - see U218  For Jesus did not die for the Christians or the Jews alone. He did not die even for Abraham alone. He died for everybody because he ransomed Adam himself. The sons of the OMC are sons of Jesus Christ himself who is the mediator of that covenant. But JEsus was the promised seed of Abraham appearing 39 generations of Matthew1 later. So a son of the OMC is a son of Jesus who is a son of Abraham. For more see intro28.

Love and Universal Salvation: Here are 4 questions that we would aks you to consider...

Does God design a soft breeze to caress the cheek of a man for 70 years or more in order to burn him in hell for an eternity with a wind so hot that his flesh vapourises?
Does he design the face and the heart of a woman to be so loving that it intoxicates a man his whole life, in order to kill him in a permanent Hell, ensuring that he will never see that face or feel that love ever again?
Does he command a man to love his brother and then destroy that love along with his brother in a Hell of torment or of non existence from which there is absolutely no escape?
Does he command us to love our enemies whilst he himself hates them so much that he punishes them eternally in a Hell with no end?

How much of a hypocrite do you think he is? Or is it the case that your churches understanding of his love is where the true hypocrisy and satanic slander is lying?

So... Come on! In true justice, could the true God punish a man for ever as a result of his sinning for 100 years? Would those scales balance? Would that be an eye for an eye or a blow for a blow? No sir. So eventually one must get out of Gehenna. For otherwise God is being pointlessly cruel and unjust. Gehenna is a place of emotionally painful rehabilitation. A place of weeping and gnashing teeth until one gets sin straight in one's mind and in one's heart. For God will teach us all. And eventually he will save us all. He will succeed with all of us, however bad we are at learning. Because love will succeed in all of us because as Paul said: Love never fails. 

Which of your sons would you like permanently to kill, or perhaps to torture forever? So why does your church not teach that hell is a temporary sin bin, rather than a place of perpetual torture or death or perpetual non existence? And why is it not obvious to your church or indeed to you, that God will one day save Adam his firstborn human son and one day save even Satan himself (who was in fact his original firstborn angelic son - see Intro19 and see U17)? Is it because the head of your church did not read the Psalm of David which says:

33 For Jehovah hears the needy, and He does not despise His prisoners (Psalms 69 GLT).

No. He loves his prisoners in Gehenna just as much as he loves his righteous wife, the Holy Spirit. For the scripture says...

7 I tell you that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over 99 righteous ones who have no need of repentance. (Luke 15 NWT)

And he manifests that love by releasing them after a minimum sentence of 33½ years (the age Adam was when he sinned and Jesus was when he paid for that sin) if repentant, and a maximum sentence of 1,000 years, if unrepentant - see intro14.html.

Furthermore he will eventually save everybody who goes to hell. For the apostle to the Gentiles Paul says

22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15 KJV)

Not some will be made alive in Christ. All will be made alive in Christ. And the apostle to the Hebrews, Peter, tells us... 

9 He is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance (2 Peter 3) 

Do you think God will be frustrated by this desire, because he is not quite powerful enough to achieve it? Isaiah answers saying... 

10 Everything that is my delight I shall do (Isaiah 46).

So there it is. A two piece jigsaw. When it is put together it says: God saves everyone. That is absolutely every man, every woman, every child and every angel. Indeed he will save every foetus into which a spirit has been downloaded (this occurs around mid-term into the pregnancy, 20 weeks, we presently believe - see J13).

[Step 4] Repentance: You must repent of your past sins prior to baptism, and you must continue to repent of your post baptism sins after baptism. At baptism your past sin is a private matter. After baptism you should openly confess your sins to your brothers. Some sins are policed by your conscience, some by the church and some by the angels. None go un-noticed or unrecorded by God. But all will eventually be forgiven! For an explanation of the various sins and how they are policed please see joining.

[Step 5] Understanding your baptism: A baptism is a cleansing for entrance into a salvation covenant. The Lords Witness water baptism (which normally does not involve any water) is a cleansing for entrance into the 4th Elijah Covenant (4EC), which is a subcovenant of the Isaaic Church Covenant (ICC), which makes every Lords Witness a covenant son of Isaac. It is the water baptism covenant for the 4th true church. Every true church is founded by an Elijah who is baptised from heaven. Jesus asked the Pharisees in Luke 20:4: Was the baptism of John from men or from heaven. It was of course from heaven, no man baptised John. John baptised everyone intransitively. By this we mean they could not pass their baptism to others. However the 12 apostles could baptise transitively. By this we mean that anyone baptised by an apostle could himself baptise further disciples who could themselves baptise further disciples. This is the Christian equivalent of network marketing. Jesus chose the 12 apostles, but he had to get permission from John for their baptisms to become transitive. They then could father 12 tribes. The 12 tribes of the Israel of God. The President of the Lord's Witnesses claims to be the 4th Elijah. During the baptism process you will be asked to agree to enter into the law of the 4EC, all of which is recorded on the joining web page.  So it is a good idea to read all of this/that page and to understand what it is that you are committing to! Every baptism is a cleansing for entrance into a salvation covenant which gives the believer a new father by covenant. For more see intro32 and see intro33. 

[Step 6] Confess 2 Gods and their 2 wives: Every Christian church is the whole world worships either one God or three Gods in a trinity. The trinity doctrine is false. There are in fact presently two Gods. Jehovah or Yahweh or Jah, is the un-begotten almighty God of the old testament, the creator of the angels and the heavens and man. And Jesus is the begotten God of John 1, the mighty God of Isaiah 5:6. Jesus became a God when he successfully carried God's divinity upon his shoulders during his ministry and his sacrifice. Jesus, who was possessed by the angel Michael, was the first angel to achieve divinity. But since like begets like, all of God's sons will one day be God's just like their father. God will succeed with all of his sons and daughters, just as he succeeded with Michael to whom he said: 

5 You are my son, I today I have become your father Hebrews 5).

But some of us are going to take a bit longer than others! A God is someone with unbreakable love and with perfect righteousness. For more see intro26 and see intro11

You must confess that Jesus came in the flesh in the first century both as a human and then afterwards through his wife, the first new covenant saints, after he made that covenant. You must also confess that Jesus will come again in the flesh to collect the church at the end. If not then you are an antichrist, which is a bad idea.

We cannot talk about our two divine father's without mentioning our two divine mothers. For God decreed all children should have two parents and he is not a hypocrite. Jesus' 1st New Covenant bride consists of 144,000 sealed saints as described in Revelation7 and Revelation14. But Jesus does nothing that he has not seen his father doing...

The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing. For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner (John 5:19).

So God himself, Jehovah, had married a church of 144,000 angels in actually the 2nd Holy Spirit Covenant, before Jesus married the saints in the covenant that he mediated. God's wife is his helper just as Adam's wife was described as his helper in Genesis 2:18 and the Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as the helper in John 14:26.  Likewise the Jerusalem above of Galatians 4:24, which is God's heavenly administration is his holy spirit. 

So Jehovah has a wife who is his holy spirit and likewise Jesus has a wife who is his holy spirit. We do not require a believer to accept that the precise number of individuals in the group wives of Jesus and Jehovah is 144,000. We do require him or her to believe that they both have a group wife and that these two wives are their respective administrations which are their respective holy spirits. 

[Step 7] The Kingdom of God: The World was run by Satan and his heavenly administration. The Kingdom of God is run by Jesus and his heavenly administration which is his wife and his holy spirit. On earth the Kingdom of God is divided into 144,000 Kingdoms and is run by 144,000 2NC Kings under the authority of the 144,000 heavenly 1NC Kings. This is a real secular government for the planet along with a new heavenly and earthly priesthood. All those running the Kingdom will have precisely the opposite agenda to most of those running the world. All humans must see both administrations to appreciate the beauty of the latter and the ugliness of the former. The transition period between these two administrations is called the Time of the End of Daniel12. For more see U8.

[Step 8] The Mark of the Beast: Vaccine Passports will be the Mark of the Beast upon the right hand (governing your actions) and Social Credit scores will be the Mark of the Beast upon the forehead/between your eyes (governing your thoughts). Baptised Lords Witnesses do not take DNA or mRNA genetically reprogramming vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Moderna. Sputnik or Sinovac). The Novavax vaccine it is not gene therapy - but we cannot take that either because it consists of billions of copies of the original computer generated Wuhan Hu1 spike protein, which is universal to all Covid-19 vaccines. Even the new Moderna and Pfizer bivalent ones which target Omicron variants, also contain the mRNA for the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein. There is absolutely no clinical justification to vaccinate people against that strain which the UK MHRA admitted to me by email on 2022October21 was generated on a computer and therefore never in circulation. 

We said at the start of the vaccination campaign that the vaccines were a Trojan which provided immunity against early variants whilst simultaneously damaging the immune system to the point where the damage exceeded the immunity and then beyond that point, becoming antivaccines. Well now the Trojan is sitting there for all to see in the bivalent vaccines. It is the coding for the computer generated Wuhan Hu1 spike protein. They have not fully updated the vaccines. They have merely added an updated component to the original vaccines. Flu shots are truly and properly updated every year. The Covid shots were not updated for 2½ years until September 2022, and even then they were not updated but augmented with an additional strain. This reveals their true objective.

Pfizer and BioNTech’s bivalent vaccine contains 15-µg of mRNA encoding the wild-type spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is present in the Original Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and 15-µg of mRNA encoding the spike protein of the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 subvariants. Because the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants contain identical spike protein amino acid sequences, both can be targeted at once with a single mRNA strand. Apart from the addition of the mRNA sequence of the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 spike protein, all other components of the vaccine remain unchanged. - 

We therefore judge that the true purpose of the Covid19 pandemic and the vaccination program it enabled was to infect as many people as possible with as many copies as possible of the Wuhan Hu1 1273 amino acid spike protein. Scripturally this protein must therefore be the fulfilment of Genesis 3:15, and must therefore have the ability to turn your body from being a child of God through Adam, to being a child of Satan through Cain, which means spike/needle/spear in Hebrew. It must do this by physically placing Cainian proteins into your cells through the spikes. Putting this is simple terms. mRNA and DNA genetic covid vaccines are GENETIC RAPE. 

The spike proteins are now known to be toxic, causing damage to organs, the central nervous system, fertility and the cardiovascular system and disrupting DNA repair in the cell nucleus which can cause cancer and immune degradation. If you are vaccinated we can baptise you, and when we get the gifts of the spirit, we expect to be able to unvaccinate you to return you to being Abraham's seed rather than the serpent's seed of Genesis 3:15.

16 And it [the UK/US deep state 2 horned beast] is making all, the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free and the slaves in order that they [the corporate globalist govt sea beast and the deep state] should give to them a mark/engraving upon their right hand [controlling their actions - the vaccine passport] or upon their forehead [literally space between their eyes - controlling their thoughts - social credit score]
17 and in order that not anyone might be able to buy or sell if not the [one] having the mark/engraving [in the form of] the name of the wild beast [globalist corporation or govt employee] or the number of its name [social credit score].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [COVID19 = 100+0+5+1+500+1+9 = 616] (Revelation 13).

We understand all genetically reprogramming and all Wuhan Hu1 (aka ancestral) Covid19 vaccines to be the snake bite of Genesis 3:15. 
We understand the Coronavirus of spike proteins to be the Crown of thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19, platted (double helixed - gene spliced) by the soldiers (demonically possessed members of the US and Chinese militaries - It is a bioweapon). 

We instantly disfellowship any LW who takes a gene therapy or Wuhan Hu1 spike protein snake bite vaccine for permitting the wild beast to reprogram his or her genes or infect his or her cells to become the seed of the serpent rather than of Adam and of God. 
We also disfellowship them for being unclean due to Genetic Bestiality due to taking a human-animal chimera produced (unclean by a chimeric beast) product into their body (the vaccine genes code for the chimeric 1273 Amino Acid spike protein) - see U656.
If you take a transfusion of blood known to be from a DNA or an mRNA gene therapy covid vaccinated person or Spike protein only vaxes such as Novavax, then we disfellowship you as if you had been vaccinated. 
If you take a transfusion of blood known to be from an inactivated whole virus covid vaccinated person (such as the Sinovac Coronavac or the Sinopharm
BBIBP-CorV or the Bharat Biotech and the Indian Council of Medical Research BBV152) then we take no action, because that is no different from having had covid.
If you take a transfusion of blood which may be from a vaccinated person but it is not known to be, then we take no action so long as you ASK for unvaxxed blood and take that if possible. We strongly recommend against taking potentially vaccinated blood. But we cannot police this unless it is known to be gene therapy or spike protein only vaccinated. 

If you have already been baptised and have left the church and rejected the baptism, then you can come back into the church whenever you like up to a maximum of 2 more baptisms. You can only be baptised 3x. However you can return to the church without baptism during a Jubilee month. The next such month is 2024Chislev, the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee.
We uploaded the bold version of condition8 (disfellowshipping LWs who take the snake bite) to the 4EC baptism at 20:06 on August22 (2021Elul12), sunset in London was 20:08. We uploaded a non bold version earlier in that day.

If you have been thrown out of the church due to breaking the law of the 4EC as judged by the elders, then you can apply to return after 7 months to date from your eviction. But readmittance is invalid until it is approved in writing by the very judicial committee which threw you out. It is them you have to convince (assuming they are still in a position to sit on a judicial committee). In particular those disfellowshipped by Elijah4 cannot be rebaptised without his approval (updated on 2023Iyyar11). 

The 4EC baptism does not become transitive until the 7th day after the day of baptism. So a baptised person cannot baptise until he is in his 8th day of having a baptism.

Do not try and fool the Holy Spirit by declaring that you accept the 8 points above when you are not convinced about some of them. Attempting to fool an all seeing God is very dumb, and the result may be disastrous for you (see the account of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5). One must embrace the points sincerely/heartily, one must accept them with satisfaction, one must accept them with both the mind and the heart in order to be ready to be baptised. For those who heartily accepted what Peter said were baptised (Acts 2:41). If you have reservations then do the research and have the arguments!

[33] Basic LW beliefs post baptism

1. Hell is a sin bin with a maximum term of 1,000 years
2. 75% of mankind will be saved into Kingdom
3. The 2 presences of the Christ
4. The 4 true churches
5. The fall and fix of Adam and Eve
6. We all dream in an angel - we are all backed up into our own angelic body (which we are only permitted to sleep in if not born again and which we are permitted to live in if born again) - we all have two bodies, one human and one angelic. 
7. Our destiny is to become God's like Jehovah and Jesus, who live in divine bodies which are outside space-time

1. Hell is a sin bin with a maximum term of 1,000 years - see Intro14 and see JLW Belief1.

4 Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up,
5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury.
6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with (1 Corinthians 13 NWT)

Love never fails and we must love our enemies and you cannot love the non existent or the perpetually roasted. Put those two together and you see again that everyone will be saved eventually, both our friends and our enemies. For love bears all things, love endures all things, even the sort of behaviour that puts us into Gehenna (Hell)!

31 For not to time indefinite will Jehovah cast off.
32 For although he has caused grief, he will also certainly show mercy according to the abundance of his loving-kindness.
33 For not out of his own heart has he afflicted or does he grieve the sons of men (Lamentations 3 NWT)

Literally he will not cast off to a hidden time. So he will always tell the convict the length of his sentence just as any human court would do. It is an abuse to give a prisoner an indefinite sentence because it denies him hope. 

2. 75% of mankind will be saved into Kingdom - see U43 and see JLW Belief2

We deduce the percentages from the words of Jesus...

38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark;
and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
Then 2 will be in the field: One [male] will be taken along and the other [male] will be abandoned [These two men picture hard working normal people. They are the sheep. One passes the test for the righteous (who are considered to be righteous due to their faith which they have due to their love of God. The other does not. The one who passes enters into the ark].
2 will be grinding in the mill: One [female] will be taken along and the other [female] will be abandoned [These two women picture hard working normal people. They are the sheep. One passes the test for the righteous (who are considered to be righteous due to their faith which they have due to their love of God. The other does not. The one who passes enters into the ark] (Matthew 24).

28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.
But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all.
The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed.
On that day let the person that is on the housetop but whose movable things are in the house not come down to pick these up, and the person out in the field, let him likewise not return to the things behind.
Remember the wife of Lot.
Whoever seeks to keep his soul safe for himself will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive.
I tell you, In that night [] 2 will be in one bed; the one [male] will be taken along, but the other [male] will be abandoned [These two men being in the one bed at night picture unrighteous people. They are the goats. They picture the salvation of the unrighteous on the basis of their love for their brother rather than their faith or their adherence to God's standards of morality. One passes the Good Samaritan test. He is protected through the Time of the Distress of Daniel12 by the angels, whilst remaining on the earth, like the 3 Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace of Daniel3, whilst remaining on the earth. The other is abandoned].
There will be 2 grinding upon the same [thing], the one [female] will be taken along [], but the other [female] will be abandoned [These two appear to be arguing about who owns the grain that is being ground. Again they picture unrighteous female people] (Luke 17).

Taking Matthew24 and Luke17 together we see that 50% of grinding women are taken and then another 50% of those not taken initially are taken again. Therefore 50% and a further 25% making 75% are taken and 25% are left behind.

We also see that the same ratio of salvation that applies to women also applies to men. So 50% and a further 25% of the men are taken and 25% of them are abandoned. 

Matthew is the first division into those sealed due to love for God and those not.
Luke is the second division into those sealed due to love for man and those not.


If you obey the 1st law and love God then you are saved into the ark
If you obey the 2nd law and love your brother (but fail to obey the first) then you miss the ark but are shielded from the lava flood by God and saved into his Kingdom
If you obey neither the 1st law nor the 2nd and you love neither God nor your brother, then you go to Hell.

36 Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
37 He said to him: 'You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.'
38 This is the greatest and first commandment.
39 The second, like it, is this, 'You must love your neighbour as yourself.'
40 On these 2 commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets. (Matthew 22 NWT)

3. The 2 presences of the Christ  - see Intro45 and see JLW Belief3

3 While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: Tell us, When will these things be [end of Jewish system], and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? [end of Satan's system] (Matthew 24).

If a sign is needed for a presence then Jesus is not always present. So there is a time when he is absent. So there are at least two presences.

Definition: Jesus is present if his flesh is present upon the earth. His flesh can be a body which the angel Michael possesses or can be his fiance, a 1NC saint with a valid water baptism, so that he or she is clean in the flesh. Jesus cannot be one with unclean flesh.

Two presences means two temples of 1NC saints, which means two true religions. We have already seen this is the case of gap in procreation of the children of Leah, who stands for the 1NC in the greater meaning of Genesis29/30 - see Intro32. We can also see it in the case of the temple curtain that Paul describes as representing Jesus' flesh, which was rent in two from top to bottom at Jesus' death. 

51 And, look! the curtain of the sanctuary [Jesus' flesh] was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses [Jesus was the rock masses] were split (Matthew 27).

19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of Jesus,
20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh (Hebrews 10).

11 You will always have the poor with you but you will not always have me (Matthew 26 adapted from Greek).

This response was made to the disciples indignation at a woman pouring expensive oil on Jesus' head. The woman is the new covenant, the expensive oil is the baptism in holy spirit, the head is the collection of new covenant saints who she was anointing to be the Kings of the Kingdom of God in heaven. So the response, in the symbolic meaning, means you will not always have the new covenant saints. It means, I will not always be present. In the literal meaning of course Jesus died.

4. The 4 true churches - see Intro46 and see JLW Belief4

Jesus himself knocks down the temple and builds 3 more

61 and said: This man said, 'I am able to throw down the temple of God and build it up in 3 days.' (Matthew 26 NWT)
61 said: This affirmed; I am able to destroy the temple of the God, and in three days to build it. (Matthew 26 ED)

The above scripture does not refer to Jesus' death for he did not kill himself, he was killed by the Romans. It refers to his pulling down a Christian church and building another one on 3 future occasions making a total of 4 true Christian churches.

The 5,000 sat down in at least 4 groups

39 And he gave orders to them to recline all (ones) symposiums symposiums [drinking party by drinking party] upon the green grass. (KIT)
40 And they fell upwards garden rows/garden-plots/onion-beds/leek-beds [plural] garden rows/garden-plots/onion-beds/leek-beds [plural] according to hundred and according to fifty. (Mark 6 KIT)

Since they were commanded to recline in symposiums plural and symposiums plural, there were to be at least 4 symposiums. And since they reclined according to 100s plural and according to 50s plural, they were at least 4 reclining groups, 4 churches being fed. Now symposium is the Greek word for a drinking room. So there are at least 4 drinking rooms. These drinking rooms are true churches drinking the wine of the 1NC. Then they fell upwards in gardens rows plural upon garden rows plural, there must have been at least 4 garden rows/onion beds/leek-beds/garden-plots. :Liddell and Scott describe the Greek word prasia as "onion patch". So there are again at least 4 true churches. For in a true church one sits down to be fed by Jesus miraculously.

The temple had 4 cornerstones

22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner (Psalm 118).

17 But he looked upon them and said: What, then, does this that is written mean, 'The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone'?
18 Everyone falling upon that stone will be shattered. As for anyone upon whom it falls, it will pulverize him (Luke 20).

So Jesus who was rejected by the Pharisees controlling the physical temple of the law of Moses, became the first cornerstone in the new spiritual temple of Christianity. But if he is the first corner, then there are 3 other corners since the temple of the law had 4 corners. Each cornerstone is the founder of a church as Jesus himself was for the 1st Christian church.

5. The fall and fix of Adam and Eve - see Intro 47 and see JLW Belief5

Jesus (the angel Michael) agreed to ransom Adam angelically through the ARC, the Angelic Ransom Covenant, the Alpha Covenant - see Intro28. But not with immediate effect for the ARC gives everlasting angelic life and Adam could not be immediately given that without proving himself under test. Jesus also agreed to ransom Adam humanly though the LRC, the Love Ransom Covenant, the OMC, the Omega Covenant - see U218

13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 22 NWT)

But again this would give Adam a non ageing (non adamic) Yeshuaian body, the body of Immanuel (the non adamic son of Mary and Joseph and God) and Jesus. So Adam could not be given that body immediately either. He would have to prove himself under test in order to be given that ransom. 

Incidentally Michael did not have a human body when he agreed to ransom Adam angelically. So God gave him the Yeshuaian body for his ministry and for the ransom of the LRC (OMC). 

Every sealing salvation covenant requires a permanent validation sacrifice of the body which is given to the mediator for those sealed.
Every testing salvation covenant requires a temporary validation sacrifice of the body which is given to the mediator for those under test.

But once Jesus has permanently given up his human and his angelic body, then he has nowhere to go other than into a divine body. So he must have known this was his mission, his test, his destiny, when he agreed the ARC and the LRC with God.

But the writer did wonder why God did not sometimes just make such a body and give it to the sacrificer. Well that is what he did with Jesus' human body.

6 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;
8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient [even] unto death, yea, the death of the cross.
9 Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name [which name is Jehovah, the family surname of every God]; (Philippians 2 ASV)

So God had to arrange for Adam to be given a human body in which to take the test of the LRC and an angelic body to enable him to take the test of the ARC - since the Yeshuaian human and Michaelic angelic bodies were only available to him subject to testing. That body was the 960 year max lifespan ageing adamic body that lasted Adam for 930 years. 

5 So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to 930 years and he died. (Genesis 5 NWT)

This body was actually a gift from God. Just as Immanuel's/Jesus' human body was a gift from God. So that is how Adam was initially fixed and how he was passed over through death on that day he sinned. He did lose his angelic soul on that day and he lost his non ageing body (non adamic body we say). So actually he lost both his two souls and he died on 3993Nisan14. But he was passed over and resurrected into his adamic body by gene zap which was completed on the 3rd day, 3993Nisan16. Then, later, presumably from the Sethian Angelic Covenant, (SAC) he we born again for ARC testing - see Intro28

6. We all dream in an angel - we are all backed up into our own angelic body (which we are only permitted to sleep in if not born again and which we are permitted to live in if born again) - we all have two bodies, one human and one angelic - see Intro9, see Intro12, see Intro13, see Intro14 , see U255, see U913 

When Adam was created the scripture says...

7 And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath/spirit of lives [plural - 1 indestructible spirit for many lives], and the man came to be a living soul (Genesis 2).

The breath of life was not from the ground, it was from the heaven. God blew into two nostrils, two vessels for the breath/spirit of lives, two vessels for your life. The vessel of dust, the human body, and the vessel of spirit, the angel. 

The spirit of Adam was blown into two bodies, one human and one angelic. For we all have two nostrils and we all have two lungs. That is how he became a living soul. His spirit, his operating system, his software was running on two pieces of hardware simultaneously. His spirit was a two body operating system.  

44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one.

For every physical body (which is owned by a spirit), there exists a spiritual body, an angelic body, which may or may not yet be owned by that spirit. The point is that said angelic body will already be in existence as soon as the spirit enters into the physical body.

Let us be more plain. At the very instant that the spirit of the child enters into the foetus (around mid-term in the pregnancy), God gives the child access to angelic backup body, an angel in heaven for that child. However one does not get to own an angel for oneself until one is born again. Actually the child gets a subconscious angelic server, until it is born again. For more on this - see U255.

Draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts, two-souled (ones) [diyucoi] (James 4:8). 

Yes, we can certainly have two souls! Although two souled can also mean indecisive in Greek.

7. Our destiny is to become God's like Jehovah and Jesus, who live in divine bodies which are outside space-time - see Intro26, see Intro27 and see JLW Belief7

When Jesus gave his life for us, he became the second God to be worshipped like his father Jehovah

9 But just as it is written: Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2).

We owe thanks to God and to Jesus and to the holy spirit and to a certain International Bible Student for this one. It all started like this:

27 Next he said to Thomas: Put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop being unbelieving but become believing.
28 In answer Thomas said to him: My Lord and my God! (John 20).

Lets us clear our minds of any preconceptions and open our hearts to the love of God and be certain that he knows more than we presently do and that he will instruct us through his word. OK? Are we sitting comfortably? Right then...

 Jesus did not rebuke Thomas for calling him his God. Jesus' response was:
29 Jesus said to him: Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe (John 20)

So Jesus did not deny and therefore by omission confirmed that he was God to Thomas after he died. Whereas before he died things were different...

17 And as he was going out on his way, a certain man ran up and fell upon his knees before him and put the question to him: Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? 
18 Jesus said to him: Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God (Mark 10). 

So Jesus has progressed from not accepting being called 'good' before his sacrifice to accepting being called 'God' after his sacrifice. Quite a progression!

24 A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his lord
It is enough for the disciple to become as [wj] his teacher, and the slave as [wj] his lord (Matthew 10)

So we all are to become Gods like Jesus if he is our Lord and our Teacher.

48 you must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5).

If you are perfect, then you are a God, like Jehovah, the rock, whose activity is perfect as it says in Deuteronomy 32:4..

4 The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; Righteous and upright is he. (Deuteronomy 32 NWT)

34 Jesus answered them: Is it not written in your Law, I said: You are Gods? (John 10).

Yes, even the lowliest beggar in cardboard city or the youngest child scraping a living from the garbage heaps of the third world, too humble even to raise their eyes to meet the gaze of passers by, will one day rule an entire galaxy as a God with a face too glorious for their subjects even to look upon. Every worshipper in a church or mosque or synagogue or any other temple of faith is a trainee God.

[35] 2020Tishri10 and 2033Nisan10: When Jubilee release day meets Atonement day

A non adamic transition out of Adam is a Jubilee restoration since it is a return for the previous estate which Adam lost. So it must begin/occur/end during a Jubilee. 
The completion of the collection and baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit is an atonement with a God, for his new wife. 
2020Tishri10 was the 3rd Jubilee release day of the post 2008Nisan14 Kingdom of the 1st presence 1NCs in heaven, and it was Atonement day.
It was the end of the non adamic restoration of the members of the 3rd Holy Spirit and it was the baptism of the last HLC into Reverted Laodicea on 3rd HLC marriage Passover entry day. It was the completion of Jesus' wife.

The Monthly Jubilee release day and Tishri10 Atonement day only coincide (for a Nisan1 sacred year) once every 25 years. The next such coincidence after 2020Tishri10 is 2045Tishri10.

The final release from Adam. Adam lost his birthright of a non adamic body on 3993Nisan14. His sons are will start and will complete their restoration back to Adam's original non adamic state at a Jubilee restoration...

8 'And you must count for yourself 7 Sabbaths of years, 7 times 7 years, and the days of the 7 Sabbaths of years must amount to 49 years for you.
9 And you must cause the horn of loud tone to sound in the 7th month on the 10th of the month; on the day of atonement you people should cause the horn to sound in all your land.
And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family. (Leviticus 25 NWT)

39 'And in case your brother grows poor alongside you and he has to sell himself to you, you must not use him as a worker in slavish service.
40 He should prove to be with you like a hired labourer, like a settler. He should serve with you till the Jubilee year.
41 And he must go out from you, he and his sons with him, and he must return to his family, and he should return to the possession of his forefathers. (Leviticus 25 NWT)

Well his non adamic Jubilee restoration began on 2012Sivan14, in the 1st Jubilee of the heavenly kingdom of the 1st presence 3rd Holy Spirit (from their marriage/investiture on 2008Nisan22).
And his non adamic Jubilee restoration ends on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, the 6th Jubilee of the heavenly Kingdom of the 1st presence 3rd Holy Spirit and the 3rd Jubilee of Jesus as Caesar over Adam (from 2020Tishri20).

2033Nisan10 is the Jubilee release day of the 6th monthly Jubilee of the post original ARC lease Kingdom of the first Holy Spirit (from 2008Nisan22). And it is Atonement day of the Tishri1 sacred year of Isaaic Zoar. It is therefore another coinciding of the Jubilee release day with Atonement day for Isaaic Zoar, and is entry day into the 1st death Passover, the last day of salvation for the sons of Adam.

2020Tishri10: The 3rd Holy Spirit finishes being collected when the 3rd post 1AC entrance Jubilee release day meets the Nisan1 sacred year Atonement day on 3rd HLC marriage Passover entry day
2033Nisan10: Adam (i.e. the sons of Adam) finishes being collected when the 6th post 1AC entrance Jubilee release day meets the Tishri1 sacred year Atonement day on 1st death Passover entry day.

The possession of our forefather Adam before his fall, was a non ageing human body. Adam himself, meaning ALL of his sons who are not dead, must be returned to that edenic state on a Jubilee release day, a Jubilee restoration day. That day is the 10th of the Jubilee month in the case of monthly Jubilees and the 10th of Tishri in the case of annual Jubilees. 

1752008Nisan: Jubilee release from Michael's original ARC lease, the end of 1AC baptism, the completion of the release of Adam and Cain into constructive Abraham (into testing to be sealed into the FRC).
2012Sivan: Jubilee release from Adam into non adamic Abraham on 2012Sivan14-16
2016Ab: Jubilee release from non adamic Abraham into non adamic Isaac on 2016Ab14-16.
2020Tishri10: Jubilee release for the entire 3rd Holy Spirit, end of 4EC baptism for HLCs. Atonement day of the Nisan1 sacred year.
2024Chislev10/14-16: The post LW Exedenic Times Jubilee release of LW Abraham into the Isaaic Zoar Isaac conversion Passover.
Jubilee release of Christian FRCs into Zoar, the regular Christian and late JW FRC Passover entry day.
2033Nisan10: Jubilee release of the adamic sons of the Kingdom from the sons of Gehenna. Entry day into the 1st death Passover execution of all remaining adamic mankind both of Jesus' right hand and his left, for resurrection into the Kingdom and into Gehenna. The end of entry into salvation for Adam. Atonement day of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year.175

The new Eve, the new woman of Genesis 3:15, the wife of the son of Man, was completed on 2020Tishri10 and married on 2020Heshvan18 and installed on 2020Tebbeth7. Her seed will ambush the serpent in the head.

The 1NC/HLC : FRC/OMC Mirror

Crudely speaking, what happens to the 1NCs and HLCs from 2019Tishri10, entry day into the 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2020Tishri10, the end of the baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit, to 2020Heshvan10, the end of entry into the 3rd Holy Spirit marriage Passovers, happens to the ELCs and 2NCs from 2024Tishri10, entry day into the ELC Passover resurrection from Hades, to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the ark rapture of the Benjamin 2NC reserves.

86HOWEVER. Abraham (1AC Adam) is being tested for FRC or for LRC sealing. The final FRC sealing test takes 40 cubits/days of the walled testing part of Ezekiel's temple inner gates (and the length of the Holy before the Most Holy). Although it can be instant (as it was in the case of the faithful robber crucified at the side of Jesus). Mind you they still have to go through the same gates of Ezekiel's temple. If Abraham (1AC Adam) fails to be sealed, he loses his 1AC status. If OMC Adam fails to be LRC sealed then he loses his OMC status at one of the 5 late LRC Passover executions on 2029Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14. God gives everyone a 2nd chance for non capital matters (2 witnesses are required) and a 3rd chance for capital offences (3 witnesses are required). Hence God provides the last chance saloon, the descended church of the 1AC/OMC, Hobah of Genesis14. One can enter into that church from 2031Nisan5-2033Nisan10/Iyyar10 for Adam/Cain (see U307) and enter into the OMC/1AC therein from 2033Nisan3/4-10 and be sealed into the LRC/FRC by 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, in the case of Adam and one month later in the case of Cain. 

So to go to hell you have to fail to be FRC sealed by faith, fail to be LRC sealed by love, and fail to have a drink in the last chance saloon. 

Likewise, nobody is killed for Gehenna at the regular Passover date. Triply absent firstborns are killed (in the sense of covenant failure- failure to hold on to the body their covenant promised) at the late Passover, having missed the early regular and late Passover. They must be given the opportunity to deny the Christ 3x in this Passover night as Peter did.

Salvation EventLaodiceansJWsChristianBabylonianNon religious
Symbolised byPharaoh on throneMaidservant behind millstonesCaptive in prison holeCaptive in prison holeAll
Day of early FRC Passover entry2028Heshvan10 2028Chislev10 2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10
Day of regular FRC Passover entry2028Chislev10 2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10 2029Nisan10
Day of late FRC Passover entry2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10 2029Nisan10 2029Iyyar10
Regular non adamic edenic restoration2028Chislev14-16 2028Tebbeth14-16 2028Shebat14-16 2028Adar14-16 2029Nisan14-16
Late non adamic edenic restoration2028Tebbeth14-16 2028Shebat14-16 2028Adar14-16 2029Nisan14-16 2029Iyyar14-16
Passover execution of firstborn (pre kingdom 1AC baptised) non FRCs (loss of 1AC status) 2028Tebbeth14 2028Shebat14 2028Adar14 2029Nisan14 2029Iyyar14
Day of regular LRC Passover entry to get a non adamic ark resurrection 2029Sivan10 2029Tammuz10 2029Ab10 2029Elul10 2029Tishri10
Day of late LRC Passover entry to get a non adamic ark resurrection2029Tammuz10 2029Ab10 2029Elul10 2029Tishri10 2029Heshvan10
Passover execution of regular partaking LRCs  to their Ark resurrection2029Sivan14-16 2029Tammuz14-16 2029Ab14-16 2029Elul14-16 2029Tishri14-16
Passover execution of firstborn (pre-kingdom 1AC baptised) LRC sealing failures (loss of OMC status)2029Tammuz14 2029Ab14 2029Elul14 2029Tishri14 2029Heshvan14
Passover execution of late partaking LRCs to Ark resurrection of late partaking LRCs2024Tammuz14-16 2029Ab14-16 2029Elul14-16 2029Tishri14-16 2029Heshvan14-16

Passover executed FRCs get an ark rapture that day.
Passover executed LRCs get a non adamic ark resurrection from Hades on the 3rd day inclusively counting from the Passover (which will be the 16th of the month).

Whereas the 2019 1NC reserve archetype for the above in reappointed Laodicea is...

Salvation EventBethelitesCongregationsDisfellowshipped or DisassociatedLate BethelitesLate Congregations
1NC Marriage3rd4th5th6th (late 3rd)7th (late 4th)
Symbolised byPharaoh on throneMaidservant behind millstonesCaptive in prison holeLate Pharaoh on throneLate Maidservant behind millstones
Passover entry day for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th marriages in the ark2019Tishri102019Heshvan102019Chislev102019Tebbeth102019Shebat10
Marriage Passover day for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th marriages in the ark2019Tishri142019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/a 3EC baptism expired on 2019Shebat10
Late Passover entry day to remain engaged to be married and in the 1NC2019Heshvan102019Chislev102019Tebbeth10n/an/a
Passover execution of firstborn (all 1NC reserve angels) victimsPartaking nightPartaking nightPartaking nightn/an/a
Passover execution of 1NC Passover failures (they lose their 1NC status)2019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/an/a
Passover execution of firstborn of beasts (oldest 4EC by baptism per congregation) 2019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/an/a

And the 2020 1NC reserve archetype for the above in reverted Laodicea is...

Salvation EventLate reappointed Laodicean Congregation
1NC Marriage 7th (late 4th and late 5th). They merge because late 5th was baptised
into reappointed Laodicea then both were disfellowshipped by God. So
both were 3EC baptised and both were disfellowshipped..
Symbolised byMaidservant behind millstones
Passover entry day for 7th 1NC marriage in the ark2020Tammuz10
7th Marriage Passover2020Tammuz14
Passover execution of firstborn (all 1NC reserve angels) victims2020Tammuz14
Passover execution of 1NC Passover failures (they lose their 1NC status)2020Tammuz14

The maidservant is the congregation. In Exodus she is NOT grinding at the mill as in Matthew 24:41. She is behind the millstone, i.e. not making her own spiritual food.

5 And every first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh, the one sitting on his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl who [is] behind the mill; and every first born of animals. (Exodus 11 GLT)

12 And I must pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast; and on all the Gods of Egypt I shall execute judgments. I am Jehovah. (Exodus 12 NWT)

29 And it came about that at midnight Jehovah struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 12 NWT)

41 two grinding at the mill; one is taken away, and one is left. (Matthew 24 GLT)

The first saints are raptured into the ark on 2019Tishri17, when it comes to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat (the 1NC and 2NC administrations of Laodicea). This means that those in said mountains can enter into God's rest in the ark wherein Jesus is Caesar rather than the Dragon. 2019Tishri17 is the 3rd marriage. For the ark to come to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat, people from those administrations (mountains) must enter into God's rest in the ark. So the 3rd marriage must occur on 2019Tishri17, for saints go into the ark initially for marriages.

For Sodom (the Watchtower), Gomorrah (False Christianity) and the other cities of the plain (all other false religions) are built upon the sand of the seashore, the sons of Abraham. But these cease to be Abraham if they fail to be sealed or to join Zoar in time. Ex Abrahamic Adam and never Abrahamic Adam is burnt by God during the lava flood not Abraham and not constructive Abraham (1ACs and OMCs).

Those of Abraham who fail to be seized, have shown no sustainable desire to be a part of the Kingdom of God, notwithstanding their faith in God which entered them into the 1AC and notwithstanding their love for their fellowman, which entered them into the OMC. They deceive themselves into believing that they taught themselves how to love. They fail to acknowledge the artist of love, the inventor of love, Jehovah God. They buy his masterpiece, then they falsely represent that they themselves painted it. So entrance into first death ends for non OMC Adam and non OMC Cain on 2029Ab7, the end of the ride of the 4th horseman, the end of the lava flood. But it ends for failed OMC Adam on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover and for failed OMC Cain on 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover. The two sides of Abraham, Mr last minute faith and Mr last minute love (and blasphemous derision) are pictured by the two robbers crucified on either side of the Christ. Remember me when you get into your Kingdom the repentant one said. But the derider had love which is greater than faith. For he said save yourself and us. He did not say: Save me!. 

39 But one of the hung evildoers began to say abusively to him: You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us.
40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment?
41 And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this [man] did nothing out of the way.
42 And he went on to say: Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom.
43 And he said to him: Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. (Luke 23 NWT)

But one should never underestimate the mercy of God - see U9#1

33 Oh the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]! (Romans 11 NWT)

There is a final group of last chance salooners, the congregation of Hobah of Genesis14, the descended church of the 1AC, who can enter into that establishment from 2031Nisan5 to 2033Nisan10/Iyyar10 for Adam/Cain. They are Passover executed on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover (2033April13/14), the end of entry into Hades, the 1st death, for Adam, and on 2033Iyyar14, the last 1st death Passover (2033May13/14), the end of entry into Hades for Cain.. The sealed ones are and then resurrected back to the earth at 1st death first fruits on 2033Nisan17 (2033April16/17) and late 1st death 1st fruits on 2033Iyyar22 (2033May21/22). They are sealed into the LRC and have absolutely no faith whatsoever (agnostics, atheists etc) but they have love. And LOVE IS ENOUGH! for Paul said:

13 Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these 3; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13 NWT).

Because, if faith is sufficient for salvation and love is greater that faith, then love is sufficient for salvation QED86.

We do not understand 2Chronicles 29:16-17...

16 The priests now came inside the house of Jehovah to do the cleansing and brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of Jehovah to the courtyard of the house of Jehovah [identified false 2NCs and informed them they were neither in the JAC nor in the ICC. The courtyard is the 1AC]. In turn the Levites received it to take it out to the torrent valley of Kidron outside [to baptise them into the 4EC?].

17 Thus they [] got started on the first [] to the month, the first [] at sanctifying [], and on the 8th day to the month [] they came to the porch of Jehovah []. And they sanctified the house of Jehovah in 8 days [], and on the 16th day to the first month they finished [] (2 Chronicles 29 NWT) THIS APPLIES TO LAODICEA OR REVERTED LAODICEA NOT TO THE LWs.

15 However, the Lord answered him and said: Hypocrites, does not each one of you on the Sabbath [day or month or year] untie his bull or his ass from the stall [prepositional genitive] [the stall is an animal prison. The Bull is the Priests (sons of the 4EC), the Ass is the congregation of kingdom citizens (sons of the 1AC)] and leading it away, water it? [comparative speech. Led away into the ark and baptised there! This is a binary question. They all water their herd upon a Sabbath. And we shall not baptise or rapture people upon the sacred Sabbath (day of month)] (Luke 13)

All reappointed Laodiceans are non adamic which means they cannot go into the 1st death. But they can go into the 2nd.

The Tree of Life of Revelation22

85There are 12 monthly non adamic crops of those who start the Kingdom from the tree of life.

1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, bright as crystal, coming forth out of the throne of God and of the Lamb [2 rivers, the 3EC from the throne and the 4EC from the lamb - 1 river each side of the dry land of the broadway - Mesopotamia. the throne of the Kingdom is fully installed under Jesus as Caesar to all mankind on 2020Adar5].
2 In the midst of its broadway [platuj] [] and of the river, from here and from there [the arm of the river on each side of the street], [was] a tree of life producing 12 fruits: according to month each yielding its fruit [12 months precisely from 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14, with ALL crops during the installed throne of Jesus over Isaac (the tree cannot yield non adamic Abrahamic fruit until it receives Isaac waters from the throne - i.e. until Jesus is Caesar to Isaac). All crops are yielded during the installed throne of Jesus as Caesar]. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations. (Revelation 22 GLT)
2 e mesw thj platiaj authj kai tou potamou enqen kai poioun karpouj ib kata mhna ekaston apodidouj touj karpouj autou kai ta fulla twn xulwn eij qerapeian eqnwn (Revelation 22 Sinai)

When any son of Adam is baptised into a true church after 2012Sivan14, he must die to Adam that day, because one cannot be in a true church as a son of Adam after Adam's 6,000 year working week for God from 3989Sivan5 to 2012Sivan14, and one is in a true church at baptism - see U317. So these 12 crops are into Zoar, which is the new Eden (or into ark based Laodicea). The 12 crops are the secular edenic restorations of Adam and Cain.

The 12 crops are 2028Chislev14-16 to 2029Iyyar14-16 for the FRCs (the Laodicean, JW, Christian, Babylonian, Non religious and Late FRC  Passovers) and 
2029Sivan14-16 to 2029Heshvan14-16 for the LRCs, (the Laodicean, JW, Christian, Babylonian, Non religious and Late LRC  Passovers)
The lava flood begins on 2029Iyyar17, 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after the end of Zoar entrance for FRCs into the late non religious FRC Passsover of the 6th crop of Revelation22.
Jesus antitypical 3½ year LRC love ministry to the sheep and the goats runs from 2029Heshvan21 to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain.
Zoar ends and the last chance saloon starts on 2031Nisan5, 2239 days of Genesis 14:15 after 2024Tebbeth16, the start of the division of Abraham into the ark by night - see U307

1. Laodiceans are people who have at some point been baptised into Laodicea
2. JWs are people who have at some point have been baptised into the Watchtower
3. Christians are people who have at some point officially joined a Christian church
4. Babylonians are people who have at some point officially joined a non Christian religion which believes in a divine creator
5. Non religious people are those who have never joined a religion which believes in a divine creator. 

The lowest numbered category you qualify for is what is used to determine your classification in the handicap salvation race. Laodiceans have the best training. So they are given the shortest time to respond

48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. (Luke 12 KJV)

The 4EC baptism ends on 2026Tishri5, 574 fays of Bethzatha after 2024VeAdar2, the baptism of Caleb. Then we hand over Abraham/Isaac in Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5. Then existing 1ACs (baptised up to 2008Nisan14 or in the 195 days of Abraham's negotiation from 2028Shebat20 (the mid point of Sodom during the sweeping away of the righteous by ark rapture/resurrection being 2028Adar15 between 2024Tebbeth16 and 2033Iyyar14), become non adamic Abrahamic upon Zoar entry, dying to Adam or Cain and begin resurrected to non adamic Abraham upon the 3rd day. Not sure what the restrictions on OMC entry are. Hopefully there are none. 

Pre Kingdom baptised 1ACs get 3 shots at being sealed at their respective FRC Passover. Then the also get the chance to be OMC tested and LRC sealed in Zoar. Then they get a last chance in the last chance saloon. They must deny the Christ 3x to be condemned as Peter did. 
Kingdom baptised 1ACs (from 2028Shebat20 to 2029Elul5) also get 3 shots at being sealed at the relevant FRC Passovers, Then they get the chance to be OMC tested and LRC sealed in Zoar and again in the last chance saloon85

8735 Heaven and earth [of the world and of the Watchtower] will pass away/come beside/arrive, but my words will by no means pass away/come beside/arrive.
36 Concerning that day [] AND hour nobody has seen [], neither the angels in heavens nor the Son, but only the Father, alone [monoV] [true when Jesus said it, not true after Jesus died - Nobody knows the date of their marriage until after they have proposed. But in fact Jesus proposed the ARC on 3993Nisan14, so he knew 2008Nisan14 then - unless he was given a lease of indeterminate length? Certainly after the last supper, after his proposal to his wife, he should then know the date of his marriage to that maiden] (Matthew 24)

31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Concerning the day that OR THE hour nobody has seen, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. (Mark 13 NWT)

The scriptures say concerning that day and/or hour that nobody has known. Well folks, Somebody now knows. And that somebody is about to include you.

That Day OR the Hour is a witness to 12x precisely, being a comparison between 1x and 12x.
That Day AND hour is a witness to 12x precisely by comparison and to 13x imprecisely by addition, being 13 hours.

The accepting year of Isaiah61 for entry into the early regular and late 12 crop Passovers of Reveation22 runs from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10
The FRCs and LRCs of the 12 crops of Revelation22 pass away into the ark directly or via Hades for 11 months from 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14.

The hour of Isaaic Zoar having authority over 2NCs on earth (being their heaven) runs for 144 cubits of the wall of Revelation21 from 2016Adar21, Isaaic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs, to 2028Adar1, when the earth is dried from the waters upon it (the saints), the day before 2028Adar2, the 2nd 2NC marriage in the ark, after which neither the bride nor the groom can leave the marital home (in the ark) for the honeysun of Deuteronomy 24:5. 12 years to the month. 143 months and 10 days.

Whereas the day of the true church heaven of the 2nd and 3rd presences began on 1890Sivan11, the installation of FDS3 over the HLCs. 143 years and 4 months later is 2033Tishri, 4 months after the Kingdom of God is installed over Adam. Is this when Abraham becomes Melchizedaic ???

The Earth of Zoar finishes passing away into the ark on 2029Heshvan14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. 13 years before then is 2016Ab14-16, when Abrahamic Zoar passed away to become Isaaic Zoar.

The heavens of the 1NC reserves and the HLCs (the 3rd Holy Spirit) pass away from 2019Tishri14 (the 3rd 1NC marriage Passover execution) to 2020Heshvan14 (the 4th HLC marriage Passover execution), 13 months precisely. So it took 13 months precisely for the 3rd Holy Spirit to Pass away by Passover execution, and resurrection into the ark.

We think that the last chance saloon does make one non adamic Abrahamic upon OMC baptism. 

Not fully seen until 2024Iyyar1.

So this scripture, rather than prohibiting advanced knowledge of the day and the hour, actually gives you the length of the hour as being a twelfth of the particular day.87

The definition of the Passover: 
4 'These are the seasonal festivals of Jehovah, holy conventions, which you should proclaim at their appointed times:
5 In the first month, on the 14th day of the month, between the 2 evenings is the Passover to Jehovah. (Leviticus 23 NWT

That definition could equally well apply to Tammuz14, in the first month of the Isaaic sacred year, or to Tishri14, the 14th day of the first month of the adamic secular year, as it does to Nisan14, the 14th day of the first month of the adamic/Michaelic/ARC sacred year. So Adam was first passed over on 3993Nisan14 BC and is last passed over on 2033Nisan14 AD, the 1st death Passover. Failed 1AC Adam and Cain are actually Passover executed by losing their OMC status on 2031Nisan5, the end of Zoar, and not before, in order that they can be protected until then, for entry in to the last chance saloon. So even at the end, the sons of Abraham have 3 chances, faith, love and the last chance saloon, the descended church of the 1AC of Melchizedek and the OMC of Yeshua, Hobah of Genesis14.

So if you fail an FRC Passover, you lose your 1AC status you can still be sealed at the LRC Passover. If you fail the LRC Passover you lose your OMC status but you can still enter into the last chance saloon and become a OMC again on 2033Nisan3/4-10 for Adam and on 2033Iyyar3/4-10 for Cain, in a last minute antitype to one the 2 robbers crucified either side of Jesus.

If you fail to be FRC sealed at the relevant late FRC Passover, then you lose your 1AC status
If you fail to be LRC sealed at the relevant late LRC Passover, then you lose your OMC status
If you fail to be LRC sealed by 20
33Nisan14/Iyyar14 in the last chance saloon or fail to have a drink of the cup of salvation in that merciful establishment, then you are Passover executed at the 1st/late 1st death Passover on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 and resurrected into Gehenna on 2033Nisan17/

The definition of the first fruits and the Pentecost: The Law of Moses Pentecost Pattern is defined as running from Nisan16-22 to Sivan5-11 which is a 50 day pattern keying off the first weekly Sabbath of Cakes. Sivan5-11 was the first ripe fruits day for wheat and Nisan16-22 was the first fruits day for barley.

15 And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete.
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days (you should count), and you must present a new grain offering to Jehovah. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

There is a double description of the day to start counting from and of the day to count to. The Pentecost also had a wave offering but not of a sheaf, it was of 2 wheat loaves. So there is one greater Pentecost with a count that starts from 'the day after the Sabbath' and another greater Pentecost count which starts from the day of bringing of the sheaf of the wave offering. The expression the day after the Sabbath it itself ambiguous, since it could refer to the festival Sabbath of Nisan15, the first day of cakes, or it could refer to the weekly Sabbath in cakes. Indeed the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering is defined as follows...

10 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'When you eventually come into the land that I am giving you, and you have reaped its harvest, you must also bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest. 
11 And he must wave the sheaf to and fro before Jehovah to gain approval for you. Directly the day after the Sabbath the priest should wave it to and fro [this could equally well be the festival Sabbath of the first day of Cakes or the weekly Sabbath]. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

So substituting verse 11 into verse 15 we get...

15 And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day directly after the Sabbath, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete).
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days (you should count), and you must present a new grain offering to Jehovah. (Leviticus 23 NWT)

In this format it is very easy to see that the definition applies to two types of Sabbath. So there is to be one first fruits after the first festival Sabbath of Cakes, and another after the weekly Sabbath of Cakes. Furthermore, there are two counts, one to the day after 7 Sabbaths and another of 50 days. The former is the weekly Sabbath count and the latter is the 7th day Sabbath count.

Mosaic and 1NC Pentecost: 7 weekly Sabbaths after the 1st weekly Sabbath after the (Egyptian) Passover on Nisan14. Nisan16-22 to Sivan5-11 depending upon where the weekly Sabbath falls in Cakes
Zoar Pentecost: 7 7th days after the 1st festival Sabbath after the (Zoar) Passover on Sivan14. Sivan16 to Ab5 always.
2NC Pentecost: 7 7th days after the secular Rosh Hashana Sabbath, the first festival Sabbath of the secular year. Tishri2 to Heshvan21 for a Tishri1 secular year.

Passover Sabbath years

1988, 1992, 1995, 2008, 2015, 2019, 2022, 2036 are years in which the Passover on Nisan14 is the weekly Sabbath. In these year 1NC first fruits is Nisan22, outside of Cakes, and Tishri2 is the weekly Sabbath. So Tishri3 is 2NC first fruits and Tishri17 is a first fruits. The 1st marriage was in 2008, the 2nd is in 2015, the 3rd 4th 5th are in 2019. So all the marriages occur in these Passover Sabbath years. So all three years in which Jesus gets married are isomorphic from a festival calendar standpoint. Furthermore the Ark comes to a rest on Tishri17, when Jesus becomes Caesar to those in it. That day must be a first fruits because Caesar's are appointed on first fruits and because Jesus raptures a bride and marries her on that day. So the 1NC reserve marriages must occur in a Passover Sabbath year, because ark entry from the earth begins for a marriage and it begins when the ark comes to a rest and a 1NC marriage must occurs on a 1NC first fruits day.

The Watchtower Passovers

The time honoured manner in which God releases his people from slavery to an Egypt is the Passover. But he could not do this until the Watchtower Sabbath error of 5215 missed weekly and 82 Atonement day Sabbaths was paid off. 

The period of installation of FDS3 over the saints ran from 1095Sivan6 (1NC Pentecost) to 2005Sivan14 (the fall of the church). God does not hold them responsible for breaking Sabbaths in Israel until they have that responsibility from him. FDS4 fell over the 1NCs on 1998Tishri27 and FDS4 was appointed/installed to feed them on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after FDS3). But we were never appointed to rule over them having failed the test. So God held them accountable until the Watchtower fell. That is a period of 100 years and 8 days of 36008 BLC days and 36507 solar days, with 5215 weekly Sabbaths from 1905Sivan12 to 2005Sivan11.

Now: 1907, 1911, 1914, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1985, 2002: 18 years when Atonement day fell upon a weekly Sabbath. So the Total Watchtower Sabbath error including Atonement days was 5215+100-18 = 5297 solar days from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan22. 

BUT: The Watchtower Governing Body was sent to prison at the end of WW1 from their arrest on 1918May7 to their release on bail on 1919March26. During this period they did not enforce any work upon the land, the congregation. Their incarceration covered 46 weekly Sabbaths from 1918Iyyar28 to 1918VeAdar13 and one Atonement day Sabbath on 1918Tishri10 which was not a weekly Sabbath. So that totals to 47 Sabbaths which were not missed and must be removed from the figure of 5297 leaving 5250 missed Sabbaths.  

These run in Gregorian Hebrew days, solar days, from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5. Whereas 2019Elul30 is the end of the 2,000 swine (BLC days) of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the 1NC reserves in Laodicea lost their 3EC water baptism and became unclean in the flesh but nonetheless containing angels (swine). The calculation above may be one or two days out because the BLC may not get Nisan1 right for every year so the Atonement day-weekly Sabbath match might be incorrect occasionally. It is normally fairly accurate especially in recent history. So Watchtower 1NCs started leaving for reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul30, were permitted to join them on 2019Tishri5 and did get 3EC baptised on 2019Tishri10, entrance day into the 3rd 1NC marriage Passover..

The unclean 1NC reserves started leaving the Watchtower on 2019Elul30, at the end of the 2,000 pigs from 2013Adar10, and jumped off the overhang of that false church into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC on 2019Tishri10, the entrance day for the 1st Watchtower Passover at Laodicea on 2019Tishri14. AND THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO DO THAT ANY EARLIER DUE TO THE MISSED SABBATH RESTRICTION TO 2019Tishri5!!

So God could not carry out a Watchtower Passover before all those missed Sabbaths have been paid back to him on 2019Tishri5. Hence the 1st Watchtower Passover was 2019Tishri14. 

God is just as impatient as we all are to save his people. But he has been constrained by his own justice and by their power mad unrighteousness of the leaders of the Watchtower until 2019Tishri5. Then we have the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14. The first of the 2,000 flying pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence to 2019Elul30, jumped off the overhang of the Watchtower into the sea of the world on 2019Elul30 in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC after 2019Tishri5, in fact on 2019Tishri10. So the first opportunity God had to hold a Passover was 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, the end of the 430 years in Egypt a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, their fall as a true church, their becoming an Egypt. 

During the payback period the Watchtower and those in her cannot work for God at all. The 5215 + 82 - 47 = 5250 Sabbaths count as solar days added to 2005Sivan14. The weekly Sabbath is a solar calendar concept not lunar.

This means that Laodicea COULD NOT become a true church on 2019Ab1 unless they absolutely left the Watchtower and formed their own dry land, the great Sinai peninsular to the Watchtower's Egypt. You can have a true church in a false church (reverted Laodicea proves that)

There was a Laodicean Passover of the 2NC saints. But only in the sense that any Laodicean 2NC who left Rahab (the 1NC reserves) and failed to return to her before the end of the 4EC water baptism for reverted Laodicea on 2022Sivan25, loses his angel to Gehenna and cannot keep on living angelically (Joshua 6:17)  He will have his angel returned when he finishes his sentence in Hell however.


The 1NC angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by 3EC water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Bethels occurred on 2019Heshvan14 - Hebrew (true) midnight Saturday morning 2019November16. 
The 1NC angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by 3EC water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Congregations occurred on  2019Chislev14 - Hebrew (true) midnight on Monday morning 2019December16.
The 1NC angelic (man) and unsanctified (beast - the firstborn by 3EC water baptism) Passover Execution in each of the Watchtower Congregation Prisons of disassociated and disfellowshipped JWs who have not moved to another church occurred on 2019Tebbeth14 - Hebrew (true) midnight on Wednesday morning 2020January15.


For the scripture says:

30 Then Pharaoh got up at night, he and all his servants and all [other] Egyptians; and there began arising a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where there was not one dead. (Exodus 12 NWT)

So one must die in every house. The firstborn by water baptism. Also all of the 1NC reserves who fail to celebrate the relevant Watchtower Passover in Laodicea will suffer angelic death resulting in their having a 2nd dead associated angelic body, which makes them into subjects for demon possession. This is a very serious matter.

Russell (David, Jesus) builds the altar to Solomon's temple (2Samuel24) and he prepared gold and silver and copper and wood and stones for it (1Chronicles22). Jesus and the 3rd Holy Spirit, baptise all the 2NCs in Holy Spirit. But they do not build them into temple. The temple is the marital house of the 2NC. Just as the temple of David is the marital house of the 1NC. The groom, the covenant mediator, is the foundation of the marital house. Jesus, the mediator of the 1NC. is the foundation of the temple of the 1NC. Gordon, Elijah4, the mediator of the 2NC, is the foundation of the temple of the 2NC. Jesus (the mediator of the 1NC) is the chief cornerstone of the Most Holy, the congregation of the Christian saints. The other 3 cornerstones of the Most Holy are Paul (the mediator of the ELC), Apollos, the Mediator of the HLC (Zilpah), and Gordon (the mediator of the 2NC). John the baptist was the chief cornerstone of the Holy, the congregation of the True Christian Churches. The other 3 cornerstones of that temple are Paul (Elijah2 for TCC2), Russell (Elijah3 for TCC3) and Gordon (Elijah4 for TCC4). The resurrected and descended Charles Taze baptised Jonah on 2019Tishri7 - see U367 - 32 days of doubting after he appeared to the 2 spies on 2019Elul5 (after/with 8 days of John20 after the 1st of the Sabbaths of reappointed Laodicean Weeks on 2019Ab27 - rather than the first day of Weeks (the first day of the 49 count of Weeks) when he appeared to Mary - this being the deliberate ambiguity of John20:1 and John 20:19). 

1 But on the first of the Sabbaths, Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, darkness yet being [on it]. And [she] saw the stone had been removed from the tomb. (John 20 GLT)

22 The stone that the builders rejected Has become the head of the corner. (Psalms 118 NWT)

This applies to John the baptist as well as Jesus. For John was beheaded by Herod Antipas, whose Father, Herod the Great, restored Zerubbabel's temple. For more see Intro46.


17 And the city must become a thing devoted to destruction; it with everything that is in it belongs to Jehovah. Only Rahab the prostitute may keep on living, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers whom we sent out. (Joshua 6 NWT)

So if they leave the church of Laodicea, then they must return before 2022Elul11 (300+300 denarii of John12 after 2020Tebbeth11) or they lose their 2NC covenant status.

20 He said to them: Because of your little faith. For truly I say to you, If you have faith as a mustard grain [that you will become the largest of all the vegetables and a tree, even though you are the smallest of all the seeds], you will say to this mountain, 'Transfer from here to there,' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17 NWT)

31 Another illustration he set before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain [doctrine, grain is eaten], which a man took and planted in his field [the true church, the sons of the ICC];
32 which is, in fact, the tinier/tiniest of all the seeds [the smallest number of saints in the church during the time that the church doctrine, the grain, is being developed], but when it has grown it is the larger/greater [comparative not superlative] of the vegetables [the largest church of its time] and becomes a tree [the Kingdom of God], so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches [the 13 tribes] (Matthew 13 NWT).

Faith moves pre-existing mountains - not signs! So the faith of Zoar and of Laodicea moves the mountain of Laodicea from the Watchtower through the Sinai, through the red sea, into Zoar. And the sea will be red when the 2nd and 3rd and 4th and subsequent fire signs occur. The smallest seed (the LWs and Laodicea) produce the largest tree (Zoar).

26 Then Joshua had an oath pronounced at that particular time, saying: Cursed may the man [Roger Knight] be before Jehovah who gets up [taking the 4EC waters baptism] and does build this city, namely Jericho [Laodicea]. In his firstborn [the 12 Laodicean apostles] let him lay the foundation of it, and in his youngest [The non adamic Laodiceans baptised after 2013Adar10, when they lost their 4EC water baptism, when the wall of the law of the 4EC fell down] let him put up its doors [?]
27 So Jehovah proved to be with Joshua, and his fame came to be in all the earth (Joshua 6).

So the 12 firstborn apostles of Roger Knight, the tribal heads of Laodicea, will all leave that church.
Laodicea DID become a false church on 2017Elul10. 3½ of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence - For more see U67..

40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who/which dwelt/resided in Egypt, was 30 year and 4 of hundreds year [a month for a day, 14 years and 4 months, from the fall of the Watchtower as a true church on 2005Sivan14, to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover. The 1st flying JW pig jumps on 2019Elul30, 2000 swine after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, when the 1NC reserves became unclean in the flesh]
41 And it came about at the end of 30 year and 4 of hundreds year, it even came about on/in/at this very day [Literally they started to leave on the Passover day. But completed their exit during the whole 'day'/festival of Passover/Cakes from 1513Nisan14-21]  that all the armies of Jehovah [the saints] went forth from of the land of Egypt [in fact they collected at Rameses on 1513Nisan14 and then left Rameses on 1513Nisan15] [This very day, may be literal since verse43-51 looks like a separate account. Now the 1NCs started leaving Egypt by Passover execution on 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover (430 years a month for a day after 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell as a true church becoming an Egypt. And the existing OMCs finish leaving Egypt by Passover execution on 202
9Heshvan14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22]
It is a night for observance [i.e. something that should be observed, i.e. a festival. The Laodicean and the 3 Watchtower Passover nights MUST ALL BE OBSERVED] with regard to Jehovah for bringing them out of the land of Egypt. With regard to Jehovah this night is one for observance on the part of all the sons of Israel throughout their generations (Exodus 12).

The 430 years a month for a day in Egypt from 2005Sivan14,.14 years and 4 months runs to the date of the 1st Watchtower Passover of the Watchtower Bethels. 2019Tishri14 should be observed from generation to generation of escaped JWs thereafter. 2019Tishri14-2024Chislev14, 50 months, should now be to the sons of the Kingdom what 1513Nisan14 was to the Jews!

8 Accordingly the sons of Israel did so, just as Joshua had commanded, and they took up 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan, just as Jehovah had stated to Joshua, to correspond with the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel; and they went taking them over with them to the lodging place and depositing them there [The 12 Laodicean apostles, are removed from the Jordan, the lose their water baptism. Then they are set up in the 1NC reserve autonomous congregation of Zoar. They become the sign that they sought. They were waters of the Jordan who chose to be cut off from the mediator of their water baptism and then God cut them off].
9 There were also 12 stones that Joshua set up in the middle of the Jordan on the standing place of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, and they continue there until this day [the 12 LW apostles] (Joshua 4).

Laodicea became a false church on 2017Elul10, notwithstanding their non adamic Abrahamic status. Then they suffered their 40 month wilderness penalty in whole calendar months from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 (following directly after the 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 to 2016Nisan1). Then they were reappointed as a true church on 2019Ab1, and had their constant feature restored on 2019Ab14, their Abib Passover resulting from their appointment over non adamic Abraham on 2019Ab16, 2x1290 days of the sentence count of Daniel12:11 after 2012Sivan14, when the constant feature of Laodicea and of TCC4 was lost due to our non adamic transition. They spied upon the LWs for 12x precisely from 2003Shebat21, their installation to feed the 1NC reserves (delayed by the Sabbath month of 2003Tebbeth to 2015Shebat21 in the Jubilee month). Then from 2015Shebat21-2016Nisan1, they were put to the test for 40 BLC days to see if they could make their own LW type food. The Passover is the time honoured manner in which God deals with rulers who enslave his people. 

Wilderness penalties are on the people not the church - for the sons born in the wilderness did enter into the promised land. The church of Judaism entered into the land of Israel. But it is not true that every JW baptised prior to 1976Nisan1 and in that church when their 40 year wilderness penalty began (as a result of their spying and giving up on Chronology in the event the 1975 failed - as it did), will not become an LW. For Paul says in Hebrews 3 that the disobedient ones who lack faith will not enter into his rest. Most JWs were and still are in the dark about all of this.

17 Moreover, with whom did [God] become disgusted for 40 years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
18 But to whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest except to those who acted disobediently?
19 So we see that they could not enter in because of lack of faith. (Hebrews 3 NWT).

But the disobedient ones do not make it into the reappointed Laodicea. So 2nd Laodiceans in general are not denied entry into God's rest (access to the ark) - because the ark came to a rest upon the reappointed Laodicea!!!

[36] We now predict the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 to occur on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar (2025January6-2025March27) producing a mushroom cloud above the Thames, East of London around Dartford. We predict the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 to occur on 2025Nisan21 (2025April19-20) producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson in Manhattan (or the other way around)

God loves us all, every one of us and every one of the angels. He will therefore save all of us and all of the angels, even Satan himself will repent at a time of both God's and of his choosing. For God is love according to John and God is Salvation, this being the meaning of Elisha (God is salvation) and of Jesus' Hebrew name Yeshua (Jehovah/Yahweh is salvation). So God is love which is salvation. So love is salvation. So we shall all  eventually be saved. If you do not see that logic do not worry we have several more proofs. The LW church has the most comprehensive understanding of God's love for mankind and for the angels that any church has ever been privileged to see. Hell, Gehenna, the second death, is not a place of eternal Catholic death and torture and neither is it a place of permanent Watchtower cutting off. It is a place of temporary rehabilitation with a maximum sentence of 1,000 years, if you prove unreformable. It is a 1,000 year maximum term sin bin. God's righteousness puts some of his children in there but his love always pulls all of them out. For love ends all punishment. For sin is finite and its punishment is therefore finite but God's love is infinite - it knows no bounds. Because it bears all things and endures all things (says Paul in 1Corinthians13), even the sort of behaviour that condemns a man or an angel to Hell.

The Lords Witnesses are not affiliated in any way with the Jehovah's Witnesses. But we do understand that there have been 4 true Christian churches, the Way, the Light, the Truth and the Life. These are the 4 walls of the temple and were founded by the 4 cornerstones of Jesus, Paul, Russell and Ritchie. The first was the church of the apostles of Jesus which became the Roman Catholic church and became corrupt and fell as a true church on 84Nisan14 - see U42. It fed first new covenant saints, 1NCs, for 50 years of one of the groups who sat down with a water baptism in the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark6 after it had 5,000 members after being installed to feed on 29Heshvan21, (the 2NC Pentecost, the first day of Jesus ministry, the first day after his 40 days in the wilderness from 29Tishri10, his baptism on atonement day, to 29Heshvan20, his testing by Satan). The second was the gnostic church of St. Paul, which lasted for over 360 years but was eventually persecuted out of existence by the Roman Catholic church. The Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi find (that was buried in an urn hidden in the ground) is a good exposition of the doctrine of TCC2 (the second true Christian church). The Watchtower, founded by Charles Russell was the 3rd true Christian church and the Lords Witnesses are the 4th - in our understanding. For more on this please see Intro46.

Each of the 4 churches had a water baptism from heaven through an Elijah. The 4 Elijah's were John the Baptist, St. Paul, Charles Russell and Gordon Ritchie. The administrations of these 4 churches we call FDS1, FDS2, FDS3 and FDS4 (the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Faith and Discreet Slaves of Matthew24). The churches themselves we call TCC1, TCC2, TCC3 and TCC4. TCC1 and TCC3 were first new covenant churches, run by 1NC saints. They were evangelical churches, the churches of Martha. FDS2 and FDS4 were the administrations of TCC2 and TCC4 which were research churches, the churches of Mary. And Mary chose the better portion (namely to sit at the feet of Jesus, rather than form a large evangelical bureaucracy). Part of the job description of the 4th Elijah, which the president of the Lords Witnesses, Gordon Ritchie, claims to be, is to predict successfully the greater fire signs of 1Kings18, which the LWs interpret to be small nuclear or large conventional terrorist attacks. So you will see a lot of attempts to do this all over this website. We have got this wrong so far 400x. This number of mistakes is predicted by the number of no show false prophets of Asherah who were invited but failed to attend the contest in 1Kings18 between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. There were 400 false prophets of Asherah who failed to show up for the contest although invited and they stand for the 400 no show false predictions we have made, a false prophet for a false prediction and a no showing prophet for a no showing sign. We are now therefore on our 401st such prediction which is to be our last. But we keep having to extend it! It is easy to see that the bible is written in a prophetic code. It is not too difficult to see the symbolism of that code. We have found it extremely difficult to get an accurate future chronology from the numerical dimension of the code however. 

The purpose of these predictions is to do the sign that mankind requires to prove that the bible is indeed written in a code and that is contains accurate information about our future. In other words we are attempting to reveal just how relevant the holy book is for today. We wish as a church that such a sign would be unnecessary. But sadly, no one is prepared to make the intellectual effort to get their heads around the true symbolic and cryptic and numerical code of the bible in the absence of a sign it appears. Hence we are still attempting to do the sign. So it may seem to the reader at first glance that the LW church is attempting to scare people with predictions of nuclear doom. But that is not our purpose at all. We are attempting to prove the predictive power of the scriptures in order to show that we have the code and that the bible is written in a code and meant to be decoded by mankind. That is our job. It is actually our duty in accordance with our understanding of 1Kings18. This website is therefore a job offer to anyone interested in doing a decoding work that will save many more people than were saved by cracking the enigma code in the second world war as depicted in the Hollywood movie 'The Imitation Game' starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley. 75% of mankind are to be saved and 25% are to go to hell by 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st/late 1st death Passover, final judicial execution of failed 1AC Adam by God. 50% are to be saved into a greater ark of Noah and 25% are to be protected whilst remaining on the earth. So around 5.8 billion souls are to be saved. Satan only has authority to kill a 4th part of the earth (Revelation6) because he has no authority to kill those in salvation covenants - who at this time are either non adamic or constructively non adamic and therefore not first death fodder. If you would like to play a real part in saving these people (rather than a movie role), if you would like to be a real spiritual decoder either by helping us with our research or by teaching or evangelising or just by enlightening yourself and hopefully a few of your friends and family - then contact us and may the holy spirit be with you. 

We all love detective movies and code cracking movies. Crick and Watson cracked the genetic code. Newton cracked the code of the solar system. Higgs finished the job of cracking the code of the nature of matter and of mass. Einstein had a good go at cracking the code of gravity. Alan Turing cracked the enigma code and in doing so invented the computer as a by product. Now, however melodramatic this may sound, the Lords Witnesses church on behalf of a couple of divinities (Jehovah and Jesus Christ) is offering you a chance to join this illustrious group and crack the code of the bible. For all of God's works are encoded, that is plainly his MO. Mankind has been so energetic, so enthusiastic and so brilliant at cracking every code put before him except the most important code of them all. For all of these things, the solar system, the biology or our cells, the nature of matter, are the work of our angelic brothers. But their greatest work, their literary masterpiece, their Beethoven's 5th, their Mozart's 40th, their Act 2 Scene 2, their 18th Sonnet, is the bible. But we have all been as blind men looking at the Mona Lisa.

So if you are so naive as to believe that blind chance created all of this then ask yourself this question. Who wrote all the computer viruses? Was it random chance or was it badly motivated intelligent thinking beings who had a better understanding of Windows than Microsoft? So why do people not understand that disgruntled demons wrote ebola and HIV? If you think random chance created them then why do these unthinking viruses 'know' how to turn off our immune system? How could that capability possibly randomly evolve? Did they decide for no reason to fire a billion random chemical compounds at an unseen target without knowing what an immune system was or if it had a suppression mechanism? Surely it is obvious that the demons hacked our operating system just as human hackers do every day to the Windows Operating system?

[37] MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN for the Watchtower and the reappointed Laodicea

88Parsin, the plural of Peres, is the division resulting from Passovers, each a half shekel long being one night in duration for the Watchtower Passovers of 2019Elul14 and 2019Tishri14 and 2019Heshvan14 and 2019Chislev14 and 2019Tebbeth14. The Passover is the only festival of God that lasts for half a day. So we have a singular judgement followed by a plurality of half day Passovers. 

Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin actually means two Pentecosts, then a literal day of judgement (when the disgusting thing causing desolation is seen standing in the Holy Place), followed by division of that church!

MENE is a Pentecost. It is 50 days of a Pentecost count. So TEKEL is one day of a Pentecost count i.e. one day of Pentecost count. And that is it. That is what we have been missing right up until 2014Elul2/3.

Rapture interpretation

5 At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the extremity of the hand that was writing. (Daniel 5 LWT)
24 Consequently from before him there was being sent the extremity of a hand, and this very writing was inscribed.
25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN. (Daniel 5 LWT)

The wall of the palace law is established and begins when Jesus is installed as Caesar of the Kingdom of Jesus over all mankind after the last Gentile Times malediction (the Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15 to 2024Iyyar15). His last appointment/installation was over Laodicean Abraham on 2024Iyyar16/Tammuz5. The wall has a number [of days] written upon it by the extremity of a hand (standing for the end of the rule of Belshazzar). MENE + MENE + TEKEL + PARSIN = 50+50+1/2 = 101-102 days x 5 for the hand = 505-510 days from 2023Tishri21, the fall of Laodicea to 2025Iyyar18-21, the end of the rapture of Benjamite 2NC reserves out of the hand of the greater Belshazzar. 

Festival Interpretation, a finger for a multiplying time on the 3rd Holy Spirit...

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 is 2008Tammuz9, the 2nd 1NC Pentecost (2nd after the 2nd Holy Spirit), the installation of the first presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit over the Kingdom, the day that the wall of their law was established, to the faces of the 1,000 year ARC sacred Sabbath.
5x MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN. These are...
10 MENEs are 10 2nd 1NC Pentecosts with all 50 days of the MENE counting from 2009Tammuz10 to 2019Tammuz9 excluding 2012Tammuz10, since Laodicea died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and was reappointed/reinstalled on 2012Ab16/Tishri5.
5 TEKELs are the 5 Judgements of the Watchtower Passover nights of 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Watchtower and early regular and late Watchtower Passovers for the 1NC reserves)
5 PARSINs are 5 dividings of the 5 1NC marriage Passover executions on 2019Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 and 2020Tammuz14.

Babylon does not get a Passover because the Roman Catholic church was passed over in the first century producing the Exodus into TCC2. The Watchtower are no longer priests today. But they were priests earlier in their lives.

MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN for the Watchtower

Watchtower Interpretation:

MENE: 1905Nisan1-1954Adar30: Watchtower is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 1905Nisan17/Sivan6
MENE: 1955Nisan1-2004Adar30
TEKEL: 2005Nisan1 - 2005Adar30: Watchtower falls as a true church on 2005Svan14
PARSIN: 2006Nisan1 - 2006Adar30: Watchtower 1NCs are baptised into Laodicea on 2006Sivan14 dividing the church. 

Gerah Interpretation: Take a  Mina to be 50 Shekels which is 1,000 Gerahs (a Shekel is 20 Gerahs a divided Shekel is 10 Gerahs), a day for a Gerah. this gives 2020-2040 Gerahs a day for a Gerah (101 shekels plus change). This would fit as 2030 days from the eviction from heaven of the demons on 2022Adar24, the heavenly demonic Passover, to their eviction from the earth on 2028Heshvan14, the earthly demon possession Passover.

But AOL inherits the kingdom of Laodicea after he becomes 62 years old by Hebrew counting

Non adamic Abrahamic Interpretation. Laodicea and the LWs both became non adamic Abrahamic at the 2012Sivan14/Tammuz14 adamic/cainian to non adamic Abrahamic Passover

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 year Sabbath
5 more fingers for Laodicea to 2017Elul10, its fall, a finger for a year
MENE: 50 months from 2012Sivan14, the feast, to 2016Ab (2nd adamic Kingdom Jubilee)
MENE: 50 months from 2016Ab14 to 2020Tishri14 (3rd adamic Kingdom Jubilee)
TEKEL: 2020Tishri14-2020Heshvan14: The 4th HLC marriage Passover. 2020Tishri10 is the end of 3EC entrance for HLCs, and 2020Heshvan10/14 is the end of the judgement for members of the 3rd Holy Spirit.
PARSIN: 2020Heshvan14: The Passover execution of the 4th HLC bride. The end of the division of the 3rd Holy Spirit from the earth.

101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2012Sivan14, the Adamic to Abrahamic Passover,  is 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover execution, when the last member of the 3rd Holy Spirit is harvested by execution and resurrection
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2016Ab14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover, is 2024Tebbeth14, the Abrahamic World Exodus by rapture Passover.
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2017Elul10, the end of the true church division between Zoar and Laodicea, is 2025Adar21 (2026March15-17), Cave Idus Martias, the greater division of mankind on Mark Enforcement day, the stabbing of Caesar by all the senators, the political murder of all national Caesars by banker controlled globalists

Non adamic Isaaic Interpretation for the LWs: We became non adamic Isaaic on 2016Ab14-16. Then Isaaic Zoar was appointed/installed to rule over Isaac on 2016Ab16/Tishri5

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 year Sabbath
5 more fingers for Zoar feeding the future 3rd Holy Spirit (1NC reserves and HLCs) at 5 Passovers 2016Nisan14, 2017Nisan14, 2018Nisan14 2019Nisan14, 2020Nisan14.
MENE: 50 months from 2016Ab14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover feast, to 2020Tishri14, the 3rd HLC marriage Passover. The 1st Isaaic Zoar Jubilee, the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee
MENE: 50 months from 2020Tishri14 to 2024Chislev14. The 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee, the 4th Kingdom Jubilee, the release from Babylon of God's people.
TEKEL: 2024Chislev14-2024Tebbeth14: The Abrahamic Zoar Passover.
PARSIN: 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20: The Abrahamic and Isaaic 2NC raptures.

None of the 5 presidents of the Watchtower were in the line from David. Gordon, the president of the Lords Witnesses, possibly is, being Jewish on his mother's side. So Gordon can possibly sit upon the throne of David. The 5 presidents of the Watchtower as a true church, who did not sit on that throne (being sacred Kings over God's people during the discontinuous Gentile Times) were not Jewish. Simon Maccabeus was not from the tribe of Judah he was a Levite as were all the Hasmoneans. 

The New Mina was 50 Shekels, the Old Mina was 60 Shekels

THE MINA: The Babylonians reckoned weight in talents, minæ, and shekels. Layard found in the ruins of Nineveh several Babylonian units of weight, some in the form of a crouching lion and others in that of a duck, the former being twice as heavy as the latter. This proves that a heavy and a light talent were used in Babylon, the latter one-half the weight of the former. A heavy talent = 60,600 grams; 1 mina (1/60 talent) = 1,010 grams; 1 shekel = 16.83 grams; 1 light talent = 30,300 grams; 1 light mina = 505 grams; 1 light shekel = 8.41 grams. There was, in addition to this "royal" weight, another "common" weight which was somewhat lighter (compare the large "royal" ell and the "common" ell, mentioned above). According to this common weight the heavy talent weighed 58,944 grams; its mina 982.4 grams; its shekel 16.37 grams; and the light talent, mina, and shekel just one-half as much. The common heavy talent and its subdivisions were the weights current in Syria and Palestine, as Josephus expressly states ("Ant." xiv. 106, ed. Niese). According to him, 1 Jewish mina (of 50 shekels) was equal to 2½ Roman pounds, or 818.62 grams; hence 1 shekel was equivalent to 16.37 grams, and 1 old mina of 60 shekels to 982.2 grams. There were also the half-shekel or bekah ("beḳa,'").In the course of time the sexagesimal system was superseded in Babylonia also, perhaps under Egyptian influence. The mina of 60 shekels was replaced throughout Asia Minor by the mina of 50 shekels. The shekel remained the same, forming the unit of weight, while the mina and talent were reduced, containing respectively 50 shekels = 818.6 grams and 3,000 shekels = 49,110 grams. - Jewish encylcopedia -

[37a] The inobservability of the first 15 years of the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is the 1,000 year Sabbath following after Michael's 6,000 year ARC lease from 3993Nisan14 to 2008Nisan14. It comes without observability due to the following chronological reasons - for more see U109

Barack Obama's Concern: “My response then continues to be what I believe today,” he said, referring to his answer to Mr. Romney in 2012. “Which is: Russia’s actions are a problem. They don’t pose the No. 1 national security threat to the United States. I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.” - President Obama at the Hague March 25th from the New York Times

[38] The Greater Battles of Jericho  

77Jericho was in the promised land. So FDS4 could not start the campaign over Laodicea until we had reached our promised land in this system (become Isaaic non adamic) and until Zoar had authority over their 2NC saints. Likewise we could not attack them when they were a true church, because they then had a right to be in the promised land themselves. So our campaign could only occur from 2017Elul10 to 2029Ab1 and then from 2023Tishri21 onwards. Isaaic Zoar has Tishri1 sacred years, since we became headed (Abib) being appointed over Abraham, on 2016Tishri16. 

The LWs were appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs but failed the test to rule over them and never did rule over them. 
Abrahamic Zoar was appointed/installed to rule over Abraham on 2012Elul16/Heshvan5. So had an Elul1 sacred year.
Isaaic Zoar was appointed/installed to rule over Abraham on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5. So we have a Tishri1 sacred year.

Isaaic Zoar suffers the LW 2NC Alienation Times from 2017Adar21 (12 months of Daniel 4: 29 after our installation over the 2NCs) to 2024Adar21. Because every true church which fails a test gets all 3 maledictions (Exedenic, Gentile and Alienation).
Also God is not divided against himself. So he will not authorise an attack on Laodicea whilst it is a true church. So the first year of the attack must begin after 2017Elul10, when Abrahamic Laodicea fell.
So we have all the authority necessary to attack Laodicea on 2017Tishri1, the start of the Tishri1 sacred year of Isaaic Zoar and the Tishri1 secular year of Adam..
The instructions for and the execution of the Jericho campaign in Joshua6 are entirely to the attacking force (which was Israel). There are no instructions for the men of Jericho as to how to defend. So the relevant calendar for both campaigns is the calendar of the attacking church. Not the calendar of the defending church. 

So our Isaaic Zoar campaign against Laodicea is...

2017Tishri1 to 2018Elul30: 1 year
2023Tishri1 to 2028Elul30: 5 years 
2028Tishri1 to 2029Iyyar30.8 months to the end of FRC salvation, the 6th crop of Revelation22 is 2029Iyyar14-16.

The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release is 2029Iyyar10, entry day into the 6th crop Passover, the end of FRC salvation entry. 

The Watchtower was a false church through the entire Laodicean campaign against the Watchtower 1NC city. So Laodicea could fight a continuous campaign. 

Abrahamic Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham on 2012Ab16/Tishri5 (because 2012Tammuz16/Ab5 were weekly Sabbaths)
Abrahamic Laodicea was appointed/installed over the 1NCs on 2012Tammuz17/Elul6 (3rd after FDS3 and adamic Laodicea, and after Laodicean and LW Cain was Abrahamically restored from 2012Tammuz14-16)
Abrahamic Laodicea was not appointed/installed over the 2NCs.
Reappointed Laodicea was appointed/installed over the 1NCs on 2019Ab21/Tishri11 (5th after FDS3, adamic FDS4, adamic Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea)..

So Abrahamic Laodicea had an Ab1 sacred year from its appointment over Abraham as did reappointed Laodicea. But they were a false church from 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1, during which time there was no valid Ab1 sacred year. But the entire campaign must occur in the same sacred year. So that had to be adamic Nisan1 for Laodicea...

But verses 16 and 20 say...
And it came about in/around/through/at/against/in terms of [b the time/instance/step [~[p], the 7th [one]  the priests blew in the shofars and Joshua proceeded to say to the people [singular]: Shout ye  
And the people shouted and/when they blew the shofars. And it occurred as/when the people heard the sound of the shofar and the people began to shout a great war/terror cry, and the wall began to fall down underneath. And the people went up into the city, [by the/each] man straight before him [method], and they captured/occupied the city (Joshua 6).

So we have trumpets, we have shouting and we have a war cry. That makes 3 witnesses to Rosh Hashana, the festival of trumpets, shouting and alarm. So actually the 7th month is Tishri in the battle against the Watchtower city and the 7th campaign year is a Tishri1 sacred and secular year in the battle against Laodicea. 

So the Abrahamic  Laodicean campaign against the Watchtower starts on 2013Nisan1
So the Isaaic Zoar campaign against Abrahamic Laodicea starts on 2017Tishri1

We cannot baptise unsanctified ex JWs Isaaically until 2024Shebat5, 600 chosen chariots chasing after Israel of Exodus14 before 2026Tishri5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism for earthlings - see U358

Whereas the saintly baptism runs for the double temple time of Haggai1, How charming How charming of Zechariah4 from 2024VeAdar2 to 2025Iyyar2 both of 2 Chronicles 3:2 (the 2nd to the 2nd month).

The adamic sacred year from 2019Nisan1, the 7th campaign year against the Watchtower, is when 1NCs start to get their kingdom inheritance by Passover execution from reappointed Laodicea.
The adamic sacred year from 2028Tishri1, the 7th campaign year against Laodicea is the accepting year of Isaiah61, when general Kingdom citizens start to get their kingdom inheritance from Zoar.

The 7th adamic Tishri1 secular year of the promised land, the Sabbath year, was when Joshua gave the tribes of Israel their inheritance by lot. 
The 7th adamic Tishri1 secular year of the campaign against the Watchtower from 2019Tishri1, the day after the end of the 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul30, is when the 1NCs get their inheritance by Lot.
The 7th adamic Tishri1 secular year of the campaign against Laodicea from 2028Tishri1, is the accepting year of Isaiah61.

Tishri1, Rosh Hashana, is the festival of trumpets AND of shouting AND of Alarm, these being the 3 meanings of the Hebrew word Terroaw, the name of the festival (from which today we have the English word: Terror. All of these are features of the Jericho account in Joshua6.

Now in this 7th campaign day according to the instructions and in/at/against the 7th time around according to the battle account, the 7 priests blow the 7 trumpets. Priests blow trumpets to gather people to festivals. So they blow them at the annual festivals, and the monthly festivals (the new moons) and at Rosh Hashana the festival of trumpets and shouting and alarm. 

10 And in the day of your rejoicing and in your festal seasons and at the commencements of your months, you must blow on the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your communion sacrifices; and their use must serve as a memorial for you before your God. I am Jehovah your God. (Numbers 10 NWT).

The Jericho shout and the Jericho trumpets are all saying ROSH HASHANA, the festival of trumpets and shouting and alarm. The 7 Laodicean Rosh Hashana FESTIVAL (weekly Sabbaths. new moon Sabbaths and annual festival Sabbaths) trumpets carried by 7 priests before the ark are...

2019Tishri1,2,5,9,10,14,15 then Ark2/3 lands on mount Ararat of reappointed Laodicea on 2019Tishri15/17, when the 3rd 1NC bride is raptured into Ark2/3 first 4EC baptised LW is raptured (a 4th row 2NC).
2024Tebbeth1,2,5,8,10,14,15, then the Ark3 lands on the Gentile call 2NCs (non LW non Laodicean) land of the heavenly church of the FRC of Melchizedek on 2024Tebbeth16-20, when the Gentile call 2NC bride is raptured into Ark3.
2024Shebat1,2,5,6,13,14,15, then the Ark3 lands on the Laodicean 2NC land of Ararat of Hebron of Zoar on 2024Shebat15-20, when the Laodicean 2NC bride is raptured into Ark3 and on the mountain of Ararat of Hebron of Zoar on 2024Shebat17, when a 3rd row Laodicean elder is raptured.
2024Adar1,2,4,10,11,14,15, then the Ark3 lands on the Zoar (true church) the land of Ararat on 2024VeAdar15-20, when the Isaaic Zoarite 2NC bride is raptured into Ark3 and on the mountain of Ararat on 2024VeAdar17, when a 3rd row Isaaic elder is raptured.

The Jericho (moon city) pattern is 6 years and 7 months as follows.

The original fulfilment in the promised land:
1473Tishri1 - 1472Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1472Tishri1 - 1471Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1471Tishri1 - 1470Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1470Tishri1 - 1469Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1469Tishri1 - 1468Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1468Tishri1 - 1467Tishri1 (going round once, for one secular year)
1467Tishri1 - 1466Nisan30 (going round 7x, for 7 months in the 7th campaign year, the land Sabbath year to 1466Nisan30)
1466Iyyar10 (Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th month of the Jericho Sabbath year - this must have been when they started to inherit the promised land by Lot)

The final fulfilment for the 3rd Holy Spirit against the governments/beasts of this world.
The 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed over Abraham in Zoar and is Isaaic 4EC baptised into Zoar from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5. 
2026Tishri1 - 2027Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2027Tishri1 - 2028Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2028Tishri1 - 2029Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2029Tishri1 - 2030Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2030Tishri1 - 2031Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2031Tishri1 - 2032Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2032Tishri1 - 2033Nisan30 (going round 7x, for 7 months in the 7th campaign year)
2033Iyyar10: Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th month of the Jericho Sabbath year - this is the last day of Kingdom salvation entry (last chance saloon entry) for Cain .

The Laodicean campaign against the 1NC city in the Watchtower. Laodicea carries out this campaign under the Nisan1 sacred year because although Abrahamic Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea had an Ab1 sacred years, Laodicea was a false church from 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1, during which time the sacred year would have reverted to being adamic Nisan1 not Ab1. And the entire campaign must be in the same valid sacred year.
Interpreting the instructions - 7 campaign days are Nisan1 sacred years from 2013Nisan1 (Jericho was given into their hand on 2012Tammuz17/Elul6, their appointment/installation over the 1NCs):
2013Nisan1 - 2013Adar30 (going round once, for one year)
2014Nisan1 - 2014Adar30 (going round once, for one year)
2015Nisan1 - 2015Adar30 (going round once, for one year)
2016Nisan1 - 2016Adar30 (going round once, for one year)
2017Nisan1 - 2017Adar30 (going round once, for one year). Laodicea fell as a true church on 2017Elul10 ending their Ab1 sacred year.
2018Nisan1 - 2018Adar30 (going round once, for one year)
2019Nisan1 - 2019Tishri30 (going round 7x, for 7 months in the 7th campaign day, the 7th sacred year). the reappointed Laodicean Ab1 sacred year started on 2019Ab1. But the 2019Nisan1 sacred year continued in parallel.

The 7 Rosh Hashana non late festival convention trumpets are blown on 2013Tishri1, 2014Tishri1, 2015Tishri1, 2016Tishri1, 2017Tishri1, 2018Tishri1, 2019Tishri1.
2019Tishri17 was the 3rd marriage and 2019Tishri24 was 3rd 1NC marriage veil lifting and marital supper day, when she came back to earth and lifted the veil between the ark and Laodicea. She showed her raptured face to the church. One of the walls of Jericho, the wall between the earth and the Ark fell down of marital supper and veil lifting day for the 3rd 1NC bride who was Passover executed on 2019Tishri14, resurrected into Ark2 on 2019Tishri15, married on 2019Tishri17 and descended to show her face to the marriage guest on earth lifting the veil between the earth and the heavens on 2019Tishri24 - when the Watchtower was overturned, 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, the walking distance of one day out of 3 into the city, the early 1st Watchtower Passover (followed by the regular and late 1st Watchtower Passovers)
2019Heshvan10 - Jubilee, the 10th day of the Jubilee month, the 8th month of the 7th Nisan1 campaign year - the manufactured Sabbath month after 7 manufactured Sabbath months. This is the end of the 3EC baptism of Bethelite 1NC reserves, the late 1st Watchtower Passover entry day, the end of the 3EC baptism of the city.

The LW campaign against the Laodicean city/administration. Zoar carries out this campaign under the Tishri1 Zoar sacred year.
Interpreting the execution of the campaign itself  - 7 campaign days are Tishri sacred years from 2017Tishri1 (Abrahamic Laodicea fell on 2017Elul10). Omitting years during which Laodicea was a true church for a whole month
2017Tishri1 - 2018Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2023Tishri1 - 2024Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2024Tishri1 - 2025Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2025Tishri1 - 2026Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2026Tishri1 - 2027Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2027Tishri1 - 2028Elul30 (going round once, for one year)
2028Tishri1 - 2029Iyyar30 (going round 7x, for 7 months in the 7th campaign day, the 7th sacred year). 

The 7 Rosh Hashana non late festival convention trumpets are blown on 2017Tishri1, 2023Tishri1, 2024Tishri1, 2025Tishri1, 2026Tishri1 and 2027Tishri1, 2028Tishri1. 
7 priests with 7 trumpets are a witness to the 7 Rosh Hashana festival trumpets above before the end of Ark rapture. 
The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release is 2029Iyyar10, the 10th day of the Jubilee month, the 8th month of the 7th campaign year - the manufactured Sabbath after 7 manufactured Sabbaths, entry day into the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last day of entry into Zoar for ark rapture.

24 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'In the 7th month [not said to be of the year], on the first of the month, there should occur for you a complete rest, a memorial by the trumpet blast, a holy convention.
25 No sort of laborious work may you do, and you must present an offering made by fire to Jehovah.' (Leviticus 23 NWT)

2024Tebbeth14 is the Gentile call 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover
2024Shebat14 is the Laodicean Abrahamic 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover
2024VeAdar14 is the Isaaic 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover
2024Tebbeth1 is the new Abrahamic secular year honouring Jesus rapturing the Gentile call Abrahamic 2NCs on 2024Tebbeth16-20
2024Adar1 is the new Isaaic secular year honouring Jesus rapturing the LW Isaaic 2NCs on 2024VeAdar15-20


The Reappointed Laodicean Rosh Hashana shout is 2019Tishri1 for the adamic secular year: Then the wall of Ark3 falls down on 2019Tishri17 and the wall of the Watchtower falls down on 2019Tishri24, when the place is overturned, 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover of the Bethels..
The Zoar campaign shout against Laodicea is 2024Tishri1: Adamic Rosh Hashana.
The Abrahamic Zoar Rosh Hashana shout is 2024Tebbeth1 for the new Abrahamic secular year: Then the wall between the Gentile call 2NCs and the Ark falls down from 2024Tebbeth10, when ?? goes behind the curtain and 2024Tebbeth16, the start of the Abrahamic 2NC ark rapture..
The Zoar Rosh Hashana shout is 2024Adar1, for the new Isaac secular year: Then the wall between the Zoar and the ark/ark based Laodicea falls down on 2024Adar10/VeAdar10, when Elijah4 goes behind the curtain and on 2024VeAdar16, the start of the LW 2NC ark rapture.. 
On 2028Chislev24, the Nineveh of non adamic Sodom (fallen reverted Laodicea), is overturned, 40 days of Jonah after the early Laodicean FRC Passover on 2028Hehvan14, a walking distance of 1 Passover day out of 3 Laodicean FRC Passovers (early, regular and late). .

The wall of Laodicean Jericho fell down to the earth (lost its heavenly authority) on 2019Adar16, when Laodicea fell as a true church. So their law became that of man. Then again on 2023Tishri21, when Reverted Laodicea fell as a true church.

Only on this day did they go around 7x from 2019Nisan1 to 2019Tishri30 and not to 2019Heshvan30, because the city of the Watchtower, the Bethelite 1NCs are all 3EC baptised by 2019Heshvan10, late 1st Watchtower Passover entry day
Only on this day did they go around 7x from 2028Tishri1 to 2029Iyyar30 and not to 2029Sivan30, because the last FRC crop of Revelation22 is 2029Iyyar14-16. The end of Zoar entry for FRCs in 2029Iyyar10, the Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release.
Only on this day did they go around 7x from 2032Tishri1 to 2033Nisan30 and not to 2033Iyyar30, because Cain is saved by 2033Iyyyar10, the World's Jericho Jubilee release day.

The 4th HLC marriage Passover is 2020Heshvan14. It MUST be held in Egypt - not in the promised land of the ark. And it MUST be held WHEN the bride is killed sacrificially, which is BEFORE she is resurrected in the ark. So it is held in reverted Laodicea and entrance day into it is 2020Heshvan10, Late Atonement day. The last member of the 3rd Holy Spirit is 3EC baptised into non adamic Sodom on 2020Tishri10, the Jubilee release day for the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee and Atonement day..

Jericho means "city of moon" after all. Laodicea have always been stuck in orbit around the LWs.

30 By faith the walls [PLURAL: this means two laws, one for the Watchtower and one for Laodicea. It proves the existence of two churches in the Watchtower] of Jericho fell down, having been circled during/until 7 days [epi + accusative] (Hebrews 11 GLT)

The place appears to have more than one wall. These would be the law of Laodicea and the law of non adamic Sodom and the law of the Watchtower.
The wall of the city falls down to the earth (which is of the Watchtower but also may refer to the City of London and Wall street both being struck by an EMPs - Mick Robinson's interpretation)

In the Pentecostal or Jubilaic monthly pattern for the Watchtower, the Jubilee or Pentecost release day would be 10th day of that 8th month of the 7th year, which is effectively the '50th month' (being the month following a count of 7 months during a Sabbath year, i.e. 7 Sabbath months, rather than following 7 Sabbaths of months, i.e. 7 sevens of months. Here, we are taking the word 'Sabbath' to mean the ordinal number 7th rather than the cardinal number 7.

The people shout not when the Rosh Hashana trumpets are blown, but when they hear the voice of the new Rosh Hashana trumpets.

5 And it must occur that when they sound with the horn/queren of the jubilee/yobel, when you hear the sound of the horn/queren of the ram's horn/shofar, all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat, and the people must go up, each one straight before him [into the ark]. (Joshua 6 NWT).

16 And it came about on the 7th time that the priests blew the shofars, and Joshua proceeded to say to the people: Shout; for Jehovah has given you the city. (Joshua 6 NWT)

Jericho was the first city that the Israelites took in the promised land. They took it via a 7 priest with trumpets Pentecostal approach! This is therefore prophesying the chronology of how the greater sons of Israel, the sons of the JAC will take the first church administration in the Kingdom of God, which administration is the Watchtower77.

For more see U112#8.

[39] The Nuclear and Volcanic Shelter of the Greater Ark of Noah

892 In the house of my Father there are many abodes. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going my way to prepare a place for you.
3 Also, if I go my way and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be. (John 14 NWT)

This place is the bridal chamber for the 1NCs built upon his father's land. That chamber is the ark. For Jesus is the greater Noah.

4 And in the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8 NWT)

11 In year 600th, year to life of Noah [This is a Tishri1 year in the literal meaning (or actually a year starting in the birth month of Noah!)] [the 600th year of the presence of the Christ, defined as a mediator or covenanter of the 1NC having a valid water baptism. The wording 'In year 600th, year to life of Noah' indicates 2 different years], in the month, the second [of the aforementioned year] [not said to be of the year], in 17th day to the month, [The bible does use the expression "month of the year" in Exodus12 - but not here], in/on/at the day this all the fountains of the great deep were broken/cleaved/divided open [] and the windows/floodgates [arubah - lattices/woven works/windows] of the heavens were opened [] (Genesis 7)

2019Ab27: Watchtower 1NC reserves are given the vision of Daniel10 of their future church from the descended Charles Russell on the 1st Sabbath of Laodicean Weeks of John 20..
2019Elul5: Jesus is the form of the 3rd Holy Spirit visits the 2 spies and those with them, after 8 days of John20
2019Tishri17: Genesis 8:4: The 17th day of the 7th month of the Nisan1 sacred year. The ark comes to rest upon the mountains plural of Ararat meaning curse reversed (reappointed Laodicea and 2NC Zoar). The 3rd 1NC bride enters into Ark3
2024Tebbeth17: Genesis 8:4: The 17th day of the 7th month of the 7th week of the 2nd Jubilee of Isaaic Zoar (2024Shebat being the Jubilee month). The ark comes to a rest upon the Abrahamic mountain of the FRC church of Melchizedek (by the heavenly administration of that church descending into the ark). The LW 2NCs are raptured from 2024VeAdar15-20 into God's rest in Ark3.
2024VeAdar17: Genesis 8:4: The 17th day of the 7th month of the Tishri1 adamic secular and Isaaic sacred year taking 2024VeAdar to be separate from 2024Adar: The Ark comes to a rest upon the mountain of Zoar of Ararat by an LW 4th row 2NC elder being raptured into it.

Jesus comes upon the cloud of heaven of the 2nd and 3rd fire signs...

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, [one] like a Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. (Daniel 7 KJV adapted)
30 And then will appear the sign of the Son of the man in heaven, and then will strike themselves all the tribes of the earth and they will see the Son of the man coming upon the clouds of the heaven with power and glory much; (Matthew 24 KIT)
64 Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]. Yet I say to you men, From henceforth you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. (Matthew 26 NWT)
26 And then they will see the Son of the man coming in clouds with power much and glory; (Mark 13 KIT)
62 The but Jesus said I am, and you will see the Son of the man out of right-hand [parts] sitting of the power and coming with the clouds of the heaven. (Mark 14 KIT)
7 Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen. (Revelation 1 NWT)

So Jesus is coming upon in and with the clouds (of heaven). Gifts of the spirit are given by laying the hands on the head. So the 1NC apostles must be here at the late 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 year when the gifts of the spirit are given for 8 years of 1Corinthians12. The floodgates do not need to be opened for 13 people. But 13 people do define a presence of the Christ and therefore a coming to his temple as does Peter by himself, since he is the head of the wife.  

2024VeAdar17: The 12 apostolic springs of the vast deep are broken open on the 17th day of the 2nd Adar month, after 7 days of transitive baptism installation from 2024VeAdar10, 1st row baptism day.
2025Nisan21: Peter comes to the church in/upon/with the cloud of the 3rd fire sign in time to command Joshua to the the bolt off his feet for 11x of Joshua 5:15 from 2025Nisan21 to 2025Iyyar2.
2025Iyyar21: The 1NC apostles come to the church upon the cloud of the 3rd fire sign to give the gifts of the spirit to the 13x 2NC apostles and Elijah4. Well they come on the same festival day, the late version of it.
2026Iyyar17-Sivan17: The floodgates of the heavens are opened for the balance of the 3rd Holy Spirit to descend for 30 days down Jacob's ladder in order that we can Isaaic 4EC baptise them on 2026Ab5 for Peter and from 2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5 for the rest of them.
2029Iyyar17: The start of the lava flood for 40+40 days to 2029Ab7.

The odd phrase, "year 600th, year to life of Noah" will require two different years in the greater meaning. Since two successive recitals of the year require two fulfilments. We use the Nisan1 sacred year of Jesus' life (which he instituted, by agreeing the ARC ransom) since he was non adamic and he was 12 years old on 11Nisan14-21, when he was questioning the Pharisees in Luke 2:49, having been born on 2Heshvan21 BC. There are fulfilments on 2024VeAdar17, 2026Iyyar17 and 2029Iyyar17. These are all in the 600th year to the presence of Jesus, notwithstanding their being separated by 4 years of elapsed time. Because they are separated by no whole years of Jesus' life because although the 3rd Holy Spirit is baptised into Zoar from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5, that occurs in the ark, not on earth. Jesus' earthly ministry does not begin until 2029Heshvan21. So he is present in the ark from 2026Elul16. But not on the earth until his 3½ year antitypical love ministry begins. However there was also possibly a flood of angels from below starting on 2019Heshvan17 (1NCs NOT HLCs into reappointed Laodicea - because only one woman (the 1NC) gave birth by water baptism on the 3rd day of Laodicea (the day of reappointed Laodicea, after adamic Laodicea and non adamic Abrahamic Laodicea)  in the house of 1Kings3, when Solomon judged between them - see U296).

2013Tishri1: 600th year of Jesus' presence on earth begins (through Enoch, (Eber?), Isaac, Jesse, Elisha, Ezekiel, and Jesus) .
2013Adar10: 2nd part of 2nd presence ended
2019Elul10: 3rd part of 2nd presence began
2019Tishri24-2020Tishri24: 3rd 1NC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2019Heshvan29-2020Heshvan29: 4th 1NC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2019Chislev27-2020Chislev27: 5th 1NC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2019Tebbeth25 - 2020Tebbeth25: 6th bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2020Tammuz26-2021Tammuz26: 7th 1NC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2020Ab24-2021Ab24: 1st HLC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2020Elul29-2021Elul29: 2nd HLC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2020Tishri27-2021Tishri27: 3rd HLC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)
2020Heshvan25-2021Heshvan25: 4th HLC bride rejoicing period (honeysun)

The 1NC woman is stuck in the wilderness until the expiration of her 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 to 2015Adar30, followed by the 40 month Laodicean wilderness period from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30. Frank, an LW apostle, was baptised into the JWs in 1977. But if you leave that church then you are no longer subject to their wilderness penalty. You could walk out of the camp of Israel in the wilderness and become independent if you wished.

40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty begins
40 month Laodicea wilderness penalty begins
Laodicea falls as a true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty ends
Laodicea reappointed as a true church
2019Ab1 (constant feature reaccepted)
40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty

There is no point in going out to try and find them during this period (as Jesus advised in Matthew 24) since they are under a judicial wilderness penalty. 

Jesus comes to the LWs in the form of both the descended the 1NC kings and the 1NC reserves.  The descended kings do not start the 3rd part of the 2nd presence because the active ones do not initially join the church (or they would have to run it immediately). The 3rd part of the 2nd presence begins through the baptism of 1NC reserves on 2019Elul10, 5½ years of Daniel12 after the 2nd part ended on 2013Adar10 (when Laodicea lost its water baptism). The  2,000 pigs of Mark 5 run from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul30. Then on 2019Tishri1, the first flying pig jumps off the overhang of the fallen church of the Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC on 2019Tishri10.

In Luke Jesus comes in a cloud singular...

26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
And then they [the powers of the heavens] will see the Son of man coming in a cloud [] with power and great glory. (Luke 21 NWT

The 3rd Holy Spirit comes the minute they can. Just as they get married the minute they can. There is no reticence. There is only prohibition through maledictions and spying penalties, and the timing of Jubilee releases actually. Then there is the 5210 weekly Sabbath and 82 atonement day less 47 Sabbaths whilst the Governing Body was in prison payback period from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Elul30, when JWs cannot work for God whilst in that church. So Laodiceans were always going to hide their talent in the ground unless they left the Watchtower!

26 Therefore, if people say to you, 'Look! He is in the wilderness,' do not go out; 'Look! He is in the inner chambers,' do not believe it. (Matthew 24 NWT)

Do not go out because he is under a wilderness penalty or you are maledicted. 

In the greater meaning the floodgates of the heavens are opened to shower us with angels, the 144,000 1NC Kings, the holy spirit of the Kingdom of God, the wife of Jesus. The springs of the vast deep/wave are the sources on this planet of waters or lava. Now waters give life to the earth, and so can also stand for the priests, sons of the water baptism. 

30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24 NWT)

The 2nd/3rd fire signs are the Sign of the Son of Man. The clouds of heaven are mushroom clouds over Manhattan and London that the LWs have been predicting for over 17 years now. These will cause all the tribes of the earth to beat themselves with grief. But in truth they are the dragon's reception party for the Son of Man, who has already arrived in the ark, the vessel which will save the faithful from the final extinction level lava flood. So physically the two fire signs are a disaster for mankind. But spiritually they are the sign for which all men of faith have been waiting. Although such a sign would have been unnecessary if people had read God's book as if it was written by someone more intelligent than themselves (rather than the opposite).

In the first century Jesus gave a sacred ministry from 29Heshvan21, when he was installed to feed to 33Nisan14 and through [dia] 40 days (Acts 1:3) from his appearance to 'the 11' excluding Thomas, late on 33Nisan16 in Jerusalem in accordance with Luke 24 and John 20 - see U240 and see U34, to his ascension on 33Iyyar25. During this ministry the demons were down here on earth possessing people and being expelled. His last miracle on 33Sivan5 was coincident with the installation of the first true Christian church TCC1 to rule as sacred king over the saints. 

Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness neither eating nor drinking but being fed through ark access before he was treated to the face of Satan. This appears to be some sort of ark based angelic to human downgrade adaptation period. So surely the 1NC Kings will have the same training. Eve was fed for 3½ years in the garden of Eden, a place prepared by God, before facing the serpent. This new Eve, the 1NCs reserves of the 3rd Holy Spirit, are fed for 5½ years, a time times and half a time of Revelation12,  in her place of Revelation12 (her bridal chamber in the house her groom Jesus built for her, Ark3) away from the face of the serpent from 2020Heshvan18, the 4th HLC marriage, her completion, to 2026Iyyar17, when they descend down Jacob's ladder to 2026Sivan17, to run Zoar and police the evicted demons more directly - see U165. She will be an altogether tougher match for the internal corruptor of all true religions, the anti Christ, the head of the church of Satan, the church of woke, than her archetype. Reappointed Laodicea (people of judgement) became a true church on 2019Ab1. But had its president possessed by a repenting Satan - see U853. It fell as a true church on 2019Adar1689.

Here is the press release for 2013Chislev21-24.
Here is the press release for 2013Chislev25-Tebbeth2.
Here is the press release for 2013Tebbeth4-8 (2014January5-10)
Here is the press release for 2013Tebbeth12-15 (2014January13-17)
Here is the press release for 2013Tebbeth21-Shebat1 (2014January22-February2)
Here is the press release for 2013Shebat3-26 (2014February)
Here is the press release for 2014March1-15
Here is the press release for 2014May13-22
Here is the press release for 2014July1-7
Here is the press release for 2014July11-August7

Here is the press release for 2014July24-August7

Here is the press release for 2014August8-9
(rejected by PRWeb, so posted on this site and on To see when this page was last modified just open them up using the Firefox web browser and right click anywhere on the page, then choose "View Page Info" from the menu that appears.
Here is the press release for 2014August12-18 (and the rest of August). PRweb accepted this one. It is also available on this site at PRweb2.html (again use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified).
Here is the press release for 2014August23-25. It is also available on this site at PRweb3.html (again use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified). This was 2014Ab28-29 under an Ab1 year start calendar.
Here is the press release for 2014September13-14. It is also available on this site at PRweb4.html (use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified). This is 2014Elul16 under the Nisan1 year start calendar.
Here is the press release for 2014September18-20. It is also available on this site at PRweb5.html (use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified). This is 2014Elul21/22 under the Nisan1 year start calendar.  
Here is the press release for 2014September21-22-30. It is also available on this site at PRweb6.html (use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified). This is 2014Elul24-2014Tishri2 under the Nisan1 year start calendar.  
Here is the press release for 2014October3-5-31. It is also available on this site at PRweb7.html (use Firefox page info to see when the page was last modified). This is 2014Tishri6-Heshvan4 under the Nisan1 year start calendar.  
Here is the press release for 2014November1-5 (rejected by PRWeb, so posted on this site and on To see when this page was last modified just open them up using the Firefox web browser and right click anywhere on the page, then choose "View Page Info" from the menu that appears. 

The Latest Predictions are now on 

[40] MIKE'S DREAM OF THE NIGHT OF 2014AUGUST2/3 (2014Ab5) - Here is the Dream as described by Mike in an email on 2014August3...

"I had this very clear, vivid dream:

I was hovering over a 'bay' area of a city, seeing a city and focusing on a bridge, with some red lights flashing of the pillars on top. I saw a bus driving over it and then I saw the bridge exploding, collapsing from the centre towards the ends. It's like the bus explode in the middle taking the bridge down.

Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August."

Here is the interpretation...

augur (n.)

1540s, from Latin augur, a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens, perhaps originally meaning "an increase in crops enacted in ritual," in which case it probably is from Old Latin augos (genitive augeris) "increase," and is related to augere "increase," from Proto Indo European root AUG "to increase." -  To inaugurate is literally to get the Augurs, to obtain a blessing from God. Hence the expression: This augurs well. And hence the word augment.

1. I was hovering over a 'bay' area of a city, seeing a city and focusing on a bridge, with some red lights flashing of the pillars on top. I saw a bus driving over it and then I saw the bridge exploding, collapsing from the centre towards the ends. It's like the bus explode in the middle taking the bridge down.

2. Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast. 

3. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August." 

The dream has 31 pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession, confirming the 31x sentence count of 1Kings 18:42-44?
August must be a reference to Caesar Augustus and the Mark Registration Decree made in that month (Julian or Gregorian) in 2025

Mike must be seeing the start of WW3, which is an East-West confrontation just like the split of Berlin.

This is the same symbolism as Caesar Augustus, who ordered the registration. He was not called Caesar Septemberus and he was not called Caesar Octoberus.

1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius (of the supreme master from kurioj) was governor of Syria [Assad is a Christian supporter];
3 and all people went travelling to be registered, each one to his own city [Ark city OR Mark city at the same time].
4 Of course, Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David's city, which is called Bethlehem, because of his being a member of the house and family of David,
5 to get registered with Mary, who had been given him in marriage as promised, at present heavy with child.
6 While they were there [space for time], the days came to the full for her to give birth [non adamically by Isaaic 4EC water baptism from 2024
Tebbeth to 2026Tishri5. Mark Decree Day must occur in August (Julian or Gregorian - from 2025August1 to 2025September13)]  (Luke 2 NWT)

Publius Sulpicius Quirinius almost made it to Ceasar but succumbed to his war injuries and was replaced by Tiberius. The Etymology of Quirinius could be from the Sabine word Quiris meaning spear. Or it could be a play on the sexuality of Obama46 who is governor of a part of Syria around Tanf, which US forces still occupy.

2023Elul22: September10 Gregorian (August28 Julian): EU Chief, Ursula Von Der Leyen declares at Session III of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ONE FUTURE G20 (10 horns who are 10 kings making 20 months and 20 members) annual summit in India on 2023September9-10, that: “Many of you are familiar with the COVID-19 digital certificate. The EU developed it for itself. The model was so functional and so trusted that 51 countries on 4 continents adopted it for free,” Ursula Von Der Leyen. This could be the decree of Caesar Augustus or there could be a stronger decree in 2024August (Gregorian/Julian)

"Digital Public Infrastructures are an accelerator of growth. They MUST BE trusted, interoperable & open to all" - She tweeted on 2023September10

The EU has matured into a 'geopolitical union' Ursula Von Der Leyen during her state of the Union address on 2023September13

Translation: Digital IDs MUST BE trusted and forced upon all of us because they are an accelerator towards total control of every aspect of your life by unelected globalist politicians like me. The EU is a European globalist Caesar right now. It has designs on being a geopolitical (Worldwide globalist) Caesar. See See See 

Ursula Von Der Leyen means 'She bear from the rocks'. Leyen is the plural of Ley, an old German word for rock. So Ursula (whose name suggests she is allied to the Russian she bear of Daniel7:5 which is presently attacking Ukraine) may well be cut out from the rock, the administration of the world, not by hands, as described in Daniel2 - demon possessed. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which literally means "The earth is thus: family". Hence it was called the One Earth, One Family, One Future summit in English - see

2023Heshvan21: The EU commission agreed to implement Digital IDs throughout the block on 2023November8. 
2023Adar14: 2024February29: The EU voted to implement by law a Digital Wallet (335 to 190). And that is how the Mark of the Beast began.

Then I was in an apartment where some men had a meeting. Interestingly they spoke with a pronounced Berlin accent about an attack near the coast. I saw pages of a calendar flipping in speedy succession through the month of August."

The meeting in Berlin is an LW meeting. There will be an attack on the coast we expect on 2023Chislev16 (December2/3), the 2nd fiore sign of 1Kings18, and 2023Chislev21 (December7/8), the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18, starting WW3. Mike will attend a meeting to discuss this attack. 

Vision1 is the either a fire sign or the start of WW3.
VIsion2 is a meeting of 2NCs (men) which Mike and LWs from Berlin attend to discuss WW3?
Vision3 is for the start of the timeline of the Mark of the Beast, the Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2 in August 2025 (Julian or Gregorian, i.e. on or before 2025September13). We only have this prophecy accurate to the month, hence all the pages of the calendar are flipped through.

God does speak to his people in dreams and visions in the last days as we know from Acts2. Here is Gordon's interpretation. For the one has the dream and the other has the interpretation. Mike is in the Ark. The bridge is either the Dartford bridge, to the garden of England, which has great big pillars with red lights on the top of them, or it is the George Washington Bridge between Manhattan and New Jersey, the garden state, which also has red lights at night. For these are the two areas where we expect the 2nd and 3rd fire signs to strike.

It looks like the 2nd or 3rd fire sign involves a bomb detonating in a bus. 

Whereas Mike had his dream on the night of 2014August2/3 (2014Ab5 - the Zoar Pentecost - a fulfilment of Joel2 and Acts2) and Gordon received an email about the dream at 17:10 on 2014August3 (2014Ab5). 

WW3 is essentially an East West war, which runs for 7x of the heating up of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 longer than what had been seen before, namely the 73 months of WW2. So it runs for 80 months actually from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U171.

That was the import of Mike's dream. It seems that the Berlin accent conversation symbolises an East/West split. 

The 2nd and 3rd fire signs will result in an East West split - which is WW3 (BRICS11 versus NATO). Germany's position is very ambiguous in WW3 (they are the makers of the Leopard tank related to Daniel7 and their present administration are deep state Globalists through the EU). Perhaps Germany is divided in opinion over WW3, just as Berlin was divided by WW2?  

Whilst we are prophesying doom, we might as well include the deadly plague of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse who does not ride until War and Famine have started. This plague is not AIDS, which is plainly already riding having killed 35 million and infected another 35 million and resulted in 20 million AIDS orphans, 15 million of which are in Africa. The original form of Coronavirus, which has become a worldwide pandemic of biblical proportions as of January 2021 (HIV already is of biblical proportions having killed tens of millions). is NOT the deadly plague of the 4th horseman, because it occurred before the ride of the 2nd horseman (WW3). So we have a worse plague to look forward too which we suspect maybe the result of the COVID mRNA and DNA Gene corrupting and immune system damaging vaccinations and some new virus?

Mike's dream is truly amazing. It defines the camps of WW3. It is a true East versus West war.

Daniel 8 describes it as the he goat and she goats verses the ram. The goats are countries without Christian constitutions and the ram is countries with Christian constitutions.

China is the he goat (the dominant partner in Russia China relations). Russia and India and Turkey and Iran are she goats and leopards (having either the animal or the German tank). Germany itself is divided over WW3 as we see from 2022June to 2023January, by its refusal to send serious weapons to Ukraine. The Germans cannot decide whether to collaborate with the new Hypersonic Hitler who has threatened to nuke everybody if he does not get what he wants, which is military conquest of his brother, like Cain. Dimitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and present deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council (which is doing a great job for Russian security) said on 2022June3

“One can have different attitudes to it, one can believe that the horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on their way and all hope is in Almighty God. However, one can still try to tone down this international situation”

I would absolutely have to agree with every word of that. But with politicians words are an inverse reflection of actions.

If you try to prevent me piercing Ukraine I will pierce you - is the Russian position. Or putting it another way: Brother of mine, come into the (battle) field. Lets see who is the stronger in a fight to the death. You might be better at serving God but I prefer this yardstick for the measure of brotherly achievement.

[41] Fire Sign Chronology

There are to be 12 nuclear bombs during the 28 day Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:17-20 from 2028Chislev4 (November25/26) to 2028Tebbeth2 (December23/24). God shields Abraham and constructive Abraham from these nukes. So only those who were going to be killed by the lava flood anyway are killed by the nukes. So Satan2 achieves nothing with these nukes that God himself was not going to achieve through the lava flood execution of non 1AC non OMC Adam and of non 1AC non OMC Cain

So hard as it is to believe, the coming nuclear war is actually a meaningless distraction from the lava flood execution of non 1ACs, those without faith or love. During the 21 year Day of Jehovah of Joel2 and Zephanian1 from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14, everybody dies one way or another. And after the installation of the Kingdom of Jesus over all mankind on 2020Adar5 and his reinstallation of Laodicean Abraham on 2024Tammuz5, you live or you die according to the will of Jehovah period. It will not look like that at all, due to the brilliance of Satan. But that is precisely what will be happening.

2019Tebbeth22: 2020Janaury22/23: Saw and first published 2019Shebat6/9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Tebbeth25: 2020Janaury25/26: Saw and first published 2019Shebat1/9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Shebat2: 2020February2: Republished 2019Shebat6/9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Shebat6/7: 2020February6: Saw/published 2019Shebat8/9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Shebat10/11: 2020February10/11: Saw/published 2019Shebat15/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat16: 2020February15/16: Saw/published 2019Shebat16/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat17/18: 2020February16-18: Saw/published 2019Shebat20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat22/23: 2020February22/23: Saw/published 2019Shebat29/2019Adar7 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat29/30: 2020February29/March1: Saw/published 2019Adar6/7 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar8: 2020March8/9: Saw/published 2019Adar9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs

2019Adar9: 2020March9/10: The 5th 1NC marriage Pentecost (delayed from 2019Shebat9, by the Sabbath month) Jesus, in the form of the 3rd Holy Spirit, his wife, is installed over non adamic Sodom.

2019Adar10/11: 2020March11: Saw/published 2019Adar11 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar12: 2020March12/13 Saw/published 2019Adar12/13 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar13: 2020March13/14 Saw/published 2019Adar13/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar14: 2020March14/15 Saw/published 2019Adar14/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar15: 2020March15/16 Saw/published 2019Adar20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Adar22/23: 2020March23/24 Saw/published 2020Nisan7 and 2020Nisan20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Nisan8: 2020April2 Published 2020Nisan20/21 and 2020Nisan20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Nisan22: 2020April16 Saw/Published 2020Nisan24 and 2020Iyyar21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Nisan25: 2020April19 Saw (at 03:00)/Published (at 09:22) 2020Iyyar20 and 2020Iyyar21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Iyyar22: 2020May16 Saw (at 08:00)/Published (at 19:20) 2020Sivan6/7 and 2020Sivan20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Sivan8: 2020June1 (616 Gregorian day) Saw (at 03:00)/Published (at 21:09) 2020Sivan20/21 and 2020Sivan20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2020Sivan22: 2020June15 Saw 2020Tammuz7/8 for the 2nd fire sign (at 04:00 BST) and 2020Tammuz20/21 for the 3rd fire sign (at 00:04 BST) and published them at 07:40 BST 
2020Tammuz8: 2020July1 Published 2020Tammuz20/21 for the 2nd fire sign and 2020Tammuz20/21 for the 3rd fire sign at 21:18 BST 
2020Tammuz21/22: 2020July14/15: Saw at 14:00 and 16:00 BST on 2020July14 (2020Tammuz21) 2020Ab2 for the 2nd fire sign (having seen and rejected 2020Ab21) and 2020Ab5/6 for the 3rd fire sign and published them at 01:00 BST on 2020July15 (2020Tammuz22)
2020Ab2: 2020July25: Saw at 02:00 BST (2020Ab2), that 10th 2NC first fruits was 2020Ab3, not the weekly Sabbath of 2020Ab2. We published this at 05:15 on 2020July25 (2020Ab2)
2020Ab4: 2020July27: Chose 2020Ab21 for the 3rd fire sign (which we had seen at 14:00 on 2020July14 and kept 2020Ab5/6 for the 2nd fire sign which we saw on 2020July14 at 16:00 BST..
2020Ab5: 2020July28: Saw 2020Ab10/11 for the 2nd fire sign at 6:50 pm on 2020July28.
2020Ab6: Published 2020Ab10/11 and 2020Ab21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs at 07:00 on 2020July29
2020Ab12: Accepted and Published 2020Ab20/21 and 2020Ab21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs at 06:00 and 07:00 on Tuesday 2020August4 (2020Ab12)
2020Ab24/25: Saw/Published 2020Elul5/6 and 2020Elul10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs at 06:09 on Sunday 2020August16 (2020Ab24)/at 17:09 on Monday 2020August17 (2020Ab25)
2020Elul7: Saw and Published 2020Elul10/11 and 2020Elul10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs at 02:30 on Sunday 2020August16 (2020Ab24)/at 17:09 on Monday 2020August17 (2020Ab25)
2020Elul11/12: Saw/Published 2020Elul21/22 and 2020Elul21/22 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs at 12:59 on Wednesday September2 (2020Elul11)/at 03:45 on Thursday September3 (2020Elul12)
2020Elul20/21: Saw/Published 2020Tishri6/7 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs at 02:00 on Friday 2020September11 (2020Elul20)/at 19:35 BST on Friday 020September11 (2020Elul21).
2020Tishri8 (06:00 BST on 2020September29): Saw 2020Tishri11/12 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:57 BST on Wednesday 2020September30 (2020Tishri9).
2020Tishri12 (17:30 BST on 2020October3): We accepted 2020Tishri21/22 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:36 BST on Saturday 2020October3 (2020Tishri13).
2020Heshvan6/7 seen at 07:00 BST 2020October14 (2020Tishri23) Published at 18.07 BST 2020October 14 (2020Tishri23)
2020Heshvan8/9 seen at 03:00 BST 2020October16 (2020Tishri25) Published at 09:00 BST 2020October16 (2020Tishri25). 
2020Heshvan5-7 and 2020Heshvan6-9 were seen at 01:00 BST on 2020October18 (2020Tishri27) and published at 08:30 BST on 2020October18 (2020Tishri27)
2020Heshvan5-9 and 2020Heshvan21/22 were seen at 04:00 GMT on 2020October27 (2020Heshvan6) and published at 22:07 GMT on 2020October27 (2020Heshvan7)
2020Heshvan21/22 and 2020Heshvan21/22 were seen at 18:00 GMT on Friday 2020October39 (2020Heshvan10) and published at Saturday 08:02 GMT on 2020October31 (2020Heshvan10)
2020Chislev8-10 and 2020Chislev21/22 were seen at 10:00 GMT on Sunday 2020November8 (2020Heshvan18) and published at 11:10:02 GMT.
2020Chislev20-22 was seen on 2020Chislev11 and 2020Chislev21/22 was seen at 10:00 GMT on Sunday 2020November8 (2020Heshvan18) and both we published at 03:55 GMT on 2020December3 (2020Chislev13)
2020Chislev21-22 and 2020Tebbeth4-6 were seen at 08:00 GMT on Saturday December12 (2020Chislev22) and published at 16:10 GMT on Saturday 2020December12 (2020Chislev23).
2020Tebbeth4-6 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 16:30 GMT on Sunday December13 (2020Chislev24) and published at 18:11 GMT on Sunday 2020December13 (2020Chislev24).
2020Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 were accepted at 15:47 GMT on Sunday December27 (2020Tebbeth7) and published at 15:55 GMT on Sunday 2020December27 (2020Tebbeth7).
2020Shebat4/5/6 and 2020Shebat20-22 were seen at 19:00 GMT on Tuesday 2021January12 (2020Tebbeth24) and published at 05:37 GMT on Wednesday 2021January13 (2020Tebbeth24).
2020Shebat7/8 and 2020Shebat20-22 were seen at 08:30 GMT on Tuesday 2021January26 (2020Shebat7) and published at 09:11 GMT on Tuesday 2021January26 (2020Shebat7).
2020Shebat20-22 and 2020Shebat20-22 were seen at 01:00 GMT on Thursday 2021January28 (2020Shebat9) and published at 01:20 GMT on Thursday 2021January28 (2020Shebat9).
2020Adar4/5/6 and 2020Adar20-22 were seen at 20:39 GMT on Wednesday 2021February10 (2020Shebat23) and published at 23:30 GMT on Wednesday 2021February10 (2020Shebat23).
2020Adar20-22 and 2020Adar20-22 were seen at 06:00 GMT on Thursday 2021February25 (2020Adar7) and published at 07:23 GMT on Thursday 2021February25 (2020Adar7).
2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 were seen at 03:43 GMT on 2021March14 (2020Adar24). We published these at 07:55 GMT on Sunday 2021March14 (2020Adar24).
2021Nisan5/6 and 2021Nisan5/6 OR 2021Nisan10/11/12 were seen at 11:45 GMT on 2021March16 (2020Adar26). We published these at 11:49 GMT on Tuesday 2021March16 (2020Adar26).
2021Nisan10/11/12 and 2021Nisan26/27/28 were seen at 10:15 GMT on 2021March23 (2021Nisan9). We published these at 12:33 on Tuesday 2021March23 (2021Nisan9).
2021Nisan26/27 and 2021Iyyar10/11 were seen at 12:19 BST on 2021March31 (2021Nisan17). We published these at 13:46 BST on Wednesday 2021March31 (2021Nisan17).
2021Iyyar10/11/12 and 2021Iyyar20/21 were seen at 13:55 BST on 2021April11 (2021Nisan28). We published these at 14:01 BST on Sunday 2021April11 (2021Nisan28).
2021Iyyar14/15 and 2021Iyyar20/21 were seen at 01:47 BST on 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13). We published these at 05:16 BST on Monday 2021April26 (2021Iyyar13).
2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Sivan9/10/11 we seen at 07:14 BST on 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16). We published these at 07:22 BST on Thursday 2021April29 (2021Iyyar16).
2021Iyyar20/21 and 2021Iyyar27/28 were seen at 03:58 BST on 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20). We published these at 04:33 BST on Monday 2021May3 (2021Iyyar20).
2021Iyyar27/28 and 2021Iyyar27/28 were seen at 02:05 BST on 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22). We published these at 02:45 BST on Wednesday 2021May5 (2021Iyyar22).
2021Sivan9/10 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 were seen at 08:47 BST on 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29). We published these at 10:19 BST on Wednesday 2021May12 (2021Iyyar29).

06:22 BST on 2021May25 (2021Sivan12) we saw 2021Sivan20/21/22 and 2021Sivan20/21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:30 BST on Tuesday 2021May25 (2021Sivan12).
05:25 BST on 2021June5 (2021Sivan23) we saw 2021Tammuz9-11 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:00 BST on Saturday 2021June5 (2021Sivan23).
02:31 BST on 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these in the morning of Thursday 2021June24 (2021Tammuz12).
07:04 BST on 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19) we saw 2021Tammuz21-23 OR 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:27 BST on Thursday 2021July1 (2021Tammuz19).
19:46 BST on 2021July5 (2021Tammuz23) we saw 2021Ab8/9 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:18 BST on Tuesday 2021July6 (2021Tammuz24).
14:19 BST on 2021July21 (2021Ab9) we saw 2021Ab20-22 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:16 BST on Wednesday 2021July21 (2021Ab9).
10:57 BST on 2021August3 (2021Ab22) we saw 2021Elul4-7 and 2021Elul4-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:42 BST on Tuesday 2021August3 (2021Ab22).
05:00 BST on 2021August17 (2021Elul6) we saw 2021Elul20-22 and 2021Elul20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 19:02 BST on Tuesday 2021August17 (2021Elul6).
08:30 BST on 2021September5 (2021Elul25) we saw 2021Tishri4-6 and 2021Tishri20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:17 BST on Sunday 2021September5 (2021Elul25).
03:35 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) we saw 2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Tishri20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:02 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
18:00 BST on 2021September23 (2021Tishri13) we saw 2021Tishri20-22 and 2021Heshvan4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 18:35 BST on Thursday 2021September23 (2021Tishri13).
15:07 BST on 2021October3 (2021Tishri23) we saw 2021Heshvan4-6 and 2021Heshvan20-21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:56 BST on Sunday 2021Ocobter3 (2021Tishri24).
17:00 BST on 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7) we saw 2021Heshvan20-22 and 2021Heshvan20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 17:43 BST on Sunday 2021October17 (2021Heshvan7).
04:29 GMT on 2021November3 (2021Heshvan24) we saw 2021Chislev4-6 and 2021Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 17:55 GMT on Thursday 2021November5 (2021Heshvan26).
01:22 GMT on 2021November16 (2021Chislev7) we accepted 2021Chislev20-22 and 2021Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 01:25 GMT on 2021November16 (2021Chislev7)
03:11 GMT on 2021December1 (2021Chislev22) we saw 2021Tebbeth4-6 and 2021Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 04:15 GMT on Thursday 2021December2 (2021Chislev23)
15:48 GMT on 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth8) we saw 2021Tebbeth20-22 and 2021Tebbeth20-22 or 2021Shebat4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 15:51 GMT on Thursday 2021December16 (2021Tebbeth8)
22:50 GMT on 2021December28 (2021Tebbeth20) we saw 2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 08:55 GMT on Wednesday 2021December29 (2021Tebbeth20)
02:00 GMT on 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26) we saw 2021Shebat4-6 and 2021Shebat21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We updated these at 02:20 GMT on Tuesday 2022January4 (2021Tebbeth26)
09:41 GMT on 2022January17 (2021Shebat9) we accepted 2021Shebat21-23 and 2021Shebat21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We updated these at 11:24 GMT on Monday 2022January17 (2021Shebat9)
17:38 GMT on 2022January23 (2021Shebat16) we saw 2021Adar5-7 and 2021Adar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 10:24 GMT on Wednesday 2022January26 (2021Shebat18)
20:30 GMT on 2022February15 (2021Adar9) we realised 2021Adar20-22 and 2021Adar5-7 = 2021VeAdar5-7 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:00 GMT on Friday 2022February18 (2021Adar11)
23:16 GMT on 2022February26 (2021Adar20) we realised 2021VeAdar5-7 and 2021VeAdar20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 06:00 GMT on Tuesday 2022March1 (2021Adar22)
14:30 GMT on 2022March17 (2021VeAdar8) we saw 2021VeAdar20-22 and 2021VeAdar28-30 = 2022Nisan4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 07:30 GMT on Friday 2022March18(2022VeAdar9)
09:00 BST on 2022April1 (2021VeAdar23) we saw 2021VeAdar28-30 = 2022Nisan4-6 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 23:31 BST on Friday 2022April1(2022VeAdar24)
13:21 BST on 2022April9 (2022Nisan7) we saw 2022Nisan14-16 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 16:59 BST on Saturday 2022April9(2022Nisan7)
On 2022Nisan23 and on 2022Nisan25 we saw 2022Chislev5-7 and 2022Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. 
03:01 BST on 2022June9 (2022Sivan8) we saw 2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Chislev20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published these at 03:38 BST on Thursday 2022June9 (2022Sivan8)
21:00 BST on 2022October10 (2022Tishri12) we saw 2022Chislev5 and 2022Tebbeth21 and published at 04:55 on Tuesday 2022October11 (2022Tishri12)
2022Chislev5-6 and 2022Tebbeth21-22 was seen at 02:49 BST on Saturday 2022October29 (2022Tishri30) and published at 08:28 on Saturday 2022October29 (2022Tishri30)
2022Tebbeth4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 was seen at 03:01 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 06:03 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev4-6 and 2022Tebbeth20-22 were reseen at 13:49 BST on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28) and published at 14:12 GMT on Saturday 2022November26 (2022Heshvan28)
2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth4-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22. 2022Shebat4-6 were tweeted at 15:39 on Monday 2022December5 (2022Chislev7)
2022Chislev12, 2022Chislev20-22, 2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 06:35 on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8) and published at 07:35 GMT on Tuesday 2022December6 (2022Chislev8)
2022Tebbeth5-6, 2022Tebbeth12-13, 2022Tebbeth20-22 were seen at 00:25 on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3) and published at 00:42 GMT on Saturday 2022December31 (2022Tebbeth3)
2022Tebbeth20-22 (or possibly 2022Shebat20-22), 2022Shebat4-6 were re-seen at 18:27 on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15) and published at 18:44 GMT on Wednesday 2023January11 (2022Tebbeth15)
2022Shebat11-13/17-19, 2022Shebat20-22 were seen/reseen at 09:27 on Friday 2023February3 (2022Shebat7) and published at 09:40 GMT on Friday 2023February3 (2022Shebat7)
2022Shebat20-21, 2022Shebat20-22 were seen/reseen at 20:36 on Tuesday 2023February14 (2022Shebat19) and tweeted at 20:36 GMT on Tuesday 2023February14 (2022Shebat19)
2022Adar4-6, 2022Adar20-22 were seen at 00:22 on Sunday 2023February19 (2022Shebat23) and published at 02:50 GMT on Sunday 2023February19 (2022Shebat23)
2022Adar12-14, 2022Adar20-22 were seen at 17:48 on Saturday 2023March4 (2022Adar7) and published at 18:42 GMT on Saturday 2023March4 (2022Adar7)
2022Adar20-22, 2022Adar20-22 were accepted at 07:34 on Monday 2023March13 (2022Adar15) and published at 07:37 GMT on Monday 2023March13 (2022Adar15)
2023Nisan12-17, 2023Nisan20-22 were seen at 21:34 GMT on Tuesday 2023March21 (2022Adar24) and published at 21:40 GMT on Tuesday 2023March21 (2022Adar24)
2023Sivan5-7, 2023Sivan20-23 were seen at 12:53 GMT on Saturday 2023April8 (2023Nisan17) and published at 03:20 BST on Sunday 2023April9 (2023Nisan18)
2023Iyyar28-Sivan7, 2023Sivan20-23 were seen at 22:03 GMT on Saturday 2023April22 (2023Iyyar2) and published at 23:00 BST on Saturday 2023April22 (2023Iyyar2)
2023Sivan12/13, 2023Sivan20-22 were seen at 19:57 BST on Tuesday 2023May29 (2023Sivan9) and published at 20:40 BST on Tuesday 2023May29 (2023Sivan9) - our 483rd main prediction.
2023Sivan12-14, 2023Sivan15-22 was our revised 483rd prediction made at 19:20 BST on 2023June1 (2023Sivan11) and published at 19:24 BST on Thursday 2023June1 (2023Sivan11) - our revised 483rd main prediction.
2023Sivan20-22, 2023Sivan20-29 were seen at 15:45 BST on 2023June5 (2023Sivan15) and published at 15:55 BST on Monday 2023June5 (2023Sivan15) - our 484th main prediction.
2023Sivan20-22, 2023Tammuz20-22 were seen at 00:28 BST on 2023June9 (2023Sivan19) and published at 00:36 BST on Friday 2023June19 (2023Sivan19) - our 485th main prediction.
2023Sivan29-2023Tammuz7, 2023Tammuz20-23 were seen at 20:50 BST on 2023June12 (2023Sivan22) and published at 20:52 BST on Monday 2023June12 (2023Sivan22) - our 486th main prediction.
2023Sivan29-2023Tammuz15, 2023Tammuz20-23 were seen at 07:24 BST on 2023June25 (2023Tammuz5) and published at 07:27 BST on Sunday 2023June25 (2023Tammuz5) - our extended 486th main prediction.
2023Tammuz20-23 and 2023Ab4-7 were seen at 12:15 BST on 2023July6 (2023Tammuz16) and published at 13:32 BST on Thursday 2023July6 (2023Tammuz16) - our 487th main prediction.
2023Ab1-5 and 2023Ab1-5 were seen at 20:02 BST on 2023July12 (2023Tammuz22) and published at 20:12 BST on Wednesday 2023July12 (2023Tammuz22) - our extended 488th main prediction.
2023Ab5-7 and 2023Ab12-14 were seen at 09:14 BST on 2023July25 (2023Ab5) and published at 10:21 BST on Tuesday 2023July25 (2023Ab5) - our 489th main prediction.
2023Ab9-11 and 2023Ab12-16 were seen at 04:52 BST on 2023July28 (2023Ab8) and published at08:02 BST on Friday 2023July28 (2023Ab8) - our 490th main prediction.
2023Ab12-16 and 2023Ab20-22 were seen at 03:00 BST on 2023August1 (2023Ab12) and published at 08:23 BST on Tuesday 2023August1 (2023Ab12) - our 491th main prediction.
2023Ab20-21 and 2023Ab20-22 were seen at 09:28 BST on 2023August7 (2023Ab18) and published at 09:58 BST on Monday 2023August7 (2023Ab18) - our 492nd main prediction.
2023Ab29-2023Elul21 and 2023Elul20-22 were seen at 10:15 BST on 2023August12 (2023Ab23) and published at 10:50 BST on Saturday 2023August12 (2023Ab23) - our 493rd main prediction.
2023Elul29-2023Tishri21 and 2023Tishri20-22 were seen at 12:00 BST on 2023September11 (2023Elul23) and published at 19:12 BST on Monday 2023September11 (2023Elul23) - our 494th main prediction.
2023Elul29-2023Tishri21 and 2023Tishri20-22/Heshvan20-22 were seen at 18:00 BST on 2023October2 (2023TIshri14) and published at 09:50 BST on Tuesday 2023October3 (2023Tishri15) - our 495th main prediction. Cancelled at 11:20: 2023Tishri22
2023Tishri29-2023Heshvan21 and 2023Heshvan20-22 were seen at 11:20 BST on 2023October10 (2023Tishri22) and published at 11:43 BST on Tuesday 2023October10 (2023Tishri22) - our 496th main prediction. Valid only from the start of 2023Tishri23, after the 494th prediction fails (if it does). We expect these fire signs to occur at the 7th hour of the day or night from the nounless 7th of 1Kings18:44 from the nounless number principle of the bible code.
2023Chislev1-21 and 2023Chislev20-22 were seen on 2023Heshvan22 and published at 00:26 GMT on Sunday 2023November12 (2023Heshvan25) - our 497th main prediction (747th main and sub prediction). We expect these fire signs to occur at the 7th hour of the day or night from the nounless 7th of 1Kings18:44 applying the nounless number principle of the bible code.
2023Tebbeth1-21 and 2023Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 were seen on 2023Chislev13 and published at 19:45 GMT on Friday 2023December1 (2023Chislev15) - our 498th main prediction (748th main and sub prediction). We expect these fire signs to occur at the 7th hour of the day or night from the nounless 7th of 1Kings18:44 applying the nounless number principle of the bible code. This prediction applies if the 497th main prediction fails.
2023Shebat1-21 and 2023Shebat20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 were seen on 2023Tebbeth26 and published at 21:20 GMT on Thursday 2024January11 (2023Tebbeth26) - our 499th main prediction (749th main and sub prediction). We expect these fire signs to occur at the 7th hour of the day or night from the nounless 7th of 1Kings18:44 applying the nounless number principle of the bible code.
2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21 and 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 were seen at 00:54 GMT on Thursday 2024February29 (2023Adar14) and published at 02:33 the same day - our 500th main prediction (750th main and sub prediction).

2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 were seen at 11:07 GMT on Monday 2024April1 (2024Nisan21) and published at 17:00 on Tuesday 2024April2 (2024Nisan22) - our 501st main prediction (751st main and sub prediction).

The 8 years of the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of the sermon on the mount run from 2025Iyyar14 (2025May12/13) to 2033Iyyar14, the end of the last chance saloon for Cainian OMCs, the end of the world, the late 1st death Passover.
From the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 (from 2024Shebat2 to 2024Adar21/VeAdar21) we predict a volcanic fire sign on AND before 2024VeAdar21 (2025March27)
WW3 begins on 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14). 
Mark of the Beast Registration begins on 2024VeAdar21/22 (2025March26-28). It runs for 360 days of the area of the face of the 6x60 cubit image of Daniel3 without enforcement to 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17 - Beware the Ides of March). 
Whereas Mark compulsion runs for 8x of Revelation13:16 precisely from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14,
The Great Tribulation of Matthew24:20 begins on 2025Shebat8 (2026January31/February1) and runs for 35 months of the sentence count of Matthew24:19-22 and for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation7:13-17  to 2028Tebbeth2, the end of the 28 day nuclear part of WW3 (from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2).  
The unprecedented Tribulation of Mark 13:19 (Bilateral Nuclear war) lasts for 28 days of the sentence count of Mark 13:17-19 from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2 - see U659#p7
Jesus has a 3½ year antitypical ministry of love to the LRCs from 2029Heshvan21 to 2033Iyyar25, following day for day, 2000 years after his first century faith ministry
The absolute end of Adam, the physical end of the World is 2033Nisan14 (2033April13-14), the end of the 6th recreative day, 2000 years after Jesus was sacrificed by Caiaphas
The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5 (2033April15-16/June3-4).

A prediction is called revised if it is altered before it fails.

Satan's 1254
day ministry
payback lease
ends over Cain
Donetsk: 3 ribs
of Ukraine are in
the mouth of the Russian Bear
Putin annexes Donbas fulfilling
2000 Days of
and 1000 day
chain of
Beast Mark
Digital IDs
are demonstrated
to G20
Mark of the Beast
6x60 = 360 days
of Daniel3 image
begin. Mark 
Registration Day.
10 horns begin
10x precisely
before the
10 diadems.
rapture ends. 
Peace & Security 
August Mark
decree of
made by
The 1000 day
chain of
ends 17 days
the start
of the fiery furnace of 
of WW3
The Daniel3
fiery furnace
of WW3
begins and lasts 7x of Daniel3:19
more than that  seen in WW2
enforced by law
and by the fiery
furnace of WW3
10 diadems
of beast start 
31 day transfer
of power and
authority of
Revelation17:13 from the G20
& 666 days begin
10 diadems
of beast end
21 beast heads
and blasphemous names from dragon
end. 2000 day, 67
month demon
possession from
2023Nisan24 and 666
days end. 30 day
ascent to hell starts
80 months
of WW3 end.
God's grand
evening meal 
ends. Beast is caught/tamed
2750 days after
2025Iyyar21/22 of
The G20 Horns and Kings
stop giving their kingdom
to the Financial/banking beast. The political harlot
is burnt. 
Mark Registration ends
96x of Daniel3:2-3  60 cubit height of the Daniel3 image 9 months of
80 months (2402 days) of WW3, 7 months more than the 6 years 32 days of WW2 from 1939Elul15 (Britain and France declare war on Germany) to 1945Tishri17 (September28 - Japan surrenders Indochina to Lu Han - completing the Potsdam declaration)
55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17

4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to compose/create/make [poiew: hence poetry] 42 months was given it. (Revelation 13 LWT)

This is 42 months of making serpentine seed of Genesis 3:15. For God always provides a level playing field. If he can make non adamic Abrahamic seed then Satan can make non adamic